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I.Sh.Jabbarov (Dzhabbarov)
Summary: In the article the proof of well-known Riemann
Hypothesis is given. The method of proof is based on the
approximation of the zeta-function in the right half of the critical
strip by pieces of products of Euler type.
1. Introduction.
Appearance of the zeta function and analytical methods in the Number Theory is
connected with L.Euler's name (see [1, p. 54]). In 1748 Euler entered the zeta-function

 ( s ) = n s , s > 1, (1)
n =1

considering it as a function of real variable s. Using an identity

 ( s ) = 1  p  s  , s > 1,

in which the product is taken over all primes, he gave an analytical proof of Euclid’s
theorem about infinity of a set of prime numbers. Euler gave a relation the modern
formulation of which is equivalent to the Riemann functional equation (see [2,3]).
In 1798 A.M. Legendre formulated for the quantity  (x) , denoting the number of
 ( x) ln x
primes, not exceeding x , the relationship lim  1 , and assumed that more exact
x x
representation  ( x)  x /(ln x  B( x)) holds with the function B(x) , tending to the constant
B  1.083 ... as x   .
Earlier K.Gauss had assumed that  (x) can be approximated with a smaller error by
using of a function  . According to this assumption for B in the Legendre’s formula
ln u
can be written out the value B  1 .

In 1837 using and developing Euler's ideas, L.Dirichlet gave generalization of the
theorem of Euclid for arithmetic progressions, considering L -functions. Dirichlet tried to
prove Legendre’s formula, entering the notion of an asymptotic law.
In 1851 and 1852 P.L. Tchebychev received exact results. He had shown that if the
relation  ( x) ln x / x tends to any limit then this limit will be 1 as well as it was assumed by
Legendre. He, also, established that for the constant B the fair value can be only 1. In
Tchebychev works the search of Euler’s function  (s ) is lifted on higher level.
The great meaning of the zeta function for the Analytical Number Theory has been
discovered by B. Riemann in 1859. Probably [3], Riemann was engaged in research of the
zeta function under influence of Tchebychev’s achievements. In the well known memoir
[4] he had considered for the first time the zeta function as a function of complex variable,
and had connected the problem of distribution of prime numbers with an arrangement of
complex zeroes of the zeta function. Riemann proved the functional equation
1 s
 ( s ) =  (1  s); ( s ) = s( s  1)  s/2  ( s )
2 2
and formulated several hypotheses about the zeta function. One of them (further RH) was
fated to stand a central problem for all of mathematics. This Hypothesis asserts that all of
complex zeroes of the zeta function, located in the critical strip 0 < Res < 1 , lies on the
critical line Res = 0.5 .
D.Hilbert in the report at the International Paris Congress of 1900 included this
Hypothesis into the list of his 23 mathematical problems. Despite attempts of mathemati-
cians of several generations, it was remaining unsolved. To reach progress in the proof of
RH, the following brunches of Analytical Number Theory have been developed:
1. Investigations of regions free from the zeroes of the zeta function;
2. Estimations of density of distribution of zeroes in the critical strip and their
3. Studying of zeroes on the critical line;
4. Studying of distribution of values of the zeta function in the critical strip;
5. The computing problems connected with zeroes and so on.

These directions are classical and in the literature can be found full enough lighting of
historical and other aspects of the questions connected with RH (see [3, 5, 6-19]). Here, in
the introduction, we shall mention, in brief, works of 4th direction and some modern ideas
connected with RH.
Studying of distribution of values of the zeta function has been begun by G. Bohr (see
[11, p. 279]). In the work [20], together with R. Courant, they proved the theorem of
everywhere density of the values of  (  it ), < t < ,   (1/2,1) .
The results of S.M.Voronin [21-28], connected with universality property of the zeta
function, have lifted researches of the zeta function and other functions defined by Dirichlet
series onto a new level. In the S.M.Voronin's works distribution of values of some Dirichlet
series was studied and a new decision, in a more general form, of D.Hilbert's problem about
differential independence of the zeta function and L-functions was given. About other
generalizations and improvements see ([29-32]).
Last several years it has been begun studying of some families of Dirichlet series
purpose of which was consideration of questions of the zeta and L -functions’ zeroes
distribution (see [13-15]). B.Bagchi had considered (see [31 - 32]) a family of Dirichlet
series defined by means of the following product over all prime numbers

F ( s, ) =  1   p ( ) p  s 

when Res > 1 and  takes values from the topological product of the circles | z p |= 1 , and

 p ( ) is a projection of  into the circle | z p |= 1 . He had shown that this function can be
analytically continued into the half plane Re s > 1/2 and has not there zeroes for almost all
 . Here the measure is a Haar measure. In the works [29-32] questions connected with the
property of joint universality of some Dirichlet series are considered. By using of Ergodic
methods, special probability measures were constructed.
In the work [33] an equivalent variant of B.Bagchi's mentioned above result has been
given by considering of the function

F ( s , ) =  1  e
2i p
p s  ,0  
p  1 (2)

in  = [0,1]  [0,1] ··· with the product of Lebesgue measures.
In the works [34 - 39] questions on distances of consecutive zeroes of the zeta
function located on the critical line, on numbers of zeroes in the circles of small radius at
close neighbor-hoods of the critical line, and about multiple zeroes of the zeta function
also, have been studied.
In the present work we study distribution of special curves of a kind ({tn }) n 1 (the

sign {} means a fractional part, and n > 0, n   as n   ) in the subsets of infinite

dimensional unite cube on which some series is divergent. As a consequence, we prove
justice of RH. For establishing the last, at first, we will approach  (s ) in some circle
located on the right half of the critical strip by means of partial products of a kind (2), using
S.M.Voronin's lemma (see lemma 2). Further, we shall extend the received relationship to
the all right half of the critical strip, using a special structure of the set of divergence of
some series (see section 5). It is necessary to note also that for our purpose the we had to
introduce a special measure. Every measurable, in the meaning of this measure set, is
measurable in the product or Haar meaning.
Definition 1. Let  : N  N be any one to one mapping of the set of natural
numbers. If there will be a natural number m such that  (n ) = n for any n > m , then we
will say that  is a finite permutation. A subset A   will be called to be finite-
symmetrical if for any element  = ( n )  A and any finite permutation  we have

 = ( ( n ) )  A .
Let  to denote the set of all finite permutations. We shall define on this set a
product of two finite permutations as a composition of mappings. Then  becomes a group
which contains each group of n degree permutations as a subgroup (we consider each n
degree permutation  as a finite permutation, in the sense of definition 1, for which
 (m) = m when m > n ). The set  is enumerable set and we can arrange its elements in a
Theorem. Let r be a real number 0 < r < 1 / 4 . Then there are a sequence ( n ) n 1 of

elements of  ( n  , n = 1,2,...) and a sequence of integers (mn ) such that for any real t

the relationship

lim Fn ( s  it , n ) =  ( s  it )

is satisfied uniformly by s in the circle | s  3/4 | r ; here

 2i n 
Fn ( s  it , n ) =  1  e p p  s  ; n = ( pn ),
p  mn  

components of  n are indexed by prime numbers and the product is taken over all primes,
satisfying the indicated inequality.
It is necessary to notice that the speed of convergence in the theorem depends on t .
Consequence. The Riemann Hypothesis is true, i.e.
 ( s)  0,
when  > 1/2 .
2. Auxliary statements.
Lemma 1. Let a series of analytical functions

n =1
n (s)

be given in one-connected domain G of a complex s -plane, and be absolutely converging

almost everywhere in G in Lebesgue sense, and the function

( , t ) =  | f n ( s ) |
n =1

is a summable function in G . Then the given series converges uniformly in any compact
subdomain of G ; in particular, the sum of this series is an analytical function in G .
Proof. It is enough to show that the theorem is true for any rectangular domain of the
region G . Let C be a rectangle in G and C  be another rectangle inside C , moreover,
their sides are parallel to co-ordinate axes. We can assume that on the contour of these
rectangles given series converges almost everywhere according to the theorem of Fubini
(see [40, p. 208]). Let  0 ( s) =  0 ( , t ) be a sum of the given series in the points of
convergence. Under the theorem of Lebesgue on a bounded convergence (see [41, p. 293]):


 0 ( s) f ( s)
(2i ) 1  ds = (2i ) 1  n ds,
C s  C s 
n =1

where the integrals are taken in the Lebesgue sense. As on the right part of the last equality
integrals exist in the Riemann sense also, then, applying Cauchy formula, we receive

 0 ( s)
1 ( ) = (2i ) 1  ds =  f n ( s ),
C s 

where 1 ( ) =  0 ( ) almost everywhere and  is any point on or in a contour. Further,

denoting by  the minimal distance between the sides of C and C  , we have
| f n ( s) |
| f n ( ) | (2 ) 1  | ds | (2 ) 1  | f n ( s ) || ds | .
C | s  | C

The series

n =1
| f n ( s) || ds |

converges, in the consent with the Lebesgue theorem on monotonous convergence (see [41,

p. 290]). Hence, the given series converges  f ( ) uniformly in the inside of C  . The
n =1 n

lemma 2 is proved.
Let's enter now the notion of Hardy space.
Definition 2. The set H 2( R ) , R  0 , of functions f (s) defined for s  R and being

analytical in this circle, is called a Hardy space if for any f ( s)  H 2( R ) the following
relationship holds
2 2
f  lim  f ( s ) ddt  ; s    it .
r R
s r

It is obviously that the Hardy space is a linear space in which is possible to enter a
scalar product of functions by means of an equality

 f (s ), g ( s)   Re  s  R f (s ) g (s )ddt. (3)

Considering H 2( R ) as a linear space over the field of real numbers and using the
entered scalar product, we transform this space into a real Hilbert space (we define (3) as a
limit in the Definition 2).

Lemma 2. The Hardy space H 2( R ) with the entered scalar product (3) is a real
Hilbert space.
Proof. It is enough to prove that any fundamental sequence  f n ( s)n 1 converges to

some analytical function f ( s)  H 2( R ) . As the sequence is fundamental, there will be found

such a sequence of natural numbers nk k  0 that for any natural k

f n k  f nk 1  2  k.

Let's consider a series of analytical functions

k 1
nk 
 f n k 1 ; f n0  0 .

We shall prove that it converges uniformly in any closed circle contained in the

circle s  R . Then, denoting g ( s)   k 1 f nk ( s)  f n k 1 ( s) , we can write ( 0  r  R ):
1/ 2
  2
f n k  f nk 1 ddt 
2 
s  r g ( s)ddt  k 1 R lim    R k 1 2  k  .
r R s  r 
Hence, the function g (s ) is a summable function of variables  , t in the circle s  R , and

the lem-ma 1 is applicable. Applying the lemma 1, we see that the series f k 1
nk  f nk 1 
converges uniformly in any circle s  r  R . Then, the subsequence f nk ( s) k 1 converges  
to some analytical function  (s ) which belongs to the H 2( R ) in accordance with the
theorem of Fatou. As the sequence is fundamental, for any   0 there exist such n0 that

for any natural m  n0 the inequality

  ( s)  f m ( s) ddt  
s R

holds. Let r  R be any real number. Then using the relationship of [42, p. 345], one recei-
2 2
r 2  ( s)  f m ( s)   1   ( s)  f m ( s ) ddt   / 
s R

 
for any s, s  r . As  is arbitrary, the convergence of f nk ( s ) k 1 follows from here. Hence,

the considered space is complete. The lemma 2 is proved.

The following lemma, proved by S. M.Voronin ([24]), we bring in a little modified
Lemma 3. Let g (s) be an analytical function in the circle | s |< r < 1/4 and be
continuous and non vanishing in the closed circle | s | r . Then for any  > 0 and y > 2 it
is possible to find the finite set of prime numbers M , containing all of primes p  y , and

an element  = ( p ) pM such that:

1) 0   p  1 for p  M ;

2)  p =  p0 is set beforehand when p  y ;

3) max|s|r | g ( s )   M ( s  3/4; ) |  ; here  M ( s  3/4; ) is defined by the equality

 M ( s  3/4; ) =  1  e
 2i p

p  s 3/4 .

Proof. We shall prove the lemma 3 by following S. M.Voronin’s work [24]. As

g (s) is an analytical in the circle | s | r , we shall consider an auxiliary function g ( s /  2 )

(  1,  2 r  1 / 4) which, for any   0 , satisfies the inequality max g ( s)  g ( s /  2 )   if 

s r

is set by a suitable way. Therefore, it is enough to prove the statement of the lemma 3 for
function g ( s /  2 ) in the circle | s | r . An advantage is consisted in that that the function
(r )
g ( s /  2 ) belongs to the space H 2 (a circle has a radius greater than r which is
important for the subsequent reasoning). Not breaking, therefore, a generality, we believe
that the function g (s ) is an analytical in the circle | s | r 2 , and we shall consider the
(r )
space H 2 .
The function log g ( s ) , in the conditions of the theorem, has no singularities in the

circle | s | r . Therefore, it is enough to prove an existence of a such element  , satisfying

conditions of the lemma 3, that

max | s| r | log g ( s )  log  M ( s  3/4; ) |  .

Let's put
2i k
uk ( s ) = log(1  e pk s 3/4 ),

taking for the logarithm a principal brunch. Using an expansion of logarithmic function into
the power series, we can write
2i k
u k ( s ) = e pk s 3/4   ( s ),
 ( s )  (1 / 2)e4i k pk2 s 3 / 2    O( pk2 r  3/2 ).

As r < 1/4 , we can find  > 0 such that 2  2r  3/2 < 1 . Then the definition of the
function u k (s) , together with the last inequality, shows that the series

 2i k
  ( s); (s) = e
k k pk s 3/4 ; n   ( y), (5)
k = n 1

differs from the series u (s) by an absolutely convergant series. At first, we shall prove

(r )
that at an appropriate  , for any function  ( s )  H 2 of Hardy space, there will be found

some permutation of the series  (s) , converging, in the sence of the norm of the space,

to the function  (s ) . The uniform convergence of this series, in the circle | s | r , to the
function  (s) , would follow from this according to the lemma 1. In particular, taking

 ( s )  log g ( s)  k  n (uk ( s )  k ( s ))  k  n uk ( s )

and considering the last remark, we would find some permutation of the series  k n
k ( s)

converging to the  (s ) . Since, the corresponding permutation of the series

 k n
(uk ( s)   k ( s)) converges to the previous its sum uniformly, then for any  there will

be found such a set of indexes M that

max  ( s) 
s r
 (s)   / 2.
k M , log p k  y

Let q ( s )  k  n 1 uk ( s)   k ( s)  . As this series converges absolutely, the mentioned

set M is possible to set by a such way that the following inequality was carried out

q(s)   u (s)   (s)   / 2 .

k M , k  n
k k

Then we shall receive:

 ( s)   ( s)  log g (s)   u (s)   ,
k M , log p k  y nM

and, thereby, the proof of the lemma 3 will be finished.

Let's consider the series (4) and apply the theorem 1, §6 of Appendix of [11]. For this
purpose, we shall prove feasibility of conditions of this theorem at the  chosen by a
suitable way.
At first taking R  r , we shall consider the space H 2( R ) . We have:
2 2
 k ( s )   e  2i k pk s  3 / 4 ddt R 2 pk2 r 3 / 2 .
s R

 
  (s) k  R 2  pk2 r 3 / 2   ,
k 1 k 1

i.e. the first condition of the theorem 1 mentioned above is satisfied.

Let now  ( s )  H 2( R ) be any element with the condition  ( s)  1. Let  (s) to have

the following expansion into the power series in the circle s  R :

 (s)   n s n .

 2
1  
s R
 s
n 0
n ddt.

To exchang of variables under the integral we put   r cos , t  r sin  , r  R

0    2 . Then,
  R 2
1    n m  r n  m 1  (cos 2 ( n  m)  i sin 2 (n  m) )d .
n  0 n 0 0 0

The interior integral is equal to 0 when m  n , and to 2 , otherwise. Hence,

   n R 2 n  2 ( n  1) 1  1. (5)
n 0

Let's prove now, that there is a point  , not dependent on the function  (s ) , such that


the series   (s), (s)  converges after of some permutation of its members. We have
k 1 k

2i k 2i k
( k ( s ), ( s )) =  Re   e pk s  3/4  ( s )ddt = Re[ e (log pk )],
| s | R

 ( x) =   e  x ( s  3/4)  ( s)ddt.
| s|  R

It is possible to present  (x) in a following form:

( x)  e 3 x / 4 
s R
 
(  sx) n / n!  
n 0

 n s n ddt 

 
 R 2 e3 x / 4  n  0 ( 1) n  n x n R 2 n /(n  1)!  R 2e3 x / 4 n  0  n ( xR) n / n!,

by denoting  n  ( 1) n R n n /(n  1) . From (5) one concludes:

 2
 n 1  n  1.
Hence,  n  1 . So, the function

m m
F (u )   u (6)
m = 0 m!

will be an entire function. Note that

 ( x)  R 2e 3 x / 4 F ( xR).
Let's prove that for any  > 0 there will be found a sequence u1 , u 2 ,... tending to
infinity and satisfying an inequality
 (1 2 ) u j
| F (u j ) |> ce . (7)

Let's admit, for this purpose, an opposite by letting an existence of a positive number   1
such that, at all enough large values of A  0 , the following inequality
F (u )  Ae(1 2 ) u

holds for all u  0 . In this case we have:

 u
e (1  )u F (u )  Ae ; u  0.

From proved above we get:

 n
F (u )  n0 u / n! e  u .

 u
e (1  ) u F (u )  e u  e .

From the received estimations we conclude an existence of an integral

(1  ) u 2
F (u ) du.

As the function (6) is an entire function of exponential type, the function

e(1 ) u F (u ) will be such a function also, and the last belongs to the class E  with   3
(see [43, p. 408]). Then, under the theorem of Paley and Wiener (see [43, p. 408]), it will be
found a finitary function f ( )  L2 ( 3,3) such that
e(1 ) u F (u )   f ( )e
d .

Taking the convers Fourier transformation, we find:

 e 
(1  ) u
f ( )  F (u ) e iu du.
2 

From the estimations found above it follows that this integral converges absolutely and
uniformly in the strip Im    / 2 and, consequently, represents an analytical function in

this strip. This contradicts finitaryness of f ( ) . The received contradiction proves an

existence of a sequence of points with the condition (7).
Denoting x j  u j / R , on the basis of (7), we can assert that
3 x j / 4 3 x j / 4  (1 2 ) x j R  x j ( R  2R  3 / 4 )
( x j )  ce F ( x j R )  ce e  ce .

Then R  2R  3 / 4  1 if   0 is small enough. Hence, there exists  0  0 such that

 (1 0 ) x j
( x j )  e . (8)

Let's consider the function (x) on the segment [ x j  1, x j  1 ]. Following by [24],

 
we put N  x j  1 . From an estimations for the coefficients  n we get:
2 2

n n

( xR) n ( xR) N 
( xR) n ( xR) N N
 ( xR )   n!  ( N 2 )!  
( N 2 )!
e ,
n  N 2 1 n! n  N 2 1 n0 n!

since for the integers n, m  0 we have (n  m)! n!( n  1)(n  m)  n!m!. If the natural
number m is great enough, then one has from the Stirling’s formula:
m! (m  1)  em log m  m  ( m / e) m .
2 N2

n n ( xR) N N 2
N2  N  2x
2 n! ( xR )  2
e  N 
  e N  e j ,
n  N 1 ( N )!  e 
at x  [ x j  1, x j  1 ]. Further,  n 0
 n ( xR) n / n! e xR . Analogically,
2 2

(3 x / 4) n (3 x / 4) N 
(3x / 4) n (3x / 4) N N 2x
 n!

( N 2 )!
 n !

( N 2
e  e j
n  N 2 1 n0

and  n 0
(3 x / 4) n / n! e 3 x / 4 when x  [ x j  1, x j  1 ]. Thus,

N2 2 4

 ( x)  R 2 
 3x / 4n N n N
 xR n  O(e  x j )   an x n  O(e x j ).
n0 n!

n  0 n! n 0

According to (8), we receive the inequality

 (1 0 ) x j
max | ( x) |> e ,
| x  x j |1

for any j  1, 2, ... . Let an  bn  icn , bn , cn  R . Then,

N4 N4
( x)   bn x  i  cn x n  O(e j ),

n 0 n0

therefore, for every j , at least, one of the following inequalities is executed:

n  (1  0 ) x j
max b x
| x  x j |1 n  0
n > 0.1e

n  (1  0 ) x j
max c x
| x  x j |1 n  0
n > 0.1e .

Let's consider the first possibility. Let x0 be a point where the maximum of modulus

is reached. We shall denote by  j some interval, laying in the interval [ x j  1, x j  1 ] and

containing the point x0 such that at every its point x the inequality

g ( x)  0.1 g ( x0 )
is satisfied. Let, for the definiteness, g ( x0 )  0; g ( x )   n  0 bn x n . If  j  [ x j  1, x j  1 ] (the

case of coincidence of intervals is trivial) then there will be found a point x1   j for which

g ( x1 )  0.1 g ( x0 ) .

Now we have:
g ( x0 )  g ( x1 )  0.5 g ( x0 ) .

Under the theorem of Lagrange there exist a point y j   j such that

g ( y j )( x1  x0 )  0.5 g ( x0 ) .

Applying the theorem 9, §2, [11], we find:

N 8 g ( x0 ) x1  x0  g ( y j )( x1  x0 )  0.5 g ( x0 ) .

So, the interval  j has a length not less than 0.5 x j 8 . For definiteness, we shall put

 j   ,     . Under C.J. Valle-Poisson theorem the interval  j contains, at least

e    
dx eu
  O (e   ec 
)  du  O(e   ec 
log x 

e    e  e

 
 e  1 
 O  c    

e 
prime numbers. Selecting the primes pk for which pk  y, k  0(mod 4) , we put  k  0 . In

the case, when g ( x0 )  0 , we take the primes pk  y, k  2(mod 4) and put  k  1 / 2 .

2i k

 ( k( s ), ( s)) =
log p k  j , k  0 (mod 4 ) log p k  
 Re[e
, k  0 (mod 4 )
(log pk )] 

x  (1  0 ) x j 0x j / 2
 e j e x j 9  e .

Further, at the second possibility, i.e. when the inequality

n  (1  0 ) x j
max c x
| x  x j |1 n  0
n > 0.1e

is executed, we select the primes pk , with k  1(mod 4) , taking  k  1 / 4 , if the maximal

value of a modulus of the polynomial in the point x0 is negative; otherwise we take k with

k  3(mod 4) and put  k  3 / 4 .

Thus, there exist an infinite set of indexes with the condition
0x j / 2
 ( k( s),  ( s))  e
log p k  j , k  0  2 (mod 4 )

and an infinite set of other values of j for which

0x j / 2
  ( k( s),  ( s )) e
log p k  j , k 1 3 (mod 4 )

Hence, the series

( (s), (s))

n =1

contains two subseries, having not common components and being divergent, accordingly,
to   and to   . From the estimations proved earlier we conclude also that
| ( x) | R 2 e x/2 .
Further, we have | ( k ( s ),  ( s )) | 0 as k   . Then, some permutation of the series

( (s), (s))

n =1

converges conditionally. Therefore, on the theorem 1, §6, [11], there is a permutation of the
series  u ( s) converging uniformly to the function  ( s )   p
pn > y n
u n ( s ) . Taking a long

enough partial sum, we receive the necessary result. The lemma 2 is proved.
3. The basic auxiliary result.
Let,    , ( ) = { |   } and ( ) means the closed set of all limit points of
the sequence ( ) . For real t we denote {t} = ({tn }) where  = (n ) . Let  to denote

the product of linear Lebesgue measures m given on the interval [0,1]:  = m  m     . In

the  it may be defined the Tikhonov metric by folloüing expression

d ( x. y )   e1 n xn  yn .
n 1

Lemma 3. Let A   be a finite-symmetric subset of a measure of zero and
 = (n ) is an unbounded, monotonically increasing sequence of positive real numbers any
finite subfamily of elements of which is linearly independent over the field of rational
numbers. Let B  A be any open, in the Tichonov metric, subset with  (B) <  ,
E0 = {0  t  1 | {t}  A  {t}  B}.

Then, we have m( E0 )  6c where c is an absolute constant, m designates the

Lebesgue measure.
Proof. Let  be any small positive number. As numbers n are linearly independent,

then for any finite permutation  we have ({t1n })  ({t 2  ( n ) }) when t1  t 2 . Really,

otherwise we would receive equality {t1s }  {t 2 s } for enough large natural s , i.

e. (t1  t 2 )s = k , k  Z . Writing down the same equality for some other natural r > m we
have the relationship
k1s  kr
k1/r  k/s = =0
r s
which contradicts the linear independence of numbers n . Hence, for any pair of various

numbers t1 and t 2 one has ({t1n })  {({t 2 ( n ) }) |   } . On the lemma’s condition there

exist a family of open spheres B1 , B2 ,... (in the Tikhonov metric, introduced above) such
that each sphere does not contain any other sphere from this family (the sphere, containing
in other one, can be deleted), thus

A  B  B j ,  ( B j ) < 1.5 .
j =1

Now we take some finite permutation    defined by equalities  (1) = n1 ,

...,  ( k ) = nk where natural numbers are picked up as follows. At first we take such N that

 ( BN ) < 2 1 ,

where BN is a projection of the sphere B1 into the subspace of first N co-ordinate axes

and  ( B1 ) =  1 . We shall cover BN with cubes with an edge of  and with a total measure

not exceeding 3 1 . We put k = N and define the numbers n1 ,..., nk , using following
n > 1, n1 < (1/4)n1 , n1 < (1/4)n1 ,..., n1 < (1/4)n1 ,  < 1. (9)
1 2 1 3 2 k k 1

Now we take any cube with an edge of  and with the centre in some
point ( m )1m k . Then, the point ({tn }) will belong to this cube if

| {tn }   m | .
m 2
From the definition of a fractional part at m = 1 for some whole r one has:
r  1  /2 r  1  /2
t  . (10)
n 1
n 1

The measure of a set of the such t does not exceed the value n1 . The number of such

intervals corresponding to different values of r = [tn ]  1  n  1 does not exceed

1 1

[n ]  2  n  2.
1 1

The total measure of corresponding intervals is

 (n  2)n1  (1  2n1 ) .
1 1 1

Now we consider one of intervals (10); taking m = 2 , we shall have

s   2  /2 s   2  /2
t  (11)
n 2
n 2

with s = [tn ]  1  n  1 . As we consider conditions (10) and (11) simultaneously, we

2 2

must estimate a total measure of intervals (11) which have nonempty intersections with
intervals of a kind (10), using conditions (9). The number of intervals of a kind (11), with
the length n1 , having with one interval of a kind (10) nonempty intersection, does not

exceed the value

[n1n ]  2  n1n  2.
1 2 1 2

Then the measure of a set of values, t for which the conditions (10) and (11) are satisfied
simultaneously, does not exceed

(n  2)(2  n1n )n1 .
1 1 2 2

It is possible to continue these reasoning considering all conditions of a kind

l    /2 l    /2
t  , m = 1,..., k .
n n
m m

Then we find the following estimation for a measure of a set m( ) of such t for
which the points ({tn }) contained by a cub with an edge  :

m( )  (2  n )(2  n1n )  (2  n1 n ).

1 1 2 k 1 k

Making simple transformations, we find, using the conditions (9):

m( )  ( 2  n1 )(2  n11n2 )  ( 2  n1k 1 nk )n1k   k  (1  2m 2 )
m 1

Summing over all such cubes, for a measure of a set of such t for which ({tn })  B1 , we

receive the final estimation of a kind  3c , c > 0 .

We must notice that the sequence  = (n ) , defined above, depends on  . We for

each sphere Bk shall fix some sequence  k , using the conditions (9). Considering all such

spheres, we denote  0 = { k | k = 1,2,...} . As the set A is a finite-symmetrical, a measure

of a set of values of t , interesting us, is possible to estimate by using of any sequence  k

because, as it has been shown above, the sets ({t}) for different values of t have empty
Let's prove that for any point t  E0 the set ({t}) contained in the union  k n

for some n . Really, let at some t  E0 all members of the sequence ({t}) does not

contained in the union  k n

Bk , for any natural n . Two cases are possible: 1) there will be

a point   ({t}) belonging to infinite number of spheres Bk ; 2) there will be a sequence

of elements  j , j   ({t}) which does not contained in any finite union of spheres Bk .

We shall consider both possibilities separately and shall prove that they lead to the contra-

1) Let   Bk1 , Bk 2 , Bk 3 ,... are all spheres to which the element  belongs. We shall

denote d the distance from  to the bound of Bk1 . As Bk1 is open set, then d  0 . Let Bk

be any sphere of radius  d / 2 from the list above, containing the point  . From the told it
follows that the sphere Bk should contained in the sphere Bk1 . But it contradicts the

agreement accepted above.

2) Let  be some limit point of the sequence (  j ). According to the condition of the

lemma 3   Bs for some s . Let d denotes the distance from  to the bound of Bs . As 

is a limit point, then a sphere with the centre in the point  and radius d / 4 contains an
infinite set of members of the sequence (  j ), say members  j1 , j 2 ,... . According to 1), each

point of this sequence can belong only to finite number of spheres. So the specified
sequence will be contained in a union of infinite subfamily of spheres Bk . Among them
will be found infinitely many number of spheres having radius  d / 4 . All of them, then,
should contained in the sphere Bs . The received contradiction excludes the case 2) also.

So, for any t  E0 it will be found such n for which ({t})   k n

Bk . From here it

follows that the set E0 can be represented as a union of subsets Ek ,k = 1,2,... , where

Ek = {t  E0 | (t )  Bs }.


E0 = Ek ; Ek  Ek 1 ( k  1).
k =1

Further, m( E0 )  lim m( Ek ) , in agree with [42, p. 368]. As it has been noted, m( Ek ) is

k 

possible to estimate using any sequence    0 :

m( Ek )  limsup m( Ek ()) ,
 0

where Ek () = {t  Ek | ({t})  s  k Bs } . Hence,

m( Ek ( ))   s  k m( E ( s ) ()) ,

where E ( k ) () = {t  E0 | ({t})  Bk } . Applying the lemma 3, we find (by choosing
suitable  ):
m( E ())  6c( 1     k ) .
Passing to the limit, as k   , we receive a demanded result. The proof of the lemma 3 is
Note. For completeness, we shall show that in the cube  a regular measure may be
constructed by using of open sets. At first we define the volume of the sphere of a radius
B(0, r )  х   | d ( x,0)  r.
Since | x n | 1 , then for the natural number N we have
 

 e1n | xn | e  N  e n  e1 N .
n  N 1 n 0

Taking arbitrarily small real number   0 we get

1 n
e | x n | d ( x,0)   e1n | xn | 
n 1 n 1

when N  log e 1 . Therefore,

BN (0, r   )  [0,1]    B (0, r )  BN (0, r )  [0,1]   ,

where BN (0, r ) denotes the projection of the sphere B(0, r ) into the subspace of first N

coordinate axis. Then, for the volume  N (r ) of the sphere BN (0, r ) , we have (see [18,
 N (r ) -  N (r   ) =  dx1  dx N =2N  du  

r  u  r N 
r    e1 n | xn |r  e1 nun u
n 1 n 1

  2N  ,

and the last integral is an surface integral over the surface M defined by the equation
1 n
n 1
u n  u, 0  u k  1 ; (3)

here  is a gradient of the linear function on the left side of the latest equality, i.e.

  1  e 2    e 2  2 N .

Defining u1 from (3) we get

1 1
   du 2  du N  1 .
 0 0

So, we have
 N (r ) -  N ( r   )   2 N . (4)

By taking the greatest N , satisfying the condition N  log e 1 , i.е. N  [log e 1 ]  1 , we

may write   e 2 N . Then from (4) it is follows that

 N (r ) -  N (r   )  2 N e 2 N  0
as N   , or as   0 . Since the sequence  N (r )  is monotonically decreasing, then

B N 1 (0, r )  B N (0, r )  [0,1] .

So, it is bounded with the lower bound  N 0 (r / 2) , with N 0  [log 2er 1 ]  1 . Therefore,

there exists a limit

lim B N (0, r   )  lim B N (0, r )   (r )
 0 N 

which we receive as a measure of the sphere B(0, r ) .

On this bases it may be introduced the measure in the  by known way by using of
open spheres. An open sphere we define as an intersection   B( , r ) . The elementary set
we define as a set being gotten by finite number of operations of unionize, taking
differences or complements of open spheres. The exterior and interior measures are
introduced by known way. This measure will be, as it seen from the reasoning above, a
regular measure. As it is clear (see [p. 182]), every measurable set, in the meaning of
introduced measure, is measurable in the meaning of product Lebesgue measure also. It is
the theme of another consideration the question on the connection between this measure
and Haar or product measures. For us it is enough that every set of zero measure can be
overlaped by an enumerable union of spheres with the arbitrarily small total measure.
4. Local approximation.
Lemma 4. There is a sequence of points ( k ) ( k  ) and natural numbers (mk )

such that

lim Fk ( s  3/4, k ) =  ( s  3/4)

k 

as  k  0 in the circle | s | r ,0 < r < 1/4 uniformly by s .

Proof. Let y > 2 to denote a positive integer which more precisely will be defined
below. We put
y0 = y, y1 = 2 y0 ,..., ym = 2 ym 1 = 2 m y0 ,....
From the lemma 1 it follows that for a given positive number  and y > 2 there will

be found a set M 1 of primes and a point 1 = ( p0 ) pM such that M 1 contains all primes

p  y with  p0  0 and
 2i 0p  s  3/4 
max |  ( s  3/4)  1 ( s  3/4) |  ;1 ( s  3/4) =  1  e p  .
| s | r pM1 

Now, denoting m1 = max mM1 m , we put

 2i 0 
F1 ( s  3/4; ) =  1  e p p  s 3/4 
p  m1  

 2i 0 
h1 ( s  3/4; ) = F1 ( s  3/4; )  1  e p p  s 3/4   1;
pM 1  

here  p =  p0 for p  M 1 . Let n to denote the natural number which the cononical

factorization contains only primes p , p  M 1 , p  m1 and

2i  p \n  p p 
an ( ) = e ;n = p p .

If r   < 1/4 , we have

  
1 | s | r  
| h1 ( s  3/4; ) |2 ddt d  
   | h ( s  3/4; ) |2 d ddt 
  1 
| s|  r    1 

4 ( r   ) 2 1/2  2 r  2
  ( r   ) 2 max  | an ( ) n  s  3/4 |2 d  y ;
 | s|  r   1 n> y 1  4r  4

here 1 means a projection of  into the subspace of co-ordinate axes  p , p  M 1 . Then

from the inequality received above follows an existence of a point 1 = ( p ) pM such that

4 (r   ) 2 1/2  2 r  2
 | h1 ( s  3/4;1) |2 ddt  y ,
| s|  r   1  4r  4
1  1 2 
max | h1 ( s  3/4;1) | 2   | s| r | h1 (s  3/4;1) | ddt   c( ) y  r 1/4
| s|  r  2
(see [42 p. 345]) where c( ) > 0 is a constant. Hence, taking  0 = ( p0 ) pM and

1 = ( 0 ,1) , we define y = y0 , satisfying the condition

( A  1)c( ) y0r  1/4   ; A = max |  (3/4  s ) | .

| s|  r

Then, one have

max |  (3/4  s )  F1 (3/4  s;1 ) | 

| s|  r

 max |  (3/4  s)  1 (3/4  s) |  | 1 (3/4  s) |  | h1 (3/4  s;1) | 

| s | r

   ( A  1)c( ) y0r  1/4  2 .

Now, we replace  by /2 . There is a set of prime numbers M 2 , containing all of

prime numbers p  2 y0 = y1 and satisfying, by the lemma 1, the condition

max |  (3/4  s )   2 (3/4  s) | /2 ,

| s|  r

 2i (1) 
 2 ( s  3/4) =  1  e p p  s 3/4  ,
pM 2  

and  p(1) = 0 when p  y1 . Analogically, as above, one defines the functions

 1  e  ;m
2i p 1
F2 ( s  3/4; ) = p  s 3/4 2  max m
mM 2
p  m2


h2 ( s  3/4; ) = F2 ( s  3/4; )  1  e  2 i p

p  s  3/4  1;
pM 1

in a similar way, and finds a point  2   2 (  2 is a projection of  into the subspace of

co-ordinate axes of  p , pM 2 ) such that

1  ( r   1/4)
max |  (3/4  s)  F2 (3/4  s; 2 ) | 2  , 2 = (1 , 2 ).
| s|  r

| F2 (3/4  s )   2 (3/4  s ) |=|  2 (3/4  s) |  | h2 (3/4  s; 2 ) | .
Now, taking mean values as above, we receive
 1 1 2 
max | h2 ( s  3/4; 2 ) | 2   | s| r | h2 (s  3/4;2 ) | ddt   c( )(2 y0 ) r 1/4 .
| s|  r  2
1 ( r   1/4)
max |  (3/4  s)  F2 (3/4  s; 2 ) | /2  2  , 2 = (1 , 2 ).
| s|  r

Repeating a like reasoning, for every k > 1 , it can be found  k 1 = ( k , k 1 )  , k =

 ( pk ) pM such that  pk = 0 when p  yk , and

k 1

1  k ( r   1/4)
max |  (3/4  s)  Fk 1 (3/4  s; k 1 ) | 2 ;
| s|  r

 2i 0 
Fk 1 ( s  3/4; ) =  1  e p p  s 3/4  ; mk 1 = max m.
p  mk 1   mM k 1

Therefore, uniformly by s, | s | r we have

lim Fk (3/4  s, k ) =  (3/4  s).

k 

The lemma 4 is proved.

5. Proof of the theorem.
Now we shall consider an integral

Bk = 

| s | r
| Fk 1 (3/4  s; k 1   )  Fk (3/4  s; k   ) | dd d 

for k = 0,1,... , and if k = 0 , then one put F0 (3/4  s; 0   ) = 0 . Applying Schwartz's ineq-
uality and changing an order of integration, we find as above:
2 2   2i ( np  p )  s  3/4  2
B  4r
k  dd  |
| s|  r 
 1  e

p  |

 d p 
p  2 k 1 y 0 p  2 k 1 y 0

  
n 2 r  2  3/2  c 2k 1 y0 2 r  2 11/2
; c  0.
n > 2 k 1 y 0

Since 2 r  2  1/2 < 0 , then from this estimation it follows the convergence of the
series below

 
k =1
| s|  r
| Fk (3/4  s; k   )  Fk 1 (3/4  s; k 1   ) | dd (12)

almost everywhere (for every    0 from the subset  0 of a measure 1 and the set

A =  \  0 is finite-symmetrical). According to Yegorov's theorem (see [40, p. 166]) this

series converges almost uniformly. It means that this series converges uniformly in the
outside of some open set  ,      for every given   0 . Put 1     , we

can assume, that  1   0 and the set A  1 is finite-symmetrical (otherwise it is
possible to take the set of all finite permutations of all its elements). There will be found
some enumarable family of spheres Br with a total measure, not exseeding  , the union of
which contains the set A  1 . For every natural n we define the set n (t ) as a set of all

limit points of the sequence  n ( )  { |      (1)  1     ( n)  n} . Let

B ( n ) = {t | {t}  A  'n ({t})  r 1 Br }, n = (1/2 ) log pn n = 1,2,... .

For every t the sequence  n 1 ({t}) is a subsequence of the sequence  n ({t}) .

Therefore, n 1 ({t})  n ({t}) and we have B ( n )  B ( n1) . We will have the inequality

m( B)  sup m( B (n ) ) , denoting B = nB ( n ) .


Let's estimate m( B (n ) ) . The set 'n ({t}) is a closed set. Clearly, if we will

"truncate" sequences {t} , leaving only components {tn } with indexes greater than n and

will denote the truncated sequence as {t}   , then the set ' ({t} ) also will be closed.

Now we consider the products [0,1]n  {{t}} (external brackets designate the set of one
element) for every t . We have
{t}  [0,1]n  {{t}}  A.
(The example below shows that from the feasibility of the last relationship it does not
follow the equality A =  . Let I = [0,1];U = [0;1/2];V = [1/2;1] and

X 0 = U  U  , X 1 = V  U  ,

X 2 = I  V  U  , X s 1 = I s  V  U  ,....

Clearly, that  ( X s ) = 0 for all s . Let

X = X s .

So, we have X = [0,1]s  X for any natural s . Then  (X ) = 0 and X   ).

Let (1 ,..., n )  [0,1]n . There exist a neighborhood V  [0,1]n of this point such that

(1 ,..., n ,{t} )  V  W  r Br , for some neighborhood W of the point {t} . Since the

set [0,1]n is closed, then they can be found a finite number of open sets V the union of

which contain [0,1]n . The intersection of corresponding open sets W , being an open set,
contains the point {t} . Therefore, we have

[0,1]n  {{t} }  V  W  [0,1]n  W  Br , (13)

r R

for each considered point t . The similar relationship is fair in the case when the point {t}

would be replaced by any limit point  of the sequence ({t}) also, because   Br . If

one denote by B the union of all open sets of a kind  rR r

B , corresponding to every

possible values of t and of a limit point  , we shall receive the relation

{t}  [0,1]n  {{t} }  A  [0,1]n  B  r 1 Br ,

for each considered values of t and

{ }  [0,1]n  { }  A  [0,1]n  B  r 1 Br ,

for each limit point  . From this it follows the inequality  * ( B)   where  * means an
external measure. The set B is open and ({t} )  B . Now we can apply the lemma 3

and receive an estimation m( B ( n ) )  6c . Thus, we have m( B )  6c .

Let t  B . Then, t  B (n ) for every n = yk , k = 1,2,3,... . Consequently, for every k ,

there is a such limit point k   \ rBr of the sequence  n ({t}) for which the series

 
l =1
| s|  r
| Fl (3/4  s; l  k )  Fl 1 (3/4  s; l 1  k ) | dd

converges. As the set  \ rBr is closed, the limit point  = ({t}) of the sequence (k )

will belong to the set  \ rBr . Therefore, the series

 
l =1
| s|  r
| Fl (3/4  s; l  i{t})  Fl 1 (3/4  s; l 1  i{t}) | dd (14)

converges, because it converges on this set uniformly.

So, the series (14) converges for every t with exception of values of t from some set
of a measure, not exceeding 12c . Owing to randomness of  , last result shows a
convergence of (14) for almost all t (clearly, the condition 0  t  1 can be omitted now).
Then, on a lemma 2, for any given  0 < 1 the sequence

Fk (3/4  s; k  i{t}), (15)

for all such t converges uniformly in the circle | s | r 0 ( 0 < 1) to some analytical function

f ( s  3 / 4; t ) :

lim Fk (3/4  s  it; k ) = f ( s  3 / 4; t ).

k 

Despite the received result we cannot use t as a variable becaus the left and right
parts of this equality can differ in their arguments (the right part is defined as a limit of the
sequence (15) where t enters into the expression of a discontinuous function {t} ). Hence,
the principle of analytical continuation cannot be applied. To finish the theorem proof, we
take any great real number T . As, considered values of t are everywhere dense in an
interval [T , T ] , the union of the circles

C (t ) = {3/4  it  s :| s | r 0 }

contains the rectangle 3/4  r 02  Re( s  3/4)  3/4  r 02 ,T  Im( s  3/4)  T in which
the condi-tions of the lemma 2 are executed for the series
F1 ( s  3/4;1 )  ( F2 ( s  3/4; 2 )  F1 ( s  3/4;1 ))  . (16)
Hence, by the lemma 2, this series defines an analytical function in the considered
rectangle which coincides with  (3/4  s) in the inside of the circle C (0) . To apply a
principle of analytical continuation we take one-coneted open domain where both functions
log F* ( s ) and log  ( s) are regular (here function F* ( s) is a sum of the series (16)). Let
1 ,...,  L to designate all possible zeroes of the function  (s ) in the considered rectangle a
contour of which does not contain zeroes of the function  (s ) . We take cross-cuts along
segments 1/2  Re s  Re l , Im s = Im l , l = 1,..., L. In the open domain of the considered

rectangle, not containing specified segments, the functions log F* ( s ) and log  ( s) are
regular. Then, by the principle of analytical continuation, the equality F* ( s) =  ( s ) is
executed in all open domain defined above. Now we receive justice of an equality
F* ( s ) =  ( s) in the all rectangle (without cross-cats) where both functions are regular. The
theorem’s proof is finished.
6. Proof of the consequence.
The conclusion of the consequence based on the theorem of Rouch’e ( see [42, p.
137]). Let t be any real number. We shall prove that for any 0 < r < 3/4 in the domain,
bounded by the circle C = {s || s  3/4  it | r} , the function  (s ) has not zeroes. Let
m = min |  ( s ) | .

Since the C is a compact set, clearly m  0 . Under the theorem, there exist n = n(t ) such
that the following inequality is executed:
|  ( s )  Fn ( s; n ) | 0.25 m

on and in the contour of C . Then on the C the inequality:

|  ( s )  Fn ( s; n ) ||  ( s) |

is satisfied. From the theorem of Rouch’e it follows that the functions  (s ) and Fn ( s; n )

have an identical number of zeroes inside C . But, the function Fn ( s; n ) has no zeroes in

the circle C . Hence,  (s ) also has no zeroes in the circle C . As t is any, from the last we
conclude that the strip  r < Re s  3/4 < r for any 0 < r < 1/4 is free from the zeroes of the
function  (s ) . The consequence is proved.
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