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Joon Kang

Dear Connie,

Hello dear. As always, It is difficult to combat the distance that separates us. Some

moments I feel able and other moments I feel so empty. Thankfully, I know that we are strong,

and I believe in the convictions and covenants that we established in the beginning of our

relationship: to always meet in the middle and to give our best effort for each other. As you

know, one of our biggest struggles while we aren’t separated is the struggle to remain abstinent.

The battle against premarital sex is something that we believe in wholeheartedly and must

continue to fight.

While I was thinking about you, I was reading Hamlet and was reminded of our struggle.

Hamlet is an individual who cares about sex- alot. Strangely, he is not one who continuously

seeks it, but rather one who concerns himself greatly with the sex-lives of others. Furthermore,

he clearly is distasteful of his mother’s rather abundant sex-life, and he then applies this attitude

to all other woman.

Now this clearly shows a sexist attitude, as he views such women as sinners. This attitude

stems from his mother’s sexual betrayal of his father- so I can understand slightly why he would

feels way towards women. But this attitude portrays a glaring fault Hamlet as well. I feel as if he

knows that what he’s feeling is wrong, but he chooses the easy way out and continues to dwell

on his sexist attitudes.

Now how does this relate to us my dear? We can’t allow ourselves to continuously fall

into the trap of sexual immorality. We know that it’s wrong, and we can’t idly let ourselves

indulge in it.

Sincerely, Joon Kang

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