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Experiment Report

This is the formal “scientific methods” in which science is studied systematically by defining the problem; collecting
information relating to the problem; formulating a hypothesis / objectives; experiment to test the hypothesis; observing the
experiment; organizing and recording experimental data; drawing conclusions; and accurately reporting research methods,
results, and conclusion. In most practical work assigned to students, definition of problem and hypothesis could be expressed
by the objective of an experiment.

In the practical session, students are expected to record in the lab book all measurements, and perform all the required
calculations in order to obtain the desired experimental result. Sketch the apparatus and make notes for themselves about the
experiment at later time when they might be asked to produce a formal write-up using only the notes and the lab manual.
These lab notes are an assistance for their own memory, the formal write up, on the other hand, must be understandable for
someone who did not do the experiment, who does not have the lab manual, but who is familiar with the course material.

Students may organize the formal write up according to the following format.

1. Problem statement The student is to clearly identify the problem under investigation as
accurately and completely as possible from background information. The
student’s explanation should strive to be precise and thorough.

2. Experimental hypothesis / The student should predict what would happen based on proper use and
objectives interpretation of background information, not merely on what he or she thinks
will happen.

3. Experimental design
(i) Apparatus (a) A listing of all materials to be used, relating the materials to the dependent
and independent variables as appropriate and noting controls to be placed on
the study as indeed
(b) Obvious shortcomings of apparatus which might introduce errors.
(ii) Description of design A description of the design of study, including
1. What data will be collected?
2. How many trials will be completed?
3. How will variables be controlled?
4. How will the data be interpreted?
5. What graphs or charts will be based on the data collected?
(iii) Measurement The student conducts the experiment, carefully and systematically making
measurements and entering data.
(a) procedure to obtain measurement
(b) tables with measurements, possible with space for calculated results
(c) observations during the measurements which might affect the experimental

4. Data evaluation Graphics presentation(s) of data is produced appropriate to the analysis.

(a) graphical display of data
(b) solving of equations
(c) numerical calculations

5. Error analysis assessment of the experimental error of each measurement ∆x, or r.m.s. error
if enough data points were taken.

6. Summary and conclusions This includes a statement of what data results indicate (data analysis) and
whether data supports or does not support the hypothesis / objectives.
Students are to discuss possible applications and extensions of research
findings, indicate other studies which have been or may be conducted to
support the conclusion of the experiment.

7. Possible improvements of the experiment

Some suggested criteria for assessment
Problem statement
Good 1. Problem is appropriately identified.
2. Precise, clear and relevant explanation.

Fair 1. Problem identified with partial validity.

2. Limited relevant explanation.

Need improvement 1. Statement of problem is irrelevant or erroneous.

2. Limited or no relevant explanation.

Experimental Hypothesis / objectives

Good 1. Association between the problem and the predicted results is direct and relevant.
2. Key variables are operationalized.
3. Hypothesis / objective has a reasonable relationship with established knowledge; this
relationship is generally supported.
4. Scientific concepts and vocabulary used without significant error.

Fair 1. Association between problem and predicted results.

2. Made attempt to operationalize key variables.
3. Hypothesis / objective has some relationship to established knowledge but is not supported.
4. Scientific concepts and vocabulary used, but contains errors.

Need improvement 1. Unreasonable association between problem and predicted results.

2. Results are not operationalized.
3. Defends or challenges established knowledge.
4. Scan use of scientific concepts and vocabulary.

Experimental design
Good 1. Procedures are listed in a logical order. Set-up in the experiment is clearly and accurately
2. Design is well-constructed test of the stated hypothesis.
3. List of materials and control is complete and thoroughly described.
4. The description of the experiment is complete, insuring that it can be replicated.
5. Diagrams are included and are labeled neatly and accurately. It makes the experiment easier to
6. Safety concerns are fully addressed.
Fair 1. Procedures are listed but are not in a logical order or are difficult to follow. Part of the set-up
used in the experiment is accurately described.
2. Design has general relevant to the hypothesis.
3. List of materials and controls is nearly complete, missing at least one important item.
4. Description makes it possible to replicate the experiment.
5. Diagrams are included and are labeled.
6. Safety concerns miss at least one important consideration.
Need improvement 1. Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment. Many materials are described
inaccurately OR are not described at all.
2. Design is not relevant to the hypothesis.
3. List of materials and controls incomplete.
4. Some procedural components generally described but are not replicable.
5. Needed diagrams are missing OR are missing important labels.
6. Safety concerns are not specified, are irrelevant or are not appropriate to the experiment.
Data collection and analysis
Good 1. All significant data measured, checks are placed on measurements for accuracy.
2. Data recorded effectively and efficiently.
3. The data table well-designed to task requirements.
4. Accurate measurement in tables and/or graphs.
5. Graphs and tables are labeled and titled. Calculations are shown and the results are correct.
6. Experimental errors and their possible effects are discussed.

Fair 1. Most data are collected but checks are not placed on measurement to insure accuracy.
2. Data are recorded in a manner that threatens reliability.
3. Data table incomplete or contain inconsistencies.
4. Accurate measurements in written form, but no graphs or tables are presented.
5. Part of the calculations is shown and the results labeled appropriately.
6. Experimental errors are mentioned.

Needs improvement 1. Data are inaccurate.

2. Data are haphazardly recorded.
3. Data table missing.
4. Measurements are not shown OR inaccurate.
5. No calculations are shown OR results are inaccurate.
6. There is no discussion of errors.

Data display
Good 1. All graph forms are appropriate, multiple graphs used as warranted.
2. All data points accurately plotted.
3. Labeling clear.
4. Intervals appropriate.
5. Graph visually designed to assist reader.
6. Main ideas are clearly presented in an appropriate order.

Fair 1. Graph form is appropriate.

2. All data points included, some inaccurately plotted.
3. Labeling lacks clarity.
4. Intervals are appropriate.
5. Main ideas are presented to some extent; Ideas are not presented in an order that adds clarity.
Needs improvement 1. Graph form inappropriate.
2. Data points missing or incorrect.
3. Inappropriate labeling.
4. Intervals inappropriate.
5. No main idea or ideas are not supported by information and are illogical.
Good 1. Conclusion precisely stated, relates directly to support of the hypothesis.
2. Conclusion uses operational terms and suggests how the conclusion has relevancy in resolution
of the original problem.
3. Conclusion relates the study to general interest, other studies that have been or could be
4. The questions to be answered during the practical are clearly identified and stated.
5. Appropriate conclusions are based upon findings and evidence.

Fair 1. Conclusion too general or over-reached the data analysis.

2. Conclusion uses the language of the experiment but does not translate conclusion to its relevant
to the original problem.
3. The questions to be answered during the practical are partially identified, and are stated in an
unclear manner.
4. Conclusions do not follow from the findings and evidence.

Needs improvement 1. Inconclusive, or conclusion not warranted by data analysis.

2. The questions to be answered during the practical are erroneous or irrelevant.
3. No conclusion was included in the report OR inappropriate conclusions are presented.

For easy reference, we summarize below a checklist for the most important points relating to data handling and reporting.
Keep referring to them until, with experience, they become second nature to you.

Planning an experiment
1. If possible perform a quick preliminary experiment as a rehearsal, in order to allow you to plan the way you will do the
2. Keeping a laboratory notebook
3. Do not use scraps of paper; put readings and comments into a special laboratory notebook kept for the purpose.
4. Record all readings directly; do not rely on the accuracy of your mental arithmetic.
5. Record readings in tables with columns headed with the name and unit, in such a way as to make the numbers in the
columns dimensionless.
6. Underline important quantities (for example, mean values).
7. Do not overwrite numbers, cross out the wrong number and record the new one alongside.
8. Record all your observations.
9. Write notes on all you do.
10. Use plenty of space.

Hints on calculations
1. Average raw readings rather than processed data in order to save the labour of unnecessary multiplications.
2. Check calculations by carrying out the operations in reverse order.
3. Check the order of magnitude of your result (by using rounded off numbers).
4. Ask yourself whether the result of a calculation or measurement looks reasonable.
5. Use powers of 10 to avoid the impression that noughts used for placing the decimal point are significant figures.
6. Suppress meaningless digits arising from calculations. The final result of a multiplication or division can have no more
significant figures than those possessed by the factor with the fewest.
7. In suppressing meaningless digits, avoid rounding-off too crudely. Check that inaccuracies introduced by rounding-off
are negligible compared with the experimental error.
1. Always estimate errors in experimental measurements and calculated results.
2. Where independent measurements are combined to find the value of a quantity, use the appropriate formula for
combining errors.
3. Only quote errors to one (or maybe two) significant figures.
4. Any error smaller than about a third of the dominant error can be ignored.
5. Special care is needed when two almost equal quantities have to be subtracted, or when a measured quantity is to be
raised to a power.
6. Find out early in an experiment what the dominant errors are and (if necessary) concentrate your time and effort on
reducing these.

Hints on how to plot graphs

1. Plot the dependent variable (i.e. the one that changes as a result of alterations you make to the other) along the vertical
axis, and the independent one along the horizontal axis.
2. Label the axes with the name of the quantity and the unit, in such a way as to make the quantities plotted dimensionless
3. Choose scales so that the points are widely spread over the page.
4. Use a simple scale.
5. Plot points as small dots in circles or crosses.
6. Include error bars, or error crosses if there are errors in both variables.
7. In general, put a smooth curve through the points, not a zig-zag.
8. Spread readings evenly over the range unless an intercept on an axis is to be measured (in which case have several
readings close to the axis concerned).
9. Plot the graph as the experiment proceeds.
10. Whenever possible choose your variables so as to get a straight line. This applies to variables related by an expression of
the form y = mx + c.
11. Encourage student to use Spread Sheet (Excel) for data handling (e.g. plot graph, estimate slope from the best straight
line curve by linear regression and estimate intercepts )

Writing reports
1. Preface your report with a short abstract.
2. Do not repeat obvious details and theoretical derivations that may be given as background in the laboratory manual;
just refer to them.
3. Mention all precautions and checks-you cannot get credit for them otherwise.
4. Discuss assumptions, approximations, consistency of readings, random and systematic errors, limitations of apparatus,
suggestions for improvements, abnormal behaviour, comparison of result with that expected, etc.
5. Draw well-labeled diagrams of apparatus. Drawings of specimens should be done initially at least in pencil, and should
be large. Where necessary, you should indicate the scale.
6. Refer in the text to all tables and figures.
7. Every physical quantity calculated should have a unit, the correct number of significant figures, and an estimated error.
8. End your report with a brief summary of the conclusions you have reached from the experiment.

Note: It is not necessary that your experimental results agree with "accepted values" in order to obtain a good grade.

N.B.: The language written in the report should be concise, precise, and objective. Never refer to yourself as "I", but
rather "WE" instead, or even better, take you away and use the passive voice. In particular, in describing the
procedure of the experiment, use the past tense.

Student checklist for the first laboratory period

(a) Have you got your laboratory notebook, a graph paper book and the Manual ?
(b) Do you have a sharp pencil, an eraser, a calculator and a transparent ruler ?
(c) Do you have the appropriate appearance of eager anticipation ?
(d) Have you prepared the experiments by studying the manual ?
(e) Have you read the manual before coming to the laboratory ?
(f) Have you read the introduction to graphs, errors, and significant figures ?
What's wrong in the student's laboratory notebook?

Example 1 A student is told to measure the viscosity of water at 20°C and to compare the value
obtained with that given in some table of physical constants. The following appears in a
student's laboratory notebook:

Experimental value 1.005 × 10-3 N s m-2

Correct value 1.002 × 10-3 N s m-2
Which is his /her value and which is the one given in the tables?

Example 2 Consider a laboratory notebook entry such as:

Ammeter A 14 zero error -0.03A

Does this means that when no current passed the instrument read -0.03A, and therefore
0.03 should be added to all the instrument readings to get correct value, or does it means
that 0.03 should be subtracted? Again we are left to guess.

Example 3 The following is a statement of a kind often found in a student's laboratory notebook :

'The time-base of the oscilloscope was checked with a timer counter and found to be
accurate within experimental error.'

The above examples illustrates the following points:

(a) What is stated must be unambiguous. You should consciously ask student whether any
interpretation other than the correct one is possible. Quite often the simplest way to resolve
possible ambiguity is to give a single numerical example.

(b) If a conclusion is based on numerical evidence, and nearly all conclusions in physics experiments
are or should be so based, then the numbers must be given explicitly.
Lab Report Template

* a brief, concise, yet descriptive title

Statement of the Problem:

* What question(s) are you trying to answer?

* Include any preliminary observations or
background information about the subject


* Write a possible solution for the problem.

* Make sure this possible solution is a complete sentence.
* Make sure the statement is testable.


* Make a list of ALL items used in the lab.


* Write a paragraph (complete sentences) which explains what you did in the lab.
* Your procedure should be written so that anyone else could repeat the experiment.

Results (Data):

* This section should include any data tables, observations, or additional notes you make
during the lab.
* You may attach a separate sheet(s) if necessary.
* All tables, graphs and charts should be labeled appropriately


* Accept or reject your hypothesis.

* EXPLAIN why you accepted or rejected your hypothesis using data from the lab.
* Include a summary of the data - averages, highest, lowest..etc to help the reader
understand your results
* List one thing you learned and describe how it applies to a real-life situation.
*Discuss possible errors that could have occurred in the collection of the data
(experimental errors)中文)

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