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In my objective opinion, the episode of semmelweis in history is testimony to the medieval

foundations of modern science. The greco roman view of science is observation of nature in
relation to man and his interaction with his environment. Modern science is founded on medieval
ideologies that are unanimously contrary to true reason, observation and empirical evidence.
Empirical means experience in greek, in other words, person's interaction and experience with his
physical environment that god has created for his good can illuminate a person to identify a
universal design and order in the universe just from observation and evaluation .
Catholicism produced dualistic ideals that did not endear or glorify god's created nature but rather
viewed nature as mundane and unredeemable since catholic doctrine demands that adams fall and
sin created a form of gnostic fallen world similar to the world conceived of by darwinists from
materialists and nihilistics[who derived their ideas from medieval secular feudal tenets and catholic
dualism] for example augustine original sin determined that a person cannot be saved is similar to
modern science preoccupation with genes and predetermination predestiny where the crystal ball
and superstitution ideology are pervaded above the sensical rationale of observing processes of
nature in relation to eachother in interdependence and how deficiencies or excesses are caused only
when these channele of vital energies and channels in these inherent processes in nature are
disturbed or distorted and thus cause aliment or imbalance.Therefore science recognising this
factual consensus of reality that nature is self sustaining, self governing and intelligent and that
science should serve not progressive mans selfish indivudalistic purposes, but should serve at
taming, channeling or utilising vital energies and resources in nature to ensure vital provisions and
utilities are met. For example romans use of piping and natural use of heat from the sun to heat
baths etc. ancient greek architects recognised golden ratios in nature and used them in architecture
and this was proof of an intelligent creator and designer in the universe who sustained nature for us
and provided for us.[ source hebraic similiarities with greeks ideal of good nature]
Science polarised catholicism ,by rebelling against all tenets of spirituality and therefore moralism
and determined the same dualistic gnostic ideals as catholicism , except emphasised the extreme
polarised spectrum of materialism to be devoid of any dimension or texture layer of unseen energy
or spirituality embedded.
Modern science became a religion and ideology within itself where facts would be distorted and
twisted in order to fit into their preconceived ideological filters which is vehmently against any
moralism or spiritual implication thus distorting the whole appartus of the scientific method that
demanded free from passion objectivity which is essentially non commercial enterprising and
abundantly free in nature that can be attained and extracted by anyone poor or rich. The medieval
class system did not like the concept that science was living nature free and abundant and served to
build a medieval class of pomptry. Science demanded, like the ancient greeks understood, a
disposition of passionlessness virtue where true objectivity free from desire of fame riches was
absent so that the core basis elements of observation are free from distortion.
Science for the ancient greeks represented such a notion. The medieval endevour of crusader loot
and exploitation and discovery founded modern science that demanded in their own words a
inquisitorial and intergationary pursuit. Like medieval catholic torture devices that dualistically
squaashed the evil body in order to extract the pergatorial or pentientuary saving of the soul so to
did mental asylums in the supposed age of reason and enlightenment now dismissed the spirit and
rather proclaimed that all diseases were material manifestations such as we have seen with
libotomies and other debauched experiments on humans. Autopsies were forbidden in ancient rome
and greece because they deemed the body sacred, where in the medeival world they learn nothing
about the human body but viewing the body from a visual or physical point of view, other than
intricate details that were still a matter of interpretation. Ancient greeks and romans drew strong
inferences already from injuries and accidents to infer enough about how the body worked which
was self sufficient and not needing of intervention of a doctor to the point of redefining disease as
separate from the whole person body and spirit. A true doctor identifies inflammation as not the
disease itself as the scientific medievalists did but as the bodsys immune reaction against the
aliment showing signals of imbalance in the body that needed to be corrected either through the aids
of herbs or rectifying behaviour. Modern scientifists in their dualistic folly and entrenched biased
ideologically drive see these actions of the immune system as inherently and intrisically negative
phenomena that demands that the disease is redefined and isolated and given categories of meanings
and assumptions independent from the whole body which is unscientific and follistical since science
demands working of parts as a whole in consensus and their inter relational role between them and
their respective functioning. The basis of ancient greek philsophy was identifying that all
multidisciplinary fields of science were related, architecture, engineering, medicine, civil planning,
emotinal coaching etc. once these principals of nature are recognised and respected thus the golden
ratio then a person understood the nature of things and the basis of real science from a greco roman
point of view. The underpining of platos habitation and observation was virtue or passionlessness
which is also a christian concept that continued in the christian era that science demands a spriitual
person free from sin or vice[now sin in respect to loving money or superficial pleasure] the identity
of unseen treasure and virtue or to undertake without a material benefit, or the roman treasury
running at a loss to ensure the spiritual welfare of its people defined greco roman culture . T rue
science cannot be independent from nature and our interaction and habitation however medievalists
saw an opportunity like the alcehmists to turn base things into gold and manipulation and
exploitation reared by their medieval feudal past, dictated their reason faculties. Passion and vice
dictated reason to have no moral element and so the experimental aspect of science grew in an
idiom where the practice of interrogating investigation became prevailent. basic hygiene evaded
them because it deal with a moral spiritual principal of basic reason and cleanliness[here is the first
rise of the fall of the west and tendency to follisitcally divide reason, the spirit and divide and
conquer themselves from leftists marxists to right capitalists etc. when they are merely the same
things but extremes of different polarised ends of the spectrum.
Reason can determine that the new scientific snake oil marketed product can be marginally or
incrementally better than the placebo and therefore on the marketing label can be medievally legally
construed as beneficial. But only beneficial to the profits the maker is rendering.
Since reason can be governed on its own accord independent from truth derived from basic
observation and evaluation from the processes of the living and moving environment.
This also serves the basis for understanding the root cause of the ecological crisis today where man
measure wealth in a materialistic post enlightenment fashion where nothing is deemed sacred or
worth wealth on its own accord, but needs to be productive in order to absolute and justify its
existence. The age of reason made man the centre of the universe rather than god and therefore man
became the measure of all things. 1 plus 1 now can equal 3.
For ancient greeks and romans philosophy centred around how virtue encouraged truth and reason
with love and compassion and that science ought to serve philanthropic ends that did not detriment
the environment since how health and well being is inextricably related to the state of our
environment. No matter how much science progresses , the greek ieri old man in the village lives to
100 not because of modern medicines, but diet, exercise, fresh air, fresh food, community love
familiarity all the things globalisation is destroying.
True philosophy and science understands this basic principle and the ideology of science that not
even god can sink the titanic is defunct and failed.
The medeival aspect to investigation is surveyed by a heavy feudal system even under the modern
guise of capitalism and socialism where free independent research does not find a filter and channel
by which it can find acceptance.
Sending semmelweis to a mental home because his beliefs were heretical is identifical to the
catholic churches heretics because both are founded on dualistic presumptions but only difference is
that lie on eachside of the polarised spectrum. Nature is never redeemed in each.
Doctors need to aid the course of inflammation rather than try to destroy it. The irony is that
modern science claims to be rational and unsuperstituous but still proclaim prognosis or death
sentence to cancer patients without deliberatly trying to identify, observe what are the actual
processes that are occuring within the body and in relation to eachother. For example excessive
white blood cells shows a positive action of the immune system to fight an invader and that the
lymphatic system whos job is to drain the pollutants out of the body is overloaded and overstressed
develops sacs of sists intelligently so to it can have time and energy to deal with other invaders and
that once it deals with these invaders will slowly seek to drain the lymphatic white blood cell sacs
and clean the body. The body fights cancer everyday is a fact. So when cancer arises the first line of
investigation in science should be what is the fundamental cause and underlying root issue of the
culprit. This reasoning centres around the environment in terms of vital energies diet, air, oxygen ,
exposure to pollutants that are everywhere today because of mans determination to develop and
invent innovate things at the detriment of our existence. Even though they may give us some
convenience temporarily in the long term not. It is a fact that less polluting engine technologies
exist but petrol fueled engines remain since they keep stakeholders rich and powerful. Proportioning
medieval lords to have sovereignty over the people . The age of colonialism, , social darwinism,
exploitation of poor families into working homes and concentration camps, child labour, babies
taken away from unmarried woman . The use of mental asylums to deal with secular heretics such
as semmelweis. The old feudal world got a new repackaging spin doctoring make over by
remanufacturing greco roman ideals and construing them into their own preconceived ideological
frameworks of belief based on materialism,existentialism, deism, nihilsm, freudism. Convenient
aspects such as the religiosity worldview of the ancients was discarded.
Note--Ancient greek humanism that gods were like us and whom we could relate prefigured the
salvation of christ and the mystery of the trinity was prepared in ancient greece through the pursuit
of greeks to desire wisdom. The concept that a person can be deified [deities]deification and
theosis]is christian, idea of passionlessness as a virtue is pre christian and christian. The holistic
principle that repentance and confession was good for the soul also continued in the christian era.
The ancient laws protecting virginity and against adultary continued. The ancient world had a very
good concept of what they deemed good and bad.The concept of science and reason in the pagan
world concurred to the philsophies of reason in byzantium their was no breakages or contradictions
but secular reasoning did not contradict churchs philosophy, which was not the case in the west
where secular knowledge threatened the vatican which was founded as both a secular state which
had special claims to being a prince of this earth and the next.

Semmelweis fiasco in history is proof of the medieval and follistical origins of science based on
tenets of superstitution and dualistic gnostic ideals.
Note to self—find little book on renaissance for further notes.

No need to get into scientific determined discrimination and how the enlightenment merely fostered
already feudal english institutions for example.
Thus the whole episode of the fall of the west.
Following is taken from wikipedia on semmelweis

Strabo, a Greek author who lived from about 60 BC to AD 24, admired the ingenuity of the
Romans in his Geographica, writing:
The sewers, covered with a vault of tightly fitted stones, have room in some places for hay
wagons to drive through them. And the quantity of water brought into the city by
aqueducts is so great that rivers, as it were, flow through the city and the sewers; almost
every house has water tanks, and service pipes, and plentiful streams of water...In short,
the ancient Romans gave little thought to the beauty of Rome because they were occupied
with other, greater and more necessary matters.

Frontinus, a general appointed by the emperor Nerva as water commissioner toward the
end of the first century AD. He described his work on the distribution system in De
aquaeductu published at the end of the first century AD. When first appointed, he
surveyed and mapped the entire system, and strove to investigate the many abuses of the
water supply, such as the act of tapping into pipes illegally. He also systematized aqueduct
maintenance with gangs of specially trained workmen. He also tried to separate the
supply, so that the best-quality water went to drinking and cooking, while second-quality
water flowed to the fountains, baths, and, finally, sewers.

The system in Rome was copied in all provincial towns and cities of the Roman Empire, and
even down to villas that could afford the plumbing. Roman citizens came to expect high
standards of hygiene, and the army was also well provided with latrines and bath houses,
or thermae. Aqueducts were used everywhere in the empire not just to supply drinking
water for private houses but to supply other needs such as irrigation, public fountains,
and thermae. Indeed, many of the provincial aqueducts survive in working order to the
present day, although modernized and updated. Of the eleven ancient aqueducts serving
Rome, eight of them entered Rome close to each other on the Esquiline Hill. [5] Also, the
first aqueduct was the Aqua Appia built in 312 BC by the censor Appius.[5] Other
aqueducts of importance to Roman sanitation was the Aqua Marcia built between 144-140
BC, which provided large amounts of quality water to Rome.[6] One Aqueduct with some
major importance to Rome was Traiana, which tapped from the clear springs of the
northern and western slopes above lake Bracciano.[6] It is said that the “Romans fully
appreciated the importance of plentiful and wholesome supply of water, for domestic
purposes to health of the Community.[7] It was stated by Amulree that for 441 years after
the building of Rome, it depended on water from the Tiber for drinking and other domestic
purposes, but in 312 BC Appius Claudius Crassus provide Rome with water from the
Springs of the Alban hills and brought to consumers by the means of Aqueducts. [7] The
Amulree notes state that this practice is in line with the teachings of Hippocrates: that
stagnant water should be refused, not the spring water from the hills or rain water. [7]
Sanitation and general hygiene was the responsibility of the prefext of the city. Function
was to ensure sewerage water separated from drinking and fountain water. Recent
archaeological evidence shows that every home had plumbing. The reason for authors
bias is that in western europe they did not have proper plumbling until the 19th century
and still was inadequate where the english did not require all to have plumbing until the
1950's. numerous primary sources show the romans diligence to ensure that wastage was
isolated and properly discarded and that they understood the relationship of germs
disease and hygiene. Numerous articles have built myths and have become a habit in
western european authors especially, because of their shame that the romans called
them barbarians for milennia

Nicholas Polis Romanos when the barbarians viewed romans having regular baths, the
lombards thought it was evil. After the fall of rome, people did not connect hygiene with disease
and health and went for years literally without a bath. The problem is exasperated when tolite
paper is used their is more bacteria left over than the actual use of water and sponges. The story
of ignaz semmelweis of austria showed how student doctors would often observe woman with
their unclean hands and semmelweis observed the connection of the germs from doctors unclean
hands and 1 in 10 deaths in woman. for many years no one believed semmelweis observation
even though ancient hebrew greek and roman sources speak plainly about the connection of
germs and disease, semmelweis was sent to a mental institution for his observation. then finally
he was vindicated. western europe allowed woman to die from germs and did not know the
connection. embarrassingly this is the same western europe claiming to be inheritors of greek
and roman civilisation

As a result, his ideas were rejected by the medical community. Other, more subtle, factors
may also have played a role. Some doctors, for instance, were offended at the suggestion
that they should wash their hands, feeling that their social status as gentlemen was
inconsistent with the idea that their hands could be unclean. [11]:9[Note 6]

Semmelweis's results lacked scientific explanation at the time. That became possible only
some decades later, when Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, and others developed the germ
theory of disease.
During 1848, Semmelweis widened the scope of his washing protocol, to include all
instruments coming in contact with patients in labour, and used mortality rates time
series to document his success in virtually eliminating puerperal fever from the hospital

The germ theory of disease had not yet been accepted in Vienna. Thus, Semmelweis
concluded some unknown "cadaverous material" caused childbed fever. He instituted a
policy of using a solution of chlorinated lime (calcium hypochlorite) for washing hands
between autopsy work and the examination of patients. He did this because he found that
this chlorinated solution worked best to remove the putrid smell of infected autopsy tissue,
and thus perhaps destroyed the causal "poisonous" or contaminating "cadaveric" agent
hypothetically being transmitted by this material.

The result was the mortality rate in the First Clinic dropped 90%, and was then comparable
to that in the Second Clinic. The mortality rate in April 1847 was 18.3%. After hand
washing was instituted in mid-May, the rates in June were 2.2%, July 1.2%, August 1.9%
and, for the first time since the introduction of anatomical orientation, the death rate was
zero in two months in the year following this discovery.
Some doctors, for instance, were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their
hands, feeling that their social status as gentlemen was inconsistent with the idea that
their hands could be unclean.[11]:9[Note 6]

materialism and enlightenment renaissance, existential thought deism and nihilism birthed
radicalism socialism capitalism colonialism and darwinism

Nicholas Polis Romanos in byzantium , they fostered the culture of the ancient greek ideal
based on the highest ideals of civilisation of virtue philanthropy, culture and the arts and
bestowing the highest democratic ideals where the people were the very electors of emperors,
where the rule of law protected the persons right to property and prosperity in every form and
manner. profit was barred at 16% and the laws of inheritance , contract were enforced to the
highest ideals without the need of expensive lawyers.doweries protected families and children
owning homes. owning homes no like despots or vassales as like those in the west at this time.
solon decree was preserved and greek trophies from marathon were centre piece in the roman
hyppodrome. the romans called themselves greek, from the earliest greeks. but i am afraid you
are indoctrinated and arrogant to go against what the majority of genuine greeks bellieved and
whom had a positive affinity with the church and its protective and philanthropic role in greek
history. but it is true a few venetians and franks ruled some of the islanders and were children of
the enlightenment and renaissance where they started to preach reason was above god and
misappropriated ancient greek and roman history to fit into their ideological rosy print glasses.
85% of those greeks that do not affiliate with the church that had a inextricable and positive role
in the greek conscience are mostly of venetian frankish extraction. I have found this preliminary
number through unrepresentative research that suggests a thorougher study would confirm and
verify this figure. you probably think the ancient greeks were blonde hair and blue eyes too , dont
you re.

n 1865, János Balassa wrote a document referring Semmelweis to a mental institution. On

July 30, Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra lured him, under the pretense of visiting one of Hebra's
"new Institutes", to a Viennese insane asylum located in Lazarettgasse (Landes-Irren-
Anstalt in der Lazarettgasse).[9]:293 Semmelweis surmised what was happening and tried
to leave. He was severely beaten by several guards, secured in a straitjacket, and confined
to a darkened cell. Apart from the straitjacket, treatments at the mental
institution included dousing with cold water and administering castor oil, a laxative. He
died after two weeks, on August 13, 1865, aged 47, from a gangrenous wound, possibly
caused by the beating. The autopsy gave the cause of death as pyemia—blood poisoning.

Semmelweis was buried in Vienna on August 15, 1865. Only a few people attended the
service.[11]:78 Brief announcements of his death appeared in a few medical periodicals in
Vienna and Budapest. Although the rules of the Hungarian Association of Physicians and
Natural Scientists specified that a commemorative address be delivered in honor of a
member who had died in the preceding year, there was no address for Semmelweis; his
death was never even mentioned.[11]:79
János Diescher was appointed Semmelweis's successor at the Pest University maternity
clinic. Immediately, mortality rates jumped sixfold to 6%, but the physicians of Budapest
said nothing; there were no inquiries and no protests. Almost no one — either in Vienna or
in Budapest — seems to have been willing to acknowledge Semmelweis's life and work.

His remains were transferred to Budapest in 1891. On 11 October 1964, they were
transferred once more to the house in which he was born. The house [25] is now a historical
museum and library, honoring Ignaz Semmelweis.[8]:58

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