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Sedimentary Geology, 79 (1992) 3—57 3

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Carbonate ramp depositional systems

T.P. Burchette a and V.P. Wright b

a BP Exploration, 4/5 Long Walk, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB1I 1BP, UK
b Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology, The University, P.O. Box 227, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AB, UK

(Received January23, 1992; revised version accepted April 7, 1992)


Burchette, T,P. and Wright, V.P., 1992. Carbonate ramp depositional systems. In: B.W. Seliwood (Editor), Ramps and
Reefs. Sediment. Geol., 79: 3—57.

The classification, tectonic settings, stratigraphy and early diagenesis of carbonate ramp systems are reviewed. Carbonate
ramps are common in all geological periods, but were dominant at times when reef-constructing organisms were absent or
inhibited. Ramps can be subdivided into inner-, mid-, and outer-ramp environments. The mid-ramp zone extends from
fair-weather wave base to normal storm wave base, although the water depths which these boundaries represent vary. An
additional outer-slope environment occurs on distally steepened ramps. As with siliciclastic shelves, a range of wave-, storm-,
and tide-dominated ramps can be recognised and this forms the most convenient basis for ramp classification. The carbonate
productivity profile of ramps differs from that of rimmed shelves, with the inner ramp showing lower production rates than
comparable shallow-water facies on rimmed shelves. The zone of greatest organic carbonate sediment production appears to
have shifted from the mid-ramp to the inner ramp since the Late Jurassic.
Carbonate ramps occur in most types of sedimentary basin but are best developed where subsidence is flexural and
gradients are slight over large areas, as in foreland and cratonic-interior basins and along passive margins. The featureless
depositional profiles of many ramps means that sequence geometries are best observed on regional seismic lines. Some show
low-angle sigmoidal or shingled clinoforms, suggesting that ramps may seldom be “homoclinal”, but possess subtle slope
geometries which reflect depositional environments. Because of their low-angle slopes, ramps respond differently to rimmed
shelves during relative sea-level changes although results seem to be strongly dependent on the rate of relative sea-level
change. During a minor fall, shallow-ramp facies belts will simply shift basinwards in a “forced regression”. In contrast, the
whole surface of a steep-sloped, flat-topped rimmed shelf may be exposed so that sediment production ceases or is
drastically reduced. During a major fall, shallow ramp-bounded basins may empty completely. Conversely, ramps also flood
gradually, whereas rimmed shelves do so more rapidly. Homoclinal ramps develop no resedimented lowstand deposits;
rimmed shelves and distally steepened ramps, in contrast, may develop lowstand talus or turbiditic wedges. Distally
steepened ramps may behave more like homoclinal ramps during minor base-level falls and like rimmed shelves during
major base-level falls.
Many ramps consist of layered successions of several ramp sequences stacked one upon the other. Ramp “stacks” of this
sort may show gross vertical accretion, but individual ramp sequences seldom appear to develop in a “keep-up” style, apart
from minor organic buildups, as with many rimmed shelves. Steepening of the outer-ramp margin due to tectonism, slope
inheritance, or differential sedimentation may promote the development of a distally steepened ramp or rimmed shelf.
A wide variety of organisms have constructed buildups in mid- and outer-ramp environments. Isolated buildups may seed
early in ramp development, accrete to wave base or sea level, and continue growth by stacking through successive ramp
sequences so that depositional and diagenetic features within them are in concert with those of the shallow ramp. The
location of isolated buildups on ramps is governed by tectonism, halokinesis, antecedent topography, or by the subtle slope
geometry of the previous ramp sequence. Diagenesis on ramps shows some major variations compared with diagenesis on
steep-sloped, flat-topped carbonate platforms.

Correspondence to: T.P. Burchette, BP Research (140/105),

Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7LN,

Ramp-bounded basins may form prolific petroleum sourcing and reservoiring systems and offer a range of subtle
stratigraphic play types and lateral facies variations which determine reservoir quality and distribution. Isolated buildups in
the mid- and outer-ramp environments represent one of the commonest petroleum reservoirs in ramp systems and tend to
have their foundations in transgressive systems tracts. Grainstone and packstone reservoirs are widespread and range from
shoreline carbonate sandbodies to major detached shoal complexes or shoals over offshore highs. Grainstone sandbodies
occur in both highstand systems tracts and in prograding lowstand wedges.

Introduction nized (Read, 1982a, 1985). Ramp deposits form

the foundation phases for many large-scale car-
The original concept of the carbonate ramp bonate platforms and in some settings occur as
(Ahr, 1973), as an alternative to the steep-sloped, major basin fills. They also host significant
reef-rimmed shelf (Table 1), was of a simple petroleum and mineral deposits. Despite their
carbonate depositional system with a low-gradi- abundance and undoubted economic importance,
ent slope (<1°) from shoreline to basin. Many however, carbonate ramps have been the subject
ramp-like carbonate platform have since been of surprisingly little focussed study and are still
identified in all parts of the geological record and poorly understood.
the continuity in morphology between ramps and In this paper we review the major characteris-
other carbonate platform types has been recog- tics of carbonate ramp depositional systems and,

Glossary of main terms as used in this paper a

Term Definition

Carbonate platform An informal term used for all major shallow-water carbonate successions, including ramps, rimmed shelves,
and isolated buildups, particularly where these cannot immediately be assigned to one, or a single one, of
these categories.
Carbonate shelf A carbonate depositional system which develops perceptible constructional relief above the sea floor (tens to
thousands of metres). The transition from shallow water to basin is marked by a distinct break in slope and
occurs over a relatively short distance (metres to a few kilometres). Slope angles vary from a degree or so to
almost vertical.
Carbonate ramp A gentle slope in a carbonate depositional system which extends from the shoreline, or a platform surface, to
the adjacent basin. The angle of slope is commonly much less than 1°(although there may be steeper dips
locally) and may be inherited or constructed.
Buildup A constructional mound consisting of organic skeletal framework and/or bound sediment, commonly further
indurated by inorganically precipitated cement. May develop in a wide range of sizes from metres to
kilometres across, and metres to hundreds of metres high.
Ramp stack Informal term assigned to a vertically layered carbonate succession consisting of stacked ramp sequences.
Ramp slope crest Subtle slope change in a carbonate ramp profile recognizable on some regional seismic lines, and exceptional
outcrops. May coincide in some ramps with fair-weather wave base.
Inner ramp Zone of ramp deposition between upper shoreface (beach or lagoonal shoreline) and fair-weather wave base.
The sea floor in this zone experiences almost constant wave agitation.
Mid-ramp Zone of ramp deposition between fair-weather wave base and storm-wave base, in which bottom sediment is
frequently reworked by storm waves and swells.
Outer ramp Zone of ramp deposition below normal storm-wave base, characterized by mudstone deposition and few
storm beds.

a For more detailed definitions see Ahr (1973) and Read (1980).

using ancient and Holocene examples, discuss terized by its very gentle slope of 0.1°”(Bates and
likely controls on their development, their tee- Jackson, 1987). The importance of such ramp
tonic settings, sequence stratigraphy, and hydro- profiles in siliciclastic regimes has recently been
carbon significance. We also suggest a classifica- appreciated (Van Wagoner et al., 1990).
tion for these enigmatic carbonate systems and Read (1982a, 1985) divided carbonate ramps
address in particular the problem of why ramps into two groups, homoclinal (Greek: “same
appear to be more abundant in some parts of the slope”, i.e. with the same gradient from shoreline
geological record than in others. to deeper water) and distally steepened, with an
offshore slope break between the shallow ramp
and the basin. A distally steepened ramp, there-
Ramps versus shelves: a semantic problem fore, has a similar configuration to many silici-
elastic shelves and, in hindsight, a more logical
In the 1960s and early 1970s a range of car- distinction might have been between flat-topped
bonate depositional models were developed based (aggradational) carbonate shelves, “sloping” car-
largely on modern analogues from the Bahamas, bonate shelves (both categories with a slope-
the Florida Shelf, and Yucatan (see Bathurst, break), and ramps (i.e. homoclinal variety). This
1975; Wilson, 1975). These focussed on “barrier” would entail two practical problems, however.
reef or shoal-rimmed carbonate systems, the inte- Firstly, ramps and distally steepened ramps have
riors of which consisted of shallow-water, low-en- more in common with each other sedimentologi-
ergy “lagoonal” and peritidal deposits formed on cally than with flat-topped shelves. Secondly, the
extensive aggrading, flat platform tops. In the two are difficult to distinguish in the rock record
simplest models the rim bordered a steep slope unless the presence or absence of slope or slope
which dropped away to a deep basin into which apron deposits can be demonstrated. This distinc-
shallow-water carbonates were resedimented. The tion would be additionally hindered where the
geological record contains many successions de- shelf-break zone, commonly a tectonic feature,
posited in analogous settings (see e.g. Wilson, had been deformed by later tectonism.
Ahr (1973) noted that the “rimmed shelf” Ramp classification
models bore little relevance to the interpretation
of many carbonate successions and that a differ-
ent model was necessary, in particular for many Environmental subdivisions
ancient “epeiric” carbonate depositional environ-
ments (Shaw, 1964; Irwin, 1965; Laporte, 1969). Several schemes have been offered for the
The term ramp was adopted to describe a gently subdivision of carbonate ramp profiles, using var-
sloping depositional surface (generally < 1°) ious water-depth criteria. Markello and Read
which passes gradually offshore, with no slope (1981), for example, subdivided a Cambrian ramp
break, from a shallow, wave-agitated setting into in Virginia into three zones: peritidal platform,
a deeper-water, lower-energy environment. Shoal surrounding the basin; shallow ramp, above fair-
deposits in this model occur close to the shoreline weather wave base (FFWB); and deep ramp, be-
and not at some potentially considerable distance low FWWB, which passed into a “shale” basin.
from the shoreline as in many rimmed shelves; In the Triassic Upper Muschelkalk of Germany,
the Arabian Gulf (Purser, 1973) appeared to rep- Aigner (1984) recognised a deep ramp environ-
resent a modern environment which conformed melt with storm deposits, a wave-influenced shal-
to the ramp ideal, In some respects this ramp low ramp, and a back-bank lagoonal-peritidal
model is also analogous to the familiar continen- zone. For lower-energy Upper Muschelkalk ramps
tal “shelf” which is defined as “that part of the of the Catalan Basin, Spain, Calvet and Tucker
continental margin that is between the shoreline (1988) defined a shallow ramp zone above
and the continental slope [or 200 ml... charac- FWWB, and a deep ramp below, within which

they recognized three further subdivisions: proxi- criteria for the classification of siliciclastic
mal deep ramp mainly above storm wave base “shelves”, and because ramps are morphologi-
(SWB), intermediate deep ramp between SWB cally and hydrodynamically similar to siliciclastic
and a poorly oxygenated zone, and distal deep shelves, it seems appropriate to subdivide them in
ramp below the suboxic zone. Buxton and Pedley a similar way. On this basis, and following previ-
(1989), on Tertiary ramps in the eastern Mediter- ous use (Wright, 1986; Burchette et al., 1990), we
ranean, recognized inner- and outer-ramp zones, suggest four subdivisions which should be appli-
the former within the photic zone and above cable to most ramp successions (Fig. 1 and Table
SWB, and the latter below this level (see also 1):
Somerville and Strogen, 1992). Inner ramp. This is the zone above FWWB
Most of these classifications recognize two crit- dominated by sand shoals or organic barriers and
ical interfaces: fair weather wave base and storm shoreface deposits, and back-barrier peritidal ar-
wave base. The actual depth of water in which eas.
these boundaries occur in marine environments Mid-ramp. This is the zone between FWWB
varies in relation to local hydrodynamic/climatic and SWB where the sea floor is affected by storm
conditions, and with time, but the process do- waves but not by fair-weather waves. Sediments
mains that they define leave readily identifiable show evidence of frequent storm reworking. A
sedimentary features in the rock record. In Se- variety of storm-related features typically occur,
quences deposited in protected settings (e.g. in- including graded beds and hummocky cross-
trashelf basins) or tidally dominated settings, or stratification. Proximal—distal trends can corn-
where bioturbation is pervasive (e.g. Pedley, monly be recognized in ancient mid-ramp de-
1992), location of these depth/energy-related posits (Aigner, 1984; Burchette, 1987; Faulkner,
lithofacies may be more problematic although 1988).
they generally are identifiable. Because many an- Outer ramp. This zone extends from the
cient ramps appear to have been storm- depth-limit to which most storms influence the
dominated, these interfaces represent perhaps the sea floor down to the basin plain. Sediments
most widely recognisable “yardsticks” in ramp show little evidence for direct storm reworking
successions. Since they also represent the main but a variety of storm-related deposits, such as

Fig. 1. The main environmental subdivisions of a “homoclinal” carbonate ramp. MSL = mean sea level; FWWB = fair-weather
wave base; SWB = storm wave base; PC = pycnocline (not always identifiable in the rock record). Water depths corresponding to
these boundaries are variable.

sparse, graded, distal tempestites, may occur in water ramp environments. In distally steepened
the upper part (e.g. Aigner, 1984; Calvet and ramps, the slope break is commonly located in a
Tucker, 1988). In deeper zones restricted bottom position around the mid- or outer ramp and so
conditions may develop, perhaps in association these depositional zones should also be present.
with suboxic basinal waters due to density stratifi- The slope-break in this case should be recogniz-
cation in the basin, able in the rock record by evidence for slumping
Basin. The identification of truly “basinal” de- and slope apron construction; the outer-slope en-
posits is a persistent problem. The character of vironment would clearly form an appropriate ad-
the deposits will, of course, depend on the nature ditional subdivision.
and depth of the basin itself, but generally they
lack coarse “tempestites”. Turbidites are mostly Classification
absent in basins adjacent to ramps. In deep,
rapidly subsiding basins, sediments may be Read (1985) recognized six major ramp types
siliceous, while in shallow basins they may consist based on the character of the highest-energy fa-
of bioturbated lime mudstones. In restricted cies: these were ramps with fringing skeletal
basins, the outer-ramp and basin-centre deposits “banks”, barrier—bank complexes, shallow and
may consist of cyclic organic rich facies (Droste, deeper water buildups, fringing ooid shoals,
1990) or may be pervasively bioturbated and mis- ooid—peloid shoal barriers, and coastal
takable for lagoonal facies. beach/dune complexes. This classification ad-
These simple facies subdivisions may be com- dressed at least one critical factor which has the
plicated by biological accumulations (e.g. mud- potential to influence the relatively simple hy-
and reef-mounds) in the deeper- or shallower- draulic controls on carbonate ramp environments

Fig. 2. Ternary diagram showing suggested classification for carbonate ramps based on the degree of storm, wave, or tidal influence
which they exhibit in the mid- and inner-ramp zones. An additional axis accommodates the various lithologies which dominate
ramp sediments and seem to reflect the level of environmental energy (see arrow). Several representative ramps have been entered.
See text for source references on the characteristics of individual ramps.

when compared with their siliciclastic counter- Mississippian inner-ramp deposits in southwest
parts: organic sediment production. Organisms Britain. A simple term such as “barrier bank” or
create high rates of local sediment supply for “fringing ooid shoal” (Read, 1985) may, there-
redistribution as sandbodies, form energy barn- fore, be applicable to a local shoaling succession,
ers, and have changed significantly through time, but may not define the ramp as a depositional
both in their role as sediment producers and in system. How, then, should ramps in successions
the location and character of the buildups which of this sort be classified? Our studies lead us
they create. again to favour a process-related approach based
Many thick carbonate ramp successions actu- on the classification already established for silici-
ally represent “stacks” (or “sets”) consisting of elastic shelves, with the addition of a third dimen-
several ramp sequences or parasequences and sion to account for the varied sediment types
hydraulic and biological conditions can commonly which may be dominant in carbonate ramps (Fig.
he shown to have changed during the period of 2).
ramp development. One major ramp succession Modern siliciclastic shorelines can be classified
may therefore contain a number of depositional as wave-, storm-, or tide-dominated or mixed
systems of the sort outlined by Read (1982a), with wave—tide regimes (Hayes, 1979; McRory and
additional lateral transitions from one to the other Walker, 1986), the differences being controlled
along its length and at different times within the largely by tidal range and its interaction with
ramp stack; the Trucial Coast of the Arabian wind and wave energy. The appropriateness of
Gulf, with its varied shoreline styles, is a modern this classification for carbonate inner-ramp set-
example which shows this lateral facies variability tings has recently been discussed (Burchette et
(Purser and Evans, 1973). In another example, al., 1990). Modern siliciclastic shelves are classi-
Burchette et al. (1990) documented fluctuating fied as wave, storm, tide, or ocean-current domi-
wave and storm influences on a series of Early nated (Johnson and Baldwin, 1986). Most are

Fig. 3. “Homoclinal” carbonate ramp showing main sedimentary facies. Inner ramp: (A) peritidal and sabkha facies with
stromatolitic algae and evaporites; (B) bioturbated and variably bedded lagoonal lime mudstone, packstone, and wackestone; (C)
shoreface or shoal cross-laminated oolitic or bioclastic grainstones and packstones. Mid-ramp: (D) amalgamated coarse, graded
tempestites, commonly with hummocky cross-stratification. Outer ramp: (E) fine-grained, graded tempestites interbedded with
bioturbated or laminated lime or terrigenous mudstone; (F) laminated or sparsely rippled silt-grade carbonate sediment or quartz
silt in a predominantly terrigenous mudstone succession. All these boundaries are gradational.

storm-dominated and have relatively low tidal storm reworking in the mid-ramp environment
influence. This also appears to have been true of since limits on wave fetch or height have pre-
many carbonate ramp sequences in the geological vented significant storm reworking. Such systems
record (e.g. Aigner, 1984; Handford, 1986; Calvet are best regarded as protected ramps.
and Tucker, 1988; Faulkner, 1988; Fig. 2) and Records of tidally dominated ramps are rare.
may in part reflect the relatively high frequency In tidal regimes, sand waves, ribbons and sheets
of storm events in the tropical and subtropical may develop, depending on tidal current strengths
latitudes in which most major carbonate plat- and the rate of sediment supply. The Middle
forms accumulate. In the mid-ramp, successions Jurassic oolite-dominated ramps of southern Eng-
of this sort (Figs. 3 and 4) exhibit varied storm-re- land (Sellwood et al., 1985; Sellwood, 1986) and
lated deposits such as tempestites, hummocky the Paris Basin (Purser, 1975; Laville et al., 1989)
cross-stratification, and swaley cross-stratification probably represent such systems, and are charac-
(e.g. Aigner, 1985; Handford, 1986; Faulkner, tenized by decametre-scale tabular, cross-bedded
1988), and in the inner-ramp linear sand ridges sandbodies, representing shallow tidal sand waves
(e.g. Johnson and Baldwin, 1986). The Yucatan and deltas. However, contemporaneous inner-
Shelf (Ward and Brady, 1973, 1979) represents a ramp deposits do not appear to be stronglys tidal
modern example where carbonate sandbodies of (Palmer, 1979; Purser, 1975), suggesting a corn-
the latter type occur, but ancient carbonate ana- plex overall hydraulic regime. Another possible
logues of mid-ramp storm-generated sand ridges example of a tidally dominated inner ramp is the
are rare or have possibly been misinterpreted. Monteagle Limestone in the Black Warrior Basin
Ramp sequences associated with intrashelf basins of Alabama (Handford, 1978). A modern example
commonly show little evidence for significant is the unnimmed northwestern margin of Aus-

Fig. 4. Highly schematic vertical sections through several end-member ramp depositional Systems, showing variation of facies within
inner-, mid-, and outer-ramp depositional environments and how these are related to fair-weather wave base (FWWB) and storm
wave base (SWB). (A) Proterozoic stromatolite-dominated ramp, showing variations in stromatolite morphology with depth. Based
on Grotzinger (1989). (B) Skeletal boundstone-dominated ramp, typical of early Palaeozoic and later Mesozoic successions. Based
on Burchette (1981) and Burchette and Britton (1985). (C) Grainstone-dominated ramp, typical of early Carboniferous and
Jurassic, and some modern ramps. Based on Ahr (1973), Baria et a!. (1982), and Burchette et. a!. (1989). (D) Large-foraminiferan
shoal-dominated ramp, characteristic of those in the Paleogene and Early Neogene. Based on Aigner (1983). Profiles are valid for
several scales of sequence.

tralia (Dix, 1989). The marginal successions of ing the shallow water depths and large substrate
tidally dominated inner ramps should display areas.
prominent peritidal intervals with tidal channels. Mid-ramp deposits (Fig. 3D) consist of van-
Again, successions of this type are either uncom- able carbonate sediments deposited below fair-
mon in the geological record or have been consis- weather wave base and reflect varying degrees of
tently misinterpreted, storm influence depending on the water depth
Some ramp successions do not easily fit into and the depth of wave base. Fairweather phases
the above attempts at classification, either be- are dominated by suspension fall-out, consisting
cause of unusual hydraulic conditions or possibly largely of lime or terrigenous mud, and are com-
because of intrinsic differences between siliciclas- monly bioturbated. Associated grainstone or
tic and carbonate systems. Fairchild (1989) and packstone sediments consist largely of au-
Fairchild and Hetherington (1989), for example, tochthonous bioclasts and typically show hum-
have described an unusual low-wave energy, mi- mocky cross-stratification or form graded tern-
crotidal, storm-dominated ramp from the Ven- pestite “couplets”. Such successions have been
dian of Greenland and Scotland. This regime described in detail by Aigner (1984) and Faulkner
generated a succession lacking near-shore shoal (1988).
belts, so that low-energy, storm-influenced mid- The origin of carbonate muds in mid-ramp
ramp deposits passed landward into inner-ramp environments (Fig. 3D) remains enigmatic and
stromatolitic and evaporitic lagoons and playas has been little studied. Although largely of mud-
via a zone of storm reworked sediments corn- grade, the volume of carbonate sediment in the
posed of intraclast-rich dolomites. mid-ramp zone of many ancient ramp successions
exceeds that in the inner ramp. This situation is
the reverse of that seen in most other carbonate
Ramp facies depositional systems, where higher rates of car-
bonate production in shallow water ensure that
Ramp facies reflect the protracted offshore these environments have the greatest accretion
energy gradients which are a consequence of potential. This may reflect the generation of rela-
gradual water-depth changes (Fig. 3). Inner-ramp tively larger volumes of muddy carbonate sedi-
deposits typically consist of oolitic or bioclastic ment in the offshore environment of ramps com-
shoal, barrier, and back-barrier sediments (Figs. pared with the inshore zone. The roles of long-
3A—3C). Shoal deposits commonly form sheet-like shore currents in transporting material laterally
grainstone units, reflecting the tendency of high- from one area to another in the offshore zones of
stand ramp shoreface sediments to migrate or carbonate ramps, or of storm-generated currents
prograde rapidly. Lagoonal sediments comprise a in transporting material from the shoreline to the
range of mud-, wacke-, or packstone lithologies, mid- or outer-ramp, as on siliciclastic shelves, are
commonly with a restricted biota, while peritidal also largely unevaluated, but are potentially of
sediments are commonly microbially laminated major importance. Detailed studies of sediment
and in arid climates may become evaporitic. In- composition in the mid- and outer-zones of an-
ner-ramp deposits of modern ramp settings differ cient carbonate ramps are clearly required in
from those found in modern flat-topped “keep- order to determine the significance of these dif-
up” shelves in that they are typically restricted to ferent sediment transport paths. Such work could
narrow lagoons. This may be largely a question of be compared with studies of comparable modern
scale and timing, however, since modern ramps carbonate and siliciclastic settings.
are actually poor analogues for many ancient, The outer ramp is a zone where deposition of
long-lived ramp systems, many of which seem to argillaceous carbonate and terrigenous mud from
have developed into flat-topped, cyclic deposi- suspension dominates (Fig. 3E). Only the most
tional systems. Organic buildups in inner-ramp severe storms affect the sea floor and so evidence
environments tend to be biostromal, again reflect- for wave reworking is sparse. However, thin lami-

nated and rippled beds of carbonate or siliciclas-

tic silt or very fine-grained sand in offshore ramp
sediments may be the expression of storm re-
working (see e.g. Calvet et al., 1990).
The mostly hemipelagic sediment composition
in outer-ramp settings, particularly during rela-
tive sea-level highstands, means that in distally
steepened ramps, slope deposits consist largely of
mud- or wackestone-textured offshore sediments.
They differ from slope aprons or base-of-slope
aprons adjacent to shallow-water platform mar-
gins which are composed largely of shallow-water
materials (cf. Pedley, 1992). Aprons at the slope
toes of distally steepened ramps thus probably
represent less attractive play types for petroleum
exploration than the slope aprons of many rimmed
shelves, unless significant quantities of shallow-
water material are generated at the slope break
during relative sea-level lowstands. The “di- Fig. 5. Bar chart showing the major ramp-dominated periods
agenetic potential” of such deposits, lacking a compared with the time-distribution of reefs (after Heckel,
significant aragonitic component and less readily 1974; James, 1984) and other rimmed shelves. Note that
subjected to meteoric water, is also lower than in ramps are the dominant platform types following major or-
shelf aprons ganic extinctions (crosses). Extinctions were clearly a factor in
determining the relative importance of ramp depositional
systems, although other possible causes (see text) should not
Organic influence on ramps be overlooked.

Impact offramebuilders on ramps

Although carbonate ramps are common in all Mississippian and Jurassic probably reflect low
geological periods, there have been times during rates of biological carbonate production in shal-
the Phanerozoic when they constituted the most lower-water environments at these times (Wright
prominent carbonate platform type (Fig. 5). This and Faulkner, 1990). Both correspond to periods
temporal alternation between ramps and other when shallow-water framework reefs were glob-
platform types, particularly framework reefs, is ally absent or scarce. The appearance in the later
poorly understood. One possibility is that major Mississippian, for example, of more effective reef
extinctions, oceanographic (e.g. upwelling, eu- constructors saw a widespread transition in plat-
trophication), or climatic factors may have been form style to rimmed shelf morphologies (Ahr,
responsible for the exclusion of frame-building 1989) (Fig. 5). The same phenomenon also ap-
organisms from shallow water environments and pears to have occurred again in the Jurassic. In
may have favoured the massive oolite production modern environments a similar effect is achieved
which characterise the ramp-dominated time in- in areas of environmental restriction and this may
tervals. The resulting decrease in biological car- be the basis for the antithetic relationship which
bonate productivity in such settings, and the exists between ooid generation and biological
change in production profile from shoreline to productivity in Holocene settings (Lkyd et al.,
basin, would have (temporarily) eliminated the 1987; Shinn et al., 1990). The Trucial Coast of the
ability of carbonate platforms to develop shelf Arabian Gulf, and Shark Bay in Western Aus-
morphologies and favoured ramp development. tralia, constitute case-examples where, because of
The widespread oolite-dominated ramps of the high ambient salinity, corals and other typical
Fig. 6. Plot of predominant organism distribution versus time showing how the role and location of organic sediment producers on
ramps has changed. Note how the main sediment producers appear to have migrated from mid- to inner-ramp niches since the Late
Jurassic. This coincides with the rise of the calcareous pelagic foraminifera, although it is unclear whether a causal relationship can
have existed. Bottom inset shows ramp subenvironments defined in this paper. Bar widths provide a qualitative guide to the relative
sedimentary importance of each group of organisms. Data derived from numerous sources.

Late Cenozoic carbonate producers are excluded dramatic effect on ramp sediment production
or are less prolific than at the margins of open profiles, possibly leading to local rates of carbon-
marine platforms such as the Bahamas or the ate production as high as those of coral—algal
Florida Shelf, allowing the maintenance of ramp reefs (Davies, 1970; Read, 1974; Belperio et al.,
profiles. On the other hand, the southern coast of 1988). They do not appear to have had counter-
Australia is a high-energy, distally steepened ramp parts on ancient ramps. Crinoids, stromato-
which, because of an essentially temperate cli- poroids, and bryozoans, on the other hand, were
mate, also lacks the key prolific inshore carbon- major sediment producers in mid-ramp environ-
ate sediment producers although sea-grass banks ments during the mid- and late Palaeozoic, but
are important locally in inshore areas (James and have no modern counterparts which are as effec-
Bone, 1991). tive sediment producers in these zones (Fig. 6).
The above hypothesis is without doubt too The evolution of calcareous pelagic foraminifera
simplistic. The answer may lie in the productivity in the Cretaceous may also have had wide-re-
of ramp systems as a whole. If shallow-water aching implications for the development of ramps
ramps had similar productivity profiles to other facing oceanic basins in that sedimentation rates
platform types, they would presumably also show in post-Cretaceous outer-ramp environments may
marked potential to aggrade rapidly into shelves have been significantly elevated in comparison
even in the absence of a reefal rim. The fact that with their pre-Cretaceous counterparts.
many persisted as ramps may in some cases re-
flect overriding tectonic or eustatic controls (see Organisms contributing to buildups on ramps
later section), but would mostly seem to support
the view that the rate of carbonate sediment A wide range of organisms have constructed
production on many ramps is lower and more biological buildups in ramp settings throughout
evenly distributed than in systems in which the Phanerozoic (Fig. 6). Stromatolites were im-
framebuilding organisms produce most of the portant mound builders in inner-, mid-, and
sediment. The proportionately higher productiv- outer-ramp settings of ramps in the Precambrian
ity of the mid-ramp setting would also favour and early Palaeozoic (Cecile and Campbell, 1978;
maintenance of the shallow ramp profile, while Markello and Read, 1981; Ricketts, 1983;
the whole ramp system progrades, although the Moshier, 1986; Wright et al., 1990). Grotzinger
ability of the system to accrete vertically would be (1989) has reviewed mound occurrence in the
reduced. The latter point has been demonstrated Precambrian when stromatolites developed both
using two-dimensional computer simulations in inner-ramp settings, as fringing biostromes,
(Elrick and Read, 1991; Read et al., 1991). These and as isolated buildups in mid-ramp locations or
show that models in which sediment production even as conical pinnacle reefs of 50 m relief in
(or accumulation) is uniform across the ramp outer-ramp environments. In the Cambrian and
produce more “homoclinal” geometries, while Ordovician, biological buildups were prominent
those which use higher rates of sediment produc- features in both shallow and deeper ramp settings
tion in the inner ramp produce steeper ramp (Read, 1982b). In both, crinoids, bryozoa and
slopes or rimmed shelves and a flat-topped plat- unidentified lime mud generators were impor-
form morphology. tant. The micrite-dominated core facies of these
From the Late Jurassic onwards, there has buildups resemble those of Mississippian
been an interesting shift in the locations pre- Waulsortian facies.
ferred by bioclastic carbonate sediment producers Silurian ramps contain reef mounds formed by
on ramps from mid- to more inner-ramp settings corals and stromatoporoids (e.g. Heckel, 1974;
(Fig. 6). Sea-grass banks, for example, have been Wilson, 1975) and in the Devonian, outer-ramp
important features and sources of sediment in buildups were dominated by stromatoporoids and
inner-ramp environments only since the late in some areas are up to several kilometres across
Palaeogene and Neogene and must have had a (e.g. Sears and Lucia, 1979). Ramp mounds in the
Mississippian are mostly distinctive, deeper-water 1985). Framework reefs are virtually unknown
Waulsortian mudmounds (Lees and Miller, 1985; from this time (James, 1984), although current
George and Ahr, 1986; King, 1990) which devel- and wave-formed crinoid banks were prominent
oped in a range of water depths (Lees and Miller, in mid- to outer-ramp settings (Wright and

Faulkner, 1990). Pennsylvanian and Early Per- ceous a variety of rudist buildups are associated
mian ramp mounds were dominated by phylloid with ramps (e.g. Sunniland, Edwards, and Devils
algae and Problematica such as Tubiphytes, while River Formations) at the margins of intrashelf
later Permian mounds were constructed largely basins. In higher-energy, wave-swept inner-ramp
by stromatolites (e.g. Heckel, 1974; Wilson, 1975). settings the communities comprised capninids and
Triassic ramps were marked by the occurrence of radiolitids, while requienids were dominant in
outer-ramp mudmounds and mid-ramp cninoid lagoonal biostromes. Larger benthic foraminifera,
banks (e.g. Aigner, 1984; Calvet et al., 1990). orbitolinids, alveolinids and nummulites, were
Reid (1987) has described microbial-coral mounds important contributors to buildups throughout the
from the Triassic of Canada. late Cretaceous and early Tertiary, especially in
Deeper-water buildups were widespread on inner- and mid-ramp settings (e.g. Aigner, 1983).
Upper Jurassic ramps in several areas. Minor Buxton and Pedley (1989) have discussed the
coral-stromatoporoid or thrombolitic bioherms distribution of foraminifera, corals, and algae in
occur on low-energy ramps of the eastern North the Tertiary of the Tethyan and Mediterranean
Atlantic margins and developed in water depths realms, noting displacement down-ramp of some
of possibly several hundred metres (Jansa et al., forms during the Tertiary by new genera in shal-
1989; Ellis et al., 1990). Similar coral-microbial lower-water niches.
mounds occur on an Upper Jurassic ramp in Outer- and mid-ramp buildups appear to be
southern England (Sun and Wright, 1989). Stro- more widespread in cratonic-intenior basins than
matolite-sponge and coral buildups occur widely in other settings and are commonly developped
in the Maim of southern Germany (Barthel, 1969; as swarms of hundreds of small mounds each a
Meyer and Schmidt-Kaler, 1983) and have also few hundred metres to several kiiometres across.
been described from the Upper Jurassic Smack- They also occur in intrashelf basins and in some
over ramp of the US Gulf Coast (Baria et al., passive margin and foreland basin settings, a!-
1982; Harris and Crevello, 1983). The latter de- though in these latter locations they commonly
veloped on basement or salt-controlled highs bas- have a tectonic or halokinetic foundation.
inward of inner-ramp oolite shoals. Buildups are rarer on ramps in extensional set-
During the Cretaceous both rudist bivalves tings (e.g. Gerard and Buhrig, 1990), on small
and larger benthic foraminifera were important ramps, or in hypersaline intrashelf basins. The
components in mid- and inner-ramp buildups reasons for this distribution are probably as var-
(Scott, 1990; Fig. 6). In the Gulf Coast mid-Creta- ied as the settings in which they occur, but it

Fig. 7. Schematic cross-sections through various styles of sedimentary basin showing the locations and character of associated
carbonate ramps. The inner ramp only is shaded in each example. (A) Extensional basin: I = ramps developed on the shallow dip
slopes (“rollovers”) of fault block; 2 = small rimmed shelf developed along steep footwall escarpment of fault block; 3 = ramp
progradation limited by synsedimentary antithetic fault in dip slope; 4, 5 = buried sediment fans generated through erosion of, and
sediment production on, the footwall escarpment. (B) Passive margin: 1, 2 = ramps developed as prograding wedges in older
post-rift sequences; 3 = ramp in younger post-rift sequences; 4 = remnant rift topography and halokinesis localise development of
isolated shoals/reefs in the mid- and outer ramp; 6 = ramp inherits distally steepened margin along the shelf slope break of
underlying carbonate shelf; 7 = base of slope apron developed at the base of escarpment. (C) Foreland and compressional back-arc
basins: I = stacked ramps seed on gentle slope at margin of depressed foreland and prograde into the basin. 2. Multiple
unconformities develop in the mid- and inner-ramp areas over the peripheral bulge. 3. Outer ramp and basin may show episodes of
sediment starvation coincident with major subsidence phases. 4. Siliciclastic wedge generated through erosion of thrust stack. D.
Intracratonic basin. 1. Low-gradient margin, generally with low rates of subsidence promote extensive ramp development;
2 = swarms of isolated buildups (“pinnacle reefs”) form in mid- and outer-ramp environments, commonly along clinoform edges;
3 = basinal deposits commonly bioturbated.

would seem that the lower the energy and the slight, and basinal water depths are relatively
gentler the depositional slope, the more likely shallow. Ramps therefore occur consistently in
isolated buildups are to develop and survive, tectonic regimes charactenised by gentle flexural
subsidence, such as orogenic forelands, the mar-
Tectonic setting gins of shallow intrasheif/intracratonic basins,
gentle cratonic downwarps, post-rift phases of
The low carbonate-sediment productivity of passive margins, and the dip slopes (hanging-wall
most ramps (Elrick and Read, 1991) means that, “rollovers”) of extensional fault blocks. Ramps
regardless of other factors, optimal situations for are known from all of the above settings and
ramp development are those in which subsidence models are outlined below (Fig. 7). Ramp devel-
is continuously or episodically slow, gradients are opment in these settings is reinforced where un-

Fig. 8. (A) Example of a ramp in an extensional basin which has prograded over infilled half-graben topography. This is only
possible where siliciclastic or carbonate basinal sediments reduce the amount of accommodation space available in the basin and
generate a suitably low-gradient substrate for carbonate ramp growth. (B) Subsequent reactivation of faults disrupts the ramp,
creating local steep scarps from which material is reworked into debris and turbiditic deposits. Footwall uplift locally exposes the
ramp carbonates to karstification. Disruption in this example was accompanied by renewed influx of siliciclastic sediment which
contributed to the extinction of the platform. Based on Mississippian examples in Ebdon et aL (1990).

favourable environmental conditions (e.g. high Antithetic faulting, or the development of sub-
rates of elastic input, hypersalinity, or a cool basins within dip slopes, may control the distance
climate) inhibit rapid carbonate production. In ramps can prograde or may contribute to distal
some of these regimes, subsidence. may be period- steepening of the shallow slopes (Fig. 7A).
ically high and this may be reflected in the short Most ramps associated with extensional set-
duration and small size of ramps, or a layered tings develop during quiescent phases or in the
character, comprising alternating prograding post-rift stage when subsidence becomes largely
progradational and drowning events (see e.g. flexural, high subsidence rates are restricted to
Ebdon et al., 1990). Large ramps on passive- the basin centre, and relief is reduced or infilled.
margins or in foreland or cratonic interior basins At this stage ramps may prograde from the rift
commonly form linear sediment prisms trending margin across buried extensional faults which, if
for hundreds of kilometres along the basin mar- reactivated, may influence deposition and diagen-
gin. esis (e.g. Ebdon et al., 1990) (Fig. 8). Where fault
trends remain active, areas of small or flexural
Extensional basins
displacement may be the sltes of ramp, rather
Subsidence rates in active extensional basins than rimmed shelf development, as in the Sil-
are high, with the development of marked topog- urian of North Greenland (Hurst and Surlyk,
raphy, which inhibits ramp development, but pro- 1984).
motes the growth of rimmed shelves and isolated Examples of ramps in extensional (Table 2)
buildups. Due to footwall uplift the rate of silici- settings are known from: the Cambrian of Sicily
elastic sediment input may be high, particularly in (Bechstädt and Boni, 1989); the Silurian of North
humid climates. Carbonate platforms of all types Greenland (Hurst and Surlyk, 1983, 1984); the
are thus restricted to drowned rifts with low Mississippian of the Bowland Basin (Gawthorpe,
elastic supply, arid settings where elastic input is 1986) and the Widmerpool Gulf (Ebdon et al.,
only periodic, or to intrabasinal highs isolated 1990) in northern England; the mid- to Late
from marginal elastic sediment input. Locally car- Permian of the Finnmark Shelf, northern Norway
bonates may be intercalated with shallow-marine (Gerard and Buhnig, 1990); the Early Tniassic
fan-delta sediments as in the Miocene of the Gulf (Anisian) of the Dolomites, Italy (Bosellini and
of Suez (e.g. Burchette, 1988). Marine rift basins Hsü, 1973); the Early Cretaceous of the Ver-
in arid climates also commonly become restricted cours, French Alps (Jacquin et a!., 1991); the
(cf. Tertiary of the Red Sea), a characteristic Late Cretaceous of the south-central Pyrenees
accentuated by their compartmentalization, so (Simo, 1986); the Palaeocene of the Sirte Basin,
that ramps in such settings may be dominated by Libya (Bebout and Pendexter, 1975); and the
hypersaline facies. Early Miocene of the Gulf of Suez (Burchette,
The availability of shallow-dipping substrate is 1988).
limited in extensional basins and this contributes Major strike-slip zones possess many of the
to the small sizes of ramps in such settings (Fig. characteristics of the settings discussed above.
7~t). Small ramps, a few kilometres or tens of Smaller strike-slip extensional basins are rarely
kilometres across, typically develop in transfer or more than 50 km across and have deep, narrow
fault tip-zones, where throws and gradients are geometries and normal fault-bounded margins.
minimal (Hurst, 1987), or on the dip slopes of They are characterized by high rates of subsi-
tilted fault blocks (Fig. 7A), and prograde into dence and are typically infilled by coarse silici-
the adjacent half-grabens (see e.g. Gawthorpe, elastic alluvial or submarine fans, lacustrine sedi-
1986; Simo, 1986; Burchette, 1988), while ele- ments, or evaponites (Reading, 1980; Allen and
vated footwalls facing the deepest portions of Allen, 1990). The high subsidence rates, high
half-grabens are occupied by small rimmed rates of elastic input, and small substrate areas
shelves (Burchette, 1988) or distally steepened make these regimes unfavourable for widespread
ramps (e.g. Chatellier, 1988; Jacquin et al., 1991). ramp development. A possible ancient example

A compendium of published information on selected carbonate ramp systems, including data on their geometry, development, and

Stratigraphic Location Age Duration Tectonic setting Width Length Thick-

name (m.y.) (km) (km) ness (m)

Wonoka Adelaide Late Proterozoic — Early post-rift — 100 H- 700
Formation Geosyncline,
S. Australia

Huqf Group E. Central Oman Infracambrian — Intrashelf basin — — 1500

due to extension
along passive

Shady Dolomite Virginia, U.S.A. Early Cambrian 15 Post-rift 800 1600 +

Nebida S.W. Sardinia L. Cambrian 10 (est.) ?Passive margin 40 (est.) 100 400

Whiterock W. Utah E.—M. — Passive margin 600 1000 60
Series Ordovician modified
by fault

Washington N. Greenland Silurian 20 (est.) Passive margin 150—200 200 + Several
Land 100

Henryhouse N.E. Anadarko Late Silurian — ?Post-rift (remnant 40—50 ?200 50

Formation Basin, of Oklahoma
Oklahoma aulacogen)

Heldergerg Central Appala- Late 8—10 Late-stage 100—300 300 + Max. 140
Group chians, Virginia— Silurian—Early foreland basin,
New York Devonian ramps on both
cratonic and
orogenic margins

Character Facies types Distinctive features Dominant Climate/ Source

accretion paleolatitude reference

Storm-dominated Lime silts, calcareous sand- Mixed siliciclastic/carbonate. ?Vertical Arid Haines, 1988
stones, stylonodular clayey ?Milankovitch cyclicity. Pervasive
lime siltstones. Intraclast hummocky cross-lamination.
conglomerates, glauconitic Condensed glauconitic deposits
limestones. Stromatolites. at each shoaling cycle base.

?Wave and tidally Laminated dolomite, Adjacent to major salt basin. — Arid Wright et al.,
influenced dolomitized grainstones, Local development of 1990
stromatolites, evaporites, stromatolite bioherms
bituminous dolomites, and biostromes.
intraclast breccias,

— Nodular lime wacke-, pack- Mud mounds in few-km Vertical Sub-arid Barnaby and
stones, stacked archaeo- wide zone between inner (ramp stack) Read, 1990;
cyathid mounds, cyclic red and outer ramp. Read, 1989
beds proximally, peritidal Evolves from ramp to
laminites rimmed shelf.
Ramp shows cyclic shoaling.

Highly tectonized Terrigenous mudstone, Archaeocyathid mounds Vertical ?Humid Bechstädt and
archaeocyathid mounds, locally isolated in terrigenous Boni, 1989
oolites mudstones.

Foundation for Calathic algal build- Massive siliciclastic ?Vertical Humid and Ross et al.,
major carbonate ups, calc. siltstones, co-sedimentation. storm 1989
buildup mud mounds, dominated

— Stromatoporoid biostromes, Lateral transition Vertical — Hurst and

oolitic grainstones, lime into rimmed and Surlyk, 1983,
mudstones, intraclast escarpment shelf. Location 1984
floatstones, terrigenous controlled by unfaulted flexure.

?Tidal Oolite, crinoid-bryozoan Dolomitized beneath uncon- Vertical ?Sub-humid Morgan, 1985
pack-, wacke-stones, formity. Possible tidal channels
calcareous mudstones mappable in oolite shoals from
subsurface thickness data.

Wave- and ?tide- Skeletal grainstones, coral- Ramps developed on both Lateral and ?Sub-humid Laporte, 1969;
dominated stromatoporoid mounds, eastern and western margins vertical Read, 1980;
bioclastic-peloidal wacke-, of foreland basin. Rates of pro- (stacked ramp) Dorobek and
pack-stones, peritidal lime gradation 35—50 m/1000 yr. Three Read, 1986
mudstones, calcareous transgressive/regressive
sandstones and shale, sequences.
siliceous mudstones

TABLE 2 (continued)

Stratigraphie Location Age Duration Tectonic setting Width Length Thick-

name (m.y.) (km) (km) ness (m)

Nisku West Canada Basin, Frasnian — Cratonie-interior 150 200 50—100
Formation Alberta basin basin

Grosmont W. Canada Basin, Late 2—3 (est.) Cratonie-interior 200 + 800 . 170
Formation Alberta Devonian (late basin at
Frasnian) passive margin

Caballero Sacramento Mnts., E. Mississippian 10 (est.) Extensional, with 100 + 40 + 30
Formation New Mexico ramps on dip
slopes of fault

Station Derbyshire, U.K. Late <10 Small intrashelf 10 20 (est.) 700

Quarry Mississippian basin (basin fill)
Beds (Brigantian) ea. 15 km wide

Lisburne Arctic Alaska Late 20 (est.) ?Passive margin. 150 1100 + 4—500
Group Mississippian
(Meremecian and
Chesterian Stages)

Exshaw/Banff West Canada Basin, Mid-Mississippian — Extensional 230 + 900 + 150—800

Formation Alberta (Tournasian) (?intracratonie)

Lower SW. Wales E. Mississippian 23 Back-are basin— 50 150 1000

Carboniferous (Tournaisian— foreland (max.)
Limestone Holkerian) basin

Lodgepole Williston Basin, Mississippian — Cratonic-interior 300 1000 + 500

Group western USA/ basin

Pitkin Limestone Ozark Mountains, Late Mississippian 8 (est.) Foreland basin 80—150 300 + 50 +
and northern Arkansas
Fayetteville Shale

Morgan Northern Utah and Mid-Pennsylvanian 8—15 Cratonie-interior 200

Formation Colorado basin

Character Facies types Distinctive features Dominant Climate/ Source

accretion paleolatitude reference

Muddy bound- Stromatoporoid pack-, Stacked ramps with buildups Vertical ?Sub-arid/ Watts, 1990
stone ramp. ?Lee- wacke-stones, shale, developed during drowning (ramp stack) arid
ward. Progrades downslope coral/strom. events
on seismic. buildups

?Leeward Calcareous mudstones, Pronounced shoaling cyclicity on Lateral and Arid. 20°N. Cutler, 1983
coral-stromatoporoid float- 10—25 m scale superimposed on 5 vertical (pro-
stones, Amphipora/peloidal longer term cycles. Each cycle gradational
packstones, laminated shows internal steepening from ramp stack)
mudstones, evaporites homoclinal to distally steepened
(Hondo Formation possibly ramp morphology. Progrades over
in small intrashelf basin) correlative Ireton shale basin fill.

— Argillaceous crinoid- — — — Smith, 1982;

bryozoan calcarenites, Ahr, 1989
crinoidal grainstones,
Waulsortian mounds

— Bioclastic wacke-, pack-, Basin fault controlled. Northern Vertical ?Sub-humid Gutteridge,
and grain-stones, margin homoclinal ramp, (ramp stack) 1989
resedimented carbonates, southern margin distally
dolomitized laminates, steepened (fault control). Basinal
nodular lime mudstones facies suboxic and cyclic.

— Spicule-pellet lime mud- Shoaling cycles representing Vertical Arid. ?30°N. Armstrong, 1974;
stones, crinoid-bryozoan shoreline progradation. Lower (ramp stack) Bird and Jordan,
wacke-, packstones, local part argillaceous. Exposure 1977; Lepain
fasciculate corals, oolites between cycles. et al., 1990

?Leeward. Bioclastic and oolitic Distally steepened in west Lateral Sub-arid/ Chatellier, 1988
Progrades on grainstones, pelloidal and (fault controlled). Most sub-humid
seismic. bioclastic wacke-, pack-, lithofacies argillaceous.
and mud-stones Adjacent to shale basin.

Windward Oolites, bioclastic Barrier islands and shoals Vertical Alternating Wright, 1986;
grainstones, lagoonal (ramp stack) arid/humid Burchette
lime mudstones, et al., 1990
offshore shales

?Wave Silty mudstone, laminated Shoaling beach depositional Vertical and Arid Wilson, 1975;
dominated peloidal mustone, oolitic and sequences in gross transgressive lateral Lindsayand
bioclastic pack-, grainstones regressive cycles terminating in (ramp stack) Kendall, 1985
basin-filling evaporites

Storm- Oolitic grainstones, bioclastic Adjacent to deep flysch basin. Lateral ?Sub-humid. Jehn and
dominated pack-, grainstones with HCS, Forms coarsening-upwards (ramp sheet). 5—15°N. Young, 1976;
grading and bioturbation sequence (progradational). Storm Overall slope Handford,
effects pervasive. Wave base data. angle 1986

Leeward w.r.t. Oolitic grain- and crinoidal Cyclic alternation of aeolian Vertical. Arid Driese and
trade winds? wacke-, pack-, and grain- sandstones and ramp carbonates. 5—7°N Dott, 1984
Storm- or diurnal stone. Evaporites. Aeolian No carbonate aeolianites.
wave-dominated, quartz sandstones.

TABLE 2 (continued)

Stratigraphic Location Age Duration Tectonic setting Width Length Thick-

name (my.) (km) (km) ness (m)

Un-named N. Platform, Midland L. Permian 16.5 Foreland basin 50 50 750
Basin, SE. (early Wolf- modified by
New Mexico campian) reactivation of
basement features

Un-named E. Finnmark, Early to — Late synrift/ 100 300 + up to

Barents late Permian early post-rift 200
Shelf, Norway

El Brull— Catalan Basin, E. Muschelkalk 2—3 each Extensional 10 + 1000 120
Capafona Spain (Anisian/ sequence
Units Ladinian)

Upper S. German Basin Mid-Triassic 1—2 (est.) Extensional 150 450 + 30 +

Musehelkalk (Anisian) (cratonic

Mem Martins Lusitania Basin, Kimmeridgian/ 3—4 (est.) Early post-rift 20 + 25 + 100 +
Formation Portugal Berriasian

Hanifa Southern Arabian L. Oxfordian/ 2 (est.) Intrashelf basin 100 — 30—40

Formation Gulf E. Kimmeridgian on passive

Smackover U.S. Gulf Coast U. Jurassic, — Early passive — — 300

Formation Oxfordian margin

Un-named Iberian Chain, Spain M.—U. Jurassic, 12 Extensional 200 140 + 220
Callovian— (max.)

Mishrif Southern Arabian Gulf Cenomanian— 7 Cratonic-interior 100 400 + 200
Formation earliest basin at (max.)
Turonian passive margin

Character Facies types Distinctive features Dominant Climate/ Source

accretion paleolatitude reference

Foundation for Dolomitized lime muds Stacked and distally Vertical Humid Mazzulo and
a major carbonate and packstones. Black steepened ramps. Thinly (ramp stack) Reid, 1989
buildup shales. Redbeds, karst. interbedded over shale basin

— Stromatolitic and hydrozoan Shallow-water carbonates back- Vertical Arid Gerard and
mounds, bioclastic/fusulinid step between E. and L. Permian. (ramp stack) Buhrig, 1990
wacke-, pack-, and grain- Numerous buildups up to 2 km
stones, evaporites in L. across, location controlled by
Permian faults. Karsted.

Two sequences Bioclastic and oolitic Organic/cement buildups (La Vertical, Arid/semi-arid, Calvet and
with cyclic facies grainstones, lime Riba reefs) seeded in TST some lateral low storm Tucker, 1988;
arrangement mudstones, downslope activity Calvet et at.,
buildups 1990

Storm-dominated Oolitic grainst., oncolite Graded grainstone sheets, marl Vertical Arid, hurri- Aigner, 1984
packst., bioclastic pack-, intercalations, shoaling (ramp stack) caine belt.
wackestone, marlstones sequences. Adjacent to shale 35—43°N.
basin and siliciclastic hinterland.

Overlies shale- Bedded bioclastic Resedimented breccias in Lateral ?Semi-arid/ Ellis et at.,
basin fill paekstones and portion suggests steepening humid 1990

Basinal facies Bioturbated lime mud- Source facies developed Vertical Arid Moshrif, 1984;
hydrocarbon stones, subaqueous cyclically in transgressive Droste, 1990
source section

?Windward Oolitic/peloidal grain- Development influenced by Lateral Arid Baria et at.,

Progrades on stones, lime mud-, pack- halokinesis and fault 1982
seismic, stones, evaporites movement. Downslope
buildups. L. Smackover is
source facies.

?Leeward, marly 1. Bind. (echinoderms, Welt-developed lowstand ?Lateral ?Semi-arid— Aurell, 1991
ahermatypic corals). depos./glauconitic condensed humid
2. Oolitie grst., coralgal sections
reefs, bioclastic grsts. (ech.,
foram., sponge, molluscs).

?Leeward. Basinal Pelagic basin, bioclastic Uplifted and karsted due to Lateral Humid Burchette and
facies hydrocar- pack-, grain-, and peripheral bulge growth, and Britton, 1985
bon source rock. wacke-stones, lime mud- Syn-sedimentary salt doming. vertical
Progrades on stones. Local rudist Source facies developed
seismic. biostromes. cyclically in transgressive phases

TABLE 2 (continued)

Stratigraphic Location Age Duration Tectonic setting Width Length Thick-

name (my.) (km) (km) ness (m)

Darai Limestone SW. Papua Late Oligocene— 15 (est.) Foreland basin 500 1000 + 2000
New Guinea mid-Miocene ca. 700 kin- (max.)

Rudeis Formation Gulf of Suez Burdigalian/ 3 (est.) Syn-rift 10 15 + Max. 80


Un-named West Florida Tertiary— 25 Passive margin 200 800 + up to

Slope present adjacent to 1000
enclosed oceanic
basin (Gulf
of Mexico)

Trucial Coast Southern Arabian Recent 0.008 Foreland basin 200 400 + Few

Gulf cm—few
60 with

Shark Bay Western Australia Recent 0.008 Passive margin 100 200 <3

Yucatan Mexico, Gulf of Tertiary— 25 Passive margin ca. 200 600 + <2
Peninsula Mexico present

occurs in the Cretaceous of the Pyrenees crease exponentially as the passive margin ma-
(Puigdefàbregas and Souquet, 1986). Small tures (Pitman, 1978; Harding, 1983; Ingersoll,
short-lived ramps might conceivably form at a 1988). Once syn-rift relief has been eliminated,
late stage in such basins, when much of the initial this regime is characterized by large areas over
topography has been eliminated or in areas where the old rift shoulders with very gradual slopes
flexural subsidence rather than faulting is domi- (Fig. 7B) which favour the development of car-
nant. bonate ramps or low-gradient rimmed shelves
hundreds of kilometres across and trending po-
Passive continental margins tentially thousands of kilometres along strike.
Phases of siliciclastic sediment-starvation during
The rift to drift transition is characterized by early passive margin development also favour
relatively uniform subsidence rates which de- widespread carbonate deposition. However, this

Character Facies types Distinctive features Dominant Climate/ Source

accretion paleolatitude reference

Monsoonal, leeward Coralline algal—large foram Drowned due to rapid sub- Vertical Humid. Davies et at.,
or oblique to winter pack-, wacke-, grainstones. sidence during late starved- 14—19°S. 1989;
trade winds Local mounds. Transition to basin stage. Subsequently Pigram et at.,
elastic basinal facies. covered by elastics which 1989
overflowed foredeep. Thick
over foreland flexure.

Mixed carbonate Burrowed sandy foram Covers fault-block dip slope Vertical Semi-arid/ Burchette,
siliciclastic pack-, grainstones, coral/ behind reefat rimmed margin arid 1989
algal biostromes on footwall escarpment

Leeward with winter Winnowed planktic foram Intraformational slumps, hard- Vertical Humid. Multins et al.,
storms. Progrades sand, foram ooze, nodular grounds, bioherms, karst during 20—28°N. 1988
on shallow seismic. ooze, rare turbidites lowstands. Distally steepened over
inherited margin

Windward (winds Oolitic barriers and beaches, Outer ramp topography Lateral Arid. 25°N. Purser and
seasonal). Wave- lagoon, sabkha, muddy generated by salt diapirs. Evans, 1975;
and tide-dominated, mid- and Outer ramp. Max. Windward—leeward Purser, 1975
water depth ca. 100 m. facies distribution over these.
Restricted basin.

Leeward Oolitic barriers and shoals. Hypersatine basin Lateral Semi-arid/ Logan, 1974
Seagrass banks, pellet arid. 25°S.
grainsts., bioct. sands,

Storm-dominated. Thin veneer of ooid—pel.- Topography inherited from ? Sub-humid Logan et at..
Seasonal oblique lithoclast sand. Grades to Tertiary platform 1969
windward. Low tidal pelagic ooze at margin. Oct.-
energy, strong skel. sandwaves, coastal
marine currents. barriers.

may reduce basinal sedimentation which, with Dolomite of the Virginian Appalachians (Bova
continued subsidence, is likely to promote the and Read, 1987; Barnaby and Read, 1990); Mid-
development of rimmed shelves (Fig. 7B). Rem- dle to Upper Cambrian algal carbonates of the
nant syn-rift topographic highs may become the Moore Hollow Group, central Texas (Ahr, 1971);
loci of isolated buildup or shoal growth in mid- or the Early Ordovician Ellenburger Formation of
outer-ramp situations. Texas (Loucks and Anderson, 1980; Galloway et
Examples of ramps developed in this tectonic a!., 1983); the Ordovician of the Appalachians
setting are numerous (Table 2) and include the (Read, 1989) and the mid-western U.S.A. (Ross
Proterozoic Wonoka Formation of South Aus- et al., 1989); and the Late Mississippian and
tralia (Haines, 1988) and much of the early Pennsylvanian of Alaska (Armstrong, 1974; Bird
Palaeozoic around the North American craton. and Jordan, 1977). Ramps also developed exten-
The latter includes: the Early Cambrian Shady sively during the Late Jurassic, as with the Oxfor-

dian Smackover Formation of the U.S. Gulf Coast ent and subsidence rates are lowest. This setting,
(Budd and Loucks, 1981), and the Late Jurassic isolated by the foredeep from the main siliciclas-
and Early Cretaceous of Tethyan and Atlantic tic source area in the thrust zone (cf. Pigram et
passive margins along the eastern continental a!., 1989), also experiences relatively low rates of
shelf of North America (Jansa, 1981; Ellis et al., terrigenous sediment supply. Ramps within fore-
1985; Gamboa et al., 1985; Hubbard et a!., 1986), land basins may be a hundred kilometres or more
North Africa, and the Middle East (e.g. Watts across; a modern example is the southern coast-
and Blome, 1990). line of the Arabian Gulf. In some situations,
Rift basins are commonly the sites of halite pre-existing passive margin or even older base-
deposition (Rona, 1982) and subsequent stages of ment features in the foreland may be reactivated
the basin fill may be affected by salt pillowing, as subtle extensional topography which can mod-
diapirism, and associated growth faulting (Fig. ify ramp growth.
7B). Such phenomena are commonly accentuated The peripheral bulge may experience episodes
by sediment loading as depositional systems pro- of uplift and subsidence in response to thrust
grade (Humphris, 1979; Jackson and Talbot, emplacement. Ramps associated with the devel-
1986). Distal portions of ramps developed over oping bulge may be subject to repeated episodes
buried rift basins may therefore be affected by of uplift and drowning, the process generating
basement, compactional, or halokinetic highs complex karsted unconformities in mid- and in-
which promote the development of scattered iso- ner-ramp areas (see e.g. Mussman and Read,
lated organic buildups or grainstone shoals, or 1986; Read, 1989; Brett et a!., 1990; Fig. 7C).
modify the seismic expression of the ramp (Fig. The foreland basin setting for carbonate ramps
7B). This has occurred, for example, in the is one seen repeatedly in the geological record
Smackover Formation (Ahr, 1973; Baria et a!., (Table 2). Examples of ramps in such settings are:
1982; Meendsen et al., 1987) and in the Permian the mid-Ordovician Trenton Limestone of On-
of the southern Barents Shelf (Gerard and Buhrig, tario (Brookfie!d and Brett, 1988); the Late Or-
1990). dovician/Early Silurian of the Appalachians
Rimmed shelves which develop during the later (Read, 1989); the Silurian to Carboniferous of the
stages of passive margins may be hundreds of Timan-Pechora Basin in the foreland to the Urals
kilometres across and have significant relief above (Ulmishek, 1988); the Late Mississippian Pitkin
the surrounding basin floor along the slope break Limestone and Batesvi!le Formation of Arkansas
(Jansa, 1981). Where drowned, such flat-topped deposited on the foreland to the Ouachita Moun-
platforms can be succeeded by equally large-scale tains (Glick, 1979; Gutschick and Sandberg, 1983;
ramp depositional systems which may prograde Handford, 1986); the Lower Permian (L. Wolf-
locally, as in the case of the Tertiary—Holocene campian) of the North Platform of the Midland
ramp of the West Florida Shelf (Mullins et a!., Basin, New Mexico, deposited on the foreland to
1988), to the previous platform margin to form a the Marathon foldbe!t (Ross, 1986; Mazzullo and
distally steepened ramp with a distinct base of Reid, 1989); the Oligocene Asmari Formation of
slope apron (Fig. 7B). Another modern passive- the Arabian Gulf in front of the Zagros Moun-
margin ramp of this character occurs on the Yu- tains (Szabo and Kheradpir, 1978); the Oligocene
catan Peninsula (Logan, 1969; Read, 1985) which of the Gulf of Papua (Pigram et al., 1989); and
displays both high-energy windward and low-en- the later Tertiary of southeastern Sicily (Pedley,
ergy leeward shoreline aspects. 1981).
Ramp systems also develop in compressional
Compressional basins back-arc basins where depositional gradients on
the cratonward side are gentle. Ramps in these
In marine foreland basins, carbonate ramps settings may be up to many tens of kilometres
commonly form as linear belts seeded along the across and several hundreds of kilometres along
peripheral “bulge” (Fig. 7C) where slope gradi- strike. Examples of such systems occur in: the

Early Silurian of the eastern Arctic Islands and son, 1975); the Mississippian Strawn Formation
western North Greenland (Hurst and Surlyk, of the Michigan Basin (Whitaker, 1988) and the
1984); the mid-Silurian of the Welsh Borderlands Lodgepole and Madison Groups of the Wi!!iston
and Gotland (Anderton et a!., 1979); the Missis- Basin (Wilson, 1975; Smith, 1977; Lindsay and
sippian (Tournaisian) of the western Rocky Kendall, 1985). The Visby Silurian ramp carbon-
Mountains (Gutschick et a!., 1980; Gutschick and ates of Scandinavia may have accumulated in a
Sandberg, 1983); the Mississippian of southwest cratonic-interior basin adjacent to the Caledonian
Britain (see e.g. Leeder, 1987; Burchette et a!., Orogen (cf. Riding, 1981) and a similar origin
1990); and in the Late Jurassic and Early Creta- seems likely for the Ordovician and Silurian of
ceous of the Neuquén Basin of western Ar- the Illinois basin (Klein and Hsui, 1987). The
gentina (Mitchum and Uliana, 1985; Legarreta, Early Cretaceous Habshan Formation (Connally
1991). and Vest, 1985) and the mid-Cretaceous Mishrif
Formation (Burchette and Britton, 1985) of the
Cra tonic-interior basins southern Arabian Gulf are additional examples.

Cratonic-interior basins are broad, persistent Intrasheif basins

depressions which may overlie older rifts or sags
between upwarps or basement blocks, or are lo- Larger intrasheif basins
cated adjacent to orogens, and are characterized Intrashelf basins are shallow (mostly <200 m
by slow overall rates of flexural subsidence (Klein deep), relatively short-lived sedimentary basins
and Hsui, 1987). Although cratonic-interior basins up to a few hundred kilometres across which
may be over 1000 km across, few contain more develop within major carbonate platforms and
than several kilometres of sediment (Allen and are commonly only indirectly connected via the
Allen, 1990) so that depositional gradients are shallow platform top, or a re-entrant, with the
gentle and basina! water depths mostly shallow open ocean environment. Such basins are com-
(Fig. 7D). Because of their relative isolation, such monest along passive continental margins and
basins also commonly become evaporitic. The their origin appears to be largely tectonic (e.g.
geometries of carbonate depositiona! systems late movement on extensional faults, over
within such basins are biased towards ramps or marginal basins, or between basement !inea-
low-gradient rimmed shelves which are commonly ments), although their development may be modi-
characterized by numerous isolated buildups in fied by subsequent carbonate platform growth.
the mid- and outer-ramp environments (Fig. 7D; Flat-topped carbonate shelves seldom posses
data in Table 2). ramp-like depositional slopes, but intrashelf
Examples of cratonic-interior basins in which basins within such systems are commonly bounded
carbonate ramps of several ages form a major by ramp margins (Fig. 9). This is perhaps one of
proportion of the basin fill are the Palaeozoic the few situations where true ramps are likely to
Michigan, Illinois and Williston Basins of the be backed by broad shelf-lagoons (see Markello
central U.S.A., the Devonian/Mississippian West and Read, 1981). Due to sediment supply from
Canada Basin of Alberta, and the Rub al Khali the platform top, highstand leeward margins in
Basin of Arabia. Documented examples of ramps such settings might conceivably show much higher
in such settings include: the Precambrian— rates of progradation than windward margins.
Cambrian of Oman (Wright et al., 1990); the Shoal belt deposits in intrashelf basins may re-
Proterozoic, Cambrian and Ordovician of eastern flect either tidal activity, important on wide plat-
Siberia; the Silurian of the Michigan Basin (Sears forms (Pratt and James, 1988), or wave activity on
and Lucia, 1979, 1980); the Frasnian Grosmont the windward margins. Middle Albian rudist
and Nisku Formations of the Winterburn Basin banks in the East Texas Embayment, for exam-
of Alberta (Cutler, 1983; Watts, 1988); the ple, developed preferentially on the windwards
Duperow Formation of the Williston Basin (Wil- sides of the basins (Scott, 1990). The basin fills of

shallow intrashelf basins may be mistaken for the Documented examples of intrashelf basins
deposits of lagoons. (Table 2) with well-developed ramp-like margins
Because of their isolated nature, intrashelf occur in: Cambrian and Ordovician platforms of
basins may become evaporitic during relative the Appalachians (150,000 km2 Markello and
sea-level !owstands and the sites of organic-rich Read, 1981; Mazzullo and Read, 1989); the
sedimentation during transgressions or relative Tethyan Triassic (Dolomia Principale) of south-
sea-level highstands (e.g. Droste, 1990; Fig. 9). em Europe and the Middle East (M. Burchell,
Where poorly connected to the open marine envi- pers. commun., 1991); and several basins (e.g.
ronment and surrounded by evaporitic platform East Texas, McKnight, and South Florida basins)
tops, intrasheif basins may become hypersaline at behind the mid-Cretaceous Stuart City platform
other times too, due to either the lack of mixing margin (Fisher and Rodda, 1969; Tyler and Er-
caused by very shallow wave bases and/or density win, 1976; Mitchell-Tapping, 1986; Scott, 1990).
stratification caused by dense brines discharged All of these occur within major rimmed-shelf
from the surrounding platform top. With source complexes developed at passive continental mar-
and inner-ramp reservoir in juxtaposition, such gins and were infilled by smaller carbonate plat-
settings are commonly prolific hydrocarbon sys- forms with ramp-like depositional slopes. An in-
tems. Where basin development is associated with teresting example of a small intrashe!f ramp ex-
high rates of relative sea-level rise, the surround- ists in a Late Mississippian carbonate platform in
ing platform may be stimulated to vertical growth, Derbyshire, England (Gutteridge, 1989). The
with the development of isolated “pinnacle reefs” platform formed over a series of extensional fault
within the basin and margins bounded by rimmed blocks which were reactivated in the early Brigan-
shelves rather than ramps. These two processes tian to form a small basin 5—10 km wide, with a
act to reinforce the expression of the basin. suboxic centre. On the margins small ramps de-

Fig. 9. Ramps in intrashelf basins. (A) During flooding and highstand. Ramps prograde centripetalty from the basin margins during
highstand. Basin may become density-stratified with the development of cyclic suboxic or anoxic basin centre sediments. These
commonly correspond with parasequence-scale cycles in the shallow ramp. (B) During lowstand. Sea-level draw-down may lead to
isolation of the basin and towstand deposition of subaqueous evaporite sediments. The surrounding platform may be exposed and
karsted. SL1 and SL2: relative sea-level stands.

veloped which were originally homoclinal, but escarpments. several kilometres high to epeiric
were later tectonically modified to a distally platforms with little relief, and show correspond-
steepened profile (Gutteridge, 1989). ingly variable responses to relative sea-level
changes (Kenter and Schiager, 1989). Carbonate
Salt-withdrawal basins ramps represent just one end-member in this
Salt-withdrawal basins are seldom more than a continuous spectrum. The major factors which, in
few tens of kilometres across and may develop as our view, control the development of carbonate
peripheral sinks to individual salt diapirs or as ramp sequences are listed in Table 3.
broader depressions up to several tens of kilome- Field outcrops are rarely large enough (e.g.
tres across flanked by time-equivalent diapiric illustrations in Hurst and Surlyk, 1984) to view
uplifts. Salt withdrawal basins may occur within major portions of ramp depositiona! systems, so
major carbonate platforms at passive margins, or that gross ramp geometries are seldom observ-
in cratonic-interior or foreland basins, where the able other than on regional seismic lines. Many
overlie significant halite deposits. Only small (< ramps are too extensive, thin (Table 2), and tea-
20 km across), low-energy ramp systems may de- tureless for sequence geometries and stratigra-
velop at the margins of such basins. Small ramps phies to be determined even from seismic data
developed around the margins of the Sir Abu without the use of special processing or display
Nuair salt withdrawal basin in the upper part of techniques (cf. Chevron Standard, 1979). It is
the Cretaceous Mishrif Formation of the south- therefore commonly necessary to determine ramp
em Arabian Gulf (Burchette and Britton, 1985). sequence stratigraphies and geometries from
Other likely examples exist in the Upper Creta- widely spaced vertical sections using regional sed-
ceous Austin Chalk around the Hainesville Dome imento!ogical, biostratigraphic and seismic data
in south Texas (Halbouty et a!., 1979) or the Late to support interpretations. This involves analysis
Jurassic Smackover Formation of the U.S. Gulf of facies successions and the unequivocal identifi-
Coast (Hughes, 1968). cation of sequence boundaries on all scales in
core or field sections from which a model for the
Ramp geometry and seismic character larger ramp sequence architecture can be con-
structed. In some cases clinoforms (not necessar-
Carbonate depositional systems exhibit widely ily seismic) and sequence geometries have been
variable slope shapes, ranging from near vertical successfully mapped using careful wireline log,

Fig. 10. Scale sections through the Frasnian Grosmont Formation, a carbonate ramp in the West Canada Basin, based on log
correlations. Note that the section with only small vertical exaggeration (top) shows insignificant geometry, but that with large
exaggeration (bottom) the ramp exhibits subtle sigmoidal “clinoforms”. Note too how slope angle and slope height show cumulative
increase upwards through the sequence. Vertical thickness of the Grosmont Formation c. 200 m. After Cutler (1983).

Major controls on the development of carbonate ramp systems

Control Expression Significance

Antecedent slope Low-gradient slope inher- Important in alt settings. Evidenced by the tectonic locations in
ited from preceding ted- which ramps occur; exclusively those which generate tow gradient
- tonic or depositionat slopes and relatively stow subsidence rates, such as orogenic fore-
regime, lands and passive margins.

Water depth Basinal water depth or Shallow basins are commonly characterized by gentle depositionat
basinal sedimentation rate, slopes and moderate to high basinal sedimentation rates (sediment
production can comfortably fill all available accommodation space).
Shallow basin margins promote ramp development by limiting
accommodation space.

Sediment produc - Rate of in situ sediment Ramps are low productivity carbonate systems and may therefore
tion generation. Biogenic vs. in- drown readily. Ramp sediment production rates show lower shore to
organic sediment. basin differential than in rimmed shelves. Sediment production and
redistribution on ramps is still poorly understood.

Base-level changes Rates of relative sea-level Ramps drown readily even without ecological “inhibition”. Rapid
rise/tall due to subsidence base-level rises cause incipient drowning whereas high-productivity
or eustacy. rimmed shelves can continue to accrete vertically or may evolve from
ramp. Many ramps are thin and “stacked”, reflecting such incipient
drowing events.

Presence/absence Evolutionary or environ- Ramps have been common in alt periods but dominant when
framebuilders mental trends which deter- reef-constructors were rare or inhibited. High rates of sediment
mine presence/absence of production associated with reefs enable “keep-up” -sedimentation
major shallow-water car- during rapid base-level rises. Framework construction promotes the
bonate producing organ- development of rimmed shelves.

Oceanographic Windward/teewardness, Windward ramps are wave- and storm-dominated and grainy sedi-
regime tides. storms, wave energy, ment is maintained at the shoreline. Wind-entrained sediment may
oceanic currents, etc. form aeolian dunes. Leeward ramps seem to be low energy and
muddy with tow grainstone content. Tidal ramps have not been
widely documented.

Fig. 11. Tracings of portions of regional seismic lines showing the geometries of various carbonate ramps. (A) Nisku Formation,
Frasnian, West Canada Basin (Chevron Standard, 1979), a low-energy boundstone-dominated muddy ramp. Thickness of ramp unit
c. 200 m. This squeezed line shows gently sigmoidal ctinoforms which represent largely outer-ramp deposits (OR) with inner-ramp
(IR) more proximally. This section contains several Nisku depositional sequences. Several small reflector-free areas (R) represent
outer-ramp reefat buildups. (B) Banff Formation. Mississippian, West Canada Basin (Chatellier, 1988). Thickness c. 150 m. This
shows welt-developed clinoforms and a strongly progradational character with minor aggradation. Grainstone ramp. (C) Smackover
Formation, U. Jurassic, U.S. Gulf Coast (unpublished). Thickness c. 300 m. This line shows well developed sigmoidal clinoforms
indicating strong progradation with minimal aggradation. Oolite grainstone ramp. (D) Upper Jurassic, continental shelf, eastern
U.S.A (Gamboa et at., 1985). Thickness c. 100—200 m. Sigmoidal clinoforms indicate a progradational ramp with some aggradation
(TR top ramp). The Jurassic ramp may become distally steepened and is succeeded by a reefal sequence (R). (E, F) Portions of
two lines from an Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous grainstone carbonate platform, Neuquen Basin, Argentina (Mitchum and
Utiana, 1985). Thickness of units 1—2 c. 200 m. (E) Initial ramp (1, between arrows) shows a wedge-like geometry with
parallel-continuous internal character which thins towards the basin (to left). (F) More distal portion of ramp (1, between arrows)
overlain by low-gradient rimmed shelf sequences (2—5). (G, H) Portions of two lines from the mid- and Late Permian of the
Finnmark area, Barents Shelf, Norway (Gerard and Buhrig, 1990). Thickness c. 200 m. These show areas of mounding, representing
algal-dominated isolated buildups up to 1—2 km across, which pass laterally into continuous and discontinuous parallel facies of the
outer ramp. FR = top ramp.

biostratigraphic, and sedimentological correla- is clearly only viable where an adequate database
tions (e.g. Stoakes, 1980; Cutler, 1983; Burchette exists.
and Britton, 1985; Chate!lier, 1988; Dix, 1990) -

(Fig. 10). Distinctive features, such as condensed Ramp geometries

sections and subaerial exposure surfaces in proxi-
mal situations, and hardgrounds in distal loca- The thin depositiona! profiles of carbonate
tions, can be used to enhance such interpreta- ramps provide little opportunity for the develop-
tions together with biostratigraphic correlation. ment of pronounced sequence geometries. Gross
This technique for addressing ramp stratigraphy ramp geometries determined from seismic data

and geological studies are sheet- or lens-like (Fig. margin or evolve to larger structures following
11), up to several hundred metres thick and tens drowning of the ramp as, for example, in the
to hundreds of kilometres across, thinning gently Devonian of the West Canada Basin (ci. Murray,
towards both the basin centre and basin margin. 1966; McGillavray and Mountjoy, 1975).
On laterally compressed displays of regional seis- Where each ramp highstand system is strongly
mic lines, many carbonate platforms classified as progradationa!, the geometry may seem sheet-like
ramps, paradoxically, resemble “flattened” or tabular over large distances (e.g. Jurassic
rimmed shelves, and have plat tops, with subtle Smackover Formation) and the thickest part of
slope “crests” (or “offlap breaks”) and gently one depositional sequence lies basinward with
sigmoidal clinoforms (Figs. 1 1A— 1 1D) which are respect to that in the preceding sequence (see
visible in both time and depth displays and may e.g. Mitchum and Uliana, 1985). Internally, thick
be mappable. In contrast to many rimmed shelves, ramp successions commonly comprise a number
topset reflectors are commonly insignificant or of discrete ramp sequences with similar geome-
absent or seismically unresolvable (Figs. hA— tries. In some basins, ramp sedimentation and
11C). Many ramps are thus divisible even on progradation appears to have been facilitated by
seismic lines into shallow, “slope”, and deep mor- terrigenous muds which infilled most of the avail-
phological segments, possibly corresponding to able accommodation space and so allowed shal-
the inner-, mid-, and outer-ramp zones of our low-water ramps to prograde (Figs. 8, 12). Such
classification. On this basis, it seems doubtful terrigenous sediment commonly seems to have
that homoclinal ramps in the strictest sense actu- been introduced to the system by lateral trans-
ally exist, although the term ramp for very low- port. Examples are the Nisku, Grosmont, and
gradient slopes remains perfectly valid. Whether Calmar Formations in the Winterburn Basin (see
the seismic ramp “slope crest” corresponds to the e.g. Chevron Standard, 1979; Stoakes, 1980; Cut-
shal!owest-water sediments, as on most rimmed 1cr, 1983); the Mississippian ramp stack in south-
shelves, or represents the transition from inner to west Britain (Burchette et al., 1990; Burchette,
outer ramp (i.e. fair-weather wave base, which 1992); and the Mississippian Limerick ramp in
may be in tens of m water), as seems more likely, western Ireland (Somerville and Strogen, 1992).
or can even be recognised as a definite facies Carbonate ramps in such settings may form the
change in the field or core, seem to be major marginal portions of large-scale basinwards-thick-
untested aspects of carbonate ramp sedimenta- ening siliciclastic or mixed carbonate—siliciclastic
tion. The presence of downslope buildups gener- wedges.
ally has little effect on the gross geometry of The role of windwardness versus !eewardness
ramp depositional systems (Fig. 11A), except in determining platform geometry, convincingly
where they amalgamate as a trend to form a shelf demonstrated for isolated buildups and rimmed

Fig. 12. Schematic section through the Frasnian succession in the West Canada Basin, showing how accommodation space created
during the early Frasnian (Cooking Lake, Leduc, Duvernay Formations) transgression was infilled by a progradationat sequence
set, each sequence of which consists of distal terrigencus mudstones (stippled) and proximal carbonates (bricks). Infitling of
accommodation space in this fashion is the only way in which late Frasnian age shallow-water ramps (Grosmont, Nisku Formations,
and Camrose Member) could prograde into the basin. Length of section c. 150 km. After Stoakes (1980).

shelves (e.g. Purser, 1973; Eberli and Ginsburg, reflection characteristics. Seismic facies variations
1987, 1988), has yet to be properly investigated between predominantly inner- and predominantly
with respect to carbonate ramp systems. Presum- outer-ramp zones may be distinguishable in situa-
ably, leeward ramps might show stronger progra- tions where ramp sequences have stacked to build
dation or even lower slope angles, with a ten- a substantial basin-margin prism of distinctive
dency towards more tabular geometries, and less lithology. In such cases, high-amplitude continu-
abundant grainstone than those in windward set- ous events (with parallel, subparalle!, or basin-
tings. Moreover, in windward locations, sediment wards-divergent seismic reflectors), lateral ampli-
can be removed from the coastal environment by tude changes, or tuning effects might provide
longshore drift or wind deflation of beaches or clues to the existence of inner-ramp units interca-
shoals. To illustrate this point, we estimate that lated with mid- or outer-ramp mudstones. Such
the volume of oolitic sediment removed by defla- interpretations can clearly be made with greater
tion from beaches and shoals along the windward confidence if facies transitions are suggested by
Trucial Coast of the Arabian Gulf, and incorpo- regional geological data. Individual prograding
rated in the onshore dune belt of the Rub al inner-ramp units will be mostly below vertical
Khali, would have been sufficient to allow addi- seismic resolution but their occurrence can be
tional progradation of the shoreline by up to 20 predicted in a limited fashion if it is known where
km. they might be located in sedimentary sequences
A large proportion of hemipelagic mud and as these relate to possible seismic geometries
silt adjacent to carbonate platforms is redis- (Burchette et a!., 1990).
tributed from their flat tops by storm action Inner-ramp seismic reflectors tend to be paral-
(Neumann and Land, 1975; Pilskaln et al., 1989; lel (locally basinwards-divergent), fairly continu-
Wilbur et a!., 1990). On leeward platform mar- ous and regular (Fig. hA). In the outer ramp,
gins, deeper water sediment drifts of such mate- reflectors are mostly continuous and regular, but
rial formed by ocean currents may generate may diverge slightly towards the basin margin
large-scale, low-gradient sediment bodies with a (Figs. 1 hA, 1 1B). The basina! ramp section gener-
wedging, ramp-like geometry. These may be con- ally has parallel, continuous character or may
fused with shallow-water carbonate ramps if fa- consist of a seismically unresolvable condensed
cies information is unavailable. Seismic examples section. Reflector amplitudes may decrease ba-
of such features from the margin of the Great - sinwards if lithologies become shalier (see e.g.
Bahama Bank have been published by Mu!!ins et Sheridan, 1981). In thicker, lens-like, portions of
a!. (1980). the ramp, low-angle, gently sigmoidal or shingled
clinoforms may be present (Mitchum et al., 1977)
Seismic character of carbonate ramp successions which show distinct toplap and little resolvable
topset (Fig. 11), indicating low rates of vertical
Seismic stratigraphic and seismic facies inter- aggradation. These features are clearest on
pretations of many ramps are hindered by the “squashed” regional lines (Figs. hA, hiB, hiD),
small thicknesses of ramp sequences and their which accentuate the subtle geometries, and oth-
subdued morphologies (see Table 2). For this erwise may be interpreted as parallel or subpara!-
reason, good-quality seismic data are essential for le! continuous reflectors (e.g. Figs. ihE, 1 iF).
their effective analysis. For example, ramps occur Areas of reflection-free, mounded, or chaotic
widely as the foundation phases to major carbon- character (Figs. h hA, 1 iF), particularly in mid- or
ate platforms, or in evaporite-filled basins, and outer-ramp locations, or associated with base-
consequent seismic-energy loss in the overlying ment or salt highs, may point to discrete organic
successions means that ramps in such situations buildups or grainstone shoals. Such zones may
are commonly inadequately imaged for detailed occur one above the other, indicating stacking of
study. bioherms influenced by compaction, tectonism, or
Carbonate ramps possess no unique seismic halokinesis. As in other settings, isolated buildups

are identifiable by a variety of direct and indirect In many ramps, inner-ramp deposits are car-
criteria (Fig. 1 iF), including interval thickening, bonate-dominated while outer-ramp sediments
reflective outlines, drape, on!ap/down!ap, and comprise siliciclastic mudstones. Prominent cx-
various velocity effects resulting in acoustic amples include the Frasnian Nisku Formation of
impedance contrasts between the buildups and the West Canada Basin (Watts, 1988), the Early
the encasing facies (Bubb and Hat!e!id, 1977). Mississippian ramp of southwest Britain
Their small size means that they may appear only (Burchette, h987), and the Late Jurassic and Early
on single lines in a regional survey, making initial Cretaceous of the Vercours, southern France
size and shape determination problematic, or be (Jaquin et al., 1991). Drowning at sequence
missed completely. The context and geometry of boundaries in such cases is commonly marked, as
zones with this response are clearly important. in siliciclastic systems, by abrupt upward facies
When mapped, such zones should form isolated shifts from inner-ramp shoreline carbonates to
lenses rather than regional trends, but where outer-ramp terrigenous mudstones or argilla-
“swarms” of closely spaced mounds are present ceous limestones which then shoal upwards, as a
in areas of wide seismic grid spacing, the false result of progradation, to the next inner-ramp
impression of a continuous platform margin may unit. Identification of flooding surfaces in succes-
be created. On distally steepened ramps such sions with such facies contrasts can be less prob-
zones may signify resedimented slope deposits lematic, particularly on wireline logs, than in
and will generally occur near the base of the clay-free successions where one carbonate unit
sequence or within the slope, rests directly upon another. Rimmed shelf sys-
tems show this relationship more rarely, at least
Sequence stratigraphy and controls on ramp de- on the high-order sequence at parasequence scale,
velopment for the simple reasons that shallow-water facies

Sedimentary expression of parasequence and Se- in these settings drown less readily or are signifi-
quence boundaries cantly elevated above the basin floor where most
fine-grained siliciclastic sediment accumulates.
Due to the presence of a gentle depositiona! Such transitions abound in ramp shoreline sue-
slope and the absence of a slope break, major cessions, but they do not always hold sequence
exposure and flooding surfaces on ramps are gen- stratigraphic significance. The presence of dis-
erally diachronous. The flat tops of rimmed tinctive lithologies (soils, calcretes, karst) or read-
shelves, in contrast, flood or become exposed ily identifiable condensed sections (sedimentary
rapidly during relative sea-level changes so that ironstones, g!auconites, phosphates, black shales,
events are expressed uniformly over the platform possibly with concentrated biotic assemblages),
surface. Studies of Late Mississippian flat-topped may allow the further recognition of sequence
shelves and isolated platforms in southwest and boundaries and flooding surfaces, respectively
central Britain (V.P. Wright et al., unpublished (Loutit et a!., 1988; Burchette, h992). The pres-
data), for example, have shown that paleokarsts ence of clearly defined condensed sections can be
and paleosols developed uniformly at sequence particularly useful where nearshore sediments and
boundaries during relative sea-level !owstands and the overlying transgressive offshore facies are of
that the buildups drowned rapidly during subse- similar lithology.
quent rises. Early Mississippian ramps, however,
show marked variations in the degree of pale- Sequence and parasequence organization
okarst and paleoso! development in transects up
the regional dip, with the most mature in proxi- As in other depositional systems, the internal
ma! areas. Drowning in the latter cases was sequence architecture and sequence stacking pat-
demonstrably protracted, due to the ramp geome- terns of carbonate ramps (Fig. 13) reflect the
try, and occurred via a migratingbrackish interval frequency and scale of base-level excursions and
which is characterized by early dolomitization. the response of the depositional system to changes
Fig. 13. Likely sequence stratigraphic components of a “homoclinat” carbonate ramp using the example of a grainstone-donlinated system with outer-ramp buildups and a
well-developed lowstand systems tract. Note that lowstand inner-ramp grainstones rest abruptly upon outer-ramp mudstones (although erosion may be slight), and well-developed,
backstepping shorelines in the transgressive systems tract, These may comprise barrier or beach grainstones on a high-energy ramp or be packstone-dominated on a tow-energy
ramp. The locations of outer- and mid-ramp buildups may be influenced by the “slope crest” morphology of the underlying sequence or by extrinsic factors such as hatokinesis or
tectonism. In the mid-ramp zone, the vertical succession generated by ramp progradation’coarsens up from outer-ramp mudstones to inner-ramp grainstones overtain by thin
tagoonal sediments. The offshore equivatent of the transgressive systems tract may be a phosphatic or glauconitic condensed section.

in accommodation space on several scales. The fall (4/5th order), facies belts on a homoclina!
basic building blocks of ramp sequences similarly ramp are likely to shift basinwards in an offlap
consist of small-scale shoaling depositional cycles fashion. A tract of the inner ramp will become
(cf. Elrick and Read, 1991; Read et a!., 1991). exposed (Figs. 10, hhB), but a broad substrate will
The relatively small thickness of “third-order” remain over the sites of the previous mid- and
ramp sequences, rarely more than 200 m, reflects outer ramp to form the shallow-water portion of
the generally limited accommodation space avail- a strongly progradationa! system. Because of the
able in the adjacent basins during their develop- low slope angle, there may be little change in the
ment. Individual ramp sequences also show little character of ramp sediments between highstand
potential for vertical (-keep-up) growth during and !owstand systems tracts. It may thus be diffi-
flooding events, except locally as small, isolated cult to distinguish between shoreface or shoal
buildups (e.g. Read, 1985). Whole ramp “stacks”, sediments of the highstand systems tract and those
how~ver,may show cumulative vertical accretion of any subsequent !owstand succession unless this
in response to long-term relative sea-level rises is revealed by the distribution of karst, ca!cretiza-
(e.g. Burchette et al., 1990), generating layered tion, or zones of meteoric diagenesis, and the
successions, with a range of subtle geometries proximal part of the lowstand inner-ramp tract
comprising superposed, strongly progradationa! may be amalgamated with the distal portion of
ramp sequences separated by incipient drowning the previous highstand inner ramp (Fig. 13).
or backstepping events characterized by deeper- A larger relative sea-level fall (3rd order), cx-
water facies. ceeding the depth of fair-weather wave base, is
In common with siliciclastic systems, the sedi- necessary for lowstand inner-ramp sediments to
mentary character, and to a degree the architec- be completely divorced from those of the previ-
ture, of carbonate ramp systems tracts are depen- ous highstand systems tract, but the expression of
dent on the environmental energy of the basinal such a “forced regression” will be strongly depen-
setting in which the they develop. Some “high-en- dent on the rate of the fall, the gradient of the
ergy” ramps show clear transgressive systems slope, and the depth of the basin. Where relative
tracts characterized by discrete stacked or back- sea-level fall is rapid, there may be abrupt “out-
stepping (retrogradational) fourth- and fifth- of-sequence” shallowing of the depositional envi-
order sequences, followed by rapid progradation ronment over the mid- and outer ramp (Fig. 13),
in the late transgressive and highstand systems indicating the development of a !owstand pro-
tracts in which high-order sequences are less grading wedge. Probable examples of this have
clearly defined (i.e. flooding events are less clearly been documented in oo!itic grainstones (Van
expressed) (Fig. 13). “Low-energy” ramps also Steenwinkel, h990) and outer-ramp Waulsortian
exhibit transgressive and highstand systems tracts, buildups (Faulkner, 1989; Burchette et al., 1990)
although with poorly defined packstone-dominat- in the Mississippian of Europe and might be
ed fourth- and fifth-order sequences in both. The sought in ramp sequences elsewhere. An example
following paragraphs represent summaries of the from a distally steepened ramp has been docu-
main characteristics of ramp depositional systems mented from the Early Cretaceous of the Ver-
tracts in an “idealized” ramp sequence. cours, southern France (Jacquin et al., 1991). The
whole of the inner ramp becomes exposed and
karstified during a 3rd-order lowstand, and fluvia!
Characteristics of lowstand systems tracts si!iciclastic sediments may also overlie or incise
Carbonate ramps show varied responses to rel- into the previous highstand inner-ramp sediments
ative sea-level fall, depending on the rate and (cf. Wright, 1986). Because slope angles on homo-
magnitude of the fall, the duration of the low- clinal ramps are so low, lowstand “slope fans” or
stand, the accommodation space remaining within “aprons” of resedimented material do not de-
the basin, and the character of inner-ramp sedi- velop, although these may be a feature of some
ments. In response to a small relative sea-level distally steepened ramps (Jacquin et a!., 199h). In

restricted basins, relative sea-level lowstands may Cooking Lake and Swan Hills platforms) and the
lead to the deposition of evaporites. One example Devonian “Schwe!m” facies of Europe
occurs in the Jurassic Hanifa Formation of the (Burchette, 1981), and the Triassic (Muschelka!k)
Arabian Gulf (Wright et a!., 1990; Droste, 1991). of Spain (Calvet et a!., 1990).
In these situations, prograding sabkha and sub- In transgressive settings where drowning of
aqueous evaporite complexes may develop, high-order ramp sequences entails strong land-
ward shifts of the shorelines (Fig. 13), they may
- be capped by thin condensed sections consisting
Characteristics of transgressive systems tracts of distinctive facies such as black shales, phos-
On high-energy ramps, cumulative small-scale phatic mudstones, or glauconitic or chamositic
fluctuations within a longer-term relative sea-level ironstones (Burchette, 1992). Exposure, charac-
rise may generate a set of stacked or backstep- terized by pa!aeokarst, palaeosols, or dissolution,
ping and onlapping (retrograde) fourth- or fifth- is rarely evident except in the subaerial portions
order sequences consisting of beach, barrier-is- of barrier islands or in some inner ramps. Since
land, or barrier-shoal carbonate grainstones and ramps show little potential for continuous vertical
associated shoreface and transitional sediments accretion during transgressions, the flooding sur-
(Fig. 13) (e.g. Burchette et al., 1990; Elrick and faces are mostly readily identifiable, even in the
Read, 1991). Such units are generally a few me- inner-ramp setting.
tres to tens of metres in thickness, commonly Isolated buildups in ramp depositional systems
preserved intact by “in-place drowning”, and develop mostly during the transgressive and early
dominated by bioc!astic sediment production (e.g. highstand systems tracts, when sediment input to
Aigner, h984, p. 150). Shoreline progradation for the offshore environment is reduced. They may
several kilometres may occur even within ramp become swamped by progradation during the later
transgressive systems tracts. Clearly, the style and highstand systems tract. Nevertheless, isolated
continuity of backstepping depends on the rate buildups may continue to develop during several
any relative sea-level rise and sediment rework- ramp depositional sequences.
ing, and situations occur in which shorelines are
laterally widely spaced in dip section, closely Characteristics of highstand systems tracts
spaced, or vertically stacked, or even replaced by Highstand ramp facies belts prograde strongly
simple ravinements overlain by offshore carbon- seaward (Fig. 13), are commonly grainier than
ate sands. For this style of deposition, models those in the transgressive systems tracts (see e.g.
developed for siliciclastic sedimentation during Aigner, 1984; Burchette et a!., 1990) and seem to
the Holocene transgression on the eastern shelf be more commonly oo!itic. Shoal deposits tend to
of the U.S.A. are useful for comparison (Sanders dominate over beach or barrier-island deposi-
and Kumar, 1975; Swift, 1975; Heward, h98h). tional systems and restricted or lagoona! facies
On low-energy ramps, fourth or fifth-order make up a larger proportion of the inner ramp
sequences in the transgressive systems tract con- than at other times. The potential for slope
sist mostly of packstone and wackestone sedi- steepening and clinoforming is greater at this
ments and contain high-energy grainstones only stage in ramp sequence development, since sedi-
as local shoals. Such sequences are similarly dom- ment production must infi!! accommodation space
mated by offshore bioclastic sediment production created during the transgressive and early high-
(echinoderm—bryozoan, or large foraminiferan stand systems tracts (Fig. 13). A vertical section
packstones), perhaps reflecting slow rates of sedi- through the highstand succession may show
melt production in shoreline facies belts. Exam- stacked, upward-shal!owing, coarsening and
ples of this depositiona! style occur in the Per- thickening-upwards fourth- or fifth-order se-
mian San Andres Formation of New Mexico, the quences culminating in shoreface grainstones or
“bank” foundation stages for many Devonian iso- thin lagoonal sediments (Figs. 4, 13) capped by
lated buildups in the West Canada Basin (e.g. the karstic surfaces which become more pronounced

upwards within the stack as the upper sequence Sediment production on most carbonate
boundary is approached. rimmed shelves (Fig. 14A) is greater during rela-
Because Holocene carbonate platforms have tive sea-level highstands (when the whole plat-
barely reached equilibrium with the post-glacial form surface is flooded) than during intervening
sea-level rise, their histories have been largely lowstands (Haak and Schiager, 1989; Schlager,
transgressive, and it is not sensible to use modern 1991). A base-level fall of just a few metres, on
ramps as exact analogues for the highstand de- the scale of many 4th- and 5th-order relative
posits of ancient ramp depositional systems. Is sea-level variations, may expose the whole inte-
the ramp model of a depositiona! system in which nor of a flat-topped carbonate platform (inc!ud-
the high-energy zone is displaced towards the ing those with ramp margins), potentially hun-
shoreline therefore really only typical of the low- dreds of kilometres across (Fig. h4A). Carbonate
stand and transgressive systems tracts of ramp production during lowstands may continue, but at
sequences? a reduced rate and is restricted to the old plat-
form slope, unless lower slope and basin floor
Responses to relative sea-level changes: ramps vs. environments are forced into the photic zone.
rimmed shelves This causes marked asymmetry in the rate of
sediment production with respect to relative sea-
Factors which determine the response of a level high- and !owstands for rimmed shelves and
carbonate system to a relative sea-level change is commonly expressed as an alternation in the
are the steepness of its basinward slope, the composition of sediments in the adjacent basin
depth of the adjacent basin, and the magnitude of (e.g. Droxler and Schlager, 1985; Boardman et
the fall (see Sch!ager, 1991; also Table 3). The al., 1986). The absence of she!f-lagoonal systems
responses in sediment production for different with which to “boost” highstand sediment pro-
sea-level stands on carbonate rimmed shelves and duction in most ramp systems suggests that this
ramps are therefore markedly different. highstand vs lowstand contrast in periplatform

A Accretionary rimmed shelf

Fig. 14. Schematic profiles of (A) a rimmed shelf, and (B) a ramp showing the effects of minor changes in relative sea level. Note
how even a small relative sea-level fall may expose the whole surface of a flat-topped rimmed shelf and restrict lowstand carbonate
sedimentation to a narrow rim along the old platform slope unless the tower slope and basin floor enter the photic zone. On a
ramp, facies belts will shift basinward over the ramp surface without significant interruption producing a “towstand prograding
wedge”. Stippled areas represent notional lowstand deposits.

sediments is likely to be less pronounced, a!- proportion of most flat-topped platforms (e.g.
though the topic is largely uninvestigated. Great Bahama Bank), but would have little effect
The contrast in response to base level changes on the character of a “homoclinal” ramp (e.g.
between the different platform types can be mod- southern Arabian Gulf or Shark Bay). A 10 m fall
elled using modern examples (Figs. 15A—h5C), in relative sea level (the scale of many fourth-
although it is worth re-emphasising in this context order cycles), would expose the whole of the
that modern carbonate platforms offer no good platform interior of a major rimmed shelf and
analogues for highstand sedimentation on ramps, relegate shallow water carbonate production to
since they have barely re-equilibrated with post- narrow, unstable strips along the old platform
glacial sea-level stand (Schlager, 1981). A 1—2 m margin (Cook and Taylor, 1991) as a “shelf-margin -

fall in relative sea-level would expose a significant wedge” (Figs. 1 1A, 15C). The same relative sea-

Fig. 15. Sketch maps of modern carbonate platforms drawn at the same scale, showing the proportion of the platform surface which
woutd be exposed for relative sea-level falls of 10 m (black areas), 100 m (stippled areas), and 200 m (blank) based on sub-sea
contours derived from nautical charts. Arrows represent the dominant wind directions. (A) Arabian Gulf, homoclinat ramp. (B)
Shark Bay, Australia, homoctinal ramp. (C) Great Bahama Bank, rimmed shelf. (D) Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, distally steepened
ramp. (E) West Florida Shelf, distally steepened ramp. Note that for a 10 m fall, only the marginal areas of all ramps will be
exposed. Facies belts simply shift seawards, while the whole of the flat rimmed shelf platform top (C) would be exposed. For a 100
m fall, basins with homoclinat ramps would be drained, white the margins of rimmed shelves and distally steepened ramps adjacent
to deep basins would retain some substrate for towstand sediment production. The expression of these effects would clearly depend
on the rate and scale of the base level fall, the depth of the basin, and the steepness of the original depositional slope.

level fall on a carbonate ramp would expose a and becomes accentuated from one sequence to
20—50 km tract of the inner and mid-ramp (Figs. the next, forming a progradational and aggrada-
11B, h5A, h5B), but much of the mid- and outer tiona! sequence set. Different responses might be
ramp would remain in or enter a favourable envi- expected between windward and leeward mar-
ronment for lowstand shallow-water carbonate gins, or where the outer ramp has a higher sedi-
production, although basinal restriction might mentation rate due to pelagic input, as in Late
well increase. Jurassic and Cenozoic examples (cf. Mullins et
Major relative sea-level falls of the order of a!., 1988). The nature of the sediments generated
100 m, typical of the most recent glaciation, would probably also influences the ramp-to-rimmed
entirely expose modern carbonate ramps (Figs. shelf transition, since mud will build much
h5A, 1SB). Basins such as the Arabian Gulf and lower-gradient slopes than grainy material
Shark Bay would empty completely to become (Kenter and Schlager, 1989; Kenter, 1990).
lacustrine or fluvial systems (e.g. Purser and Where the slope break is inherited, as in the
Evans, 1973). Major rimmed shelves adjacent to Late Cretaceous and Tertiary of the Gulf of
deep basins would continue growth in !owstand Mexico (Mullins et al., 1988), or due to tectonic
mode as narrow shelves rimming the foot of the movement, the final geometric effect on the ramp
old platform slope or escarpment (Fig. h5C), as will depend on slope height, water depth, and the
documented in Belize (James and Ginsburg, 1979) position on the ramp in which the slope break
and the Caribbean (Eberli and Ginsburg, 1988). occurs. Ramps rarely seem capable of generating
Modern distally steepened ramps, because they adequate volumes of sediment to infihl such to-
lie adjacent to deep basins, would behave as pography in order to prograde over the -break in
ramps during minor base-level falls, but might slope, so that full vertical sections from base-of-
become rimmed shelves during larger falls (Figs. slope-apron to inner ramp are rare in such sys-
h5D, i5E). Drowned highs in the outer ramp in tems. Modern examples of distally steepened
deeper -basins may become, or be reactivated as, ramps which have inherited a pre-existing slope
the sites of shallow-water carbonate production occur on the Yucatan and Florida peninsulas
during relative sea-level lowstands. In all cases, (Read, 1985) and along the northwestern margin
therefore, although there have been downward of Australia (Dix, 1989). Ancient examples of
shifts in coastal onlap, with shal!owing of offshore tectonically controlled distally steepened ramps
depositional environments, there are marked im- occur in the Mississippian of northern England
plications for sedimentation patterns and sedi- (Gawthorpe, 1986; Ebdon et a!., 1990), the Mis-
ment volumes produced for different scales of sissippian Banff Formation of the West Canada
relative sea-level fall. Basin (Chatellier, 1988), and the Early Creta-
ceous of the Vercours, southern France (Jacquin
Evolution to distally steepened ramps and rimmed et a!., 1991).
shelves Although overall carbonate productivity on
ramps is low, rates of sediment accumulation in
A common phenomenon in the geological the inner and mid-ramp may still be significantly
record is the evolution of a “homochinal” ramp higher than in the adjacent basin. Presumably,
into a distally steepened ramp or rimmed shelf where unable to prograde beyond the critical
(Read, 1982a, 1985). Steepening of the basinward point at which sediment production fails to fill
slope may be tectonica!!y driven (e.g. through basinal topography sufficiently to allow inner-
differential subsidence, extensional faulting), in- ramp facies to step out, the system will tend to
herited (e.g. an antecedent delta, siliciclastic shelf, “stick and stack”. The cumulative effect, as ac-
or carbonate platform slope), or it may occur commodation space in the basin increases, must
intrinsically, as a result of differential sedimenta- be to enhance elevation between the carbonate-
tion between the basin margin and the basin dominated margin and the basin, steepening the
centre. The latter process seems to be cumulative ramp distally or promoting its further develop-

ment as a rimmed shelf. Published examples from Lucia, 1980; Burchette, 1981; Toomey, 1981;
different tectonic settings where this process Dixon and Graf, 1992). Given this diversity, it is
might be inferred are the Late Devonian Gros- difficult to generalise factors which might initiate
mont Formation of the Alberta Basin (Cutler, and maintain mound growth within ramp settings.
1983), the Early Jurassic of the US eastern Many outer-ramp buildups, however, appear to
seaboard (Gamboa et a!., 1985), and the Late have accreted predominantly vertically and have
Jurassic/Early Cretaceous of the Neuquén Basin thus maintained pace with relative sea-level rises.
in Argentina (Mitchum and Uliana, 1985). This suggests that where there are no over-riding
tectonic controls (extensional fault/salt move-
Isolated buildups ment) many buildups seed at the start of a trans-
gression (or conceivably during the preceding
The factors which control the growth and de- !owstand), before maximum rates of relative sea-
velopment of isolated buildups on ramps are level rise are achieved, and develop during the
poorly known and little has been published on transgressive systems tracts of depositional se-
the locations of such buildups in a sequence quences when the shallow ramp is backstepping
stratigraphic context, a remarkable fact in view of or drowning and fine-grained carbonate or ter-
their economic importance in many areas. Such rigenous pollution in the outer ramp is minimal.
structures are diverse and presumably may seed Few isolated buildups seem to grow directly from
at any stage within a ramp sequence as long as surviving portions of the preceding shallow-water
suitable substrates are available and the rate of ramps as widely assumed (cf. Kendall and
relative sea-level rise does not exceed the sedi- Sch!ager, 1981; Read, h982a), but they do com-
ment production rate of the buildup. In reality mon!y seed around the margins of drowned ramps
they are commonest during the transgressive sys- (e.g. Upper Devonian of the West Canada Basin),
tems tracts of ramp sequences. Presumably, as in suggesting in many cases that subtle slope mor-
other settings situations most favourable for phology, possibly a previous ramp slope “crest”
buildups development will be those of elevated or lowstand shoal, may have controlled their loca-
topographic relief, low turbidity, and higher nu- tion (cf. Fig. 13).
trient or -light availability. Isolated buildups on During late highstand phases, as the rate of
ramps may stack one upon the other (cf. James, relative sea-level rise decreases, isolated mounds
1984). This commonly reflects either a persistent may expand or be engulfed by prograding shal-
tectonic or halokinetic control, or compaction low-water sediments (cf. Burchette and Britton,
over a previous buildup. Documented examples 1985; Watts, 1988). Buildups which grow through
of this phenomenon occur in the Silurian of the several ramp sequences also reflect relative sea-
Michigan basin (Mesolella et a!., 1974), and in level fluctuations in concert with the shallow ramp
the Upper Devonian of Europe (Burchette, 1981) (Fig. 13), tending to expand during highstands,
and the West Canada Basin (Chevron Standard, commonly with late-stage exposure, but drown or
1979). partially drown during transgressive events (Sears
Some buildups are constructed predominantly and Lucia, 1979, 1980; Chevron Standard, 1979;
by deeper-water biotas (e.g. some Waulsortian Watts et a!., 1992). Buildups in deeper-water,
and other mudmounds), while others are decid- outer-ramp settings may show evidence for shal-
edly shallow water structures (e.g. many Creta- lowing, but not necessarily exposure, related to
ceous and Tertiary buildups). Some, such as Si!- relative sea-level lowstands (see e.g. Burchette et
urian and Late Devonian stromatoporoid buildups a!., 1990; Faulkner, 1989).
of Europe, the U.S.A., and Canada, show deep- .
Early diagenesis
water btotas (pioneer stage) and muddy facies at
the base with an upwards transition to progres- Conceptual models for early diagenesis in ramp
sively shallower-water biotas (domination stage) depositional systems are significantly different to
and grainy or boundstone facies (e.g. Sears and those for rimmed shelves and isolated buildups.

This is because porewater circulation patterns to their steep-sided morphology, exposure to a

within the end-member platform types are di- deep sea-water column, and variable geothermal
recthy related to the markedly different platform heat flow (-Figs. h6A, 16B, 17A, h7B). These
morphologies and the influence of relative sea- mechanisms also vary in importance depending
level changes (Figs. 13, 14). on sea-level stand. Highstand porewater move-
Major rimmed and isolated platforms exhibit a ment within the Great Bahama Bank is driven by
range of porewater circulation mechanisms due several mechanisms: Kohout convection, reflux,


Fig. 16. Likely porewater circulation systems for isolated buildups, rimmed shelves, and ramps during a relative sea-level highstand.
These diagrams illustrate the simpler hydrology expected in ramps compared with steeper-margined rimmed platforms and isolated
buildups. The isolated platform model is based on the example of the Great Bahama Bank. Ramps are probably less influenced by
marine porewater circulation than other platforms, but because they are mostly attached to land masses they may be subject to
more meteoric influence, even during relative sea-level highstands. Conversely, early marine -cementation and sea-water dotomitiza-
tion are likely to be less prominent.

and head differences on several scales driven circulatory mechanism in ramp settings. The lack
largely by tidal, oceanic, and storm currents of extensive hypersaline platform interiors in
(Whitaker and Smart, 1990). Fluid circulation in many ramps compared with broad, flat-topped
ramps will depend much more on wave and tidal rimmed shelves will also result in reduced oppor-
pumping, which radically affects the distribution tunity for brine generation, so that large-scale
of diagenetic phases such as early cementation reflux is only likely to occur where the ramp is
and dolomitization compared with rimmed backed by a broad hypersahine lagoon (Figs. h6C,
shelves. Kohout convection is not a significant h7C). By virtue of their shallow depositional


Fig. 17. Likely porewater circulation systems for isolated buildups, rimmed shelves, and ramps during a relative sea-level towstand.
Note the distribution of meteoric tenses in the different platform types and the development of buoyant circulation systems which
promote seawater mixing. Note that meteoric water, driven by hydrostatic head, can extend downdip beyond the shoreline and
discharge at the sea floor.

slopes, ramps will also be less likely to develop ate hydraulic head (Figs. 16C, 17C). Buoyant
marine porewater circulatory systems capable of circulation between the meteoric and seawater
causing seawater dolomitization. The extensive systems will be a major mechanism creating a
early marine cementation associated with reef porewater flux capable of forcing diagenetic
fronts in rimmed shelves and large isolated change. The meteoric phreatic zone may extend
buildups will be absent from ramp systems and offshore, below sea-level, as in the Arabian Gulf
restricted to the shoreface (beach rock), shoals, (Chafetz et al., 1988), and as has been shown for
and minor buildups where porewater circulation several ancient systems including the Smackover
is largely due to wave-, storm-surge, and small- Formation of the US Gulf Coast (Moore, 1989)
scale tidal pumping. and the Corallian (Upper Jurassic) of southern
In ramps, typically attached to a shoreline, England (Sun, 1990). For this reason, ramps may
meteoric recharge of porewaters is a significant be preferred sites for mixing-zone diagenesis or
factor in all stages of sea-level stand, particularly leaching (Figs. 16C, 17C) and, with their corn-
if the hinterland is sufficiently elevated to gener- monly sheet-like sequence geometries, may form

Fig. 18. Potential locations of stratigraphic traps within sequence tracts of a carbonate ramp with a well-developed lowstand
prograding system (cf. Fig. 13). (A) Isolated buildups developed during drowning of parasequence or sequence and encased in
onlapping or downlapping highstand mudstones (e.g. Pembina trend, Upper Devonian West Canada Basin). (B) Isolated buildup or
shoal developed over high (salt diapir, fault block, etc.) in offshore location and covered by mudstones (e.g. Smackover Formation,
Upper Jurassic, Gulf Coast, U.S.A.). (C) Pinchout of inner-ramp carbonate sands into tight offshore facies where regional dip has
been reversed (e.g. Mishrif Formation, mid-Cretaceous, southern Arabian Gulf). (D) Karstification of mid- and inner-ramp
sediments at major sequence boundary (e.g. Ellenburger Formation, Ordovician, southwestern U.S.A.). (B) Truncation of dipping
inner- and mid-ramp carbonates at a regional unconformity (e.g. Grosmont Formation, Upper Devonian, West Canada Basin). (F)
Lowstand deposits isolated from previous highstand inner ramp and sealed by onlapping or downlapping outer-ramp or basinal
muds (conceptual—examples unknown to the authors). (G) Carbonate grainstone bodies, e.g. barrier islands, isolated by shoreline
facies disposition (e.g. Mississippian, Paradox and Williston Basins, U.S.A.). (H) Individual carbonate grainstone shoals, tidal bars,
channels, or patch reefs isolated within sealing facies of inner or mid ramp (e.g. Silurian, Oklahoma, U.S.A.; Upper Jurassic, Paris
Basin, France). (I) Updip pinchout of inner-ramp shoreline grainstone into tight inner-ramp facies (e.g. San Andres Formation,
Delaware Basin, west Texas). Key as in Fig. 13, except black: tight mid- and outer-ramp facies (notional seal); mottled: organic
buildup; horizontal lines: terrigenous mudstones (seal).

ready conduits for basin-derived fluids expressed organic and sedimentary facies through time (Fig.
by compaction and thermal maturation. 6) and this diversity is reflected in variations in
their reservoir potential. In the Cambrian and
Economic aspects Early Ordovician, mud-textured buildups were
dominant and restricted to outer-ramp environ-
More emphasis is traditionally placed by cx- ments. In the later Ordovician, Silurian and Early
plorationists on depositiona! models for Devonian, framebuilding organisms, such as stro-
petroleum exploration and development in car- matoporoids and corals, formed a larger propor-
bonate rimmed shelves or in large isolated tion of such buildups in both shallow and
buildups than in ramp systems. However, ramps deeper-water settings and generated textural di-
too form major reservoir zones in some of the versity which improved their primary reservoir
world’s most prolific petroleum provinces and potential and susceptibility to secondary diage-
offer different, commonly more subtle play types netic alteration. Petroleum-bearing buildups of
than many rimmed shelves, with wide opportuni- these ages are common. Well-developed outer-
ties for stratigraphic and structural trapping and ramp buildup reservoirs occur in the Silurian and
lateral variations in reservoir quality (Fig. 18). Devonian of the U.S.A. and Canada. Silurian
Although the controls on source rock and reser- examples occur in the intracratonic settings of the
voir distribution in such settings are still incom- Illinois (Whitaker, 1988), Williston (Wilson, 1975)
p!etely understood, and the models applied mostly and Michigan Basins (Sears and Lucia, 1979).
poorly predictive, some generalities can be made Devonian ramp-buildup reservoirs occur widely
and are discussed in the following sections. Com- in the West Canada Basin and the Wi!liston
ments will be restricted to situations where origi- Basin. In the Late Devonian and Early Carbonif-
na! ramp depositional environments have been erous, Late Permian, and the Triassic, mid- and
largely responsible for the stratigraphic trapping outer-ramp buildups were again predominantly
of petroleum. However, because they have such mud-textured and seem to form relatively few
wide areal distribution, many ramps are also the petroleum reservoirs. In the Late Carboniferous
sites of structural or halokinetic traps. Many giant and Early Permian, however, a variety of organ-
fields in the Arabian Gulf, for example, are the isms, most prominent of which were the phylloid
product of upwarping of Mesozoic or Tertiary and related algae, created texturally varied
carbonate ramp sediments over basement highs buildups which in some areas (e.g. West Texas
or over diapirs rooted in the deeply buried Pro- and New Mexico, in the U.S.A. and the Timan
terozoic Hormuz salt. Pechora and North Caspian Basins in Russia and
Low-energy ramps are mostly sparse in poten- Kazakhstan) form prolific petroleum reservoirs in
tia! reservoir facies unless downslope buildups or mid-ramp locations. Petroleum reservoirs also oc-
incipient organic rims are developed (Read, 1985), cur in outer-ramp coral—algal buildups in some
or they lie in situations where the timing of Jurassic ramps, such as the Smackover Formation
diagenesis (e.g. dolomitization, karst, fracturing) of the US Gulf Coast (Baria et a!., 1982). In the
in relation to petroleum migration have been Cretaceous and Tertiary, reservoirs in outer-ramp
particularly favourable. High-energy ramps in buildups are rare and most occur in inner-ramp
contrast commonly possess a wide range of reefoid settings, as in the Sunniland Basin in South
facies and carbonate sandbody types (see e.g. Florida (Halley, 1985). -

Handford, 1988). Buildups in mid- or outer-ramp locations com-

monly form ideal stratigraphic traps sealed by
Reservoirs in organic buildups onlapping basinal facies or by downlapping,
mud-textured distal highstand sediments (Figs.
A common location for petroleum reservoirs in 10, 15). In exceptional cases, additional or alter-
ramp systems is in organic buildups (Fig. 17). native seal may be provided by subsequent low-
These features have exhibited a wide range of stand deposits where these comprise tight periti-

dal facies (e.g. the Wolf Lake Member of the Canada Basin (gross reserves 1.8 billion barrels of
Nisku Formation in the West Alberta Basin; oil equivalent in over 50 producing mounds); the
Watts, 1988) or evaporites (e.g. Droste, 1990). Silurian of the northern Michigan reef belt (400
Where buildups are stacked one upon the other, + mounds) and the Illinois Basin (Coburn, 1986);
petroleum reservoirs may be “multistorey”. Doc- and buildups in the Mississippian (see list in
umented examples occur in the Silurian of the Kosters et a!., 1989) and Pennsylvanian (Strawn
Michigan Basin (Mesolella, 1974) and in the Dc- Formation) of north-central Texas (e.g. Wer-
vonian of the West Canada Basin (Chevron Stan- mund, 1975; Hopkins and Ahr, 1986).
dard, 1979). Organic buildups, if numerous, may restrict
Isolated buildups lie ideally situated in an in- circulation at the sea floor and contribute to the
termediate location which will be on any updip development and preservation of organic-rich
migration path for petroleum generated from sediments, particularly in a transgressive systems
source rocks in the same fairway. Buildups in tract when vertical growth is dominant. This phe-
outer-ramp settings may lie in juxtaposition with nomenon will be accentuated during times of
petroleum source rocks developed in transgres- regional or global oceanic anoxia. Examples of
sive systems tracts and receive their hydrocarbon organic-rich deposits which occur in association
charge directly by lateral migration. However, the with drowning of carbonate ramps are known
small isolated buildups associated with many from the Late Devonian of the West Canada
ramps have limited “footprint” areas, so that in Basin (Stoakes and Creaney, 1985), Europe
situations where they are charged indirectly some (Krebs, 1979), the Urals—Caspian area (Ulmishek,
mechanism to focus petroleum migration and 1988), and the Late Jurassic Ma!m of southern
thereby facilitate reservoir filling may be neces- Germany (Meyer and Schmidt-Ka!er, 1983).
sary. This is assisted by their development on
topographic or tectonic highs. In a few docu- Reservoirs in grainstone-dominated ramps
mented cases, migration seems to have been fo-
cussed into large isolated buildups, giant fields, Grainstone reservoirs in ramp settings (Fig. 18)
by subtle depositional or secondary topography in are widespread and occur in a number of configu-
an underlying ramp sequence (e.g. Stoakes and rations. The composition of the grainstone sedi-
Creaney, 1985). ments may also vary (e.g. oolitic or bioclastic),
Buildup shape and location may reflect tec- depending on the age and the location of the
tonic, topographic or hydrographic control. The ramp (e.g. whether windward or leeward). Reser-
thickness of ramp buildup reservoirs is seldom voir facies range from shoreline carbonate sand-
greater than 100—200 m (not necessarily sea-floor bodies to major detached shoal complexes or
relief), but larger buildups several tens of kilome- shoal complexes over offshore highs. Neverthe-
tres across, forming giant oil and gas fields, may less, a general characteristic of many ramp grain-
develop during or following ramp drowning (e.g. stone reservoirs is that they are relatively thin or
Swan Hills and Leduc reefs in the West Canada layered, seldom with more than a few tens of
Basin). In places, several small mounds may metres of reservoir facies in any one zone (e.g.
amalgamate to form a single larger buildups, as Thamama Formation, Arabian Gulf), and corn-
seen on seismic lines from the Permian of the monly of wide lateral extent.
Finnmark area, Barents Shelf (Gerard and Reservoirs may occur in individual shoreline
Buhrig, 1990). Ramp organic buildups commonly beaches, barriers, or bars sealed by outer-ramp
form “swarms” numbering tens to hundreds and, terrigenous or carbonate mudstones (Figs. 18C,
although they individually constitute small reser- 18G, 18H). The proportion of reservoir to non-re-
voirs, of the order of only 5—50 million barrels of servoir facies generally decreases basinwards over
oil, such trends can represent large gross re- several to a few tens of ki!ometres as the propor-
serves. Examples of such fairways occur in: the tion of offshore deposits and the amount of layer-
Frasnian Nisku Pembina trend of the West ing increases. Shoreline reservoirs may also pinch

out into lagoonal mudstones or evaporites (Fig. Thick reservoir units develop mostly as a result of
181). Examples of reservoirs in shoal or stacking of discrete sha!lowing-upwards (pro-
shoreline-dominated ramps occur in: the Missis- gradational) shorelines (cf. Fig. 18C). However,
sippian Mission Canyon Formation of the Willis- the internal heterogeneity produced by repeated
ton Basin (Thomas and Glaister, 1960; Lindsay shoreline transgression and progradation within
and Kendall, 1985); the Mississippian St. any depositional sequence may generate laterally
Genevieve Limestone of the Illinois Basin extensive, but vertically subdivided sandbodies
(Choquette and Steinen, 1985); the Jurassic (Figs. 18C, 18E, 18G, 181), with units of grain-
Smackover Formation (Feazel, 1985; Druckinan stone (upper shoreface) interbedded with mud- to
and Moore, 1985; Meendsen et al., 1987; Se- packstone-prone intervals (lower shoreface and
queira and Ahr, 1987); the Jurassic of southern offshore).
England (Sellwood et a!., 1986) and the Paris Inner-ramp grainstone reservoirs may be trun-
Basin (Purser, 1985); and the Early Cretaceous of cated or karstified updip at major sequence
the Neuquén Basin in Argentina (Mitchum and boundaries or regional tectonic unconformities
Uliana, 1985). (Figs. 18D, 18E), for example in foreland basins
Several sandbody geometries are important in or on passive margins. This relationship can gen-
grainstone-dominated ramps because they may crate sub-unconformity plays if the overlying fa-
influence reservoir heterogeneity. Wave-dominat- cies form an effective seal. Examples of reservoirs
ed shoreline sandbodies produce vertical sedi- in foreland basin settings occur in the Frasnian
mentary sequences coarsening upwards from Grosmont Formation (Rand, 1982) and locally
packstones and wackestones to grainstones on a the Mississippian and Triassic of the West Canada
c. 10 m scale (Fig. 4), but varying in geometry and Basin, where they are truncated updip by the
width from string-like to sheet-like depending on Cretaceous unconformity (Jardine and Wilshart,
the distances prograded (Burchette et al., 1990). 1987), and the Cenomanian Mishrif Formation of
Storm- or tide-dominated shoal-belt prograda- the Arabian Gulf which is overlain uncon-
tion, or local stacking of shoreface sands, produce formably by the Turonian Laffan Formation
grainstone wedges or “tongues” up to several (Harris et a!., 1984).
tens of metres thick and several tens of kilome- For similar reasons, inner-ramp grainstones
tres across with a range of transitions to encasing may also experience repeated episodes of mete-
facies. All the sandbody types may extend more oric diagenesis. The effects of this process, and
or less continuously for tens of hundreds of kilo- therefore the consequences for reservoir quality,
metres along depositiona! strike, will depend on the duration and magnitude of
Carbonate shoal-belts may comprise up to 80% exposure, the composition (e.g. aragonite con-
grainstone facies. However, the distal and proxi- tent) of the sediments, and on climate; clearly the
ma! margins of the sheets and wedges which they geologic age of the sediments will have an impor-
generate may subdivide into decimeter packstone tant bearing in this respect. It is important in this
or grainstone units intercalated variably with context to determine whether or not a sandbody
muddy facies. More significant mudstone interca- was deposited during the transgressive systems
lations may break up the vertical continuity of the tract or the highstand systems tract, since expo-
shoal sandbodies (Burchette, 1987). In prograding sure-related leaching will be of greatest magni-
strandlines well-sorted shoreface carbonate pack- tude and duration at major sequence boundaries.
stones/grainstones (60—70% of sandbody thick- Where base-level fall has been of sufficient mag-
ness) represent the most likely potential reservoir nitude, lowstand carbonate sandbodies may be
zones. Tidal range, wave and current regime, and isolated from those in the previous highstand
base-level behaviour control the thickness and systems tract and sealed by onlapping and down-
character of potential reservoir facies developed lapping outer-ramp and/or basinal deposits (Fig.
at the top of such coarsening-upwards fourth- or 18F), although the opportunity for meteoric
fifth-order sequences (cf. Hunter et a!., 1979). leaching in this location may be limited.

Conclusions gesting that ramps are actually seldom “homocli-

na!” but posses subtle slope geometries which
(11) Carbonate ramps can be subdivided into reflect the ramp depositional environments.
inner-, mid-, and outer-ramp environments. The (7) Ramp sequence geometries, both on seis-
mid-ramp zone extends from fair-weather wave mic lines and in the field, are lens-like, thinning
base to normal storm wave base, although the towards shoreline and basin. Internally, ramp Se-
water depths which these represent vary. An ad- quences comprise lowstand, transgressive and
ditional slope environment, between outer ramp highstand systems tracts containing fourth- and
and basin, is recognizable in distally steepened fifth-order sequence sets. On high-energy ramps
ramps. with wave-dominated shorelines, these may com-
(2) As with siliciclastic shelves, a range of prise beaches or barrier islands. The influence of
storm-, wave-, and tide-dominated carbonate windward versus leeward locations on ramp se-
ramps can be recognized and this forms the most quence geometry has yet to be properly investi-
appropriate basis for ramp classification. The gated.
presence or absence of reefa! facies (as buildups), (8) Isolated buildups may seed in an early
and windward and leeward aspects, are factors ramp sequence and continue growth through sue-
which complicate ramp classification. Muddy cessive ramp sequences. They show depositional
ramps in low-energy and leeward situations could and diagenetic features which are in concert with
be termed protected ramps. sequences of the shallow ramp. They may be
(3) Although carbonate ramps are common in engulfed by the prograding shallow ramp. The
all geological periods, they were the dominant location of isolated buildups is governed by tec-
carbonate platform style at times when reef-con- tonism (e.g. extensional faults) or halokinesis, an-
structing organisms were absent or inhibited. tecedent topography (e.g. previous mound), or by
However, a wide variety of organisms have con- the subtle slope geometry of a previous ramp
structed mounds in mid- and outer-ramp environ- sequence.
ments. Organic buildups on ramps are restricted (9) Many ramps consist of layered successions
to isolated, predominantly mud-textured mounds of several third-order ramp sequences, forming
seldom more than 2 km in diameter and 200 m ramp “stacks”. Ramp stacks may show gross ver-
thick. tical accretion, but individual sequences seldom
(4) The carbonate productivity profile of ramps develop in a keep-up style. Steepening of the
is different to that of rimmed shelves, since the outer-ramp margin, due to tectonism, slope inher-
contrast in productivity across the shoreline to itance, or differential sedimentation may produce
basin transition is less marked. The zone of great- a distally steepened ramp or rimmed shelf. Dif-
est organic carbonate production on ramps ap- ferential steepening may occur within a single
pears to have shifted from the mid-ramp to the ramp third-order depositional sequence.
inner ramp since the late Jurassic. (10) Because they are characterized by such
(5) Carbonate ramps occur in most styles of low-angle slopes, ramps behave differently to
- sedimentary basin, but are largest and most corn- rimmed shelves during changes in relative sea
mon in those where subsidence is flexural and level. During a minor fall, ramp depositional fa-
slow and gradients are slight over large areas. cies will shift basinwards and only the inner ramp
These are mostly cratonic-interior basins, passive will be exposed, while on a flat-topped rimmed
continental margins, and foreland basins, shelf system, the whole of the platform interior
(6) The thin, featureless depositional profiles (potentially hundreds of km wide) may be cx-
of carbonate ramps generate no pronounced se- posed. Lowstand deposits may consist of evapor-
quence geometries and are similar in this respect ites in restricted basins. During a major fall sha!-
to silicic!astic ramps. On “squashed” regional low basins with ramp margins may empty corn-
seismic lines some carbonate ramps do show pletely, while distally steepened ramps and
low-angle sigmoida! or shingled clinoforms, sug- rimmed shelves may develop !owstand reefal or

talus wedges. These responses will vary depend- ments to the original manuscript, are gratefully
ing on basinal water depth and slope angle. Be- acknowledged.
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