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Hannah Morales


Frame of Reference

A community is where you come from and it is where you grow. The community one is

a part of in their youth impacts them for life. A strong community is one based in inclusiveness

and positivity, one in which all members are supporting one another. This is my vision for my

future classroom environment. I want my classroom to be a place where no one feels limited by

their circumstances, because they know they have the support system of their classmates and

teachers encouraging and helping them reach their goals.

Education prepares youth for opportunities and challenges they will face in life. The

values, skills, and teachings students learn in elementary and secondary school will prepare them

for their future, whether that is post-secondary schooling or the workforce. Education is how

lessons and knowledge is passed down to the next generation. Education is needed in order for

people to gain information and abilities that will help them become positive, contributing

members of society.

I was fortunate to attend a high school that showed me the value and importance of an

education. The teachers within Queen Margarets always challenged me, and always believed in

my potential. Most importantly, they taught me to believe in myself, and all that I could

accomplish in my life.

I am First Nations and would love to use my teaching degree to influence First Nations

youth. Far too often I hear of First Nations students not thriving within their educational

experience, either not taking full advantage of their education, or the system not working for

them. As a future teacher I want to instill the love of learning, which was given to me at such a
young age. My teachers pushed my fellow classmates and me to accomplish all they knew we

could. My teachers believed in me before I did, and in the future I want to be able to do that for

my students. I want to be able to give youth the tools and resources to prosper, grow and learn

that they are able to achieve their aspirations.

In order to reach the First Nations students, I will instill First Peoples principles of

learning into my classroom content. Everyone can learn from the values of First Peoples

teachings, but the inclusion of First Peoples values will especially help First Nations youth feel

connected to their education and culture on a deeper and personal level. I believe that through

utilizing First Peoples teachings, such as the importance of generational roles and responsibilities

and the exploration of ones identity my students will have a greater knowledge of

multiculturalism in our classroom and the world. As an Indigenous educator, I realize the

importance and responsibility I have to make sure these perspectives are shared in the classroom.

Along with the First Peoples Principles, my theory of learning aligns with constructivism

and cognitivist. I believe that these two theories compliment each other as they both view the

learner as being actively involved in the learning process (Constructivism, 58). I want my

students to feel a part of their learning, not that it is simply being imposed on them. I agree

strongly that teachers should act as mentors and that we should provide opportunities to allow

our students to experience and build on their learning. I have practiced this in my own practicum

with inquiry projects. I also agree with the belief of cognitivists in that teachers should build on

previous knowledge in order to introduce and teach more complex content. I did this in my

practicum through comparing architecture of present day to that of the medieval world.

I loved my own education experience, however I frequently found myself going through

the motions to achieve a certain grade point average, as opposed to finding passion for what I
was learning. I want to create a space where students feel comfortable expressing their individual

interests and aim to tailor to their desires. I want to instill these modes of learning into my future

classroom. I want my teaching methods and content to reflect the desires and needs of the

students and to think of new and innovative ways to depict content.

Personalized learning is important, as it insures the students have a passion for what they

are learning. If students are learning only to pass a test, they will not engage or feel a strong

connection to what they are learning. Additionally, children do not all have the same interests,

nor may they have the same experiences or upbringing. In the BC Ed Plan it outlines how

personalized learning encourages a more harmonious relationship between the teacher, parents,

and students. I believe that this is a valuable asset to personalized learning and I will aim to

achieve, as factors of family life and personal experiences deeply impact a childs pace and

interests in learning.

I realize how the family and outside environment could impact a childs learning. As a

teacher I will recognize how a students home life influences a students attitude and interest in

school. I will assess students on a case-by-case basis, taking their individual hardships into

account before judging them as being careless students. I also understand and am aware of the

stereotypes youth are facing today. I know that many youth are being treated unfairly in the

world and that they may not feel like they have a voice, especially around people of power. I will

strive to create a respectful and inclusive classroom environment, where everyone feels


I hope to create an equitable learning environment for my students. A classroom where it

is recognized that some students will need more assistance than others, and we work together as

a class to make sure everyone is given support to succeed. I think it is important to always do
self-reflection and to commit myself to being self-aware of my privilege and how it affects my

interactions with others. As a heterosexual, cisgender, middle class, Canadian citizen, with

English as my first language, I will work and learn from others to better help and teach those

from different social locations. As an Indigenous woman, I will use my voice and position to

advocate for others.

I wish to have strong relationships with the students I teach. In order to make good

relationships, I will treat my students with the same respect that I wish to get from them. In my

practicum I built these relationships by showing them that I was interested in their lives and

cared for them. I would ask them how their sports games went or about the different classes they

were taking. I want my classroom to be a place of understanding, a safe haven from the judgment

that can occur in secondary schools.

Along with having strong relationships with my students, I understand the need to have a

strong relationship with their parents as well. I believe that the best way to do this is to keep

communication open at all times. I will let the parents know that I am always available for them

and their child. I want the student to know that their parents and I are working together to help

them develop and learn. I want parents to feel welcome in my classroom, and for them to know

that they are always able to come in and volunteer and play an active role in the classroom if

they so desire.

Classroom management is one way to make sure each student is receiving a positive,

stimulating, and engaging education. The choices and judgments I will make in my classroom

will be guided by the BCTRB standards, and code of ethics. I believe that in order to keep a

positive and safe classroom environment, consistency in my management will be an asset. I also

know that through consistency I can show fairness, which is important to students when building
trust with their teacher. In my practicum I found that consistency really helped with classroom

management. I had a routine to start each lesson, which allowed the students to know the class

was beginning and to pay attention. I will strive to treat my students fairly and equally in all my


My personal classroom management philosophy aligns with reinstitution. I believe that

reinstitution promotes open communication between the students and the teacher, which is a

value a strongly believe in. I also like how this philosophy allows one to get to the root of the

problem. I believe that in order to fully fix the situation and/or behaviour, the teacher needs to be

aware of the reasons the student is behaving the way they are. Reinstitution also supports my

other teaching values, such as making sure I understand where a student is coming from before I

pass judgments and helps create a safe and inclusive classroom.

I want my assessment to always benefit my students and not discourage them from

wanting to continue to learn. I believe in using diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment

throughout a unit. I have used diagnostic assessment in my classrooms through brainstorming

with students at the start of a unit to gage how much they know on the topic already. During one

of my inquiry projects I had students fill out inquiry guides that I would check in with and give

feedback on for them to work on for the final hand-in. I believe formative assessment to be very

important as it helps students current learning and allows them to learn from their mistakes. A

summative assessment I did for a poetry unit was a poetry booklet that depicted each form of

poetry we learned throughout the unit. I clearly outline my expectations for assignments so my

students know what it is they will exactly be assessed on, usually through rubrics or instructions.

I will give constructive and clear feedback to my students so they know where they can continue

to develop and learn.

Ones school classroom is a support system. I know that by creating a safe and positive

classroom for my students, they will see their worth and value. By generating a strong interest in

education, they will also realize their abilities and potential. I hope that I can be an integral part

in creating this environment of ambition, and hope, in my future classroom.

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