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Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete

Structures for Earthquake Forces
by Javeed A. Munshi
Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc.


An organization of cement manufacturers to improve

and extend the uses of portland cement and concrete
through market development. engineering , research ,
education and public affairs work.

5420 Old Orchard Road , Skokie, IL 60077 - 1083 USA

© Portland Cement Association 2002

All right rescr\'ed_ Nop<lrl of this book mnybe reproduced

in .. ny form w ithout permission in writing from the pub-
lisher, except by" reviewer who wishes to quote brief
paSS<lges in tl review written for inclusion ina milgazineor

ISBN 0-89312-219-X

Printed in the United States of America

This publication is intended SOLELY for usc by PROFES-

SIONAL PERSONNEL who arc competent to e\'aiuate
the signific.mcc and limitations of the information pro-
vided hereil1, and who will accept total responsibility for
the application of this inforl11.1liOI1. The Portla nd Cement
Associa tion DISCLAfMS any and .111 RESPONSIBILITY
and LIABILITY for the accuracy of and the applica tion of
Ihe information contilined in this publication to the full
extent permittcci by law.

rhe ,wthor would like to thank the members of ACi
Subcommittee 350.3 for providing the informntion,
encouragement nnd support during the development
of this publication. In particular, the author would
like to I"hnnk William C. Sherman, Camp Dresser &
McKel:', Inc., Denwr,CQ, member of ACi Com mittee 350
for his ex tensive review and contribution to this
publication. Review of selected portions pro\rided by
Nichol,ls A. Legatos, Preload Inc., C hair of ACI
Subcommittee 350.3, is also highly appreciated. Thanks
arealsod uc to David A. Fanella, Manager, Buildi ngsand
Specinl Struc tu res. Pmtlnnd Cement Association for
reviewing the entire publication. Finally, Wcs lkezoc
worked on lht"'! layout and productior, of this publication,
which is nluch nppreciatcd.
1. Introduction ................................................................ 1

2. General ......................................................................... 3

3. Earthquake Design Loads ........................................ 5

-I. Modeling C1nd Analysis ............................... ........... 11

5. Design of Components ............................................ 23

6. Detailing ....................... ................... ............. .... ........ 29

7. E\ilmplc I: iA'Sign of Rectangular Concrete Tank ... J5

$. EX<lmpk' 2: Ocsign of CircularConcrdc Tank ........ -IS

Notation ........... ..................... ..... ................................. 53

1.1 GENERAL Sevcml challenges were encountered during this pro-
cess beci1uSC of incompatibilities and insufficient informa-
This pUbJiCiltJOIl provide.... fl'luiremcnts and guidelines
tion pertaining to load combina tions in\'olving earthquake
for the design ilnd del«i!lllg of liquid-containing struc-
a nd fluid pressure, response modification factors corre-
tures for earthquake fn TCt.'S lIsing Ih~ !Be 2000, UI3C 1997,
sponding to impulsive and convective motion of liquid,
UBC 199-1, BOCA 199b and SOC 1997 model cu(ks. Note
t~ffects of dynamic earth and g'round water pressure and
thai although these co(lcs Ihem.scl\'j..~ do not contain spe-
the manne.r in w hich they should be combined with other
cific provisions for dclaik.>d seismic anal ),sis and d('5ign of
loads, and last but not least, complexity of structural
liquid-contlining sl ructUTt.'S, they do allow useof consen-
response and boundary conditio ns. Since many of these
s us industrystand.lrd~. ThcrcportofCommittce350.Q1 on
issues are complex and currently being researched a nd
the Cock Ikqllireml'lI/s fur £1IUlf(lIIl11clllnl Ellgineaillg COII-
debated, the interpretations given in this publication arc
crete St rllctllre::; of the American Concrele Institute meets
by no means final. ACI Committee 350 has identified some
Ihis requirement of being a nationally recognized consen-
of these issues to be taken up as futme business. This
sus ~ti1ndi1rd applicable to liquid-containing and other
publil;,ltion wi ll beupdatcd whcneithermore information
environmental struciurl'S. The committee recently pub-
or better in terprct,ltions of these issues become available
lished Sl'ismic Dl5iSIl (~f Uql/ld-Gm/llillillg COllm'ft' Siruc-
through the consensus committee e(forts.
tUTl'~ (ACI 350.J-01 }lIlId CtllIIlI/l'll/ar,ll (ACl350.JR-01), which
gin's delilik'l.:i proct.>dur('~ f()r sci:-;mic ilna lysis and dcsign
of liquLd-containing struchLr('S_ Furthermore, Chapter 21 1.2 SCOPE
of ACI 350-0 I ~ivl'Spro\'isions for seismic design of liquid - This publication is meant as il guide fo r the design and
contilining structures much in the s.lLlle manner .15 Chap- det" i\ i ng of concrele liquid -con ta in ing struchl res for ea rth-
ter 21 of ACl318 dOL'S for buildin).\ s tructures. quakt> forces according to the model building codes. It
Note that ACI35n-Oi refers to ACI 318-95 while ACI COVl'rs rectangular and circular tanks with non-flexible
350.3-01 is compatible h'i!h UBC "1994 service-level carth- Olnd flexible wall-to-base connectio ns.
quake design methodology. The provisions of ACI35O.3-
01 arc not pri:'~i:'ntly compatibll' with lBC 2000, UBC 1997, Chapter 2 provides basit informatio n on the different
BOCA 1996 .lnd SBC 1997 for two reasons: (.,) All of these types of tanks and their wall-to-base slab connections.
mooel codl.'S usc strcngth-h:'\,{'l I.:arlh'luakc forct'S, and (b) Chapter 3 summarizes the required earthquake design
Some o( thl' mode] l.:odl'S are bi1:;.t><! On more recent (post- loads as prcscribcC! in the model cock'S noted above. It also
19n) seismic hazard dna lysis .md seismi(" .loning, which contains the applicable code-prescribed load combina-
h,we not Ix.... n incorpOTilted in ACI 350.3. Therefore, ACI tions for dl'sign of concrete s tructures. A disclLssion o n
35(lJ-0l in its current form can not be directly used with various load combinations involving earthquake and fluid
these bui lding codL-'S. pressure loads applicable to liquid-conta ining concrete
This publication bridge~ the g.lp bclwl:.'en ACI 350.3- structUrL'S is also presented .
01 and the model codes indicated above which usestrength- C hapter 4 describes mOdeling and ann lysis met hods
lewl earthquake force~. TIll' concepts of ACi 350-01 and lLsing different model code:;. The concepts of AC135O.3-01
ACI 350.3-01 have been cxtt'nded for use with the IBC are integrated with the loading provisions of the lBC
2000, UBC '1997, BOCA J996 ,1nd SBC [91)7 for the design 2000. USC 1997, UBC 1994, BOCA 1996, and SBe 1997.
ofliquid-cOllli1inlng5truclures. An effort has been made to This chapter a lso gives equatiuns for determining the pe-
Inicrpret .11ld ex trapolate the concepts and provisions of riod of the structure based on the bow1dary condi tions
ACI350.3-01 to rnak(' them compatible with these codes. of its w(lils. Cha rts and design aids (or determining the
impulsive ,lnd convective weights along with the height Chap ter 7 illust rates the design and detailing of a rectan-
.ue alro given. gular concrete tank located in a region of high seismicity
Chapter 5 contilins the design recommendations for vari- per the !Be 2000. The base she.u is also computed for the
ous components of the Iiquid-containing structure, includ- UBC 1997, UBCl 994, BOCA 1996 and SBC 1997 codes.
ing foundations. immersed elements and other compo- Chapter 8 illustriltes the design and detailing of a
ncnts:iubll.·cted to dynamic loads. Procedures for design of nonprestressed circular concrete tank loca ted in a region
both rC(t<ln~ulilr and circula r I'ank walls are included. of high seismicity, per the lBC 2000.
Cha pte r 6 sum nM rizcs the detai ling requjremen ts fo r wn lis
hilscd all ACi ::nS-99. TIll' overriding provisions of ACi
350-01 afe also noted w herever ilpplicable.

2.1 TYPES OF LIQUID-CONTAINING Liquid-containing structures essentially fall into Iwo cat-
STRUCTURES egories of behavior based on their wall-Io-footing connec-
i. Rectangular tion: th(' non-sliding or the rigid base (Fig. 2-1) and the
1. Fixed B ase (Fig. 2-1(a» flexible basc(Fig. 2-2). The non-sliding base typically uses
2. Hinged Base (Fig. 2-1(b)) a fixed or hinged waU-to-footing connl."Ction. The flexible
base typically uses a base pad between Ihe wal! and the
U. Circular without Prestressing foo ting and allows va rying degrees and types of move-
1. Fixed Base (Fig. 2-1(a»
2. Hinged Base (Fig. 2-1(b» menl depending upon whether Ihe wall is anchored,
unanchored con tained or unanchored unconlained in the
ill. Circular wi th Prestressing footing (Fig. 2-2). This Iype of connection is o nly used fo r
1. Fixed Base (Fig. 2-1(a» circular prestressed tanks. The type of base connection is
2. Hinged Base {Fig. 2·, (b» likely to infl lienee the seismic response of a liquid-contain-
3. Flexible Base
a. Anchored (Fig. 2-2(a))
ingstructureand its c(fccl should be properly included in
b. Unanchored, Contained (Fig. 2-2(b» modeling, design and detailing.
C. Unanchored, Uncontalned (Fig. 2-2(c))

Strip Hold downs
Tank Wall (Typ)
Dowels if required

Floor (Typ)


Figure 2-1. Nonflexible Base Connections

Seismic Cables
or Anchors (Typ)
Flexible Contam-
ment Pads
Flexible Base Pad



Figure 2-2, Flexible Base Connections

Non-sliding Base TJnbllltlt h,1\ l' il ti'l'd or hingt.'<i con-
Unanchored Contained Flexible Base, Th(.>Se 1,1IIks usc
n(\:ll(111 lWI\\l,(,ll tlw \\,.11J.. ,1nd Ih" fuundation Mt.' c~en­
,111 l1fMTlchored \\".,11 cont.l ined b~' il concrctccurb.1S shown
IMII, n, 'n-~[idln)..\ t\ "pl'. Stt.\'1 r{'inlor(:emcnl (Ir keying action
in Fig. 2-2(b). This typcofcOlUll'ction allows limited radial
l'n"'lIrl'''' Ow twn-.. lidin~ ~ha\"l{lr. .1S .. h(l\\n in Fig. 2-J.
.1nd lange-nli.ll mO\"Cll1l'nt.
Anchored Flexible Base. l.m"" \nth fll'\ibJe b,hC' Ih.ll usc
Unanchored Uncontained Flexible Base. TIlese allow
..,mll' "ind ,,, ,lll1..h"Ta};t.' bl't\q>t'n till' \\"all and the foolin~
<111 unlimited radial and tangl' movcment of the
.,lJtI\\, radM Im", l'l1Ilnt but rcslrirllhc t.11lgl.'ntlill rnO\'l~m('llt
jllint since no anchorngl' or containment of the w.alls is
,11 Itll' b,N.' "t IhL' .. trud]Jr~'. J \'pKJlh .lndwrag~ iSdChil'vt.'J
innl/\"L'd (Fi!-:. 2-2{t:)). This type of tank is not pt'rmittcd in
with slr.l1ld (.,btl's l'mbl.'dd,'d ill the willi and the footin~
rcgionsofhi~h S('ismidt~, rUBe 70n('53 .1nd 4-) forob\"ious
(Fi~. ~-2(.,)) C"mprl'....,ibll, slt.'C\ " ... Mt.' 'bl'd OWr ilnchor
rl'ilStln .. ~If potenlicilly unwntrolh:'li mo\·cment during .1
c.lbt(· Iht· n"S4' j{linlln .llltl\\ rildi.,1 w.l11 rno'·em('nl. s~.'i"mk \!\'ent.
Earthquake Design Loads
3.1 IBC 2000 METHOD
C 2:: 0.8511
3.1.1 General , R Eg. 16-76 (Section 1622.2.5)

Ot.--sign of Iiquid-('ont<1tning structures falls under SL'Cti('ln where,

1622 of the intl.'rnaliollal Building Code t l (!Be 2000) (or I = Imporl,mce factor (Table "1622.2.5 (2»
non-building ~tructure.... Tht:. ~'ction contains more elabo- R = Seismic Coefficient (Table 1622.2.5 (I»
rate provbion5 both for el("",lted ,lnd (m/abo\'(' ground W =
timks <IS comp.lred to the 1997 Uniform Building Code'": 51jS = thcdesignspect fal rL'Sponseaccclera tion atshort
(UBC '97), Ih~ 1997Sl<llldard Building CodC',"l(SBC '97)<lnd period obtained from Section 1615.1.3.
the 1996 BOCA Natinnni Building Code\..! (BOCA '96). Sm = the desi!,'" spectral response acceleration at I
Section 1622.2 of lBe 2000 indicates th,1' when calcu- SI:.'eond period obtai ned from Section 1615.1.3.
lating the S<'ismic forces, the normal operating contents
should bi.'indudcd for tanks. Thcsei::;micwcighl Wshould So<> = 2/3 5~1~
also include snow .md icc loads when these constitute SOl = 2/3 S\!I
more than 2.,'l"(> l"lf W. 5\1< '" maximum considered c:lrthq uake spectr al
111(' fundilnlcnlal period can bedcterminL>d by Section response accelera tion at short period (1615.1.2).
SIll = maximum considered earthquake spectra!
1617..1,.2 of I Be ()f by using any olher rational method such
<1$ givl'n in Chapter -I of thi" publication. The displ.lce-
responseacccleration at I second period (1615.1.2).
ment, drift and thL' P-L\ effects Me g<.'neralJy not significant
for at/ or below grade tanks.
The sci$mic coefficients R, ell and U" MC given in lBe
rable 1622.2.5 (I), based on the structure type. The impor- F., F =- si te coefficients defined in Table 1615. 1.2.
tance {,lclors .1r(' given ba!>Cd a ll the seismic use group and
Tables 1622.2.5 (1) and 1622.Z.5 (2) give the
the hazard / func tion criteria in IBe Table 1622.2.5 (Z). values for F. and F corresponding to the site
The seismic eHl.OCI £: to be uS<.'CI in lo..1d combinations class. 111€' si te class can be detennined by
shall be detcrminl'd using Section 1617.1 reproduced be- using Table 1615.1.1.
low (Section ~.I.-I). TIl(? redundancy!rcliilbi lity factor (p) So;. 51 = the mapped spectral accelerations for short
shall be t.lken as I The baS(' "hear is computed using period and 1 Sl.>cond periods, respectively, as
SL'elioll 1617.-1.1.
determined in Sl.'Ction 1615.1.
3.1.2 Base Shear T = fundamental period (See Sections 1617.4.2.1
and ChapteT 4)
, St.'Clion 162Z.2.5slipulatcs tha t the nlinimum seismic base
"hear shall nol be less than that computed in accordance 3.1.3 Rigid Structures
with the rCtlll iremcnls of 1617.-1.1. 111e procedure for com-
puting the base s hear i$ ilS foHowi.: The liquid-containing s tructures that have a fundamental
pl'riod, T, lessthanO.06s, includi ng their anchorages, shall
be designed fo r the lateral fo rce obtained from the follow-
ing (1622.2.6):
c "'= Sn" < Sill'
, R - RT
V=- O.35 p"Wl
C, ~ O.I-ISn...1 Eg. 16-7:; (Section l622.2.5)
where SIX' W and I are as den ned prev;oll$ly.

3.1.4 Seismic Load Effect where C "'- seism ic coefficient (Tabtc 16·Q of UB( '97)
fl' = importance fa ctor (Tolbl(' l6-K of USC '97)
Ttll'carth(11l.1kc IOJU(~'J 1!ln:.... from thl'wmbincd horilonlaJ IV , = weight of tilnk and cont.l ined liquid
.mJ \ ('rh".ll,lI.:(dl.'r.llitlO l'If..'eb i ... dct,'rminl-d in .1Cl.:ordance
" ilh S!.'t:hlln-. IfI:!l- t I ,lnd 1M iA.1 .1.. IIll1ow .., 3.2.2 Alternate Methods
, _Q -t ll,::! .... n St."Cllon 163-lA allow'> the follOWi ng two methods as .1n
.1Itern.l livc to Section 3.2.1:
Q dll'Ct III hIli l.fIln l,ll ... l't ... mi( h'rel'::- In thl?clcmcnt I A re<:pon!>C .,pt."Ctrum analysb that includes consid-
Jue ItI b.N.' :-.hl.',u \ cr.1lionof actual gruund motion anticip,lted at Ihesiteand
Ihe inertiill effect:. of the contained liquid.
2. A design for the porticular ty pe of
I \c.... ptinn: wilt'r...' ...... 'S O.15 h ,lnd S, ~ O.Wg, the .. true- lan"- by an .lpproved national sta ndard , p rovided
tur ....... h.lI! l'l\! d(·..,ignl'd tllT Sci<;mi( l~ .. jf.;n Caltl~("!n A Ihilt the !iei:"mi(' lone~ and occupancy categories ilrc in
confllrmanct.' wilh prod!'ions of Sections 1629A and
3.1 .5 Above-Grade Storage Tanks Ib~2, ~"'pccti\'el\'

nlL' li'luid-....lIltClinin~ htruclun-s nlounh-d ab(l\-C gr.,dc in 3.3 BOCA National Building Code and the
structure:" the att.lchn1l'llls. ~upporb .md th .... t<lnk ~hilll be Standard Building Code (SBC) Method
dl..':>igned to nlC'Ct the fOfe .... rL'lUin.·llll'nl"ofSl-">Ct:ion 1621.1.-1,
with R . ('qu"l to R "pl'Citied in 5l--ction Ibll. The weight of 111e BOCA and the SOC Codes do not gi\-e specific
thl' sioragl' tank (IV.) sh.dl include the "'!.!ighl ot the tank pro\'bions for design of liquid-containing slructurt.."S.
structur .... ,lnd appurh..'IMllcc" ;md till' UpN<l ting wci~hl of Sect10n 1610. 1 of the BOCA NOltional Building
the content!> ill m,,,,imum r,ltoo c.,p;tnty. Code .1nd Section -1607.1.1 of U,e Standard Building
Further, when th('!'>lu.,hin~ pNLOt1 uf IhL':-.lon.>d liquid Code indicate that provisions of ASCE r-" may be
i~ within 70"" 10 ISO"., 01 the? tunrlamentill period of thl' tn dcsign such ... tructur~. This method is similar
"upporling .,tnLClun.'. thl' e fft."'<:ls of slo..hin~ .. IKlIl be in- to thc one given in UBC 1997. These codes further
d udL'Ci in the dc:.ign of 1.101.. and it:-. .,uppurtill~ .. tructun:, .,peedy Ihal special structures shall be designed
fnr t'i'trthql1<lke loads utilizing an approved substanti-
3.1.6 At-Grade Storage Tanks 'lted .1n.,ly:-,.is.

ACCllrJmg tU$ecti {LIl 1622..1.3,2. .,tur,'gC l;tnk. mounted ,11

thehil.,t'.:-h.lll bcdc.,Lgntod IllLllet:>ltht.·dc"ign rcquin'menh. 3.4 ACI 350.3 METHOD
01 $(>ction 1622, In addtliun. lor .,ill':ot \\ hen..' S,., i., ~rc.ller
Note that both thl' IBC 2000 (1622.2.5) and the USC 1997
th,m O.N},ll,t imttom t,lnks dl"'i~nL'i with f"greater than 1163-1.-I) pr(1\isions .1ItOW the use of an alternate
1.0 and t.lnl...s we.Jter tlMn 10 ft in di.lmctcr and tanks thilt dC'otgn procedure from a nationally approved standard.
h,l\'(' .1 neight-to-di.lmdl'r ratio ~re'l tl'r than I .n Me r('-
Thc prO\"blOrn; uf ACl350.3'''' can be used as an alternate
quirt.'Li to nu.·'~ 1 certilin (ondihuth in 1f.22A.3.2.
dl.... il4n procedure o:;atisfying the criteria of a nationally
apprmcd standard . Variou:. C(lnccpls of ACI 350.3
3.2 UBC '97 METHOD h.:t\ t.' bl'C'n uKludcd in Chapler-l. Note that the provisions
of ACi 1:lO.3 arc compatible with the USC 199-1 that
3.2.1 Rigid Structures in\'ol\'t.'S .,.,.-.niCl"-lcwl earthquake forces. The IBC 20CJ0,
[n thl' Uniform Uuilding Code. the dC"ign of t,lnk:. USC IQQ7. BOCA 1996 and SBC 1997 use strcnglh·level
With sltppt1rted l)ullom f,lll., under St.."'C lion 1634.4 for e.,rthqu.1ke forces.
nonhuildmg stru..:turl·.,. n,b
~'Cti()1l .bsum~ that tank:.
with suppnrted bOllom., or nai·bI"ttom t.mb founded ,11 or 3.5 CONCRETE-PEDESTAL WATER TOWERS
bdll\\ gr.,dl'an.' inherentl~ ' ngld .. kwn:tingl). such struc-
turt.'!o! arc lu be desi~nl'ltll T{'l.'i.:-t ....:I~mic for;.:e<; ('\'alllatcd ACI Committee Report 371·98 - p resents detailed
lL.,in~ th(' pmct'tlllrl;' ~IH'n in ScdL(lIl 16..14 .1 for rigId r~omnll'ndi\tiom, for material .....m,llysis. design and
",tructur('''. Seetinn 1&:..1-1 alsn "pt.'Ci fil'S that the entirl' C(lfh truc:ti(\n of cnncre te-pcdes lal elevated water
weightnl the t.Jnl.. including it:.wnh:nbshould be u~>d in stor.l~c tm .... e!"'>. The"l' structures generally con.,;"1 of steel
thl."' iln.1h "1 .. The prulL'llure is outl ined as follows: storage tanks 'iuppl.rtcd by .1 cy lindrical reinforced
cllllcrl'le pt.-dCSI'lI . The report contains detailed rccommen-
d,1lit1nS for sebmic dl':otign of ,such pedestals. It is recom·
ll11'ndcd that the u<;cr refer to this document for design
r U.iC t \v of c(lIlc:retc- pcd['~t,'k

Section 1622A.H of the IBe indicates that ~ Iru ctures bUrled 3.7.1 General
undt!rgwund shall be designed f(lr scb;mic forc~s deter-
mmed by il ... ub.!>l<lntiatoo an"ly.-,i<; using ~ tilndard s ap- The load combinations of lBC2000 Ihill arc applicable to
proved b) the bUilding offici al Huwt'\'cr, no g uidelines the des ign of general budding structures arc given in
c)"ist forde~i~n \\1 sw.:h structu res in ei ther the IBC or LBC. Table 3-1. The land combuMtions which inciudesei::>mic
The itnalysb ,lnd d ........ I~n of buril'd . . trllclun.':. shuu ld in- effects arc bnsed on ASCE 7-98, " while the non-seis mic
dude thcefk'Ct (11 dvnamlc€<lrth prL"!.!,ure. Research"1.~ has, load combinations MI! baSL-d on ACl318-99. Table 3-2
however, :.iUlwn that st'isTnIC pfl.·s~urc:. do not control ~ in..... ,1 compari son of IOild combinntiuns in the 1994 and
design unless the pea k g round a.:cc1Cr.1 tllln {'x(l't'ds about 1997 UOC. I ·he IO.ld combinations(\f 1996 BOCA and 1997
O.3g, where g is the acceleration due to gr,w ily_ Th us, the SBC ilrt' gi nm in Tilble 3--3.
desib'n of buried tanks IOC.liL'd in ItlW 10 moderate sei:"mic 11,e bui ld ing cod~ do not give specific load combina-
risk areas is likely to bC' gm'crrlt.'d by ..,talic loading. Also. tions tha t ca n be d irectly lIscd fordL'Sign of tiqllid -conlain-
thccffcct ofsoil nonlincdri\les due to loca l £oil f.lilurcSI.."Cm:; ing s tructures for ('arthqllake loading. Section 1605.2.2 of
to have little effect un the pr~'diction .. of till' seis mic fe- [BC 20011 indicates Ihal fluid pn.>ssu rc (F) s hould bcaddcd
spon:;e of blifiL-d struclurt'S" 111 the prt!5Cribcd lllad combi n.ltions in accordillKt! with

Table 3-1 load Combinations for Building Structures Per IBC 2000

Code Cod e
Section Loads ' Requi red S trength Eq. No.
ACl9.2.1 DeClt! (D) & Liw (L) u= l.4D+ 1.7L (9- 1)
ACI9.2.2 [)C;.d, Live & Wind (IV) (i) U = 1.4D + 1.7L (9·1)
(ii) U = 0.75 (l.-ID + 1.7L + 1.7\0\'> (9·2)
(i ii) U = O.9D + 1.3W (9-3)

ACI 9.2.3 Oc;.d, Lin:: & Earth~luak(' (£l til u= lAD+ 1.7L (9-1)
IBC 1605.2 (i;J U = 1.20 + 1.0E + (I,L + /,S) (16-5)
lBC 1605.2 (iii) t' =l),9D + 1.0£ (16-6)

ACI9.2A lJcad, I i\ e & l.,rth ,md (i) ( = L-IO + 1.7L (9-1)

Groundw.lh?r Pressure (H)H (ii) U = lAD + 1.7L + 1.7H (9-1)
(iii) U =0.9D + l.7li
\\l1crl:' 0 or L rcduCCt> H

ACl9.2.5 Dead, Lin' & Fluid Pressure (i) U = lAD + 1.7L (9- 1)
(f-l'" (ii)U= 1.4D+ 1.7L.+ 1AF
(iii) U = O.YD + 1.-IF
where U or L reduces F

ACI 9.2.7 Dead. Live .1nd Effects fro m (i) U = lAD + 1.7L (9·1)
Di(fer!.'ntial Scltiemen t, Creep, (ii) U = 0.75 (lAD + IAT + l .7L) (9·5)
Shrinkagt" Expansion l1f (ii i)U =l .4(D+D (9·6)
Shrin kage-Compem.ali ng
Cuncrete, or Tempera ture (D

t D, /. , W, II. L /lu,1 T ('·I"'-;"U/ ,I,.. ,j,,,' ..'/ ;;"'fl,j,." lrods or tlll~r rr>rn'S/IfI'himS rffnl_ ,lid, Q_' 1I/o1Ilt'U1~, SIU~lrs, 1I.'fI1I1 forrc;<. I"~,,m. I"/e No/r: E IS II
~/ frtl.'.: /1I·11't~'II~1r1 hqrlllJi,' )1"'-,'_
•• 1\'('1.1:111 /Iud 1"''''lIfl' ",- ,wi IWrl u~//,·r 11/ ",',I rG,(!/Iu,fwalrr 1".N-lIfr /,; ILl l~' nons/dam ".If/lff rarllll".'.<;II(I' 11'lllr II I.; /tJad I,,,/ur'
LV,·ighlmrJ l'w"-'lIn· (lfl/''',1, II'/Ib 1,.,·/1 ,""Iil/,'" ,h.".I". . III.d "ml m/lltl,lr /IIi/ximum IIt·i.l:hI~

/'url/lm,' Crmrul ..b>l>O<l/mll EBZJ9

Table 3-2 Comparison of Load Combinations in the 1994 and 1997 USC for Building Structures

1994 UBC 1997 UBC

Load Combination (1909.2, 1921.2.7) Eq.No. Load Combinntion (1612.2, 1909.2)

Eq. No.
lAD + L7L (9-1 ) lAD + L7L
(4- 1)
(l.7S (lAO + 1.7L + 1.7W) (9-2) 0.75 (lAD + 1.7L + 1.7W)
1.4 (0 + L + E)' (9-3) 0.90 + 1.3W
().75 (lAD + 1.7L + 1.87£)' (12-5) 1.1 11.20 + 1.0E + (i,L + [,5)1

0.1)0 + I.3W (12-6) l.l (0.9D + 1.0E)

\1.90 + lAE~
0.90 + IA3E'
Spt..'Cial ul<1d Combinalilm (162S.7.2) Speci.l\ Lo..ld Combination (1612.4)

1.0D + O.8L + 3 (Rw/B) E (12-17) 1.20 + ft L + I.OE.

O.85D + 3(R,\/S) E (l 2-IS) 0.9D + 1.0E.,

n",'i''',;e lIIOiIl{roWN,.(,ld.,. r ,-"bt.- Ifl-N. 1!JQ~

R .. - USC)
t., pt, + [ tq. (.ltJ·1/. usc J~Ni
E.: DJ'.. ['I. l.tO·2), liRe 1~)~17
E. ,,<wlll'lII11Af 1011'/ dill"" 1II<'I~N' sl"'<lr (VI
r. '" 1'Il/liI'lUllk,' dJrd rlur w .'Crt",,/ .,'mJ~>II<'IIt 'iXI1'U>hlltmlwlt
/) '" rl'lhll'rht"lrr.iwtol,w.v f,Jrt•• r
11" _ ,.."_IUICfur""IIHljl/ip",lilllJ (,tr/o!r /TuN.' /b-."JI
r,. r. - {o1(I(1r~ <1<:1;'1<\1111 1612.21
·Sn~!IIi.· l,lIll',; 3 /lnrl-l
's,.'b llll,· I ..(IIII'>.! IIlId "'r'~"

Table 3-3 Load Combinations Specified in SOCA and SSC for Building Structures'

BOCA 19')6" E"luation SBe 1997 U -

No./Code No./Code
(9-1) (9-1 )
lAD+ 1.7L AC I 31S lAD + 1.7L
ACI 318
(9-2) (9-2)
0.75 (1. 4D + 1.7L ± 1.7W) ACl318 0.75 (1.40 + 1.7L ± 1.7W)
(9-3) (9-3)
0.9D+ 1.3W AC I 31B 0.90+ 1.3W
ACI 318
(1 )
(1.2 + O.5A~.) 0 + O.5L ± I.OQt SSC (1.1 +O.5A,) D+ L± Qt
(6) (2)
(0.9 - O.5A ~.) D ± 1.0Q, SSC (0.9 - O.5A,.) D ± Q,
(5)' (4)'
(1.2 + O.5A,) 0 + O.5L ± (2R/5) Q, SSC (1.1 + O.5A,) 0 + L ± (2R / 5) Q,
(6)11 (3)"
(0.9 - O.5A,) O± (2R /5 ) Q, SBC (0.9 - O.5A ,) 0 ± (2R / 5) Q,

D ~ £ffi~" (II d.~ld I,~"/~

L '" ftJ«lolli("'/r"'''~
\'l '" [1fi'l:I ,"II'md 11111,1.
Qt .. F.ffi~' ,'flwrr~l1I"'/ :'<.'I~l1IIC f<.'rn-,;
f\, 5I't~lIIi~ r~~f!i"rl/t r,'/,r,,,,,·lIlm,.: 'fir" tif~' pt'akwlon/."-rl'lollnlu.-n·kmt,,,,, ( /0 /0, I_I IIf BOCA, If,o7.1.5 IJ/ SBC)
/( '" /(r:;II(III'" 'l!Iltl,(iCllt"1II.ft" trrr (lblOJ.J uf HOCA. 1607.3J "ISHCI
,. SI'l' 16/3.0. /11/0 ..11, S.,·,.
9.2 ,,(tiC/ 31S, ./Ild Srct.l.J.2.>j ASCI:: ;-95 .
... ",\·I~.lI1I1J Sn·, 9.2 of ;\CI.J1~-')9.
, [1>1''/ fr->r II,I"m/'.lIl1/'rr:;~1(I1I III (1J/1I11111> 511J1JNrlillg diKt'"'/lJIIOII~ Ill tl'ro/ /iJr.... rt"Slslillg rkm",,/~, W/II'IT (1R/5) 2 1.(/,
.. U.....J Ii" Im"::,...II/I,II'n .... 'fl'S"'CJ III~/ld~'rs II! buit.llll$~ It~~l,I:lII~1 Iii SPC D or 11'11.. ,1.' (ZRIS) 2 J ,0.

&'Clion 23.2 oj ASCE 7-98. Howe\er, 5<.>ction 2.:n of 3.7.2 Consideration for Environmental
\SCE 7-l)i'\ dot..'S not spccifV ,lny k.,.,d combi nation irwoJ\'- Durability
iJl~ the l'fh.'l"Is (It fluid pn.'Ssurl' {FJ dnd the earthquake
fllree (£}. Thl'rl'to1"L', the m.mner in which F and E ShOll Jd A0151.1'" rl.'tluircs the follo\\ IIlg t\\ 0 modific.ltions to U,e
be combined and thl' lu.ui (actors clssucialcd with them IO.ld combinations. lh? ~l'Cond modification is not ilppJi-
remain und<.'.tr cabl!? to tho~ load combinatiollslh.ll include sei::.miccffL'c\.'>.
SeCtil111 ':l.::! ~ 111.\( I .11S indic.lIC'S that fluid prcssur(' M odification l-nl(~ IOild fac\{lr to be u~ed (or lateral
(/"J ... holiid Lx' ,llkk.J to ,lll IO:ld combinJl ions that involve liquid prl':.-;sllrl', F, is 1.7 r<lthl..'r liMn 104. Thi~ value 011.7
lin,' IU'lli (I.). '->L'chDn9.2.50( ACI 35tlO\'l'rnJcs the ACl318 mol) be> o\'crcon:.erva livc for some tanks, s incc thl'Y Me
rcquLrt"!mcnt by dil fit) Lllg lh.l t F :.hould ~ addL-d to all filled to the top un ly durmg Icak I('sting o r bccall~ of
governing IOild COml~Ln.llions,:-;o Ih,lt thc eifC(1 of L, Wor accidl'nta\ c.n-er(]o\\,. Si nce leflk le!'ting LlsuaHy occurs
E does not reduCt' thL' effect of F. Based on this, load only once and since Illost tanks arc equipped with over-
combinations consistent with AC1 318 ,md ACI 350, flow pipes, some designers hilvc considered using the
excJud i ng tlk cfk-ct of ~'rwi ronmen tal d LL rabi Ii tv d iscu!>scd 10.ld {.lctor of 1.4 in an attempt 10 reducc thc amount of
in Slxtion 3.7.2 below. GIll bc formuJ.lIed for use with required ~teel, which would rl"'Suli in less shrinkagli'
different mdl..~ ,)5 follows: restraint. I towE'vt!r, this publication suggests that tank
dt..'!>ign.'> m~et ACi 350 and. therefore, recommends the
For !BC 2tlO(} u.'>e of it 1000d factor of 1.7 with F.
Modification 2-The members must be designed to ml..>et
u = l.2D + l.OE + 1.2F + (fIL + f~S) Ftj (In-51. IBC 2000 thl' required strength, U, increaSt:.'Ci by a multiplier called
U = 0.9D ± 1.0E + 1.1F Eq. (16-6). \l3C 2000 the em ironl\1Cl1t<l1 dur.,bility ("ctor (EDF), Thc EDF \\'ill
U=0.75(1.4D+ 1.7L+ 1.4f + J.SiE/ Ul Eq. (9-2), "e131S
incre<lse the dl..-'Sign loads to provide a more conservative
d("Sign with less crncki ng. TIlL' inCfeaSl.'Ci requi red strength
For UBC 1997:
b ~i\'l'n by:
U = 1.1 [ J.2D + 1.0E + 1.3F + fflL + /.5)1 Eq. (IZ-5). UBC 19')7- Requin.>d st rength = EDF x U
U = 1.1[0.'10 ± 1.0£ + 1.3F[ Eq. (12-6). UBC 1997·
U = 0.75(1 AD + 1.7L + IAF + 1.H7f/ 1A) Eq. (9.::!), ACi318 where the EDF eqllal~:
-s... . '~'("I"ln !1>1~.2.:!
1.3 for flcxum[ reinforcement
For UBC '199-1:
1.65 for direct tens ion reinforcement
l':I.-I(D+L+F+l) [~l ('1-2), VOC 1994
1.3 for shear beyond that of the capacity provided by
U:: U.90 i JAr + L-If Lq.19-3), UIJC 1'>9' the wncrete
l':: 0.75(1.40 + 1.71. + 1.4F + J.t!7E) lq. (9-1), ACl318"
"I"..IHW<;; I Jnd 2 ForCXilmplc, the strength e..luationsbClSt.."<i on ACI 318
are wn"!) as follows:
ror soc 1997:
I. Flexural Reinforcement
U:: (1.1 + O.5A)D + L + 1.2f ± Q, Eq 11),SIJC 1997 Rc((d strength;2': 1.3 U
f.., = (O,'I-05,\)O± 0 , + 1.2F Eq. (2) SOC 2000 t/lMw<?: 1.3 (I.-IMp + l.7M, + 1.7M, )
U:: O.7';{IAO + J.7L + IAF + \.87£ / 1.4) Eq. (9-2). ACl31S
2. Din..'Ct Tension Reinforccment
For BOCA 1990:
Rcq'd Strcnglh<?: 1.65 U
U:: (1.2 + O.5A)O +0.51 + 121 ± Q. Eq (5), ASCE 7 <?: 1.65 (IA1D + 1.7fL + 1.7T, )
U:: (O.9-0.5t\lD..!: Q, + 1.2.1 Eq.16) ASCE 7
U "" 0.75(IAD + 1.7L + I.-IF + UI7f11.4) Eq. (9-2), ACl31S 3. Stirrup Rein forcement
QV,<?:1.3 (Vu- oVt)
fhe 113e20u0, the UHC 1997, the BOCA 1996 and sse
1997 usc thc ~ trcngth -I(?\'d earthquake force while the UBC -I. Concrl'te Shear and Compression
199-1 and ACI 318 use lhe s(>f·vice·lc\'cl earthqua ke force.
Rcq'd Strength:> 1.0U
Noic that in thc .1b~Jlc(? of cleOlrly d('fined load COIll-
binatiuns.thl' 10Mi combin.llions gh'en abo\'cnrc the best No increase is required in load factors for concrete
inlcrpretationsof what iscllrrently in Ihebuilding cock-'Sas shear, bond, or compression strength, so that proportion-
it npplic::. to liquid-containing structures. The designer ing member dcpths or thickness will be unchanged. For
sh{Juld cardultv im('Stigatc the IOild combinations that flexure, thc proposed incTCasc in load factors results in a
.lpply to his/ her ~lIuation. lllaximum IO.ld factoroft.3 times 1.7 =2.21 for Llo rm.lllive

and water and l!Mth load and a minimum load fa ctor of 3-5. Minimum Dtosig" Loads fo r Bllildill!{s alld Olill'r SImc-
1 3 time:-. 14 1_82 for all dead load . In conjunction with IlIrf!S, ASCE 7-9 and ASCE 7-95 American Society
4>-f.lclnr. pn.'·.cribt..>d ill ACI 318, these new load factor.:; for Civi l En g ineers, 'ew York.
result in flexural :.crvice load stresses in the reinforcement
bdwt.'t'll 24 ;'Illd 29 ksi, consistcnt wi th allowablc 3-6. St'i;,mic Design of Liquid-Colltaillill.I{ COf/{:n.'tt' Slmc-
... tr~ for wnrking sl ressdcslgn in thc currenl report by IlIre; (ACI 350.3-00 al/d Commelltary (ACt 3SO.JR·
ACt Commlllt.'(-' 1:,0. 01), ACI Committee 350. American Concrete Insti-
tute, Farmington Hills. MI. 2001.
3.8 REFERENCES 1-7. Glli.!.· for tlli' Allaly~is, Dt'Sign alld COllstructioll of
COIl(rl'lt'-Pedt'Slal Water Towers, Reported by ACI
3-1. fnli'matio/1II1 Buililmg Code, International Code Committee 371. American Concrete Institute,
Council, PaJ1s Chun:h. VA, M<lrch 2000. Farnunglon Hills, MI, 1998.
3-2. Uniform BIIMillS Codl.'. international Conferencl' of 3-8. Miller, C. A. ilnd Costan tino, C. J., "St'i!>mic Induced
Building Officiilh;. (ICBO), Whittier, CA, 1997. Eartll Pn'SSlIres /11 Bllrlcd Vaults", America" Society
3-3. SIIIII/lard Bllildlllg Ctldt', Southern Building Code of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), PVP-Vol. 271,
Congress IntCnltltionill , Birmingham, AL, 1997. 1994. pp. 3· 11 .
3-9. COliI' Reqllirellll'l/ts for £,wirOllmClItnt Engineering
3...1. TII~' BOCA Nntim1ll1 Bllildillg em/i', BlIildingOfficials
Cilllcn'te Structllrt'S (ACI 350-0]) Imd COlllmel/lary
and Code Administrators International, Country
C lub Hills, IL, 1996.
(ACT350R-Ol), Committee 350, American Concrete
Ins titute. Farmington Hills, ML 2001 .

Modeling and Analysis
This chapiN gi\'cs dl'tililcd procedures for computation /\ ~ll1atlng
of seismic b<l~ shear .md overturning moment of liquid+
walersul1ace I ~walerSUrface
conliliningslTuctures fmdiff('renl model codes, Thespt.'C-
!rum approach of seismic dl"5ign ilnd the cffe('ts of vertical I~_ i'm
ilCceleriltions ,)nd carlh pressure are also included.

x{ tl
/(' 'Ii 'Ii
The liquid-conta imng simctllrt.'s a re modeled using Housner' s LP'1LL.....I
mclhod l H~. Thismclhod csscntiall\, a.ssumeslhathydrody-
namic cffL>cls due to 5ebmk IO'lding Gill be evaluated FOR RIGID WALL TANK
"pproximalely as the ~um of Iht· fullowing two parts: Fig. 4-2 Tank Dynamics
L Impubin' pari, which reprC5ents the portion of the
as shown in Fig. 4-2. For concrete tanks with rigid walls
liquid which mOH'S in unison with Ihestruclureand.
2. Convective purl, which repre~nls the effect of the
,md roof. this results in a two degree-of-freedom system
(Fig. -l-2). Both the impulsive and the convective compo-
slushing action of the liquid.
nents have a period associated with them that aregcnefillly
Figure-l-! show:oi the I\'piccll ~hCn1<llicof a re<:t.mgular far apart . The total approximate response of the system can
tank with length L, width H and height o( liquid HI' A be c~timated by the squa re root of the s um of squares
s imilar schematic is "hO\\'I1 fora circu lar la,,1.. of di.1nlcter D. {SRSSJ combination of the responses associa ted with the
The lnlpulsive weight of liqUId (W,) is clsSUmt'li to be two periods. Figure-l-3 shows the various mode sha pes of
rigidly att.lI.:hed to the slTucture al height It" while the rc.'Ctangular and circular liqu id-<:ontaining structures.
Conv(divewdghtofliquid (\'V -J is.llt.1Chcd 10 Ihestructun?
by springs of finite shffness and J.lmping at height Ill' Free Surface
II I ...1
i i
Firsl SloshIng Mode Second Sloshing Mode


B - 8 ,
In = 1 '


'8' ED" ([)
- ~


~ n=4



Fig. 4-1 Schematic of Rectangular and Circular Tank Fig. 4-3 Vibration Modes

4.2 IBC 2000 METHOD 4.2.3 Response Spectrum Method
The ba~f? <;hca r cqu<llion giwm in Chilpter3 is modified to 111e d(>Sign response spectrum s hown in Fig. 4-6 can be
include the impu Lsi\'c and the com 'eclh'c components for dctl!rmined as follows:
liquld-conl.l ining structures ,15 shown below.

4.2.1 Base Shear O.6T

S~= SIl!J ~+O.4
forT <Tn

("(H,, + U/f+IV,) Impulsive

for T~ < T < T,
V\=C,,-W, Conveclin~
S ""Sill forT >T~
, T
where To = 0.2So/5 t ", «nd Ts -= Sl'I/Sfl'ij
The above equations can be used to determine the re-
sponse ordinate Sol for impulsive motion using T, and SoC
for convective mutio n using Tc Thedampingcorrespond-
ing. to the convectivc mo tion is of the order of 0.5 to 2% as
compared to 51l,<, assumed fo r impulsive motion. llw spec-
Irurn shown in Fig. 4-6 is for 5% damping. Note that ACI
Pcr&xtion 1622..2.5, C 2:0.1 -lS p ) 350.3 recommends 0.5% clamping when calculating the
cOin-ecth'e forces. This require:. multiplying the design
Cot 2: 0.85, 1 sp("Ctrai acceler<ltion coeHicent SIJI by a fa ctor of 1.5. Note
R thai for farge periods (T2 2.4 sec) ACl 350.3 recommends
modifyi ng the design equations to better estima te the
The qua nil ties WI>' W~, JoY, "nd W, represent the wall long-period exci tation effect. Based on these recommen-
weight, roof weight, impulsi\'(' wcighll>f the fluid ,md the dations, the following equal'ions should be considered
com"L"l't iYc wei~hl of thl' fluid, respcctively. The impul- with me 2000:
..,iH~ weight W, ,lI1d cOIl\'ccti\-e weight We can be dl'ler·
mined aSi! fraction of the total liquid we.ightfrom Fig. -I-l"
.md ....-Ib for rectangular and circul<1r tanks, ~pcctin~I)'. forTt < -Iscc' .5, =~
Thl' height otwhich the impulsin'" nd comedivc \\"cighb
.1fe .~lImed to acl can be determ ined from Figs. -I-Sa a nd 65111
for Tc t?: -I sec, S.c= T:
-I-Sb for rcclanb'Ul.u and circul,lr tanks. respectiwly.
The quantities Sf" and Sp, are determined as d escribed
in s..."CtiOrl 3.1.2. wherL' I "" importance fCl ctor (mC T,lblL'
Whe n s ite sjX'Cific response spt.'Ctrum arc used, the
1622.2.5 (2)), R = response modific.llion raclor (IBC Table
va lucsof Sn, and SUI s hall notbe less than80%ofthevalues
1622.2.5 (\» and. T/.lIld T( arc the pcriodsassociatcd with
obtain<.>d from the general proccdureofSection 1615.1 (see
thl! assumltd impulsive .:md convective motions of the
Section 3. 1.2 of this publication).
:.tructure and tile fl uid. respccti\'cly.
In ce rtain situations, a sitc·spccific respon se
spectrum is required. Section 161 5.2 gives provisions for
4.2.2 Overturning Moment using the site-specific response spectrum. This spectrum
Tht.' overturning moment .1t the baSI.' or the tank is deter- is to be based on the maximum considered earthquake
mined for the impu \:';in.' .md the convective components ground motion ha\'i ngil2% p robability of being exceeded
as rollows: in 50 years.
The base shear is computed us ing valu(>S Sd and SoC
from the spectrum as follows:
Convl.."Ch\'C VI = s~ I (W" + WR+ \VI) lmpulsh'('
Ir)\ = height at which inertia of wall is assumed to act
' ,
Tota I overhlm ing moment M, -= \ Mi + 111(- Convective

Th('(lH'rturning momcntsduc toimpulsive (W ,lnd I',)

connxt lvc (W,Jr. ) components should include the effect of
b.1Sl' pre..,sure w hel'\.· n<."C<."".sary. A method for indudmg
Total b.lse shear VI =, Vi + Vi
~O. 8 VT
the base pr..:ssurc j<. gi\'cn in ACi 350.3~.
calculated using Section -1.2.1

lJc$lsn o{Llqwd-GmtulIIlIIg Cnl/cutt Structurt'S for &lrtll'1ua~ Faras
0.8 Wl
~ ~ 0.6

otS 0.5
;f/==' 0.4
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
(a) Rectangular Tanks


0.8 Wl Wl
~ ~..J 0.6
otS 0.5

;f/==' 0.4



0.0 +---r--'-"""""""-,-r--'---,.-,..--r---r--,..-.,.......,....--l
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 B.O
(b) Circular Tanks

Fig. 4-4 Impulsive and Convective Weights for (a) Rectangular and (b) Circular Tanks (Adapted from Ref. 3-6)

(','rllmrol L",'lIIf,rl . \~,. ~ "rli"11 UI!JCi

0.9 - . - - - - - - - - - , - , . - - - - - . , . --, ------.


01...J 0_7
.s:: J:
011 0.6
£b:' I·
0.5 hi

04 I"'--......::'--_______________
HL -1
0.3 +-.--r-, -'--'-
' -'--'--'--T"""-'--T"""...,..--.---r-"'T'"~
0 _5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

(a) Rectangular Tanks

0.9 - , - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ,

011 0.6

0.5 hi
" ' - HL
04 I ................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
0.3 -1 -,

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

(b) Circular Tanks

Fig. 4-5 Effective Height of Impulsive and Convective Weights for (8) Rectangular and (b) Circular Tanks
(Adapted from Ret. 3-6)

In t 1\ imd ,'hmlC "'lilt.' toldor which rt..'pn''>t'nts Ihl'
m.l\ll11um l'Ill...:ta" f"."11.. .1u:dL'r.1tion t£P,\) (Ilrn.... ptlnd

J IIIg hl.l'lk pt.'l:III~~h'llnd m,lllnnhu\lngd'll,)' prnb.1hll-

It\ vf n(ll tWin); l'\,·,.,.. -h,d
. 111 J :;o..\t'.1r perillt.i
j I 5,'"
. I
I Imporlan!;" I.llhlr (!.lhlt' lfl-K LBC ''';OJ
R r ......f".If1'-l. n1rI111f1~.lhtln f.l. h'r. LS<. "Ij'~');1\ t..... "(lOll'
",,,luC!> IlIr 11~luld'''''llllng "Iru~turl~ in Tahl\. It>-P.
,, i\ \\ \\ .md 1\ rl·rr'......·nt Ihl' \\.111 \\l·tghl. rn(l,
\-\l'I).:hl th~ lmrul 1\,' \\"I~hl .1OJ the I.\lm l'(ti\\' WL'I);hl
"s.. rl'Spt'(llh'h I ht.' imru1 .." t' W\'I~hl 1\ .md nm\l'(I" t.'
\\t'I~hl 1\ c.m t'l ddt.·rm,m-d <1" ol fradillllilt tht.' tot.11
"'luid \\ ""I,I.;hl or (('(loll11-\ul,1fllr l i(l..Ular tank from r.~ -'-4,1
,111\1 4· lb. tI:loPl.'1.:11H'h. fill' Ill'i).\ht .11 \"hi(h Ih l , Impul"ll l'
T, T, T, Ptrlod, T Jnd HUH l'l!J\ l' \\'l'l~ht .. ,1(,· ,1 .....lImtx! to Jet c.ln b,' lit.,tt.'(-
111 illl'd !mml i~ .. "·'·:;.1 ,1nd -t·;b fur rl'Cl.lnguJ.1r ,Ind circlll,lt
Fig. 4~6 Design Respon se Spectrum , IBC.2000 I,m).. .. , rc"Pl'{"tIH'h

4.3.2 Overturning Moment

4.3 UBC '97 METHOD
4.3.1 Base Shear ,If L t (~\ It + '\ /, \\- h) lmpulsl\t.'
,"""hnn :l.:! (Ii thb r ll1hl.ll1nn ,;I\\,..... .:J pnxt.'liurl' th.ll
" ..'uJnl.... liljlIlJ -l"ml.lIn 111,. Imdun'" hi i:"I.'I.."<-.c:nl i.lll ~ ri~id
II Jnl.~ 0\\1,111\)\\ "i.' ll'mpul.ltllm... ll' impuh,i\"l'"nJ
1.',lm l'~:II\'" I.:Om~~lnl·nt .. III til\' l,.l"l .. he.)r. Tli bt.>lIcr l.... ti.
01.111.' 11ll' dl""~n torH'!' till' /-:l ncral pmc(-'dul'l." {llr ba'4.' RT
,hl'Jr 1-."1\ l'lllt)r building "'nil tun: (L B( 1t.JO.2J i .. u~oJ in
1 l
1 mhll1.llh nWlih thl"rrU\ L"'t.rlSl'l \lI1503 .,0:, hlll,l\\ ~
I 1'I.tI ll\l,.'rlllrmn~ nl\'ml'nl 11, \I .. "
h",·,,::hl.11 II hllh mt.·rtlol or \\all is a.....umt..,.111} ,lei
C I fl\ T 1\ ... 1\ ImruJ .. J\'l'
rhl'm l'rtllmin~ nlomt.·nhduL' 10 impublH' (I\"" ).lIld
In thl' .. h(lrll',.'rlud 1.1I1t:,· lilt' !mput"j\!.' h.I ..... ... '1111\ l't III l'(I\" ), I cumpulll'ntlo .:;huuJd Include Ihl.'l'III'(t 01
nl,.'l'\.l nllt bl' gn\lll'f rh.lIl b.1 ..," prt.·.... urc wherL' nl'(t........'r} A method lor mc!lId,ng
tht., b,"'l' pI l'lo<.,url· i ... gll'l'll in\C 11t;(J.3 .....
, "(' I
~- (II It! +IIl
R 4.3.3 Response Spectrum Method
In tht.· II,"~ pl'nod r.ln~l· thl' Impul51w b.l~ .. hl\lr 11k rl')oplln.~' 'f't-'l:trum shown in R~ 4·- t"oln lx-
..h,ll1 n,'1 N' k...... Ih.lO dL'II.·rmllll·d ol ... h)lIll\\'"
I lliit I 11\ + 1\ t 1\)

\1 ....1. hlr'tru~ lur\"li JIJI.:,Jll'd ,', II Ilh"ro1cnli.:J1 SI.\ur~\....

l [,;' +1] hlrT<l
tll\,u lh1 Iu.,l..l... III St'hnul Zurll' -I, tilt> Il11pul.. i\c ba!>t.' !
I'h.lIl n.l! lw ,\...., Ih.m , 15(: fl)rl <T<T

{)!(/\ 'III + II ... II J

, ('
R f
II hcn.>
( '11\ J
RT r (

I +\ I O.U

I h\, ,!u.lntill.... l ,lilt! ( dL'pt'nd lIP(lIl till' ZunI' r,Wlor I he .1i-l(\\"t· <.,ro.,\:lrum (.111 lll' u"ot'd tn dCIt?rmmc Iht.'
1 .Ind tlll'~lli Pflll ilL, IVPl' Illl'\ .I'lll'" 'urlh~. p"raml'tcrs rl"pIllhl'urJindtl'S for ImpUlloJ\" motion lI.,mg T and .Ii
Ml.'/-:'\-L'n in Iablt'" 'h-Q.lnd III-Rill Ih(' 1~7 USC. rc ... pt'c- for n1n\-l'\:li\"1' m(ltillil lI"'Jn~ r rh . .· . . pt.'Clrum ;lo dCrlVt.>d
fllr~" ,dollnptn)o;_ ror tl\l11 l'(l" t' (l"pnnc;,('a method .. imiJ.1r
P(lrt/u/l./ C"IIW" t t\=lIItlm, E8219
The parameters C, and C. arc determined as follows:

2.5 C,
C, =
T 2 '1

Cr = , Convective

0.075 R11,:S; C,:S; 2.75

c, 4.4.2 Overturning moment

M / = - - ' ( W~ltll + IVI/h" + IV/It) Impulsh'e
T. T, Period, T
M~. = _ _
C (WeJ,c) Convective
Fig. 4-7 Design Response Spectrum , UBC-1997
Total overturning moment Mr = \ M; + M~
to that described in Section 4.2.3 may be considered for (I", = height at which inertia of wall is assumed to act.
OS}., damping and long~pcriod excitation effect.
Thesite-specific response spectrum is cons tructed for The uplift pressure at the base C<ln increase thc over-
ground motions that have a 10% maximum probabilityof turtling moments and effect the stability of the tank.
exce...~c n ce in 50 years for 5°;" damping.
The impulsive and convective com ponents of the base 111eoverturning moments due to impuIsi\'e (WI ',)and
shear are determined usi ng the spectral values and S.... 5., cOlwective (WtJIJ components should indude the effect of
base pressure where necessary. A method for including
as follows:
the base pressure is given in AC I 350.3.....

v, =S~l (Ww +WR +W,) Impulsive 4.4.3 Response Spectrum Method

The design force on the tanK can also be determined from
V = ~(W ) Convective " design spectrum such as thc one given in UBC\.l, or by
, R C using the si te·specific response spectru m. Tl,esite-specific
response spectrum is constructed for ground motions that
Total base shear V, = \I V/ + Vr: have a lOt'/., maximum probability of excecdence in 50
~ 0.8 Vr yea rs fo r 5% damping. TI,e design base shear is deter-
obtained by us ing Section 4.3.1 mined using the s pectrum as follows:

4.4 UBC '94 METHOD V,= ~( Ww+W,II +W/ ) Impulsive

4.4.1 Base Shear
V =~(W_) Convective
Zl e,
v, = - - ( IVII + IV" + IV, ) Impulsive ' R '
R, "
Total base shear Vr = '1/ V,! + V;

Convective The quantities 5., and So(" are the impulsive and can·
"eclive spl"Ctral acccler<l tion coefficients w hieh correspond
to the impulsive and convective periods T)and Tc from the
Total base shea r \/, = \r V/ + \~l ~ 0.075 Z f W)
Simplified spectrum (Fig. 4-8). The design spectrum is
The impulsive weight W) and convective Weight given in USC Fig. 16·3.11,e baseshearcomputed using the
W, can be determined as a fraction of the total liquid s ite.specific spectrum is not permitted to be less than 90%
weight of rectangular or ci rcular tank from Fig. 44a and of the vallie determined using the static force procedure
4-4b, respt.."Ctively. The height at which the impulsive given under Section 4.4.1.
and convecti\'(' weights arc assumed to act can be deter- For convective response a method described in ACi
mined from Figs. 4-Sa and 4~5b for rectangular and circular 350.3 may beconsidered to bettcr estimate the effect of 0.5%
damping and long~period excitation effect.
tanks, respectin~ly .

4.5.1 Base Shear
V, =C~I (~V~\ +WII +IN,) Impulsive

1.2 t\~ ~
< 2.5A

RT J ' R
C = 1.2A\.S
... RT2'l < 25A. Convective
, R

Total base shear Vr = \ V/ + V..2 Period, T

when." A• •111d A,. arc theeffeclive pCilk acceleration coeffi-
Fig. 4-8 Simplified Response Spectrum , UBC-1994
cient find the eHective pCflk velocity-related acceleration
coefficient, re~pecli\'elY(s("l'5l'Clion 1610.1 .3 ofBOCA.1nd
Section 1607.1.5 ofSBC) containing structures having different base conditions are
The values o i site coefficient (5) .1nd re:.ponse modifi~ gi\'~n belo\"\'. However, it is permitted to lise any other
calion factor (I<) should be takl'l1 from appropriate edition ration.ll method that includes il reasonnble distribution of
of the BOCA M SOC COOt.'s. mass a nd 51 i ffne5s cha racteristics fo r determining the natll-
ral period of the structure.
4.5.2 Overturning moment
As most concrete tanks arc relatively rigid, T may be

taken as 0.3 seconds or less for the preliminary and ap-

M , = C~I (WW"I~ + WII" /{ + W,II.) Impulsive
proximatcdt'Sign calculations. It is recommended that for
Mc= C,..; (Wrllc ) Convective flexible base tanks, T/ should not exceed 1 second for
anchored and unanchort->d conta ined tanks. TIlis limit
Total overturning moment /If, = \ Mi + Mi. o;hould not exceed 2 seconds fo r unanchored uncon tained
tank;. The limits on the periods suggested herein are to
4.6 ACI 350.3-01 METHOD prevent excessive deformation of tanks.

The prov isions of ACl350.3"~ arc to be used in conjunction 4.7.1 Rectangular Tanks
with Chapter 21 (Spcc1i11 I'ro"bions for Seismic Dt'!>ign)
The following equation can be used to determine the
of ACI 350·01. The:.!.! pnwision!. ar\? compatible with il1lplllsi\"t~ period of a rectangular lank:
UBC 1994. Nole Ihilt ACI350-0l b based on ACI 318-95~ )
fo r most of its dt'Sign provisions ilnd Io.,d combinations.
Section of ACI 350-01 indic.ltcs thnl the environ- IV
~ = '1n -
mental d urability f,lctor (5) defined in Section 9,2.8 need \ gK
nol be applied 10 load combinnlions that include earth- For fixed-base constant thickness canti lever walls:
quake effectl'. The load combin.ltions applicable under
various Cock>s are gJ\ en in Chapter 3 of this publica tion.
Where ACl350..Q 1 is adopted for use, Ihe provisions of K=~; C/: )'
Chapler 21 along with ACl 350.3 and ACI 318-95 are W= WI' + WI! + Wj (kips)
• applicable. Note that ACI 350.3 also givcs recommenda-
tions for seism ic zone factors (Z), and soil factors (5), which where (I = mean height (ft) al which the inertia fo rce
are mostly consistent with USC 1994. The- import-.mce of the tank and its contents is assumed to act, I,.. = wall
faclor5of ACI350.3-01 Megi\'en in Table.J-I. ACI350.3-0l thickness (in.), I: = modulus elasticity of concrete
also gives separate rcsPQnse modification facto rs R\\I and (ksi) g = acceler~ti on due to gravity (ft/secl) and
R Io,(: for impulSive .md convective motions of the liquid- K = stiffness coefficient (kips/ ft).
containing struclure (Table 4-2.) The period associated with the convective component
(T.) can be determined as fo llows:
Theequdtions for determining thl' impulsive period Tland
convective period T~ of rectangular and circulo1r liquid-

l\lrt/II"o/Crlll,."t A.......... ull"'" fll:!J!J

Table 4·1 Importa nce Factor, I (Table 4(c), Ref. 3·6)

Tank Use Factor I

Tanks containmg hazardous materials I'I 1.5
Tanks thaI are Intended to remain usable, for emergency purposes
ftc-eran earthquake ; or tanks that are part of lifelme systems
All other tanks 1.0
II J fm I,,,,/...~,."rl""""..; 1'0I::'/f'/"1I'! mill. "":0:" 'l'rln~ /u".!{11/rlll "'01.11 ry", II I /, r I > J..i 1"/J"'~"UlII /ilr III"'"(IS..~"'IIIV'" IIlIl'IIr/lI.,u"L.· ~rNIt'T I/Ul/l tltt
,I<"'.~II «Itl/l"u'I~,·

Table 4·2 Response Modification Factor, Rw (Table 4(d), Ref . 3·6)

On or
Type of Structure Above Buriedll ) R_
(a) Anchored. flexible·base tanks 4.5 4.5121 1.0
(b) Fixed or hinged·base tanks 2.75 4.0 1.0
(c) Unanchored, contained or uncontained lanks'3\ 2.0 2.75 1.0
(d) Elevated Tanks 3.0 - 1.0
(I' Brm"fl,mAf:';ddm"I'h.rl<llIA,/~r( ..... , . , .I, ""r"",,1
",.rwnmrwltl,r.llrl"" , . , .,.~r'/I/1'/II'""/
, .
III R. ,,".5 L'" IJr.· ""UWIII'" R t~II/I"I~'n/JIII"J l<ll~' ""'''' h" uuv 11'lur., (. "/"'"111.": "'/lark ,Irlldr,rr
(.IJ U110111, I" ....J /111' 'ul"",rJ IIIII/... Iwll II, I b... b"r/I In 7/." 18 (lr 1r •."IIC

wh('rc ~ can be l,btaUlI..>t.i from Fig. ·P)(a) for a gin,," '101(' Ihat ACI 350.3 specifies a limit of 1.25 seconds
I- on b(lth imchon:.'CI <lIld unanchored maximum periods.
LIH, of the I,mk (L - length of t.lIlk in direction of
onalysi:, (ft)).

4.7.2 Circular Tanks

(.1) Non-sl id ing BOISE' The following equations can be used For anchored
In det~rminc the impulsin.' period of fixro or hinged bas.! flexible tanks
circulM tanks with or withoul pre<;trcssing:

_ 1IT
T.,- For unanchored
flexible tanks

I! Ii. wher!;:' A = cross-sectional Mea of cable/strand (in.!),
E. = mod~'l us of elasticity of cJble/strand (ksi), ~ = angle
H , \ 1',
of c.lbl(' /~ tr'1nd with horizontal, L. = effL'Cti\'e length
I of cable/strand taken ,lS sleeve length plus 35 times
C, = toC" \ 12, =
the diameter (in.), S.. spacing bctwC('n cable sets (in),
.1nd P = m,lSS density of concrete (4.66 Ib-secl/fr'), 5,. = spacing of el"stomeric pads (in), Gr = !:>hear modulu!:>
t = thicknc!> ... of \\"all (in.), r = radius of tank (ft), of elastomeri..: pads (ksi), I =. thickness of e ltlstomeric
E., = modulus uf ela..,Ucityoi concrete (Ib/in.l), C\\ is given =
bearing pad (in.), Lr length of individual elastomeric
in Fig.-I-lOm termsorD!H. pad (in.) and w~ =. width of e lastomeric pad in radial
direction (in.), illld A = spring constant (k/ft-l.
(b) Flexibl e Base The follOWing equations C.ll1 be u:,ed 10 The con vective period Tf for both non·sliding
detcrmine the Impul 'iiH' period T of fl('xible base circular and flexible base tanks can be determined using the
prestn.'Ssed lanks: iollowing l-quation:
I; = S I "l'(ond for anchort.'<i tanks and
\ ''''. :! ~'(on&.. tor unanch ..m..'Ci tanks

Dt'!OI,l1 1l of U<jflld-ComauulI,I; COl/erell' SI ruc/urtS for fIIrl/rquake Fl1rcrs


11 0.8
0 .7


0.5 +---,--r--r-...,..---,--r---r----,-,.---r---.-r---r---.---f
0.5 1,0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8. 0

(a) Rectangular Tanks

0 .90 -r----------------,-------,




0 .65



0.50 +-...,.........,,--r---r---.-,.--.---.-r--.---,--,--.-...,..--1
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

(b) Circular Tanks

Fig. 4·9 Charts for Obtaining Factor 2;

(b) Circular Tanks (Adapted from Ref. 3-6)
for Computation of Convective Period (TJ for (a) Rectangular and

0.18 , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .




0.1 4




0.10 +-...,---,--,.--.,--.,--...,-...,.---,--,--1
3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 9.50
0.67 1.50 2.50
Fig. 4.10 Chart for Obtaining Factor C for Computation of Impulsive Period (T) of a Non-Sliding Circular
Tank (Adapted from Ref. 3-6)
roof. wall nnd the joint between roof and the wall . Note
2. that tanks with inadequate freeboard will ~perience up·
The v"lue of T m,lY be obt-ained from Fig. -l-9{b) for
lift pressures on the roof due to liquid sloshi ng. Ta nks in
D/I-II of a tank fo r both rigid and tlexiblc base tanks (D == seismic zones 3 and 4 and tanks dcsigned for importance
diameter of tank (ft), Hl = height of liquid (ft». factor greater than 1.0 should either have adequate free--
board d...., (Fig. 4-2a) or s hould be designed for the forces
4.8 VERTICAL ACCELERATION due to restrained sloshing and vertical accelerationeffe<ts.
Thesloshing height may be computed by using the follow·
11,e effect of vertical.lcccicralions should be included in ing equations w hich are based on concepts similar to those
the design of tan).. components. In the absence of more given in AC I 350.3.
detailed analysis, the magniludcof vertical acceleration is
generally laken a~ t\'vo-\hirrls of the horiz.ontal aceclera- IBC 2000 Method
lion. The effects of vcrticalilcccieration as recommended
in ACl35O.3 arc computed as fo llows: d _~( L ) For Rectangular Tanks
The hydrodynilmic pres!>u re pe r foot height of ...' lATe 2
the tank is
lATe 2
For Circular Tanks

where I)... Y,(f-IL·y) Ibs /ft, unit hydroshltic pressure
i1 tlevd y above tOlnk base UBC '97 Method
iI = m"gnitud~orvcrtkalacccler,' t ionassociated with
the vertical period (T\.) of the structure and 11 = specific For Rectangular Tanks
weight uf contained fluid.
The period cl~!>OCii1ted with the vertical motion (T\.) of
the ci rcular tank l~ computed as follows: d
l.4Te 2
) For Circular Tanks

UBC '94 Method

For Rectangular Tanks

111(' anticipated unrestrained sloshing height should be
For Circular Tanks
computed todctcrminenny sloshing pressure on the t,lOk

Drslgll uf LUfuul-O;mllllllllZg COJlcmt Slrudu1TSfor EIlrthqullu Forus
BOCA and SBC Method Table 4-3. Approxi mate Magnitude of Movement
Required t o Reac h Minimum Active and Maxim um
,I 1.2A,5(L
- I-IT'1 2.
) For Rc.'Clangular Tanks
Passive Earth Pressure (Ref. 4-4)
, Type of Backfill Mi'
1 = UT

1.2A 5( D
) For Circu lar Tanks Dense Sand 0.001
Pass ive
Medium-dense Sand 0.002 0.02
Loose Sand 0.004 0.04
',1 '" mon'menl ill top of wall and H '"' height of wall
Effect of earth pressure-should ~ included both in the base
~hcarcomp utation and for design of walls of a partially or
full'f burit-dJiquid-conta ining structu fl'. The effect of ground
water, if an)'. !;hould abo be taken into consideration. 4-1. Housner, G. W., "The Dynamic Behavior of Water
Active carth pressure i~ caused as a result of the s tructure Tanks," Blllleti" o/lIle Seismological Societyo/America,
mo\'ing away from thl~ surrounrl1l1g soil w hile passive Vol. 53, No.2, 1963, pp. 381·387.
pressure rt:.'Sults due In the structure moving into the sur-
rounding soil (Fig. 4-11). T.lblc 4-3 gi\'es the approximate 4-2. Haroun, M. A.and Housner,G. W., "Seismic Design
magnitude of movement n ..'quired to r~ach the minimum of Uquid Storage Tanks," /ollmal 0/ tile Tee/mical
ach\c and maximum pas!'i\'c pr~sure condition'''' H . COllnci/s of tile ASC£, Procedillgs of tile American Soci·
ACI 350.3 Slipulilll'S that in computing the ca rlh pres- ety of Civil £ngilleers, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. TCI, 1994,
sure, the coefficient of dyn.lmic laler.,] (,.:Irlh press ure k, at pp.191-207.
rL'St should be used unless it is determined that the s truc·
+-3. Bllildillg Codt' Requiremellts for Strllctural Concrete
ture defk-cls sufficiently to warrant use of active and (ACI 318-95) allli Comllleri/ary (ACI 318R-95), Ameri·
pasSive pressure k. and k,.. respL>clively. The coefficient k.
can Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1995. I
varit.'S from 0.4 · 0.6 for cohesionless soils and 0.4·0.8 for
coh~i\"(!soi IsH. 111e resultant of the ~ismiccom ponent of 4--4. Clough, G. W.,and Du ncan,J. M., (199 1), C hapte r 6:
the (,Mlh pressu r(' c.1n be .1<;sum~i to act at a height 0.6 Earth Pressures, in Foundation Engineering Hand·
times the e.:lfth height abo\e base. book~ Second Edition, NY, pp. 223-235.
Note that the above simplification of the earth pres·
sure c(fccts is based lln the assumption thai the liquid.
4-5. Ebeling, R. M. and Morrison, E. E., "The Seismic
De~ign of Waterfront Structures," NCEL Tee/mical
cont.lln ll1~ s truclme will nol deflcct enough to result in
active or passive pressure due III the seismic excitation.
Report, TR-939, Nava l Civi l Eng ineeri ng labora-
tory. Port Hue neme, CA, 1993.
When Ihi!> is nol the ca'JC. dynamic active and passive
prt~ures need to be calculated . Rerercn~ 4-4 and 4-5 -l·6. Bowles, J. E., FOllndatiOIl Allolysisond Desigrl, 4'" Ed.,
gi\"t~ the gU idelines for computing the dyna m ic achve and McCraw·HiII, Inc., NY, 1988. .
passive pressu res. In ~ituations where detailed active and
pJssive prcssurecomputations aredeellled necessary, the
user should a lso refer to Okabc (Ref. -l.7) and Mo nonobe
4-7. Okabe , S. (1926), "Gene ral Theory o f Earth Pres·
sures," JOllfllal JI/pall Society o/Civil Engilleerillg, Vol.
and Matsuo (Ref. -l-8). 12, 0 . 1.
+8. Mononobc, N., and Matsuo, H., (1929). "On the
Determination o f Earth Pressures During Earth·

, --• -- ~
,- -
quakes," Proceedings World Engilleering COllgress, 9.


Fig. 4-11 Active and Passive Earth Pressure due to
Seismic Movement of Tank

tum f fl21

Design of Components
All (omp0n('nts of Jiquid-(ont.linin~ stnlCtures such .1!; 5.2.1 Wall Forces
wall ..., roof ~I,lb, b,lse ... IOlb, joints, b"fne "",,lls and pipin~
fi'(tu~ must be d~ignl?d for till' m.lximum t'ffcch. of n'e walls should be d(><;igned for the combined eficcb of
... trc~:;cs produced b\" differl'nl ilpplicable loads. This will sl.ltie and dynamic loads per the applicable IOc1d combina-
('mure the IIllendl'd on:>raJl pl'rformallce of tht;' tions gi\ en in Chapter 3. The static loods include the dcad
liquid,ont"ining slrutlure, Tht' Jl'Sl~n oi some of til£' IO.ld, Ji\C load, hydro-,Iahc pressure and ea rth pressure.
wmponenb. is not slr':lIghlfom'Md due to the' The dynamiC loads include the inertia of the clements, the
of the Slfl·...... distribution, p.1rlicu[ar1r in the CJ"e of hydrodynamic forces (impulsive and convective compo-
ctrcul-u tank;. In thc "I:1"'(,l1c(' of a more refined ,malysis, nent:. of nuid motion) and dynamic earth p res~urc,
.1pprolooimate methods !ii\'cll in thi ... (helpter may be used The inertia, impul~jvl.' and coO\ective fo rces on thc
to dl'sign thL>se components. walls of rectangular and circular tanks can bedetermincd
bgurc 5-1 ~hows the hydrlxhnamic forces on ..... all!l tnr different codes a., follows:
.lnd rust.> slab of .1 lan"- JUl' to l·arthquake ground motion.
IBC 2000 Method
Th(' h~'drodrnamK 10(1.-(" mclude Ihl' dfect of impulsive
and convf'Cti\'l~ motion... 01 the contained liqUid Besides
hvdrod\'namic foret'S, thl' 1.1nk ck·rnt'nl,... oUt' to be dl'Signro S)w ~~t'l/W
for thl'irown !nerti., forct.....lnd till' fllfl,:t'" transferred from R"RT.'" , Wall Inertia
other el('mt'n!!;
Roof Inertia

p = Sp) W. 5; S(1!1 W
R ' RT I

.......... Convective
___ ._L_~~_ UBC 1997 Method

P.. = Crl W
I~""" II RT., \\ Wall Inertia
"",,,,dynom< P. = ell w
k RT, R Roof Inertia


FIg. 5-1. HydrodynamIc Pressures Due to Ground Motion.

p = C\ 1 W
, RT I Impulsi,'e



umt unit
Phy Pwy



Fig. 5-2. Distribution of Hydrostatic, Inertia, Impulsive, and Convective Pressure on Wall of a Rectangular Uquld-
Containing Structure (Adapted from Ref. 3-6)

wher(' where
O.I1C / sC.. 1 s2.5C,,1
• RT, R
C, = 1.:S;
5 2.75 Impulsive

O.8ZN t' I s E2 c, = _I~_;S_~ Conv('Cti"c

Zone 4
UBC 1994 Method BOCA and SBC Method
=zle I'V\\
Wall Inertia
Pot =c, w. Roof/nertia

p, =C"lw , Impulsive
Roof Inertia
p~ =C.... We Com'ecli\'c

Impulsive wh",re
C = \.2A tS:s 2.5A A
!it RTll, R


Dl'sJgll uf l.iqw,f-Col1,,,miu,1f Cuum'tr SlrliC/JJre5 for Enr/hqJJJJk.. Foret'S

l 'i
(\) wall inertia force, fp. (2) one-half the impulsive fo rce.
Direction of P, (3) ont.'-half the convective force, Pc and (-t) dynamic
Tank Motion • B earth prL>ssure, Pt against the buried portions of the tank,

asshown in Fig. 5-,l. Since earthquake forcesarc reversible.
both the leading and the trailing walls should be designed
for the maximum effects of these fo rces.
Trailing Half Leading Half Section 5.2.1 outlines the procedure for determining
the inertia (PI)' impulsive (PI) and convective (P..) fo rces
Fig. S-3. Leading and Trailing Hatf of a Rectangular Tank
on the wall depending upon the applicable building
code.The dynamic earth pressure can bedelerm ined using
11le fo rces at ,11ly height yduc to inertia, impulsive clnd Reference J-5,
convective ruotiolls are given as follows: Note that convective force is ou t-of-phase with impul-
sive force because of the relatively large oscillation period
r of the contained liquid with respecl to the tank motion.
p.\,V = 2HI~ (P 1\ is based on weight of two walls) Therefore.squa re root of the sum of squares (sRSS) method
" should be used to combine the impulsive and convective
(m, - 61o,)- (6H, - 12II,)x " H forces. 1lle dynamic earth pressure caused by the m()vl...
p,~ -- p:, :J. Impulsive ment of the tank can be directly added to the impulsive
2H! , (,{ftc'cts fo r design purposes.
The vertical and horizontal bendingand shearslresses
(4H , -6"J-(6H, - 12/,, )x Y H in the walls may be determined using plaleanalysis given
P. - P. t Com'cctive
L~ - C" 2H ,l in Ref. 5-1.
Walls paral!el to tneearthquakeforcearedl>signed fo r
in-plane forces due to (a) their own inertia and, (b) reac-
5.2.2 Rectangular Tanks tions from the roof and abutting walls.
TIle distribution of hydrostatic, inertia, impulsive and
5.2.3 Circular Tanks
convective pressures on a rectangular wall are given in
F iS.5~2. For the purposcofdesign, the lank is divided into In case of circuJar tanks, the earthg uake base shear is
lCi1ding half and lhe trailing half portions as shown in Fig. transmitted partially by membrane (tangential) shear and is assumed thallhc impulsive and conv!..'c!ive fo rces partially by radial she;u that causes vertical bending.
are equally resisted by the leading and the trailing walls Achla Id istribu lion of stTesscan on Iy be ca kula ted through
perpendicula r to the direction of the earthquake force, a finite element a nalysis. ACi 350.3 indicates that 80% of
Thus, half of the total impulsive i1nd convective fOTC£' is the base shear can be assumed to be transferred through
assigned 10 each wall. tangentii11 shea r fo r tanks wi th D/H of ,l. The remaining
The It'adingand th~ truiling wall!> perpendicuJar to the 20'+0 will be transferred through vertical bending. The
earthqua ke force are dL'Signed for the combined effects of maximum tangential shear occurs al a point on tank wall

- - - - - - -t<--f-+ l-

T he


Intertla Impulsive Convective Dynamic earth pressure

(see Ref. 4-5)

Fig. 5-4. Design Forces on Walls Perpendicular to the Earthquake Force

oriented 90 degrees from the direction of earthquake, as The vertical bend ing and shear stresses in the walls
s hown In Fig. 5-5. can be computed using shell analysis (sec Ref. 5-2). The
For determining the forces/stresses in circular tank hoop forces in cylindrical wallsa! any levc1y from the base
w,lIb, the tank isdividcd into lcading half and the trailing ca n be determined by SRSS combination of the inertia,
h.llf portions as shown in Fig. 5-6. As far as dynamic load:> impulsive and convective stresses, as follows:
Mcconcemt>d, the cylindrical walls (Fig. 5-7) aredesignt>d
for (.l) wall inertia distribulecluniformly around lhe entire
circumferL'nl..L', (b) one-hillf the impulsi\'c force PI' applied
symrnetricuJJy about an .1Ilgle e "" 0 and acting inward on
onc-half of the wall .1Ild one-half P applied symmetrical Hoop stress:
about 0: It and acting outw<lrd on the opposite half of the
wall (c) one-hillf the C(Jmt.'(livp force III ,'pplied symmetri-
Forcirculilr t,lnks with flexible base, maximum forces
ca lly about.m angle e'" 0 .md acting inward on one-half of
N" .. Nrv' .md e
Nl~ ca., be determined for angle =O(sce Fig.
the wall and one-!ltll{ p( .lpplicd symmetrical about a 0: It
5-5), as follows:
and acting outward on the opposite half of the wall, and (d)
the dynamic earth prl'sSUr(', P, ag.,inst the buried pNtion NI,.= J>",,/ rr.
of the tank.
Section 5.2.1 outlines the procl.'durc for determining the
N,. = 2P,/ n
inertia {J>,,). impulsivc (PI) and convective (P, ) forces on the Nt. = 161l, /9/t
w'all d epending upon the applicable code. The forces PIl ot' P,
and pc.. arc determined at height y abo\'e the base of the walI For non-flexible base tanks, the ahove equations
(5<.,(, Section 5.2. I ,. should be modified to account for the effects of restraints.
The horizontal distribution of the dynamic pressure~
at height y across the lank diameter D may bedetermincd 5.3 DESIGN OF IMMERSED ELEMENTS
,1S follows:
11,e immersed elements such as baffles, clarifier center
wells. aerators, piping and launders must be designed for
the effects of hydrOtiynamic forces. The immersed ele-
mcnts are subjected to additional forces due to the fact that
the liquid surrounding them responds with them increas-
ing their effecti\'e weight and the corresponding inertia
force_Th(' weight of liquid per lineal foot of height of the
16 Pl
P.,.. =--~

Distribution of
base shear

Direction o f
seismic force
. Base tangential
unit shear, q

Fig. 5-5. Shear Transfer at Base (Adapted from Ref. 3-6)

Direction of
Tank Motion •

Trailing Half Leading Half

FIg. 5·6. leadIng and Trailing Half ot Circular Tank

• I "~-~

!l !l
2 2

(a) Inertia Forces (b) ImpulsIve Forces


(el Convective Forces

(d) Dynamic Earth Pressu re

Fig. 5--7. Forces for Design 0' Circular Tank Walls

1'"rl/,m.tC II I", ,,, I H!/Q

l'lcnlent (IY I rL,:-plll1ding with the immersed c lement is 5.5 OTHER COMPONENTS
~i\'L'1l b,
Forcircularprestressed tanks with anchored flexible base,
W, = n<l'{i' the strength of seismic cable.. and their anchorag~ in tank
wa 1l.lnd foundation shall be investigated for tensile forces
wlll'rL' (( add(,.'~i weight r.ltio (1.25 for nat tWl.) dimcn- due to b,l<;(.' o:hear "nd o\'erturning moment .
sil'n.ll element... \"ibr,lling nornl,l) to their aXb Fur flexible base l.lnks, the strength ofbasc pad shall
n~.11t1l.... 1.,nd HI for cylindrical shape.. ) be "dL"Iu.lte for shear and comprcssion due to combined
y un!! wl'l~ht oj liquid ~r.l\'it" .1Ild earthquake forces. The coeffi cient of frktion
(~l betwccn concrett.' and elaslomeric pad may not be
/! = I 1 projL'(tl'd \\ idth {JI thL'et.;>ment or fcldius of taken grenter than 50'~" of its value. The cHecl of conta ined
thl' .. !rudure .ltlll'i~ht where u i.. determined liquid may be neglected for computation of base pad
n'l' cffL'(IiYC weight of liquid rc.. ponding wi th the frictional resistance. The effcct of vertical acceleration that
dement .. houltl lx' .1ddL'l..i to thL' wei~hl of the clement and reduces the frictional resistance between the base pad and
the weight of any liquid cont.lined in the clement/struc- concrete "hould be Lncluded.
ture (such " .. in Cil!>l' of a center well) tu determine the tnt.l! For unanchored ,1Ild contained nexible tanks, the
hvdrodvnamic forct' on it. strength of the containment pad, its support structure and
111L' immerSL'l..1 clement:-. arc .11,)(1 Subjl->cted to a drag the t,lnk wall shall be designed for forces fCSulting from
force bt.'Causc of IhL' sloshin~ of the liquid . lllis force is impl!lsi\c and con\'cc!i\'e pressure.
directl" added to the h\idroo\,namic force and call be Where no vertical or diagonal ties arc provided be-
t"'~n walls and footing, no tension is permitted due to
determined dS follm\~:
uplifl from earthquakeovertuming moment. In such situ-
atioLls, thl' overturning moment should be balanced by
wt.'ight and widlh of the structure wilh .'ppropriate mar'
wherl' I = {urn' ,'pplll...'I.."! at the centmid of the projl'Cted gin of safety.
.lrl.'a of till' t.'ll'ment For both .1Ilchored and unanchored and uncontained
C .: drag wdficil'nl (u-.c .1 valuL' (\1 ::! for rial"", Oexible base t.1nks, ,hl' relative displacement between the
I for nlinrlL'rs) lank \\allsand the foundation due locombined load effect
A = projL'eIl.-ci olrL',l 01 the submcr~L>d clement shall nol exceed the radial and tangential movement ca-
huril'nntal ... Io~hlng \'clocit}" pad!\' of the water stop to prl.'\·ent leak.1ge. Friction be-
tWL'Cn the base pad and wall shall nol be relied on 10 reduce
the tangential displacements.
5.4 FOUNDATIONS For flexible base 1,1Ilks u::.IOg flexible con la inmcn t pad,
l 'ou nd,lti()n~.m:- to belh.·"i~n('ti for thl:'C'ombined effect.. uf the thick.nL'''Sof the pad and sponge if used sha ll not be less
~ri1\'it~' i1ml l.lleral fon.:L"!> (Jut' to L'.,rthqlh1ke or \\'ind) than 1.5 limes the computed horizontal displ"cement of
•'l.:cordlll}t 10 the olpplic.lble load COmblnilliollS g iwn in the tank b.1SC for hydrostatic and earthquake 1001ding .
Chilpll'r 3. Nole andwrL'J tank foundations must be
dl~iglll'J for the uph!t forC(' due to o\l.'rtllrning mnment of 5.6 REFERENCES
theei1rth(!ui1h,. Theba~' prl"surc jc;ca1culaK-rl b\ includ-
ing th\' cffL'Ct of (werturn..,~ monll'nl. n,e overturning ,·1 Ralfmgll/nr COllat'l1' Tnllks, ReviSl..'I.i Sih Ed., Portland
moml.'nt un Ihe t.lnk .. hollid indutle the ('{fect of liquid Cement Association, Skokil.', IL 6OOn, 1998.
~I()t'hln~ and hydrodj'llilmic prl'~Mm'" In c asl.' of
5-2 Circular COllcrt'II' Tanks Will,old I'rt'Slressmg, Portland
unanchnm.:i flc~iblt.' b,ht.> tan\....., thert> i... no uplift on the
Cement Association, Skokie, IL 6OOn, 1993.
tnundillinn, ,1I1d the tan)... \\' ,111 nM~' (lnly tr,1I1s(er horizontal
shear tn the footing. In thi.!. ~itu.lti(ln,thL' mo\'t~ment of thL' .5-3 AWWA Standard for Circular Prestressed Concrete
Willi rclatin:- In the tmmdatillil and the "hear ilt con t.let Waler Tanks with Circumfere ntial Tendons,
pOint bt'l\\ L'Cn th" wall ,lI1d thl' foollllg could cont rol the ANSI / AWWA DII5-95.
d\.~i~n. I"heO\ l'rall inte}trity uf the I.lnkshall becnsurL-d b)
proViding "dcqU.1tc mar}tin... (If s..,fetv ilg.1inst both sliding
,md 0\ t.'rturning of tht.' I,lnl-..,

6.1 GENERAL seismic risk level and the corcsponding level of detailing
Earthquakes call induce large forcc~ in structurl'S Ih,lI <He for the structure.
able to remain cI.1stic durin~ the ground (',citation. Since Table 6-2 provides a ::,ummary of the sections in Chap-
iI I:' generally not fCil!>ible to ut:..... ign ,,\ructure. for such ler 21 of ACl318 that are applicable for earthqual-.e design
l.ugc foret'S, the currenl c.,rthqu"ke d0.-ign philosophy and detailing of structural components in regions of inter-
allows:,lructurL'S to rc:,pond in the inci.l:-.tic range through medi.lIe or high seismic risk for structures assigned to
controlled dami1gc and ddorm.llio., ,11 prt.odctcrmint.'Ci \'.uious !>Ci~mic performance or design ca tegories.
locations. The idea IS for the :.tructlu\.' to dissipate the lk-c.1U'>C of their inherent rigidity and to prevent

CXCI.'Ss earthquake cn~rgy thWllgh ductile inelastic c\.cur- leal-... gc, m.lIlY liquid-cont.lining concrete st ruchm~'S may
sion:;. In order for the structur(' to beh.ln,' in this manner be designed to remain clastic during a seismic event. The
without collilJ'i'C. it Il<ls to be detailed prop"rl) 10 provide current codes .ltlow limited ineta:.tic action in liquid-
the n:quircd I\.·t:li:-Iribulion ,\Od ductility. It is for this cOlltaining structures (reflcck'li in smaller R valut-os for such
rea~n that dCI.,ilmg beconu.>:> an ('s~nti<ll part of design struchm:'S) when compaTt.xi to buildings. lllcrefore, it Gill
ag.lll1sl carth\lu.,"C~. be Mgucd that codes do Il()t cxpt.'(t the s,lmc amount of
The seismic detailing of reinforced concrete duclliity fwm Iiquid-('ont.lIning structures as thev do in
bUilding structUrt,'S is generally taken from Chapter 21 of cascofbuilding:.. Although thi:. would me.ln that stringent
ACt 318. The various mood building codes (IOC 2000, detailing prescribed in ACI318 for buildings in high seismic
VB( 1997, BOCA 1996, SOC 19CJ7, VBC 1994)either refer to rc~iun!. !'hould not apply to liquid-('ontainingstruclures, it

Chilpter 21 of ACI 318 or adopt the spt."'\:ific provisions of i!'> prudent to ~"nwide such detailing 10 ensure structural
ACl3t8 with modific.llions. pt·rform.lnce .lgain<:t any unl"pcctcd {'vcnts or situalions.
The ~ismlC detailing TI..'q uiremenb in ACi 318 are
n'!atl-.J to the typl: of strudural ~vslel1\, .seismic risk tevel 6.2 DETAILING BASED ON AC1318-99
at tht' "ite. Ic\'cI of energy dis!-olpation <lssumed in the
computation of dl'Sign seismic forces , and occup.lncy of Re ference b-I ~ives requirements and illustrative figures
the structure. lh,' ~ismic risk le\'elsare classified as 10\\', on S('ismic detailing of Tl~ inrorced concrete structural ele-
modcrate and high. m~nts Mlch a3 beams, columns, walls, diaphragms, slilbs,

In urder to determine the necess..lry detailing for a footings, pitcsilnd caissons based 011 ACl318-99. Semeof
structure, the designer m.1\ hil\'e to usc the applicable thl'Sl! tOlble::. and figures illustrating de~ign and detailing of
model building codl' III conjunction wilh the appropriate \\.ll1sare reproduced here (~Tablcs6-1Ihrough 6-5 and

, edition of ACt 318 that is refl'renced bv the model code. Figures 6-1 ,lnd 6-2). The overriding reqllirmenls of ACi
The designer Will dctcTIlunc the Sci~~'ic Zone in C.l~ 350-01 Me shown wherever applicable.
of UBC. the Sei ... mic Performance Ciltegory (SPC) in C.l5e
~f BOCA ami SOC and Seismic De.ign Cltegory (SOC) 6.3 REFERENCE
In cast' of IOC. ThI;'S{' par.lmctcrs art' indicative of .1nd
rcialt.."I.i to the sdsmic ri:.k len'l ~hown in T.lble 6-\. Thus 6-1 Sdsmi( D('//Ii1illg Bllilt/ings, Portl.lIld Ce-

Table 6- 1 <:hould be u~-xf to ascer!.ain the .lppropriate ment As~iil!ion, Skokie, IL fJ.XJn. 2{x)().

,', " I t Ifl~lq

Table &-1 Seismic Risk Terminology

Code, Standard, or Resource Level 01 Seismic Risk or Assigned Seismic Performance

Documen.t· u~~~~~=F=-_,,:cIa~te;gory (SPC) or Seismic Category (SOC)
BOCA NallOnal B
(1093 t 996. 1999)
Standard BuildingC-'-"' : - - - - - l
(1994 1997. 1999) _ _ _ __ SPCA, B SPCC SPC 0 , E
ASCE 7-93 , 7-95
NEHRP (1991 , .
Uniform II I
:=___---j_==:-:. Seismic Zone O)~,',-t~S3.e;;,s;;;m:;;;.:ic:;z1co;;niEe~21i-S;;.;:~z~o;;;n;;e;_33:,~41i
(1991 , 1994.
Internallonal Building
NEHRP (1997)

Table 6-2 Sections of Chapter 21 to 8 e Satislfiedl

Component Aesistlng Earthquake Level of Seismic Risk or Assigned

Effect Seismic Performance Category (S PC)
or Seismic Design Category (SOC)
Intermediate High
~1.2.1.~ ~ 1Z1~
Frame members" ---::-c:--;---;::-__- - - 21 10 21,2-21.5
S!ruclura~ walls and coupling beams None 21.2, 21.6
Structural diaphragms and trusses
Foundations - - -- ---------t-
N"o"ne::-_ _ _
Frame members not proportioned to resist forces
Induced by earthquake motions None 21.2,21.9
Table 6-3 Web Reinforcement Requirements

Sect. No. Fig . No.

The required amounts of vertical and horizontal web reinforcement
depend on the magnitude of the design shear force V~:
• For V SA f.'
Vertical relnl ratIO ~ 0.0012 for NO. 5 bars or smaller
~ 0.0015 lor NO. 6 bars or larger
Honzontal remf. rallo <!: 0.0020 lor NO. 5 bars or smaller
2: 0.0025 lor NO.6 bars or larger
21.6.2 .1
• For Vu ). A . \f':
p.> 0.0025 (0.003 per ACI350-01 ) 6-1
p,,~ 0.0025 (0.003 per ACl 350-01)
Reinforcement spacing each way shall not exceed 181n. (12 in. per ACI350-0l)
Reinforcement provided for shear strength shall be continuous and
shall be distributed across the shear plane.
For Vw> 2A,!. \/..', two curtains of reinforcement must be prollided. 2
All conllnuous reinforcement in structural walls shall be anchored or
spliced in accordance with the provisions lor reinforcement in tension
In 21 .5.4.

vs :s 18"
(12 in. per ACI 350-01)
--- , • For v.c;A. f:
Ven. relnt. ratio ~ 0.OO12for NO. 5 or smaller
0.00 15 lor NO. 6 or larger
S s 1s" l I ~ I Horiz. remf. ratio ~ 0.0020 lor No.5 or smaller
~ 0.0025 for NO. 6 Of larger
(12 In. per
ACI350-01 ) ,
- -~ p.
For 1/.. > A«\ f; .
0,0025 (0.003 per ACI350·01)
p~ ~ 0,0025 (0.003 per ACI 350-01)

For V, > :lA.. , f;

ProYlde two cunains of reinforcement
Anchor and spllce bars per 21.5.4

All other reinforcement not shown for clanty


Figure 6-1 Web Reinforcement Requirements

l " "1
Table 6-4 Shear Strength Requirements

Sect. No. Fig. No.

The nommal shear strength V of structural walls shall not exceed:

\ (21-7)

where c lor h .. 15

2.0 for h .. 2.0
(t vanes hnearly between 30 and 2.0 lor h.,.' .. between 1.5 and 2.0.
In Eq. (21-7). the value of h~ .. used for determining V for
segments 01 a wail shall be Ihe larger of Ihe rallos for the enllre wall
and the segment 01 wall considered.

Walls shall have distributed shear reinforcement In two orthogonal

directions In the plane 01 the wall If n..' " . .
2.0, P. ~ P
Nominal shear strength of all wall piers sharing a common lateral
force shall not be assumed to exceed. SA \J:, where A is the
total cross-sectional area, and the nominal shear strength of anyone

of the IndIVidual wall piers shall nol be assumed to exceed 10/\ , { ,

where A . is the cross-seclJonal area ollhe pier considered.
Nommal shear strength of hOrizontal wall segments and eouphng

beams shall be assumed nOI to exceed. 10. \ ,f', where A IS the 216.4.5
eross-seclJonal area 01 a hortzonta1 wall segment or coupling beam.

Table 6-5 Reinforcement Details where Boundary Elements are Not Required

Sect. No. Fig. No.

Where special boundary elements are not required by or
21.66.3, the followmg shall be saltsfled:
. Boundary transverse remlorcemenl shall satisfy (c), and 21 .6.6.4(c) jf the longitudinal reinforcement ratio at the
wall boundary IS grealer Ihan 4001( The maximum longitudinal spacing
of transverse reinforcement In the boundary shall not exceed 8 in.

. Honzontal wall reinforcement lerminating al the ends of structural walls

21665 6-2

Without boundary elements shall have a standard hook engaging the

edge remloreemen! or the edge reinforcement shall be enclosed In
U-stlrrups having the same size and spacing as, and spliced to, the

honzontal reinlorcamenl when \

~ " ,I: I
For V... ~Acy \~
Standard hook at ends of horizontal reinforcement engaging
edge reinforcement or
U-StIITUpS spliced to hOrizontal reinforcement with same size
and spaCing as hOrizontal reinforcement

tw tw
,- r I' 'j
Asb =area of long. relnf
In II.;,
~ • p = A",//\,. > 400n,

~ .~

~ • s 14 "

01 s 14"
• •
l- •

x A,h " O.09sh, f', ifYh
• •
r.25 x
6 x long . db
Sx or 8"

Aob= tw(2x + a)

Concentrated longitudinal Uniformly distributed

reinforcement at wall ends longitudinal reinforcement

Figure 6·2 Reinforcement Details where Boundary Elements are Not Required

Example 1: Design of Rectangular Concrete Tank
7.1 INTRODUCTION Wall thickness = IS in.
Tht,' eX'lmpl\! nx-tangul.Jr I.m!.. :.ho\\"n in Fig. 7-1 b to Hcightofliquid ",Sft (Ref.5-1 consen'ativelyassu mes
be designed for carlhquilke force~ in the N-S dirl'Ction. 10 ft of liquid height)
The tank is locat('d in the WI..':.It'Tn United S tate:.
(longitude = 123", latiludL' -11 ") .md cont"ins non-hazard- Concrete s trength = 4,000 psi (w<= ISO Jb/ ftJ,
OlIS material. Tht' design of this tank for non-scismic load E( = 3,83-1 ksi)
(ombiniltion:. is given in Ref. 5-1. ThL' following approxi- Reinforcement strength = 60,000 psi
matL' ~ tccl reinforcement was determined:
Long/short \\',1 lis 7.2.2 Seismic Design Data (IBC 2000 Design)
Ins idc /Out~jdc face - vertical No.S@9 in. For the gwen location (longitude = t 23", latitude = 41"), per
In:.ide/ Oliisidl:' face - h(wizonlal No. S@12i n.
me Section 161 5, I:
(IBC F;g. 16151
(!BC F;g. 1615)
For Si te =- 0 (IBCTabJe J615.1.1)
7.2.1 General =1.1
F-~ (IBe Table 1615.1.2(1»
Partially burk'd non-fiClIiblc base t.1t1k r =I.b (lBe Table 161S.1.2(2)
Weight of contained liquid = 70 Ib / ftl 5eismic (IX'ffjdenl R "" 2 (IBC Tabl~ 1622.2.S( I)}
Weight of mois t soil::= 100 Ib / fl Import<lncc Factor = 1 (IBCTable 1622.2.5(2))
(This ta nk is not a part of a public utility facility)

t -r
21 ' - 6"
10 . ·0' S' - 0"
5' - 0

I· 3,' - 6"
Figure 7-1 Example Rectangular Tank

7.3 SEISMIC LOAD ANALYSIS 11u! period ."'~()ciated with the cOIl\ccti\'c component
(T ) can be dctcrminL'<i as fullows:

7.3.1 Weight

L lR5 2.3 ~ I"or .1Il"h"si:, in N-S direction)

H ,
hom Fig. 4-9.. , 21[ =0.66 for J:.. = 2.3
A H,
frnm r L~. -1-1(,11 lor
=- 0.66" 18.5 = 2.8 sec.
IV = O..l9 .1Ild I~. = ,1.,1 (L = 18.5 ft for analysis in N-S direction)
W "'.
7.3.3 Base Shear
M _ 2S$x 185x8x70 = ..,m: 1'· _
1Y _ ' . l .. "'LP"
V = C~r{Wh +WR +W,) Impulsive
W, = 0.49 x 295.:\

IV = 051 ,2QS.l:; ISO.b

=1+1.7 k.ip ...
v =c"' (W)
. Convective

c '" 5",1 s SIll I

w _ 2QO+~)~ l~x 1.5x 'SO::: 22"i "ip!;
II 1.000
5" -' ""FS
~ ~
= 1.1 x 1.0= 1.1
W =0 SIt! = r ..5 1 = 1.6xOA =0.64

From Fi~. 4-5. for ~ 2.3, ", 0::; 0.56

n H

", -:: 0.37 It $ = :Hlil

5 :. ~S.\t! = 0..1,2
III =O.56~R:-45ft

ForS . = 0.73,mdSn =OA2,fromTables 1616.3(1).md
7.3.2 Period 1616.3(2) of IBC 2000, Stdsmic Design Category SOC = 0

T = 2It
I \
= 0.73 x 1.0 "" 0.37 S 0.-12 x 1 _ 0.78
2 2 x 0.27
Use 0.37

J..\' - lV'I' + IV + IV =-!!S + 0 + 144.7 = 369.7 J,.ip~ c

,- . 1 L ('
-lB II C =O.73xl =O.37s 0.-12 x I ""0.075 Use 0.075
2 2x2.8
where II =- m~an llL'i~ht ,ll whkh the im'rh,l force of the
1.11Ik and Lts contcnb i.., .bslml~ III <leI. VI = C~I(W,\ + W.\: + W,)
II=- (225x5+ 144.7 x31 -4.2H :0 0.37 (225 + 0 + 1..J.4.7) = 136.8 kips
(22S+ 1.t4.7)

t.. IS in.
E. =3,8~ bl Total base "hear VI = \ V? + V~~ = 137.3 kips
g =.'\2.2 ft/~L'C:
7.3.4 Overturning Moment

T -..,
- _It 169.7 -ll"'~"
- ._/~'C
\ 32.2 x 6290
= 0.37(225)11; 5 + 0 + 1-1..t7)11; .1)::: 577 ft-kips
For dckrmining the forcc.s/strt'Sse; in the 1,1Ok w,llls, the
All, = C. . . (W, II, )::: 0.075 x 130.0 x 45 ::: 50.8 ft-kips tank is divided into leading h.,lf imd the tr,'iling half
portions as shown in fig. 5-3.
Toti1l OVl'rtllrnmg moment M, = \ M? + M~ 30x IOx1.5x150x2 .. .
Wei8htl1flongwalls= - '" 13,klps
=57Q ft-kips 1,000

Wall inertia,
7.3.5 Overall Stability Check
• Sliding (Ne~IL'Ct backfill) f!\ = s~ I WI' = C~IWIV = 0.37 I( 135 = SO kips

6.\se Shear = 137 kip~

Impulsive force,
" \>\Ieight of t.1n" without il!-; contents
5 I
= 225 kip~ P, =......cLW = C.,W, = 0.37)11; 144.7 = 53,4 kip'
I~ , .'

B,1s.c ~ Iil b = ~32~X~O=;..2,;X;;;2=;X~

lSO =211 kip:; Com'ccti\'C forcc,
Weight of content:; = 295..3 kips
p = Sn) W = C. W
R l .....
=0.075 x 150.6 = 11.3 ki ps

rot.,1 weight ::: 731 kip~

Both the leading and Ihe trailing wall will besubjected
Cuefficient of friction = 0..7
tt' thc combllll'd cff(,(ts of (1) W.1 11 incrti<l force, 1-
(2) one-

Factor of ~afl'tr = O.7x731 =3.7 O,K. h,ll{ the impul.,ive force, P and, (3) one-half the convective
137 force. ('Iv .1$ .. hown in Fig. 7-2.
• Overturning ~ 0.002
T/= lOx 12 =0.000017 < 0.002 for medium sand
Overturning moment = 579 (t-kip., "
($&' r.,ble -1--3 ,lnd St'ction 7.5). Therefore. no activc or
pas!;i\'{~ pressure is "nticipatcd on the wtllls d ue to negli-
Resisting mOIlll'n! "" 731 x22 = 8 041 fl-kips gible deform.llion of the tank.
2 .
The dVll.1mic carth and ground w,lter pressurea! rest
.lrl.' neglectl.-d in this example (sec Ref. +-5 fo r detailed
Factor of safch' = 1:1,0-11 = 13.9 O.K. .1 Ililly~is of dynamic earth pressure).
. 57Y
fhe pr~sure distribu tion on the w<lU is calculated as
follows ('!;("'e Fig. 7-2):

O.01BP, O.08BP c

O.5PC ~~:::-1

O.109P[ O.039Pc

Figure 7-2 Forces on Wall Perpendicular to the Direction of Analysis

For impulsive (mee,
Ratio of length of short WOlI! to height of liquid
c 20
, _p [m, - 611, 1-[(6H, -12/,,)x Y HJ ;=8 = 2.50
fI - ! 2J-F
TIle mOment, shcM ,md deflection due to the above
forct'S are determined using Ref. 5-1. The moment and
deflection coefficients are takl!n (rom Chapter 3 and the
Shc<lr coefficients a re taken from Chapter 2 of this refer.
cnce for the specific loading imd end conditions of the
walls. Thccoeffidents for the Jong wall are dctennined for
b c
AI top liqUId [ey el, ::; 4 and - = 2.5 by interpoJ,ltion, as (ollows:
II /1

Long wall s ubjected to triangular IO<1d

M~ coefficient for vl'rtical steel = 150

M . coefficient (or horiwnta I steel = 88
For comectin.' force ,
Deflection coefficient = 26
[m , - 611, [-[(6H , -121<, )x YH ] Shear cocfficicnt-bottom
= 0.5
P =p I
" ' 2H ~ Shear cocfficient-side = 0.38
At bottom ()f WillI, Long wall subjected to uniform load

M coefficient fOr \'erlic,ll stt'Cl = 435

]4 x S- 6 x .t S]- !{bXS- 12 x 4.5) x OsJ
f~'D= P :! xW tW J9P M , coefficient for horiLontal steel = 3' 8
IJt:.fJection coefficien t = 98
At top liquid leycl,
Shear coefficicllt-bottom = 1.0
) _ ]4 x S- b x 45J - [(b x S- 12 x 4.S)x8 1
s = O.OSS9Pl
Shear coefficicnt-side = 1.68
I ~~- r.. 2 x 81
Design moment per mc Eq. \6-5, See Chapter 3,
U::; 1.2D + 1.0£ + J.2F
Pressure duc to Inertlil =
SO x 1,000 = S4 psf
2 x 30xlO = 0.9D + 1.0£ + 1.2F

Prehl>ure d ue to impuL<;in~ force. E corresponds 10 the effl..'Cts of earthquake force com.

pUled in T"ble 7-1. F corrL'Sponds to the ('(feels of static
hydr05latic fluid prl"Ssure computed in Ref. s.l.
v7f1f ", 0.109 x 53Ax 1.000 = 204 ps f
Uottom o{willl = tl.l "', Maximum hydrodynamic moments from Table 7-1 .
Vertital direction,
Topo fl 'Iqllld = O.OI6P = 0.016 x 53.4xI.000 = 30.Upsf M J , =. 6.2 (I-kips (74.4 in.-kips) per lineal fOOl
I lorizonlal direction,
Pressure due to cOIwcetin' {or;.: c. MJ~ ::; 4.0 (t-kips (55.2 in.-kips) per lineal foot

-- ps f Maximum hydrostatic moments from Ref. 5-1,

I 9/' ~ Q,039xl1.3x1.000 = 1:'J.:l
BottomCl f waJ] = (.03
28.5 Vertical direction,
Top of liqUid = 0,0861'. = 34 psf Mh = 108.6 in.-kips per lineal fool

R<ltio of Icngth of long \V,lll to height of liquid Horizontal direction.

Mho = 65.7 in.-kips per lineal foot
~ = 30 = 3.75 (U", 4.0)
Table 7-1 Design Forces on long Wall due to Earthquake Forces

l Loading Inertia Impulsive Convective S R SS~

Pressure, q (psi) 00~


Uniform + Tnangular
~ 0~ U -
Uniform - Triangular

Top 84 30 0 .0 30 34 0.0 34
Bot. 84 30 174 204 34 -18.5 15.5

Height. h (It) 10 8 8 8 8 8 8
Design Coefficients'
M. Coetl. 435 435 150 435 150
MyCoeff. 348 348 88 348 88
Shear Coelf.
-BoHom 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0 .5
-Side 1.7 1.7 0.4 1.7 0 .4
Deflection 98.0 98.0 26.0 98.0 26.0
Wall Forces and Deformations
Mo. (f1-kips) 3.65 0.84 1.67 2.51 0 .97 -0. 18 0.79 6.2
Mdy (ft-kips) 2.92 0.66 0.98 1.64 0 .78 -0.' 1 0.67 4.6
Shear (k)
- Bot. 0.84 0.24 0.70 0.94 0.28 -0.08 0.20 1.8
- Side 1.43 0.41 0.56 0.97 0.48 -0.06 0.42 2.4
DellectlOn (In .) 0.0061 0.00089 0.0014 0.0023 0.0010 -0.00015 0.0009 0.009

O6lgn l"Ul"ffl(l~'I1ts .m: Irom Kd "-1 (('r dllfcrcnt Illadul!-; pall('rru; .In,ll'nd cm,.h lnms (0/ tnl' pl.1k"s
1'01 .... M, , ..d/iorlll. 1"'...... lIrr~ 11f'1;..:/lt·/I.(}(KJ
III, :\1 .-,'((lim·nl, I'('''''"I~' iJrl;..:JrI'l/.(KJO
SIItT" $/rtrU n""fI. 1<"11', pn:)i..'ur,', IU'I):hl
[lrtl,'(II,m IJrl/nl"..", ,'/11'-1<1/1 ,,.,.. Itr(, hrl..:Iit'/I.lloon. u~,,·,.,. D [I 11:!r I sri t I ,9.j(J %2.5 1/1 .J.'I'''' .,rld II 0.1_

. 1\,011' th,l! n'llI L.. tl\',' I<)I'C\.' ' " nUH•• I-pha..-c" Ith !xlt" m~rtl.1 .lmllmpubl' t· run:I':> ","Il'/I'n', "'-lU,UI;' root (Of till> ;;um of squares (SRSS) method
IS u ......! tIl m mh1n.. Inc uwrll.l .In.1 ullpu1'i\(' Illl'l .... with thl' .-(Onn'Cllv(' for.:*,_

Total moment.. lIsing the .1blwe lo,ld wmbination, M =1.3 JC 108.6 + 7..... -= 215.6 in.-kip!>
Vertical direction, M -= 1.3 x 65.7 + 55.2 -= 140.6 in.-kips
AI, = 1.2:.: 0 + I JC 7.... ~ 1.2 JC 10$.0 = 2Q.1.7 in.-I..ips
Steel provided (No.5@9 in.) is sufficient to I<\ke care of
llorizont.ll direction. M -= 215.6 in.-kips 1Il the vertical direction.
M." 1.2 x 0 + 1 JC 55.2 + 1.2 JC 65.7 =134.0 In.-kip:. SIct:'1 provided (No.5@ 12 in.) is s uHicicntto take care of
Using ACI3ISlo.1.d c()lllbmati~'n , M -= 1-10.6 inA,ips in the horizontal dirl'Ction.
u= 0.75(1."0 + 1.71 + 1.7' F+ 1.87b1A)
= 1.28F + 1.0r
-So.'\' "'-'Chon :l.7.2 p.1o..ltficahon 1)

Shea r deformiltlOn --= 46.008 = 0.0015 til.
It i...1,"Ul1wd tholt the lotal h.1S(' "hear will be l'quall.\'
n .... "ll...l b\ Ih(' two w,lll .... Tota l deform.ltion =0.002 in.
SIll'.lr in l\h h \\ .111 - ;: h9 kip,,> 7.6 DETAILING
Rl'llUTl'\.l ,,11\.'0l-\lh plor IBe ::!OIlO. (se<> Chapter 3) me ..,,,,ismic fo rc~ and the corresponding reinforcement
(('qUl Tcmcnh in fhi ... cx.lmplc arc small compared to the
t· I.::!D + I.or + I:!F"" 1.0£ reqmrcmcnb under other load and serviceability condi-
:;I 0.90 + 1.0r + 1.21 1.0r tioll!-_ This indicat('S th,1I this particular tank is likely to
remain nCMly elastic or distrcs.<; (ree in the event of a
V I.Oxh9=h'lJ..IP",
dL'-.ign C'Mt hquake.
NOlnm.ll" slr('ngth per AU 318-99 Ilowcver, based o n thc SOC D associated to this
.,ITuct ure, delailing correiiponding to high seismic risk will
V =J\,,(t.: \f +p./) .lppl.v per Table &- 1 (sec Chapter 6). Based on this, it is
prudent to loca te thc s plices a\\'ay from thc potential
n =1for 0.5 plastic hmgc "onc~ neM the bottom of the walls (Figure7-
:n. The CI<lsS Bsplice lenglh for No.5 bars per 12.2 of ACI
118-99 is 18.5 in. TIle reqllJr(.'<i development length oftne
2xO.31 l\u. ~dowc1s in Ihebascsl.1band foundation is 14 in. These
ror NII."@ 12 tn_ llil ('.l\:h filCt:', p =- IISX12) = 0.002.87 (Ilmplltations arc shown in Ref. 5-1.
The requ irements of Table 6-3 are s..1tisfied for in.
-l.000 + 0.00287 x60,(lOOJ wal] design. The s tcel provided along w ith spacing
Q\ = O.85x21.5x lR x 12D 1.000 -'ali~fit.'S Section of AC1318 (fable 6-3). Per$ection
21,".2.1, all continuous reinforcement in s tructural walls
:;: l-t2S.7lip" »69 kips O~ .. houlll lx> <lnchOfL>d or spliced in accordance with the
pro\'is i on~ (~f rt'inforcemcn t in tension (21.5.01 ).
I\,'r ACl 1:;0..01, thl' -;1('('1 rl'lnfl,rcemcnt r~Ulrt.-d each
C;incc then: b negl igible ilxialload on the walls (less
way each (,'Cl' isO.OQ1, TIll.'rdure. p should be increased 10
th .. n 0.2/'.). bound.try clements are not required (
l\o. 5@ 10111,
ur Bound,lr) transVt.'~ reinforcement s hall sat-
Sincl'" i",ll'SSth,1Il2,p =p, Thereforc.No.5@9in. i~fy 21.4A 1(c), 21AA.3 a nd 21.6.6A(c) if Ihe longitudinal
I reinforcemen t ratio al the wall boundary is less than
ISmnrl' th<ln adequate 111 tIll' \ L'rlicaJ dirt."'<:tion. 4OO/f. (Table 6·5).
Till' .. tcl·1 r.llio pr(widcd C; more than 0.{)()12 in the
\wtical d irt.'Ctiun and ll.OO:W in the horizontal direction as LUllgit udln,,1 reinforcement ratio,

rC'luired for thenmditloll V < \ \ ,.f' (ACI 21.6,2.1 <lTld

1.1.3. T.lbll..'(t-.'l). Also. thl'''p<ldngprm-idcd meets the 18111 .
m.l\IIllUnl SptlCUl~ rl.-"'!uirl.-·ment pcr ACI318and the 12 in,
11li1\imum c;p<lcing rcquircl1ll'nl per ACl350. 4Q() =~ =0.00667 > O.lJ038
W.111 dl.'fornMilun, r. 60,000

3[ I n,crdorc, tralls\'ersc reinforcement requirements

3x 3.83-t x 1.5 X20l
StiPUI.1Il'd .lbo\'l' (Table 6-5) do not apply.
II 10'
Where V > A,.\ ,f' . the horizontal reinforcement
~ I1H,1l24 kips/in.
Il'rmin.'ting ,1t thc ends of structura l walls without
loA 04 xJ.8J.4 x 1.5x 20x 12 boundary clements shall h.we ,1 standard hook e ngag ing
%t'M "Iitflll~s = Ihe edge rl.-'inforccment (Table 6-5, Section
I 21-1 1.2 x 10
Sinc('V <AI ,.f' . this detai l is not required . However.
it is rl'Conlrnended tha t thi!' detail be considered so Ihat
the reinforCt'rne nl is effective ill resisting shcM forces and
the potenti.11 of bud,ling of vertic.l1 edge reinforcement
i.., minllnlzed

-- ~

, ,~ 9 in.


I~p '0. ~ " 10
'0.5 (1) 9 In.


I Figure 7·3 Detai ling of Wall

7.7 BASE SHEAR USING UBC 1997 Using ~tlon 1634.3 for n.,l-bottom rigid tanks,
FlIT the lank I()C.ltul in Scl.,mic Zone 4, L =0.4 (Table 16-1) ~ O.7C,iW
Seismic :,(IUrct! IVpc = B with ~ile lociltcd to km fro m it =O.hO.44 d :0:520.3 = 160.3 kips
known SCISlnlC sourCe (Tilbl~ ... 16-T .md I6-U)
'Jote that IV includes the weight ot tank and coniaiJled
Soil profile type = 5, (TablL' 10-)) liquid
Seismic imrnrt.mcc factor: 1 ('on hilzardous matE'ri"I) As indicated in5<.·ction3.220rChaptcr3, UBC \997.1 110ws
Rt:'!>ponsc modific.ltion f.lctor, R = 2.9 (Tab le 16· P) the lIscof altl!mi'lte procedurcslIch as thconegiv('n in ACI
3503. Thl'~uidcllncs for uscnfth, .. method in conjunction
For Z = OA .. nu wi! profile type D. with UBC Iq97 are gh en in Chapter 4 (See Section -1 .3).
C,::: 0.+1:\1 T.lble lb-Q
Base shear,
C = O.tH N Tablt.' lb-R
From T.lbles 16-S and 10-T, the nl'M-~ourcc factor:. [mpulc:ivc
N = 1 a nd N :. I, ft.-'specliwly
C - t1.+lN : 0.+1
V,= .Q.fH x l (225+0+1 +J..7) =302.2 kips
C '" O,b·l.\' =D,M

In till' "hmt p('ri~ld r.\I\~e, till.:' impulsive ba~ ..hear !,haH be v, = O...J. x t x 2.75 l'22..'+ 0 + 144.7) =147.9 kips
hmit('l.! by.
\' =- 1.~ I (IVI + IV + \'\' ):. l-WA kips <302.2 kip!', 0.07:;Z IIV, =0.075)(0.41 )(520.3= 15.6 kips < l.49.3kips

v =OAX1XU.9"(150.6) = 20.b k;ps


\' l I (IV ) Conn.-din' lolal bi.\.'>e shear V. = \; V,~ + Vl :. 149.3 kips

!xO.Mx! _ Nule that ACi J'iO.3 recommends using Cc :' ~~, for
V = (I'iO.h) = 11$ \..;P'
2.9x2.S .
T\ ~ 2,4 sec and RI"- = 1 for convcctive motion.

Total ba:-t' sheilr \

C = - - = \.1:;
V =O.4X1 X 1.15(150.6) = 69.2 kips
The prO\'ision~(lt ACi 3~{l.3 wCfces~ntia\1y developed to l
b(' cmnp,\lible with LBC 19'1-l ,1S discussed in ChilptCrs 3
ilnd -l. Then.,flWl'. no lntt:'rprct"tions or (':>.tensions were TOt.1l b,\5e shear VI :: \ ~~ + VJ = 163.3 kips
made in applic,\\L(ln of ACl150.3 with this building code.

FllT the tank IOC.1Il'd in St.'ismicZone-l, Z = 0.4 (Table 16-1) 7.9 BASE SHEAR USING BOCA AND SBC
Site coefficient, S - 15 (l.,bh.' 16-J) St.>i!'nllC Hazard Expo:-ure Group = I
Soil profile t~T(' :' 5 (l,lbll.' 10-1) Sci .. mic Coefficients,
Seismic' f,\dor - 1 A~:. 0.2
(T.lble -l.1, Non hiUardou:- m.,INi.,!)
A. = 0.3
Rl,,-pOn"l' mlxiifir,llinn r,lctllr, RI\ = 2.75
(TablL' 4-2) i3<,.sed on A = 0.3 and Seismic haZ<1rd exposure group = I.
Sei!:imic performance category SPC = D

Sitl.' c()(!fficienl = 15 (Soil Profile Type SJ

z/e (\\,,+W,+W.) ImpulsiH'
V,= Re!'lpollsc Modification Factor I~ = 3 (T.lble,
R" ",SCE 7·95)

V = nc, (IV )
~ R., '
\' =C,,-(Wc)
C,= 2.7~lorT< I~
C 1.2A\,S 2.5A a
_ fllrT"'>T
= _ = RT! 5 -R-
r: 1

C =1.2xO.3x1.5=O-i3
l 3xO.27' .

2.5An :: 2.5xO.3 =0.25

R 3
Sil"l' T T, C 2.75
C _ \'2~ 1..:5 = n.q-l

C = 1.2A\S = L2 xO.3x 1.5 = 009 Code B,l SC Shear (kips)
.... RT l \ 3x2.8 ~l .
• IBC 2000 137.3
UBC 1997 1.0.9
v. = 0.4~{22S + 0 + 1-14.7) = 159 kips UBC 199-1 1-19.3· Service Level
V, '" O.lJ4(ISO.ll) =13.6 kips ACI 350.3 163.3· Scrvice Level
BOCA 1996/SBC 1997 \59.6
"\rolc that V '" t-'9.3 klp~ .1Od 11'':13 k,pS.'T>: SCr\'(t' len'l baseshcars
Ihat Me multipliL-d by.1 f.1CIOf of !"' when COmbined using thl' load
comblna!lol'-' S1V('1"I 11"1 Ch<lP!1.'!f 3 1('1 ,ldl'rmi!1(.' the desi!;n (ror~ in d
mernber_ TIl('baseshl'arSCnmpuh!d for IBe 2(XX), UBe]m and SOCI
iKX:/\ <1ll'strcngth IClt'1 imd ,1ft' mult'plit>d by a fdCl(l(of ].0 in the lood

,~ If .m., l I I \"lil'I"Dlf r
Example 2: Design of Circular Concrete Tank


'n'l' l!\.unpll' cirlulM I.m!" .. hown III hH- ~-1 j" to be
dL.... i"V'I.'{t tor l'.uthllllJkc ton:c.. , I hl' I.m!" i!' k'H.:.ll..-xi In thl! 8.2.1 General
Wl",ll'rn UIl1I(,'l,.-j\.'.. (1tlll~ltudl' -- 1::!..1. latitude -II') .lnd I\Uti,llh bUrLl'ti IlIUl-flc\iblc b.ISC 1,1Ok with rigid
('"onl,un.. mlll-h.lI.ulinu .. m,lten.l!. Il't' dl''olgn t\lr mlll- b,l"L',tnd hln~L'tl llmnl..'(tion bctwl'Cn the wall and the
<,t't .. m\(: 1\),lIj combiniltlllllS ~lt thi., l,lnJ... given in Rei 5-::! root .,
rc'Mll, .. in the Il11ItH\'lI1).: .. It'i,.'] r\'II1IWu'ml'nl"
\\t'i~ht ui (Onl.lim.'l..i lilluld 65 lb/tt
\\l'l~hl (If Illl11 .. t ~lil;= ~llb It
h 'I' ~ in. (Bolt{)m 15 It)
\\all thlC! In In_
'0.51r Hin. (Top 13ft)
I t~,I~ht Ilt liquid =20 It
Lun~rt.'1l' 'tlrcllAlh =-t,OOO p..1
(,j' I~llb/It, f ;: 3,1'l1.1 k.... i)
In~ldl" OUI.,ldl' f.1Ll' \ltl, 4!(', Sin. (Bc.,Unm 15 ttl

Figure 8·1 Example Circular Tank
8.2 .2 Seismic Design Data (IBC 2000 Design) 8.3.2 Period
I (If Ilw ~i\'('n klC.llltln (I(lngltude = 123" , ["titudc = 41 "), For non ..1iding base (Section 4.7.2),
pt'f me St,.'(-liun 1(,1 ;;. 1
T = 2n
. CO
S OA (IBC F;g. 1615)
, 11 (IBC Fig. 1615)
co = C 12 ~

(IBCTabie 1615.1.1) , H \ Pc
I . 1. 1 (IBCTablc 1615.1.2)

r = 1.6 (IBC Table 1615.1.2)

(IBCT.)ble 1622.2.S{I))
p. :: !1lilS-S den!:oity of concrl'ie (4.66lb-secl / ftl).I .. = 16 in.,
Import.:mcc fador = 1 (lBC T.lblc 1622.25(2))
(This tank j .. not a pMI of public utility f.lcihty) R= 45ft, C\\= O.143for ~ = 3.5(Fig. 4-1O).
8.3 SEISMIC LOAD ANALYSIS Ct = IOxO.143 \ =0.25

8.3.1 Weight
=oz.' 1 ~ J ,834 x l, OOO_
. x 26 \ 4.66 - 10·1.7 rad / ~
D 90 3.4(,
H, 26 2.
T - - l1.06!Ot..'C
From Flg_ -14 th) t(lf 1-1 , = 35 for circular I.m"~ , The period associated with thccon\'ective component
(T ) can be determined as follows:
w W
WI = 0.35 and W = 0.65

w, = ;!. 14x99~ >9-6 X 65

4 )( 1.000
= 10 751 kifl'ii
' r-- 2. 0
From Fig. 4-9(b), T = 0.65 for H; = 3.5
w = 0.35 x 10,7:;1 ),7bJ kIps
W = U.(,5 x 10,7:;1 = h.~M kips Tl =0.65 \" 90 = 6.2 sec
3.1.t X(Q2.h7 I.W) x 28 x 150 609 k 8.3.3 Base Shear
IN • - = 1, ips
" 4 x 1.0UO
Impuls ive

3.14 xQ2.67 >< l x 150 12k. Convcctive

w /!= - - -- = ,Ollp'"
-I >< \.000

(a~sul11~ I ft thid,ness of slab)

11,e roof IS supported b\ 12 interior columns which
help c,lrry the :.Iab \'crtical1oad. The vertil..a' llood S\I = r~s = 1.1 x 1.0 = 1.1
fl'rrLod to thl.' wollI~ i.....mall. [\;ole that half of the column
weight should be ,1dded 10 the roof weight for laterallo.ld S~n = f l'S = l.6 x 0..1 = 0.64
The (olumn weight (a .. sume 2 ft diameter column~) Svs = 3511.'; = 0.73
will add another &l kip.., to the mof weight. Therefore, total
root wci~hl =- 1,012 + tW = 1,092 kips.
S.,. = "35," = 0.43

DesiS" of Liqllid'uml'Imilrs COIrerr/(' Slmc/rlrNlol Earr/r'/lIakr Farcrs
For Sl'" =0.73 and Sill =0.43. irom Tables 1616.3(1) and Vc = 468 kips
1616.3(2) (If IBC2000. Seismic Design CalcgorySDC =- D
Vr = \ (l,681P +(-I68)~ 1,7-15 kips
0.37 s 0.-13 x I ::0 3.58 Use 0.37
2xO.06 80'100(2.437 =- 1.950 kips > 1,745 kips

US{' \1r = 1.950 kips

~ No -RT,
8.3.4 Overturning Moment
c. . : ::0 0.73 x 1 0.37 S 0 -13 X 1 = 0.035 Use 0.035 Mr = C$I(W\\I/\\ + WII.I/¥ + W," ,) Impulsive
2 2)(6.2
• M~ = C.... (W~ II.. ) Convective
V, = C,,(Wj \ -t WI\' + W) D 1/ 11_
From Fig.-I-5(b),for - =35. - ' =0.375and _c_ =0.54-
= 0.37 (1.b09 + 1,(l92 + 3.76..1) =- 2.392 kips HI HI HI

Vr =: C" (We) =- 0.035 X 6.9R8 = 245 kips "t = 0.375 x 26 = 9.75 ft

II~ =- 0.5-1 x 26 = 1-1.0 [\
Tota l base shcJr VT = '\ V,~ +~? = 2.1-105 kips
NIl =C,/(WI\I~\ +W~"R.+W,llr)
Since Tl > 4- SL'C., (St:.'C St.'clion -1.2.3)
:0.371(1,609 x H ) + (1.092 x 28) + (3,763 x 9.75)1
S . =- 65", =- 6 x 0.-13 =0.067 =- 33,223 (I-kips
... 7? 6.2:
M,_ =- C5<,.(W,A) =- 0.035 x 6.988 x 14 =- 3,42-1 fl-kips
With RI ". = I for convectivc motion per
ACl350.3 (Table -1-2), Nt = \ M f+ M Z=33,400fH.ips

0.067 x I Per ACl350.3. M ... = 0.067 x 6,988 x 1-1 = 6,555 ft-kips

Co.,( = I = 0.067 > 0.035
M, - 33, 64 fl-kips
V, = Cs., (Wl ) = {tOO7 x 6,988 =- 468 kips F"r t;lmplkity, the bolsc shear ,1Od overturning moment
c:ompul~ using \Be 2000 withoul ACi 350.3 modifica-
Tnt,d ba:;c shear pl'r ACl350.3, tions will be used for rest of design.

Vr =- .. V? + VJ = 2,437 kipl:> 8.3.5 Overall Stability Check

• Sliding (Neglecting backfill)
Using Response Spt..'Ctrum Illl!lhod (~>(tion -1.2.3),
Weight of tank without it.:. contents
0.59 sec Walls = 1,609 kips
'" Roof =: 1,012 kips
'r" = O.2T~ =0.118 sec Columns = 160 kips
B,lSt.' slab
=3.1-1 x 96.bP x 2 x 150/(-1 x 1000)= 2,202 kips
CClIllenlo; = 3. 14 x 9(f x 26 x 65/-1000 = 10,751 kips

5,,= O.73x[O.6XO.06 +004] =0.51 Total weight =15,734 kips

Neglect soil weight on footing overhang
0.51 CoeCfidenf of (riction = 0.7
T = 0.26 < 0.37
Base shear = 2,-l05 kips
v, = C~{W,\ +W'! + W,) 0.7x 1573-!
Factor of snfety =- • = ·t6 O.K.
= 0.26 (1.609 -+ 1,092 + 3,763) = 1,68 1 kips 2. -1-05

• Ovt.'rturning Maximum ~hcar <;tress per Act 350.3,
On'rturning moment = 33,4()O ft-kips 0.8 V 0.8 x 2. 405
V = -- = = \3.6 kips/ft
R~ .. isting Ilwmcnt = 15,7~-I x 45 = 70R,030 ft-kip~ IT/" 3.14 x 45

708,030 Nominal shear strength = An (o:( ,f. + p. f.J

L, 1ro/.;"feIY= ~3,-IO() =21.2 O.K.
Eq (21-7). ACI 318-99

8.4 DESIGN OF WALLS USl'(l, =3 for f <2
n,t.' cMthquakt.' b,l~ shear is Iran~mith..-d parti.lUy by For No.9@8 in. on cach f,lce.
ml' (1.1n~entla1) .. heil( and PMli,'l1y by radidl ShCM
that cause.. vertic.ll bending. AC1350.3 indiciltes that80"'u p~= 8x16x12 =0.0156
of the b<lSl' Shl.'ilrCCln bl.' asslImt.'(i to be transferred through
tangenti"l :,ch('ar fC'lr tanl..~ with Olr! of -I. The remaining
OV,,= 0.85 x 12x 16({3x \ 4,000)
20"" will be tr.m .. t('rr('d Ihrou~h \ertical bending. The
maximum t.lIlgentiill shear occurs at.1 point on tank wall + (0.0156 x 6O.000Jl/1.000
oriented 90 degrc~s fn-.m the direction of earlhquake, as -= Un.7 kips/ ft » 13.6 kips/ft O.K.
shown in Fig. $-2.,'lsomorethanadequateinthevcrtical
OiI,,"iI>J11on 01
_.I>u, The steel ratio provided is more than 0.0012 in
the vcrtical dirL'Ction and 0.002 in the horizontal
direction as required for the cOl1dition V.. < Au: ,f.
CACI Also, the spacing provided meets
utili .he.t, q thl~ IS 11). minimum rcquirement. The reinforcement
provided also sa ti sfies ACi 350 requirements
IP ... -= 0.003 and 0l,lX10lin spaci ng = 12 in.)

8.4.2 Desi g n 01 Wall s l or Out-ol-Plane

Load ing
Figure 8-2 Shear transfer at base
For the portion of walls loaded perpl'ndicuiar to
their plane. the effects of earthqu<lke forces and hydro-
Per IBe 2000 (Sl..X' Chaph.'r 3), static forces will be combined based on the most critical
load combinations:
I~l'qllir(?d fOifl'IlAth U:= 1.2D + 1.0[ + 1.2F
(~"'(' Chapwr .1. Tablt' J-I) L1=0.75{ 1.-ID+ 1.7L+ 1.7F+ 1.87£/ 1.4)

Pl'r AU 31$ and ACl3SO (~'l' Chilplt'r 3), =I.3F + l.O[

Requiroo strength. U: 0.75(1.-1D + l.7L + 1.7· F + ~Ioment M. = 1.3A-l, + 1.0M,
Fn)m hydro~;tiltic IlMding. M J ::::: \0,416 ft-lb / ft
(Ref. 5-2). Note that thb reference assumes full height of
8.4.1 Design 01 Wall s lor In-Plane Loading contained liquid.
Since thl' effect of both D ilnd F ,1rl' nl'gli~iblc for in- Fordetermining theout-of-pl"ne moment due toearth·
pl,me w.,11 d~ .. ign, required strength is U"" 1.Of fur qUilkc forccsM r ,the tank is diddcd into lending half and
bClth lBe and ACI ~1810,ld combinations. The sheM the trailing hillf portions <IS <:hown in Fig. 5-6.
stR'S'; from h\"drootatk forces acts in., radi<ll dirl'Ction, As discussed in Chapter 5, the cylindrical W.lI1S
and i.., not Jdd(:'d to IllI.' in-pl<lnL' ::.hcar of the wall. (Fig. 5-7) are designed for (0) \\"all inNti" distributed
uniformly arDlUld the entire circumference, (b) one-half
Shc,lf V.. = l.Ot' = 2,405 kip:,.(in-pl.lne) the impulsivl:' force PI' applit.>d s\'Olmet rical1y about an
,' ngll' e=.o and .1ctin~ inw;ud on one-half of the wall and
one-Il<11f P. applit.'<.i :,cymmctric.l1 .lbout e = It and acting
olltw.1rd on the opposite h,11f of the wall (c) one-half the
coIl\"L'Cti\'c force p{ .1pplicd symmetrically about an .1I1gle


9""Oand aCling inw.-.rd on one-ha !fof thewall and one-half AI top liquid level,
P .lpplicd "fmnll'trical ,lbout e= 1tand actingolltward on
thc(lppo.. ik h.111 of the wall; (lnd (d) thedynamicearth and
ground w,lkr pressure against the trailing half of the
buril,.'l.i p(lrtion u{ th{.'\Olnk.

Wall Ulcrtia.

05Pc · H - -

RO(1f Incrtia, 'M', iF'----\

r,.""7 C w '
II=~' .II""O.37 )(I ,(}Q 2 = 404k l p~

Figure 8-3 Forces on wall perpendicular to the direction

of analysIs

. . l~h 10,o x 1000 7- f

PrL"S!:iUrl! on wa II d lit' to mertia = --- 0: = :l ps
Itr 3.14x45
Pr('S!>urc due to impulsive force,
I' =51"f W
\ R <.
=c L
l =U.034 x 6,988 = 238 kip..
p\\o' IJ,v ·1Ild 1\ . ilnd thl' pres~ure distribution Ull
Bottom of wall = - cosO ,2;..x"O",O,,3=4 P,
.,' cos °
the wall are calculatt'd per Sc...'Clio n ~, 2 . 1 .1S follows
l<;('(' FiF.. 8-3) 2 x 0.034)( 1.392 x 1. 000 = 670 sf
= a l~ xfj p
For wall inertia, (maximum @O""O)

(l ~~
I~ iJ~., Mil = 10.6 kl ft 2xO.OWSP, e
Top of liquid = - cos
For Impulsivc forct',
[~II -nII.I-[II1/1 -1211))1, ~ /I 2xO.oo-l8x 1.392 x 1,000 _ 80 f
P p, 211. '..1
= 3.Hx45 - .7ps

At bottom l)f \\'all, (maximum@9""0)

Pressure due' to convective force,

16P.,.. 16xO.OH8P
Bottom o(wall = --cos9:
9nr 9nr
' cosa
At t~lP liquid level.
16xO.01 ~8x238x 1.000 f
"" 9x3.J-Ix~5 = -I4.2ps
"• (milximum@9=0)
For COlwccli\-l' force, 16 x O.02371'
Top of liquid = ="9C-,'=.:=','-'-'.\ cosa =70.8 psf
t~1/ -1>/1 I (maximum@9=0)
,~ _1'

AI bottom of wall, The ab(we pre.sure neros to be determined at differ-

ent \'alues of e ,lnd ilpplied tolhe leadiJ1g and the trailing
.,. J'b.:!!' ",,1 ..11 [.(I'~2t. 12,< !-the Cl J wal ls tn d~,termine the,lddition:ll hoopstrcsscs al1d CIllt-or-
/' ,
21. = O.0148P pJ.,ne moments. Thcsc ~trCS$(lS.lnd moments can be more
.1CClIr.ltcJy computed using she ll analysis.

Nntc tlMt (lIrrl'nlh no design ajds Me available to
detcrmiol' !he hoop .. trt.'Ssc<; ilnd Olll-o{-plane moml'nb ,'ppro,,"imatc out-of-pl,me maximum moment assuming
d Ut' tn th .., abm e lu..lds_ For shallow tanl.s (D» H) the out- . Iy supportcd wa 11 = 2.J.OxIOX18_
simp "'3fk.
_ 1....... t- IpS
of-ploll1\,.' Ixondin~ effl'(b .In' <,milll and c.ln be neglectl>d. 28 Approxi mate Method Moment p<'r unit length Mr
2x 1.543
L"II1~ \(. 11''1' 1dpproxim.llion tor tank with H = 4,20 "0 = 3,14 x 45,67 = 21.5 ft-kips /ft.
of ba"t' ..h,,'M (.111 lx· a~umcd to be transferred through
ollt-ot-planl·lx>ndin~. M, = 1.3 )( 10.4 + 21.5 = 35 ft-kips/ft > 23 ft-kips
under static lo.ld combinations (Ref. 5-2).
Appro\lmatl' force actrng (In It"lding ilnd trniling \\"all~
_ 0.2 x 2,;-105 _ 240 k'
- - 2~~ - IpS
0. (,@8 Ill. (A 0.66 in.~) vertical reinforcement on
inside faCt' is ad\."quille.
Assuming thl~ (orc(' will act at an approximate rC!.lIJt- The user should check olher lo.1ding condilions given
.1111 hci~ht u( 10 fl {wei~hted a\'cragl' of "1 and ,,(). total in Ref 5·2 in combinat ion with earthq uake loading to
\crif)' the adequ.1CY of (')lIerlloll vertical reinforcement.


."." ~ . , ...

~ ...... ---
" ".
.,....• -.- -.-
_L l8 '
'" •
' .. <- ".
" ".
. "'"'-- V'"" .. ·· --
~ ..... • 10.

IY \
Figure 8-48 Detailing of wall
Figure 8-4 b Detailing of wall with fIxed base

I\oll' 11",1 drn,lmic l'arlh prC5.!>ure effects a re not in- The requiremenh. of Table 6-3 are satisfied fo r in-plane
cluded In Ihl~ ('"amplc. Rcference 4-5 should be consulted wall design. The sll-c1 provided along \\'ith spacing satisfies
wl1l.'n dl'lcrminlnJ,: 1111.''0(' dft·th.. St'Ction of ACI 318 Crable 6-3). The reinforcement
provided al~ 5.1iJ!)fies minimum requi rements of ACI 350
8.5 DETAILING (p~, = 0.003 i1nd maximum sp.lcing = 12 in.). Per Section of ACI31S-99. all continuous reinforcement in struc-
B.ISI,.-d, on till' ~lX r) ""'>I."i,\ted with this structure, detail- lural walls should be.lnchorl..>d or spl iced in accordance wi th
Ing corrc-.pondln~ hi high sci~mlc ri!ok will apply per Table the prm"isions of reinforcement in tension (21.5.4). Figure
6-1 (SCl'Chilpter tt). lJa-.w on this, it is prudent to locate the 8-4.1 .. hows the detailing of the wall With hinged base.
splices .1W,1.V from till' potential plastic hinge zones. The A tilllk with fixed base detail as shown in Figure 8-4b
Clil~S B splice length should be provided for both No.6 may be morl' appropriatl' fo r ('olSC of construction and also to
n:>rticnl bars,lS wel l ilS No.8 and No.9 horizontal bars per limit crackopcningatthe bascuf wal l. TIle designer will have
12.2 of ACl318-99. TIle required dl-'wlopment length of 10an,\lv/:(> the lank and determine the appropriate reinforce-
the No.6 and No.7 dowel .. III the base is IS in. ment wquired for this condi tion.

r, rll'lI/./ {1'mt"11 I ~ ,I, "I I R:! N


A dt<xtin' fX'.11.. oln:d('rati\'n (IKX.. A lQl.)6. SHe 1~7) wall hL'ight (ins ide dimcn ... ion), ft (m)
of b.l~· c.lblc, :-.Ir.lnd, {lr" Factor (IBC 2000, UBC 1997. LiBC
(omt.'nliona\ rcinforccml'nt. in' (mrn-) 1'19<.Il<XA 19%. SOC 1997. ACI350.3)
\ - effcctive pea!.. ,dlXih -rl'loltl...t ,I(Cl'h:r.ltiCln = spring C(lnst,1Il1 of the tank wall support
(UCX::A 1991.1, SBe 1(~7) sys tem. lb/ft-" (kPa)
;; nni,.... ha!f of pmjl'Ctcd width N r,ldius III k "... coefficient oI1.ttcr.11l·arth pressurc at r('sl
Immer-ocd ('Il'men!. in. (mm) k flexural stiffnl">Ss 01 tiln].. wall. Ib / ft~ (kPa)
8 in"'ldl' It.'ngth III .1 n'l:IJn~ulolr t.utk pt.'rpt:ndlCu[,lr L insidc length l)f a rt.'Clangular tank paralll'l 10
III the din.'dillll IIi thl' l,.lrthtll1"k(' forct.', ft (m) the dirl'Ction of the c.lrthqua]..e force, ft (m)
( ~ ..... mic I'('spun!>C cocffu.:tl'nt pcr mc 2000 I len~th of mdi\'iduat cla!>tom"ric bearing pads,
(l- impul ... lw c{'K'ffiClcnl.l (011\"['(:ll\'(, in_(mm)
(ndliciL'nl) dfl.octivi.! Icngth of (able or ~trand taken a!> the
r .lrH'll'mtion lkpcndl'llt "',,:i ... mlt (Ol.'lficit:nt .. Il'e\'(' il'ngth plus 3~ tim~ Ihe diamcter.
(UK 1'197) in, (mm)
c Wllxit~ depl'nUl'nl ~'i .. mH.: c(\clficienl \LBC on~rturni n~ momenl dUl' to con\'{'(:II\(' force.
1'1<)7) fI-lb (kN-m)
( c(l(.'fficiL'nt fur ddcrnllnil1~ thl' fundament.11 twcrturn ing moment dUl' to impulsivc fo rce.
1n.'lIUl:ncv I'll Clrl· 1.-101.. (~'t.' fig. 4-10) II-Ib (k!'\-m)
In-".'bu..ud (sh,..,hing hl'l~hl) nll'a ... ured from the \I tlltal 0\ l'rturnin~ mument based on SRSS
ht\uid "lIrf.ln~ .It n..... t, It (ml (l)mbllloltion of InlpublVC and convcct!\·c
D 1Ilsidl' di'Wlt.'tl'r ot cir(ulM t,mk, fl (01) moment .... ft-Ib (]..N-m)
F nllxlulu~ \lll,1.1..,lil"lh ~II l"Ullcrl'll!, lb/ill, (f\1[\1) AI nominal mumcnt ::.Irl.'nglh, ft-Ib (kN-m)
f n",..."'Iulu ... nf L'I" ... ticity III ~".lbh... wire, strand, or M rl.."quired moml'nt :.trl'nglh. ft-tb (kN-m)
~\JIl\'t."ntil\o.11 ft.'1I1t(lfU"ml.'lll,lbi m. (Ml'a) \ ~ near "uuree f.lclors (LBC 1997)
F .. ill' Cl'lettiUl'nt b,''>t.-d lin me ::!i101l S hoop fOfce in circular tank.s at Ic\'cl ,II duc to thc
I .. ill.' ClJctfiol'n l b,ISL-d lmlSt 200() (O\w,,({i\'l' component, pounds per fl)(lt of wall
G .. hl'.tr modulu .. , Ib/in. (MP,I) hl.'i~hl, Ib/ft (kN/m)
(. = .. hl·.J( nllldulu"llf d.l:>t(lnlt.·ril. b.!Ming pad. hoop force in ci.rculilr tanks .11 le\"d .II dll" to the
Il:>l1n.· (~1I'.1) impulsive C\lmponent, pound~ per foot of wall
.lccl.'lC'ratllln dUL' to gr.1\ 11\ (1::!.17 ft' ....~. heighl,lb/ft (kN/m)
Qt'i(17 mlll('>l~) N = inl.!rti,1 for..:c in circular 1,1niQ; .111(;'\'el.ll. pounds
II • llll'.ln hl.'ight .11 which tl1l' il1l'rli,l lorce of lank pt'r foul of \\.111 hl' (kN/m)
,'Ild it!-; (lmll'llt.. 1" .N-mml-d In ad, ft (m) - t()lal dkctl\-e hoop force in circular t.mb at
hl.'l~ht Irllm 1:>.,,,,,, ~)f Willi tll Ih" cen\t.'r uf the level .11, pounds per fool of wall height, lb/ft
l(ln\ l'dh c h)r(t.' It (m) (k'm)
hl'i~hl lrom b., ....· III \\ .111 t(\ Ihl' center of I' hydro ... tatlC prl..,:,:.url..' .1t Ic\'l'I ,II,'bo\'C the base of
Implll ... in~ lor...·l·, ft (m) the tank, Ib/ft' (kPa)
hl'i~hl lrom b.1 ....' l)llhl' \\".111 III Ihl! Cl'nll'r of I' unit lall'ral dynamic c\)IW('C!i\,l' prc... ~ur('
~r.l\'ih ("If Ihl, rUlll. It (m) di<..tributed horiz<)t1I.,lIy at ll·v"I.I{. Ib/tt- (kPa)
hCl~hl ifl)m IhL' b,l"""" 01 \\ .111 to Ih" cenll'r nf unit JoltNoll dyn.Jmic Impulsl\'l' pr{'S~ure
im.'rlhlllf thl' ..hdL /I (m) ui ... tribuil,<1 hnri/ontall\" .,1 I('\"el .1/, Ib I ft- (kPa)
H dl'''I~11dcpth 01 .. hlrL'd lIquid. fI (nt)

/'"rlJ,rm/l"j'/Um / \,,,<~·Id/J<PII 1.8219

I' • unit t<ltNaJ inertia force due to wall dead weight I = thickness of elastomeric beMing pads, in. (mm)
di ..tributed horizontally at level y, Ib/ftl (kPa) I = average wall thickness. in. (mm)
p = totdl 1.1lcral c()twcctive force associated wi th T fundame n tal period, sec.
W, . Jb (kN) T, =
= O.2T 0.25 r,/ 5 r>o;
P, = lat('ral C(lll\'e-cti,e for~cdue 10 We per unit T, = natural period of the first (convccth·e) mode of
Ill'ih ht ~lf the tanl-.. will! occurring at level y, sloshing, sec.
pnll nd .. per ft 01 \\'all height, lb / ft (kN/ m) T, = fundamental period of tank and its contents, sec.
I', = Ih n.J m l( l'Mlh pressure, lb (\...N) T, = So/ 5(l<,
P, = In t.11l.1teral impublve force ,l!'socia lcd wi th WI' T, = na tural period of vibration of verl'ica lliquid
Ib (kN) motion, Sl"C.
P" = la teral impulsi,'(.· force due to W, per unit ,I = magni tude of \'ertical acceleration associated
hl'ight of the IanI-.. w.lll at liquid lc"cI y, pounds wilh T I ., fl / s<.-c2 (m / s~)
per ft of wall height. lb / ft (kN / m) V = total horizontal base shear, lb (kN)
p = inl'rtia force of Ihe arceicr<lting roof of weight V = convective base shear, Jb (kN)
• WI' lb (kN) II

, = impu lsive base shear, Ib (kN)
P" = lateral iI,erti" forCl! Clf Ih~ ,1cccle ratin~ waH elf V, = total base s hea r based o n SRSS combination of
wcighl WI" lb (kN) impulsive ,lnd convective base shear, Ib (kN)
PI.. = 1,'lcrill inertia force pl'r unit height of the tank ill ,. = width of e lastomeric bear ing pad, in. (mm)
wall occllrrLng 111 I('\dl/, ptmnds per ft of wall IV = effective seismic weight of the structure, Ib (kN)
height, Ib (kN / m ) W, = weight of the convective component of the
q = unit s hear fClrce in circular tank!;. lb / ft (kN / m) stOTed liquid, lb (kN)
q-. ~ unit maximum shcOlr force in circular tilllks, W. = weight of the impulsive component of the
Ib / fl (kN / m) stored liquid , Ib (kN)
I/\V = unit hydros tatiC force alle\'el} above the tank W, = 101,, 1 mass of the stored liquid, Ib (kN)
base [q,,,;:; Y1 (H , - y)J, tb / tt' (kPa) IV, = weight of tank ,md contained liquid, lb (kN)
W, = weight of roor. lb (kN)
,Q, = dfL'(t of horizont" l ">t'ismic force
= inside radius of circular I<lnk, ft (m) W, = total weight, Ib (kN)
R, R II = rC$ponse modificatilln fOlctor, (N for the IVII = weight of the tank walls (shell), lb (kN)
cnm'L'(:tivc compont.'nt of the accelerat ing /I = level at which wall is being investigated
liqUId; RII , fo r the impulsive component) (measured from tank base), ft (m)
5 = soil f"etm o r soil profile type (IBC 2000, UBC z = zone f"cloT (UBC 1997, UUC "199-1)
1997. UIlC 1'l'l4. 1lOCAI996. SIlC 1997. A(135O.3) ~ = ,1dded weight r"tio for immersed elemen ts
5, = genC'r.llil.ed dL'!'ig n ~ pl'Ctral response accelera- ~ = angle of b"se cable or str.l nd with hori zon t.11, deg
lion corresponding to a gh'en nat u ral period, T, ~ = unit mass of concrele (150 Ib/ fe, 23.56 kN / ml
(5., corre:;ponds to T. and S.. corresponds to TI ) for nornMI-weight concrete)
S = \.)..'Ilter-to-cenlcr "paci ng between individuol y = unit mass of contained liquid, lb/ ftl (kN / ml)
b.,~e cable loops. in. (mm) y = unit mas!'o of w11 te r (62A3 Ib / ft3, 9.807 kN / m )
= deo.;ign :,pL"'l tral rcspon!>{' occeleration at short $ = strength reduction fac tor (ACl3 18)
pcriod per IBe 2000 A = coefficient for determining Tc for circular t<lnks
5 1 = d(':;i~n "pL'Ctral response tlcccier11tion at (:;L'C Fig. .1-9)
" I sC(~ond per IBe 2UOO p. = mass density of concrete (4.66 Ib-scc!/ ft\ 2.40
= m"ximum considered l'arthquake spectral kN-St..ocl/ m~ for normal-weight concrete)
response ,lcrelL'ration ilt short period per !Be 2000 p, = mass density of the contained liquid (ft = g/ g),
Ib-s~ / ft' (kN-scc2/ m')
5~t1 = maximum consiJerl'li earthqua ke spectral
rl>:.pon!'o(.· ,lc(deration at I second per [BC 2000 P m11SS density of water (1.9-1lb-s(..-c2/ ft 1.0
ccntC'r-to-ccntcr spacing o f elaslomeric bearing kN-se2/ m l ) "
S, =
p.1d$, in. (nun) a. = membrane (hoop ) stress in wall of circular tank
S, = the Ill"ppt.'l.l "pt.-'Ctr"l accclerations for short at level .II, Ib / in! (M Pa)
p~ r iod per IBe 2000 ro. = circula r frequency of the impulsive mode, rad / sec
S, = the mappl>d spcl-tr<ll i1cceleration$ for 1 second
period rer mc 2001l

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