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Baseball cards are a great way to learn more about your favorite players.

On the front, they feature a players picture, team and position. On the back,
more detailed information about their background and performance.

As we learn more about Congress, you will learn more about how the body
works in general. However, you should know about your specific
representative and senators. So, your project is to create three (3) baseball
cards focusing on your senators and representative.

On the front, your three cards should feature a picture of the two senators and
representative. The front should also indicate what political party they are
from, as well as what state or district they represent.
On the back, your card should tell me where your representative and senators
were born, where they went to school, and some biographical information
about their political career and personal life.

While everyones senator is the same (Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson
represent all of Florida in the United States Senate), your representative may
be different than that of a classmate. In order to find your representative, visit and input
your Zip Code.

Your cards should each be made on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper (standard

printer paper). Your cards can use either hand-drawn imagery or a
combination of digitally printed images. Any websites used for research
should be cited on a sheet of paper you turn in with your cards.

If you have any questions, you must speak to Mr. Bunch as quickly as
possible, either in class or through e-mail at Your
poster must be turned in either by printing it out and handing it to him or e-
mailing the files to him) on or before December 22, 2017.

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