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> On Dec 2, 2017, at 10:48 AM, Shalinda Fenderson WCCCD: 102 Q

> TURP syndrome

> Anorexia/hypokalemia
> Drag and drop change ostomy
> Drag and drop placing a hearing aide in one ear
> Blood compatibility AB-
> Pressure ulcers stage 4-interventions
> Non stress test- Ob interventions
> ECG interventions
> A lot psych drugs teaching what can expect
> V-tach
> A lot of which will call you back first
> Child abuse -s/s
> Placenta Previa
> Schizophrenia s/s
> Borderline personality s/s
> Scabies -recognizing what it look like
> Tinea Capitis discharge teaching
> Diabetes type 1 discharge teaching
> Interventions for continuous bladder irrigation
> Spiralactone discharge teaching
> Digoxin teaching
> Cdiff interventions
> Uap cdiff knowledge
> Hepatitis A
> Autonomy recognize
> Negligence
> Cardiomyopathy
> Recognizing Mongolian spot
> Quality improvement questions
> Pseudo parkinson
> S/s tardive akinesthia
> Delegation to Lpn
> Delegation What will u give to a new nurse
> Triage tag-casualty incident
> Risk for suicide -elderly
> Toddler Child memory teaching to parents
> Sexual assault patient interventions
> Interventions in the oliguric phase
> Chronic renal failure diet
> Ulcerative colitis
> Pancreatitis interventions
> Trigeminal neuralgia recognizes s/s
> ABG 's recognized of s/s
> Bonding with child teaching
> Recognizing postpartum depression
> Osteoporosis fall risk at home
> Safety for children at home discharge teaching
> Health promotion teaching at community risk for std
> Safety removing patients during a episode of mania
> Lithium toxicity diets
> Seizure precaution specific grand mal

Also interventions when a patient falls sata

Stance, leg out for they slide, protect head etc;

LK 12/2/17
1. MUGA Scan
2. TB-sputum
3. Lacto-Vegan: what foods can they have?
4. Peritoneal dialysis-problem
5. Mycoplasma pneumonia
6. Chest tubes-300mL of pink drainage
7. Peak Flow meter
8. Drag/drop: Catheter irrigation; urine collection to 1 year old
9. NG tube
10. Jackson-Pratt: 80-100mL
11. Conferences-what to bring back to staff?
12. Delegation to UAP
13. RN float from Psychiatry to med-surg unit- who to assign
14. Hepatitis A, B, C –transmission
15. Hepatitis B complication
16. Cirrhosis-portal hypertension 2 Q
17. Gallbladder
18. Thalassemia
19. Swallow screen criteria: sata
20. Who to refer to the dietician?80% burn; long term care client
21. Emphysema & COPD sata
22. Multi drug resistance
23. Scabies
24. Sepsis
25. Signs/symptoms of Otitis Media- how you can tell in a child
26. Glaucoma
27. Therapeutic communication
28. Alzheimer’s
29. Parkinson’s
31. Disaster planning-role of nurse
32. Graves & Hypothyroidism
33. Diabetes Mellitus
34. Arthrocentesis: inject steroids in joint
35. Amputation
36. Traction
37. Rheumatoid arthritis
38. Post op Mastectomy- arm position
39. Post op Total hip arthroplasty position
40. Fracture femur: fat embolism
41. Post op trans sphenoidal hypophysectomy
42. Soft wrist restraint-placement
43. Purpose of restraints
44. Fresh frozen plasma administration
45. Rx?? MAB, triptan
46. No ECG strips/no ethics
47. Maternity

YS 131 Q Passed

1. Veracity; Autonomy
2. Hypothyroidism sata
3. Myxedema Coma- what to expect
4. TB S/S; negative pressure room. Mask, gloves
5. Droplet precautions
6. Hepatitis A
7. Hepatitis C-follow up
8. Amiodarone for V tacchycardia
10. Picture of COPD-tripod position
11. Teaching for COPD- Pursed lip breathing
12. Alzheimer’s- mild
13. Atypical & Typical meds- EPS
14. Glaucoma- NO ATROPINE
15. Post mortem care to UAP- sata
16. D dimer test- degradation of fibrin
17. B Thalassemia
18. Role of UAP- sata
19. Type A negative blood- what will pt get?
20. Myasthenia Gravis
21. Aminoglycosides adverse effects- tinnitus & balance
22. Post-partum report : fundus & lochia
23. Right Heart Failure
24. Primary diagnosis for TB- Sputum
25. AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm- Bruit sounds
26. Scabies- small burrows
27. 22 weeks gestation- fundus is where?
28. What type of syringe for an intradermal – 27g
29. Cystoscopy po- blood in urine
30. Breast cancer-peau d’ orange
31. When to do TSE-sata
32. Contact precautions- multi drug resistant
33. Cholelithiasis- where is the pain?
34. Lumbar puncture for a baby-restrain
35. Placenta previa- S/S
36. Opiods- 2 nurses to check for disposal
37. What Rx for Atrial fibrillation -Adenosine
38. Lithium- watch sodium levels
39. ABG
40. CHF- need to follow up when 5lbs in 1 week
41. Hypocalcemia-Chovstek
42. Post- partum pt with a high temp-keep hydrated
43. How to prevent SIDS- sata
44. Problem swallowing-speech therapist
45. Non compliant schizophrenia after discharge with meds
46. Anxiety patient- stay with them
47. Phobia treatment- desensitize
48. Anorexia nervosa- disturbed body image-lytes sata
49. Hemodialysis

MV 12/20/17 Passed 12/21

175 questions I think I failed. I didn’t recognize anything they gave me lol I felt the first one I took was a lot
easier. Never heard of any of the meds I was questioned about. My first 8 questions where sata lol no
strips one math a lot of contact precaution questions. No labs. A few mental health. UAP questions.

Questions from MV 12/20/17 175 Passed

1. Turp how to connect and disconnect put in order

2. Blood compatibility O

3. Who do u call back first?

4. What can you assigned the UAP

5. A lot of SATA

6. Cholecystitis symptoms

7. Weird question: Patient confronts you about their relative tugging at their catheter and always
masturbating and it said what should you tell the relatives: cover with towel, confront patient about
behavior, and medicate; forgot one of the selections

8. Schizophrenia

9. What dose scabies look like?

10. Myo cardio something I had never heard of It nor was I able to find it after the test but it sounded
like a type of mi

11. Sata question for Assault

12. 4 point gate crutch walk

13. Going down the stairs with a cane

14. a lot of PPE questions think one was for rubella but there was more then one

15. Hep C questions

16. Amputation what needed further teaching?

17. RA drug – I picked lift weights

18. Fat embolism sata

19. When can a child have honey?

20. Pictures what patient had a positive TB test

21. Stethoscope where to listen for maximum point of impactor

22. Doctor tells me to lie to my patient next time the want pain meds and give the saline -4

23. Explain to parents how their child is going to be positioned for a lumbar puncture

24. peak flow meter what to correct

25. Conferences what to bring back

26. Medical study understanding how it is set up

27. Hyper and hypo thyroidism

28. What to do if Lochia is serosanguinous

29. Was a drug addicted baby what to do for them

30. a few psych questions don’t remember what they asked

31. When baby would be due gave date of last minstrel period

32. Epiglottitis

33. Head phones

I had a lot of sata. My first 8 questions where select all that apply and I went into panic mode after that
lol So I don’t remember much in great detail. I took 3 brakes and after each break was searched.
Machine went off at 175 and the lady wouldn’t let me leave till I took a survey.

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