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What is Social Justice

Social justice is the equal distribution of resources and opportunities, in which outside
factors that categorize people are irrelevant.

A Brief History

The word duo, social justice, was roughly combined in the mid 1850’s as it was
frequently used in Catholic text soon there after. Simultaneously, there were unrelated
uses of this term by non-Catholic writers (sometimes of a different faith), but they
relayed the same core idea that all members of a society should have equal benefits
and opportunities.

In its early days, the term social justice specifically targeted poverty and the need for an
equal distribution of resources. Today, the term has acquired a broader and more
detailed definition (including issues of segregation) that accounts for specific modes of
moral treatment.

The blueprint for achieving social justice is often structured by governmental

implementation of laws/rights that provide equal distribution of resources and
opportunities, which in effect protects human dignity. If a government supports
inequality with oppressive laws then it is up to a non-government coalition to stimulate
the change of such laws in a non-violent manner.

Who is Responsible?

In the United States, categories of race and gender can no longer be legally used as
grounds for discrimination, but socially these categories are often targeted, by way of
unfair treatment. While this type of social inequality may be recognized by the general
public, people frequently find solace in the idea that the responsibility lies only with the
perpetrator of social inequality. By taking a blind eye, these issues grow larger and
become more engrained into society. Social justice and social equality is every
individual’s responsibility to uphold and protect.

Aside from the social justice issues that are recognized and not addressed, a whole
slew of other social justice issues exist that have yet to be globally acknowledged.
These unattended social justice issues are often a result of consumerism and it is the
environmental and societal rights of the under-industrialized world that often bare the
brunt of these injustices.
A Change in Mentality

The Pachamama Alliance is an organization whose mission is to reach out to the public
and inform them of the these social inequality issues that plague the globe. Specifically,
The Pachamama Alliance wants to inspire the “modern world” to take responsibility for
its actions and the consequences that follow.

The three legs of The Pachamama Alliance’s mission are environmental sustainability,
social justice and spirituality; all of which are deeply interconnected. Our current
dependence on oil and our disconnection to the earth results in social and
environmental justice issues, such as environmental racism and overall environmental

Our Social Justice Tool

Our The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium creates an open and judgment-free space
to learn and evaluate the current environmental, social, and spiritual state of the world
as well as consider the solutions that exist.

Learn More About the Symposium

An Online Course for a Socially Just World

Get into action for a just and sustainable future with the Game Changer Intensive, a
seven-week online course for people who want to change the world.

Learn About the Online Course

More on Social Justice

Social InjusticesSocial InequalitySocial Responsibility & Ethics

Welcoming the Year of the Monkey as Impassioned LeadersWe Are the

Universe Becoming Aware of Itself

Ode to the Game Changer: A Poem about Personal Transformation

Donate to Pachamama Alliance

Your donation will be used to protect indigenous
lands and to share our educational programs with
people who are ready to take bold, effective
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