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Bottlenecks in the workplace occur when employees have difficulty completing their tasks in a timely or

effective manner. Wrt to a manufacturing company a bottle neck can cause materials to build up between
process, and other operators to wait and be unproductive. It can effectively be addressed by allocating
appropriate resources from other areas like Time, Manpower, Break rotation etc.

The company which I belong to is in to Various IT & Automation for different technology projects. When
our project is delayed due to bottleneck issues we either used to work on the relevant future activities
expedited to restore the position at an increase in cost nor accept the delayed completion time rather
than increasing the costs to recover the position. In any case this decision will depend on the cost of
expediting the activities behind the schedule vs the loss of reputation or cost of penalties (LD) for late
deliverables. The identified cause for the bottle neck issues in our projects can be

 Unavailability of the identified resources includes Human (work hours), Equipments and
 Unanticipated project conditions like technical complexities and site hazards
 Unexpected delay in the delivery of materials
 Additional or deductions in work quantities and specifications etc.

However, we conduct Project reviews based on the specific regular frequency and the occurrence of
specific milestones. At times, we also ensure the bottle neck issues should not affect the non-critical
activities do not fall behind time to such an extent that they become critical and affect our Project Cost

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