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Life, The Holy and Humanitys Salvation with Technology

Jeremy Lee Harden

Even if I choose to look at my fellow human beings with contempt, even I

view all life with decency (even humans, with some decency). That being said,
even life, with the awareness of death, even to the lowest of animal life, could
inevitability destroy itself. This, and at a lesser degree the fear of pain and
suffering, gives one both power and a compelling invulnerability to being at the
mercy of life itself. Predators do not become apex predators without being able to
overcome their prey, with this in mind, they are innate skilled hunters and killers.

It is by the acquiring of self-awareness of human consciousness, we the

homo sapiens sapiens have made the great divide from the rest of this world called
Earth, and perhaps, the whole of the Universe.
From the ape-like ancestors that came to the desert grounds from the trees of
Africa, to the tundra conditions of the mountain dwelling homo neanderthalensis,
we became the uncontested apex predators of evolutionary development,
adaptation and conditioning as modern man. Through the ages as primitive tribes
we established abstract primitive thought forms of the untouchable sun, the moon,
the night, as well as the stars. Marveling of how the weathers change, and sleep
from the safety of the sacred warmth and glow of the open fire from the nightmare
creatures of the night.

Those early men created creative ways to answer questions that could not be
answered. For those who have the answers, and it seemed the most logical, had
authority. All it took was how to make fire, to do a simple calculation of how the
sunsets, the direction of the wind blows, etc. With this simple knowledge they
obtain what was powers beyond imagination. To lesser degree, these wise men
still have no clue to how they were able to figure out these things, to greater, if not
a somewhat clandestine degree, they knew a simple application regardless, but
only refuse to point these simple tricks of simple science, although flawed, yet was
still science, in fear of losing the recognition and prestige that came as perks of
having this forbidden knowledge. With this knowledge they not only struck awe
in these simple, yet very primitive people, but also preserved their way of life by
enhancing survival to a grand degree. These are, but not limited to, the use of fire
to give an edge to night vision, due that even early man was poor at night then
most animals, to make a consideration of how yield distributed upon animal hunts,
or in the agricultural innovations of the fertile plain, the yield of crops and how it is
rationed out to the majority of the tribes.
With power in their grasp, these leaders of men created and cemented their
control being able to speak for the unspeakable, from the dead, the sun, the moon,
the wind and the stars, and as well as the universe for the whole. This concept of
control was called religion. With this control, not only did he have power, he was
able to adjudicate laws that was mostly created by him, carried by him, and
followed by his people faithfully. This also created the idea of an monarchy as you
see this social framework as well. With religion and its laws created to control and
keep the early man in line as simplified sheep, he had to make sure that other
threats did not pose his position. These were the law breakers of mostly his words,
not just ones that killed, destroyed property (most likely would be the sites of great
importance to this person in charge to keep hold on his flock), and to the lesser
extent rape (as disgusting and wretched the act of rape is, it would most likely be
more of a crime to commit rape, if such a crime did exist in those times, to more
control the urges of the headmans fiefdom, rather then it be a social issue of
grievance and atrocity that is realized today). The punishment was most likely
severe to limit repeat offenders, especially those who question the rule of his law
(this is how we get heresy and blasphemy laws and crimes in third world countries,
like Afghanistan, Baghdad, and to a lesser degree due that they are not as severe in
punishment, Poland), and would be limited to painful torturous suffering, and most
likely the outcome was death.

I write this in memory of those that commit those heresies blasphemies,

from early man, on to pagan Europe, the sandstone ancient building of Jerusalem
of the Jewish, the opinionated yet suicidal at that time out spoken philosophers of
Christianity past... To the secular thinkers who play music, black metal or any form
of artistic expression to speak out against Islam and the Muslim faith.

Even as early humans, we allowed these men, and women of disposed

authority for only self interest of their own selfish needs (let us face it, humans, as
well as ALL living things, are selfish due to survival itself, for it is an innate
instinct) to continue cement of their power that is more then just illusion. This
power that was just simplified, if not flawed science in the beginning at best, from
the discovery fire, the determining of the direction of the wind and the circling of
the wheel, that gave them the false reputation of something greater then human, is
just that, nothing but an illusion.

Science is a tool and method that has proven to benefit those who can use it,
either for self, or others, others being the whole, or exclusive few that meet his own
selfish ends and means. That is why I am grateful, as human, who is learning still,
how to harness the method and practical use of science. That knowing that humans
before me, with despicable means to an end, abused and misused science in the
name of their religion, politics, delusions of deities and their own selfish ends.

The poisoners of simple folk, who are conned to believe that we as

Americans do not have the right in 20th century to own CERN, that god is law,
and technology and science proved a threat of human spiritual salvation, when in
fact that was far from the truth, and that was religion, and those primitive ideals, of
their beloved god, their holy men, with their adjudications of condemning
innovation as moral degradation, and religion as humanitys progression,
which again is very much contrary to the fact.

Even if I choose to look at my fellow human beings with contempt,

even I view all life with decency, and even with that knowledge, I can also
comfortable, if not confidently say without missing a beat, with technology and
without religion, we will indefinitely prosper.

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