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Alejandro Mota-Mota

Arnoldo Aguirre
Period 4

Exposition: The story takes place in Jerusalem and the the Israeli government has fallen to a
Caliphate uprising. The Caliphate uprising started with Isis but it greatly gained power as a shift
in power in the Turkish government turned it into a Caliphate making it align with Isis and
helping them spread through the Middle East. This New Caliphate has control of all the middle
east except for Egypt but they do have control of the Isthmus of Suez, the land bridge
connecting Asia and Africa, this allows them to create a defensive wall around the Indian
Ocean. This defensive wall allow them to focus there conquest on Europe and Asia. The
Palistains have gained control of Jerusalem with the help of the New Caliphate and the Jews
are put into labor camps alongside other ethnic groups.
Intro: Adil, a Shia, our main character in one of these labor camps. He befriends a guard who is
a Palestinian who goes by the name Alexander. Alexander aids and helps Adil as he is in the
camps. During his time at the camp he becomes fond of this Jewish girl by the name Adina. He
meets Adina’s family but they dislike him for his religion. During the time at the camps they have
a baby and he names him Alexander after his friend.
Rising Action: In the camp a plan is being synchronized to help start a revolt but Alexander
wants nothing of it. During the night military soldiers from the Caliphate come down to inspect
the camp as news of a revolt spreads. They go in the camp destroying and beating anybody
that oppose them. Adina begins to fight a soldier in fear that he will hurt Alexander the baby and
Adil. The soldier tired of her antics shoots her dead and Adil can only watch.
Climax: Adil joins the revolt and they lead coordinated attacks to take back Jerusalem. It seems
like the revolt will take back Jerusalem but it is quickly realized that they are up against a force
they cannot beat.
Falling Action: The uprising is quickly demolished and Alexander and the other surviving group
members are taken for executions. On the way to his execution he sees his friend Alexander
and ask him to take his baby and give him a better life but to make sure he never believes in
this hatred that this society has.
Denouement: During Adil’s final moments he sees his son with his friend Alexander watching
as his execution is about to take place. He smiles and cries out Alexander as his final words.

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