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Pacemaker, DRBD Active-Passive Cluster

Active Passive cluster consists of two nodes: active node and passive node. Active passive cluster
ensures constant service of a certain application keeping redundant nodes to back up system in the
event of a failure. When the active node goes down one of the backup nodes takes the responsibility
and runs those services. In the process of fail over, the services are restarting on another node
immediately without administration intervention.

This section explains how to set up an Active/Passive cluster using Pacemaker and Corosync and
setup highly available oracle cluster with DRBD and XFS (high performance file system) to store data.
Here we have used following IP addresses.

Node 1:
Node 2:
Cluster IP:
We used this virtual IP to reach currently active node. This must be unused IP address in the

Basic configuration
Add following the host IP addresses etc/host on both nodes
localhost CMBTRNPROJ4 node1 CMBTRNPROJ5 node2
Figure shows basic architecture of Active passive cluster.

Architecture of Active passive cluster

Basic Installation process
1) Install Pacemaker and Corosync packages on Debien machines.
2) Do the authentication between nodes. Create an Authkey to communicate between two
nodes. Run this command only on first node. And on the second node copy the key from
node 1.
3) This will put those files in to etc/Corosync directory with right permissions. Now change
etc/default/Corosync file on both nodes to start Corosync at boot
4) Change only the Interface section of etc/Corosync/Corosync.conf file. Other sections are ok
to start with.

interface {
# The following values need to be set based on your
ringnumber: 0
mcastport: 5405

These should be changed according to the environmental variables. The bind net address is set to
local subnet. If our first node is and second one is, then bind net
address would be
5) Start Corosync on both nodes.
etc/init.d/Corosync start
6) Now check the cluster status with
crm_mon or crm_mon -one-shot V
7) Take a look on the log files less /var/log/Corosync/Corosync.log

Configuring cluster resources

This will shows the basic steps for adding cluster resource call cluster IP.
1) Configure an IP Resource
2) Create copy of current configuration to edit and commit it after editing.
3) Now go to configuration mode to see current configuration
4) Add Failover IP to the configuration
5) And finally we commit changes to the cluster and quit.
6) Configure weight-points to prevent cluster resources flapping among the nodes. When node
goes down, this makes the resource that was running on the others server be kept there.
7) Run the command crm_mon and check cluster status

Stack: openais
Current DC: node1 - partition with quorum
Version: 2.0.6-cebe2b6ff49b36b29a3bd7ada1c4701c7470febe
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
1 Resources configured.
Online: [ node1 node2 ]
Started node1

8) Adding another node

Add the IP address of new node to etc/hosts and to new node itself as mentioned earlier. Install
pacemaker/Corosync and copy aurhkey and Corosync.conf file to add the node to cluster.

Creating active passive cluster

Active Passive cluster ensures that no important service go offline due to failure of one node. The
resources simply migrate to the one of other backup nodes when failover happens. The above
mentioned configuration of active passive is sufficient when dealing with static data. But when the
requirement comes with dynamic data, the data must be synchronized between all cluster nodes. To
we used DRBD to achieve that purpose.

DRBD is acronym for Distributed Replicated Block Device. It ensures data replication between cluster
nodes and data is kept in synchronized. DRBD can be configured as single primary mode or as dual
primary mode. In single primary mode a resource, at any given time is available only on one cluster
node. Therefore one cluster node manipulates data at a given time. In dual primary mode a resource,
at any given time is in primary role on all cluster nodes hence it is possible to have concurrent access
to same data. DRBD requires separate partition or logical volume to proceed with its configurations.
We had a separate partition for that purpose. Figure shows the Process of DRBD.
Disk: dev/sda3
Device: dev/drbd0

Process of DRBD
Installation process
1) All features of DRBD are controlled and managed by its configuration file, etc/drbd.conf. Normally it
contains include statements to global_common.conf file and to resource file. All the configuration files
must be identical on both nodes.

drbd.d/*.res file
resource OraData {
meta-disk internal;
device /dev/drbd0;
startup {
become-primary-on both;
syncer {
verify-alg sha1;
net {
ater-sb-0pri discard-zero-
ater-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
ater-sb-2pri disconnect;
global {
usage-count yes;
common {
protocol C;
Rate 30M;
disk /dev/sda3;
disk /dev/sda3;

2) Now initialize and load DRBD. First do this on master node.

3) Repeat on the second node
4) Now start initial full synchronization. This step must be performed on only one node.
5) Populate DRBD with data. Here we used file system XFS instead of ext3 or ext4. XFS if
known to be fast performance file system of Linux and suits to the purpose.
6) Make directory u01 and Mount the newly created file system

Final configuration of the oracle Active-Passive

The table shows the scripts and resources for final configuration of the Active-Passive cluster.

Resource Script
Cluster IP
Configure primitive ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr params ip=
op monitor interval=10s

Data replication
configure primitive DrbdData ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource=
OraData op monitor interval=60s
configure ms DrbdData Clone DrbdData meta master-max=1 master-node-
max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true

File system(XFS)
configure primitive OracleFS ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
params device="/dev/drbd/by-res/OraData" directory="/u01/"
configure colocation fs_on_drbd inf: OracleFS DrbdDataClone:Master
configure order OracleFS-after-DrbdData inf: DrbdDataClone:promote
OracleFS :start
cib commit fs

Oracle Listener
crm configure primitive OraLSN ocf:heartbeat:oralsnr params
sid=OraCL op monitor depth="0"
home=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 timeout="60"
Oracle Server
crm configure primitive OraServer ocf:heartbeat:oracle params
sid=CMBDB home=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
user=oracle op monitor interval=90s

Cluster monitor
crm configure primitive Cluster_mon ocf:pacemaker:ClusterMon
params pidfile="/var/run/" htmlfile="/var/www/index.html" op
monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"

Web site
Crm configure primitive WebSite ocf:heartbeat:apache \
params configfile="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" \
op monitor interval="60s"

Collocation and Resource order

crm configure ms DrbdDataClone DrbdData \
meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-
node-max="1" notify="true"
crm configure colocation Cluster_mon-with-ClusterIP inf: ClusterIP
crm configure colocation OracleFs-with-ClusterIP inf: ClusterIP
crm configure colocation OracleLSN-with-FS inf: OracleFS OraLSN
crm configure colocation OracleLSN-with-OracleServer inf: OraLSN
crm configure colocation WebSite-with-ClusterIP inf: WebSite
crm configure colocation fs_on_drbd inf: OracleFS
crm configure order Cluster_mon-ClusterIP inf: ClusterIP Cluster_mon
crm configure order OraSerever-after-OracleLSN inf: OraLSN OraServer
crm configure order OracleFS-after-ClusterIP inf: ClusterIP OracleFS
crm configure order OracleFS-after-DrbdData inf:
DrbdDataClone:promote OracleFS:start
crm configure order OracleLSN-after-FS inf: OracleFS OraLSN
crm configure order WebSite-after-ClusterIP inf: ClusterIP WebSite

Cluster monitoring
Monitoring the cluster is final and the important step in the process. Generally cluster status can be
monitor from the any node from the node crm_mon but it is not so efficient to access cluster node to
get status of cluster. Pacemaker provide cluster monitor resource do the job easily. The data and the
information comes from monitor resource will be displayed in a website which also should be added as
separate resource. Email and mobile resources are also available on the case of monitoring. There
are open source products monitor cluster and some of them are supported Pacemaker too. Monitoring
website provide monitor cluster from any computer even without being cluster node by simply using
cluster IP as URL. Now we can monitor cluster status browsing ( is
our Cluster IP address).Figure shows the cluster monitoring from cluster node and through website
which is more similar and cluster monitoring from cluster node and through website by URL
Cluster monitoring from cluster node and through website by URL

This assures that no service go offline due to fail over and services are constantly available without
being notified fail over to the user. Only one node is active at a given time while others remain idle and
do no useful work. This can be seen as some sort of wasting processing power and computer
resources. Therefore high capable nodes are assigned as masters while less capable machines act as
slave nodes.

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