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Original Article

Crying Abnormalities in Congenital Hypothyroidism:

Preliminary Spectrographic Study
Daniela Lenti Boero, MD, PhD; Giovanna Weber, MD; Maria Cristina Vigone, MD; Carlo Lenti, MD, PhD


The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the acoustic patterns of the cries of hypothyroid newborns at the time
of diagnosis and after the beginning of therapy. Cries were recorded at the nursery of the San Raffaele Hospital, Milan,
Italy from 12 full-term subjects (three boys and nine girls) affected by congenital hypothyroidism. Results show that
untreated hypothyroid infants at first recording had fewer voiceless and partially voiced cries than normal controls. The
percent distribution of this pattern did not change at the second recording after the onset of substitutive therapy. Also,
untreated hypothyroid infants had many more cry units showing a vibrato contour than did controls, and this pattern did
not change after the onset of treatment. Starting, maximum, minimum, and end frequencies measured on the fundamen-
tal were significantly lower in the hypothyroid sample. Four hypothyroid subjects recorded before therapy and within
4 weeks after therapy onset significantly augmented their fundamental frequency parameters; however, in 25% of the
sample, sound parameters remained unaltered after 3 or more weeks of treatment. To our knowledge the present prelim-
inary study is the first one performed on follow-up of hypothyroid newborns and indicates that both central and peripheral
damage might influence the pattern of crying in untreated hypothyroid infants. (J Child Neurol 2000;15:603-608).

Among the typical early signs of congenital hypothyroidism soning, perceptomotor and visuomotor discrimination, spa-
is a husky, hoarse, low-pitched cry well known to clini- tiomotor skills, sensorineural hearing, language compre-
cians. Although sophisticated investigations on infant cry hension, fine motor skills, and extrinsic motor eye
in different pathologic states have been performed in the past movement; they also show delays in neurophysiologic mat-
40 years, 1>2 only two studies have been done on the cries of uration, have a mean global development quotient (Griffiths
hypothyroid infants, before the introduction of routine Developmental Test) at age 36 months significantly lower
screening for hypothyroidism. These lacked a control after than that of normal children, and have a higher probability
the onset of substitutive therapy.3,1 It is now acknowledged of being in full-time special education classes. 115 This led
that between 15% and 40% of infants treated with substitu- to the suggestion that the consequences of in utero thyroid
tive therapy from birth might have minimal brain dysfunc- deficiencies could not be entirely averted with neonatal
tion and have problems ranging from hearing impairment hormone replacement. For this reason, it would be of great
to behavioral disturbances and difficulties in practical rea- relevance to test this hypothesis in order to detect early those
infants who are less responsive to substitutive therapy by
means of subtle behavioral screening. Because infant cry has,
Received April 27, 1999. Received revised Feb 8, 2000. Accepted for publi- as do all other human vocalizations, both central and periph-
cation Feb 9, 2000.
eral components, 4,16,17 cry analysis is a powerful method to
From the Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, University of Urbino (Dr
Lenti Boero), Urbino, the Pediatric Department and Childhood and
detect subtle behavioral modification in infants at risk, 2, 18-21
Adolescence Endocrinology Centre, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan (Drs Weber The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the
and Vigone), the Institute of Neurologic and Psychiatric Sciences of Childhood acoustic patterns of the cries of hypothyroid newborns at
and Adolescence, University of Milan (Dr Lenti), and the Laboratory of
Bioacoustics and Comparative Analysis of Behavior and Cognitive Functions,
the time of diagnosis and after the beginning of therapy in
University of Milan (Drs Lenti Boero and Lenti), Milan, Italy. order to detect possible subtle changes in cry emissions.
Presented in part at the 8th International Child Neurology Association
Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept 13-17, 1998.
Address correspondence to Prof. Carlo Lenti, Istituto di Scienze Neurologiche and Data Collection
e Psichiatriche dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza, Facoltà di Medicina e
Twelve full-termsubjects (three boys and nine girls) affected by
Chirurgia, Università di Milano, Via G.F. Besta 1, 20100 Milan, Italy. Tel:
390-281844702; fax: 390-289120107; e-mail: congenital hypothyroidism diagnosed by routine screenings were

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sent to the nursery of the San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy and Sound Parameters
recruited for this study. All had uneventful gestation and perina- Human sound production is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon
tal histories(mean Apgar scores, 9 at 1 minute). At arrival, mean and parameters are chosen by researchers according to the aim of
(~ SD) hormonal blood profile was thyroid-stimulating hormone, the investigation.23 In the present study we chose both quantitative
524 mU/L (± 354); free T3, 3.18 ng/L (± 1.42); and free T4, 0.72 ng/L and qualitative parameters that differentially contribute to the
(± 0.77). Immediately before the onset of substitutive therapy understanding of the mechanisms underlying infant cry phonation.
(L-thyroxine) cries were induced by manipulation stimuli during
routine neurologic examination done by an expert clinician (C.L.)
Voicing. Cries in normal infants can be voiced, in which case the
and recorded on Sony digital audio tape (DT-90) with DAT sound
recorders (Sony TCD D7 and TASCAM DAPL) and a Sony unidi-
sonographic trace is well evident; voiceless, in which case the
rectional microphone positioned 2 to 5 cm from the mouth of the
sonographic trace is not evident at all; or partially voiced, in which
case the fundamental frequency is only partially evident.24 The lat-
crying baby. Mean time of recording was 15 (± 3) days from birth ter two situations can happen in two opposite conditions: too
(range, 12-18). Eight subjects (two boys and six girls) were recorded much acoustic energy (air) from the lungs drives the vocal folds
a second time after about 1 month (mean, 55 ± 16 days from birth)
apart so they cannot vibrate and produce sound&dquo; or too little
during a follow-up visit, when blood levels of thyroid-stimulating
energy makes the fundamental’s trace feeble or not detectable. In
hormone, free T3, free T4, T3, and T4, were within the normal range. the latter case the fundamental frequency appears if the signal is
A sample of 16 infants (seven boys and nine girls) aged 3 to 4 days
amplified with the proper algorithm provided by Canary 1.2. This
recruited in the same nursery served as controls.
gives an important clue for differential diagnosis and for an indi-
rect assay of the acoustic energy of the cry, which could be lack-
Sound Analysis
ing in the presence of a peripheral motor deficit.
Recorded cries were sampled by means of an Audiomedia II card Melodic Contours. The contour shape of voiced cries in nor-
mounted on a Macintosh CI and Sound Designer II (Digidesign Inc)
mal infants can have different morphologies; they can rise or rise
software. Sampling rate was 44.100 Hz and the sample size was 16
and fall; the latest pattern can be repeated twice. They can have
bits (216 value resolution). In order to have homogeneous sample
either a flat contour, a falling contour, or a falling and rising con-
along the time axis, we subdivided each cry into subsamples of four
to six wails each; the first subsample was collected at the begin-
tour, which also can be repeated twice. They can show a vibrato
contour when the fundamental frequency shows a continuous
ning of the cry, the last subsample at the end of the cry, and the oth- saw-like line (Figure 1). The latter is prominent in preterm infants25
ers along the time axis at homogeneous intervals calculated by
and in other pathologic states such as neonatal asphyxia.’1 A
dividing the time remaining. vibrato pattern consists of fluctuations in the fundamental fre-
Sonograms were produced with Canary version 1.2 software22
quency that do not show any stabilization toward some constant
and a Powermac 7600 with a high-resolution 17&dquo;-screen (Trinitron
value. Sources of fluctuation are found at several stages of the vocal
production chain: neurologic, biomechanics, aerodynamic, and

Quantitative analysis was carried out only on the fundamental fre-
quency of voiced cries.
Time Parameters (in ms). Length of wail, silent interval to
the next wail, and time for reaching the maximum frequency were
recorded. A previous report24 demonstrated that those parameters
are highly correlated and can be considered a &dquo;time factor&dquo; because
of the respiratory cycle of the infant.
Frequency Parameters (in Hz). Starting, end, maximum,
and minimum frequency, correlated as the &dquo;frequency factor,&dquo;
were recorded.24 The pitch of the fundamental depends on the
length of the vocal folds at rest, the contractile stress imparted to
them, the imbalance of intrinsic agonistic and antagonistic laryn-
geal muscles, and the pressure of the air flow from the lungs.&dquo; In
addition, we measured the dynamic gamma (difference from max-
imum to minimum frequency in each wall), which is indicative of
Figure 1. Melodic contour of an untreated hypothyroidic infant aged
19 days. Sonogram was drawn with the following parameters: fast the acoustic competence of the infant.
Fourier transform size: 8192 points; frame length: 2048 points; filter Peak Frequency (in Hz). This was measured for each cry unit.
bandwidth: 85.49 Hz; window function: Hanning; clipping level: -100;
The frequency with the highest acoustic energy is an indicator of
amplitude: logarithmic; overlap: 93.75%; grid resolution set at 2.902
ms and 5.383 Hz. In lower window waveform is shown. First cry unit the spectral energy distribution of the sound. It is a supraglottal
in upper window has nearly 50% vibrato contour; second and third factor result of the of the sound in the
as a resonance pharyngeal
cry unit have normal rising contour; fourth unit shows partial phona-
tion with the first half showing evident fundamental frequency; the
and buccal chamber, controlled by the higher corticothalamic cen-
second half does not. ter.’6 In normal infants this is generally located on the second or

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third harmonics, but never on the fundamental. A very interesting

indicator of the acoustic structure of the cry is the ratio between
the peak frequency of the whole cry and the peak of the fundamental

Data Analysis and Statistics

Voicing characteristics and melodic contours do not seem to be
affected by weight differences or by a short maturation span24; for
thisreason the cries of all of the hypothyroid patients were com-

pared with those recorded from the controls. Because time and fre-
quency parameters change rapidly during ontogeny,25 only the
untreated hypothyroid infants recorded within 15 days from birth
(n 7) were compared with the normal sample.
Figure 2. Percentage amount of voiceless and partially voiced cries
in untreated hypothyroid infants before therapy was lower than in nor-
To compare different percentages of cry types we used GLIM mal controls (X2 = 10.835, DF 1, P< .001). After onset of substitutive

version 3.77,~~ which allows modeling on the distribution more therapy in pathologic subjects this pattern did not change (XZ 0.365,

DF 1, P not significant).
suitable to the data. In analyzing the differences for the frequency
parameters we employed multivariate statistics because we con-

sider them as related random variables29 taken on a single object:

the fundamental of each single cry unit. Those statistical analyses nificant). No significant differences were found in the per-
were performed using SPSS. centage of rising and falling contours (Xz 0.277, DF 1, P
= =

not significant) or in falling and rising contours (X~ 1.352, =

RESULTS DF l, P not significant) between the untreated sample and


the controls. This pattern did not change after therapy.

Weight in pathologic subjects at birth was significantly
higher than in the control subjects (F1,15 = 6.700, P .021; =
Time and Frequency Parameters
mean ± SD 3727 g ± 369 and 3523 g ± 319, respectively,
= Untreated Patients Versus Normal Controls
for hypothyroid and normal subjects). Mean weight at the Because weight affects acoustic parameters, and hypothy-
time of the first recording for hypothyroid subjects was roid infants were heaver than controls, in this analysis we
3707 g ± 304, slightly but not significantly lower than at birth. kept as controls only those infants whose weight was more
In the subsample of infants whose second recording was than 3 kg, thus reducing the factor weight difference to
done before 45 days of age, the mean weight had risen to nonsignificance (SPSS, one-way analysis of variance
3548.75 g ± 361.16, which was not significantly augmented [ANOVA], F1,14 0.761, P = .398). In the hypothyroid infants,

(t-value3 = 1.58, two-tailed P .213).

the values of the starting frequency did not depend on thy-
roid-stimulating hormone blood level (SPSS, ANOVA,
Voicing Fl187 0.887, P .347, not significant) and were positively
= =

A total of 152 cries from the 12 hypothyroid subjects before related to weight at the time of recording, as well as the min-
substitutive therapy were compared for voicing against a imum frequency (SPSS, regression analysis, F1460 8.2288, =

total of 208 cries from the normal sample. Untreated hypothy- P 0.0043 and F1458 = 25.5636, P .000, respectively, for start-
= =

roid infants at first recording had fewer voiceless and par- ing and minimum frequency); length of wails did not depend
tially voiced cries than normal control (GLIM 3.77, data on weight at the time of recording (SPSS, regression analy-
modeled on a binomial distribution, X2 10.835, DF 1,
= =
sis, F1459 = 0.0001, P .9981). In the control sample the

P < .001; Figure 2). The percent distribution of this pattern starting frequency was not positively related to weight of
did not change at the second recording after the onset of sub- recording, although the statistics approached significance
stitutive therapy (X2 0.365, DF 1, P not significant). In
= =
(SPSS, regression analysis, F1,93 4.5373, P .08).
= =

addition, as much as 30% of the cries needed amplification, The mean and standard deviations of the parameters
while none of the cries of normal infants did. analyzed in phonated cries recorded from the untreated
sample and normal controls are displayed in Table 1. There
Melodic Contours was no difference in time parameters in the two samples
Untreated hypothyroid infants at the first recording hadI (SPSS, ANOVA, multivariate Pillais trace, F ,3, 14,3 = 1.052,
many more cry units showing a vibrato contour than did nor- .

P .371). But starting, maximum, minimum, and end fre-


mal controls (X2 12.66, DF 1, P < .001); this pattern didl

= =
quencies were significantly lower in the hypothyroid sam-
not change after the onset of treatment (X2 0.608, DF 1.,
= =
ple (SPSS, ANOVA, multivariate Pillais trace, F,t.:298 12.15, =

P not significant; Figure 3). A lesser percentage of flat cons -

P .000; univariate F test: Fu01 = 28.16 for the starting fre-


tours was found to a nearly significant degree in the~ quency, 19.313 for the end, 17.69 for the maximum, and
untreated hypothyroid sample in comparison with the nor -

45.39 for the minimum frequency, P .000). =

mal controls (Xz 3.377, DF 1, 0.05 < P < .10); this patterri
= =
There was no difference in the dynamic gamma within
did not change after treatment (X2 0.419, DF l, P not sig
= = -

each wail in the two samples (SPSS, one-way ANOVA,

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606 J

quency parameters after 26 days (Table 2). The other sub-

jects did not change their time parameters, significantly
augmented their fundamental frequency parameters (SPSS,
ANOVA, multivariate Pillais trace, F4,123 6.714, P .000),
= =

and showed individual responses for the peak frequency that

were significantly lower in only one infant (subject 5). The

dynamic gamma was significantly augmented in that child

and in one other (subject 7). Means ± SD were as follows:
2745.37 ± 1449.65 for peak frequency, 1534.53 ± 980.9 for
dynamic gamma, 91.25 ± 48.46 for before treatment, and
150.07 ± 43.27 for after treatment for subject 5 and 209.87
± 71.78 for before treatment and 284.23 ± 86.11 for after
Figure 3. Percentage of vibrato contour in untreated hypothyroid
treatment for the dynamic gamma for subject 7.
infants before therapy was higher than in normal controls (Xz 12.66, =

DF = 1, P< .001 After onset of substitutive therapy in pathologic sub- Among the other subjects, one did not show any change
jects this pattern did not change (Xz 0.608, DF = 1, P not significant).
in any parameter after 38 days from the first recording
No significant differences were found in percentage of rising-falling
and falling-rising contours between untreated patients and controls. (SPSS, ANOVA, multivariate Pillais trace, F336 1.253, =

While a nearly significant lesser percentage of flat contours was P .305, not significant for the time and
F435 1.774, P = .156,

found in untreated hypothyroid patients in comparison with normal not significant for the frequency parameters on the funda-
controls (X2 3.377, DF 1, 0.05 < P< .10), this pattern did not change
= =

after treatment in pathologic subjects (XZ 0.419, DF 1, P not sig-

= =
mental ; and ANOVA, factorial: F138 = 1.1, P .301, not sig- =

nificant). nificant for the gamma of the fundamental frequency and

F~, 38= 3.68, P .063, not significant for the peak frequency).

The other two infants significantly lowered their funda-

mental frequency parameters; one of them also significantly
Fl,2ol 1.187, P .277). The peak frequency was higher in
= =
changed his time parameters, his dynamic gamma, and his
the untreated hypothyroid infants than in the controls (mean peak frequency (SPSS, ANOVA, multivariate Pillais trace,
± SD, 4.527 -!- 3.784 and 2.765 -!-- 1.045, respectively, for the
F~,37 =
3.095, P .027 for the frequency and
0.308, F3,28 =

hypothyroid infants and the control; SPSS, one-way ANOVA, P .819, not significant, for the times; ANOVA, factorial:

of the whole cry to the peak of the fundamental frequency F140 = 0.514, P .478, not significant, for the dynamic gamma

~1202 ~ 11.505, P .001) and the ratio of the peak frequency

= and F140 3.306, P .077 not significant, for peak frequency
= =

was significantly different in the pathologic group (SPSS, of the first infant, and F4,13 6.864, P .003 for the fre-
= =

one-way ANOVA, F1,201 156,539, P = .000).

quency and F328 4.985, P .015 for the time; ANOVA, fac-
= =

torial : F1,16 = 4.764, P .044 for the dynamic gamma and


Cry Parameters Before and After F1,16 = 9.117, P .008 for peak frequency of the second infant).

Treatment in the Hypothyroid Sample

The time interval between the first and second recording in DISCUSSION
our sample varied from 21 to 61 days. To make it more

homogeneous, we analyzed the five infants whose second Infant vocalizations are complex acoustic structures depend-
recording was done within 4 weeks of the first one (mean ing on integrated central and peripheral factors: the air
± SD, 24.2 ± 2.49; range, 21 to 26 days) separately from the flow from the lungs, which provides the acoustic energy for
remaining three, who had a wide range of interval times (38, crying, the dimensions of the phonatory apparatus at rest,
55, and 61 days). One of the five infants in the first subgroup the dynamic stress of the vocal folds during vocalization, and
did not significantly vary his time and fundamental fre- the hierarchic neurocontrol systems: the brain stem, mid-

Table 9. Time and Frequency Parameters of Phonated Cries of Untreated Hypothyroid Infants and Controls

. ~ ~ . ~~ ~ .~ ~~ ~.

*Calculated with SPSS, ANOVA multivariate Pillais trace.

’Calculated with SPSS, one-way ANOVA.

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Table 2. Sound Parameters of Hypothyroid Subjects Recorded Before andAfterTherapy

Note convergent difference after treatment for frequency factor for all but one infant, and the individual responses for the fundamental frequency range and the peak
ns = not significant.

brain, and limbic circuit, respectively, are responsible for the structure is also found in brain-damaged asphyxiated
mechanics, configuration, and initiation of the cry. 16,17,26 In infants.21 Because the peak frequency is a supraglottal fac-
the present study we chose parameters that could shed tor, depending on central control over the buccal and pha-
light both on the causation of the well-known acoustic ryngeal resonating chamber, those alterations might point
specificity of the cry of the hypothyroid infant, and on the to central damage.
possibility of monitoring fine details of therapy effects, as The only comparable parameters between the patho-
is made possible by the use of sound spectrography.30 logic and the control infants were the time factor, which
We found that the differences between hypothyroid reflects the basic life-sustaining respiratory cycle, and the
and normal infants were straightforward regarding voic- dynamic gamma, which suggests that pathologic infants
ing ; fewer disphonated wails were found in the pathologic are able to use the same acoustic extension as normal

sample and many cries needed amplification. This points to infants, though on a lower register.
a lack of acoustic energy from the lungs, which is a deficit Because both blood and clinical parameters were nor-
peripheral factor. Regarding the melodic contour, our find- malized after the onset of treatment in all of the infants
ings were in contrast with those of other authors, who recorded for the second time, an unexpected finding was that
reported a higher percentage of flat melodic contour in both the voicing pattern and the percentage of vibrato con-
hypothyroid infants; we did not find this. A possible expla- tour were not changed, thus suggesting at least a retarda-
nation for this discrepancy could be the different cry stim- tion of the effect of the hormones on cry efficiency and a
ulus (pain) or the age at recording: Michelsson and Sirvio’s discrepancy between the spectrographic and clinical bio-
sample was composed of infants aged from 10 days to chemical findings.
4 months.4 The fundamental frequency parameters should have
As in other physiopathologic states, such as prematu- changed at least because of development, if not because of
rity25 or brain damage due to neonatal asphyxia,21 we found the therapy. This happened homogeneously in four of five
greater vibrato contour in the hypothyroid sample. Because infants recorded within 4 weeks of the onset of therapy. Indi-
such a severe deviation from a steady normal melodic pat- vidual responsiveness to therapy and differential suffering
tern could be caused at different levels of the sound pro- of in utero thyroid deficiency could have been responsible
duction chain, 17 it is impossible to disentangle the reciprocal for the fact that in two infants (25%), the parameter of the
roles of central and peripheral factors in vibrato causation fundamental frequency remained unaltered, thus suggest-
in this case, as both levels might indeed influence this find- ing the utility of longer-term monitoring of cry characteris-
ing. In accordance with the findings of Michelsson and tics. Individual differences were clear for two other
Sirvio,4 starting, end, maximum, and minimum frequency parameters: the dynamic gamma and the peak frequency,
were significantly lower in the patient group before therapy which changed in only some of the infants.
than in the normal controls. This could be because of relax- The unaltered level of the ratio of the peak frequency
ation of the vocal folds and overall phonatory apparatus, as of the whole cry to the peak of the fundamental frequency
well as a lack of peripheral energy from the lungs. in the follow-up sample recorded within 28 days of the first
An unexpected finding was that the peak frequency recording indicates that the finer motor skills needed for the
was significantly higher in the pathologic than in the con- control of the supraglottal factors might need more time to
trol sample. To conserve the harmonic structure of the cry, normalize as is evidenced by the fact that two of the three
the peak frequency should have been lower because the infants recorded after more than 28 days changed their
pathologic infants had a lower fundamental frequency. The parameters.
fact that it was not so suggests that in the hypothyroid cry
the normal harmonic structure is not conserved, as is also CONCLUSIONS
pointed out by the significant difference between the ratio
of the peak frequency to the whole cry and the peak of the To knowledge the present preliminary study is the first
fundamental frequency. This discrepancy in harmonic struc- one performed on follow-up of hypothyroid newborns and
ture might be the element responsible for the perceived indicates that both central and peripheral damage might
sharpness of the hypothyroid cry. An altered harmonic influence the pattern of crying in untreated hypothyroid

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