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AS biology assignment 1 transport around the body

1. The diagram below shows cross-sections of three different types of blood vessel, A, B and C.

5 mm 5 mm 0.005 mm
(a) Name the blood vessels A and B.
A ...............................................................................................................................

B ...............................................................................................................................
(b) State two ways in which blood vessel C is adapted to enable the formation of tissue fluid.
1 ................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................
(c) Give one function of tissue fluid.
(d) When tissue fluid is not efficiently reabsorbed, it collects in tissues causing swelling
(oedema). Suggest one factor that could cause oedema.
(Total 5 marks)
2. The diagram below shows an outline of the double circulation in a mammal.

Name the chambers of the heart labelled A and B.

A ..................................................................................................................................

B ..................................................................................................................................
(a) Name the organ in which the capillaries labelled C would be found.

(b) The heart maintains a high pressure of oxygenated blood in the arteries to the body. Explain how
a double circulation is important in bringing this about.
(c) The photomicrograph below shows a transverse section through blood vessels.

(i) Give the names of the two types of blood vessel D and E.
D ........................................................................................................................

E ........................................................................................................................
(ii) Describe one characteristic feature that you used to identify D.
(Total 8 marks)
3. The diagram below represents the sequence of stages during one complete cardiac cycle.

(a) Name Stage B.


(b) Describe what is happening in the heart during complete cardiac diastole.

(c) Describe how cardiac muscle is supplied with oxygen.
(Total 6 marks)

4. Table 1 shows the blood pressure in the left atrium, the left ventricle and the aorta at different stages in a
cardiac cycle. These three parts of the circulatory system have been labelled A, B
and C.

Blood pressure/kPa
Part A Part B Part C
(left atrium) (left ventricle) (aorta)
0 0.6 0.3 12.1

0.1 1.1 0.7 11.7

0.2 0.6 12.6 11.8

0.3 0.9 14.8 13.6

0.4 1.2 1.1 12.8

0.5 0.6 0.2 12.6

0.6 0.6 0.2 12.4

Table 1

(a) What is the evidence from the figures in Table 1 that part B is the ventricle?

(b) (i) At 0.3 s, the atrioventricular valves are closed. Give the evidence from Table 1
which supports this statement.

(ii) For approximately how long is the valve between the left ventricle and the aorta open? Give
the reason for your answer.

(c) The figures in the third column of Table 1 show the changes in pressure in the left

(i) Describe how the pressure in the left ventricle differs from that in the right ventricle.


(ii) Explain what causes this difference.


Table 2 compares some features of different blood vessels from a dog.

Artery Arteriole Capillary

Diameter of lumen 0.4 30 m 8 m

Thickness of wall 1 mm 20 m 1 m

Tissues present in wall


Elastic tissue
Table 2 Key Tissue present
Tissue absent

(d) What is the thickness of one of the endothelial cells lining these blood vessels?

Answer: ............................................................... m

(e) Explain why an arteriole may be described as an organ.


(f) It is suggested that the amount of dietary fibre has an influence on the occurrence of cancer of the
colon and diverticular disease.
The graph below shows the number of deaths (mortality) from cancer of the colon plotted against
the mass of dietary fibre.

(a) (i) Describe the relationship between dietary fibre and mortality from cancer of the colon.
5. (a) The table below refers to structural features of two types of blood vessels. If the feature is correct,
place a tick ) in the appropriate box, and if the feature is incorrect, place a cross ) in the appropriate
Structural feature
Blood vessel
Wall a single layer
Valves present Wall has pores
of cells
(b) The wall of the aorta, a major artery, has many elastic fibres in it. Suggest a reason for the
presence of these fibres.

(Total 4 marks)
6. (a) Describe three structural differences between arteries and veins.
Arteries Veins

(b) Suggest why arteries are more likely than veins to develop atherosclerosis.

(c) The diagram below shows how tissue fluid is formed from blood plasma.

Describe and explain how fluid is forced out of the capillaries to form tissue fluid at the arterial end of the
(d) (i) Give one reason why fluid might accumulate within the tissues and cause swelling.
(ii) Name this type of swelling in the tissues.
7. The diagrams below show a pig (a mammal) and a flatworm (a small pond animal).

0.05 5
(a) Explain why a pig has a heart and circulatory system whereas a flatworm does not.

(b) The diagram below shows a cross-section of a mammalian heart. The positions of the valves are
shown by the four circles.

(i) On the diagram, indicate whether each valve is open or closed during ventricular systole
(contraction of the ventricles) by writing open or closed on the lines provided. Do not draw the
(c) Suggest two advantages of the coronary artery branching directly off the aorta.

(Total 8 marks)
One possible reason for the differences in the death rates due to cardiovascular disease between the
different countries is the quantity of fruit and vegetables eaten.
(a) Suggest and explain two other reasons for the differences in the death rates between the countries due
to cardiovascular disease.
(b) 1...........................................................................................................................................................................
(Total 8 marks)

8. The diagram below shows the structure of the heart and some associated blood vessels.

Name the parts labelled A, B and C.

A ...................................................................................................................................

B ...................................................................................................................................

C ...................................................................................................................................
a. Describe how the structure of the left ventricle and the parts labelled B and C enable the left
ventricle to carry out its function.
b. Many organs such as the uterus, heart and kidneys of a pregnant woman use more oxygen than when
she is not pregnant. The graph below shows the increased usage of oxygen by these organs near the end
of pregnancy, as compared with the oxygen used before pregnancy.

Suggest why the use of oxygen by each of the following organs increases during pregnancy.

i. Uterus

ii. Heart
(Total 10 marks)

9. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major cause of death in developed countries, and accounts for over
160 000 deaths each year in the United Kingdom. One of the main causes of CHD is atherosclerosis,
a condition in which lipids and connective tissue build up on the inside wall of blood vessels.
State two consequences of atherosclerosis which may lead to the development of CHD in an individual.
1 .................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................
The table shows deaths from coronary heart disease as a percentage of all deaths in the United Kingdom in
Percentage of all deaths
Age / years Males Females
014 4 3
1524 7 10
2534 15 14
3544 37 18
4554 53 26
5564 53 37
6574 53 50
75 and over 51 56
Which two risk factors associated with the development of CHD are indicated in the table?
With reference to the data in the table, compare the percentage of deaths from CHD in males and females.
(Total 6 marks)
10. The composition of our diet may be associated with the development of disease in a number of our
body organs. Explain how diet may be associated with the development of the following diseases.
Coronary heart disease (CHD)
(Total 3 marks)
11. The diagram below shows a transverse section of a blood vessel, as seen using low
magnification of a light microscope.

(d) Name the type of blood vessel shown in the diagram.

(e) The layer labelled A contains smooth muscle fibres, collagen and elastic fibres.

(i) Name layer A.

(ii) Describe the function of the collagen fibres.
(f) The diagrams below show the single blood circulatory system of a fish and the double circulatory
system of a mammal.

Fish Lungs

Gills Tissues



Deoxygenated blood
Oxygenated blood

Suggest why a double circulatory system is an advantage to a mammal.

(Total 6 marks)
12. (a) Blood vessels can be distinguished by their structure. The table shows some structural
features for three blood vessels P, Q and R.
Structural feature P Q R

Endothelium present

Small lumen relative to the thickness

of the walls

Many elastic fibres present

Valves present

Identify the blood vessels P, Q and R.

P ..................................................................................................................................

Q ..................................................................................................................................

R ..................................................................................................................................
(b) The diagram below shows changes in blood pressure as blood flows from the arteries to the


10 A
Blood pressure / kPa

direction of blood flow through circulation

The blood pressure at point A is 10.5 kPa and the blood pressure at point B is 2.5 kPa. Calculate the
percentage decrease in the pressure as blood flows from A to B.

Answer ............................ kPa

(c) Explain the changes in blood pressure

(i) in the arteries

(ii) in the capillaries.
(Total 7 marks)
13. Daphnia (water fleas) can be used to determine the effect of chemicals on heart rate.

(g) (i) Explain one reason why Daphnia is a suitable organism for this experiment.
(ii) An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of
Daphnia. State two variables that you would need to control to produce reliable results.

1 ........................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................

(iii) Suggest why Daphnia needs a heart and circulatory system.
(h) Caffeine increases human heart rate. Suggest and explain why high caffeine consumption could
increase a persons risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
(Total 7 marks)
14. Complete the paragraph below which summarises the blood clotting process.
............................................. are cell fragments that stick to a site of damaged tissue. ............................................
is released from this area, which results in a plasma protein called ............................................. being converted
to thrombin. Thrombin acts as an enzyme and catalyses the conversion of the soluble plasma protein
............................................. into long, insoluble strands of the protein .............................................. These
strands form a mesh that traps ............................................. to form a blood clot.
(Total 3 marks)
15. The diagrams below show the left side of the heart at two stages of the cardiac cycle.

Diagram A Diagram B
(i) (i) Name structure X shown on the diagram.

X .......................................................................................................................
(ii) Name the part of the cardiac cycle illustrated by diagram B.

(iii) With reference to structures shown on diagram B, describe and explain what happens during this
phase of the cardiac cycle.
16. (a) The photograph below shows Daphnia (a water flea). It is a small animal that lives in freshwater.

Daphnia has a heart which pumps fluid around its body. This fluid has a higher solute concentration than the
freshwater that Daphnia lives in.

The table below gives four statements concerning transport in Daphnia. If a statement is
correct, place a tick ) in the box to the right of that statement and if a statement is incorrect,
place a cross ) in the box.
Tick or
Statements about transport in Daphnia
(i) The movement of fluid through the heart is an example of mass
(ii) Daphnia uses diffusion to transport oxygen into muscle cells
(iii) Daphnia tends to lose water to the freshwater by osmosis
(iv) Daphnia can use active transport to move ions from the freshwater
into its body
(b) A student investigated the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia. Three different Daphnia
were used, A, B and C. The table below shows her results at the end of the investigation.

Caffeine Duration of Number of

Daphnia concentration/ observation/ heart beats
arbitrary units seconds counted
A 5 10 50
A 5 10 53
A 5 10 47
B 10 10 73
B 10 10 76
B 10 10 76
C 15 10 101
C 15 10 99
C 15 10 100
(i) Calculate the mean number of heart beats per 10 seconds for each Daphnia.

Daphnia A .............................. heart beats per 10 seconds

Daphnia B .............................. heart beats per 10 seconds

Daphnia C .............................. heart beats per 10 seconds

(ii) Use your answers from (i) above to predict the mean number of heart beats in 10 seconds for
another Daphnia placed in a caffeine concentration of 35 arbitrary units.

(iii) Suggest three reasons why the prediction you made for (ii) above may not be very
1 ........................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................

(Total 9 marks)
17. (a) The diagram below shows a ventral (front) external view of a mammalian heart.

Name the structures labelled X, Y and Z.

X .......................................................................................................................

Y .......................................................................................................................

Z .......................................................................................................................
(i) There are four boxes on the heart diagram. Place a tick ( initiated.
(b) Blood pressure within the heart varies throughout the cardiac cycle.

(i) Explain what is meant by the term cardiac cycle.

(ii) The table below shows the range of blood pressures found in the left ventricle and in the right
ventricle during one complete cardiac cycle.

Ventricle Blood pressure / kPa
Right 0.0 to 3.3
Left 0.0 to 15.8

Explain why the maximum blood pressure is higher in the left ventricle than in the right
(iii) Explain why blood pressure varies in a ventricle during the cardiac cycle.

(c) Apart from high blood pressure, state two other risk factors for heart disease.


(Total 12 marks)
18. Tissue fluid is formed as a result of the blood pressure forcing water and dissolved solutes, such as
glucose and mineral ions, out of capillaries.

(j) Explain how the structure of a capillary is related to the formation of tissue fluid.

(k) Suggest why proteins are present in the plasma but are not normally present in tissue fluid.

(l) Tissue fluid is reabsorbed back into capillaries as a result of the osmotic effect of the
plasma proteins. Suggest why this reabsorption is reduced in a person on a protein-
deficient diet.
(Total 7 marks)
19. (a) During ventricular systole, blood is forced out of the heart.
Place a tick in the box ( ) below the column that correctly identifies three features that occur
during ventricular systole.

(i) When a doctor takes the blood pressure of a patient, two values are found, such as 110/75 (110 over 75).
Which value is the systolic pressure?

(ii) Hypertension is a consistently and abnormally high blood pressure. Give two
factors that increase the risk of having hypertension.

1 ........................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................
(b) It has been shown that, for men aged 40 to 50 years old, each rise of 10 units in their systolic
blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease by 20%.

(i) Calculate the increased risk of heart disease in a 40 year old man with a systolic blood
pressure 50 units higher than the average for his age.

Answer ....................................
(ii) Explain the meaning of the figure you have calculated in (c)(i).
(Total 6 marks)
20. The table below shows population statistics and deaths from coronary heart disease (CHD) for males
and females in England during a two year period.

Number in the population Number dying from CHD

Males 23 922 144 33 879
Females 25 216 687 9 016
(m) (i) For this two year period, calculate the percentage risk of a male dying from CHD. Show
your working.

(ii) Use the data in the table above to calculate how many times females are less likely to die
from CHD than males.

(n) Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to indicate whether a person is overweight. The chart
below shows the effect of having a high BMI on the risk of dying of CHD when compared
with a control group with a normal BMI of 20. A person with a BMI of 30 is obese.
(ii) Describe the trend shown in the chart.
(iii) Give the formula used to calculate BMI.

(iv) Explain why people who are overweight are more likely to die from CHD.

(Total 8 marks)
21. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are a major cause of death worldwide. Most cardiovascular
diseases are caused by fatty deposits called plaques. The diagrams below show stages in the
development of a plaque and the narrowing of the lumen of an artery.

(a) Describe how this narrowing of the lumen can increase the risk of further damage to an artery.
(b) (i) Describe the sequence of events that results in the formation of a blood clot.

(ii) Explain how a blood clot can cause a heart attack.

(Total 8 marks)
22. (a) Daphnia heart rate increases when Daphnia are given the stimulant, caffeine. A
student used this knowledge to estimate the caffeine content of three drinks.
To do this she set up a calibration curve. Initially, she placed one Daphnia in pond water with no
caffeine and counted the number of its heart beats in one minute. She found this to be 180.
She then placed the Daphnia in pond water with 10 mg of caffeine per 100 cm3 of pond water and
recorded the time taken for 180 heart beats. This was repeated for several different caffeine
concentrations and the results are shown in the calibration curve below. All measurements were taken
at 15 C.

The student now repeated the study, using the same Daphnia and keeping the temperature at 15 C
throughout, but with instant coffee as the source of caffeine. She recorded the time taken for 180 heart
beats to occur. She then repeated this using the two other drinks. The results are shown in the table
below. Use the calibration curve to complete the third column of the table.
Time taken for 180 Caffeine concentration
heart beats / seconds / mg per 100 cm3
Instant coffee 33
Filter coffee 28
Tea 35
(b) By using the same Daphnia throughout the investigation, the student was able to control certain
variables that could have affected her results.
Give three variables that the student controlled by using the same Daphnia.
(c) At the end of the investigation the student removed the Daphnia from the tea and placed it in pond
water. She then recorded its heart rate and found it to be 190 beats per minute.
Suggest two reasons why the Daphnia heart rate was higher at the end of the investigation
compared to the 180 beats per minute at the start.
(Total 8 marks)
23. The following information is taken from a web site promoting margarine.

Cholesterol in the body comes from two sources. A small amount is eaten in certain foods but most is actually
produced by our liver, and we need some in our bodies to stay healthy. The liver produces cholesterol when
saturated fats are eaten. Todays diet contains a lot of saturated fat and therefore the liver produces more
cholesterol than the body actually requires. To complicate matters, there are two types of cholesterol HDL
(good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Our healthier margarine is a low fat spread enriched with plant sterols. Plant sterols have been clinically
proven to lower cholesterol levels by reducing the cholesterol being absorbed from the gut. This helps to
maintain a healthy heart.

Independent clinical trials prove that moving to a diet that includes 2025 g of healthier margarine per day
gives average LDL cholesterol reductions of 1015%. There is no effect on HDL cholesterol. If you eat less
than this amount you will still see a reduction, although it will not be as high as it could be. Eating more will
not give a significantly greater cholesterol lowering effect.
(o) Give one way in which cholesterol in our bodies ensures that we stay healthy.
(p) Explain how high levels of LDL can affect the risk of heart disease.
(q) Use information from the passage to suggest:
(i) one way, other than eating margarine, in which blood cholesterol levels could be reduced by a
change of diet;
(ii) a reason why eating more than 2025 g of healthier margarine a day will not give a
significantly greater cholesterol lowering effect.
(Total 8 marks)
(r) Balloon angioplasty is regularly used to unblock coronary arteries that have been affected by
atherosclerosis. The procedure is shown in the diagram below.

(i) Suggest why the patient may experience chest pain as a result of this partial blocking of one of the
coronary arteries.
(ii) Suggest why the walls of the artery return to their original position once the
balloon is removed.
(s) Explain why doctors may advise a patient to try a balloon angioplasty in preference to an
operation such as a coronary bypass.

(t) Suggest why atherosclerosis usually affects coronary arteries but not coronary veins.

(Total 12 marks)
24. The photograph below shows two blood vessels, as seen using a light microscope.

Magnification 50
(u) (i) Identify the type of blood vessel labelled A on the photograph.

(ii) Describe two features of blood vessel A and explain the function of each feature.
(v) People suffering from high blood pressure may be given Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors. The ACE inhibitor stops the conversion of an inactive substance in the blood called
angiotensin I to the active form, angiotensin II. Angiotensin II causes blood vessels to constrict.
Suggest how the ACE inhibitor could prevent the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin
25. (a) Studies show that individuals who exercise regularly at 70% of their maximum heart rate
significantly reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. Two reasons for this are that regular exercise
reduces both the percentage body fat and the overall cholesterol level in blood plasma.
(i) Explain why having high percentage body fat increases the risk of cardiovascular
(b) Cholesterol is transported around the body in the blood by either high density lipoproteins (HDL)
or low density lipoproteins (LDL).

The graph below shows the relationship between LDL cholesterol and coronary heart

Describe the relationship between LDL cholesterol and coronary heart disease.
(Total 8 marks)
26. Carbohydrates and lipids are both sources of energy in the diet. A high carbohydrate intake stimulates
the production of fatty acids. Eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates can lead to obesity.
(a) (i) Explain what is meant by the term risk factor.
(ii) Explain how obesity increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease.
Several risk factors influence the onset of coronary heart disease (CHD), including high blood cholesterol level, high
blood pressure and smoking.
The chart shows the effect of combining these three factors on the incidence of CHD.

(a) Describe the effect on the incidence of CHD of increasing the number of risk factors.
(b) Explain how each of these risk factors can influence the onset of CHD.

High blood cholesterol


High blood
(Total 9 marks)
27. Lowering the level of blood cholesterol in an individual by 1% can decrease the risk of coronary heart
disease by 23%. A low cholesterol diet can help to lower the level of blood cholesterol.

(w) (i) Suggest a specific change in diet that could help to lower the level of blood
(ii) Suggest and explain why a low cholesterol diet might not result in a lower blood
cholesterol level.
(x) Statins are drugs currently in use to help lower blood cholesterol levels. The table below gives the
results of some trials carried out to determine if statins reduce the risk of heart disease in men and
Drug used Number of subjects % of subjects who had heart % reduction
involved attacks in heart
Control group Statin group Control group Statin group attacks

Statin A 4502 4512 15.9 12.3 22.6

Statin B 2223 2221 15.0 8.7 42.0
Statin C 3301 3304 14.8 8.9
(i) Use the figures shown in the table to calculate the % reduction in heart attacks after taking Statin
C. Show your working.

Answer .......................................

(ii) State which statin was the most effective.

(iii) Suggest a reason for:

The number of subjects involved


The control group

(Total 8 marks)


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