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Coherent oscillations between two weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates:

Josephson effects, p oscillations, and macroscopic quantum self-trapping
S. Raghavan,1 A. Smerzi,2 S. Fantoni,1,2 and S. R. Shenoy1
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, I-34100 Trieste, Italy
Istituto Nazionale de Fisica della Materia and International School for Advanced Studies, via Beirut 2/4, I-34014 Trieste, Italy
~Received 1 July 1997; revised manuscript received 6 July 1998!
We discuss the coherent atomic oscillations between two weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. The
weak link is provided by a laser barrier in a ~possibly asymmetric! double-well trap or by Raman coupling
between two condensates in different hyperfine levels. The boson Josephson junction ~BJJ! dynamics is
described by the two-mode nonlinear Gross-Pitaevskii equation that is solved analytically in terms of elliptic
functions. The BJJ, being a neutral, isolated system, allows the investigations of dynamical regimes for the
phase difference across the junction and for the population imbalance that are not accessible with supercon-
ductor Josephson junctions ~SJJ’s!. These include oscillations with either or both of the following properties:
~i! the time-averaged value of the phase is equal to p ( p -phase oscillations!; ~ii! the average population
imbalance is nonzero, in states with macroscopic quantum self-trapping. The ~nonsinusoidal! generalization of
the SJJ ac and plasma oscillations and the Shapiro resonance can also be observed. We predict the collapse of
experimental data ~corresponding to different trap geometries and the total number of condensate atoms! onto
a single universal curve for the inverse period of oscillations. Analogies with Josephson oscillations between
two weakly coupled reservoirs of 3 He-B and the internal Josephson effect in 3 He-A are also discussed.

PACS number~s!: 03.75.Fi, 74.50.1r, 05.30.Jp, 32.80.Pj

I. INTRODUCTION However, the superfluid nature of BEC’s can be fully

tested only through the observation of superflows. Current
Bose-Einstein condensation, predicted more than 70 years experimental efforts are being focused on the creation of a
ago @1#, was detected in 1995 in a weakly interacting gas of Josephson junction between two condensate bulks @14,15#. In
alkali-metal atoms held in magnetic traps @2#. Following the this context, the Josephson junction problem has been stud-
first observations, there have been important experimental ied theoretically in the limit of noninteracting atoms @16# for
developments. A superposition of condensate atoms in dif- small-amplitude Josephson oscillations @17,18#, including
ferent hyperfine levels @3,4# has been created; nondestruc- finite-temperature ~damping! effects @18#. Decoherence ef-
tive, in situ, detection probes have tracked the dynamical fects and quantum corrections to the semiclassical mean-field
evolution of a single condensate @5#. Further, the evolution of dynamics @19,20# have also been studied. Self-trapping dy-
the relative phase of two condensates has been measured namics in the limit of a small number of condensate atoms
through interferometry techniques @6#. More recently, experi- has been considered @19# in the ‘‘quantum’’ and in the
ments that tune the scattering length by several orders of ‘‘semiclassical’’ ~mean-field! approximation. We have else-
magnitude @7# have opened the definite possibility of creat- where @21# pointed out that even though the boson Josephson
ing in the laboratory an ideal condensate of noninteracting junction ~BJJ! is a neutral-atom system, it can still display
atoms. the ~nonsinusoidal generalization of! typical dc, ac, and Sha-
The precise manipulation of this form of matter is of con- piro effects occurring in charged Cooper-pair superconduct-
siderable theoretical interest: Besides the study of fundamen- ing junctions. Moreover, dynamical regimes such as macro-
tal aspects of superfluidity from ‘‘first principles,’’ it is pos- scopic quantum self-trapping ~for arbitrarily large
sible to address ‘‘foundational’’ problems of quantum condensates! and p -phase oscillations ~where the average
mechanics @8#. In fact, the order parameter can be identified value of the phase across the junction is equal to p ) have
with the one-body macroscopic condensate wave function. been predicted. In the present paper we present a comprehen-
This obeys a nonlinear Schrödinger equation, known in the sive analysis of the effects described in @21#, including a
literature as the Gross-Pitaevskii equation ~GPE! @9#. The discussion of the BJJ equations and their analytic solution,
GPE has been successfully applied to study kinetic proper- limits of the approximations underlying the BJJ model, and a
ties of the condensate, such as collective mode frequencies of comparison with other superconducting and superfluid Jo-
trapped Bose-Einstein condensates ~BEC’s! @10# and the re- sephson junctions.
laxation times of monopolar oscillations @11#. The chaotic The description of the GPE dynamics for a Bose conden-
behavior in dynamical quantum observables @11,12# and the sate in a double-well trap reduces, under certain conditions,
metastability of quantized vortices have been predicted @13#. to a nonlinear, two-mode equation for the time-dependent
The existence of spatial quantum coherence was demon- amplitudes c 1,2(t)5 AN 1,2(t)e i u 1,2(t) , where N 1,2(t) and
strated by the observation of interference fringes in two over- u 1,2(t) are the number of atoms and the phases of the con-
lapping condensates @14#. densate in traps 1 and 2, respectively. These amplitudes are

1050-2947/99/59~1!/620~14!/$15.00 PRA 59 620 ©1999 The American Physical Society


coupled by a tunneling matrix element between the two

traps, with the spatial dependence of the GPE wave function
integrated out into constant parameters. The resulting BJJ
tunneling equations resemble the ~nonlinear generalizations
of! superconductor Josephson junction ~SJJ! equations, with
the variables being the relative phase and the fractional
population imbalance.
However, there are important physical differences be-
tween the isolated double-well BJJ and the SJJ with an ex-
ternal circuit. The SJJ is generally discussed in terms of a
rigid pendulum analogy in the resistively and capacitively
shunted junction model ~RCSJ!, while the BJJ in a double-
well trap can only be completely understood in terms of a
nonrigid pendulum analogy, with a length dependent on the
angular momentum. In the SJJ the Cooper-pair population
imbalance is zero ~considering two equal-volume supercon-
ducting grains! due to the presence of the external circuit
FIG. 1. Asymmetric double-well trap for two Bose-Einstein
@22# and the dynamical variable is the voltage ; ḟ across a condensates with N 1,2 and E 01,2 , the number of particles and the
quasiparticle resistive shunt. In the BJJ, the nonrigid pendu- zero-point energies in traps 1 and 2, respectively.
lum dynamics are associated with superfluid density oscilla-
tions of an isolated system. An isolated ~without external with g 0 54 p \ 2 a/m, m the atomic mass, and a the s-wave
circuit! superconducting junction allows coherent Cooper- scattering length of the atoms @30#. In the following we will
pair oscillations, but only in the small-amplitude ~plasma! consider a double-well trap produced, for example, by a far-
limit @22–24#. off-resonance laser barrier that cuts a single trapped conden-
A closer analog of the BJJ is provided by the internal sate into two ~possibly asymmetric! parts @14#. However, the
Josephson effect in 3 He-A, where the ~rigid! pendulum os- results could also apply to the oscillations of the condensate
cillations describe the rate of change of up-spin and down- population difference between two hyperfine levels @15#.
spin pair populations, induced by an external variable mag- Since we are interested in the dynamical oscillations of
netic field @25–27#. The ‘‘p oscillations’’ between two the two weakly linked BECs, we write a ~time-dependent!
weakly coupled reservoirs of 3 He-B @28# could be related to variational wave function as
the analogous oscillations occurring in the BJJ.
The experimental detection of predicted effects in the BJJ C ~ r,t ! 5 c 1 ~ t ! F 1 ~ r ! 1 c 2 ~ t ! F 2 ~ r ! , ~2.2!
could be achieved through temporal modulations of phase-
contrast fringes @14#, interferometric techniques @6#, or other with c 1,2(t)5 AN 1,2e i u 1,2(t) and a constant total number of
probes of atomic populations @29#, using millisecond tempo- atoms N 1 1N 2 5 u c 1 u 2 1 u c 2 u 2 [N T . The amplitudes for gen-
ral oscillations of the ~spatially integrated! signal N 1 2N 2 . eral occupations N 1,2(t) and phases u 1,2(t) obey the nonlin-
The direct detection of the currents instead of densities, per- ear two-mode dynamical equations @18–21,31,32#
haps by Doppler interferometry, would be worth exploring.
The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II we obtain ]c1
i\ 5 ~ E 01 1U 1 N 1 ! c 1 2Kc 2 , ~2.3a!
the BJJ tunneling equations, which are compared with the ]t
Josephson equation for other superconductor and superfluid
systems in Sec. III. In Sec. IV we solve the BJJ equations ]c2
i\ 5 ~ E 02 1U 2 N 2 ! c 2 2Kc 1 , ~2.3b!
discussing the various dynamical regimes. In Appendix A we ]t
outline the derivation of the two-mode BJJ from the GPE
and discuss the limit of the approximations. The BJJ equa- where damping and finite-temperature effects are ignored.
tions are solved analytically in terms of elliptical functions in Here E 01,2 are the zero-point energies in each well, U 1,2N 1,2
Appendix B. In Sec. V we discuss the asymmetric trap case, are proportional to the atomic self-interaction energies, and
clarifying the analogies with the ac and Shapiro effects. We K describes the amplitude of the tunneling between conden-
summarize our results in Sec. VI. sates; see Fig. 1. The constant parameters E 01,2 , U 1,2 , and K
can be written in terms of F 1,2(r) wave-function overlaps.
The F 1,2(r), describing the condensate in each trap, can be
II. THE BOSON JOSEPHSON JUNCTION: expressed in terms of stationary symmetric and antisymmet-
THE NONLINEAR TWO-MODE APPROXIMATION ric eigenstates of the GPE ~see Appendix A!.
The fractional population imbalance
The wave function C(r) for an interacting BEC in a trap
potential V trap (r,t) at T50 satisfies the GPE z ~ t ! [ @ N 1 ~ t ! 2N 2 ~ t !# /N T [ ~ u c 1 u 2 2 u c 2 u 2 ! /N T ~2.4!

and relative phase

] C ~ r,t ! \2 2
i\ 52 ¹ C ~ r,t ! 1 @ V trap ~ r ! f ~ t ! [ u 2~ t ! 2 u 1~ t ! ~2.5!
]t 2m
1g 0 u C ~ r,t ! u 2 # C ~ r,t ! , ~2.1! obey

ż ~ t ! 52 A12z 2 ~ t ! sin@ f ~ t !# , ~2.6a! Mechanical analogs have been useful in visualizing the
SJJ. Equation ~3.1! can be written as
z~ t !
ḟ ~ t ! 5DE1Lz ~ t ! 1 cos@ f ~ t !# , ~2.6b! f̈ 1 ḟ /RC J 1 v 2J sinf 5 ~ I ext /I J ! v 2J ~3.2!
A12z 2 ~ t !
where we have rescaled to a dimensionless time t2K/\→t in unscaled units, with v J 5 AE C E J /\, the Josephson plasma
and frequency. This can be regarded as the equation for a particle
of mass ; v 22 J and position f moving on a tilted, rigid
U 1 2U 2 ‘‘washboard’’ potential 2cosf2(Iext /IJ)f, with friction co-
DE[ ~ E 01 2E 02 ! /2K1 NT , ~2.7a! efficient ;1/RC J . Alternatively, Eq. ~3.1! describes @33# a
rigid pendulum of tilt angle f ; moment of inertia ; v 22 J ;
L[UN T /2K, U[ ~ U 1 1U 2 ! /2 . ~2.7b! angular momentum V} ḟ , the angular velocity; damping rate
(RC J ) 21 ; and external torque ;I ext . The Josephson effects
The dimensionless parameters L and DE determine the dy- in the SJJ follow immediately from physical considerations.
namic regimes of the BEC atomic tunneling. The total, con-
served energy is 1. Plasma oscillations
Lz 2 For I ext 50, the rigid pendulum can have small, harmonic
H5 1DEz2 A12z 2 cosf , ~2.8! oscillations at an angle f around the vertical. Linearizing Eq.
~3.1! produces sinusoidal voltage/current plasma oscillations
suggesting that the equations of motion ~2.6! can be written of angular frequency ~in unscaled units!
in the Hamiltonian form
v ' v p [2 p / t p 5 AE c E J /\, ~3.3!
]H ]H
ż52 , ḟ 5 , ~2.9!
]f ]z independent of the initial conditions f (0) and f (0˙ ).
with z and f , the canonically conjugate variables. For well-
2. ac effect
defined mean values in relative population and phase, fluc-
tuations must be small. In the pendulum analogy, the external drive balanced by
the damping enforces steady rotatory motion for I ext /I J .1.
III. THE JOSEPHSON EFFECT IN OTHER SUPERFLUID The phase increases linearly with time f (t);2eVt/\,
AND SUPERCONDUCTING SYSTEMS where V5I ext R is the dc voltage developed, and the current
oscillation has angular frequency
A. The superconducting Josephson junction
. 2 p 2eV
We now consider the SJJ dynamic equations @22–24,33#, v 5 v ac 5 5 , ~3.4!
t ac \
for comparison with the BJJ tunneling equations ~2.6!. The
SJJ has an external closed circuit that typically includes a
independent of f (0) and ḟ (0).
current drive I ext ; the measurable developed voltage across
the junction V is proportional to the rate of change of the
3. Shapiro resonance effect
If a small ac component is added to an applied dc voltage
dV V DE→DE(11 d 0 cosv0t) (d0!1), then at resonance v 0
I ext 5C J 1I J sinf 1 , ~3.1a!
dt R 5 v ac , there is a dc tunneling current with a nonzero time
average ^ ż(t) & ; d 0 ^ sin@vact1f(0)#sinv0t&Þ0. This Shapiro
2eV resonance repeats at higher harmonics v ac 52 p / t ac
ḟ 5 , ~3.1b!
\ 5n v 0 , n51,2, . . . , with characteristic Bessel function co-
efficients J n (n d 0 ) @22,23#.
where C J (I J ) is the junction capacitance ~critical current! Can the BJJ show the full range of SJJ effects? Not at first
and R is the effective resistance offered by the quasiparticle sight since the double-well BEC is a neutral-atom system.
junction and the circuit shunt resistor. The A12z 2 factors of However, the ability to tailor traps and the condensate self-
Eq. ~2.6! are missing here since the external circuit sup- interaction compensates for electrical neutrality @21#. Asym-
presses charge imbalances, i.e., z(t)[0 @22#. The junction metric positioning of the laser barrier could produce a zero-
charging energy E C ;C 21 J ; superconductor-grain charging point energy difference DE, analogous to an applied voltage,
energies E CG ~proportional to the inverse grain sizes!, which since the effective potential experienced by the atoms on the
are the analogs of the interatom interactions U of the BJJ, are smaller-volume side will have a larger curvature. The inter-
relevant only in mesoscopic systems. Two such small iso- well difference between the ~bulk! nonlinear atomic self-
lated grains @34# can be considered a closer superconducting interaction ;UN T z plays the role of a junction capacitance
analog of the BJJ. Even in that case, as N T is still large, the energy in the dynamics.
voltages that appear are 2eV;2D qp , the quasiparticle gap, In the SJJ, E J and N 1,2 are fixed @22,23#. For the BJJ, the
implying that u z u ;1029 . laser-sheet intensity and hence the coupling K can be varied.

Initial states N 1 (0)ÞN 2 (0), i.e., z(0)Þ0, can be prepared, IV. THE SYMMETRIC TRAP CASE DE50
and the laser barrier then lowered to permit tunneling. A. Stationary solutions
For a symmetric BJJ, i.e., DE50, the equations of motion
B. The internal Josephson effect in 3 He-A
~2.6! are
A closer analog of the BJJ equations ~2.6! is provided by
the longitudinal magnetic resonance in 3 He-A @25#, which is ż ~ t ! 52 A12z 2 ~ t ! sin@ f ~ t !# , ~4.1a!
generally understood as internal Josephson oscillations be-
tween two interpenetrating populations of superfluid up- z~ t !
spin–down-spin pairs @26#. The weak coupling is provided ḟ ~ t ! 5Lz ~ t ! 1 cos@ f ~ t !# , ~4.1b!
by the dipole interaction between pairs of up and down spins. A12z 2 ~ t !
The spin dynamics is governed by @27#
with the conserved energy
ż ~ t ! 52sin@ f ~ t !# , ~3.5a!
Lz ~ 0 ! 2
H 0 5H @ z ~ 0 ! , f ~ 0 !# 5 2 A12z ~ 0 ! 2 cosf ~ 0 ! .
ḟ ~ t ! 5DE1Lz ~ t ! , ~3.5b! ~4.2!

where z(t) is the fractional population imbalance between The ground-state solution of the symmetric BJJ, Eq. ~4.1!,
up-spin–and down-spin Cooper pairs, L}( x g D ) 21 with x is a symmetric eigenfunction of the GPE with energy E 1
and g D the susceptibility and the dipole coupling, respec- 521 and
tively, and DE}(B/ x g D ) with B the external applied static
magnetic field. In @25# experiments have confirmed Eqs. f s 52n p , ~4.3a!
~3.5!, showing the transition between the small-amplitude
and ringing oscillations of the pendulum equations ~3.5!. z s 50. ~4.3b!

The next stationary state at higher energy E 2 51 is an anti-

C. Josephson oscillations between two weakly linked symmetric eigenfuncion with
reservoirs of 3 He-B
Quite recently the direct experimental observation of Jo- f s 5 ~ 2n11 ! p , ~4.4a!
sephson oscillations between two weakly linked superfluid
systems has been reported @35,36#. The weak link was pro- z s 50. ~4.4b!
vided by ;4000 small holes in the rigid partition separating
two 3 He-B superfluid reservoirs, with the hole diameter be- For noninteracting atoms in a symmetric double-well poten-
ing comparable to the coherence length. A soft membrane tial, the eigenstates of the Schrödinger equation are always
created a pressure difference across the weak link, inducing symmetric or antisymmetric, with z s 50. However, because
Josephson mass current oscillations. These oscillations obey of the nonlinear interatomic interaction, there is a class of
degenerate GPE eigenstates that break the z symmetry:
I ~ t ! 5I c sin@ f ~ t !# , ~3.6a!
f s 5 ~ 2n11 ! p , ~4.5a!

2m 3
ḟ ~ t ! 52 D P, ~3.6b! 1
\r z s 56 12 , ~4.5b!
with 2m 3 the mass of a 3 He Cooper pair, r the liquid den- provided u L u .1. The energy for this state is E sb 5 21 (L
sity, and D P the pressure difference across the weak 11/L).
link being proportional to the elastic constant of the mem- These z-symmetry breaking states are an artifact of the
brane. Small- and large-amplitude oscillations have been ob- semiclassical limit in which the GPE has been derived. In a
served, as well as the driven running solutions of the phase full quantum two-mode approximation the eigenstates are
2`, f ,` @36#, corresponding to a self-maintained popu- always symmetric in the population imbalance: As we will
lation across the weak link. discuss later, such states have a large lifetime that scales
By driving the soft membrane in resonance with the natu- exponentially with the total number of atoms.
ral Josephson frequency, a metastable dynamical regime was
observed, with the time-averaged value of the phase differ-
B. Rabi oscillations
ence across the junction equal to p . These metastable p
oscillations have amplitudes and frequencies smaller than the For noninteracting atoms (L50) Eqs. ~4.1! describe
‘‘stable’’ Josephson oscillations, into which they decay with sinusoidal Rabi oscillations between the two traps with fre-
a lifetime that increases with decreasing temperature @28#. quency v R 5(2/\)K. These oscillations are equivalent to a
Analogous p oscillations with similar properties are de- single-atom dynamics, rather than a Josephson effect arising
scribed by the BJJ ~see Sec. IV!. In a different context, p from the interacting superfluid condensate. The possibility of
junctions have been created with high-T c superconductors tuning the scattering length to values very close to zero @7#
that reflect the symmetry of the d-wave pairing state @37#. opens avenues for their experimental observation.

FIG. 2. Population imbalance z(t) as a function of dimensionless time 2Kt ~in units of \), with conditions L510 and f (0)50 in a
symmetric trap. The initial population imbalance z(0) takes the values ~a! 0.1, ~b! 0.5, ~c! 0.59, ~d! 0.6, and ~e! 0.65.

C. Zero-phase modes The Josephson-like length l J [ A\ 2 /2mK, which governs

These modes describe the interwell atomic tunneling dy- the spatial variation along the junction, should be much
namics with a zero time-average value of the phase across greater than ; AA to justify the neglect of spatial variations
the junction ^ f (t) & 50 and ^ z & 50. To this dynamical class of z and f , i.e., to obtain a flat plasmon spectrum. For K
belong small- and large-amplitude condensate oscillations. 50.1 nK, one finds l J ;10 m m. We will not, however,
consider such spatial variations here. The frequency of the
1. Small-amplitude oscillations small-amplitude oscillations in the BJJ are of the order of
102100 Hz for typical trap parameters and should be com-
The small-amplitude, or plasma ~in analogy with the SJJ!, pared with the plasma frequencies of the SJJ that are of the
oscillations follow at once from the pendulum analogy. From order of gigahertz.
Eq. ~4.1!, the BJJ is like a nonrigid pendulum of length
2. Large amplitude oscillations
~ x 1y ! 5 A12z ,
2 2 1/2 2
~4.6! In Fig. 2 we display this regime of anharmonic oscilla-
tions, plotting z5(N 1 2N 2 )/N T as a function of time, with
decreasing with angular momentum z and with moment of the initial value of the phase difference f (0)50 and L
inertia L 21 . Linearizing Eq. ~4.1!, we obtain sinusoidal os- 510, and for increasing values of the inital population im-
cillations with inverse periods ~in unscaled units! balance z(0). Specifically, z(0) takes on the values 0.1, 0.5,
0.59, 0.6, and 0.65 for Figs. 2~a!–2~e!, respectively. Increas-
ing z(0) for fixed L @or increasing L for fixed z(0)# adds
0 5 A2UN T K1 ~ 2K ! /2p \,
t 21 ~4.7!
higher harmonics to the sinusoidal oscillations, correspond-
ing to large-amplitude oscillations of the ~nonrigid! pendu-
independent of the initial conditions z(0) and f (0). The lum. This is shown in Figs. 2~b! and 2~c!. The period of such
comparison between Eqs. ~4.7! and ~3.3! indicates that oscillations increases with z(0) and then decreases, undergo-
2N T K (;N T ) is the analog of the Josephson coupling en- ing a critical slowing down @Fig. 2~d!, dashed line# with a
ergy E J , while U (;N 23/5
T in 3-d traps! is the analog of logarithmic divergence. The singularity in the period corre-
the capacitive energy E C . Since the coupling energy, fixed sponds to the pendulum in a vertically upright position, i.e.,
by the laser profile, is K;A, the tunnel junction area, reaching the fixed point of Eq. ~4.4b!.
whereas the bulk interaction UN T is independent of A, the
oscillation rate goes as t 21
0 ;A . ~The plasma frequency
1/2 D. Running-phase modes: Macroscopic quantum self-trapping
for the SJJ, t p ; AE c E J in contrast, is independent of A,
In addition to anharmonic and critically slow oscillations,
since E J ;A and E c ;A 21 .) other striking effects occur in the BJJ. For instance, for a

fixed value of the initial population imbalance, if the self- ^ f & 5 p . The modes arise once more from the nonrigidity
interaction parameter L exceeds a critical value L c , the ~momentum-dependent length! of the pendulum and are not
populations become macroscopically self-trapped with ^ z & observable with the SJJ. They include small-amplitude,
Þ0. There are different ways in which this state can be large-amplitude, and macroscopic self-trapped oscillations.
achieved, and all of them correspond to the condition @which The last has a nonzero average population imbalance, while
we shall term the macroscopic quantum self-trapping ^ z & 50 for the others. We summarize this behavior in the
~MQST! condition# that temporal evolution of z(t) in Fig. 3 for z(0)50.6 and
f (0)5 p . L takes the values 0.1, 1.1, 1.111, 1.2, 1.25, and
z ~ 0 ! 2 2 A12z ~ 0 ! 2 cos@ f ~ 0 !# .1.
1.3 in Figs. 3~a!–3~f!, respectively.
H 0 [H„z ~ 0 ! , f ~ 0 ! …5
~4.8! 1. Small-amplitude oscillations

In a series of experiments in which f (0) and z(0) are kept For small z, Eqs. ~4.1! can be linearized around the fixed
constant but L is varied ~by changing the geometry or the point ~4.4b! yielding harmonic oscillations for L,1, with a
total number of condensate atoms, for example!, the critical period ~in unscaled units!
parameter for MQST is
t p21 5 A~ 2K! 2 22UN T K /2p \. ~4.10!
11 A12z ~ 0 ! cos@ f ~ 0 !#
L c5 . ~4.9! It is worth noticing that the ratio of the frequency of the
z ~ 0 ! 2 /2 small-amplitude zero- and p -mode phase oscillations is
t L / t p 5 A(12L)/(11L), ,1 ~similar to the 3 He-B p
On the other hand, changing the initial value of the popula-
oscillations of Sec. III!.
tion imbalance z(0) with a fixed trap geometry and total
Linearizing Eqs. ~4.1! in z only, the BJJ equation ~4.1b!
number of condensate atoms @and initial value f (0)], L
reduces to the very simple form
remains constant and Eq. ~4.8! defines a critical population
imbalance z c . As we shall see in this and Sec. IV E, for
f (0)50, if z(0).z c , MQST sets in, but for f (0)5 p , f̈ 52 @ Lsin~ f ! 1 21 sin~ 2 f !# 1O ~ z 2 ! . ~4.11!
z(0),z c marks the region of MQST. More generally, if
This suggests a mechanical analogy in which a particle of
u f (0) u < p /2, MQST occurs for z(0).z c , while for other
spatial coordinate f moves in the potential
values of f (0), it occurs for z(0),z c .
In this section we will discuss the type of MQST in which 1
the phase difference of the order parameter across the BJJ V ~ f ! 52Lcos~ f ! 2 cos~ 2 f ! 1O ~ z 2 ! . ~4.12!
runs without bound; other types of MQST are discussed 4
later. The phenomenon can be understood through the pen-
In Fig. 4 we see that V( f ) has a small valley around f
dulum analogy. If the population imbalances are prepared
5p where the particle can oscillate. The depth of this valley
such that the initial angular kinetic energy of the pendulum
decreases as L→1. The valley persists in the full potential
z 2 (0) exceeds the potential energy barrier height of the ver-
for V( f ), retaining all the higher-order terms in z.
tically displaced f 5 p ‘‘pendulum orientation,’’ a steady
self-sustained pendulum rotation will occur, with nonzero
2. Large-amplitude oscillations
angular momentum ^ z & and a closed-loop trajectory around
the pendulum support. For H 0 ,1 the population imbalance For p -phase oscillations, the momentum-dependent
oscillates about a zero value. For H 0 .1 the time-averaged length allows the pendulum’s bob to make inverted anhar-
angular momentum is nonzero ^ z(t) & Þ0, with oscillations monic oscillations with ^ z & 50 around the ~top of the! verti-
around this nonzero value ~Fig. 2!. MQST is a nonlinear cal axis. For large amplitude z(t) oscillations, L can exceed
effect arising from the self-interaction ;UN T z 2 of the at- unity, as shown in Fig. 3~b!.
oms. It is dependent on the trap parameters, total number of
atoms, and initial conditions and is self-maintained in a 3. Oscillations with macroscopic quantum self-trapping
closed conservative system without external drives. Al- Here the nonrigidity allows the pendulum’s bob to make a
though the SJJ ac effect in the RCSJ model involves a run- closed ^ z & Þ0 rotation loop around the top of the vertical
ning phase, it is clearly physically different from MQST, as axis. There are two kinds of such p -phase modes with
it is a driven steady-state independent of initial conditions. MQST: those where the time average ^ z & , u z s u Þ0 and those
Moreover, in the SJJ the Cooper pair population imbalance is where ^ z & . u z s u Þ0, with z s being the stationary z-symmetry
zero because of the external circuit. MQST differs from breaking value of the GPE. These two kinds of MQST are
single-electron Coulomb blockade effect. It also differs from shown in the time evolution of z(t) in Figs. 3~d!–3~f!. In
the self-trapping of polarons @32# that arise from single elec- Fig. 3~d! the system is in the first type of trapped state. A
trons interacting with a polarizable lattice: arising, instead, changeover occurs at the stationary state @Fig. 3~e!,dashed
from self-interaction of a macroscopically large number of line#. Once L exceeds this value L s 51/A12z(0) 2 @cf. Eq.
coherent atoms. ~4.5!#, the system goes into the second type of p -phase
trapped state @Fig. 3~f!#.
E. p -phase modes In order to see these different kinds of ~running- and
These modes describe the tunneling dynamics in which p -phase! MQST modes more transparently, one can use the
the time-averaged value of the phase across the junction is energy H5H 0 of Eq. ~4.2! to write the system of equations

FIG. 3. z(t) as a function of 2Kt with initial conditions z(0)50.6 and f (0)5 p in a symmetric trap. L takes the values ~a! 0.1, ~b! 1.1,
~c! 1.111, ~d! 1.2, ~e! 1.25, and ~f! 1.3.

~4.1! in terms of an equation of motion of a classical particle

whose coordinate is z, moving in a potential W(z) with total
energy W 0 ,
W ~ z ! 5z 2 12LH 0 1
L2 2
z , D W 0 5W @ z ~ 0 !# 1ż ~ 0 ! 2 .
ż ~ t ! 2 1W ~ z ! 5W 0 , ~4.13a! Figure 5 displays the potential W(z) against z @Figs. 5~a! and
5~c!# and the corresponding evolution of f (t) @Figs. 5~b! and
where 5~d!# to display the various dynamical regimes. In Figs. 5~a!
and 5~b! f (0)50 and L510 and in Fig. 5~c! and 5~d!
f (0)5 p and L52.5. The horizontal lines indicate the en-
ergy value W 0 . For a fixed value of L and f (0)50, increas-
ing the value of z(0) changes W(z) from a parabolic to a
double well. The motion of the particles lies within the clas-
sical turning points in which the total energy equals the po-
tential energy. For z(0)50.1, in Fig. 5~a!, the potential is
parabolic and the ~small-amplitude! oscillations are sinu-
soidal. For z(0)50.6 the trajectory of z(t) becomes mark-
edly nonsinusoidal, given the double-well structure of W(z).
For z(0)>0.6 the total energy is smaller than the potential
barrier, forcing the particle to become localized in one of the
two wells. The symmetry of the classical motion is broken.
This corresponds to a MQST state. Figure 5~b! displays the
corresponding phase f 5arccos@ (Lz 2 /22H 0 )/ A12z 2 # ver-
sus z. For untrapped oscillations, the ( f ,z) trajectory is a
closed curve, with a time-average value of f (t)50. In the
FIG. 4. f potential V( f ) ~in arbitrary units! plotted against running-mode MQST regime 2`, f (t),` for the corre-
f / p for L50.2, 0.4, and 0.6. sponding f evolution.

FIG. 5. z potential W(z) ~in arbitrary units! plotted against z in FIG. 6. Inverse period ~scaled in units of 2K) 1/t plotted
~a! and ~c! and the corresponding f evolution shown in ~b! and ~d!. against z(0)/z c for ~a! f (0)50 and ~b! f (0)5 p . In ~a! the dashed
In ~a! and ~b! f (0)50 and in ~c! and ~d! f (0)5 p . The values of line corresponds to L510, for which the dip occurs at z c 50.6, and
z(0) are as shown. the solid line to L5100, for which z c 50.2. The inset in ~a! shows
the time-averaged population imbalance ^ z & as a function of
Let us now focus our attention on Figs. 5~c! and 5~d!. For z(0)/z c . In ~b! L51.1 and z c 50.6.
L52.5 and f (0)5 p , the z potential always has a double-
well structure and the system is self-trapped for all values
of z(0). For small values of z(0), the phase f (t) is un- as a function of z(0)/z c . MQST is signaled by the sharp
bounded and the system exhibits running-phase MQST. ~phase-transition-like! rise of ^ z & from zero to a nonzero
However, above a certain value of z(0)52z s 52 A121/L 2 value. For f (0)5 p @Fig. 6~b!# something different happens.
~with ^z& still nonzero! the phase f (t) becomes localized MQST occurs for values of the initial imbalance z(0) less
around p and remains bounded for all larger values of than z c . At z(0)5z c the time period diverges and for larger
z(0). In Figs. 5~c! and 5~d! z(0)50.7 and 0.98 mark the two values of z(0), MQST disappears.
different kinds of p -phase MQST since they are on either The dynamical behavior of the BJJ system can be sum-
side of the stationary state value of z s 5 A121/L 2 . This marized quite conveniently in terms of a phase portrait of the
point will become more clear in the phase-plane portrait of two dynamical variables z and f , as shown in Fig. 7. The
Fig. 7. trajectories are calculated for different values of L/L c with
z(0) kept constant at 0.6. The light solid lines mark the
F. Discussion of results evolution for the evolution where the phase f oscillates
A clear observational feature of the behavior of the sys- around 0 and ^ z & 50. The running mode MQST is shown by
tem is the time period of oscillations. To this end, we plot in the trajectories with small dots for L/L c 51,1.5 with the
Fig. 6 the inverse period 1/t as a function of the ratio be- initial condition being f (0)50. Note that for a rigid pendu-
tween the initial population imbalance z(0) and the critical lum @without the A12z 2 term in the Hamiltonian in Eq.
population imbalance z c . Figure 6~a! shows the case for ~2.8!#, one would obtain only the curves described thus far.
f (0)50 and L510 (z c 50.6) ~dashed line! and L However, for the BJJ, due to the momentum-dependent po-
5100 (z c 50.2) ~solid line!. The initial parts of the graph tential in Eq. ~2.8!, there is considerable richness as exhib-
for z(0)!z c mark sinusoidal small-amplitude ~plasma! os- ited by the dark solid lines, dashed lines, and lines with large
cillations @Fig. 2~a!#. On increasing z(0), the oscillations be- dots. All these curves correspond to f (0)5 p . Note, for in-
come highly anharmonic, with the inverse period that first stance, that as L/L c increases and approaches unity, the area
increases and then decreases, displaying a critical slowing enclosed by the trajectory shrinks and is pinched at L5L c
down. The logarithmic divergence of the time period at marking the onset of p -phase MQST with ^ z & , u z s u ~dashed
z(0)5z c is marked by the hyperbolic secant evolution of line!. Upon further increase, the area collapses to a point at
z(t) @Fig. 2~d!#. In the inset we show the average value ^ z & the z5z s stationary z-symmetry breaking state. A further in-

tuning the scattering length of atoms @7# have become cur-

rent. The calculation of the values of L and K from the
experimental data ~for a given trap geometry and total num-
ber of condensate atoms! is straightforward. The onset of
MQST is provided by Eq. ~4.9!, which immediately gives the
value of L c from the ~experimentally imposed! initial condi-
tions z(0) and f (0). Moreover, in the small-amplitude limit
the inverse period of the oscillations, given by Eq. ~4.7!,
provides the value of K from the previously calculated L.
Different experiments done by varying the trap geometry
and the number of condensate atoms give a set of parameters
L and K. The data collapse onto a single universal curve of
p /KCL 2 t versus k 2 (L) of Eq. ~B7!, as shown in Fig. 8.
The parameters UN T and E 0 can be estimated to be
;100 nK and ;10 nK, respectively, for N T 5104 if we
take the trap frequency v tra p to be ;100 Hz. L
FIG. 7. Phase-plane portrait of the dynamical variables z and f
5UN T /2K can be varied widely by changing N T , or the
for L/L c values as marked. For all trajectories, z(0)50.6. See the
text for an explanation of the markings of the various trajectories. barrier height ;K that depends exponentially on the laser-
sheet thickness. Typical frequencies are then 1/t 0
crease of L/L c induces a reflection of the trajectory ;100 Hz. With collective mode excitation energies D coll
about the fixed point and p -phase MQST with ^ z & . u z s u ;E 0 and quasiparticle gaps D qp ; AUN T E 0 , for UN T z
~lines with large dots!. Finally, the trajectories join ,D qp,coll intrawell excitations are not induced. At nonzero
the running-mode MQST for L/L c 52.7 ~lines with small temperatures, BEC depletion and thermal fluctuations will
dots!. renormalize the parameters in Eq. ~2.7! and will damp @18#
We now outline a possible procedure for ~a! bridging ex- the coherent oscillations. The effects of damping on the os-
perimental data with our theoretical model and ~b! collapsing cillation behavior requires a separate treatment and will be
data from different experiments onto a single universal considered elsewhere.
curve. We note, at the very outset, that other procedures
could be experimentally more accessible, particularly since
different methods of tailoring traps @3# and the possibility of

FIG. 9. Scaled inverse period t ac / t plotted against L for a fixed

asymmetric trap parameter DE51, z(0)50.1, f (0)50,p initial
values, and 1/t ac as defined in Eq. ~4.7!. The vertical scale on the
FIG. 8. Universal curve for data collapse with p /KCL 2 t ~in left ~right! corresponds to f (0)50 ( p ). The insets show time-
units of \) versus k 2 (L) as in Eq. ~B7!. averaged ^ z & against L, for ~a! f (0)50 and ~b! f (0)5 p .

FIG. 10. Analog of the Shapiro effect: dc current I dc 5 ^ ż & versus the trap asymmetry parameter scaled in the applied frequency DE/ v 0 .
Here z(0)50.045, f (0)5 p /2, DE 1 / v 0 \53.5, and dashed ~thick solid! lines are for L50 (1000).

V. THE ASYMMETRIC TRAP CASE DEÞ0 2DEz(0)#/(11DE2), as in the inset. This corresponds to an
A. Exact solutions and temporal behavior averaged pendulum rotation ^ z & ;2DE,0, opposite in sign
to the initial z(0).0, but slowing to zero as the critical value
Let us now consider the case where the traps are asym- is approached. For L.L c (DE), in the MQST regime, the
metric, i.e., DEÞ0, as in Fig. 1, with the Hamiltonian averaged rotation ^ z & .0 is in the initial direction of z(0)
Lz 2 .0, with ^ z & approaching the initial z(0) value for large L,
H5 1DEz2 A12z 2 cosf . ~5.1! as in the DE50 case of Fig. 8.
B. Shapiro effect analogs
For Lz(0)!DE, the nonrigid pendulum is driven to rotate
in a direction determined by DE ~corresponding to the ac Let us now consider the BJJ analog of the Shapiro reso-
Josephson-like effect!. With DE50 and L.L c @of Eq. nance effect observed in the SJJ @23#. In addition to a time-
~4.9!#, we had found that the pendulum also executes rota- independent trap asymmetry DE, we impose a sinusoidal
tory motion, in a direction determined by z(0). For Lz(0) variation so that we can write the asymmetry term as DE
@DEÞ0, we expect this type of motion to persist ~corre- 1DE 1 cosv0t. This could be done by varying the laser barrier
sponding to MQST due to nonlinearity!. In between there position at fixed intensity. A similar Shapiro-like resonance
should be a competition between the two effects and a tran- effect could be seen, with an oscillation of the laser beam
sition at some shifted critical value L5L c (DE). This physi- intensity, at fixed midposition, so K→K(11 d 0 cosv0t). The
cal picture for DEÞ0 is confirmed by obtaining z(t) in analog of the Shapiro effect arises when the period from the
terms of Weierstrassian elliptic functions that change their time-independent asymmetry ;1/DE matches that from the
behavior at a singular value L5L c (DE). oscillatory increment ;1/v 0 . This matching condition is in-
We show in Fig. 9 that the MQST phenomena ~inverse- timately connected with the phenomenon of Bloch oscilla-
period dip and average nonzero imbalance! persist in the tions and dynamic localization in crystals and trapping in
DEÞ0 case and display a dependence on L and DE. Figure two-level atoms @38#. The dc value of the drift current
9 shows the scaled inverse period t ac / t versus the scaled ^ ż(t) & , as a function of DE, will show up as resonant spikes.
nonlinearity ratio L/L c (DE), where t ac is as in Eq. ~4.7!, ~For the SJJ, with current drives, the Shapiro effect shows up
with z(0)50.1, DE51.0, and f (0)50,p . The dip to zero at as steps in the I-V characteristics.! Of course, the dc drift
the onset of MQST is clearly seen. The inset shows the time- cannot persist indefinitely because the phase difference be-
averaged ^ z & for f (0)50,p , vanishing at L5L c (DE). tween the condensates on the two parts of the BJJ will cease
Whereas for DE50 and L,L c (DE50) the average popu- to be a well-defined quantity once the population in one well
lation imbalance was zero, for DEÞ0 we have ^ z & Þ0 in the drops below N min .
corresponding sub-critical region L,L c (DE). This is Figure 10 shows I dc } ^ ż(t) & obtained from time averaging
analogous to a voltage across a capacitor inducing a charge the numerical solution, with a small ac drive and DEÞ0. It is
difference and the external static magnetic field in the case of plotted as a function of DE/ v 0 for increasing values of the
He-A. Note that there is a combined influence of L,DE and nonlinearity ratio L. The initial conditions are z(0);0
f (0), so ^ z & can be larger ~in magnitude! than z(0). In 50.045 and f (0)5 p /2, for which L c ;1000 ~in the ab-
particular, for L→0, ^ z & →2DE @ A12z 2 (0)cosf(0) sence of DE and ac driving!. When L is zero, sharp peaks in

I dc occur at the usual Shapiro condition values DE}n v 0 ,n The nonlinear interaction in the GPE destroys such a super-
51,2, . . . . As L increases, however, two things happen. position. In effect, if the condensate density in the tunneling
First, multiple peaks also occur at DE/ v 0 values different region is small ~as it is the case for weak links! the nonlinear
from integers. Close to the MQST regime (L;L c ), there is interaction in that region is negligible and the superposition
a proliferation of peaks as the system moves from a regime ansatz is preserved.
of constant current ^ ż & Þ0 (L small! to one of constant ~ii! We factorize the temporal and the spatial dependence
population imbalance ^ z & Þ0 (L large!. Second, the magni- of the GPE wave function describing the condensate in each
tude of the peaks or dc currents decreases. Finally, we note trap. Later in this section we will discuss the limit of validity
that for DE larger than the Bogoliubov quasiparticle gap D qp of this approximation.
and high enough temperatures, a dissipative quasiparticle The spatial dependence of F 1,2(r) can be constructed by
branch might be observable. the exact symmetric F 1 (r) and antisymmetric F 2 (r) sta-
tionary eigenstates of the GPE ~see Sec. IV!:
F 1 1F 2
F 1~ r ! 5 , ~A2a!
We have investigated the Josephson dynamics in two 2
weakly linked Bose-Einstein condensates forming a boson
Josephson junction. In the resulting nonlinear two-mode F 1 2F 2
model, we have described the temporal oscillations of the F 2~ r ! 5 , ~A2b!
population imbalance of the condensates in terms of elliptic
functions. Our predictions include nonsinusoidal generaliza- ensuring that
tions of Josephson dc, ac, and Shapiro effects. We also pre-
dict macroscopic quantum self-trapping, which is a self-
maintained population imbalance across the junction due to E F 1 ~ r ! F 2 ~ r ! dr50, ~A3!
atomic self-interaction, and p oscillations, in which the
phase difference across the junction oscillates around p . We where we impose the normalization condition

clarify the connection and the differences between these phe-
nomena and others occurring in related systems such as the u F 1,2~ r ! u 2 dr51. ~A4!
superconducting Josephson junctions, the internal Josephson
effect in 3 He-A, and Josephson oscillations between two
Replacing Eqs. ~A1! and ~A2! in the GPE ~2.1!, and using
weakly linked reservoirs of 3 He-B. Through a set of func-
the orthogonality condition ~A3!, we obtain the BJJ equa-
tional relations, we also predict the collapse of experimental
data ~corresponding to different trap geometries and total
number of condensate atoms! onto a single universal curve. ]c1
These effects constitute experimentally testable signatures of i\ 5 ~ E 01 1U 1 N 1 ! c 1 2Kc 2 ~A5a!
quantum phase coherence and the superfluid character of ]t
weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates.
i\ 5 ~ E 02 1U 2 N 2 ! c 2 2Kc 1 , ~A5b!

Discussions with V. Chandrasekhar, S. Giovanazzi, L. with constant parameters

Glazman, A. J. Leggett, and E. Tosatti and useful references
from G. Williams are acknowledged.
E 05 E \2
u ¹F u 2 1 u F u 2 V ext ~ r ! dr, ~A6a!
U5g 0 E u F u 4 dr, ~A6b!

The values of the constant parameters in the BJJ equa-
tions ~2.3!, K, E 0 , and U, depend on the geometry ~and K.2 ~ ¹F 1 ¹F 2 ! 1F 1 V ext F 2 dr. ~A6c!
effective dimensionality! of the system and the total number 2m
of condensate atoms. We now outline their dependence in
We now return to our variational ansatz C(r,t)
terms of spatial GPE wave functions, elucidating the ap-
proximations underlying the BJJ equations. 5 c 1 (t)F 1 (r)1 c 2 (t)F 2 (r). The parameters U and DE are
We look for the solution of the ~time-dependent! GPE proportional to the wave-function overlaps, are N T depen-
~2.1! with the variational ansatz dent, but are independent of z(t), so the chemical potential
difference is considered linear in z. This approximation cap-
C ~ r,t ! 5 c 1 ~ t ! F 1 ~ r ! 1 c 2 ~ t ! F 2 ~ r ! . ~A1! tures the dominant z dependence of the tunneling equations
coming from the scale factors c 1,2} AN 1,2, but ignores shape
There are two approximations underlying this ansatz. changes in the wave functions for N 1 (t)ÞN 2 (t). We can
~i! We describe the temporal evolution of the Gross- estimate such corrections to the chemical potential difference
Pitaevskii wave function as the superposition of two wave D m [ m 1 2 m 2 within the Thomas-Fermi approximation m 1,2
functions ~roughly! describing the condensate in each trap. ;N 2/5
1,2;(N T /2) (16z) . Then relative corrections to the
2/5 2/5

linear form D m 5(4/5)z are estimated by E[ @ D m (z)

24z/5# /D m (z), where D m (z)5(11z) 2/52(12z) 2/5. We
find that E is negligible over the z range where MQST effects
z~ t !5 H C cn@~ CL/k !~ t2t 0 ! ,k #
C dn@~ CL !~ t2t 0 ! ,1/k #
for 0,k,1
for k.1;
are expected: E;0.1% for z50.1 and E;3% for z50.4.
Thus Eq. ~2.6!, with DE and L treated as constants, is indeed
a reliable nonlinear equation describing the BJJ dynamics for
a large range of z(t) values. Similar conclusions have been
k 25
1 CL
2 z~ L !
~ H 0 L21 !
AL 2 1122H 0 L
, G ~B6b!

reached in @18#. As a further test, the GPE ~2.1! has been

solved numerically ~in a spatial grid! in the double-well ge- t 0 52 @ L AC 2 1 a 2 F„arccos@ z ~ 0 ! /C # ,k…# 21 , ~B6c!
ometry @39#, fully confirming the conclusions just outlined.
where F( f ,k)5 * f0 d f (12k 2 sin2f)21/2 is the incomplete el-
liptic integral of the first kind.
APPENDIX B: EXACT SOLUTIONS IN TERMS The Jacobian elliptic functions cn(u,k) and dn(u,k) are
OF JACOBIAN ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS periodic in the argument u with period 4K(k) and 2K(k),
The total energy of the system is given by respectively, where K(k)[F( p /2,k) is the complete elliptic
integral of the first kind. The character of the solution
Lz 2 changes when the elliptic modulus k51. From Eq. ~B6b! this
H„z ~ t ! , f ~ t ! …5 1DEz2 A12z 2 cosf 5H„z ~ 0 ! , f ~ 0 ! … mathematical condition or singular parameter dependence of
the elliptic functions corresponds to the physical condition
[H 0 , ~B1! H 0 51 and L5L c of Eq. ~4.9!, for the onset of MQST:
k 2 (L c )51. When k 2 !1, cn(u,k)'cosu1k2sinu(u2 21 sin2u)
where H 0 is the initial ~and conserved! energy. Combining is almost sinusoidal. When k 2 increases, the departure from
Eqs. ~2.6a! and ~2.8!, we have simple sinusoidal forms becomes drastic. For k 2 &1,

cn(u,k)'sechu2(12k 2 )/4(tanhu sechu)(sinhucoshu2u)
Lz 2 2
ż 2 1 1DEz2H 0 512z 2 . ~B2! becomes nonperiodic. When k 2 @1, the behavior is again pe-
2 riodic ~but about a nonzero average!: dn(u,1/k)'1
2(sin2u)/2k 2 .
The nonlinear Gross-Pitaevskii tunneling equations for the The time period of the oscillation of z(t) is given @43# by

macroscopic amplitudes c 1 (t) and c 2 (t) are formally iden-
tical to equations governing a physically very different prob- 4kK ~ k !
lem: a single electron in a polarizable medium, forming a for 0,k,1 ~B7a!
polaron @32#. Solutions have been found @32,40–42# for the t5
discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation describing the mo- 2K ~ 1/k !
tion of the polaron between two sites of a dimer. Similarly, CL
for k.1. ~B7b!
we use Eq. ~B2! to obtain the exact solution for z(t) in terms
of quadratures
In the linear limit, t → p / A11L, in agreement with the ex-
5 E z~ 0 ! dz pression for t p in Eq. ~4.7!. As k→1 or L→L c , the period

. becomes infinite, as in a critical slowing down, diverging
2 z~ t ! 2 2
2 2zDE 2H 0 logarithmically, K(k)→ln(4/A12k 2 ). The evolution of the
~ 12z 2 ! 2 z 2 1 2
L L L imbalance is given, in this special case, by the nonoscillatory
~B3! hyperbolic secant (C52 AL c 21/L c )

We consider the DE50 and DEÞ0 cases separately. For z ~ t ! 5C cn@~ CL c !~ t2t 0 ! ,1# 5C sechCL c ~ t2t 0 !
symmetric double wells DE50, the denominator of Eq. ~B3!
can be factorized, so for k51. ~B8!

We now turn to the case DEÞ0. The general form of the

5 E z~ 0 !

z~ t !
A~ a 2 1z 2 !~ C 2 2z 2 !
, ~B4! integral of Eq. ~B3! is split into two parts

Lt Lt 0
1 E z1

z~ 0 !
dz 8
Af ~ z 8 !
, ~B9!

C 25
2 F ~ H 0 L21 ! 1
,G a 25
@ z 2 2 ~ H 0 L21 !# , where Lt 0 /2 is the integral from z 1 to z(0), and z 1 is a root
of the quartic

z ~ L ! 52 AL 1122H 0 L.
2 2
f ~ z !5 SD2
~ 12z 2 ! 2 z 2 1
2zDE 2H 0 2
. G
The solution to Eq. ~B4! is written in terms of the cn and dn Taylor expanding f (z) around z, with the change of vari-
Jacobian elliptic functions ~with k the elliptic modulus @43#! able y5y(z)5 @ f 8 (z 1 )/4# (z2z 1 ) 21 1 f 9 (z 1 )/24 for which
as y(z 1 )5`, the integral in Eq. ~B9! is cast in a standard form

L ~ t2t 0 ! ` dy 8 to a difference or disorder in on-site electronic or excitonic
5 , ~B10! energies.
2 y 4y 8 3 2g 2 y 8 2g 3 For DE50 we found that the elliptic modulus k 2 gov-
erned the behavior of the Jacobian elliptic function solutions.
which can be inverted as a Weierstrassian elliptic function
For DEÞ0, the discriminant d 5g 32 227g 23 of the cubic h(y)
y5`„L(t2t 0 )/2;g 2 ,g 3 …. Thus
~with roots y 1,2,3 ) governs the behavior of the Weierstrassian
f 8 ~ z 1 ! /4 elliptic functions @43#. For d Þ0, the solutions are oscillatory
z ~ t ! 5z 1 1 . ~B11! about a nonzero average, ^ z & Þ0. For d 50, ^ z & 50 and the
` ~ L ~ t2t 0 ! /2;g 2 ,g 3 ! 2 f 9 ~ z 1 ! /24 time period diverges, corresponding to L5L c (DE), the on-
set of MQST.
In Eq. ~B10! the constants in the cubic equation h(y)54y 3 The time period of the oscillation can be written in terms
2g 2 y2g 3 are determined from the coefficients a i of f (z) of complete elliptic integrals of the first kind K(k) as in the
5 ( 4l50 a l14 z l as DE50 case of Eq. ~B7!. However, the argument and pref-
actors are different, with
g 2 52a 4 24a 1 a 3 13a 22 ,

g 3 52a 2 a 4 12a 1 a 2 a 3 2a 32 1a 23 2a 21 a 4 ,

DE 2
H K ~ k 1 ! / ~ y 1 2y 3 !
K ~ k 2 ! / A3y 22 2 14 g 2
` for d 50, g 3 <0.
for d .0
for d ,0 ~B14!

a 1 52 , a 25 @ H 0 L112DE 2 # , For d .0, k 21 5(y 2 2y 3 )/(y 1 2y 3 ), where the roots y i of

L 3L 2
h(y) are all real, y i 52 Ag 2 /3cos$@u12p(i21)#/3% , and
2H 0 DE 4 ~ 12H 20 ! u 5arccos( A27g 23 /g 32 ). For d 52 u d u ,0, k 2 51/223y 2 /
a 35 , a 45 . ~B13! 4(3y 22 2g 2 ), where y 2 is the only real root, y 2 5 @ (g 3
L2 L2
1 A2 d /27) 1/31(g 3 2 A2 d /27) 1/3# /2. Thus the inverse oscil-
The solution ~B11! is equivalent to that found in polaronic lation period 1/t , for d Þ0, is obtained as above in terms of
@44# and other contexts @45,46#, where DEÞ0 corresponds L and DE, with 1/t 50 at L5L c (DE).

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