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Power factor

Power factor places an important role in AC power system, since the total power
depends on this factor.

Total power and current for single phase and three phase is shown in below

For single phase P = VLIL Cos Φ

IL= P / VL Cos Φ

IL œ 1 / Cos Φ

P = √3VLIL Cos Φ

IL = P / √3 VL Cos Φ

It is clear by the above equations, the load current in single phase and three phases is
inversely proportional to power factor in power system. I.e. low power factor in a power
system leads to higher load current which is a major disadvantage of low power factor.

Disadvantages of Low Power factor:

Poor Power factor or power factor less than unity causes the following disadvantages

1) Effect on Transmission lines(Greater conductor size):

At low power factor, to transmit or distribute the power at a constant voltage requires
more current. To transmit high current, higher conductor size transmission lines are
needed. For example, In the case of single phase AC motor with load 20Kw on full load
with terminal voltage 250V. At unity power factor full load current would be
20,000/250 = 50A. But at less power factor = 20000/250*0.8 = 100A. Now all the
transmission lines and conductor and motor conductors should be rated to 100A
instead of 80A. This increases the cost of transmission lines.

2) Effect on Generators, Transformers:

It is known that the electrical machinery (Generators, Transformers) etc are rated in
KVA rather than kW

Where KVA = KW/ power factor

I.e The KVA is inversely proportional to KVA for a given KW. For lower power factor
the electrical machinery should be having higher KVA rating to drive constant KW load.
For example to drive a 20KW load with a unity power factor requires an electrical
machine with 20KVA.If the power factor is lesser then the electrical machine higher
than 20KVA is required to drive the load. Then the size and cost of the electrical
machine becomes expensive.

3) high losses in power system

Due to the high current for low power factor, the copper losses increases in the
transmission conductors and switch gear machinery.

4) High Voltage drops (poor voltage regulation):

The large current at low lagging power factor causes greater voltage drops in
alternators, transformers and transmission lines. This results in decrease in voltage at
the driving end and enables the use of extra equipment to counter act the voltage drop
like voltage stabilizers. This increase the cost of power supply system.

The low power factor reduces the handling capacity of the system. I.e. the reactive
competent in the current prevents the full use of machinery in power system.

Causes of Low Power factor:

The Above discussion id cleared that the low power factor is undesirable in power
system network. The following are the causes of low power factor in power system.

1. Most of the AC motors are induction type whether it is single phase or three phase
which have low power factor. Generally induction motors have lesser power
factor during light loads (0.2 to 0.3) and increase it to 0.8 or 0.9 at full load. So
Operating the induction motors at lesser load reduces the overall power factor of
the system.The motor selection should be proper at it should be always operated
at maximum rated power to improve the power factor of power system.
2. The loads like Arc lams, electric discharge lams and an industrial heating furnace
operates at lesser power factor.
3. We know that the load on the power systems varies from high to low as per
demand. During low load periods due to high supply voltage increases the
magnetization current which causes the low power factor of the power system.

Power in a Three Phase AC Circuit = P = √3 V x I CosФ

And Current in a Three Phase AC Circuits = I = P / (3 V x CosФ)
I ∝1 /CosФ….… (1)
Power in a Single Phase AC Circuits = P = V x I CosФ
And Current in a Three phase AC Circuits = I = P / (V x CosФ)
I ∝ 1/CosФ……… (2)
It is clear from both equations (1) an (2) that Current “I” is inversely proportional to CosФ i.e.
Power Factor. In other words, When Power Factor increases, Current Decreases, and when
Power Factor decreases, Current Increases.
Now, In case of Low Power Factor, Current will be increased, and this high current will cause to
the following disadvantages.
1.) Large Line Losses (Copper Losses):
We know that Line Losses is directly proportional to the squire of Current “I 2”
Power Loss = I2xR i.e., the larger the current, the greater the line losses i.e. I>>Line Losses
In other words,
Power Loss = I2xR = 1/CosФ2 ….. Refer to Equation “I ∝ 1/CosФ”….… (1)
Thus, if Power factor = 0.8, then losses on this power factor =1/CosФ 2 = 1/ 0.82 = 1.56 times will
be greater than losses on Unity power factor.
2.) Large kVA rating and Size of Electrical Equipments:
As we know that almost all Electrical Machinery (Transformer, Alternator, Switchgears etc) rated
in kVA. But, it is clear from the following formula that Power factor is inversely proportional to the
kVA i.e.
CosФ = kW / kVA
Therefore, The Lower the Power factor, the larger the kVA rating of Machines also, the larger the
kVA rating of Machines, The larger the Size of Machines and The Larger the size of Machines,
The Larger the Cost of machines.
3.) Greater Conductor Size and Cost:
In case of low power factor, current will be increased, thus, to transmit this high current, we need
the larger size of conductor. Also, the cost of large size of conductor will be increased.
4.) Poor Voltage Regulation and Large Voltage Drop:
Voltage Drop = V = IZ.
Now in case of Low Power factor, Current will be increased. So the Larger the current, the
Larger the Voltage Drop.
Also Voltage Regulation = V.R = (VNo Load – VFull Load)/ VFull Load
In case of Low Power Factor (lagging Power factor) there would be large voltage drop which
cause low voltage regulation. Therefore, keeping Voltage drop in the particular limit, we need to
install Extra regulation equipments i.e. Voltage regulators.
5.) Low Efficiency:
In case of low Power Factor, there would be large voltage drop and large line losses and this will
cause the system or equipments efficiency too low. For instant, due to low power factor, there
would be large line losses; therefore, alternator needs high excitation, thus, generation efficiency
would be low.
6.) Penalty from Electric Power Supply Company on Low Power factor
Electrical Power supply Company imposes a penalty of power factor below 0.95 lagging in Electric
power bill. So you must improve Pf above 0.95.

Power Factor in electrical systems is often referred to but frequently not fully understood. This
information discusses power factor as regards its explanation and how it relates to generator systems.
2.0 Definition of Power Factor In a purely resistive AC circuit, the voltage and current waveforms are in
step (or in phase), changing polarity at the same instant in each cycle (see diagram one). Where reactive
loads are present, such as with capacitors or inductors (like electric motors, strip heaters, lamp ballasts,
etc), the energy stored in the loads results in a time difference between the current and voltage waveforms,
as the stored energy is not available to do work at the load it is termed apparent power. This is known as a
lagging power factor (which is less than 1.0) as shown in vector diagram (see diagram two) is the ratio of
true power (shown as watts (W) amps x volts) to the apparent power (shown as VA amps x volts) flowing
to the load in an alternating current (AC) system.

3.0 Difference Between True Power kW and Apparent Power kVA and Reactive Power In an AC
system, such as inductive motors, transformers and solenoids, internal electrical energy is required for
magnetisation of items such as motor field coils. This internal power stored and discharged within an
inductive piece of equipment is referred to as reactive power and measures as volts x amps reactive
(VAR). Without internal magnetisation the AC equipment would not function.

The more reactive power required for magnetisation of the internal inductive load, the greater the unusable
power and increase in apparent power (kVA) requirement within the electrical system. As shown in
diagram one, the greater the value of apparent power (kVA) the lower the power factor (P.F) and by ratio
the lower the real power available, given in kW's.

In Layman's terms, P.F has as more to do with the internal inductive loads of AC electrical equipment and
the resultant true power kW available. A system designer endeavors to select equipment and design a
system that reduces the drop in P.F. A system with a low P.F increases the energy lost in the system and
requires a much greater input than can be used effectively to power euqipment. Generator sets are
normally rated for power factors between 0.8 and unity.

In summary apparent power kVA is the power required to serve the equipment's internal reactive load
power requirements and true power kW is the power available after reactive power has been satisfied.

4.0 Adverse Effects and Why Avoid Low Power Factor A system load with low P.F will draw more
current than a system with a higher P.F. A system designer considers the following:

 A low P.F draws a higher internal current and the excessive heat generation will damage and/or
shorten equipment life
 Increase reactive loads can reduce output voltage and damage equipment sensitive to reduced
 Low P.F requires equipment to be constructed heavier to absorb internal energy requirements
 Low P.F will result in a more expensive system with equipment able to absorb internal loads and
larger loads requirements
 A system designer looks to increase P.F to lower system costs, increase reliability and increase the
system's life cycle
 Utilities will charge a higher cost to industrial and commercial clients having a low P.F

5.0 Methods to Increase Power Factor and Load Types Electrical system designers endeavor to
increase the P.F to as near as 1.0 as possible by incorporating P.F 'corrector' devices within the system.
P.F correction methods adopted, depend on whether the load is termed linear or non-linear.
 Linear Load - These are loads such as induction motors and transformers and can be corrected
with the addition of a passive network of capacitors or inductors. Capacitors store electrical power
that can be used to excite the internal magnetic fields and reduce the required apparent power kVA
(see diagram three)
 Non-Linear Load - These loads include equipment that has components such as rectifiers, some
form of arc discharge such as fluorescent lamps, electric welders, arc furnaces,etc This type of load
will distort the current drawn into a system. The current in non-linear loads is interrupted by
switching devices within the equipment, meaning they don't draw current smoothly. For non-linear
loads captive or passive power conditioning can be incorporated to counter the distortion and
eleviate the P.F issues. Power conditioning can be installed either at the central substation, spread
throughout the distribution systems.
 Non-Reactive Loads - These loads are purely resistive such as heating elements and incandescent
lights and do not effect the P.F.

*The installation information provided in this post is informational in nature only, and should not be
considered the advise of a properly licensed and qualified electrician or used in place of a detailed review
of the applicable National Electric Codes and local codes. Specific questions about how this information
may effect any particular situation should be addressed to a licensed and qualified electrician.

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