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Puer, meaning "boy", can be seen as a figure with a bulge in the lower part,

suggesting the male sexual organs.

Amissio, meaning "loss", forms two upward pointing triangles with its six points.
This suggests two inverted cups or vessels, and the corresponding loss of their

Albus, meaning "white", has an obscure shape. It suggests a cup or goblet, but the
connection of this with "white" is unclear. Possibly suggesting a vessel open at
the top, able to receive the light of heaven.

Populus, meaning "people" or "population", is the only shape containing eight

points, the maximum possible. This suggests a multitude of people. It also suggests
a box or enclosure, containing everything.

Fortuna Major, meaning "greater fortune", has an obscure shape. Like Albus, it
suggests a vessel open at the top, able to receive opportunity.

Conjunctio, meaning "union", forms two triangles with its six points, the lower
triangle pointing upwards, and the upper triangle pointing downwards. The upward
pointing triangle is a symbol of the male, whilst the downward pointing triangle is
a symbol of the female. The fact that the two points are facing each other suggests
a coming together, or union, of male and female.

Puella, meaning "girl", can be seen as a figure with a bulge in the upper part,
suggesting the female breasts.

Rubeus, meaning "red", has an obscure shape. It suggests an inverted cup or goblet,
but the connection of this with "red" is unclear. Possibly suggesting a vessel
closed at the bottom, cut off from the light of heaven, its opening pointing
downwards to hell.

Acquisitio, meaning "gain", forms two downward pointing triangles with its six
points. This suggests two cups or vessels, right way up, ready to catch and hold
whatever falls into them.

Carcer, meaning "prison", forms two triangles with its six points, the lower
triangle pointing downwards, and the upper triangle pointing upwards. Unlike
Conjunctio, the two points are pointing away from each other, suggests separation
rather than union, which is the natural result of incarceration.

Tristitia, meaning "sadness", suggests a triangle (here symbolising the female)

being weighed down by the four points above it, weighed down by suffering and

Laetitia, meaning "joy", suggests a triangle (here symbolising the male) on top of
the four points below it, suggesting rising above suffering and sadness to achieve

Cauda Draconis, meaning "tail of the dragon", has a bulge at the bottom, suggesting
a tail.

Caput Draconis, meaning "head of the dragon", has a bulge at the top, suggesting a

Fortuna Minor, meaning "lesser fortune", has an obscure shape. Like Rubeus, it
suggests a vessel closed at the bottom, possibly suggesting buried treasure.

Via, meaning "way" or "journey", is a straight vertical line, suggesting a road or


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