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a PARTHOU ARE ENGINEERING AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, VOL. 1, 1382380 0973) COMPARISONS BETWEEN AMBIENT AND FORCED VIBRATION EXPERIMENTS. MHHIANLO D. TRIFENACT Tectwotoey, Pasadena search Labwratony. Caifnia bsttare and Lansim-Doherty Geolicical Obsercatory, Columbia University, New Yors Earthavate tngicerin SUMMARY “The ambient and forced vitsration techniques for testing fullscale structures are critically compared. Roth methods, based on small level excitarion, may be used to determine many mode shapes and frequencies of vibration and the corresponding damping values, with adequate acutacy for most purposes. The wo techniques se mutually The mode amplitudes determined by ambient and forced vibration tests show systemacic departure for high modes and near the top levels of boildines tested, This phenomenon is attributed to the participation of all mode shapes and is a consequente of excitation oa concentrated force near the top of a building and at a frequency differing by only a few per cent from a natural frequency of vibrations, ‘A new way of showing the effect of unwanted modes on the Fesponse near resonance of the mode being sought ig developed. It is particularly useful for the analysis of steady, forced vibration tests of structures using eccentric ‘mass vibration generators. INTRODUCTION In recent years a method for testing structures based on wintd- and microtremor-induced vibrations has been developed. Aithough the mathod has been ix use for almost 40 years by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey! to measure fundamental periods of buildings, it was not until recently that this approach was extended to higher modes. Another important approach to dynamic testing of structures is based on forced vibration tests. During these tesis the structure is excited in a steady-state vibration with one of more shakers having accurate spe conirol.* These shakers have been used successfully to test many different stractwres, including dam a reservoir intake tower,"! atomic reactors!* and many different buildings and special structures.¥27 ‘A common objective of the above-mentioned methods is to explore the dynarnic properties of full-scale structures, These properties include frequencies and modes of vibration and the amount of enerey dissipated by the structure, Knowledge of these properties is essential \o wnderstand and interpret structural response during strong earthquake ground motion, during wind excitation and to compare observations with theoretical results, ‘The amplitudes of structural motion in the case of ambient vibrations depend mainly on wind speed, since wind is usually a more effective exciting source than ground microtremors OF sources in the structure. Although the displacements detected in both ambient and vibration generator tests are very small, the vibrator-induced motions may be several ordets of magnitude greater than the ambient vibrations. Therefore, there is a possibility that the above-mentioned methods might lead to different results ifthe structure behaves differently at various levels of extitation. 1 is the objective of this paper to explore this important point by comparing results from ambient and forced vibration tests performed on the same structures. ‘A comparison of the ambient and forced vibration tests is made for two structures. One is a twenty-two storey steel frame building of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company in San Diego, California. It was tested during the sommes of 1969, and the results of the forced vibration experiment were reported by * Assistant Professor of Applied Science. Received 14 January 1972 (© 97a Wy Toba Wey & ome 133 iM MUIAILO D. HRI SAC Jennings and co-workers" The ambient vibration tests and a preliminary comparison with the forced ‘ibration tests were described by Tritunsc.® The ambient vibration tests were pertormed immediately after the Forced vibration tests. There were no major earthquakes in the ff between the two tests, $0 it may be assumed that zhe structure and its foundation characteristics remained the same. ‘The second structure described in this paper is a nine-storey reinforced conerete building. the Robert Millikan Library on the campus of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, C this building was described by Kuroissa’* and briefly summarized by Jennings and Kuroiwa2 Several ambient vibration tests of this structure were performed since its completion in 1967 and the reports are ays being prepared. The test used for comparison in this paper. performed in early 1967, was described by Blunford and co-workers. Again, there were no major earthauakes in the between or during the time the tests were conducted. so the structure-soil system may be considered unchanged, Many modern dynamic studies. although aimed at acquiring information that would assist in the design of earthquake resistant structures. are still based on the infinitesimal, linear theory of elasticity. Hence, the results of small-amplitude vibrations can be used to check and improve various assumptions involved in constructing dynamical mathematical models of structures. Theoretical studies of earthquake-resistant structures will, in the future, tend to be increasingly more concerned with calculations based on elasto-plastic and other non-linear force-deflection relationships. During these large, partially damaging motions, modes snd natural periods of the structure will be different From those determined by the linear theory or by experiments based either on low-level forced vibrations or on wind- and microtremor-induced vibrations. However, even then the small-amplitude experimental deter- minations of structural properties will be invaluable, since they can serve as reference points for more complete calculations, Only a small number of buildings has so far been tested by the ambient vibration measurement method, and many mote tests are needed, Tests using vibration generators have been performed on various types of structures, as was noted above, Before our knowledge of structural dynamics can be based on sound founda- tions, however, maay more structures will have to be tested. employingexisting and developing new techniques of measurement. Although two case studies are not sufficient to justify general conclusions, the results summarized in this paper strongly suggest that. in the linear range of excitation, tests based on microtremor- and wind-induced vibrations give essentially the same results as would be obtained from the forced vibration experiments, fornia. The Forced vibration experiment © TWO CASE STUPIES Twenty-two st Description of the building. The San Diego Gas and Electric Building is located in the block between First and Second and Ash and A Strects in San Diego. It has a 180% by 70 ft tower, six bays by two bays in plan dimension, extending from the fourth floor to the top (Figures 1 and 2). A typical flor plan is given in Figure 2; a typical storey height is 13-5 ft ‘The building is separated by a seismic joint into the ‘Low Building,’ which is a U-shaped structure about 180 ft wide and 250 ft long, and the twenty-two storey “Tower. The structure for the lower io storeys of the ‘Low Building” isa reinforced concrete frame. Two upper stories consist of a stel frame and conerete shear walls (Figure 1). The tower, which is enclosed by the ‘Low Building’ is a ductile, moment-resisting, steel space frame. The typical floor structure consists ofa cellular steel deck with concrete topping. Because of the favourable soil conditions, conventional reinforced concrete spread footings are employed. The building was designed for earthquake loads aecording to the specifications for zone 3 of the Uniform Building Code. Description of the measuring equipment. Four Eatth Sciences Ranger Seismometers were used to measure wind and microtremor vibrations of the building, These seismometers have a stationary col with a permanent magnet as the moving seismie mass. The voltage geverated in the coil is proportional to the relative velocity of the moving mass. The natural period is close to 1 sec. During the experiment, the damping was set at 07 of critical. Amplification of all frequencies greater than about I cps was nearly constant, and with 6 db steel frame building poses high | ot v } An output dye 035 AMIBILNT AND FORCED VIBRATION FSPEREMENTS 135 od per octave fallo(T for frequencies smaller than 1 cps, This fallost for frequencies smaller thar about | eps ean ‘wc be quite advantageous in recording vibrations of structures with a fundamental period close to 2 see or ~~ Tonger. In this way. the low-frequency modes do not dominate in the record, thus facilitating the study of ~ higher modes. 4 = = 8 3 ‘e S in = S 3 3 = = nd 5 at 4 4 : 4 ! 7 — 4 os | ' : | 2 { | i | a = ? = eo | Figure 2. Typical oor plan with location of Ranger sismometers, As B and C Tt ‘An Earth Sciences SC-201A Signal Conditioner was used to amplify and control simultaneously four outputs from the Ranger Seismometers. Each data channel on the signal conditioner has amplification of up 4 to 350,000 and attenuation from 0 to 82 db. Depending on the level of building vibration during this rr 136 Histto B. HRIFUN AE experiment, various attenuator settings were used ranging from 40 to $8 db. Recorded signals were usually algorit! kept within about | v in amplitude. and ah ‘The measured displacements were of the order of 10cm oF 1. {i of interest that during the Forced from F ~ excitation of the same building, amplitudes were of the order of ! mm of about 180 times greater?" The ratios * level of the ambient vibration of a structure like the San Diego Gas and Electric Building depends mainly bf ‘on the intensity of wind. During the weekend of !9-20 July 1969, when pieasurements were conducted, wind Intensity was relatively low. ‘The voltage proportional to the relative velocity of the seisimic mass was recorded by a Lockheed Elec- Byt tronies Model 417 Magnetic Tape Recorder. In order to have immediate visual inspection of the vibrations, floor. the seismic signals were simultaneously recorded on two Mark 220 Brush Recorders. Each of these recorders freque has 1vo channels so that all four outputs from the seismometers could be displayed simultaneously. aa ‘Measuring procedures. When measuring ambient or shaker-excited building vibrations, one usually One assumes that the structure can be approximated by a one-dimensional, linear, damped, diserete oF continuous vibrat system, In some cases measurements indicated that floor diaphragn's are sufficiently stiff so that the above = with? assumption is acceptable, and this assumption was made in the case of the San Diego Gas and Electric the ay wo 8 Building 2 ‘The measurements in the building were conducted in the following way. To obtain translational mode- shapes and associated frequencies, two seismometers were permanently located on the twentieth floor in the north stairwell (Figure 2). One instrument was oriented in the north and the other in the east direction, Two other instruments oriented in the same directions were located on the roof during the frst measurement, then on the twentieth floor, the eighteenth floor and successively downward hy two-storey increments; measurements were also taken on the thirteenth floor. In an ideal situation, to measure the translational modes all instruments would be placed in the centte ofthe structural cross-section or in the centre of torsion, However, the centre of torsion was not known at the time these tests were performed, and furthermore, the floor was carpeted at the centre of the building (placing an instrument on a caxpet would have some undesirable filtering effects for certain frequencies). It was therefore decided to place all instruments for the translational measurements in the north stairwell directly on the concrete slabs (Figure 2) To obiain information about the torsional frequencies, three experiments were conducted atthe twentieth, thirteenth and telfih floors, In these tests, two instruments Oriented EW were placed in the extreme NE and SW corners of the tower as indicated in Figure 2 “Measurement of wind-induced vibrations does not require calibration of all instruments so that they give the same armplitudes when excited by the same base motion, Nor is it necessary to find the actual amplitudes recorded, because all that is ever used in determining mode shapes is the relative amplitude of the same two instruments at a given frequency Data analysis. Four simultaneous outputs were recorded on magnetic tape during all stages of measure- ‘ment, Through analogue-to-digital conversion, 200 discrete paints per sec were generated from each of these analogue records. Noise containing frequencies close to 30 eps and higher was present in some records during the whole experiment. It was not possible to determine precisely the origin of this noise, but it seems Tikely that it was caused by mechanical systems in the building, such as air conditioners, clevators ot others that were not shut off during the measurement. Because al frequencies that can be used for building analysis lie wel below 30 eps, and to ease the data processing, the original records wese passed through low-pass filters. This filtering was performed by successive application of equally weighted, running mean digital filters over time intervals of 0-03, 002 and 0-01 s, The overall resulting filter response function is somewhat fq. sharper than that given by a single running mean Siter but stil has a form similar to sin x/x function. It » essentially filters out all frequencies above 30 eps. After smoothing, the original data with 200 pis/s were, 4. te decimated to give 50 pts/s. te (On the average, about | min or more ofthe vibration was recorded on the tape for each experiment during ap the fd mearuremen One ial ital 2046 lon, coresponing to 10M dat pois, was seed “Fg from each of these records for further analysis. ‘The Fourie: amplitude spectrum for each 20-46 s interval was obtained by using the Cooley-Tukey . tt was} the d Sir deter c vir: ‘onced "The rainly wind Elec- veders ually eth, NE des ese rds AMBIENT AND FORCED VIBRATION EXPERIMENTS 137 algorithm, which requires 2 equally spaced data points, where M is an integer. Four Fourier amplitude and phase spectra were computed for each test. In addition, it was necessary to find the ratio of the spectra from records made on the test floors to the spectra computed at the reference level (Floor 20), Before these ratios were computed, the Fourier spectra were smoothed so that the specteum at the ith point f, was replaced by F3 as follows FEM = et Wirth) By taking the ratio of the Fourier amplitude spectrum ata test loot and the spectrum at the twentieth floor, one obiains an amplitude proportional to the mode shape amplitude at the test floor for a given frequency of vibration, During this operation some spectral peaks at various floor levels were found not to be atthe same frequency, Such phenomena were also reported in the case of shaker-induced vibrations One possible explanation for this is that, Because of variable wind speed and direction, various modes of vibration are excited in diferent amounts from one experiment to the other. Thus, if there are two modes with nearly the same frequencies, superposition of their Fourier amplitade spectra may lead toa shifting of the apparent peak. For this reason, it may be erroneous to determine characteristic Frequencies from one oF two spectrum peaks only. The distribution of spectral peaks versus Frequencies from all thirteen floor tess was plotted, and the frequencies of natural vibration were picked to correspond withthe points about which the data clustered. Since Fourier amplitude spectra give only the modulus of the amplitude, phase spectra were used 10 determine the positive (in phase) or negative (180 degrees out of phase) sign of the mode amplitude. Comparison of ambient and forced vibration tess. The frequencies determined by ambient and by Foroed vibration methods for six NS and torsional modes and for five EW modes are compared in Table I. The Table 1. San Diego Gas and Electric Building: Natural frequencies for ambient and forced vibration testsp NS EW Torsional Mode No. Translational frequency Translational frequency ‘Torsional frequency 7 ( rads) g ee eg 22 2 5 25 £8 a8 225 1 27 25 2726710 2 15 #2 S177 30 3 Bs Ds 46 Sd oS 54 4 90 189-700 22d 79 5 253258 94 2911290798108 6 7 4 oe - 3a 92 a 363 40 +t Modes are identified by their principal component of motion, 4 Jennings and co-workers.?2# Frequency of the sixth mode in torsion was not well defined in the ambient vibration test, and it was not possible to determine whether it represents the sixth EW or torsional vibration. Based on the forced vibration tests, Jennings and co-workers*”* suggested that this frequency most probably corresponds to the sixth torsional mode and it i so listed here. ‘As may be seen from Table I, except for the fifth and sixth NS modes and the fifth torsional mode, frequencies measured from the wind-excited motions are always the same or higher than those determined by the forced vibration experiment. In this respect, itis interesting that in nearly all forced vibration tests there have been observed monotonic increases of resonant frequency for decreasing amplitude of vibration. 6 1s MITAILO D. TRIFUXAC For the range of their experiments, Jenaings and Kuroiwa® found that a decrease of resonance amplitude by a factor close to 8 results in aa increase of resonant frequency by about 25 per cent. On the average, Goquencies determined by the wind aud ambient excitation of the San Diego Gas and Electric Building are about 4 per cent higher than those obtained by the shaker experiment. This shows that the ambient vibration tests leacl to [requency and mode determinations that are in agreement with shaker results, It is informative (0 find the ratios of the observed higher frequencies with respect to the fundamental Frequency. These ratios indicate a type of over-all structural response and are also given in Table 1. From these results it may be concluded that the building vibration in the NS direction (Figures 1 and 2) is pre- dominantly of the shear type, because the determined frequency ratios fatlow closely the ratios 13.7.9, UL which apply for the uniform shear beam. The results suggest that bending effects are more predominant in the EW direction, Torsional results show the same trend but to a lesser extent, ‘Mode shapes determined from the ratio of the Fourier amplitude spectra are plotted in Figure 3 for the NS direction, in Figure 4 for EW and in Figure 5 for torsional vibrations. Torsional, NS and EW fundamental Figure 3. Comparison of NS mode shapes ftom ambient and forced vibration experiments frequencies are very closely spaced and the exact separation of modes is not possible from this set of data, For this reason, the list torsional and EW mode shapes are taken to have the same amplitudes. ‘Mode shapes from the forced vibration tests, as reported by Jennings and co-workers! are also plotted in Figures 3-5. To allow a meaningful comparison the mode shapes from forced vibration tests were scaled so that they have the same mean of absolute mode amplitudes as the modes from ambient tests. In this scaling the top-floor response was excluded to eliminate the influence of whipping caused by mode inter- ference. This effect will be discussed later in this paper. ‘Since the higher modes are near the resolving capability of both testing techniques, the sixth modes deter- ‘mined in the preliminary report on ambient vibrations are not inchaded here. 1 appears that at least chee or more experimental points between the two consecutive zeros are necessary to determine approximately a mode shape. ‘Comparison of the ambient and forced vibration mode shapes show general agreement of results from the two testing methods. The differences, found mainly from the upper floors, seem to be systematic and are represented by a divergence of the two families of curves. This divergence, called ‘whipping’ by Jennings and co-workers. is largest at the top of the building. The forced vibration test shows smaller deflections at the top of the structufe for the fourth and fifth NS and the fourth EW modes. In all other cases where significant differences appear, forced vibration tests lead to larger top-level amplitudes. This difference becomes particularly important for higher torsional modes. Although it will not be possible to completely Figure 4. Contparison of EW mode shapes from ambient and forced vibration experiments, Figure 5, Comparison of torsional moge shapes from amibient and forced vibration experiments sevelve the observed differences without fusthes testing, a quatitasive description of the whipping phenomenon, caused by mode interference, might explain some of the discrepancies. & particularly useful result in any comparison of two different tests js an estimate of errors for each, individual measurement and the overall mode shapes. Strictly speaking, such an estimate cannot be derived from this study because of the presence of the mode interference, which apparently can introduce systematic differences between the two families of mode shapes. Nevertheless, the general trends of errors can be deter- mined by calculating the average relative difference between the two independent measurements Of a ode amplitude. This can be done in the following way. Since both ambient and forced vibration mode shapes are Setermined within an arbitrary amplitude scale, one can find a scaling constant to minimize the sum Eee Here, x; are mode amplitudes determined in the ambient test, y, are the corresponding amplitudes from the 140 MAIO B. TRIEUNAC Jorced vibration experiment and a is a constant, The subscripts f= 1,2.3,....13 correspond to the roof, twentieth floor, eighteenth floor, ete. The sum starts Irom f= 3 (ie. eighteenth floor) in order to pactially climinate discrepancies caused by whipping and stops at (= 13 (A flooe). A simple measurement of the percentage differences relative 10 the peak ambient vibration amplitudes is then given by 100 8) Tr Stead ‘This quantity is listed in Table IL. As would be expected, the esvors inerense from fundamental mode shapes to about 20 per cent for the fifth modes. The average differences of 20 per cent. however, appear to be too large to be explained by the experimental errors only and probably contain 2 significant systematic deviation as wel out 2 per cent for de Table II. San Diego Gas and Electric Building: Average percentage differences of modal amplitudes Mode EW NS ‘Torsion i 2 4 2 2 4 5 9 3 3 16 7 4 9 3 2% 5 9 2 26 Comparison of damping. In the case of sinusoidal steady-state forced vibrations, damping in the building can be determined in several ways; by measuring the peak width at the hatf-power points. by measuring relative peak amplitude or by Hudson’s method,"! When there is no wind, the damping may be determined from a free vibration decay test. Strictly speaking, all these methods fail unless the ambient vibration measurements can be taken during a period when either wind or micratremor excitations are random and nearly stationary in time * Ducing ambient vibration measurements of the Gas and Electcie Building in San Diego, there were only a few instances when such conditions were approximately satisfied. However, even this did not allow a straightforward, accurate estimate of damping belonging to each mode. This was because some sets of frequencies of the NS, EW and torsional modes are closely spaced, thus leading t0 spectral overlap in the peak areas. Therefore, for this building, estimates of damping from ambient vibration tests using the half-power method lead to values that are too large, As can be Seen from Table 111, damping for the fundamental modes is exceptionally high if one assumes that the values obtained by the vibration experi= ‘ment are accurate. This is because the EW, NS and torsional frequencies are closest for the fundamental modes of vibration. Table M. San Diego Gas and Electric Building: Damping values for ambient and forced vibration tests (per cent) NS EW Torsion Mode Ambient Sbakert Ambient Shakert Ambient Shakert 1 95) 16 11-62(10) 25 32) 20 2 356) 27 40@) 16 57Q) 34 3 26Q) 37 460) 34 - 29 4 39 28 = 30 5 - - 30 44 6 -— 44 = 40 =e + Jeanings and co-workers2?™ {The numbers in parentheses indicate the number ef reeasurements used to obiain the averages whieh are given in the table. - 0€0@€&€@—w_ eee oof, ally the the nt, —_— AMBIENT AND FORCED VIBRATION EXPERIMENTS tat More accurate values of damping could be obtained by computing Fourier amplitude spectra with higher resolution and by the optimum location of seismomesers, However, the difficulty in estimating the damping values for this particular experiment was not considered too serious. It sas not encountered in a similar ambient vibration test of a thirty-nine storey steel frame building” Nine-storey reinforced concrete building Description of the building. Millikan Library, a nine-storey reinforced concrete building with basement is located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, Figure 6 shows a NS section and a typical floor plan, The over-all dimensions of the building are also indicated, The lateral loads in the NS direction ave resisted mainly by the west and east shear walls, Lateral resistance in the EW direction is supplied by the central core. A more detailed description of the building may be found in the report by Kuroiwa.™ ‘Measuring equipment anit procedures. The ambient vibration tests of Millikan Library were made by the Teledyne Company on 10 March 1967. The measuring equipment was essentially the same as that used in the tests of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company Building; the principles of measurement were also the same as those described previously and will not be repeated here. Seismometer locations coincided with those used by Kuroiwa’ in the forced vibration experiment and are shown in Figure 6: location A for NS Vibrations; B for EW tests; and C, D, E and F for the torsional experiment, Seven measuring stations for translational modes were located at the eighth. sixth, fourth, second and first floors, and in the basement. ‘The only torsional experiment was conducted on the roof Ames SECTION TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN Figure 6. A NS section and a typical Noor plan showing location of vibration generators (Cand I) and recording instruments (A, B, C, D, E and F) Data analysis. Analogue magnetic tape recorded in the fieid was first band-pass filtered between OS and 35 cps using an analogue filter and then digitized. Spectra with a resolution of 0-0326 cps were calculated by the Cooley-Tukey Fast Fourier Transform algorithm.* ‘Mode amplitudes were determined by finding the ratio of the spectra at each floor to the reference spectra recorded on the roof. For these ratios the sum of nine smoothed points was taken, four on each side of the a 1az MIAILO D. HIRES AC resonance peth. The square root of the eatio of the stn) on the ith floor to the suum on the rooF then gives the ith point of the modeshape. As pointed out by Blanford and co-workers! this method is appealin ‘it weighs spectral estimates in proportion to their amplitudes. However, this approach cannot be used when a hal two spectral peaks are close to cach other or when they overlap, as was the case for ambient tests of the San Diego Gis and Blctee Company Building and averaging spectral peaks for seven diferent rons recorded on the #00 They determined the pereenage oF eet damping by ding which paste oxety oases of resonance cures Rs Pot Conparion of antint an forced ivan rest" Modes, Fequcns e arping les rom ambien vibration tests are compared here with ses ftom the forced virion tes devebed by Kure and Jennings and Kuroiwa! Frequencies and damping vale: for two BW. one NS and on esival Mode sre sivenin Table Tate 1. tan Leary Natal feuencis and damping sats for et and fore vation es 1 Ro 6 eT tars 9m 1S Somos OFT tat TT MomtD gots ok aa char 2 ee ee ditio 4) Date fom Blanford and co-workers. poe “in Forced vibration sts were conducted at sever force levels 1 examine the hangeofmaturlrequences a with change in excatin lee Feltation vas provided by two shakers on tenth Ror paced on te as as Oraynmety athe Dung, near the eat and west shear Walls chown as Vand lin pure). Aecease a natural equeney was found fr an incense extaton leet would be expected for the softening 7 Spring stems This ndeated in Table TV where Tor the forced vibration ess avenge ettuceiseNen gow Cerresponding to various level of enctaion Typical amplitudes during the ambint vibration test ere of the order of 0°. wheren the sorresponding level during the fore baton experiment were of the crdet of 0 aflerence of st orders of mantude, Unie the San Diego Gas and ete Bling ‘experiments, the present comparison does not indicate any systematic changes in frequency for changes in we the amplitudes by six orders of magnitude. This may be a consequence of systematic errors in experimental ‘measurements for cither of the two, or both, tests, since within the forced vibration experiment, decreases in ys frequency for increasing force levels can be well demonstrated, con Mode shapes for two EW and one NS frequencies are compared in Figure 7. The modes from the forced vibration test were scaled to have the same mean of mode amplitudes as the modes from the ambient experi- ment. Agreement for two fundamental EW and NS mode shapes is very 2004. The relative percentage error ¢, defined previously, is less than 2 per cent for these two modes, again excluding the roof level from calcvla- wh tion. Agreement is also good for the second EW mode but small systematic changes near the top of the buildings are indicated. These differences can be explained by the interference of EW modes only,* but may. also involve some coupiing with NS motion, indicating combined torsional and translational motion. Within the accuracy of the ambient vibration tests, the damping values agree well with those determined from the forced vibration tests. The damping, which varied as much as 50 per cent within the range of the forced vibration tests, was found to be relatively insensitive to previous vibrations at lower amplitudes but appeared sensitive to previous vibrations at higher amplitudes. | AMBIENT AND FORCED VIRRATION EXPERIMENTS, 143 Tew 2ew 1NS - . o e oe R 5 izing Hage ° ° ° dient | and | sare i | | = “FORCED VIBRATION EXPERIMENT 0 AMBIENT VIBRATION EXPERIMENT Figure 7. Comparison of two EW and one NS modes of vibration from ambient and forced vibration expesiments, 7 MODAL INTERFERENCE For routine tests of fullscale structures, it is usually assumed that the point at which the excitation force is applied does not appreciably affect the experimental results, and that at resonance, geometrical configuration characterizing the structural steady-state vibration is essentially an eigenfunction of the problem. The con- ~ ditions for the existence of classical modes of vibration,*** the nature of the energy dissipation in structures, soil-sttucture interaction and coupling of translational and torsional vibrations are other important features of any vibration problem. In modelling actual effects of the steady-state structural vibrations excited with concentrated sinusoidal force, one would therefore have to consider all of these effects together. How- ever, this is beyond the scope of this paper. Instead, to qualitatively explain the differences between the ambient and forced vibration mode shapes observed in the above-described experiments, one might consider a simple shear beam of height H, fixed at the base and with no energy dissipation. Assume this beam is excited by a sinusoidal force Fysin wt at height 4, as shown in Figure 8, ‘The differential equation describing the free vibrations of a uniform shear beam is ® wt pth deny ste iy, eh mee dpe i ine ordi ani the corinne tested nee beam (gue Ie apd Sst the oe hae oe face Ripa tcner andi ne open a) sed omun aan a he spate honda Heron @ where B) @ ee. a MHHDATLO B, ERIFUNAC © 1tcan be shown that e(x) setistysng (2) and all boundary conditions (3)(3) i gh &% 1 sink ee ph Ctankly tank aa r=) 1 @ So _ Fa ran ki — hysin k(x Wht cas k(x —: hexe Fa tan ky wan RTH hy SOM Msi sacri UR Note that in place of equation (1) a differential equation for forced vibration of a shear beam ae $09 9(x—A)sinewt wo could have been used. In that ease r(x) Would have been given by — Sau & __ sin @nh/2H) rye “Bey Y= oe gaits, VOR po Tt can be shown that equations (6) and (6') are identical. Teshould be noted that the subsequent analysis is equally applicable to torsional vibrations as wel, because the basie differential equation governing torsional oscillations is of the same form as equation (1) When f= H, o(3) given by equation (6) reduces to iy sinks = From equation (7) we find that when k =k, = (Qn+ 49/2) n/H), # = 8, 1,2, ..., 208) > 0. Since KF with 8 = (1u/p)! the corresponding frequencies are + Bo MN) Bw 0.32, These are the well known natural frequencies of a uniform shear beam with a property ae = 1,3,5, | for 1~0,1,2,... so frequently quoted. The normalized eigenfunctions o4(x) are kn 60Sky _ ey(ay ac sin ky 0 It can be shown that for any /, between zero and H, when ki->(2n-+1/2)2r, u(x) given by equation (6) tends to n(x) given by equation (7). ie. one made dominates completely the response and o(x)-r1,(2 Therefore, irrespective of the point at which F,sin a is applied, at resonance the normalized mode shapes are given by equation (9). tis obviows, however, that, white testing Under complicated field Conditions, it may become quite difficult to determine exactly the nacural frequencies. The relative errors in determining natural frequencies of the buildings discussed here are on the order of 2 to 5 per cent. To qualitatively explain the nature of mode interference, which may lead to ‘whipping’ of top floors, it will be assumed here that ‘mode shapes’ measured during forced vibration tests are proportional to nap) 2 [sinks O0, whipping increases the mode amplitude at the top of she structs, while for <0 it decreases the amplitude. For the fifth mode, for example, an overestimate of the natural 3 8 ‘Lene a 2 “ ++ Figure 9, Effect of freauency perturbation parameter € op the normalized top level response —— AMBIENT AND FORCED VIBRATION ENPERIIENTS 17 se the frequency of about 2 per cent (E'=2) leads to £ = 0:20, and an increase of the top level respome by some w= 80 per cent, Figure 9 summarizes the top-level response for various values of and Comparison of Figure 8 with Figures 3-5 and 7 shows that the simple approvimate explanation suggested above might explain the observed differences between the ambient and forced vibration experiments, Untor- ay tunately no direct correlation of the measured deviations can be made with this simple theoty. since the natural frequencies determined from the ambient vibration tests may be systematically low by several per cent nies. for this comparison. Ths is because the Jevet of excitation during the ambient tests as about to orders of magnitude smaller than the levet during forced vibrations. ‘When e>0 the normalized amplitude at the top level increases: at the same time zer0 crossings move a2 away’ from the top. Reversed behaviour accompanies €<0 (Figure 8 and equation (13)). The same general trend is true for most experimental measurements. Therefore, it might be concluded that the accuracy oF the ambient vibration tests is greater than indicated by a comparison in Table Tl. Shifting of zero erossings and uC whipping, resulting from the mode interference when €#0, certainly cannot describe all the dilferences ee between the two types of testing techniques, particularly when coupling between (wo transverse and a ae torsional mode takes place. However, analysis of the second EW translational mode of Millikan Libraty ight suggests that in some cases these two effects alone may be responsible for the aross behaviour of modes of ett vibration observed during the forced vibration tests. ee Figure 10 shows the simultaneous acceleration response at six levels of the Millikan Library near the second EW frequency. The shape of the response curves at BSMT, second, Fourth and sixth floors appears to be similar, while the roof response is smaller for frequencies less than the natural frequency and larger 13) with ural 3 SINGLE AMPLITUDE ACCELERATION-I6x6 . 38 FREQUENCY=CPS Figure 10, Millikan Library: forced vibration response at diferent floors in the second EW mode for frequencies greater than 6:2 eps. Behaviour of the response at the eighth floor is exactly the opposite. This, at first, complicated behaviour becomes simple when one plots the family of structural responses 0*() for a band of frequencies centred around f= 6-2 eps. In Figure 11, ten such mode shapes are plotted corresponding to the ten sets of measurements indicated in Figure 10. Ail the responses in Figure 11 are ‘normalized with respect to the sixth floor to which a unit amplitude is assigned. For clarity, only modes for tests I and 10 are outlined with segments of straight lines. The manner in which the mode shapes continually = “+ change with an increase of frequency (Figure 11) and the similarity of this change with changes illustrated in Figure 8 are remarkable. This is further support for the simple quatitative description of mode interference ‘outlined in this paper. Hoerner and Jennings® also analysed the nature of response near the second EW frequency. They showed that frequency changes ahove and below f= 6:2 eps changed the relative amplitude and phase of the first and second modes, the major contributors to the response o(x). Their approach to the problem was basically 18 MIHAILO D, TRIFENAC equivalent to the approach in this paper and their conclusions are consistent with these sh ery ROOF Fysin wt ri bys TEST No, FREQ 1 5.88 2 5.95 6 3 6.01 4 6.09 5 8 4 6 6.26 7 6.29 8 63! & 2 \ 3 83t : 0 6.40 A 6.10 Bsmr Figure LL, Millikan Library: EW mode shapes near the second natural equeney f= 62

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