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Selection Process: I am looking for some variety in my selections.

Thus, I chose this pair of

essays from my other two English classes. The left essay is one of the first essays I wrote
sophomore year. The right essay is the only essay I have written so far in AP Language.

Growth: In the destiny piece, I attempt to discuss why William Ernst Henleys Invictus is more
persuasive than Kiplings If for the theme: destiny is non-existent for men. This standard has
two parts: write clearly and write purposefully. Although not unclear per se, the sentence
structure is not varied. Most of my sentences start with either a pronoun or prepositional phrase
(This, He, For, With). In addition, instead of writing with a purpose (i.e. to prove my
claim), my first two body paragraphs are mere summary. I dont explain why I include the quotes
I do or how they relate to the poems meaning as a whole.
The right essay was written for AP Language, where I tackle Hawthornes theme in The
Scarlet Letter. Although, the source material is a novel instead of a poem, I still use significantly
less direct evidence and significantly more analysis. For example, in the second body paragraph,
after giving the background of Dimmesdale and Hesters relationship, I provide my own
commentary on why Dimmesdale acts the way he does and what he should have done instead of
avoiding Hester.

Concluding Statement: Over time, I have switched from summary with little commentary to
little but effective summary with heaps of commentary (relatively speaking).

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