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Janiece Holloway


Assignment 2: SAMR / ISTE Paper

What are your personal technology goals? What else might I (as your professor) need to know about
you that would assist me in helping you to meet your goals?

I am a non-traditional student. Meaning I am a super senior who took very long break from

school. I have never taken an on line course and have never used any type of computer programing.

I am very familiar with Microsoft word and PowerPoint. In college I have used PowerPoint for

presentations. I work for Metro plus Health Plan as a field marketing supervisor. Part of my job

duty is to create new ways for the company to educate the public on health insurance. I conduct

informational seminars on the monthly basis, and would love to incorporate everything I learn

from this course for my seminars.

I notice and understand that Computer literacy is becoming an increasingly used term in

education, and more and more schools are being asked to set computer literacy goals for their

students. Unfortunately for too many, it means being able to use Microsoft products, and that's all.

However, I see it much differently, and I cannot help but think that computer literacy is all about

using computers to be able to communicate more effectively. I this class will be effect for be to

create and develop computer literacy goals .it will also serve as an educational tool for my

coworker and potential clients. I would like to learn How to create online digital tools that I can

incorporate in my seminars .Moreover, I would like for you to guide me through the process. Learn

about new innovative skills that will help me to exceed expectations at work. This course will
allow me to seek a level of proficiency .after this course can be an asset to a future job and reach

a greater level of performance.

2) Choose one or two of the ISTE Standards for Teachers and explain how that standard
would be implemented in your classroom.

Citizen- Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the
digital world. Educators:
ISTE Citizen standard can be implemented in my class room by allowing my students to

submit their work online. I can also create a blog site for my classroom and promote my students

to interact .The blog site will allow my students to comment on a specific topic and encourage

student engagement. It will encourage students and teach them responsibility. This is a way to get

them involved in the classroom. I can have educational seminars within the class room and assign

participating by posting topics within the blog.

Additionally, this journaling format works great with red-and-write learners as well as

visual learners .As an Educator I need to teach important materials in several ways because each

one of the students may learn differently. Some students may be kinesthetic learners, which mean

they lean by doing. Other students may be visual learners, and learn by seeing the material. This

would help me to grab the attention of my student despite the learning style. Using black board or

blog sites will provide students with multiple ways to engage with assignments, based on their

individual talents. Blogging is one technique for doing so, as it can allow a quieter student, for

example, to feel heard online. Those shy and quiet students feel less pressure when they need to

speak in their blog or when giving peer feedback, as they are discussing the text on their own

terms. Using citizen standard will also my students to grow individually.

3) Then read through the ISTE Standards for Students and write about why it would
be important for your students to know about them.
It is extremely important for my students to be aware of the ISTE standards. These students

that are educated on the standards can assume responsibility for learning-related activities, their

motivation and self-directedness will also increase. Shared decision-making often motivates

students to start taking on even more of those responsibilities essential for learning. Being an

Empowered learner increases sense of ownership, control, and responsibility for their successes

and to view mistakes as experiences from their learning rather than feeling defeated. Students who

know and unstand the ISTE standards will be promising individuals.

ISTE standards for students helps students become serious about their learning. A student

who is a Digital citizen will have motivation to earn good grades. Digital citizens students have

a responsibility for coming to class prepared, taking notes, voluntarily participating, confronting

their preparation and their performance, and developing their skills as learners. When students

create artefacts that demonstrate their understanding they will be operating at higher levels.

Students have the ability to lead their own discussions, and the freedom to discuss what they found

challenging or frustrating each week. Instead of traditional tests, Ill have group projects,

individual projects, presentations, creation of multimedia content, and other forms of alternative

assessment to focus on learning and students taking responsibility for their own learning. This new

approach will allow students to grow into prominent individuals that will help them to positively

influence their environment.

4) Look at the SAMR Model and write about how that model can be used for
technology in the classroom. Provide a real or hypothetical lesson where you start
implementing that technology as just a Substitution but how you can improve that lesson by
using technology as Augmentation, Modification and/or Redefinition.
The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model shows a standard of

seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning. It also shows a progression

that adopters of educational technology often follow as they progress through teaching and

learning with technology. In my field as an Outreach supervisor it my job to educate consumers

on Metro plus health plan and asset them with choosing primary care physicians. Choosing a

doctor can be challenging. A lot of people no longer want to just pick a name out of the phone

book. My insurance plan requires patients to choose a doctor, however, people may want to take

time to research there options. .Instead of traditional pamphlets or brochures, I will create a digital

slide show. My slide show will inform individuals where to look to find a doctor and allow them

to choose their own doctors. I will make it easy and detailed with visuals and audio recordings.

This will be extremely helpful because a lot of the consumers are not proficient in reading. The

visuals in my how too digital guide will help them become more independent and have control

Computer technology is necessary for this classroom to function allowing peer and

educator feedback, easy rewriting, and audio recording. Computer technology allows for new

tasks that were previously inconceivable. Our health insurance plan keeps an online list of network

primary care doctors who are accepting new patients. Choosing a doctor is often the first step in

seeking treatment under Metro plus Health Plan. Doctors will handle any referrals to specialists

people may need. Eliminating brochure materials and impleting digital how to guides will generate

revenue within my health plan. People will be more comfortable knowing that they are the ruler

of their own destinies.

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