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Pwint Thit Sa / Transparency in Myanmar

Enterprises (TiME)
2018 Report – Launch of Research Phase
31 October, 2017
Updated ထြင္ပည့္ဲသပသစသစီင္ပေ၀သ
ု စတြင္ပ စဲုးထ ထခဲ့ပည့္န့ပထ္ဆပထဆ်စထကဆး
methodology… စဲသပ ထခ ထင္ပ ေ၀င္ပထ

MCRB’s Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises (TiME) survey,

MCRBက၂၀၁၄တြင္ထ ပ မဆံုးထမးတ္ ပ ၀ေ၀ခဲည့္ ့ပည့္ ထြင္ည့္ဲ
ပ သပသစသစီင္ပေ၀သ ု စဲ့ပ
launched in 2014, has focussed on assessing the transparency of
စက်င္ပည့္ထ်ကပ္စာပသစထဆမဆ း ်စထး၊ စဖြ႔စ ခ သ့ပထ၏ထြင္ည့္္ ပ င္ပထ ဆင္ပဲစဆမး၊း ္ူ႔စေ၀ြင္ည့္ပ
the information published by Myanmar companies regarding their စ္ီထး၊ က်နပထဆစ္ီထး၊ ္ုး ေ၀ုခဆမမ း မင္ည့္ပ ထတပ၀နပထက်င္ပံင္ ဆး ီ ပ စ္းထ္ပ ံစင္ပဆတ မး ႔မ
ဆး မင္ည့္ပ
anti-corruption programmes, their organisational transparency and their ထတပဲကပဲ့ပည့္ ဆနပဆစည့္သထစ ထြစထ္ီထ္းထင္ ပ နပထဆ်စထ၏ ဲတင္ပထစေ၀်ကပစ္ကပ
human rights and health, safety & environment (HSE) practice. After မးတပ ထနပီစတြင္ထ ပ င္
ြ ည့္္
ပ င္ပထ ဆင္ပဲစဆမီ း ဆ မဆ စ မး ္ထအေပၚ ီ့ပီယ ြ ္ ပ ထ
း ္
ပ ံစင္ပေ၀ထခည့္ ပါဲ့ပ္။
three reports in 2014, 2015 and 2016, we have observed some welcome ၂၀၁၄း၊၂၀၁၅မမင္ည့္ပ ၂၀၁၆ စသစီင္ပေ၀သ ု စဆ်စထ မးတ္ ပ စအထစထတြင္ပ စ္ ထစင္ပထစ္ခ
စေ၀်ဆခ႔ကဆး ထခ္းထေ၀
ပ ဲခည့္ ့ပ္။
• MIC/DICA,SECM/YSX တဆ႕တ း င္
ြ ပ သစီင္ပထဲြင္ထပ မစထဲ့ပည့္စဆ်စထထဆင္
း ပ
• Myanmar regulators (Myanmar Investment Commission/DICA, and ္းထပင္နပထဆ်စထက ဲတင္ပထစေ၀်ကပစ္ကပဆ်စထကဆမ း တ း ္
ပ ထထီဆ့ပ ဖသပဲ့ပ္။
the Securities and Exchange Commission of Myanmar/Yangon Stock
Exchanges now listed and public companies and investors with MIC • ဆနပဆစနဆင္း ပင္္
ု တစပာာ္ပဲ့ပ စစံစယစ ု ီင္ပထစမမစထ္သ်ထကြကဖပ ီ ဆး ဆပ
( တြင္စ ပ ဖြ႔ခ င္ပ ဖသပဲ့ပ္။ ၄င္ပထဲ့ပ စစံစယန ု င္
ဆး င္ပ ု
Permits to publish more information;
ဆ်စထ၏ သစထထြစထ္ီထ္းထင္ ပ နပထဆ်စထ၏သစဆစ ု ထ
း ေ၀
ပ ်းခထပထးက
ု ဆး စကခ ဖတပ္နဲ့ပည့္
စဖြ႔ခ ဖသပဲ့ပ္။
• The Central Bank of Myanmar is a member of the ASEAN Capital
Markets Forum ( which runs an ASEAN Corporate • ဆနပဆစည့္သထစ ထြစထ္ီထ္းထင္
ပ နပထ္ကစထဆ်စထမမင္ည့္ပ ထူထ္ထပါင္ထပ ္ံစင္ပီက
ြ ္
ပ နဲ့ပည့္ မဆင္ း င္
ပ ု
Governance Scorecard in several countries တကစီင္ပထမမထစ ဆမခထပမဲမု ဆ ူ ်စထဲ့ပ ၄င္ပထတဆ႔၏ း သစထထြစထဖကပဆ်စထမုဆမ ထြင္ည့္္
ပ င္ပထ
ဆင္ပဲစဆမကဆး ္ဆ်မစပ္င္ပည့္ ကဲ့ပ္။
• International investors are expecting transparency of the Myanmar
• ဆစဒယ
စ စမမင္ပည့္ စီထပဖကပ္႔စ ူ ဖြ႔စခ သ့ပထဆ်စထက သစထထြစထ္ီထ္းထင္
ပ နပထဆ်စထ၏
companies who are their business partners တစ၀နပယဆ ူ မ တစ၀နပေ၀ဆ
ု မ
မး မင္ည့္ပ ဲတင္ပထစေ၀်ကပစ္ကပဆ်စထကဆး ီမစ္ဖြ္စ က
• Myanmar media and civil society groups and seeking out more
information about what businesses are doing မဆး႔စ ထင္ပ စစံစယတ ု င္
ြ ပ့္ပထ သစထထြစထ္ီထ္းထပင္နပထဆ်စထ၏ သစဆုစးထပေ၀်ခထပဆမကဆး ထဆဆ း းဆ
စစီုးသဆးကပ္စဲ့ပ္။ ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard ကဆး
There is also greater attention paid to corporate governance in ASEAN ဆ္္ထီမစထး၊ မဆးင္ပထး၊ ဖဆ္သပထဆးင္း၊ပ စင္ပဒဆးနစထီမစထမမင္ပည့္ သင္ပကစထူတ႔က
ဆး စဲုးထ ထခ္နဲ့ပ္။
and the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard is being used to track 2018
၂၀၁၈စသစီင္ပေ၀ုသစကဆး ၄င္ပထသုေ၀်ဆနပမမင္ပည့့္စ ္စစင္ပ္ ထစင္ပထ္ခဆ့ပဟး ံုးထ ဖတပေ၀ခည့္
that in Malaysia, Thailand, Phlippines, Indonesia and Singapore. SURVEY ဲ့ပ္။ (စစံစယု စဆမတပ္ထထသစီင္ပထတြင္ပ ထပါ င္ပ္ဲစ ကးဆၸာ္စစဆ်စထသးဲ့ပ
သစီင္ပထ င္ပစဆ်စထထဆးင္ပကးဆၸာ္စဆ်စထ ဖသပ ကဲ့ပ္။)
We have decided to align our 2018 survey with the scorecard to the extent
this is possible (most ASEAN companies ranked are publicly listed).
A new partnership … တြခဖကပ္ံစင္ပီြကပဆမ စဲသပ…

To drawn on professional advice on sustainability reporting, MCRB has decided to partner with Yever, a
Myanmar business consultancy. Nicolas Delannge, Yever’s co-founder, has for the last two years, been
assessing Myanmar companies for a wider range of sustainability reporting indicators than in the TiME/Pwint
Thit Sa reports. We have decided to join up and create a single assessment:
• MCRB will manage the relationships with all the companies that will be analysed during the project
• Yever will perform the website assessment for each company.

2018 MCRB and Yever will release the TiME 2018 results in March 2018: as with Pwint Thit Sa/TiME, this report
will provide insights and recommendations for all stakeholders.

္ီီမ့တ ပ ့ပတ္ ုည့္ ီထစတြကပ ္ံစင္ပီက ြ ဆ

ပ ဆမ ်စထကဆး ဲတင္ပထ္ထထထဆ႕႔း ေ၀င္ပထမမင္ပည့္ထတပဲကပအထစထ Yever ဆမ စ္ကုဉစာ္ပဆ်စထကဆး စ္ ေ၀ေ၀ုကစ ထဆးဆဆး္ကစင္ပထဆြန္ ပ စ္သ
ီနပစတြကပ ဆနပဆစသစထထြစထ္ီထ္းထင္ ပ နပထစတဆင္း ပထင္ပေ၀ု Yever မမင္ပည့္ ထူထတြ္
ခ ထ
း က
ပ ဆင္း ီ
ပ နပ ံည့္ုးထ ဖတပေ၀ဲခည့္ ့ပ္။ Nicolas Delanngeဲ့ပ Yever ကဆးထူထတြတ ခ ့ပ
္မစင္ပဲူ ဖသပအထစထ ္ြနပေ၀ခည့္္ဲစမမသပမမသပစတြင္ထပ ဆနပဆစကးဆၸာ္စဆ်စထ၏ ္ီီမ့ပတ့ပတုည့္္ီထစတြကပ ္ံစင္ပီက ြ ပဆမဆ်စထကဆး ဲတင္ပထ္ထထထဆး႔ ေ၀င္ပထဆ်စထကဆး စကခ
ဖတပေ၀ခည့္ဲူ ဖသပဲ့ပ္။ MCRB ဲ့ပ ၄င္ပထတဆး႔မမင္ပည့္ ္ကပတအြခ ထစထ စကခ ဖတပဆမကဆး္ံစင္ပီက ြ ီ ပ နပ ံုးထ ဖတပေ၀ခည့္ဲ့ပ္။
• သစဆုေ၀်ကပကစ္စတြင္ပထ ကးဆၸာ္စဆ်စထမမင္ပည့္ ံကပဲြယ္
ပ ံစင္ပီက
ြ ပ္ီထကဆး MCRB က တစ နပယူဆ့ပ္။
• ကးဆၸာ္စတသပေ၀း ေ၀င္ပထစတြင္ပ စဆမတပ္ထထ ေ၀င္ပထကဆး Yever က ္ံစင္ပီက
ြ ပဆ့ပ္။

& ၂၀၁၈ေ၀းမမသး၊ပ ဆတပ္တြင္ပ MCRB မမင္ပည့္ Yever က ၂၀၁၈ ထြင္ပည့္ဲသပသ စသစီင္ပေ၀သ

စ္ ေ၀စ္နကဆး ဲဆ ဆင္ပနဆးင္ပဆမမမင္ပည့္ စ္ကု ထခေ၀်ကပဆ်စထ္ထထနဆးင္ပဆ့ပ ဖသပဲ့ပ္။
ု စ ီ္ဒပဆ်စထကဆး ္ က င္စဆ့ပ္။ ၄င္ပထ ထပါ င္ပထတပဲကပဲူစစထ္ုးထစတြကပ

What will we assess? (1) ၂၀၁၈ထြင္ပည့္ဲသပသ ဆမစာစ္တြကဆး
စကခ ဖတပဆ္ခ(၁)?

ကုမၸဏီမၸမ က က
We will analyse the အမၸွၚေ္ စသ္ မၸက်္
ဝက္္ဒ ဆု ေ္ ပၚတြ္ Our scorecard းသ္ မၸၚူသေ မ း
company’s website ထုၚ္ျ ပ္ထ းသ့္္
1 to find data and အခကက္အလက္မၸက ်ားႏွြ့္္ 2 combines different မၸူေဘ ြ္မၸက ကဆု
ေ ြ္ စ အ္ းံုျ ဳ
အစမရြ္ခစ ံ မၸက ကဆု frameworks
reports ထ းသ္မည္။
ေလ့္လ းံု း မၸ ္ သ္မည္။

Company Social Corporate

Data & Reports,
website media statements policies, … Scorecard

၂၀၁၈ထြင္ပည့္ဲသပသ ဆမစာစ္တြကဆး
What will we assess? (2) စကခ ဖတပဆ္ခ(၂)?

We will assess က႑၅ခုၚြ တ ္

5 dimensions စံးၚ္မၸၚ ွ ခ
္ ကက္
3 using 74 ၇၄ခုျဖြ့္္
criteria 8% 9%
အကဲျဖၚ္မၸသ္ မည္။
2018 Corporate culture
7% Company profile
SCORE Corporate Governance
7% Board of directors
Audit committee
Nominating committee
Remuneration Committee/ Compensation Committee
Risk management
Performance review & board appointments
Corporate policies
Business ethics
CSR management management

Corporate governance Corporate culture Communication

Corporate communication
Reporting Sustainability management Reporting
Non Financial
Which companies? ထပါ င္ပဆ့ပည့္ ကးဆၸာ္စဆ်စထ ?

Myanmar listed
A companies at YSX C Influential companies

4 120

Myanmar public
B companies D Volunteer companies

55 ≈ 10

The timeline… စေ၀်ဆနပဇယစထ …

November December January February March April

2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018

First assessment made by

Yever Results sharing Assessments’
with companies update
2018 TiME

• End of 2017: first assessment of company’s • ၂၀၁၇ မမသပကးနပ- သစထထြစထ္ီထ္းထင္ပ နပထဆ်စထ၏ ၀ကပာပံဆးဒပကဆး
website က့ပည့္ ထစထ ထမဆစကခ ဖတပဆက မး ဆး ္းထပ္ံစင္ပဆ့ပ္။
• January and February 2018: Contact with • ၂၀၁၈ ဇနပန၀ပါီစ မမင္ပည့္ ္ဖ္ဖစပ၀ပါီ-စ သစထထြစထ္ီထ္းထင္ ပ နပထ
company to share initial assessment, and invite စစထ္ုးထနမင္ည့္ံ
ပ ကပဲြယပ ထစထ ီ္ဒပဆ်စထဆ်မ္၀ ေ၀င္ပထမမင္ည့္ပ
comments/updates စကခ ဖတပဆက မး ဆး ထခ ထင္ပ ေ၀င္ပထကဆး ္းထပ္ံစင္ပဆ့ပ
• End of March: release of the report and 2018 • ဆတပ္ကးနပ- ၂၀၁၈
ranking စံင္ပည့္ဲတပဆမတပဆစ
မး သစီင္ပေ၀သ
ု စကဆမ
း းတပ္၀ဆ့ပ္။ 7
Any questions? ္ဆထေ၀ြနထပ ဆ်စထီမဆထပါက

Please contact: MCRB စတြကပ
ဖ ဖ ဇင္ပPhyuphyu.zin@Myanmar-
For MCRB, Phyu Phyu Zin
Yever စတြကပ
For Yever, Nicolas Delange Nicolas Delange


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