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1- Vocabulary 3- A: Where will you go?

Supply the following dialogue: B: Our class will visit a vast sugar cane
1- Mum: What project are you doing?
Sally: A project about dinosaurs
A: When will you go?
Mum: Do you want to read a book about
B: We will go next Monday.
Sally:Yes, I do. A: How long will your visit last?
Mum: Is surfing the internet useful? B: Our visit will last for two hours.
Sally: Yes, searching the net is very 4- Omar has fallen off the ladder and
useful. hurt his leg.
2- A:What did you find yesterday? Doctor: Whats wrong?
B: Yesterday, I found a picture of my Omar: My leg hurts.
great grandfather. Doctor: When did it happen?
A:How old was he?
Omar: yesterday night.
B: He was only ten years old.
Doctor: Well need an X ray to make sure
A: What did you learn from this
if its broken or not.
Omar:ok. I dont mind.
B: I learned a lot about the past from
this picture.
Give one word: -

1. The sparkling objects that shine in the sky at night. (stars)

2. The sun and the planets that move around it. (solar system)
3. A vehicle used for traveling in space. (spacecraft)
4. A room where scientists can watch the stars and the weather (observatory)
5. A long, round piece of equipment You look through it to make (telescope)
things that are far away appear bigger.
6. Earth and all the stars, planets, and everything else in space. (universe)
7. Very special in a good way. (unique)
8. Large holes on the surface of the space objects. (craters)
9. A Scientist who studies the universe. (astronomer)

10. The force that attracts bodies to the center of the earth. (gravity)
11. The same clothes that members wear in the same team. (uniform)
12. Metal clothes that protect the knights from dangers. (Armors)
13. A person who examines ancient sites or objects from the past. (archaeologist)
(studies the past)
14. A lot of money, jewels or other valuable objects that worth a (treasure)
lot of money.
15. A man who rules a group of countries. (emperor)
16. A person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or (artist)
17. A person who tries all dangerous things and overcoming them. (adventurist)
18. A person who sells flowers. (florist)
19. A person who cares about our teeth and gums. (dentist)
20. A type of grain that can be made into flour. (wheat)
21. The things that you use when you make something to eat. (ingredients)
22. A brown powder that is used to give flavor to sweet foods. (cinnamon)
23. A wild animal like a big cat with yellow fur and dark spots. (leopard)
24. A soft yellow food that is made from milk. (butter)

Choose the suitable answer from the box: c- The students wear uniforms at
d- We found treasure, oh! We are rich
a) Look at the stars they shine brightly
in the sky.
b) Astronauts use a telescope to go
a- To make the best bun, you need
space and travel in space.
the best ingredients.
c) Our Milky Way galaxy shaped like a
b- Leopard is a wild animal like a big cat.
c- We must peel off the skin of the
d) Allah creates the whole universe that
potatoes before we cook it.
includes all the stars, planets, the sun and
the moon.
e) We visited an observatory and we
a- I like the uniform of my school. It
saw how astronauts observe the space and
has nice colors.
other natural changes.
b- The emperor is a ruler of an empire.
c- Archaeologists always enrich our
a- An/A emperor controls many
history with their discoveries.
d- This tomb goes back to the time of the
b- Armors protect the knights from
harm or danger during fighting in the
e- This army has many soldiers to protect
their country.

f- The armor protects the life of the c- The van driver dropped off the package
knights. at the office.
g- This treasure is full of jewelry, gold d- Amr dropped back the race when he
and jade.
broke his leg.
e- Hind almost won the race, but suddenly
a- Ill either drop off on the way there
or on the way back. she dropped back .
b- A change in the wind direction forced f- My father always drops me off to
the firefighters to drop back. school

Underline the correct word: - 11. He left home and joined the after
he graduated from high school.
1. The telescope makes the craters a) army
on the surface of the . 12. We saw few enemy in
c) moon uniforms. nc) soldiers
2. Could there be life elsewhere in the 13. She was wearing the regular
.? for school. c) uniform
a) universe 14. I ordered some flowers from the
3. We don't know how many . florist. The underlined word has a
there are in each galaxy. .
c) solar systems 15. Suffix
4. We camped out under the 16. She couldn't get treatment because
she wasn't registered with the dentist.
a) stars The underlined word is ab) noun
5. The stamp is .There are no 17. After finishing school, Mike went into
other like it. b) unique the c) army
6. They went on a journey to . 18. He has led American soldiers
China. into.. a) battle
a) explore b) orbit c) dwell 19. The limousine was driven by chauffeur
7. I removed the . peel of the in a . a) uniform
onion. 20. It is the of the first emperor of
a) inner b) outer c) China, he is buried into. b) tomb
arrogant 21. She works as a tourist guide. The
8. The school is some . away. underlined word has a a) suffix
a) distance 22. A . sells flowers and plants.
9. We could see fish swimming below the a) flower b) florist c) flour
.. c) surface 23. He is a very good cyclThe
underlined word can be completed by
10. They were sent to . unknown c) ist
regions of Africa. 24. Put some on the cookies,
a) explore please. a) butter
25. Mix all the together in a 29. I have to drop my sister.. at work
bowl. before I come over.
a) plantations b) ingredients c) a) off b) by c) back
steamships 30. A . doesn't have people
26. He started at the front, but got tired on board.
and dropped as the race a) space probe b) spacecraft c)
went on. spaceship
a) off b) by c) back 31. The moon .. the Earth.
27. A crowd began to . on the a) orbits b) explores c)
sidewalk. dwells
a) gather b) peel c) coax 32. The sun, moon and the stars are
28. I only use make a
cake. a) craters b) bodies c)
a) ingredients b) leopards c) cores
Choose and circle the right answer:

1- A person who studies or knows a lot about the sun,

moon and stars. (archaeologist/astronomer)

2- A spacecraft without people that collects

information and sends it back to Earth. (spacecraft / space probe)

3- The central part of an object. (surface / core)

4- The force that pulls everything toward the Erath. (distance / gravity)
5- A straight line across a circle, through the center. (orbit / diameter)
6- The path of a planet or an object that is moving
around another thing in space. (orbit / space probe)

7- How far is it from Alexandria to Cairo? (distance/ gravity)

8- Is a large piece of rock or metal from space that
has hit or landed on Earth? (meteorite / moon)

9- The sun and all planets that go around its stars. (solar system / galaxy)
10- Objects that make tiny bright light that you can
see in the sky. (moon / stars)

11- The object that shines in the sky at night. (stars / moon)
12- A bright object with a long tail that travels around
the sun. (comet / asteroid)

13- A long instrument shaped like a tube, it has lenses
inside it that make distant things seem larger and (telescope / galaxy)
nearer when you look through it.

14- Is the Whole of space and all the stars, planets and
other forms of matter and energy in it. (solar system / universe)

15- Is a rocket or vehicle that can travel in space? (spacecraft / space probe)
16- A hard, green stone used for ornaments and making
jewelry. (jade / treasure)

17- A large building where scientists can study and

watch the stars and the universe. (astronomer / observatory)

18- Large box for burying the dead. (coffin/tomb / treasure)

19- An organized military force equipped for fighting on
land in a war. (battle / army)

20- A person who servers in an army. (soldier / emperor)

21- The person who studies human history and
prehistory through the excavation of sites. (astronomer / archaeologist)

22- Clothes worn by same organization or children

attending the same school. (uniform / armor)

23- A soft yellow food that is made from milk and used
into cooking. (butter / vanilla)

24- Things that you use when you make something to

eat. (ingredients / wheat)

25- A type of grain that can be made into flour. (cinnamon / wheat)
26- A brown powder that is used to give flavor to sweet
food. (vanilla / cinnamon)

27- Metal clothes that soldiers wore in the past to

cover their bodies and protect them during the battle. (armor / emperor)

28- A person who studies or knows a lot about the sun,

moon and stars. (archaeologist / astronomer)

29- A spacecraft without people that collects

information and sends it back to Earth. (spacecraft / space probe)

30- The central part of an object. (surface / core)

Unscramble: How many planets are there in our solar
1- stars Scientists telescopes use to system?
at - look. 10- harder promised He to study.
Scientists use telescopes to use at stars. He promised to study hard.
2- Jupiter one has more than 11- expect treasure She find to
moon. didnt - the.
Jupiter has more than one moon. She didnt expect to find the treasure.
3- A Earth from to meteorite is 12- museum visit you Did plan to
space falls a rock . the ?
A meteorite is a rock falls from space to Did you plan to visit the museum?
Earth. 13- enjoyed father- She hiking her
4- solar fly People through system with.
will the space crafts. She enjoyed hiking with her father.
People will fly the spacecrafts through solar 16- museum visiting likes the science
systems. Salah.
5- it galaxy Does many have in Salah likes visting the science museum.
stars a ? 17- garden spring - you this Are a
Does a galaxy have many stars in it?
6- unique system planet solar Every
Are you planting a garden this spring?
is the in.
18- restaurant dinner parents
Every planet in the solar system is unique.
tomorrow My at having a nice -are.
7- the sky see What if will he-
My parents are having dinner at a nice
looks at he?
What will he see if he looks at the sky? restaurant tomorrow.
8- Jupiter water How much is on? 19- friends he for tonight is his
How much water is on Jupiter? What baking?
sun Does the Earth around go? What is he baking for his friends tonight?
Does Earth go around the sun? 20- station my friends I meeting am
9- planets How many there in our the at at 1 pm.
system solar are ? I am meeting my friends at the station at
1:00 Pm.

3- Grammar

Choose the correct answer: 3- If you go on a spacewalk, you will (see

1- If you do two hours of exercise every saw seeing) Earth.
day, you (stayed will stay stay) fit. 4- If you (feel feeling felt) sick, the
2- If you (dont sleep wont sleep- doctor (will give gave giving) you
sleeping), you will be too tired to an advice.

5- If she (gets get will get) some 22- Yesterday, he finished (read
money for her birthday, she (buys reading to read) a book about
bought will buy) a telescope. cooking.
6- She (will look looks looked) at the 23- They promised (to keep keeping
moon at night if she (has had will keep) the story secret.
have). 24- The boy began (move moving to
7- He (wont see dont doesnt) see move) quickly.
any stars if it (rains rained 25- They (were shopping are shopping
raining) tonight. shopping) for fresh vegetables at the
8- If she (go goes went) shopping, market tomorrow.
she (is will be was) happy. 26- Sameh (doesnt plant isnt planting
9- If Mona (visits visit will visit) a planted) onions in his garden next
space museum, She ( learned will summer.
learn learns) about the solar system 27- (Did you bake Are you baking Do
10- Nadia (discovers discovered- will you bake) bread tomorrow morning?
discover) a new star if She (looks 28- Dina and Habiba (are opening were
looking looked) at the sky. opening is opening) a new bakery
11- Sara and her friends decided (learn soon.
to learn learning) about the sun. 29- Who (ate eats is eating) vanilla ice
12- They (need needed to need) to cream with apple pie after dinner?
find some information last week. 30- She (took is taking takes) a
13- They want to (knowing know to skating class tomorrow.
know) about the statues there. 31- (Are you putting Did you put you
14- Ali agreed (go to go going) skiing are putting) fresh cinnamon on the
last Wednesday. buns tonight?
15- Hana and Dina (plan planned- 32- No, I (am not taking didnt take
planning) to visit the library this wasnt taking) a drawing class next
morning. fall.
16- They managed (finding to find 33- We (few fly are flying) to Rome
find) some good books. next week.
17- He enjoys (learning to learn learn) 34- (Is he driving Did he drive does
about history. he drive) to the supermarket at 3:00
18- He doesnt enjoy (reading to read pm?
read) boring books. 35- What (you will do you would do will
19- Kareem wants (being be to be) an you do) if you finish your final exam?
astronomer. 36- I am (plan planing planning) my
20- Rose sometimes practices (to dig wedding.
digging dig) up rocks on the beach. 37- I am spending (last ago next)
21- He hopes (visiting- to visit visits) an evening with Sally.
ancient city one day. 38- Amro is (take takeing taking) a
train tonight.
39- They (are staying stayed were 41- They (offered offer are offering)
staying) until 5.30 p.m. tours of the factory soon.
40- The villagers loved (tell telling to 42- The guides (taste tasting are
tell) their stories. tasting ) the chocolate after an hour.

Do as shown:
1- He will believe you. (negative)
He will not believe you.
2- We will miss the bus. (not)
We wont miss the bus.
3- Yes, I will come to your birthday party. (question)
Will you come to my birthday party?
4- Tomorrow, it will rain a lot. (When..?)

When it will rain a lot?

5- Your sister goes to Paris. She has a lot of money. (If)

Your sister will go to Paris if she has a lot of money.

6- He does that. He is sorry. (If)

If he does that, he will be sorry.

7- You will do well on your test if you study. (not)
You will not do well on your test if you dont study.
8- If you eat too much, you will become fat. (Rahma)
If Rahma eats too much, she will become fat.
9- Yes, he promised to wash the dishes. (Did..?)
Did he promise to wash the dishes?
10- I plan to visit the Egyptian museum. (want)
I want to visit the Egyptian museum.
11- They want to watch T.V. (like)
They like watching T.V.
12- We dont mind staying at home. (enjoy)
We enjoy staying at home.
13- We are taking my niece to the zoo today. (not)
We are not taking my niece to the zoo today.
14- Rana is staying home on Friday. (Who..?)
Who is staying home on Friday?
15- The train is leaving in ten minutes. (When ...?)
When is the train leaving?
16- We are going to the park tomorrow. (Where..?)
Where are you going tomorrow?
17- On Sunday, I am going to Fatens party. (are)
On Sunday, we are going to Fatens party.
18- My teacher is going to school tomorrow. ( My teachers)
My teachers are going to the school tomorrow.
19- When they study hard, they will succeed. (If she .....)
If she studies hard, she will succeed.
20- What will you do tomorrow? (are)
What are you doing tomorrow?
21- Tota will take piano lessons next week. (When..?)
When will Tota take piano leesons?
22- I am buying cinnamon and vanilla this evening. (What..?)
What are you buying this evening?
23- They are opening a new shop soon. (not)
They arent opening a new shop soon.
24- Yes, I am travelling to USA tomorrow. (No, ...)
No, I am not travelling to USA tomorrow.
25- I will meet Zahra at 9:00 am. (am)
I am meeting Zahra at 9:00 am.
26- I eat pizza for lunch every day. (present continuous)
I am eating pizza for lunch.
27- We drank lemonade yesterday. ( tomorrow)
We will drink lemonade tomorrow.
28- I sometimes swim at the pool with my friends. (next Saturday)
I will swim at the pool with my friends next Saturday.
29- Dina is going to the supermarket next week. (Where...?)
Where is Dina going next week?
30- We are going to the pharmacy to buy some medicine. (Why...?)
Why are you going to the pharmacy?

Correct the mistake: If you dont study, you wont pass the
1- I think, Ahmed win the competition. exam.
I think, Ahmed will win the competition. 6- If Soha dont forget homework, the
2- We go to the school tomorrow. teacher wont punish her.
We will go to the school tomorrow. If Soha doesnt forget homework, the
3- If you will dive into the river, you will teacher wont punish her.
hurt yourself. 7- He wanted trying the new game.
.If you dive into the river, you will hurt He wanted to try the new game.
yourself. 8- I enjoy to learn English.
4- If we surf the internet, we find a lot I enjoy learning English.
of information. 9- We would like eating pizza.
If we surf the internet, we will find a lot We would like to eat pizza.
of information. 10- Tota managed climbing the mountain.
5- If you dont study, you will pass the Tota managed to climb the mountain.
exam. 11- Malak prefers to eat Chocolate ice

Malak prefers eating chocolate icecream. My parents are taking me to Cairo next
12- I have finished to do my homework. Tuesday.
I have finished doing my homework. 16- We go camping tomorrow.
13- Stop to talk and listen to me We will go camping tomorrow.
carefully. 17- He played tennis tonight.
Stop talking and listen to me carefully. He played tennis last night.
14- She agrees teaching young children. 18- Hany are leaving at 5:00.
She agrees to teach young children. Hany is leaving at 5:00.
15- My parents taking me to Cairo next 19- Are you do anything this evening?
Tuesday. Are you doing anything this evening?
20- Is Ola eating now? No, she is.
Is Ola eating now? Yes,
Answer the following questions:- 8-"I AM HERE TO HELP YOU!"
1-"I don`t want to take different path. We are Who said? To whom? when?
going to go into those mountains" comment Mushu -to Mulan when she was going to the
Shan-Yu the Hun`s leader wanted to surprise the camp.
Chinese army from this way then he could attack 9- What was Mulan doing before going
the Emperor`s city. into the army camp?
2-"A good soldier must be a real man" She was practicing how to be a man.
comment 10- What did Mulans grandmother do to
Captain Shang explained to his army how to be a keep her safe?
good soldier he must be brave, fast and strong She closed her eyes and asked ancestors to
3-"When one of you reaches the arrow, you will keep Mulan safe.
all be ready to fight in the army " Who 11-How could Mulan bring honor to her
said? to whom? Where? family?
Captain Shang- to his army-at the camp She had to marry a good husband.
4-"Remember"-"Men and women don`t talk 12-Why did Mulan hit the man? What
and act in the same way" Who said? To happened? Or what was the reaction of the
whom? Why? man?
Mulan to herself -because she was practicing how Because Mushu told her that`s how men say
to be a man before she went into the army. hello.
5-You must go after her. She might die. He tried to hit back,but he missed Mulan.
Comment. 13-What did Mulan decide to do?
Mulans mother said that to Fa Zhou because she She decided to join the army.
was worried about Mulan because she has gone to 14-Fa Zhou didnt find his sword and
the army. armor in the armor room, why?
6-"Father, you can`t go and fight in the army" Because Mulan took them to join the army.
Who said? To whom? When? 15- What was the bad news from the village?
Mulan to her father At dinner The Huns have attacked China and the
7-"Be at the army camp tomorrow". emperor has ordered one from every family to
Comment. fight in his army
Chi Fu told Fa Zhou that because Mulan
shouted and told him that her father can't fight
any more because he is sick.


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