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Ugye et al / Chemistry Journal (2013), Vol. 03, Issue 05, pp.

128-132 ISSN 2049-954X

Research Paper

Temperature Effects on the Rate of Reaction of Plasma

Albumin with Formaldehyde in Water Solution and
J.T. Ugye1*, A. Uzairu2, S.O. Idris2 and H.O. Kwanashie3
Department of Chemical Sciences, Federal University, Wukari, P.M.B 1020, Wukari
Department of Chemistry, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
*Phone: +2348069519202

The effects of temperature on the rate of reaction of plasma albumin and formaldehyde in water solution and in ethanol
water mixtures (1-25%) were investigated under seven temperatures from 20-45 oC. The effects of the temperature
variations on the reaction of plasma albumin with formaldehyde were then established from a plot of ln(At-A∞) against
time at each of the varied temperatures. Also the Erying plots, logk2/T vs. 1/T as a function of different temperatures were
plotted and the thermodynamic parameters were calculated from the relation ln(k2 / T) = - ΔH҂/RT + ΔS҂/ R + 23.8 while
the activation energy was calculated by using the expression Ea = ΔH҂ + RT and the plot of lnk against 1/T according to the
Arrhenius equation. The result of the temperature dependent study in water solution showed a mean second order rate
constant k2=, 2.47 (±0.1) mol-1s-1, while that in ethanol-water-mixtures showed a mean value of (2.47 (±0.4). The rate
constants of the reaction in both media were observed to have decreased steadily with increase in temperatures, it could
then be asserted that the reaction was not favoured at high temperatures in both media.

Keywords: Temperature Effects, Water Solution, Ethanol-Water Mixtures, Reaction Rate, Plasma Albumin, Formaldehyde

1. Introduction
Formaldehyde is a known toxin to humans. Its residue in own that neuro- degeneration is closely related to misfoldi-
food for human consumption is proscribed because of its ng and aggregation of neuronal tau. Neuronal tau is an
possible carcinogen nature. The main sources for the form- important protein in promoting and stabilizing the microtu-
aldehyde pollution in air are reported to include painting, bule system involved in cellular transport and neuronal
coating material and cigarette smoking (USEPA, 2012). morphogenesis. Formaldehyde is reported to penetrate thr-
However, formaldehyde is known to be toxic to humans ough the blood-brain barrier and could cause some lesions
and other animals at high concentrations and particularly to central nervous system, especially our visual system
toxic to humans at levels above 0.08% w/v of formaldehy- (Shcherbakova et al, 1986). It has also been established
de in human blood and irritating to the respiratory tract, that high levels of formaldehyde reacts with proteins and
eye and skin (Chun, et al, 2007). Inhalation of a large amo- nitrogen atoms in the environment to form reversible and
unt of formaldehyde is reported to cause severe nasal tum- irreversible adducts in vitro, in vivo and clinically, the
ours and irritation of the upper respiratory tract in both lethal dose of formaldehyde for human beings is found to
rats, mice and humans. Data from human exposures indic- be about 0.08% w/v in the circulation (Erkrath et al,
ated that high concentrations of formaldehyde may lead to 1981). Long-term exposure to Formaldehyde has been fou-
pulmonary oedema (USDL, 2009). Recent studies have sh- nd to cause irreversible neurotoxicity and is related to cent-

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Ugye et al / Chemistry Journal (2013), Vol. 03, Issue 05, pp. 128-132 ISSN 2049-954X

ral nervous system cancer (brain astrocytoma) (Stroup et The stock solutions of the plasma albumin used in the
al, 1986 and Kilburn et al, 1994). In addition, inhaled for- study were prepared by dissolving 50 gdm-3, (0.75x10-3
maldehyde has been shown to cause behavioural and mem- in distilled water. The dilute aqueous solution
ory disorders in rats and has been classified as ‘probably 0.51x10-4 mol dm-3 was prepared by diluting 50 g of the
neurotoxic (Pitten, et al, 2000). It has also been reported plasma albumin in a volumetric flask followed by addition
that inhaled formaldehyde gas has negative effects on the of 10 cm3 of (0.1 HCl) which was further diluted
central nervous system, and these effects may appear acut- to mark in a 1000 cm3 volumetric flask with distilled wat-
ely in the form of headaches, malaise, sleeping disorders, er. Other lower albumin working solutions of the plasma
fatigue, anorexia and dizziness. Formaldehyde has been albumin (40 was also prepared by the dilution of
reported to have the potential of significantly mis-folding 1.6 cm3 of the 0.75x10-2 stock solution into a 10
DNA and native soluble proteins into attendant amyloid cm3 volumetric flask to obtain the 0.6x10-3 work-
fibrillation and insoluble fibrils comprising of cross- ß- ing albumin solution.
sheets (Chun, et al, 2005 and 2007). It also has been found
to have the potential of oxidizing protein-adducts with the Also the hemiacetals were prepared readily by method of
attendant increase in acid levels in the blood even if it Tong (2003) by dissolving the various formaldehyde conc-
remains in the human body for only a short time Lazo et al entrations in the (1-25%) ethanol-water mixtures in 1:1
(2008). There is, however, paucity of information on the ratio and the stock solution left to stand for two hours in
effect of temperature on the reaction of formaldehyde with some beakers. Fresh preparations were made for each runs.
plasma albumin. This study therefore aims to explore the The rate of disappearance of plasma albumin in the format-
effects of temperature on the reaction of low concentrate- ion of the adduct from the reaction of formaldehyde with
ons of formaldehyde on plasma albumin at temperature ra- plasma albumin in aqueous solution as well as in the
nge of between 20-45 oC in water solution and ethanol wat- ethanol-water mixtures was followed in situ at its maxim-
er solutions (1-25 %) for better insight in this all important um wavelength (235nm) in a compartment of a UV spectr-
human and food toxin. ophotometer. The kinetic measurements were carried out
at constant conditions with the concentrations of the form-
Rajbar (1968) reported that human blood proteins like he- aldehyde in excess of 0.27x10-1 while that of
moglobin and serum albumin undergoes a slow non-enzy- plasma albumin was kept constant at 0.51 x10-4
matic glycation with oxidizing agents such as formaldehy- The reaction was carried out by mixing 1-2 cm3 of the
de, mainly by forming Schiff bases between є- amino gro- plasma albumin with 2-3 cm3 of 0.27x10-1 HCHO
ups of lysine and some times arginine and glucose molecu- at ionic strength of [0.5 NaCl] The effects of
les in the blood. Elevated glycol albumin has been report- temperature on the rate constants in the reaction of plasma
ed in diabetes mellitus (Iberg and Fluckiger, 1986). Glyca- albumin and formaldehyde under the given constant condi-
tion is found to result in the formation of advance Glycos- tions were investigated under seven temperatures from 20-
ylation End-Products (AGE), which results in abnormal 45 oC. The temperature dependence of the reactions was
biological effects. AGEs are reported to be antigenic and carried out at constant reactants concentration, Ionic stren-
represent many of the important neo antigens found in coo- gth, µ= 0.5 [NaCl) and pH 7.0 ±3 in (1-25%)
ked and stored foods and also found to be channel blockers ethanol-water mixtures as well as in water solution. The
for calcium, magnesium etc. (Vazquez et al, 2008). Becau- effect of the temperature variations on the reaction of plas-
se of the toxicities of formaldehyde to humans, quest for ma albumin with formaldehyde was then established from
information about how this substance causes specific dise- a plot of ln(A∞-At) against time at each of the varied temp-
ase conditions through its reactions with bio molecules in eratures. Triplicate values were taken in each case to obta-
the human body has become a necessity. To date, there are in the pseudo-first and second order rate kinetics.
a few scientific studies reporting the detailed mechanisms
of the reaction of formaldehyde with bio-molecules, espec- The energy of activation was determined from the plot of
ially proteins. In fact Chun et al (2007) were the only ones lnk against 1/T according to the Arrhenius equation
to report the kinetics and mechanisms of the reaction of
formaldehyde with a human protein -protein tau using a lnk = Ea/RT+lnA
sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophore-
sis (SDS-PAGE) method. Their study found that tau prote-
in was cross-linked and aggregated by formaldehyde via a k=The rate constant
second order mechanism thus indicating formaldehyde is Ea= activation energy
neurotoxic. Formaldehyde in the human body is distributed T= temperature in Kelvin
R= gas constant and
by blood and its possible reaction with plasma albumin is A= frequency factor
worth exploring at body temperature range.
Also the Erying plots, that is logk2/T vs. 1/T as a function
2. Materials and Methods of different temperature constant were plotted and the ther-

Available online at 129

Ugye et al / Chemistry Journal (2013), Vol. 03, Issue 05, pp. 128-132 ISSN 2049-954X

modynamic parameters were calculated from the relation temperatures in water. Since the thermodynamic properties
ln(k2 / T)= - ΔH҂/RT + ΔS҂/ R + 23.8 while the activation of the activated complex are usually taken as a measure of
energy was calculated by using the expression Ea = ΔH҂ + the solution effects (Asadi et al, 2010).
RT (Asadi et al, 2010). The values of the thermodynamic
parameters energy were determined and the results were The typical linear Erying plot of ln(k2 /T) vs. 1/T at the
recorded. seven different temperature range of (20-45 oC) for plasma
albumin and excess 2.7 x 10-2 of formaldehyde in
3. Results and Discussion water was also calculated as given in Figure 1. The plot
gave a positive slope and an approximate correlation value
3.1. Effects of Temperature on the Rate of the Reaction of 0.9 (r2 = 0.892). The large negative ΔS҂ (-220.795 J mol-
in Water Solution K-1) parameter as shown in (Table 2) indicated random
distribution of the solvent molecules in activated state i.e.
The results of the temperature dependence on the reaction the reaction passed through an ordered transition state (El-
rate in water solution were as presented in Tables 1-3 and Mallah et al, 2010). The small positive values of Ea (1.687
Figure 1. kJ Mol-1) and negative value of ΔH҂ (-1.715 kJmol-1) and a
Table 1. Experimental Results of Pseudo-First Order and Second Order Rate Constants at 2.7 x 10-1 mol/dm3 HCHO of Formaldehyde With
Plasma Albumin Reaction at Different Temperature in Water System

K kobs k2 1/T logk2 k2/T log (k2/T)

293 0.071 2.63 0.00341 0.420 0.00897 -2.047
298 0.068 2.52 0.00336 0.401 0.00847 -2.072
303 0.068 2.52 0.00329 0.401 0.00847 -2.072
308 0.067 2.48 0.00325 0.394 0.00806 -2.094
310 0.067 2.48 0.00323 0.394 0.00806 -2.094
313 0.065 2.41 0.00319 0.382 0.00778 -2.109
318 0.061 2.26 0.00314 0.354 0.00710 -2.149

Table 2. Experimental Pseudo-First Order and Second Order Rate large positive ΔG҂ (65.643 kJmol-1) clearly showed that the
Constants Values for the Reaction of Plasma Albumin and reaction was not spontaneous in aqueous solution over the
formaldehyde in Water At Varying Plasma Albumin Con-
centrations and Constant Conditions at Human Body Te- considered temperature range. Activation energy values
mperature T= 37.0 oC, Formaldehyde 0.27 x10-5], NaCl calculated from Erying plots in this study were found
[0.5] mol dm-3] pH= 6.5., λmax = 235nm negative for this reaction. However it has been reported
that it is possible to have a negative activation energy valu-
PABNH2 es when rates of reaction decreases with increase in tempe-
S/No kobs sec-1 k2 mol-1s-1
[moldm-3] rature (Jensen, 2010). Reactions exhibiting these negative
1 2.1 x10-2 0.066 3.14 activation energies are reported typically to be barrierless
2 3.5 x10-2 0.078 2.23 reactions, in which the reaction proceeding relies on the
capture of the molecules in a potential well. Increasing the
3 5.1 x10-2 0.084 1.65
temperature leads to a reduced probability of the colliding
4 7.5 x 10-2 0.083 1.11 molecules capturing one another (with more glancing colli-
4.6 10-2 (±0.02) 0.078(±0.008) 02.03 (±0.87) sions not leading to reaction as the higher momentum carr-
ies the colliding particles out of the potential well), expres-
The results showed a second order rate constant but unlike sed as a reaction cross section that decreases with increase-
in most reactions in which the rate increases with tempera- ng temperature. Such a situation no longer leads itself to
ture, the increase was not sharp. This could be due to the direct interpretations as the height of a potential barrier
denaturation of the plasma albumin substrates which are (Jensen, 2010).
responsible for the reaction, hence, decrease in the concen-
tration of the plasma albumin. The mean second order rate Suffice to say that if positive activation energy keeps a rea-
constant of 2.47 (±0.1) mol.-1s-1 at the varying temperatu- ction from occurring until that amount of energy is provid-
res (20-45 oC) is greater than the average second order rate ed from the environment, then negative activation energy
constant value of 1.32 (±0.58) mol-1s-1 at 37 oC as shown in would imply you could not stop the reaction from occurri-
Table 3. As both reactions were carried out in water solute- ng if is tried. The reactants already have plenty of energy
on, it indicated that the reaction was not favoured at high for the reaction so the only way to prevent the reaction

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Ugye et al / Chemistry Journal (2013), Vol. 03, Issue 05, pp. 128-132 ISSN 2049-954X

would be to keep the reactants apart. If this energy is nega- and ΔH҂ (-1.715 kJ.mol-1) and large ΔG҂ (61.180 kJ.mol-1)
tive then it can be said that this is a barrierless reaction and clearly showed that the reaction was not spontaneous in the
the reaction rate is proportional to the collision frequency. ethanol-water mixtures over the considered temperature ra-
nge and at the formaldehyde concentration. According to
Table 3. Thermodynamics and Other Parameters for Reaction in Asadi et al (2010) the negative ΔS҂ value indicates that the
Various Ethanol-Water Media. Temp. = 20-37 oC, ionic
Strength = 0.5 reaction is compatible with the associative mechanism in
this case a cross-linking / binding reaction as earlier report-
ed in the literature (Bedino, 2003).
Solvent Ea ∆G≠ ∆H≠ ∆S≠
Comp. (%) (kJ mol ) (kJmol ) (kJmol ) (Jmol-1K-1)
-1 -1 -1

1 1.290 66.880 -0.951 -225.351

5 0.891 59.232 -1.612 -202.139
15 0.355 59.301 -2.148 -202.802
20 0.355 59.301 -2.148 -202.802
Mean Values 0.723 61.180 -1.715 -208.270

Figure 2. Combined Erying Plots of 1/T vs. logk2/T in 1%, 5%, 15%b
and 20% Ethanol-Water Mixtures

4. Conclusion
The results of the temperature dependent study of this rea-
ction in water solution and in ethanol-water mixtures sho-
wed a second order rate constant. The rate constants of the
Figure 1. Erying Plot of ln(k2/T) Versus 1/T in Water System reaction in both ethanol-water mixtures and water solutio-
ns decreased steadily with increase in temperatures. It cou-
3.2. Effects of Temperature on the Rate of the Reaction ld be asserted that the reaction was not favoured at high
in (1-25%) Ethanol-Water) Mixtures temperatures in water. The results of the thermodynamic
parameters in both media showed small negative values of
Tables 2 and Figures 2 showed second order rate constant Ea and ΔH and a large positive ΔG҂ which clearly showed
results for the reaction in the ethanol-water mixtures (1- that the reaction was not spontaneous in both ethanol-
25%). The rate constants were observed to have decreased water mixtures and water solution over the considered te-
steadily with increase in temperatures just as in water med- mperature range. Reactions exhibiting these negative acti-
ium and it could be due to solvent effect and the denaturat- vation energies are reported typically to be barrierless rea-
ion of the plasma albumin substrates which were response- ctions, in which the reaction proceeding relies on the capt-
ble for the reactions. The mean second order rate constant ure of the molecules in a potential well. Other than these
of 2.47 (±0.4) mol-1s-1 at the varying temperatures (20-45 reasons it could be asserted that this reaction is a barrierle-
C) was also observed. ss reaction both in water solution and ethanol-water mixt-
The typical linear Erying plots of ln(k2 /T) vs. 1/T at the se-
ven different temperature range of (20-45 oC ) in Ethanol- Acknowledgements
water mixture (1-25%) were also calculated as presented
in (Figures 2). The thermodynamic parameters were calcu- This work was not supported by any donor agent, however,
lated as in water solution based on the method of Asadi et we wish to appreciate the contributions of Prof. Kehinde
al (2010) and the mean values are as given in Table 3. Si- Okonjo of the Department of Chemistry, Convenant Univ-
milar to the result obtained in water solution, the negate-ve ersity, Ota-Nigeria, Dr. S.G. Yiase and Mr S.O. Adejo as
ΔS҂ parameter (-208.27 J mol-1K-1) indicated random distr- well as the technical staff of ABU Zaria and the Benue
ibution of the solvent molecules in activated state i.e. the State University, Makurdi for their assistance and in facili-
reaction passed through an ordered transition state (Asadi tating the conduct of the bench Chemistry of this study in
et al, 2010). Also the small values of Ea (0.723 kJ.mol-1) their various laboratories.

Available online at 131

Ugye et al / Chemistry Journal (2013), Vol. 03, Issue 05, pp. 128-132 ISSN 2049-954X

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