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Teen suicide affects more

than just victim

Look for warning signs and risk factors to
help prevent tragedy

By Cary QuashenAction


Posted: January 15, 2009 10:13 p.m.

Updated: January 16, 2009 4:55 a.m.

warning signs
 A significant
warning sign is
a previous
suicide attempt.
 Securing the
means to
commit suicide,
such as getting
a gun or
stockpiling pills.
 Marked
changes in
personality and
 Giving away
cleaning their
room and
throwing out
things they own.
 Talking about
suicide, wanting
to die, saying
life is not worth
living, or
feelings of
 Depression,
great sadness.
 Feelings of
and/or guilt.
Feelings of
isolation and
 Changes to
sleep patterns
(such as
sleeping, early
wakening, not
sleeping well).
 Withdrawing
from activities
and family.
 Having
Being unable or
having great
difficulty talking.
 Changes to
eating habits
and appetite.
Inability to
 Losing
interest in
things they
 Having a
friend or family
member who
has committed
 Using drugs
or alcohol.
There is some
evidence that
people who use
are more likely
to make a
suicide attempt.
changes such as
restlessness or
 Changes in
Loss of
interest in
 Marks of self
harming such as
scratches or
wounds on the


The past year was a tough year here in the Santa Clarita Valley, especially when
it came to our teenagers.

In 2008 the headlines shared the news of one teenage girl who came close to
committing suicide (she had a gun, and a plan), but sent a text message to a
friend who notified school authorities and her attempt was thwarted. Another
teen shared with a school counselor, a proposed plan for her suicide and
immediately the school counselor sought help. The teen found herself in a
behavioral health unit especially designed for teens, her needs were met and the
healing began.

The SCV lost a young adult to suicide this past summer. Imagine being a parent
and walking into your child's bedroom only to find that he hung himself. Bullycide
(suicide as a means to end non-stop bullying) took the life of a 14-year-old
Vasquez High student this past October.

While you may think these are isolated incidences, one in four youth will struggle
with suicidal thoughts.
Make that half by the age of 20. For those ages 10 - 19, suicide is the second
leading cause of death and third-leading cause of death for those ages 20 - 24.
Suicide is a scary, dark, mysterious issue and it's hard for people to really grasp
how common it is. Many people consider suicide at one point or another.

However, When you're a kid, you have fewer experiences and resources to draw
upon to say "You know, things are going to get better and this is temporary."

Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and
physical changes they are experiencing. When teens' moods disrupt their ability
to function on a day-to-day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental
disorder that needs attention - adolescent depression. Studies show that suicide
attempts among young people may be based, on long standing problems
triggered by a specific event.

Many teens who commit suicide have low self-esteem. And don't be fooled. The
child with poor self-esteem isn't necessarily the introvert who hardly opens his or
her mouth. It is as likely to be a chirpy, vivacious teenager who is the heart and
soul of the party.

Teens bury their emotions within themselves until they reach a bursting point and
commit irrational acts. It is a fact that if teens shared their problems, half of the
suicides could be prevented. Most of the problems faced by teens are grossly
exaggerated in their emotionally wrought state.

Some suicides are impulsive and some suicides are planned. Studies show that
four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warnings. They just
don't wake up one day and decide to end their lives. The thought of ending their
lives is niggling somewhere in the back of their mind and gaining importance day-

Suicide risk factors

There are times in a teenager's life that can contribute or make a
teen more vulnerable to a suicidal act.

These include:
 The breakup of a relationship with a girlfriend. This is one of the
most common causes and a very significant event.
 Failing or doing badly in a test.
 Feeling badly humiliated.
 Recent loss of a friend, a family member, a pet from death or
suicide. Sometimes, very rarely, a suicide in a school or community
can act as a trigger for other teens.
 Parent's divorce.
 Abuse.
 Bullying victim.
 Problems with the law.
 An unplanned pregnancy.
 Causing injury or death to another person.
 An anniversary of a tragic event.
Prevent suicide
Myths abound about suicide, especially teen suicide. Parents often
believe that it can't happen to their teenager; that talking about
suicide will lead to a suicide; that a suicide attempt is a
manipulative behavior and therefore should be ignored or even
punished; that suicides come out of the blue with little or no
warning; that teenagers will "learn" from their "mistakes" and they
won't try again, and that depression and other mental disorders do
not occur in young people.

Parents can help prevent suicide by fostering open, honest

communication with teens. If a teen trusts you enough to come to
you with a problem, take time to listen immediately. Delay may
only fuel feelings of doom in the teen.

The following strategies may be helpful when dealing with teens

and suicide:
 Talk about suicide in an open manner. Teens need to be given a
chance to discuss suicide by voicing their thoughts and opinions.
Candid discussion is important particularly when a teen suicide has
occurred in a community.
 Let young people know about local hotline telephone numbers
and crisis intervention services.
 Model healthy behavior and positive problem-solving
approaches. Adults can be models for young people by dealing with
their own stress in a constructive manner.
 Use television shows, films, newspaper articles and other media
as a trigger for a discussion of effective ways to deal with stress
and depression.
 Provide opportunities for group support. Teens sharing problems
with other teens who help find solutions can be beneficial.
 Get help for a teen who expresses suicidal intent or shows the
warning signs - it is important. There are a number of avenues open
to you to get the teenager the help he or she needs. Support and
reassurance are important. Help is available from a number of
different sources - school, school councilors, teachers, family
doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, voluntary
organizations, community mental health center, local hospital or
social agency.

In an urgent situation contact your family doctor, or consult a

mental health doctor. If a teen is in what you believe to be is
imminent danger call 911, do not leave them.

Cary Quashen is a certified addiction specialist and the founder

and president of ACTION Parent & Teen Support Programs and
the ACTION Family Counseling Centers. Quashen may be reached
at (661) 713-3006. The ACTION Hotline number is 1-800-FOR
TEENs. ACTION Parent & Teen Support Group meetings meet at
Saugus High School, Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Q Building
at the west end of the campus. Saugus High School is located at
21900 Centurion Way, Saugus.


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