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Diagnosis of deep-vein thrombosis

Enrico Bernardia,⁎, Giuseppe Camporeseb
Emergency Unit, Department of Critical Care, aULSS2 “Marca Trevigana”, distretto di Pieve di Soligo, via Brigata Bisagno, 4, 31015 Conegliano, Treviso, Italy
Unit of Angiology, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, University Hospital of Padua, via Giustiniani, 2, 35128 Padova, Italy


Keywords: The diagnostic approach to suspected symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis of the lower extremities is usually
Venous thrombosis based on non-invasive methods, including the estimation of clinical probability, the measurement of D-dimer
Diagnosis levels, and ultrasonography. The present review discusses the evidence available from the literature about the
Clinical decision rule management of the first episode of suspected deep-vein-thrombosis.
Fibrin fibrinogen degradation products

1. Introduction Therefore, the main challenge for any diagnostic approach is to rule-out
DVT safely (i.e., low incidence of thromboembolic events at follow-up
For descriptive, as well as diagnostic and prognostic purposes, the in patients left untreated on the basis of normal findings, otherwise
deep veins network of the lower limbs is classically divided into two “cleared” from DVT) and efficiently (i.e., the proportion of patients in
regions: the proximal and the distal territory. Noteworthy, proximal whom a given strategy may be safely applied). The commonly accepted
DVT is more frequently associated with pulmonary embolism (PE) [1], safety threshold is below 2%, corresponding to the follow-up pre-
and recurrence [2] than isolated distal DVT. The former includes the valence of DVT in patients with a normal venography [8].
femoral (common, superficial, deep or profunda) veins and the popli- Venography, the official “gold standard” for the diagnosis of DVT, is
teal vein; the latter comprises the paired anterior and posterior tibial seldom used in everyday practice, being invasive, costly, technically
veins, and the peroneal veins, cumulatively known as axial, plus the demanding, painful, contraindicated in case of allergy or renal in-
muscular (gastrocnemius, soleal) veins [3]. The calf “trifurcation”, sufficiency, and difficult to interpret, with considerable inter- and intra-
formed by the joining of the tibial and peroneal veins, though formally observer variability [5]. Alternative (invasive) imaging approaches, i.e.:
belonging to the distal venous district, is usually screened when prox- CT- and MR-venography, not only share many of the same limitations of
imal CUS is performed. Finally, it is now commonplace to include in the venography, but also do not possess adequate accuracy to be used as
proximal territory also the last 3 cm of the superficial veins close to the gold standard [5].
saphenous junctions. Current non-invasive diagnostic algorithms to rule-out suspected
In symptomatic patients, as shown by classic venographic studies, symptomatic DVT include pretest probability estimation, D-dimer, and
DVT invariably develops in the venous-valves sinuses of the distal ultrasonography [5,9,10]. We will discuss the relevant literature con-
network, extending to the proximal system, in the absence of prophy- cerning those different strategies in the following sections. Noteworthy,
laxis or treatment, in 5–20% of the patients [4,5]. Conversely, in only ultrasonography may be used a stand-alone test to rule-in or rule-
asymptomatic patients, DVT may arise anywhere in the deep-vein out DVT.
system [3]. This observation, along with the more common finding of
small and non-occlusive thrombi, may account for the lower sensitivity 1.1. Pretest probability
of ultrasonography for asymptomatic DVT [6].
In recent studies, the prevalence of DVT in symptomatic patients Although useful to raise the clinical suspicion of DVT, individual
was around 10–15%, suggesting a low referral-threshold, as compared clinical features; such as, calf pain or swelling, warmth, tenderness,
with older (venographic) studies reporting figures as high as 35% [7]. erythema, oedema, difference in calf diameter, Homan's sign, history of

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E. Bernardi), (G. Camporese).
Received 21 April 2017; Received in revised form 17 September 2017; Accepted 6 October 2017
0049-3848/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Bernardi, E., Thrombosis Research (2017),
E. Bernardi, G. Camporese Thrombosis Research xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1 Table 2
The modified Wells DVT rule [12]. The primary care rule [19].

Clinical variable Scorea Diagnostic variables Points for the rulea

Active cancer (treatment on-going or within previous 6 months or 1 Male gender 1

palliative) Oral contraceptive use 1
Paralysis, paresis, or recent plaster immobilization of the lower 1 Presence of malignancy 1
extremities Recent surgery 1
Recently bedridden for 3 days or more, or major surgery within the 1 Absence of leg trauma 1
previous 12 weeks requiring general or regional anaesthesia Vein distension 1
Localized tenderness along the distribution of the deep venous system 1 Calf difference ≥ 3 cm 2
Entire leg swelling 1 D-dimer abnormal 6
Calf swelling at least 3 cm larger than that on the asymptomatic leg 1
(measured 10 cm below the tibial tuberosity)b a
High risk: 10–13; moderate risk: 7–9; low risk: 5–6; very low risk: 0–3.
Pitting oedema confined to the symptomatic leg 1 The post-test probability of DVT was reported to be: 51% in the high prob-
Collateral superficial veins (non-varicose) 1 ability group, 22% in the moderate probability group, 4% in the low prob-
Previously documented DVT 1 ability group, and < 1% in the very-low probability group, respectively [19].
Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT −2

DVT: deep-vein thrombosis.

subsequently externally validated in independent cohorts (Table 3)
Pretest probability scores may be categorized as follows: “high”: ≥ 3; “moderate”: [20,21]. Furthermore, a recent head-to-head comparison study and a
1–2; “low”: ≤ 0. The post-test probability of DVT was reported to be: 53% in the high meta-analysis found that both rules are similarly safe in that setting
probability group, 17% in the intermediate probability group, and 5% in the low prob- (Table 3), the discrepancy being accounted for by the inclusion of a new
ability group, respectively [12]. Alternatively, pretest probability scores may be cate- item (history of DVT) in the Wells rule [9,22]. Accordingly, primary
gorized as: “likely”: ≥2, or “unlikely” ≤1; and the post-test probability of DVT was
care guidelines for the management of patients with suspected DVT
reported to be: 27% in the likely probability group, and 4% in the unlikely probability
group [41], respectively.
endorse the use of the Wells rule [10].
In patients with symptoms in both legs, the more symptomatic leg was used. In hospitalized patients, the Wells rule performs poorly, since the
probability of DVT in low-risk patients is disappointingly high, ranging
DVT, immobilization, recent surgery, malignancy, or obesity, are useful between 6% and 12% (Table 3) [15,18]. Similarly, in patients with
but not sufficient to rule in/out DVT [6]. isolated distal DVT the rule displays unsatisfactory sensitivity, as the
Structured forms clinical judgment (decision rules), based on the probability of DVT in low-risk patients ranges between 8% and 14%
cited individual clinical features, are instead valuable in that they allow [13,15,17]. In addition, a recent meta-analysis challenged the useful-
patients to be assigned a definite pretest probability level, being the ness of the Wells DVT rule in outpatients with malignancy, being the
probability of DVT progressively higher in patients with higher scores failure rate almost 2-fold as compared with non-cancer patients, and the
[6,9,11]. According to international guidelines, the assessment of efficiency lower than 10% [9]. Since D-dimer testing also possesses
pretest probability should come first in the diagnostic pathway of sus- limited accuracy in inpatients, in patients with isolated distal DVT, as
pected proximal DVT in symptomatic outpatients [5,10]. well as in those with cancer, it is feasible that such patients would be
The more thoroughly studied and validated clinical decision rule, better off managed on the basis of ultrasonography alone [6,17].
either in its dichotomized (likely, or unlikely) or tripartite (low, inter- Finally, experienced physicians or nurses may formulate quite ac-
mediate, high) set-up, is the Well's DVT rule (Table 1) [7,12,13]. Ac- curate estimates of pretest probability, employing implicit or “gestalt”
cording to a meta-analysis of 21 studies, assuming a 15% DVT pre- clinical judgment [13]; however, the gestalt approach obviously lacks
valence, the Wells' rule would categorize 18% of the patients as “high reproducibility [6].
risk” (Score: ≥ 3, DVT probability = 47%), 40% as “intermediate risk” In conclusion, the Wells DVT rule is useful to stratify symptomatic
(Score: 1–2, DVT probability = 12%), and 42% as “low risk” outpatients for subsequent testing; namely: D-dimer if the probability
(Score ≤ 0, DVT probability = 4%) [6]. Given these post-test prob- level is either unlikely or non-high, or ultrasonography, if either a likely
abilities, the Wells rule cannot be employed as a stand-alone test to or high pretest probability is assigned. Hospitalized patients, as well as
confirm or exclude DVT; thus, it is commonly associated with D-dimer outpatients with malignancy, are probably better managed on the basis
or ultrasonography [5,9,10]. If neither D-dimer nor ultrasonography is of ultrasonography.
readily available the Wells rule may be used to stratify patients, al-
lowing for delayed testing in low- and moderate-risk patients, who may
be safely and quickly discharged [14]. 1.2. D-dimers
The value of the Wells DVT rule in both the primary care and the
inpatient setting, as well as in patients with suspected isolated distal D-dimers are specific cross-linked derivatives of fibrin, produced
DVT, is disputed [6,13,15–18]. Particularly, in a study of primary care when fibrin is degraded by plasmin, so concentrations are raised in
patients with suspected DVT, the safety of the Wells rule was chal- patients with venous thrombosis [23]. Numerous other conditions, such
lenged, being the probability of DVT as high as 12% in the low-risk as older age, cancer, infection, inflammation, ischemic heart disease,
group, as compared with 3% in the original Wells study; furthermore, stroke, peripheral artery disease, ruptured aneurysm or aortic dissec-
despite the combination of a low score with a normal D-dimer, the tion, pregnancy, and recent trauma or surgery yield increased D-dimer
observed DVT incidence crossed the standard 2% safety margin (2.3%, levels, limiting the efficiency of D-dimer-based approaches [9,24,25].
95% CI, 1.9 to 2.7) [16]. Consequently, a group of 110 Dutch primary In particular, it is noteworthy that normal D-dimer levels may be found
care practices proposed a different rule (the primary care, or Oudega in only 56% of healthy subjects with ≥70 years, as compared
rule, Table 2), combining clinical items with point-of-care qualitative D- to > 90% of the general population under 50 years [26]. An age-de-
dimer testing, for the exclusion of DVT in that setting [19]. In the pendent D-dimer cut-off (age × 10 mcg/L) has been evaluated in pa-
original derivation study, the rule categorized 21% of the patients as tients with suspected DVT and either an unlikely, or a non-high Wells
“high risk” (Score: 10–13, DVT probability = 51.3%), 51% as “mod- score, [27,28]. The age-dependent cut-off is used in patients with >
erate risk” (Score: 7–9, DVT probability = 21.7%), 5% as “low risk” 50 years instead of the conventional 500 mcg/L cut-off, doubling the
(Score 5–6, DVT probability = 4.5%), and 23% as “very low risk” number of patients with ≥ 80 years in whom DVT can be excluded,
(Score 0–3, DVT probability = 0.7%) [19]. These findings were with acceptable safety (Table 3) [27,28]. A large, prospective, multi-
centre study (ADJUST-DVT) testing the safety of withholding treatment

E. Bernardi, G. Camporese Thrombosis Research xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Performance of different strategies for the exclusion of deep-vein thrombosis in symptomatic patients.

Author Design N Setting Strategy to exclude DVT Safetya Efficiencya

Geersing 2014 [9] Meta-analysis 3.114b Primary care Wells ≤ 1 + normal D-dimer 1.2 (0.7 to 1.8) 29 (20 to 40)
Buller 2009 [21] Prospective 1.002 Primary care Oudega ≤ 3 1.4 (0.6 to 2.9) 49 (46 to 52)
Van der Velde 2011 [22] Prospective 495b Primary care Oudega ≤ 3 1.4 (0.6 to 3.0) 57 (54 to 61)
447b Wells ≤ 1 + normal D-dimer 1.6 (0.7 to 3.3) 70 (66 to 73)
Schouten 2012 [28] Retrospective 2.086 Primary care, all patients Wells ≤ 1 + normal D-dimerc 0.5 (0.01 to 1.3) 48 (44 to 52)
Age ≥ 80 years 0 (0.0 to 15.0) 35 (24 to 49)
Schutgens 2003 [40] Prospective 812 Wells ≤ 2 + normal D-dimer 0.6 (0.02 to 3.1) 22 (19 to 25)
Geersing 2014 [9] Meta-analysis 3225b Outpatients Wells ≤ 1 + normal quantitative D-dimer 0.4 (0.3 to 0.6) 21 (13 to 32)
4400b Wells ≤ 1 + normal qualitative D-dimer 0.6 (0.4 to 0.9) 46 (35 to 57)
Silveira 2015 [18] Prospective 1.135 Inpatients Wells ≤ 0 5.9 (3.0–11.3) 12 (10 to 14)
Cogo 2005 [44] Prospective 1.741 Outpatients Normal serial CUS 0.7 (0.3 to 1.2) NA
Bernardi 1998 [45] Prospective 946 Outpatients Normal serial CUS + normal D-dimer 0.4 (0 to 0.9) 72 (69 to 75)
Kraijenhagen 2002 [46] Prospective 1.739 Outpatients Normal serial CUS + normal D-dimer 0.7 (0.3 to 1.6) 48 (45 to 50)
Wells 1997 [47] Prospective 593 Outpatients Wells ≤ 0 + normal single CUS 0.3 (0 to 1.7) 54 (50 to 58)
Schellong 2003 [3] Prospective 1.646 Outpatients Normal WLUS 0.3 (0.1–0.8) NA
Subramaniam 2005 [44] Prospective 542 Outpatients Normal WLUS 0.2 (0.01 to 1.3) NA
Gottlieb 2003 [48] Randomized 261b Outpatients Selective WLUSd 0.8 (0.1 to 2.7) 42 (36 to 49)
Johnson 2010 [49] Meta-analysis 10.090 Outpatients with Wells ≥ 3 Normal WLUS 2.5 (0.9 to 6.1) NA
Stevens 2013 [50] Prospective 183 Outpatients with Wells ≥ 2 Normal WLUS 0.6 (0.02 to 3.3) NA
Ageno 2015 [53] Prospective 410b Outpatients Wells ≥ 2 + abnormal D-dimer + normal WLUS 1.5 (0.5 to 4.3) 51 (46 to 56)

DVT: deep-vein thrombosis; CUS: compression ultrasonography; WLUS: whole-leg ultrasonography; NA: not applicable.
Safety: proportion of patients left untreated on the basis of normal testing with the proposed strategy who develop thromboembolic events during follow-up Efficiency: proportion of
patients in whom DVT can be excluded on the basis of the proposed strategy. Expressed as: % (95% confidence interval).
Subset of the data is reported.
Age-dependent D-dimer cut-off: if > 50 years, cut-off = age × 10 mcg/L.
WLUS was only performed if calf symptoms/signs were present, otherwise patients underwent CUS.

in patients with clinically suspected DVT and a normal age-adjusted D- Table 4

dimer cut-off (age × 10 mcg/L) is currently on-going (NCT02384135). Randomized studies comparing CUS and WLUS in symptomatic patients with suspected
symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis.
Less frequently, patients with DVT may have false-negative D-dimer
results, such as those who had been treated with LMWH, or with leg Author Bernardi 2008 [52] Gibson 2009 [51]
symptoms lasting for > 2–3 weeks [29–31].
Numerous D-dimer assays have been validated against a gold stan- Pre-selection No Wells ≥ 2, or abnormal D-
dard (venography or ultrasonography) [30,32–38]. In general, quanti- dimer a

tative assays possess higher sensitivity and lower specificity while the Diagnostic strategies Serial CUS Single Serial CUS Single WLUS
contrary is true for qualitative, and point-of-care tests [6,32,38,39]. + D-dimer WLUS
Furthermore, D-dimer assays are less sensitive for isolated distal as
compared with proximal DVT, and for asymptomatic as compared with Patient n. 1045 1053 257 264
Initial DVT 23% 26% 23% 38%
symptomatic DVT [6,39]; finally, the overall performance of D-dimer
assays decreases with increasing DVT prevalence [36]. VTE at follow-upb 0.9 (0.3 to 1.2 (0.5 to 2.0 (0.6 to 1.2 (0.2 to
Thus, D-dimer should not be used as a stand-alone test for to rule-in 1.8) 2.2) 5.1) 4.3)
or rule-out DVT [5,10]. Instead, there is sound clinical evidence that Absolute difference 0.3 (− 1.4 to 0.8) 0.8 (− 2.3 to 2.9)
suspected symptomatic DVT can be safely excluded in patients with a
DVT: deep-vein thrombosis; CUS: compression ultrasonography; WLUS: whole-leg ultra-
non-high, or an unlikely probability according to Wells, and normal D-
sonography; VTE: venous thromboembolism.
dimer results, both with a qualitative or a quantitative assay, without a
Patients with Wells DVT score of ≤1 did not undergo ultrasonography.
the need for further testing (Table 3) [40,41]. A recent meta-analysis of b
Expressed as: % (95% confidence interval).
13 studies, including > 10.000 patients, reported that in patients with
an unlikely probability according to the Wells' rule, DVT may be safely the common femoral vein at the groin and the popliteal vein in the
excluded on the basis of normal D-dimer results, irrespective if the popliteal fossa, including the so-called trifurcation (i.e.: the most
latter is either a qualitative point-of-care or a quantitative laboratory- proximal segments of the tibial and peroneal veins), are investigated
based assay (Table 3) [9]; instead, in patients with a likely or a high [42]. It is a simple, quick, bedside approach that does not require
probability level, ultrasound testing should be performed [5,10,12]. specialized operators or high-range technical equipment, widely im-
In conclusion, a normal D-dimer result in combination with an plemented in Emergency Departments, and hospital wards. Hence, CUS
unlikely, or non-high pretest probability according to Wells, allows for is usually available after-hours and during weekends. With WLUS, the
the exclusion of suspected symptomatic DVT. To the contrary, ab- whole deep-vein network of the leg is scanned in a continuous fashion,
normal D-dimer levels mandate further testing; namely, ultra- from the femoral veins, through the popliteal vein, to the distal veins. It
sonography. is usually performed by consultants in vascular medicine or vascular
surgery; thus, it is only available during office hours. Furthermore, it
1.3. Ultrasonography demands dedicated high-level machines and requires the patients to be
moved from the ED/ward to be evaluated [3].
Two distinct ultrasound approaches are available to rule in/out DVT Both approaches are based on the single diagnostic criterion of vein
in symptomatic patients (Table 4): compression ultrasonography (CUS; compressibility; broadly, if the veins are compressible, then DVT is
also, “2-point ultrasonography”, or “limited-US”), and whole-leg ul- ruled-out; if the veins are not compressible, then DVT is ruled-in [43].
trasonography (WLUS; also, “echo-color-Doppler”). Notably, while DVT can be safely excluded after a single normal WLUS
With CUS only two distinct spots of the proximal-vein system, i.e., [3,44], this is not the case with CUS. Indeed, as the distal veins are not

E. Bernardi, G. Camporese Thrombosis Research xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Suggested algorithm for the evaluation of

suspected DVT in symptomatic patients. DVT:
deep-vein thrombosis CUS: compression ultra-
sonography WLUS: whole-leg ultrasonography. *
Suggested approach if the Wells DVT score is ≥ 3
(high probability).

investigated, repeat testing within one week is mandatory to identify A recent prospective, multicentre, cohort study devised a new se-
proximal extension of undetected distal DVT, the relative timing being quential strategy, including the evaluation of pretest probability with
mandated by the clinical picture; that is, the patients' symptoms are the Wells rule, D-dimer, CUS and WLUS, as follows [53]. All patients
either stable or waning, then repeat CUS may be done after 7 days, underwent D-dimer testing; patients with unlikely probability and
otherwise CUS should be performed as soon as possible (Table 3) [42]. normal D-dimer were spared further testing; those with either a likely
Although safe, repeat testing of all patients with a normal baseline CUS probability or abnormal D-dimer underwent a single CUS test; and
to detect only 3–5% extending distal DVT is inconvenient and expensive those with both a likely probability and abnormal D-dimer were eval-
[42]. Unnecessary repeat testing may be safely reduced (from 70 to uated with WLUS [53]. Only 35% of the patients required WLUS, and in
80% to 15–30%) by combining a single normal CUS test with either a half (49%) of them DVT was confirmed, indicating a high dis-
normal (quantitative, or qualitative) D-dimer, or with a low pretest criminatory power of the algorithm. The overall prevalence of throm-
probability according to Wells (Table 3) [45–47]. On the other side, boembolic events at follow-up in 950 untreated patients was < 1%,
selective use of WLUS, triggered by the presence of pain, redness or confirming the safety of the sequential strategy; however, in high-risk
swelling in the calf, was compared to routine WLUS in a randomized patients with both a likely Wells score and abnormal D-dimer, the upper
prospective study (Table 3) [48]. A < 1% prevalence of events was confidence limit for the prevalence was > 4% (Table 3).
observed in both groups, and selective use of WLUS spared calf-vein The results reported by the latter study and by the cited meta-
evaluation in > 40% of patients, statistically significantly reducing the analysis [49], although likely due to the small sample included, suggest
mean evaluation time (23 ± 14 min, vs 32 ± 14 min). the hypothesis that a single WLUS might not be sufficiently safe in high-
A meta-analysis of 7 studies, including > 10.000 patients, con- risk patients. Interestingly, in a classic accuracy study of the Wells rule,
firmed the safety of a single normal WLUS for the exclusion of DVT, but in which venography was planned for all cases of discrepancy between
reported surprisingly high (up to 3-fold the expected proportion) rates pretest clinical probability and CUS, the negative predictive value of a
of venous thromboembolism during follow-up in patients with a high normal CUS was only 82% (95% CI, 59.7 to 94.8) in patients with high
Wells score (Table 3) [49]. Conversely, both a recent small prospective pretest probability [47]. To our knowledge, a study evaluating WLUS
cohort study and a randomized clinical trial, investigating the safety of against venography in high-risk patients is not available from the lit-
withholding anticoagulation from patients with a likely or not-low erature, and it's very unlikely to be performed based on the con-
Wells score, reported a low rate of thromboembolic complication after a siderations stated in the introduction. None the less, we believe the
single normal WLUS, ranging between 0.6 and 1.2% (Tables 3, 4) signal coming from this subgroup of high-risk patients might be further
[50,51]. investigated in a properly designed trial, perhaps using a combined
Two randomized studies compared CUS and WLUS in symptomatic (instrumental and clinical) end-point.
outpatients with suspected DVT [51,52]. The first allocated all patients In conclusion, venous ultrasonography allows for both safe con-
to either serial CUS plus D-dimer, or a single (“one-shot”) WLUS; the firmation and exclusion of suspected symptomatic DVT. Compression
second randomized patients with a likely Wells score or an abnormal D- ultrasonography is widely available, quick, but needs to be repeated in
dimer, to either serial CUS or one-shot WLUS. Both studies failed to all patients with normal baseline testing, unless combined with either a
record statistically significant differences between the two ultrasound low pretest probability or a normal D-dimer. Whole-leg ultra-
approaches, despite a statistically significantly higher initial prevalence sonography allows for “one-shot” testing, but is rarely available outside
of DVT in patients managed by WLUS, due to distal-vein testing working-hours and requires highly skilled operators; furthermore, it
(Table 4). The authors concluded either strategy is safe to exclude raises the point of isolated distal DVT, neglected by CUS, though with
suspected symptomatic DVT; however, the debate on the optimal equivalent safety. Never the less, investigating the whole leg allows also
management of isolated distal vein thrombosis is on-going [5]. prompt identification of other pathologic conditions (such as, muscle-

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