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The world through our senses ( 第 28 章 感觉器官 )

Human beings have five sensory organs.

There are the : eye , ear , tongue , skin and nose .
Senses : sight , hearing , taste , touch and smell
Stimuli : light , sounds , chemicals , touch/pain/heat/ and chemicals
in food cold/pressure in the air

Sensory organs can converting stimuli (刺激) into impulse (冲动) that travel to the brain.

Receptors (sensory organs) --> nerve --> Brain / spinal cord --> nerve --> Effectors (muscles / glands)

28.1 Hearing 内耳 inner ear




外耳 outer ear 中耳 middle ear

1,Pinna :收集声波 Collect sound waves into the auditory canal.

2,Eardrum :产生震动 Vibrates when it is hit by sound waves.
3,Ossicles :把震动放大,传入内耳(卵圆窗)
Amplify the vibrations and transfer them to the oval window.
4,Cochlea :内含淋巴液,听觉细胞,把震动转换成神经冲动
Detects vibrations and converts them into nerve impulses.
5,Auditory nerve :把冲动传入大脑 Send the nerve impulses to the brain.
6,Eustachian tube :控制鼓膜内外压力平衡
Balance the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
7,Semicircular canals :位觉感受器,维持身体平衡 Maintain the balance of the body.
声波 --> 耳廓 --> 外耳道 --> 鼓膜 --> 三块听小骨 --> 卵圆窗 -->耳蜗 --> 听觉神经 --> 大脑
Waves Pinna Ear canal Eardrum Ossicles Oval window Cochlea Auditory nerve Brain




28.2 Sight
28.2.1 眼的结构



Front view of eye

6. 虹膜

1. 保护眼睛
2. 阻挡异物
3. 让光线通过
4. 分泌泪水,润滑和清洗作用
5. 眼球最外一层白色不透明,保护眼球
1. 眼角膜 cornea :使光线折射入眼球内 helps refract light onto the retina
2. 房水 aqueous humour :维持球体形状 maintain the shape of the eye
3. 瞳孔 pupil :让光线通过 allows light to pass into the eye
4. 虹膜 iris :控制瞳孔大小 controls the size of the pupil
5. 晶状体 eye lens :调节焦点 focuses light to form an image on the retina
6. 睫状肌 ciliary muscle :调节晶状体的厚薄及聚焦能力
contracts and relaxes to change the thickness of the lens.
7. 玻璃体 vitreous humour :维持眼球形状,帮助光线折射到视网膜上
keep the shape of eyeball, refract light onto the retina
8. 视网膜 retina :感受光的刺激 detect light stimuli
9. 黄点 yellow spot :感光最敏感的部位 part of the retina most sensitive to light
10. 盲点 blind spot :视神经的出口,无视觉产生
no receptor cells on this spot,cannot detect any image that fall onto it.
11. 巩膜 Sclera :protect and shapes the eye
12. 脉络膜 Choroid :the capillaries supply nutrients and oxygen to the eye

28.2.2 视觉的形成
Object reflects light -------------> cornea -------------> Aqueous humour -------------> Pupil ------------> eye lens
light light light light

----------> Vitreous humour ------------> Retina -----------------> Optic nerve -----------------> Brain
light light impulses impulses

28.2.3 视觉的限制 limitations of sight

眼的调节 Visual Accommodation

Near Objects, ciliary muscle contracts, eye lens thicker, focus on retina.

Distant Objects, ciliary muscle relax, eye lens thinner, focus on retina.

近点 :能看清物体的最近距离。近点越近,晶状体弹性越好。
(near point)
盲点 :视网膜上没有感光细胞 photoreceptors 的部分,
(blind spot) The image that falls on this spot cannot be detected.

错觉 :the brain cannot accurately interpret the information sent by the

(optical illusions) photoreceptors.

28.2.4 眼的缺陷及纠正 vision defects and ways to correct them

1,近视眼 myopia/ short-sightedness

:能看清楚近物,看不清楚远物。 Cannot focus on distant objects.
原因:眼球前后径过长 或 The eye ball is too long or
晶状体曲度过大。 the eye lens is too thick.
物体的成像落在视网膜前。 Image is focused in front of the retina
矫正:佩戴凹透镜。 Using glasses with concave lenses.

2, 远视眼 hypermetropia / long-sightedness

:能看清楚远物,看不清楚近物。 Cannot focus on near objects.
原因:眼球前后径过短 或 The eye ball is too short or
晶状体曲度过小。 the eye lens is too thin.
物体的成像落在视网膜后。 Image is focused behind the retina.
矫正:佩戴凸透镜 glasses with convex lenses

3, 老花眼 presbyopia
原因:晶状体弹性变小 the eye lens become harder and less elastic.

4, 散光眼 Astigmatism
:视野模糊不清。 Both near and distant objects appear blurry.
原因: 角膜/晶状体各个方向的曲度不同。 Irregular surface of the cornea or a lens
Image formed on the retina is distorted(扭曲).
5, 色盲(colour
近视 blindness): 远视 散光
Unable to differentiate colour. Shortage of cone cells(colour receptor cells) on the retina.

28.2.5 Types of visions

Stereoscopic vision Monocular vision


Both eyes at the front of the head Number of One eye on each side of the head
eyes/eyes used

A smaller field of vision Angle of vision A wide field of vision

The visual fields overlap to provide Type of vision Able to see different objects at the
three-dimensional visions same time with no overlapping or
Able to estimate distance of object Estimate position Unable to estimate distance of object
accurately of object accurately
Eagle, lion , cat , monkey , owl Examples of Goat, rat, fish, chicken, rabbit,
animals with the parrot
-Enables predators to determine the Advantage Enables prey to detect predators
position of their prey. from any angle.
-Gives a better perception of size ,
depth and distance

28.3 Touch

1, 表皮 :分为角质层和生长层,没有血管分布。
Epidermis : Is made up of dead cells, and waterproof.
Prevents the entry of bacteria into the body tissue.
角质层 :已经角质化或死去的细胞构成,脱落成为皮屑。
生长层 :具有分裂增生能力。

2, 真皮 :含有丰富的血管,神经,五种感受器,汗腺,毛发,油脂腺等。
Dermis :provides nutrients to the epidermis
Pain receptor, heat receptor, touch receptor , cold receptor, pressure receptor

3, 皮下组织 :含有大量脂肪,保温和缓冲压力。
Hypodermis / subcutaneous layer : mainly used for storing fat.

感受器的分布 sensitivity of the skin

1, The sensitivity of the skin depends on :
the number of receptors and the thickness of the epidermis.
3,Blinds people use their fingertips to “read” books in Braille(盲文)
4,Doctors usually give injections to their patients on forearms or buttocks because less
sensitive to pain. (前臂) (臀部)

28.4 Smell

气味化学分子 chemical particles in the air dissolved in the mucous lining

↓ (刺激)
嗅细胞 stimulate the sensory cells (smell receptors)
↓ (传递)
嗅神经 messages are sent to brain along the nerves
大脑 the brain interprets the message
嗅觉 smell are identified

28.5 taste

食物溶解于唾液中 chemicals in food dissolved in saliva

↓ (刺激)
味蕾 stimulate taste receptors in the taste buds
(各种味觉细胞) (sweet receptors, sour receptors, salty receptors, bitter receptors)
↓ (传递)
神经 impulses are sent to brain along the nerves
大脑 the brain interprets the message
嗅觉 taste are identified

If a person has a cold, too much mucus is being produced and block the smell receptors to
detect the smell. Food becomes less tasty. Because the senses of taste and smell are closely

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