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Third Periodical Test in Science and Health 5


Grade and Section :___________________________________ Teacher:__________________

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

____1. Which is not a unit of speed?

a.Kph c. mps
b.Miles/hr d. second/meter
____2. What kind of force acts against or opposite the motion of a object?
a.Friction c.normal
b.Gravity d. tension
____3. Which of the following is used in the metric system of measurement?
a.feet c. meter
b.inch d. yard
____4. What kind of force is present in stretched strings,ropes and cables?
a. Electrical c. magnetic
b. Gravitational d. tension
____5. What is the unit of measurement for force?
a. Kilogram c.meter
b. Kilometers per hour d. Newton
____6. If Usain Bolt finished a 200-meter race in 20 seconds,What was his speed?
a.0.01 meters/second c.400 meters/second
b.10 meters/second d. 4000 meters/second
____7. How can a biker cover a greater distance in a specified time?
a. Increase the distance it will cover in the same time allotment.
b. Pedal faster to increase the speed of the bike.
c. Pedal faster to increase the time it will take to cover the distance.
d. Pedal slowly to decrease the speed of the bike.
____8. What does a traffic sign of 60 km/h on a road mean?
a. A car is not allowed to have a speed of 60 km/h.
b. A car may travel more than 60 km/h when traffic is light.
c. The maximum speed a car may travel is 60 km/h.
d. The minimum speed a car may travel is 60km/h.
____9. Why is speed of 10 km/h required at school zones?
a. To economize on fuel
b. To keep the children safe from vehicular accidents
c. To prevent damage to vehicles
d. To prevent vehicles from bumping one another.
____10.Should you not turn on switch if your hands are wet?
a. The switch will not move.
b. The switch will cut off electricity.
c. The water will destroy the switch.
d. The wet hand may conduct electricity.
____11. A jeepney travels 120 kilometers in 3 hrs. What is its average speed?
a. 40 km/h c.60 km/h
b. 43 km/h d. 120 km/h
____12. When you throw a ball , it goes up , then goes down. Why?
a. Gravity does not act on the ball upon release.
b. Gravity pulls the ball down.
c. The force that moves t is strong.
d. The speed of the ball is affected by air friction.
____13. It refers to the highness and lowness of a sound.
a. Loudness c. pitch
b. Note d. quality
____14. It is the light that our eyes can see.
a. Infrared c. radio
b. Microwave d. visible
____15. The color that reflects all of the visible colors c. red
b. green d. white
____16. The process in which light is transmitted back when it hits an object.
a. Absorption c. reflection
b. Diffusion d. refraction
____17. The invisible light that is coming from the sun and may cause skin cancer.
a. Infrared c.ultraviolet
b. Microwave d. x-ray
____18. The sound that is not pleasing to the ears.
a. Harmonious c. noise
b. Low pitch d. soft voice
____19. The invisible light that is emitted by mobile phones?
a. Microwave c. television
b. Radio d. x-ray
____20. A color seen when an object reflects all the colors of the light.
a. Blue
b. Indigo d. white
____21. The color that absorbs the most heat
a. Black c. violet
b. Orange d. white
____22. The shape of the sound wave
a. Loudness c. pitch
b. Noise d. quality
____23.Materials that allow electricity and heat to flow through them
a. Conductors c. capacitors
b. Connectors d. insulators
____24. The material produced by making electricity flow through a coil of wire wind around n iron
a. Battery c. electromagnet
b. Circuit d. magnet
___25. The variable that does not affect the magnetism of an electromagnet
a. Number of batteries c. magnet
b. Number of coils d. size of the nail
___26. A material that allows heat and electricity to pass through it.
a. Metal c. rubber
b. Plastic d. silk
___27. A kind of circuit consisting of more than one pathway for electricity
a. Closed c. parallel
b. Open d.series
___28. The complete path that allows free flow of electricity
a. Battery c.electricity
b. Circuit d. magnet
___29. Materials that do not allow heat and electricity to flow through them
a. Capacitors c. connectors
b. Conductors d. insulators
___30. A kind of circuit commonly used in households
a. Closed c. parallel
b. Open d. series
___31. Why should you not turn on switch if your hands are wet?
a. The switch will cut off electricity.
b. The switch will not move.
c. The wet hand may conduct electricity.
d. The water will destroy the switch
___32. Most Christmas lights are made using this kind of circuit.
a. Closed c. parallel
b. Open d. series
___33. You notice that a part of the cord attached to your electric iron is worn out. Which of the
following can you do as a safety precaution ?
a. Wrap the worn out part of the cord with electric tape
b. Wrap the worn out part of the cord with a piece of paper
c. Wrap the worn out part of the cord with a piece of rag
d. Wrap the worn out part of the cord with a piece of tin foil
___34. A kind of electricity used in our homes.
a. Current electricity c. magnetic electricity
b. electricity of friction d. static electricity
___35. Which of these can electromagnet pick up?
a. eraser c.plastic
b. pencil d. thumb stuck
___36. What kind of magnet is an electromagnet?
a. Permanent c. temporary
b.Semi -conductor d. semi-permanent
___37. Which of these increases the strength of electromganets?
a. Decreasing the number of loops of wire around the iron core
b. Increasing the number of loops
c. Minimizing the presence of currents
d. Turning the current off
___38. Which of the following is a source of electrical energy?
a. Battery c. switch
b. Light bulb d. tunnel
___39. Which of these circuits produce light for bulb?
a. Closed circuit c. open circuit
b. Binary circuit d. short circuit
___40. A dry cells terminals are properly connected to a light bulb. Why does the bulb light up?
a. Electricity transfers from the dry cell to bulb
b. The bulb is luminous
c. The circuit has no switch
d. The electrons are negatively charged.
___41. Some materials allow the flow of electricity. What do you call the materials that allow electrons
to flow more freely?
a. Electricity c. insulator
b. Conductor d. electrons
___42. Sound can travel in all except _______
a. Water c. space
b. Metals d. rubber
____43. When an objects distance from another object is changing ________
a. It is in motion c. It has high velocity
b. It is speeding d. It is accelerating
____44. Which of the following shows velocity?
a. 30 km/h c. 15 km/h
b. 50 km/h north d. 7,800 m/s
___45. The human voice is a result of ____________
a. Lungs pulling the air through the nose.
b. Vibrations in the vocal cords.
c. The placement of the teeth in the mouth.
d. Moist air in the lungs.
____46.Speed equals distance divided by __________
a. Time c. velocity
b. Size d. motion
_____47. The basic SI unit is___________________
a. Foot c. inch
b. Meter d. mile
_____48. If the temperature of the air becomes higher, what happens to the speed of the sound?
a. It increases c. it does not change
b. It decreases d. it varies

____49. Materials that do not conduct the flow of electricity are called insulators.An example of this is
a. Gold c. bronze
b. Rubber d. copper wire
____50. When light bounces off a smooth and shiny surface , the process that occurs is__________
a. Reflection c. refraction
b. Polarization d. transmission
SY 2016-2017



Objectives No. of days No. of Items Percent Item Placement

1. Describe the motion of
an object by tracing and
measuring its change in 11 11 22 2,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,43,44,46
position) distance travelled
over a period of time
2. Using appropriate tools
and standard units 2 4 8 1,3,5,47
3. Discuss why some
materials are good 5 5 10 23,,26,29,41,49
conductors of heat and
4. Infer how black and
colored objects affect the 5 5 10 14,15,19,21,17
ability to absorb heat
5. Relate the ability of the
material to block absorb or 2 3 6 16,20, 50
transmit light.
6.Identify the properties of
sound 5 6 12 13,18,22,42,45,48
7.infer the conditions
necessary to make a bulb 8 8 16 27,28,30,32,34,38,39,40
8. Identify safety measures
or precautions in handling 1 3 6 10, 31-33
electrical devices.
9. Determine he factors
that affects the strength of 3 5 10 24,25,35,36,37
Total 42 50 100 50

Prepared by:

Recommending Approval: Grade V-Teacher

Master Teacher II


Principal II

1 D
2 C
3 B
4 B 26 B
5 A 27 A
6 C 28 D
7 B 29 D 48 B
8 C 30 B 49 B
9 A 31 A 50 B
10 C 32 C
11 A 33 B
12 A 34 C
13 C 35 C
14 B 36 A
15 C 37 A
16 C 38 D
17 D 39 C
18 B 40 B
19 B 41 B
20 B 42 D
21 A 43 B
22 D 44 D
23 A 45 B
24 B 46 C
25 C 47 C

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