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From : joyee Leid ig [l-tririrttils$1lltigt.€illu].

Sent: Thursday, iulY 2A,2AL7 11;28 AM
Te: -loy-ee teicjig
Subject; Bob Turner's Report from the Spectal Leg Sessicn

;,;iy i9'h-sPECiAL 5ESSloF,l

ALjsiin, Texas Ceii iext 325 b5s 1717 Voss, Texas
interested Texas
summer is here - and so am i - along with l-81 iegislators - anci numerous
* farnilier and -vet un-
eiiizens. We are l:aek irr a 5peeiai Legisiative Session in the same
Legislators to get back
precJictable environment. we had all hoped ihat a break - and aliowing
heinle for a bit - would relieve the stress and tension. Weli - !t
rioesn't seem to have heiped a
unfriendly from
lot. As one 5enate staffei-toid me yesterday - if you think the session iooks
the outside - you should be looking at it fr"om the inside.

The senate got busy - immediately hearing the required re-districting bills - fcr the Texas
lv4edica! [xaminers - and fcur cthe r" state agencies" This was
the pi'e-r'equlsite that the
lnteresting fact v*as
Gorrernor put in place - prlor to allo',ving drrf other legislative activities.
to vote the bills out
that the Senators wou[d not agree to suspending rules - enabling them
* midnighi - this
\,,estercjay. Therefore * the Lt.Governor calieci them back in session at 12;01
the legislation can be
mcrning. This alfowec thenr to dc the third vote-that is required before
f*r-warcieci to the House cf Representatives. i feei eertain thai ihis rnidnlght
ventur* led ta ali
sorts of good will - among senators.

Weli over 3GC iiouse bills have been filed - many af which do not relate ts
the call. h4ost af
on the Governor"s
these bills wili nevei. be i.eferred - nor heard: since their issue was not
eali. Before an issue may be heard before either the Senate - or ihe House -
it must be
coilce,rning an issue vrhlch the Gcvernor has placed an the cal! forthe
special session' The
Ge*yerncr,s csrnr*ent ts the press - as he made his pub!ic ann+uneenient
fcr i'e-electi+n * last
a iist*to indicaie
Friday in Sa1Antorrio was interestir"rg. He stated ihat he would be rnaking
of leadership -as
vote ,.vith him on his priority list - rsoulcj be "remembered". A different forrn
many House members' F"4ost
most of us understand leadership. This comment has infuriated
nst the promptir:g *f
*r*mbers fee lthat the,n, were eleeted ta represent iheir e*nsiltuent: -
an'yone else.

ciemands. This is a most

The Gevernor is noy; adding TRS - Care - dr"re prirnariiy io staiewieie
seen what othei" issues
irnportant issue * for teachers and retlred teachers. lt remains to be *
Publie e ducatl+n funding teacher
mar; be ae ijeu - as the 3il day time fran:e evoives.
be eonslciered ciuring
payraises - - and -TRS health care appearto be major issues that rnay
been filed' Ilany of
this specialsession. Numerous ad-valoi'ei'n p;'opertvtax bills have alsc
these bilis eouid havc a very negative irnpact on your iocai schooi

i{eep in
.ii is rurnore*+ ti:ai ih* i-i-..ruse rr.yi!i nei heer tire Surrset Siiis - untii eari'; ne;':t
sunset bills are not
mind thet the1, had filed their own';ersions of these bills. These House
eensurning confercnce
identlcal tc the 5e nate versicns - which '.orili requi;'s inafii/ iinie
which maY or may not
committee sessicns There daes not app€ar to be a lot of ""haste"" i
,,,,\ryaste,,,,) involved at the present tirne, After the midnight Senate vote episocie - the
tsili he rnost inieresiing to see
senate has no,"v acijourned untii next Frionciay - the z4th. 5e - it
what trarrspires in the House - during tlrat iuli'

whatever the outcome is - - i will be in anci out - here at the eapitoi- monitoring - observing-
and partie ipating where arid when possible - cr ad,.,antageous.
Frcm: Joyce t-eidig inraillc:leiciig@eentex.neil
F-**. (/--n^r, 1..^.,^r 1l ant f a nAd
5diiaa t"!Uiluo;r- '.uLjil>L t Li L\-r ! ' -.<
:i;j. j! i-'-r
a'*r r=,:,;.*: ! *i-4'*
! v! Jgyu! L!!e!r-,i
Subjeet: Afiei- speeiai session ieggie iep*ii - Aiioiirer irifuliiaiive iepeii - Tiraitk:s 8ob

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speciai sessioir - oriiy iZ pieees Gi! aeiuSi
iegisiatioR pas5efi ane piogiesS*G
E"J li'ie
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lJ ol3'!"'it.t .1 14\-:r.:i=i--i-.

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Du - Lu{ll ,JeaiL w_ii_al i_Ile:}t"jii5u L ijtuvl}ii.Jii5 tut :ite oLrclLi
&^^-t^^.-^ an t11 a-.a /-/'r L-rL i^^i4...;!L +L^ C.".^a^l *-^'.i-;^he +---^* D--^-i
Eefri:ilei5. ii] lu dilil
-*J i:--
Cf iv.ieciicai [xemlners - aicng'*^Jiih fcur ';iher smGii stete af;eire;es. iRei'i:e mber -
il-rp fai!i itl !rs.annr(-jt'* ii:es+ iLl.,:*i i:,ii!s ;itd i:i"<--:i;ide f*r *iiipitsii:rn cf these
GqLt iLal-J
U i VVa-
Ll iL
i iLLU
I vl
Cna.^in! JLJJlvr
Q rPLLlur
f-rccinn\.l, Thg SenatS hCid thgse SUnSet biiis
i -!--- "-,1-:l-
Ll- t,-
D!-essuring ine- h'':use ta;-i;355 -- -"
Seiiate n:il-
Biiis 41an{i ---J 3.5*ilate
-! a-.--+^ l-l;!l
Biii i

t-..,*.-:--- !L^ .--t! L^^t- .--r- .,^l^-^^^ !^-"^^ E-^^ t^ ().,/

no/ ^^^l
liiuuuscu iti'vfuellliii u tiiii Sull udLK idLt -.-
uii ^l
du*vcliuiglt{ t-dAc3 iiL,ilii C},/0 Lt-r Lslo dliLJ
estebiisi:ed a n:anelatarV eieciie n. 5S - 3 beearne known as iire trans-gen,iei- paii't'':
LJiri rliiL-!
-*a* 'r';+h
'^^ iligi vvi! iVUCt-i CIpil(lsiiiCIn in the Hcuse and the Staie's business
l-"-""!'-ir':ii;- ir:{-iii?i;'"'
.f i,-,::li.::i:arJ",':il;-r*l: !'l r*r'rrr-i':;'i iiYf i+:1ii!ii';;
i+ =i",!i:irr
sF s cieeir".JJitn the issue *f pi"er-,enii*n cf eiect!*n vcter
fr**g. s* s is rei*ted *"*
L'f iir*"'-€ii-i a! iiel!irr
, i.d.-<i!t ++ i:ij,jni:-!l+! 3-neF;=ri+n =,-il,-:iri'itv,::Hi-r v'-ii: iilii€'i
enej sefery issljes ipregneniv-l"elare* ceaths e*d m*ternai
mcrbiditv). sB li
'Fr+e€#t-;reS ei^E{: i'e qi;i;=*rrieirts f+r e*;"iaiR "+c-net-i*su5f i:ai* Gfde fS"'
*-eia:ei: AC
*nd rry€ilE ic t'ne
Ail *f the ebove legislarive biils sassed b*th s*nate ai]d r-tcusc
{-r='UelfiCi ; *ESi(:"

-g'np,,i:,--lil'"v-lilii" en,* ihe "i*i;! nrcpei:v t;:)i rcii-nici<'ni!1"'.verc rict =dvanceC ic tnc
Gnr;ei"n+r,s th=t yie r,vi!! see hcjti-t ii--.*se issi'i*s again -rJi;rinp vEt
d*g1.,:= Fe=st es-silred
s*ssi*i-i *f th* Tex=:; l*g!s!at*r*. Rili'.'4*F.5 er* *!r**d"':f!+et =s
tc thc
=n*th*i, !n :r:v eandid - and personal
+rclbebiiit,y'*f a sec*nd sneclai :*ss!*n b+il.:g ca!!ed.
r:pin!*n , an*ther sp*cial sess!*n riu;"!ng the rcn:n!r:der *f 2i)1"? is
high!0,' uniii<slY'

Ansiher i:sue has ar!sen i* i-,ihich a iiigher fcurr i:As rui*i th*t;'w';'"riTtxas
f;!qiriril'."-1J*if #irr;-i;:"'iii-r'3I'-1i';*. Tir* ji:elg* g*ve ii-:e =icta =li
*+-li*n i*':
*isti-ieis ar€*s * *r
either eaii a speeiai session anci iet th* i*gisieiure :'e-ijr=aw ihsse
- tii* ;*;-:t'i w+*i* st*p !* aii* c* s+'
Texas Atiornev Generai Fari*n h;ES ?lovrr fiied a ce iav suit,
Pexi*n siated tirat ii is
Texas, intent to appeai the case tCI ihe u. 5. Supreme ilsurt,
iie assei'is thai',-he
ci ti:e
maps we1€ ltCT ejise i'iminator':;. This greativ iessenee the BrubabiiitV
Govei'nor calling atr irrtn'leejiaie speciai session to fieai Witli
tiris issi:e'

&i-, iniere.iiing i'ovici fiie c -.,vhi'n ThC FrC'ld*lf: f;l;LLi5 Cl'*ffert *f tne
of th!s eaue us was
Repr;biir:fis: p*rtif r-eqi;est*d * e l*sed eaue us m*eting. e:hjeitiv'e
Si"il**=ariis* t6; ciiseuss ih* r*etn*d bV r:Ehici't
rhe SFeaker uf tire Tcx;s H*i;se is
by the
chcsen" Gne pr.aposai was inst ihe Speaker wauEd be dete ;"mincd
3. ;jcust clf
R*pi:biiean caucus*- s!i-niia;- r* th* i-i:eih*dcicg'"y used iii tir* u.
The re ," 3 !.uiai e;5c3 5e ;:aie ;n* iicu:c .;:l;f;ird ru:'1:rg thi: spe:rli !''::sicn'
V*;"1, f*,*., *f thes* feii wirhin th* reaim '=f the it*ins iisiec e
n ihc G':vernci-'s caii'
Ti^^." L-r 14-:4r ur'iiisiLiciUu
^..r r.'uriii;
-----l-.-L.;l:+,' i"ri vuvuiEU rhl
^+-4*;dr:':.4 ir'-ir+n-r L'iL rr:-':nit:gC
LUrrti iCVCi.'"'Vl:;t;
!l-;e't' ll;fr --
;3 ;.';-OCGil;;;t'i
eoineiei*r:c* thai *f thes* tweiv* tci=! hiiis thai were gassed a;.rd ser-ir i'= ihe
c..',^-^ {:,--^-+*n tri!!r :.--4 r- '
Curing lhls speciei sessiu-n.
;-. ''i;i77; i-.3i'-i- i;=:;
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-;i 1;=;:;':;-=i i":-<:Tii:;=:=q i-r;'1;i1;
. j i-. -'- '5.:1- yLt-;=i:::;;u=iiiL
-, *=il i:ll*E,::= - fi;,g+; r--"--'-u p+i;,:l;-:! *r-ri";ia;,:i;:; "ill ctl;i Ail',:" g+t;f;'i+
' J.;:ii :;-,i.i;Ji--t i;:-; ::i'':-?-: a;e::r::;+ii. Ti=e it-irriii+ iiFTir.,',F+l:=
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= ilt4:&..r-&:t
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*:'J*:Gi.€d iuiing trii: l3-i;t";Stl+ri. Ti,;t i:'-1:';i€d:ii=
E* si=i-:'-'; =={l= ==+
1i=* *!g1-ii++ rvri* .E=;iV g*E! lj-,=Fi"l'V=''i. it *viii i-:e irir+r+=T;il€
r:z-:l-rere i=rir:hi
".trr#ieh wi'iici't m€i1ri.r€i's mighr h=i;r:
i:eve weli fln=nCeapps*ents in next Spfing'S
ialel! fin=i'iced
ri=l+i i:=*: ir:i*t=+= i'i'
:=;rifi*fV L=i,.CEi,=*" Ti-:e, i=*'.;+ri:*l i:-r-::.i;.iiliV=-.llG*fii=d =+ ==
mean that thcse +n hls'
aetiv€ pisyer in the p!'!n]erY electi*ns" e*uld this passihi'/
'n*;:# !!SE" -'.=#hO Lt{jt€# *gSinSt n!s eq*iiSS ii*iliS-:;i=r:*i*
** *'*'i::*re* i* **
*pp*ses? ivith a tve:" cnesi !n excess sf 54il i:4iL - ihis is nighiY riossiSi€'
'''yrrtre"-" iraq ir,rlY ir":-tr ci*:v*ri itt ii=l it
f;rrrr.i 1r,+riir.{r!r!*r 'irit is,r'r, rii rrriiii lr=* 7ir*
e"te* gcve rnlng -
ffiafiiier. tet me add that i'naii'-ri definiiei-r,'ecnsi$er pclities and

itli iirt'iir'xi
rrrrii*r:u rrrf irir !ir;rr ; Li,.trlts Trt rtli,ir=,+ i+'in; - ir is Aii ^iirr'ii rrr;riiiriirirr*
concerning the impact
elecii*n c_v'cle. in many, instances minimal thought is give n
cf TeXas' v-ve
tnAt these .-'=an!ES" heve nn We ine vr:rting Enff IEx- naviile r:itiz*ns
f,annfii expeci to cve rc*ffie ihis meihod cf
gove'iilng - aS long as Oni't' l"S +r' 12 y;
n* rhe rllizen-r +r TeY4q aetr:a!!t' gn vcrr]
Legisiatii;e Re part-Auiumn -2*17

tsoa TLjRi.ii ft. F.URAL iSSUIS CCf\i SULTii'iG

Voss, TX celi texi 325 65S 7;-!7 Ausiin, T).i

Offieial fiiing for"eleetion- andlor - reelection -for elective affice - begins on

November 14ih. As this cleadline draws nearer - it is most interestlng to obsenre
and spee ulate urho wil! rr:n in the various state !'aces. !-et me a!so ncte -
that the
deadline for fiiing is 6 pM - December l-4-h. Those seeking reeleetion norma!!'/
anneuRce the!t"!ntent tc fiie aga!n - es eariy on as pcssib!e. This
- pius being the
incumfrent wirh some campaign account funds - normaiiy girres them an
season - reech
ao'vantage. W'e are nor.rJ seeing tl"ris statement of !ntent tc file again
fuil speed..
Thei-e ai"e alwa,vs sai'Re whc indicate eariy on - ihai ihey dc nai iniend
io seek
reelecticn" An exai"nple ef ihis !s - Senator Van Tayle r. He has stat-ed his intent not
i,: ri:n foi- reeleciion f*r his eurreni Sei-rate seat. i-ie i:as si=ted ti;=t h:e'iee: intcnc
ta fiie far- the eongressional seat whie h uuill be vaeated bV U 5 !-louse [t--4ember'*
Sarn jchi"is.*n. Ccngr"essr';;il jcirnson h=s ; va;=icd c;ei<g;-t;und' The
Ce ngressii'iail

a long-time priscner- of war of the Nor-th Vieinamese. iohnson stated ear!,v e

rrru! ha *i=q
liL VvUJ i---i
llvL gcii;g ie seek re e ieeiie n te Ccng:-e:s. i hae thc tstinct pleasure cf
serv-,in-g in the Texas Hcuse witn tne Congi"essman. Representaiive Lari'i,r Go'nzales
Gcnzeles h*s been a mejcr
a!sc indicatec his lack cf intent tc fiie for- reelecticn.
a few in th* freshmalt
piaye i- +n ri-ie Tex*s Sut"isei fcmi-riissicn. Ti..ere are aivu'ays
cppener-1ts' lt is t-r+t
ci;ss - just 9 m*ntns intc rheir" first rer"m - v'Jhc attr"act nrai f*r sorne of ihese freshnrsil ffi€irrbers io
aeeieie not io seek i-eeieeii*n"

The probability ai a real House Speakers race is shaBinB

up' Chairrnan Phil King*a House membei" ii.oni v,/eaihe i'ioi'd - says he
wiil noi oniv seek reeieetion -
position - as well.
but intends to run against speaker ioe strarrs - for ihe speakers
take ihis t'athei" maje i-
He has done aii the i"equii-ed paper woi'k to enabie him ic
F{ouse * for a sixth
step. Speaker siraus is seeking reelection as speaker of the
tei.m. speaker sti"aus, claim tc fame has been his willingness
aiid abiiitv to woi'k
across poiitical party iines. The rurnor mill is overflowing with
other names who
harre inCieaied ihai ihey also are consiciering iossing their
tedai'as into the
-are Chairman Drew Darbv
speaker's race, A coupie of those - possibly interesied
anej chaii-maR Foitr Price. it mighi be noied ihat both
of these "possible"
canciidates represent districts west of intersiate-35'
politics - and vvlng for publie office - is an interesting game to either be a
par.iicipani in - or - to waie h fr-oin ihe siseiines. E"r,en ihese eieciions fci" Siate
es a i'/iiiiion {'.c/ith
R.epresentative - rnay ccst from s10CI,000,00 upward tc as much
finaneed - in ai-r
an ivii dciiars. The esst foi'ihese raees - ai aii ieveis - is cfien
in scme
attempt by a snecific speciai interest -ta -piace one of "THEtR OW!.r!"
spee ifie govei-nmentai pasition. This ean reiate to a
pei'sgn wha eiiher sirares iheir
vcte on certain
r:olitical phiiosaphy - or - wham their fe el the.v can cci'rtroi thelr
ke",r lssues. Th!s r"neihcriaiag'; cer"iainl'; inhibiis the
business perscn - $i'
prcfessie nai - wiro wlshE.s tr: run * sirnpir* ihinking ihey can ;"eaii-v piay a roie in
sgate peiie.,i. i ha,",e ai,eJa1",s leferreci ta this as thase'.l.uhc desii-e tc Sei"i;e
far aii the
'r"igftt reasons".

There is - an,C eiways *;ili be - the specuiation as io wh1,r 3n!/ specific Pcliticai
Acrion cornrnirtee (pnCi - or pcpulation segment wouici invesi this kind oi money
tc eiecr Al-jy individual to the iegislature. lt is the opinian af manv - thai thsse
OR * po\Aiei"
making this kinci of investment - feei that they can gain monetariiy -
'+;ise - frcm such a move.

I hope and trust that mv rather biunt- but faetuai abservations - have
not left the
impressian thai Legislatoi-s ai'e less than honci'able. This is eertainlv nct ihe
As a whole - the r:qernbers of the iegislatui"e
that i have serveci and wot'keei with
are sGilne cf the me st - sinee:=e - dec!icaied a:-rd
e hristiar-; itrdi';i'iu*is - i;h*i-r:

Texas eieiegaiion to ihe U'3'

have ever knoin;n. This aiso applies to many oi our
Hcuse of Repi.eseriisiives. A facr that sG?'ne find
it riifficuit t+ ar;eepi - is the f*et
me rai vaiues and
that eiected cfficiais basicaiiy represent the ptriiosopnv -
Ti:eir phiies':rri:"; de-es n*t
iniereEts af tnos.e v",hc eiect ihem t* ti"re p+siti+n.
The iaet that they are
coincide with mine - oi'ours - on nui'nerCIus lssues.
ti're safre as rffe * r'emains t[-:e
.sftstrtLiiicnaiii", assured tne right to their" *pinion -
gcvernment functions. Gcvei"ning is
basis that upcn which our dern+craiie fcrm of
'ni,' neaehing eansensus" i'ie n* wirr iri
accampiisnecj through exchange of ldeas - and
iose in every insiance'
erjei-y instance. By the sarne token - - None shauid

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