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This script tries to create a playlist (.lpl) file for your ROMs in a given

Providing the RetroArch and ROM paths, this script will scan the ROM path and
create a playlist file based on the files found during a recursive scan.
If it detects a zip file, the script will try and enumerate the first file and
append it to the ROM path in the playlist, as below.

Each entry in the playlist file requires six lines:

1) ROM path - ROM name inside zip needs to be specified and separated with #
2) Display name
3) Path to core [or DETECT]
4) Name of core [or DETECT]
5) CRC [or DETECT]
6) Name of playlist

This script outputs the playlist encoding in ANSI.

Example output-

Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment

D:\games\snes\[Japanese]\Final Fantasy Fantasy 4.smc
Final Fantasy 4
Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment

.PARAMETER RetroArchPath
The path to the RetroArch directory.

Required? true
Position? 0
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false

The path to the directory containing the ROM files you wish to scan.

Required? true
Position? 1
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false

.PARAMETER FileExtensions
An array of file extensions you wish to include in the scan.
If omitted, all files found are included in the scan.

Required? false
Position? 2
Default value *
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? true

ANSI encoded file in $RetroArchPath\playlists.

.\new-playlist.ps1 -RetroArchPath C:\RetroArch -ROMPath C:\ROMS

Scan C:\ROMS and create the playlist in C:\RetroArch\playlists.

.\new-playlist.ps1 -RetroArchPath C:\RetroArch -ROMPath C:\ROMS -FileExtensions

Scan C:\ROMS and create the playlist in C:\RetroArch\playlists, only including

files with an extension of .zip or .7z

.\new-playlist.ps1 -RetroArchPath C:\RetroArch -ROMPath C:\ROMS -FileExtensions

Scan C:\ROMS and create the playlist in C:\RetroArch\playlists, only including

files with an extension of .iso or .cue

Created 30/01/2016
Select-Text function created by Brent Challis and adapted -

[String]$RetroArchPath=$(Read-Host "RetroArch path"),
[String]$ROMPath=$(Read-Host "ROM path"),

Function Select-TextItem{

Write-Host "`nSystem Selection"

[int]$optionPrefix = 1

# Create menu list

foreach ($option in $options)
Write-Host ("{0,3}: {1}" -f $optionPrefix,$option)

Write-Host ("`n{0,3}: {1}" -f 0,"To cancel")

[int]$response = Read-Host "`nEnter Selection"

$val = $null

if ($response -gt 0 -and $response -le $options.Count)

$val = $options[$response-1]
} else {

return $val

Function Get-ZipFile{

$ROMZipFileEntry =

Return $ROMZipFileEntry

$Systems = @(
"Atari - 2600",
"Atari - 7800",
"Atari - Jaguar",
"Atari - Lynx",
"Atari - ST",
"Bandai - WonderSwan Color",
"Bandai - WonderSwan",
"Commodore Amiga",
"FB Alpha - Arcade Games",
"GCE - Vectrex",
"Magnavox - Odyssey2",
"Microsoft - MSX",
"Microsoft - MSX2",
"NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16",
"NEC - PC Engine CD - TurboGrafx-CD",
"NEC - PC Engine SuperGrafx",
"NEC - PC-FX",
"Neo Geo",
"Nintendo - Famicom Disk System",
"Nintendo - Game and Watch",
"Nintendo - Game Boy Advance",
"Nintendo - Game Boy Color",
"Nintendo - Game Boy",
"Nintendo - Nintendo 64",
"Nintendo - Nintendo DS Decrypted",
"Nintendo - Nintendo DS",
"Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System",
"Nintendo - Satellaview",
"Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System",
"Nintendo - Virtual Boy",
"Sega - 32X",
"Sega - Game Gear",
"Sega - Master System - Mark III",
"Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis",
"Sega - Mega-CD - Sega CD",
"Sega - Saturn",
"Sega - SG-1000",
"Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3",
"SNK - Neo Geo Pocket Color",
"SNK - Neo Geo Pocket",
"Sony - PlayStation Portable",
"Sony - PlayStation"

$val = Select-TextItem $Systems

$LPLFileName = "$"

$LPLFilePath = "$RetroArchPath\playlists"
$LPLPath = "$LPLFilePath\$LPLFileName"

Try {

# Required because even if the path doesn't exist, GCI still seem's to exit
with $true
If(Test-Path $ROMPath){
$ROMS = Get-ChildItem $ROMPath -Recurse -File -Include $FileExtensions
} else {
Write-Output "Error - Could not find ROM path $ROMPath"
exit 1

ForEach($ROM in $ROMS){

$ROMExtension = $ROM.Extension
$ROMPath = $ROM.FullName
$ROMName = ($ROM.BaseName).replace(".","")

If($ROMExtension -eq ".zip"){

$ROMZip = Get-ZipFile $ROMPath

$ROMPath = "$ROMPath#$ROMZip"

$LPLEntry = @"

$LPLEntry | Out-File -FilePath $LPLPath -Append -Encoding ascii

Write-Output "`nGenerated playlist file $LPLPath"

Catch {

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