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1 Mesyuarat J/kuasa Operasi Team Julai -Membentuk pasukan HIP yang dianggotai oleh guru Bahasa Inggeris SK Telok
HIP Rimba.
-Merancang dan melaksanakan aktiviti yang akan dirancang selepas cuti Hari

2 Menjalankan Soal Selidik (Soalan) Julai -Guru Besar : 1 orang

-Guru : 4 orang
-Ibu bapa: 10 orang
-Murid : 24 orang

3 Meningkatkan Prasarana sekolah Jul-Nov -This school environment has been designed to help pupils of English to reinforce
dengan bahan Bahasa Inggeris and improve their knowledge of this language as well as learn some other
aspects related to literature, music, films, geography, history and etc. students will
have to participate either by doing a simple reading activities based on
information paste around the school building.

4 A word a day Jul-Nov -This corner will design for pupils learn a new word every day. It also aims to
improve and enrich pupil’s vocabulary.

5 English Tunnel Jul-Nov -Encourage pupils to develop their literacy skills through the use of words, phrases
and sentences as reading materials. It also aims to consolidate the activities
taught in the classroom by showcasing the work in the English Tunnel. Activities
included: reading along, vocabulary tree, proverbs, idioms, newspapers cuttings
and articles.

6 Assembly in English Jul-Nov -To create English culture and improve pupil’s proficiency in English.

7 HIP Corner Jul-Nov -Give opportunity and provide exposure to all pupils and teacher about HIP
8 English Corner in Classroom Jan-Nov -This classroom corner will designed to help pupils have their own space and
corner to read in their classroom.

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