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7 Day Fat Loss Formula

What to Eat and How to Move.

Ideally write down your challenges each morning on a whiteboard or sheet of paper and at
the end of the night tick them off. – It’s very motivating knowing that you’re achieving your
goals daily.

Let’s begin!

DAY 1: 7 Day Fat Loss Formula

Nutrition challenge: Detoxing Your Body

Your goal today is to consume water as your number one source of drink.

==>I tend to drink this first thing in the morning

The aim for today is to eat clean and fresh foods that fuel us correctly and avoid
packaged processed foods, (no added sugars and no junk food)

At the end of the day check your goals and score yourself out of 10 for how well you
have done. (If you are not at 10, what do you need to do to get there?)

Work out challenge: Lean & Toned Workout

Complete exercises in the following order...

20 Basic Squats

10 Basic Push ups

(On knees is fine)

20 Basic Lunges

10 Plank Walks

Now that’s 1 set – Complete 3 MORE sets = 240 reps)

Resources for women ==> Kill belly, back and thigh fat with this

Resources for men ==> Lose the beer belly and man boobs

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DAY 2: 7 Day Fat Loss Formula
Nutrition challenge: Greens Keep You Lean

Your Goal today is to focused on eating more green vegetables with your
meals to flush out the fat and toxins.

So with your 3 main meals a day you will need to add

your green vegetables to them. For example: Breakfast
could be an egg frittata with added broccoli.

These super foods as I call them are not only good

for fighting fat but also have been proven to fight
cancer and other deadly diseases. (Time to top up on your greens)

Work out challenge: Sweat Buster Workout!

= > > Click Here To View The “Sweat Buster Workout”

DAY 3: 7 Day Fat Loss Formula

Nutrition challenge: Slaying the Sugar Monster

Your Goal is to eliminate all foods with added hidden sugars and artificial

We are fine to eat natural whole sugars from fruits (ie. Berries) but stay clear from
foods with sugar in the ingredients. When you eat artificial sweeteners they increase
your sugar cravings which will give you a tough time to lose weight.

When we consume too much sugar we store it as fat especially around the belly
area. If you learn anything over this week, the main key point is to cut out the hidden
sugars in the everyday foods. Even these so called healthy foods are packed with
hidden sugars and sweeteners.

Work out challenge: Good Bye Belly Fat Workout

Complete exercises in the following order...

20 Jumping Jacks

10 V-Ups

20 High knee jogs

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10 Mountain Climbers

Now that’s 1 set – Complete 3 MORE sets = 240 reps)

DAY 4: 7 Day Fat Loss Formula

Nutrition challenge: One Ingredient Rule

Your Goal for today is only eat foods with just 1 ingredient.

For example: Foods like eggs, vegetables, fish, meats, fruits and nuts, all have just 1
ingredients in them. This is what we call a whole natural food.

So make sure to get your natural proteins, good carbs, and good fats from all these
delicious Mother Nature foods.

Work out challenge: Keep Active Day

Your exercising for today will be to go out for a 20 minute brisk walk and keep a
more active fit mindset.

This means for example walking up the stairs instead of taking the lift (elevator)

This is more of a chilled recover day for the exercise challenge but that doesn’t mean
you slack on your nutrition.

Keep your eyes on the prize and stay focused!

DAY 5: 7 Day Fat Loss Formula

Nutrition challenge: Eating Good carbs

Your Goal for today is only eat good carbs.

Carbs have got a bad name over the last few years, and to be honest not all are bad.

But you need to know what carbs to eat...

Simple carbs = weight gain. These rush into your blood stream very quickly and
picked up by your fat storing hormone called insulin.

This leads to major fat storage! (Especially around the belly, love handles and
back area)

A few good carbs, are all green veggies, potatos, sweet potatos, legumes, basmati
rice. The key is to not over-do it with the more starchy carbs.

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Work out challenge: Fighting Fit Challenge!

Yes it’s here! Love this full body quick workout and i’m sure you will too!

Complete exercises in the following order...

20 Jumping Jacks

25 Punches in sumo squat

10 Push ups (on knees beginner)

25 Punches in sumo squat

20 Mountain Climbers

25 Punches in sumo squat

(Tip: Keep a low squat position when punching)

Now that’s 1 set – Complete 2 MORE sets = 375 reps)

Optional (Finisher Workout): 10 Minute cardio intervals (Skipping, jogging)

DAY 6: 7 Day Fat Loss Formula

Nutrition challenge: Deplete Fat Cells

Your Goal is to eliminate all Carbs and starches today as tomorrow morning
will be your weigh-in day.

Avoiding all carbs and starches today will help suck out the fat for tomorrows wegh-

Just eat good clean natural foods just like you have been eating throughout the
whole week so far. Stay away from processed nasty foods.

Get creative in the kitchen just like in my Fast Track Fat Loss program done for you
meal plans.

Work out challenge: "Core Strength" Workout Challenge

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Go Here for your workout challenge...

DAY 7: 7 Day Fat Loss Formula

Instructions: Weigh yourself in the morning and track your results.

Recap on your week. Like i mentioned at the start of the week that at the end of the
day check your goals and score yourself out of 10 for how well you have done. (If
you are not at 10, what do you need to do to get there?)

Most of all whatever your weigh in results are you need to look at the big picture.

You have taken direct actions steps in the right direction towards what you really
want and i personally applaud you for doing so.

There a far too many people who quit to easily and wonder why they never see

As long as you stay determined and hang in there you will get the results you want
and truly deserve I guarantee that.

Nutrition challenge: Refuel Day

Your nutrition part for today is to enjoy what i call “refuel meal” which can be
any meal of your choice.

We do this so it keeps your body guessing as our bodies soon get used to the way
we eat over time, and also it keeps you sane while heading towards you weight loss
body transformation goals.

Work out challenge: Keep Active Day

Your exercising for today will be to go out for a 20 minute brisk walk or go out for a
hike with the family.

Get the whole family involved.

Remember we are creating a fun and healthy plus fit lifestyle for ourselves and our
loved ones around us can share your success too.


Congratulations! You made it to 8 Day.

You might be wondering, “Now what?”

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Need More Personal Help?

If you would like to hire me to be your personal coach I may have a few spots
available while you are reading this.

Email me at and if I have any spots available I will email

you over my application form to see if you are a good fit for my coaching program.

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