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All of us know how important it is to protect our environment and we hear about the negative effects
that our lifestyles have on nature and our world every day. A very serious result of our careless living
is pollution. One of the main effects of pollution is global warming, for example, which causes the
changes in our climate and makes temperature rise. This leads to many problems for humans, plants
and animals. Global warming has been present since the end of the 19th century, but we are still not
doing enough to stop it. We are still polluting our earth.

The three main kinds of pollution are: air, water and land pollution. Let’s talk about them in details.

Air pollution
Air pollution means that the air we breathe becomes dirty and bad for our health. Air is polluted by
natural activities like forest fires and volcanic eruptions, but human activity is even more polluting.
Our consumer society is based on manufacturing. We need factories to produce the things we buy
and power plants for electricity, which emit high levels of carbon monoxide, methane and other
chemicals into the air through the fumes and smoke that come out of their chimneys. Burningfossil
fuels like oil, gas and coal for transportation also results in smog and serious air pollution. These are
directly pumped into the air as primary pollutants. Contaminated air can cause respiratory and lung
diseases apart from the climate change. But methane, for example, is also produced by the animals
we keep for food and by the tons of decomposing garbage in landfills. The chemicals we use in our
household can also be great pollutants. You should check what cleaning and hygienic products you
spray into the air! Ways to fight air pollution are straightforward: be less dependent on polluting
transportation - ride a bike more and use the car less if you can’t have an environmentally friendly
one. Buy less new, non-recyclable products and check if they are environmentally friendly or not.
Recycle your waste and use less electricity!

to protect - védeni, óvni

environment - környezet
effect - hatás
lifestyle - életmód
result of - valaminek az eredménye
careless - gondatlan, figyelmetlen
pollution - szennyezés
global warming - globális felmelegedés
to rise - emelkedni
to lead - vezetni valamihez
to pollute - szennyezni
to breathe - lélegezni
forest fire - erdőtűz
volcanic eruption - vulkánkitörés
human - ember, emberi
consumer society - fogyasztói társadalom
manufacturing - gyártás
power plant - erőmű
to emit - kibocsájtani
carbon monoxide - széngáz
methane - metán
chemical - vegyi anyag, vegyszer
fume - gőz, füst
chimney - kémény
fossil fuel - állati maradványból képződött energiaforrás
to result in - eredményezni valamit, vezetni valamire
to be pumped into - kifújva/kipumpálva lenni
pollutant - szennyező (anyag)
contaminated - szennyezett
respiratory - légzési/légzőszervi
lung disease - tüdőbaj, tüdőbetegség
apart from - valamitől eltekintve, valamin kívül
to decompose - felbomlani
landfill - (szemét)lerakóhely
household - háztartás
hygienic product - tisztálkodási termék
straightforward - egyértelmű/egyszerű
to be dependent on - függni valamitől
environmentally friendly - környezetbarát
non-recyclable - nem újrahasznosítható
waste - hulladék


Talking about weather is a good way of starting a conversation. People talk about the weather on the
phone and in person. Friends and family talk about the weather before they discuss what's new. Co-
workers talk about the weather before starting a hard day of work. Even strangers discuss the
weather.If you want to talk about the weather, you can use a lot of words and expressions. When we
talk about the weather we usually tell how many degrees it is outside, for example, "It is eighty-five
degrees (Fahrenheit)./It is twenty-nine degrees (Celsius)." If we want to find out how the weather is
going to be we can listen to the weather report on the radio or on TV. Weather forecasts usually give
information about the current day and about the next five days. Listening to the weather forecast helps
people decide what to wear when they go outside.

conversation - beszélgetés
on the phone - telefonon
in person - személyesen
to discuss – megvitat, beszélget
what’s new – mi újság
co-worker - munkatárs
stranger - idegen
expression - kifejezés
degree – (hő)fok
weather report – időjárás-jelentés
on the radio - rádióban
on TV - tévében
weather forecast - időjárás-jelentés
current - aktuális, jelenlegi
to decide - elhatároz
This is CBB and I'm Melanie Smith with weather. We couldn't ask for a better day for the first day of
spring. Right now it's fifteen degrees and clear. We're expecting blue skies throughout the day with
a ten percent chance of showers! It's raining cats and dogs up north, so we should see rain by
morning. Unfortunately this good weather can't last forever! Don't forget your umbrella tomorrow.
And now, let’s continue with local news.

We couldn’t ask for … - Nem is kérhettünk volna …

right now - éppen most
degree - (hő)fok
clear (weather) - tiszta időjárás
to expect - vár, elvár, remél
throughout - mindenütt
percent - százalék
chance of - esélye valaminek
shower - zápor
It’s raining cats and dogs. - Úgy esik, mintha dézsából öntenék.
Unfortunately - sajnos
It can’t last forever. - Nem tarthat örökké.
local news - helyi hírek


- összetett szavak a 'nap' szóval -

Combine ‘sun’ with the right word from the list to fill in the gaps with a compound word!

a) shine
b) burn
c) set
d) flower
e) beam
f) glasses
g) rise
h) tan
i) bathe
j) screen

1) Her skin is so light and sensitive, she should always wear sun.......... in the summer.
2) Sun.......... seeds are a great source of vitamin E.
3) Of course she always has such a nice sun.......... . She lives in Miami.
4) My cat always finds a sun.......... to lie in.
5) People can get really depressed if there is no sun.......... .
6) Isn’t watching a sun.......... ever so romantic?
7) I hate going to work in winter because I have to get up before sun.......... .
8) He spent the whole day outside in the sun and he came home with a terrible sun.......... .
9) I love her new sun.......... although I think they are huge for her head.
10) You mustn’t sun.......... during the midday hours.

Answer: 1) j, 2) d, 3) h, 4) e, 5) a, 6) c, 7) g, 8) b, 9) f, 10) i

sunshine - napsütés
sunburn - leégés
sunset - naplemente
sunflower - napraforgó
sunbeam - napsugár
sunglasses - napszemüveg
sunrise - napfelkelte
suntan - napbarnított (bőr)
to sunbathe - napozni
sunscreen - napolaj


brighten up the day
meaning:if someting brightens up your day, something happens that makes you feel positive and
happy all day long
magyarul: jó napja lesz valakinek valamitől
example:The news brightened up my day.- A hírtől tegnap egész nap jó napom volt.

calm before the storm

meaning: a calm time immediately before period of violent activity or argument is the calm before the
magyarul: vihar előtti csend
example:The meeting may be peaceful now, but this is only the calm before the storm.– Lehet, hogy
most még békés a találkozó, de ez csak a vihar előtti csend.

chase rainbows
meaning:if someone chases rainbows, they try to do something that they will never achieve
magyarul: ábrándokat, álmokat kerget
example:I don't think my parents ever believed I'd make it as an actor. I think they thought I was just
chasing rainbows. – Nem hiszem, hogy a szüleim valaha is hittek abban, hogy színész leszek. Azt
hiszem azt gondolták, hogy csak álmokat kergetek.

cloud nine
meaning:if you are on cloud nine, you are extremely happy
magyarul: nagyon boldognak lenni, hetedik mennyországban van
example:Danny was on cloud nine after winning the marathon.– Danny a hetedik mennyországban
volt, miután megnyerte a maratont.

every cloud has a silver lining

meaning:people sometimes say that every cloud has a silver lining to comfort somebody who’s having
magyarul: minden rosszban van valami jó is
example:I'm sorry your business is going badly, but don't despair. Every cloud has a silver lining. –
Sajnálom, hogy rosszul megy az üzlet, de ne ess kétségbe. Minden rosszban van valami jó is.

rainy day
meaning:if you save something, especially money, for a rainy day, you save it for some possible
problem or trouble in the future
magyarul: ínséges napok, nehéz napok (amire spórolunk, főleg pénzt)
example:I am saving for a rainy day. – Ínséges napokra spórolok.
storm in a teacup/tempest in a teapot
meaning:if someone exaggerates a problem or makes a small problem seem far greater than it really
is, then they are making a storm in a teacup
magyarul: vihar a biliben:-)
example:I just can’t understand all that fuss about it. It’s just a storm in a teacup. – Nem is értem ezt a
nagy felhajtást. Ez csak vihar a biliben.


Florist: Hello. May I help you?
Man: Hello. Yes, I’m looking for some nice flowers for my girlfriend.
Florist: On what occasion, if I may ask you. Birthday? Anniversary or just for a date?
Man: It’s her birthday … and I’m organising a surprise party for her tonight.
Florist: That’s sweet! So you definitely don’t want any potted plants now.
Man: No, not really. I think a dozen roses or a colourful bouquet would be the best.
Florist: If I were you, I’d choose the roses.
Man: All right. Then make me a bouquet of a dozen roses.
Florist: Okay. I’ll arrange them with some greenery and gift-wrap the bouquet.
Man: Thank you. Do you sell chocolates and gift cards, too?
Florist: Yes, we do. Would you like to see them?
Man: Yes, please. Okay, I need this small red card, and a box of Belgian chocolates.
Florist: Certainly. Here they are.
Man: How much will that be?
Florist: £42.9.

May I help you?– Segíthetek?
I’m looking for … . – …t keresek.
On what occasion? – Milyen alkalomból?
I’m organising a/an … for … . – Szervezek …-nak/-nek egy …-t.
That’s sweet! – Ez nagyon kedves!
So you definitely don’t want any … . – Szóval egész biztosan nem akar …-t.
If I were you … . – Az ön helyében én … .
All right. – Rendben van.
Do you sell …? – Árul …-t?
Would you like to see it/them. – Szeretné látni (azt/azokat)?
Certainly. – Természetesen./Persze.
How much will that be? – Mennyi lesz?

to look for– keresni valamit
occasion – alkalom
anniversary – évforduló
date – randi
to organise something – szervezni valamit
surprise party – meglepetés buli
definitely – határozottan/kifejezetten
a dozen of … – egy tucat …
colourful bouquet – színes csokor
to arrange – elrendez
greenery – zöld (levelek, díszítés)
to gift-wrap – ajándékcsomagolást készíteni
gift card –ajándékkártya
hogyan írjunk panaszlevelet

Everyone has consumer rights. You have the right to know what you will receive before you pay for a
product or service. When you are not satisfied, you have to make a complaint to get your money back
or to have the product replaced.

Review what happened and think about your options and rights. Consider the facts of the case, and
what you want to happen. If you are not sure what your rights are, or how to proceed, contact a
consumer group and discuss the situation. Talking with such an organization may help you decide how
to handle the problem. Pay attention to all printed information you have about the case, such as ads
you responded to, brochures, warranty, guarantee, all letters between you and the business and any
other papers you received from the company, including agreements, instructions, receipts and billing
statements. If you signed a contract, read it carefully and ask the company for explanations of
anything you don't understand. The contract or warranty may limit your options or provide you with
certain rights. Decide what you want from the company, such as repair or replacement of the item, a
refund, an exchange, a credit, a correction of the company's records, or the payment of damages.
Consider whether a compromise would be acceptable. It may be easier to resolve the complaint if
you agree to a settlement that falls short of a full refund.


The sooner you complain, the better your chances for a satisfactory settlement. Some store refund
policies allow you to return items if you do so within a few days. If you wait too long to return the item
you will lose the right to get your money back. In addition, it can be difficult to defend your position if
you wait a long time to complain.


First of all, you have to clearly present your problem. If you fail to communicate effectively, it will be
more difficult to resolve the complaint. When you contact the company, have all the relevant
information at hand: a description of the item, any date to help the company identify your purchase
(receipt, billing statement, purchase order number, billing statement, invoice, etc.). Explain clearly and
briefly what’s wrong and what you want the company to do.

Do not get emotional: speak calmly and politely. If you make the complaint handler's job harder by
getting angry, that person is likely to respond negatively to you.

Make notes about all conversations you have about the complaint, including the names of everyone at
the company you spoke to, when you spoke to them and what they said.

You can complain by phone, in-person or by mail. As a general rule:

1. Phone first to tell the company about the problem and to try to resolve it.
2. Go to the company to return the purchase or when there is a need to meet with someone to
examine the item, receipts or statements.
3. Write letters as soon as you realize it will take a while to get the problem resolved


Sometimes problems can be resolved with one call or visit. But when you realize that you are going to
have problems with your complaint, start putting things in writing. Sometimes businesses ignore
complaints until they see them in writing.

Letters are important for these reasons:

• To create a written record of your complaint with the company.
• To preserve your rights under law.
• To make sure the business understands your side of the story.
• To lay the groundwork for a future legal case or defense.
• To let the company know you are serious about pursuing the matter.

If your first letter does not bring a response, send a second and contact someone higher up in the
company. If the salesperson can't help you, ask to speak to a supervisor or store manager, and then
the owner or the company's headquarters.

In most cases, you do not need to send letters by certified or registered mail. However, if the company
has ignored your letters or claims it never received them, consider paying for a mail receipt that will
provide proof that delivery was made.

consumer rights [kənˈsjuːmə raɪts] - fogyasztói jogok

to make a complaint [tu meɪk ə kəmˈpleɪnt] - panaszt tesz
to handle the problem [tu ˈhændl̩ ðə ˈprɒbləm] - kezeli a problémát
warranty [ˈwɒrənti] – garancialevél
guarantee [ˌɡærənˈtiː] – garancia
agreement [əˈɡriːmənt] – megállapodás
receipt [rɪˈsiːt] – blokk
to limit one’s options [tu ˈlɪmɪt wʌnz ˈɒpʃn̩z] - korlátozza a lehetőségeit
replacement of the item [rɪˈpleɪsmənt əv ði ˈaɪtəm] - a termék cseréje
refund [rɪˈfʌnd] – visszafizetés
payment of damages [ˈpeɪmənt əv ˈdæmɪdʒɪz] – kártérítés
to compromise [tu ˈkɒmprəmaɪz] – kiegyezik
full refund [fʊl rɪˈfʌnd] - teljes ár visszafizetése
purchase [ˈpɜːtʃəs] – vásárlás
to ignore [tə ɪɡˈnɔː] - nem vesz figyelembe
to lay the groundwork for [tu leɪ ðə ˈɡraʊndwɜːk fɔː] - előkészíti a terepet valaminek
to take further action [tu teɪk ˈfɜːðə ˈækʃn̩] - további lépéseket tenni
to seek legal advice [tu siːk ˈliːɡl̩ ədˈvaɪs] - jogi útra terelni valamit


If you want to travel long distance, the most convenient means of transport is air-travel. Nowadays it
is easy to buy an air-ticket: you can book flights online or you can buy them at travel agencies, too.

Travelling by air can be quite cheap. Budget airlines offer affordable prices for everyone. You board
the plane (get on the plane) at the airport. Usually, travellers have to arrive at the airport two hours
before the plane departs (takes off). When you arrive at the airport, you have to check in at the check-
in counter. You have to check in your bags, too. After checking in you’ll have to pass through security
where they will check your ID or passport and your carry-on bags. You will also have to walk through
a metal detector, which will check for illegal items. After you’ve passed through security, you can go to
the gate where you’ll wait to board your flight.

convenient - kényelmes
means of transport - közlekedési eszköz
to book (online) - (online) lefoglal
budget airline - fapados repülőjártat
affordable price - kedvező ár
to board - felszáll a fedélzetre
to get on - felszáll járműre
to depart - elindul
to take off - felszáll a repülő
to check in - bejelentkezik
check-in counter - bejelentkező pult
to pass through security - átmenni a biztonsági ellenőrzésen
carry-on bag - kézi poggyász
to walk through - keresztülmenni
metal detector - fémdetektor
Hallgasd meg a párbeszédet, majd válaszolj az alábbi kérdésekre!

1) How long will he be staying at the hotel?

a) just one night
b) two nights
c) three nights

2) What kind of room has he booked?

a) a single room
b) a double room with a shared bathroom
c) a double room with a private bathroom

3) Is breakfast included in the price?

a) Yes, breakfast is included in the price.
b) No, breakfast is not included in the price.
c) No, the hotel doesn’t serve breakfast.

4) Will he be able to connect to the Internet from his room?

a) No, there is no Internet connection in the hotel.
b) Yes, and it’s free.
c) Yes, but he has to pay for it.


Receptionist: Good afternoon, Apollo Hotel. Can I help you?
Man: Good afternoon! I’d like to book a room.
Receptionist: Certainly. When for?
Man: April the 23rd.
Receptionist: For how many nights?
Man: Just for three nights.
Receptionist: What kind of room would you like, Sir?
Man: A double room with an ensuite bathroom. I’d also like the room with a view of the sea.
Receptionist: Certainly, Sir. Let me check what is available. Yes, we have a room on the 3rd floor
with an excellent view.
Man: How much is it per night?
Receptionist: It’s 83 euros per night, including breakfast.
Man: Is wi-fi available in the room?
Receptionist: Yes, wi-fi is available in the entire hotel, and costs 5 pounds per hour.
Man: All right. I’ll take it.
Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Man: Yes, my name is Jonathan Brians. Can you confirm my booking via e-mail.
Receptionist: Of course. What is your e-mail address?
Receptionist: Thank you for choosing our hotel Mr Brians. Goodbye.
Man: Goodbye.


Can I help you? – Segíthetek?

I’d like to book a room. – Szeretnék egy szobát foglalni.
When for? – Mikorra?
For how many nights? – Hány éjszakára?
What kind of room would you like? – Milyen szobát szeretne?
I’d appreciate if I could … - Nagyra értékelném, ha tudnék …
Let me check what is available. – Hadd nézzem meg milyen szoba foglalható (elérhető).
How much is it per night? – Mennyibe kerül éjszakánként?
Is wi-fi available in the room? – Van wi-fi a szobában?
Wi-fi is available in the entire hotel. – A wi-fi szolgáltatás a hotel egész területén elérhető.
It costs 5 ponds per hour. – 5 fontba kerül óránként.
Can I have your name, please? – Megadná kérem a nevét?
Can you confirm my booking via e-mail? – Vissza tudná igazolni a foglalásomat e-mailben?


to book – lefoglal
single/double/twin/triple room – egyágyas/franciaágyas/kétágyas/háromágyas szoba
apartment/suite – apartman/lakosztály
ensuite bathroom – fürdőszobás szoba
to appreciate – nagyra értékel, díjaz
room with a view (over) – szoba kilátással (valamire)
including breakfast – reggelivel együtt
available – elérhető, megszerezhető, kapható
entire - teljes/egész
to confirm – visszaigazol, megerősít
via – valami útján

Guest: Hello. We have a reservation for tonight.
Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Guest: Maria and Luigi Rossi.
Receptionist: Right, Maria and Luigi Rossi. I’m sorry, but I can’t find it. When did you book the room?
Guest: I booked it 2 weeks ago via Internet.
Receptionist: Let me check it again…. Yes, I found it. A double room for 3 nights.
Guest: Yes, that’s right. The price includes breakfast aswell, doesn’t it?
Receptionist: Of course. The restaurant is open from 7 am to 10 am for breakfast. And here is your
key, room 147.
Guest: Is it on the first floor?
Receptionist: Yes. The elevator is over there, next to the entrance.
Guest: Thank you.
Receptionist: I need your documents.
Guest: Are the passports all right?
Receptionist: Certainly.
Guest: … and we’d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning at 7.15.

We have a reservation for tonight. – Van ma éjszakára egy foglalásunk.
Can I have your name, please? – Megkaphatnám a nevét kérem?
When did you book the room? – Mikor foglalta/foglalták le a szobát?
Let me check it again. – Hadd nézzem meg még egyszer.
A … room for … nights. – A … szoba … éjszakára.
The price includes …, doesn’t it? – Az ár tartalmazza a/az …, ugye?
Of course. – Természetesen.
Is it on the … floor? – A … emeleten van?
The elevator is over there. – Ott van a lift.
I need your documents. – Szükségem van az irataira/irataikra.
Are the … all right? – A/Az … jó lesz?
I’d like a wake-up call. – Szeretnék egy ébresztést kérni.
Enjoy your stay! – Kellemes itt tartózkodást!

reservation – foglalás
to book – lefoglal
via Internet – interneten keresztül
to check – ellenőriz
single/double/twin/triple room – egyágyas/franciaágyas/kétágyas/háromágyas szoba
apartment/suite – apartman/lakosztály
to include – magába foglal, beleért
over there – (am)ott
next to … - … mellett
wake-up call – ébresztés
to enjoy – élvez


Receptionist: Good morning, Sir!
Mr Goodmann: Good morning!
Receptionist: May I help you?
Mr Goodmann: Yes. I’d like to check out.
Receptionist: Certainly. Can I have your name and room number, please?
Mr Goodmann: My name is Peter Goodman, and my room number is 404. Here is the key.
Receptionist: Did you have anything from the minibar?
Mr Goodmann: Just a mineral water.
Receptionist: Here is your bill. Would you like to check it?
Mr Goodmann: Yes. What’s the 9 pounds for?
Receptionist: That’s for the phone calls you made from theroom.
Mr Goodmann: Can I pay by traveller’s cheques?
Receptionist: Of course. Can I have your passport, please?
Mr Goodmann: Here it is.
Receptionist: Could you sign the cheques for me?
Mr Goodmann: Sure.
Receptionist: Here is your receipt.
Mr Mann: Thank you. Good bye.
Receptionist: Good bye.

May I help you? – Segíthetek?
I’d like to check out. – Szeretnék kijelentkezni.
Certainly. – Természetesen.
Can I have your name a room number? – Megmondaná a nevét és a szobaszámát?
Here is the key. – Itt van a kulcs.
Did you have anything from the minibar? – Fogyasztott valamit a minibárból?
Here is your bill. –Itt a számlája.
What’s the 9 pounds for? – Mi került 9 fontba?
I’ve nearly forgotten. – Majdnem elfelejtettem.
How would you like to pay? – Hogyan szeretne fizetni?
Here is your receipt. – Itt a számlája/blokkja.

to check out – kijelentkezni
to check in – bejelentkezni
room number – szobaszám
a packet of peanuts – egy csomag földimogyoró
a can of beer – egy doboz sör
bill – számla
to make a phone call – telefonálni
to forget – elfelejteni
to pay in cash – készpénzzel fizetni
to pay by credit card – bankkártyával fizetni
receipt – blokk, számla

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