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Plant Client Code Doc.

Hot Insulation of Piping
and Equipment Method
Industrial Solutions

R 0 P 1 o
e a f

0 Issued for Approval 13/02/ !A 13/02/ HM 13/02/ HM

2017 2017 2017
R S Description Dat Prepar Dat Checke Dat Approv A
e t e ed e d e ed C
Acceptance Code : AC
1 Approved / reviewed
2 Approved as noted / reviewed as noted ory
3 Not accepted, to be revised and resubmitted Co
Category Code : CC
1 For approval 1
2 For review / comment
3 For information / action
4 For incorporation in further engineering
5 Not to be transmitted (internal use only)
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Hot Insulation of Piping and

Equipment Method Stat
‫خطوات طريقة عزل خطوط المواسير والالات‬

Industrial Solutions

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Table of Contents


2. DEFINITIONS ‫تعريفات‬


4. OBLIGATION ‫اللتزام‬

5. RESPONSIBILITIES ‫المسؤليات والدوار‬

6. MATERIALS ‫كميات المواد‬

7. BASIC PROCEDURES ‫الخطوات الساسيه‬


9. EXECUTION ‫التنفيذ‬

10. APPLICATION OF HOT INSULATION (Piping) ‫تطبيق عزل اللت والبايبينج ( المواسير ) التي تعمل‬
‫علي الساخن‬
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Hot Insulation of Piping and

Equipment Method Stat
‫خطوات طريقة عزل خطوط المواسير والالات‬

Industrial Solutions

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12.INSPECTION AND TESTING ‫الفحص والختبارات‬

13.PACKING, TRANSPORT AND STORAGE ‫التغليف والنقل والتخزين‬

This document cover the general Method Statement or procedure and
specification, codes and standard and recommendations to be followed for the
application of all types of Thermal Insulation for different Services.
Application of Thermal Insulation works to be carried out in accordance with
the Technical Specifications for SIDPEC- 49-0103/192-16/Insulation Works.
The document covers to all Thermal Insulation Work performed at Site.
‫الوثيقه او الوراق تغطى الجراءات او الخطوات والمواصفات والكواد‬
-‫والتوصيات التى تتبع فى العزل الحرارى لجميع الخدمات المختلفه )مواسير‬
( ‫معدات‬
‫تطبيقات العزل الحرارى سوف تعمل طبقا للمواصفات الفنيه لعمال العزل‬
‫ رقم المواصفه‬16-0103/192-49 ‫لشركة سيدبك‬
‫الوراق تغطى كل اعمال العزل الحرارى داخل الموقع‬
1.1 References
This procedure is based on the following Specifications:
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Hot Insulation of Piping and

Equipment Method Stat
‫خطوات طريقة عزل خطوط المواسير والالات‬

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TKE-PIP-G00-EC-00009 – (ABB lummus L-212)

‫ الجراءات طبا للمواصفات التاليه‬TKE-PIP-G00-EC-00009 – (ABB lummus L-212)

The purpose of this document is to:

1) Specify and standards the procedure for execution of Thermal Insulation

Works. 1) ‫تديدوتوصيف ومعايي إجراءات تنفيذ أعمال العزل الراري‬.

2) Define an acceptable level of quality for the Thermal Insulation applied over
the Piping, Equipment, Vessels, Columns, Furnaces, draft fans, ducts,
exchangers, boiler casings, and stacks. 2) ‫تحديد مستوى مقبول من الجودة للعزل الحراري لكل من‬
‫النأابيب والمعدات واوعية الضغط واعمدة التفاعل والفأران و المراوح والدكتات والمبادلات والغليات المراجل والمداخن‬
3) Be sure that Practices for the Application of Thermal Insulation Works
through the General Procedure and method statement herein.
‫التاكد من ان اعمال العزل الحرارى تتم طبقا للجراءات العامه والخطوات الموجوده هنأا او الموجوده بالمواصفه‬
4) Be sure that Prior to the commencement with the insulation works, all
Hydrostatic testing and pipeline check-outs shall be successfully completed.
‫قبل اعمال العزل يجب التاكد من ان الختبارات قد تمت بنجاح مثل اختبارات الضغط الهيدروستاتيكى للخطوط‬
‫المواسير واللت‬
5) Be sure that The insulation works shall be released by the client / main
contractor or its representatives to the insulation contractor at sites.
‫من يصدرها هو المالك او المقاول الرءيسى او ممثليهم في الموقع لمقاول العزل‬,‫جميع اعمال العزل فى الموقع‬

6) Be sure that prior to the commencement of insulation, all surfaces shall be

thoroughly cleaned by the insulation contractor.
‫يجب على مقاول العزل ان يقوم بتنظيف السطح للشياء التى سوف تعزل والتاكد من انها نظيفه قبل العزل‬
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7) Be sure that surface shall be thoroughly dry at the time of insulation

application. ‫يجب التاكد من ان اسطح الشياء التى سوف تعزل تكون جافه تماما وقت العزل‬
8) Be sure that Insulation materials shall be thoroughly dry and shall be
weatherproofed to avoid it becomes wet and affected by sunlight.
‫يجب التاكد من ان مواد العزل جافه تماما وليست رطبه ومقاومه للرطوبه واشعة الشمس‬
9) Be sure that insulation, cladding, and ancillaries materials shall be installed
in accordance with the international codes of practice and client
specifications by company skilled tradesmen.
‫يجب التاكد من ان جميع مواد العزل والغطاء والملحات سوف تتم طبقا للكواد والمعايير الدوليه والمواصفات‬
‫الخاصه بالشركه‬
10) Be sure that all nameplates, code inspection plates or stampings shall
remain visible after the insulation has been applied. The surrounding
insulation shall be bevelled to suit.
‫التاكيد علي ان جميع بلندات السماء للمعدات والتفتيشات وطوابع التفتيش )الختام للتفتيش الهندسى ( يجب‬
‫ان تظل ظاهره وواضحه بعد العزل‬
11) Be sure that Insulation thickness shall be in accordance with Specify and
standards.‫سمك العزل يجب ان يكون طبقا للستندرات والمواصفات‬
12) Be sure that valve and Flange joints shall not be insulated until the system
has been commissioned.‫التاكد من ان جميع الفلنجات والبلوف ل يتم عزلها ال بعد عملية البدء الولى‬
13) Be sure that QC/QA team will inspect the unloading of materials on site
for proper unloading, handling and storage conditions. ‫التاكيد علي ان طقم التفتيش‬
‫والتاكيد علي مواد العزل سيقوم بفحص المواد اثناء وصولها للموقع وسيشرف علي تنزيلها من الشاحنات‬

2. DEFINITIONS ‫التعريفات‬
Owner : Sidi Kirir Petrochemical Company (SIDPEC). ‫المالك – شركة سيدبك‬
CONTRACTOR : ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solution – Egypt (TKIS-E) ‫مقاول العزل‬
SUBCONTRACTOR: Projects Service Company (PSC).‫مقاول الباطن‬
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Equipment Method Stat
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Sub-SUBCONTRACTOR: A BUILD Egypt – CRES ‫مقاول الباطن من مقاول الباطن‬

3. REFERENCES DOCUMENTS ‫المراجع للمواصفات‬
‫الفنيه لشراء واعمال العزل للمشروع‬
2. A Build- Cres Inspection and Test Plan (CRES/ITP/00/2016) ‫مواصفه‬
3. Inspection Record (PIE-INSL-IR-001/2016)‫مواصفه‬
‫ومقاول الباطن من مقاول الباطن‬
1. Detail of site organization, trade wise manpower experience to undertake
overall execution of project activities ‫تفاصيل ادارة الموقع وادارة الخبرات البشريه للقيام‬
‫باعمال التنفيذ‬
2. Samples of all related primary & ancillary materials for approval. ‫احضار عينات‬
‫من جميع مواد العزل للفحص والختبار‬
3. Data Sheets of Insulation ancillary materials. ‫اوراق بيانات لجميع مواد العزل‬
4. List of all equipment to be used for the work ‫بيان بكل المعدات التي سوف تستخدم‬
‫فى العزل‬
5. Manpower trained to undertake and monitor all safety procedures and
requirements as specified in the Project Specifications and approved
applied procedures. ‫عنصر بشرى مدرب علي تطبيق تعليمات السلمه والصحه المهنيه وعدم‬
‫مخالفة اسسها كما تم وضعها فى مواصفات المشروع‬
6. Procedure for inspection and quality control and inspection formats and
manpower experience to undertake and monitor all QA/QC activities
defined in this Method Statement and the Project Specifications ‫إجراءات التفتيش‬
‫ مراقبة الودة الددة ف هذا البيان الطريقة ومواصفات الشروع‬/ ‫ومراقبة الودة وأشكال التفتيش وخبة االعناصر البشريه بيث تضمن الودة‬
7. Provision of scaffolding, erection and dismantling with respect of the
Project Specifications, safety Rules, and using of the approved materials as
per specified in the Project. ‫توفي السقالت والناشاء والتفكيك فيما يتعلق بواصفات الشروع وقواعد السلمة واستخدام الواد‬
‫العتمدة وفقا لا هو مدد ف الشروع‬.
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8. All measuring instruments to measure the environmental data and

applied works. ‫جيع أدوات القياس لقياس البياناات البيئية والعمال الطبقة‬.
9. Procedure for repairing or correcting the defects found during the
inspection ‫إجراءات إصلحا أو تصحيح العيوب الت ت العثور عليها أثناء التفتيش‬

The responsibilities of the various personnel on the project site are as defined
below:-‫مسؤولياات الشخصيه فى الموقع‬

5.1 Site In charge

A Company employee trained and with necessary experience to undertake
overall execution of project activities defined in the Method Statement. ‫علي‬
‫الشركه احضار وتدريب موظف ذو خبره لكي يشرف علي جميع اعمال التنفيذ ووضع خطة تنفيذ‬

5.2 Site Operatives Client

All operatives are company employees trained to undertake the operations
specified in this procedure. Each individual will undertake a range of activities
on site as required. ‫جميع العاملين يجب ان يدربوا علي تطبيق الجراءات التى سوف تتبع في اعمال‬
‫كل واحد سوف يقوم بتنفيذ مجموعه من المهمات والنشاطات حسب احتياجات الموقع‬, ‫التنفيذ‬
5.3 QA/QC Operative
A company employee trained to undertake and monitor all QA/QC activities
defined in this Method Statement and the company Quality Manual. ‫تدريب موظف‬
‫الشركه علي اعمال الفحص وتاكيد الجوده والتي وضعت فى طريقة التنفيذ‬

5.4 Supervision
A company employee trained and with necessary experience to undertake the
project activities explained in method statement. ‫موظفين الشركة مدربين وذوي خبرة للقيشام بأنأششطة‬

5.5 Safety Operative

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A company employee trained to undertake and monitor all safety

procedures and requirements as specified in the company Safety Manual. ‫تدريب‬
‫عمالة الشركه علي اتباع تعليمات السلمه والصحه المهنيه‬

According to TKE-PIP-G00-EC-00009
1. All materials shall be selected as per specification & conforming to codes
and standards from approved manufacturers. ‫جميع المواد يجب ان تكون مطابقه‬
‫للمواصفات والستندرات ويوافق عليها‬
2. Quantities of materials shall be finalized from drawings and Material
take-off data. ‫جميع الكميات يجب ان تكون من الرسومات وجصر كميات المواد‬
3. Procurement orders shall be placed well in advance based on CPM for
execution of contract. ‫توضع أوامر التوريد ف وقت مبكر على أساس التكلفة ليات الواد لتنفيذ العقد‬.
4. Arrangement of handling & safe storing of materials shall be finalized and
listed out. ‫يتم وضع التتيبات الخية على ترتيب التعامل مع الواد وتزينها بشكل آمن‬.
5. The following materials will be provided to site to carry out the work.


S.R Material Application Approved

1 Insulation Materials
1.1 Concentric Rock wool pipe Piping and fitting ProRox PS 970
sections or segments with NOS from (.75
(ASTM C 547 – Type III) 140 in) to(24 in)
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1.2 Slabs rock wool density 160 Heads of vertical ProRox SL 970
kg/m3 equipment.
1.3 insulating and finishing Heads of vertical P-K Insulation
cements for service to equipment. CoKwik-Kote

1.4 Minral Fiber blanket sewn Piping and fitting ProRox WM 970
onto wire mesh Density and equipment with -NL
128 kg/m3 Conformed to NPS over (24 in)
ASTM :C592
1.5 Mineral Fiber blanket sewn stainlesd steel Piping ProRox WM 970
onto Stainless Steel mesh and fitting and SW-NL
Density 128 kg/m3 equipment with NPS
Conformed to ASTM :C592 over(24 in)
2 Cladding materials
2.1 Aluminum, plain , Smooth Piping and RPR - USA or
Jacketing, with heat sealed Equipment 760 ITW - USA or
one mil thick backing layer mm (30 in.) O.D INSU-W-RAPID
of natural kraft paper. and below Netherland
Nominal thickness of. 0.5
mm Alloy and temper 3105-
H14, 3003-H14 or 5005-H14
2.2 Aluminum, plain , Smooth Fitting & Heads RPR - USA or ITW
Jacketing, with heat sealed - USA or INSU-W-
one mil thick backing layer RAPID Netherland
of natural kraft paper. I
Nominal thickness of. 0.6
mm Alloy and temper 3105-
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H14, 3003-H14 or 5005-H14

2.3 Aluminum, corrugated for Vertical RPR - USA or

Jacketing by 30 mm (1 ¼ -equipment ITW - USA or
in.), with heat sealed one INSU-W-RAPID
mil thick backing layer of Netherland
natural kraft paper.
Nominal thickness of. 0.5
mm Alloy and temper 3105-
H14, 3003-H14 or 5005-H14
2.4 Aluminum, White Acrylic For Piping personal RPR - USA or
Coated, Smooth Jacketing, protection ITW - USA or
with heat sealed one mil INSU-W-RAPID
thick backing layer of Netherland
natural kraft paper.
Nominal thickness of.0.5
mm, 3105-H14, 3003-H14
or 5005-H14
2.5 Stainless Steel , corrugated For vertical RPR - USA or ITW
Jacketing by 30 mm (1 ¼ Stainless steel - USA or INSU-W-
in.), ASTM A167 Type A- Equipment above RAPID Netherland
151-304 No. 1 finish. 760 mm (30 in.)
Nominal thickness of. O.D
0.25mm backing layer of
natural kraft paper
2.6 Stainless Steel plain , For Stainless steel RPR - USA or
Smooth jacketing ASTM Piping and ITW - USA or
A167 Type A-151-304 No. 1 Equipment with INSU-W-RAPID
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finish. Nominal thickness 760 mm (30 in.) Netherland

of.0.25 backing layer of O.D and below
natural kraft paper.
2.7 Stainless Steel plain , For Stainless RPR - USA or
Smooth jacketing ASTM steel Fitting ITW - USA or
A167 Type A-151-304 No. 1 & Heads INSU-W-RAPID
finish. Nominal thickness Netherland
of.0.4 backing layer of
natural kraft pape
3 Ancillaries Materials
3.1 Stainless steel wire Insulation RPR - USA or ITW -
thickness min 1.5 mm. Securement for USA or INSU-W-
piping as per RAPID Netherland
3.2 Stainless steel bands Cladding and RPR - USA or
Size : 13X0.5mm with 0.5 insulation ITW - USA or
mm thick seal wing type Securement as per INSU-W-RAPID
specification Netherland
3.3 Stainless steel bands insulation RPR - USA or
Size : 19X0.5mm with 0.5 Securement as per ITW - USA or
mm thick seal wing type specification INSU-W-RAPID
3.4 Sheet Metal Screws (pan Seal the insulation RPR - USA or
Head "A" Type or hex jacketing if required ITW - USA or
head) - Stainless Steel as project specified INSU-W-RAPID
(Type 316) self tapping Netherland
3.5 Stainless steel pop revits Seal for Jacketing RPR - USA or
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type 304 Size : 5.0X10 boxes for valves& ITW - USA or

mm flanges as project INSU-W-RAPID
specified Netherland
3.6 Stainless steel 304 Quick For Valve & Flange RPR - USA or
release toggles Boxs ITW - USA or
3.7 CS Strips for Support For vertical piping Method
Rings dimensions according to project statement shall
3X30mm specification be provided for

3.8 CS Strips for Support For vertical piping Method

Rings dimensions according to project statement shall be
3X30mm specification provided for
The basic activities for project shall be:
1. surface cleaning ‫تنظيف السطح‬
2. Fixing of insulation Material.‫تثبيت العزل‬
3. Securing and weather protective jacketing.‫تامين الحمايه ضد الجو‬
4. This procedure of activities including quality control checks for insulation work.
‫رقابه علي الجوده سوف تقوم بفحص هذه العمال‬
5. A copy of the attached manufacturer product DATA SHEETS and this application
manual will be available at site throughout the duration of the project. ‫ستتوفر ناسخة من‬
‫منتج الشركة الصنعة الرفقة داتا شيتس وهذا الدليل التطبيقي ف الوقع طوال مدة الشروع‬.
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8. Release Note
Prior to commencement of insulation, an approved release shall be issue.
For release of any Pipeline/equipment the CONTRACTOR shall sign the Release
Note and hand over to the SUBCONTRACTOR and the Sub-su contractors.
No activities will be carried out without release note in order to avoid problems
at a later stage. The release note receipt should be signed by SUBCONTRACTOR
QC or site in charge. ‫سوف يقوم المقاول ومقاولين الباطن بتوقيع ورقيات القبول للعمال العزل بعد كل‬
‫مرحله ولن يتم البدء فى مرحله جديده من العمال ال بعد قبول المرحله المنتهيه لتجنب حدوث مشاكل‬

Insulation shall not commence unless the followings are completed:‫لن يتم البدء فأى اعمال‬
‫العزل قبل اتمام الاختبارات علي خطوط المواسير والاختبارات التاليه‬
1. Required hydrostatic and/or pneumatic pressure testing (for piping). ‫اختبار الضغط‬
(‫ أو الهوائي المطلوب )للمواسير‬/ ‫الهيدروستاتيكي و‬.
2. Application of required substrate protective coating systems, including touch-up
of previously applied coatings. ‫ بما فأي ذلك لمسة المتابعة من الطلء تطبيقها‬،‫تطبيق الركيزة المطلوبة أنأظمة طلء واقية‬
3. Installation and testing of required tracing systems. ‫تركيب واختبار أنأظمة التتبع المطلوبة‬.
4. Cleaning of surfaces that are to receive insulation. ‫تنظيف السطح‬
9. EXECUTION ‫التنفيذ‬
1. A detail execution plan shall be prepared and finalizes based on overall
programme including all the activities as materials shifting, support rings
fabrication, insulation lagging, moisture barrier application, cladding fabrication
and cladding application. ‫يتم إعداد خطة تنأفيذ تفصيلية ووضع اللمسات الخيرة على أساس البرنأامششج الشششامل بمششا فأششي ذلششك‬
‫ والتكسية الكسوة وتطبيق الكسوة‬،‫ وتطبيق حاجز الرطوبة‬،‫ ودعم تصنأيع الحلقات‬،‫ جميع النأشطة مثل تحويل المواد‬.
2. All surfaces to be insulated shall be inspected for access and safe working
scaffolding by experienced and qualified inspectors. ‫يجب فأحص جميع السطح المراد عزلها من أجل‬
‫الوصول والسقالات المنأة للعمل من قبل المفتشين ذوي الخبرة والمؤهلين‬
3. All surfaces to be insulated shall be inspected for painting and coatings prior to
application of thermal insulation. ‫يجششب فأحششص جميششع السششطح المششراد عزلهششا للطلء والطلء قبششل تطششبيق العششزل‬
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4. Before application of insulation surface to be cleaned of all dust, oil and grease
etc. ‫قبل تطبيق سطح العزل لتنأظيفها من جميع الغبار والزيوت والشحوم وغيرها‬
5. Insulation support rings, thermal barrier tapes, and lagging material shall be
shifted to job sites as per planning and Priorities. ‫قبل تطبيق سطح العزل لتنأظيفها من جميششع الغبششار‬
‫والزيوت والشحوم وغيرها‬
A release note to be obtained from the CONTRACTOR before commencement of
‫ ملحاظة الصإدار التي سيتم الحصول عليها من المقاول قبل بدء العزل على‬.insulation on any work area or item
.‫أي منطقة عمل أو عنصر‬
10. APPLICATION OF HOT INSULATION (Piping)‫عزل المواسير‬
Cleaning ‫تنأظيف‬

1. Surfaces to be insulated shall be free from oil, grease, dirt and other foreign
materials.‫تنظيف اسطح المواسير من اى زيوت او شحوم او اجسام غريبه‬
2. Surfaces to be dry and if painted, shall be conformed to the CONTRACTOR
instructions. ‫السطح ان تكون جافه لو مدهونه‬
3. All Paints on surfaces to be insulated should be dry.

SPACER SUPPORT ‫السبورتات‬

1. The supporting rings for vertical piping (one shall be located at the start of the
vertical rise according to project spec. with max spacing 5.5m). ‫اللقات الداعمة للناابيب العمودية يب‬
(5.5 ‫ان تكون )واحدة تقع ف بداية الرتفاع الرأسي وفقا لواصفات الشروع بد اقصي م‬.

2. The supporting rings shall be fabricated from strap iron with 3 mm thickness and
30 mm minimum width. ‫ مم كحد أدن‬30 ‫ مم وعرض‬3 ‫تكون اللقات الداعمة مصنوعة من حديد الزام بسماكة‬
3. Spacers shall be attached by clamping. Spacers shall be installed in such a manner
to prevent damage to the piping. ‫ يتم تركيب الفواصل بطريقة تنع تلف الناابيب‬.‫تعلق الفواصل بواسطة لقط‬
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4. No welding is permitted to install the support ring on the tanks and equipment. ‫ل‬
‫يسمح لام لتثبيت حلقة الدعم على التنكات والعدات‬.

5. The support ring shall be tightened with bolt, nut and washer 6X10mm long ‫يب تشديد‬
‫مم طويله‬10*6 ‫حلقة الدعم مع السمار والصاموله والورده‬

Insulation Application ‫العزل‬

1. Rockwool pipe sections shall be used for all Piping and fitting up to 24 in diameter.
‫ ف القطر‬24 ‫يب استخدام أقسام أناابيب الصوف الصخري ف جيع الناابيب وتركيب يصل إل‬.

2. All insulation will be in butt joint construction.

3. All mating surfaces between adjacent pieces of all insulation shall be tightly butted
together. ‫يب أن تكون جيع السطح الاوره بي القطع التجاورة من جيع العزل معزولة بإحكام معا‬.
4. In case of multi layers of rock wool pipe sections , the sections shall be applied
with staggered joints, ‫ يب أن تطبق القسام مع وصلت متداخلة‬،‫ف حالة طبقات متعددة من أقسام أناابيب الصوف الصخري‬،
5. In multiple layer construction, the component of each layer shall be staggered with
respect to the subsequent layer and shall be offset approximately 300 mm from
circumferential joints. ‫ مم‬300 ‫ يب أن يكون مكون كل طبقة متداخل فيما يتعلق بالطبقة اللحقة ويب تعويضها حوال‬،‫ف بناء الطبقات التعددة‬
‫من الفاصل الصورة‬.

6. Temporary protection shall be applied to the installed insulation before the

conclusion of that day's work to prevent damage by rain or other forms of
atmospheric moisture. ‫يب تطبيق الماية الؤمقتة على العزل الثبت قبل اختتام أعمال ذلك اليوم لنع الضرر الناجم عن الطر أو الشكال الخرى من‬
‫الرطوبة الوية‬

7. Rockwool shall be fastened with Stainless steel wire thickness 1.2 mm at 250mm
distance to secure the pipe for piping up NPS 12 inches diameter. ‫يتم تثبيت الصوف الصخري‬
‫ بوصة‬12 ‫ مم لتأمي النابوب للناابيب حت قطر‬250 ‫ مم على مسافة‬1.2 ‫بسماكة أسلكا الفولذ القاوم للصدأ‬

8. Rockwool shall be fastened with Stainless steel bands Size : 13X0.5mm with 0.5
mm thick seal wing type at 250mm distance to secure the pipe for piping over NPS
12 inches diameter. 13 :‫يتم تثبيت الصوف الصخري مع ربطه ب استانالستيل القاوم للصدأ الجم‬X0.5m
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9. X0.5mm 0.5 ‫مع‬

10.MM 250 ‫سيكة ختم الناحا ناوع ف‬MM ‫ بوصة القطر‬12 ‫السافة لتأمي الناابيب للمواسي على نابس‬

The cladding will be cut to size, rounded and placed concentric to the pipe with a
sufficient overlap. Both longitudinal and circumferential overlap will be minimum
،‫سيتم قطع الكسوة لحجم‬ .50 mm
‫ ستتيكون كتل متتن التتداخل‬.‫داءريه علي الماسوره مع عمل حاساب الركوب ووضعها متحدة المركتز علتى النأتتابيب متتع تتداخل كافيتتة‬
.‫ مم‬50 ‫الطولي و الحد الدنأى‬
2. The jacketing shall always be water proofed and shall be fixed in such a way to shed
water.‫الجواكت الحاميه يجب ان تكون ضد المياه وتثبت بحيث تسقط المياه‬
3. Laps parallel to the axis of horizontal pipe shall be located at the 3 (and 9) O’ clock
position. (9 ‫ و‬3) ‫تكون الفجوات الموازية لمحور النأبوب الفأقي فأي موضع الساعة‬
4. Cladding overlapping shall be 50 mm.‫ مم‬50 ‫ركوب الكلدينج يجب ان يكون‬
5. The longitudinal joints will be arranged on horizontal centreline. The joints on
vertical lines shall be arranged away from prevailing winds wherever possible. The
cladding shall be sealed with Self-Tapping Screws Size 4.8X13mm with washer if
required. ‫ يتم ترتيب الوصلت على الخطوط عمودية بعيدا عن الرياح السششائدة حيثمششا كششان ذلششك‬.‫وسيتم ترتيب الوصلت الطولية على خط أفأقي‬
‫ ال‬.‫ممكنأشششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششا‬
4.8 ‫يجب أن تكون مختومة الكسوة مع التنأصت على الذات مسامير حجم‬X13mm ‫مع إذا لزم المر‬.
6. All Cladding shall be sealed with silicon metal sealant. ‫سيليكون‬ ‫لببد من وضع موانع تسريب‬
7. On vertical lines “S” clip will be inserted at joints to avoid any slippage of cladding
material ‫جميع الحطوط الراسيه يتم وضع كليب اس لها لمنع انزلق الكلدينج‬

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1. For all pipes: Hex head self-tapping screws size 4X10mm stainless steel ‫جميع المواسير‬
‫مم استانلستيل‬10*4 ‫يجب ان تركب مسامير مقاس‬
2. Stainless steel band Size: 16X0.5mm Cladding Securement for Piping. ‫كلدينأج استنألستيل مقاس‬
‫مملتامين المواسير‬5.*16

EXPANSION JOINTS ‫وصلت التمدد‬

Each expansion joint shall be filled with mineral wool mixed with adhesive
foster 30-45 to the direction of joint movement. Insulation expansion joints
shall be as project specification, packed tightly with mineral fiber blanket
insulation compressed a minimum of 50%. ‫يمل كل من وصلت التمدد صوف معدنأي مختلط مع فأوهة لاصقة‬
‫باتجاه اتجاه الحركة المشتركة‬- 40-30.
‫ معبأة بإحكام مع اللياف المعدنأية‬،‫يجب أن تكون وصلت التمدد العزل طبقا ل مواصفات المشروع‬
50 ‫للعزل بطانأية مضغوط الحد الدنأى من‬٪.
11. APPLICATION OF HOT INSULATION (Equipment) ‫عزل المعدات‬

The procedure for the supply and application of hot insulation for the two
columns 2-DA-001 & 2-DA-002 for New Amine Unit At SIDPEC Site.
‫ لوحدة المين بسدبك‬001 ‫ و‬002 ‫اجراءات توريد وعزل الاعمده رقم‬

The below prescribed materials will be provided by A-Built to the site to execute the hot
insulation work on the two columns 2-DA-001 & 2-DA-002.

No. Insulation materials Application

1.1 Minral Fiber blanket sewn onto wire mesh Density Insulation materials for the
128 kg/m3 Conformed to ASTM :C592 two columns shells and
bottom heads
1.2 Slabs rock wool density 160 kg/m3 Insulation materials for the
two columns heads
1.3 insulating and finishing cements for service to 1200°F Insulation materials for the
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two columns heads

Cladding materials:
2.1 Stainless Steel , corrugated Jacketing by 30 mm (1 ¼ Weather proofing jacketing
in.), ASTM A167 Type A-151-304 No. 1 finish. Nominal he for the two columns
thickness of. 0.25mm backing layer of natural kraft shells
2.2 Stainless Steel plain , Smooth jacketing ASTM A167 Weather proofing jacketing
Type A-151-304 No. 1 finish. Nominal thickness of.0.4 he for the two columns
backing layer of natural kraft pape heads
Ancillaries Materials
3.1 Stainless steel tie wire type 304 16gauge As a floating ring
3.2 Stainless steel tie bands type 316 size19*0.5mm For securing the insulation
and every 300mm metal
3.3 Stainless steel seal wing type 316 size19*0.5mm
3.4 Stainless steel rivits size 5*10mm For securing metal Cladding
of the head
3.5 Sheet metal screws(pan head a type or hex head. For securing metal Cladding
Stainless steel self tapping type 316
3.6 RTV Silicone For sealing all metal


Scope of Work & Explanation of Procedure

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The total process consists of surface cleaning, fixing of insulation support

ring on the two columns body , installing the insulation Material, securing
and cladding activities. This procedure covers stage wise activities
including quality control checks for insulation work.

Release Note
All the areas prior to start of insulation will be officially released to A-Built
unless urgent instruction by the main contractor, no other activities shall
be allowed in the area released for insulation without information to A-
Built. For release of any Pipeline the concerned engineer / authorized
person will sign the Release Note and hand over to A-Built. No activity
will be carried out without release note in order to avoid problems at a
later stage. The release note receipt should be signed by A-Built QC or
site in charge after physically confirming the readiness of area for


Surfaces to be insulated shall be in free from form oil, grease, dirt and
other foreign Material.
Insulation support ring and ceramic fiber plates is installed and fixed
properly to the column body using galvanized steel screws as the
welding is NOT permitted on the column body.  The insulation materials
is installed on the column body and secured properly within 19 mm width
stainless steel 316 band every (max) 300 mm centres.
 All mating surfaces between adjacent pieces of all insulation shall be
tightly butted together so that no voids or gap occur at any joints. Any
gaps, voids , large cracks , open joints to be filled with pointing materials.


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The two coloumns shells shall be weather proofed using corrugated

stainless steel ( as per mentioned in Material list) noting that the overlap
in the longitudinal direction is about 75mm minimum & in the
circumferential direction is two corrugations minimum.
The jacketing shall always be water proofed and shall be fixed in such a
way to shed water
The circumferential joints of the weather proofing jacketing shall be
secured with 19 mm width stainless steel 316 band every (max) 300 mm
The Longitudinal joints of the weather proofing jacketing is secured with
stainless steel self-tapping screws every 150mm.
All cut outs and gaps shall be sealed with metal sealant RTV silicone
On vertical pipes & equipment “S” clip made from Stainless Steel band
19 mm width will be inserted at joints to avoid any slippage of cladding
1. The quality of the insulation depends on strict adherence to specification and
stringent supervision throughout the execution of insulation works.
2. All inspections will be carried out as per Inspection Test Plan.
3. Before performance of any insulation works the insulation contractor
shall establish an adequate quality control system for insulation work. To
ensure that the quality requirements as stated in the specifications are
achieved, a number of measures shall be taken:
4. Inspection Department of the client shall be consulted in order to establish
what has to be inspected in relation to insulated surfaces.
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5. Detailed job planning shall take place with other disciplines to avoid damages
of newly installed insulation jacketing.
6. All steel surfaces to be insulated shall be dry, clean and free of rust, loose mill
scale, grease andand dirt before the application of insulation.
7. Protective coatings shall be checked and approved by client before insulation
8. The insulation and jacketing material shall be kept thoroughly dry during and
after its installation.
9. Metal jacketing shall be fitted soon after the insulation.
10.Checking of all insulation joints that they are closely butted before
installation of the jacketing.
11.Electrical/instrumentation cables or piping shall not be fixed to the jacketing
of insulated surfaces.
12.Immediately on arrival of the jacketing material on site the supply shall be
checked that the seaworthy packing is still undamaged.
13.In case of damage of the packing the sheeting has to be separated when flat
sheeting or declined when coils are supplied.

VALVES & FLANGES (piping and equipment)

The procedure for carrying out insulation for valves and flanges shall be
remaining the same as per piping. Where insulation has been specified on
piping or equipment flanges that are to be hot bolted, the insulation shall not
be installed until hot has been accomplished and the flange determined to be
Flanges and valves with heat insulation shall normally be provided with caps,
consisting of several screwed parts, easy to remove and install with the
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insulation material fixed to the cap, the insulation mats will be fixed in such a
manner that the wire mesh faces the surface to be insulated.
The box is to be fabricated in two or more sections and fitted with quick release
toggle fasteners.
All joints which are not water shed designed are to be sealed with joint sealant
to ensure that no water can penetrate.
All boxes are to be designed, manufactured and installed to shed water.
The valves and flanges to be insulated shall have removable cap with stainless
steel toggles.


1. All thermal insulation application procedure under or within this Method
Statement shall be subjected to inspection by Sub-contractor, Contractor, Client
and Consultant Engineers and shall be accepted by each of their representative
QA/QC Depts. , prior to hand over.
2. All defective works or works not conforming to specification and designs shall
first be accepted by Engineer with Variation or modification order.
3. Client’s/Consultants’ Engineers shall be given notice prior to initially starting
any work covered by the specification. This includes works to be carried out at
any / all sites.
4. Whether Client’s / Consultant’s representative / Engineer shall be present
during the actual work will be at their discretion.
5. A daily log containing the following data shall be maintained.
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6. All arrangements made during the progress of work regarding work not
performed shall be in writing and signed by Client’s / Consultant’s Engineer /

To ensure that the quality requirements as stated in the specifications are

achieved, a number of measures shall be taken:

1. At the earliest stage of the works, it shall be decided all flanges and valves shall
be insulated and when.
2. Detailed job planning shall take place with other disciplines to avoid damages of
newly installed insulation jacketing.
3. All steel surfaces to be insulated shall be dry, clean and free of rust, loose mill
scale, grease and dirt before the application of insulation.
4. Protective coatings shall be checked and approved by client before insulation
5. The insulation and jacketing material shall be kept thoroughly dry during and
after its installation.
6. Metal jacketing shall be fitted soon after the insulation.
7. Checking of all insulation joints that they are closely butted before installation
of the jacketing.
8. Longitudinal seams in sheeting around horizontal pipes and vessels shall not be
located on the upper side.
9. Electrical/instrumentation cables or piping shall not be fixed to the jacketing of
insulated surfaces.


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13.1Packing, Transport and Storage of Jacketing in rolls (coils)

As standard the jacketing rings are to be stored vertically on pallets. The rings
on the pallet are to be completely covered by a PVC-foil. Foil shall be water tight
& completely closed. Internally descant silica gel or similar to be placed, the
whole is to be shrink-wrapped onto the pallet. The tops of the rolls, above the
foil, are to be protected by a metal sheet cover with an additional wooden crate
above. The whole consignment is to be secured to the pallet by means of
tension straps.

13.2Package Securements within the Container

1. The consignment (pallets / crates / cases) are to be secured within the

containers to reduce the movements during transportation of the shipping
2. The packing described above is not a Securements against negligent
transportation, damage during storage, or loading / unloading as well as faulty
storage of the materials.
3. Before loading the pallets / crates / cases and closing the container the packing
of each consignment is to be checked with regard to undamaged foil, inclusion
of silica gel.
4. A final inspection is to be established between the parties - supplier and client -
(or respective agents / representatives) at the location where the responsibility
for said consignment passes from one to the other.
5. When the consignment arrives at the destination, the shipping container is to
be immediately opened and the packing of the consignment checked. The
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consignment is to be checked to ensure that no moisture has entered into the

package or invaded the sheeting / coils and that the metal is in a dry condition.
6. A written statement as to the condition of the consignment is to be produced
within one week of arrival of the shipping container(s) to their destination.
7. On stacked sheets and coils it is possible for moisture to invade between the
sheets when condensation takes place by capillary attraction. Therefore the
storage of these materials is critical.
8. Should water have penetrated the packing and moisture invaded between the
metal then all sheets are to be unpacked and dried and the coils are to be
unrolled and dried.
9. All materials are to be stored in dry conditions at their destination. The storage
facilities have to be ventilated to guarantee a permanent exchange of air to
equalise the temperature of the air and the metal to the extent that
condensation on the metal surface will not generate.

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