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Experimental support for Townsend’s Reynolds number similarity

hypothesis on rough walls

Karen A. Flack, Michael P. Schultz, and Thomas A. Shapiro

Citation: Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1843135

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PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 17, 035102 共2005兲

Experimental support for Townsend’s Reynolds number similarity

hypothesis on rough walls
Karen A. Flack, Michael P. Schultz, and Thomas A. Shapiro
Mechanical Engineering Department, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland 21402
共Received 23 July 2004; accepted 30 October 2004; published online 28 January 2005兲
The Reynolds number similarity hypothesis of Townsend 关The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow
共Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1976兲兴 states that the turbulence beyond a few
roughness heights from the wall is independent of the surface condition. The underlying assumption
is that the boundary layer thickness ␦ is large compared to the roughness height k. This hypothesis
was tested experimentally on two types of three-dimensional rough surfaces. Boundary layer
measurements were made on flat plates covered with sand grain and woven mesh roughness in a
closed return water tunnel at a momentum thickness Reynolds number Re␪ of ⬃14 000. The
boundary layers on the rough walls were in the fully rough flow regime 共ks+ 艌 100兲 with the ratio of
the boundary layer thickness to the equivalent sand roughness height ␦ / ks greater than 40. The
results show that the mean velocity profiles for rough and smooth walls collapse well in velocity
defect form in the overlap and outer regions of the boundary layer. The Reynolds stresses for the two
rough surfaces agree well throughout most of the boundary layer and collapse with smooth wall
results outside of 3ks. Higher moment turbulence statistics and quadrant analysis also indicate the
differences in the rough wall boundary layers are confined to y ⬍ 5ks. The present results provide
support for Townsend’s Reynolds number similarity hypothesis for uniform three-dimensional
roughness in flows where ␦ / ks 艌 40. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1843135兴

I. INTRODUCTION the roughness Reynolds number. The mean velocity profile

in the overlap and outer regions of a turbulent boundary
The rough wall boundary layer is of great engineering layer over a rough wall can, therefore, be stated as

interest, including the applications of flow over ship hulls
and airplanes, as well as fluid transport. Current engineering 1 ⌸ y
U+ = ln共y +兲 + C − ⌬U+ + W . 共2兲
models treat roughness as a small perturbation to the smooth ␬ ␬ ␦
wall boundary layer.1 However, if the effect of surface
roughness propagates into the outer layer, the application of By evaluating Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 at y = ␦, Hama11 showed that
rough wall models that rely on smooth wall similarity scaling ⌬U+ can be found as the difference between the smooth wall
will yield erroneous results. Understanding the extent of this log law intercept C and the rough wall intercept C − ⌬U+ at
perturbation for a variety or roughness types would improve the same Re␦*. The roughness function is, therefore, found as
modeling and predictive capabilities.
The engineering importance of predicting the effect of
wall roughness on boundary layer and pipe flows has long
⌬U+ = 冉冑 冊 冉冑 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊
Cf S

Cf R
U␶ S

U␶ R
. 共3兲

been identified. Much of the seminal work in this area was The implicit assumption in Eq. 共3兲 is that the mean flow for
carried out by Nikuradse2 and Colebrook and White.3 Later both smooth S and rough R walls obeys the velocity defect
investigations focused on the effect of roughness on turbu- law in the overlap and outer regions of the boundary layer:
lence structure.4–6 An extensive review of the present knowl-
edge of rough wall boundary layers is given by Raupach et
al.7 and Jiménez.8
U+e − U+ = f 冉冊 y

. 共4兲

The mean velocity profile in the overlap and outer re- There is a great deal of experimental support for a universal
gions of a turbulent boundary layer over a smooth wall is velocity defect law,7,11–14 and it is consistent with the idea of
given as Reynolds number similarity given by Townsend15 that turbu-

U+ =

ln共y +兲 + C + W


, 冉冊 共1兲
lence outside the inner layer is unaffected by surface condi-
tion. Some prominent rough wall studies claim that changes
to the mean flow do occur in the outer layer.16,17 This is
where the von Karman constant ␬ = 0.41, the smooth wall log primarily observed as an increase in the strength of the wake
law intercept C = 5.0, and ⌸ is the wake parameter. Both ⌸, which the researchers assert is due to the higher rate of
Clauser9 and Hama10 pointed out that the primary effect of entrainment for rough walls.
surface roughness on the mean flow is to cause a downward There is also a large degree of similarity in the turbulent
shift in this profile. For “k-type” rough walls, the downward stresses for rough and smooth walls. The Reynolds number
shift ⌬U+ called the roughness function, correlates with k+, similarity hypothesis of Townsend15 and subsequent exten-

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035102-2 Flack, Schultz, and Shapiro Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 共2005兲

sions by Perry and Chong18 and Raupach et al.7 states that and ␦ / k were ⬇30. The use of ks to define the extent of the
the turbulent motions are independent of surface condition roughness sublayer instead of k itself was proposed by
outside the roughness sublayer at sufficiently high Reynolds Schultz and Flack13 because it provides a common measure
number. This implies that the turbulent stresses, normalized of the influence of the roughness on the mean flow. The
by the wall shear stress, are universal outside of the rough- difficulty with using ks for predicting roughness effects is
ness sublayer. The dominant view at present is that the that it cannot be determined a priori from a physical measure
roughness sublayer extends ⬇3k – 5k from the wall, where k of a generic roughness. The authors believe that ␦ / ks is a
is the roughness height. The outer region has been generally more appropriate parameter than ␦ / k in identifying the rela-
thought to be unaffected by the roughness.7,8 This is sup- tive strength and extent of the roughness influence on the
ported by a number of studies, including the work of Perry turbulence in the boundary layer.
and Li19 on expanded mesh surfaces and Acharya et al.20 for In the present investigation, the flow over two three-
machined surfaces. Andreopoulos and Bradshaw21 present dimensional rough surfaces, sandgrain and woven mesh, will
both mean and turbulence profiles for flow over one sandpa- be presented. These roughness types were selected because
per surface. Reynolds stress results showed good collapse both surfaces have been previously studied12,16 with contrast-
outside the roughness sublayer. However, effects in the triple ing results related to the extent of roughness effects in the
products were noted up to 10k from the wall. Ligrani and boundary layer. The height of the roughness was chosen to
Moffat22 presented mean and turbulence results for closely produce fully rough turbulent boundary layers while main-
packed spheres in the transitionally rough regime. For this taining conditions in which the boundary layer thickness is
type of roughness element, the turbulence quantities col- large compared to the equivalent sand roughness height
lapsed with smooth wall results outside of the roughness 共␦ / ks 艌 40兲. The mean velocity, Reynolds stress profiles,
sublayer. Schultz and Flack13 examined fully rough flow higher order moments, as well as quadrant analysis for flow
over closely packed spheres with and without the addition of over these surfaces will be compared to smooth walls. Re-
a secondary roughness scale. Quadrant analysis and the ve- sults will focus on the extent that the roughness effects pen-
locity triple products indicated that the changes in the turbu- etrate the boundary layer.
lence structure in the rough wall boundary layers were con-
fined to y ⬍ 8ks. Schultz and Flack12 also tested two sand II. EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND METHODS
grain surfaces of varying roughness heights. Their results
indicate collapse of the mean velocity in defect form and The present experiments were conducted in the closed
collapse of the normalized Reynolds stresses profiles for circuit water tunnel facility at the United States Naval Acad-
both the smooth and rough surfaces in the overlap and outer emy Hydromechanics Laboratory. The test section is 40 cm
regions of the boundary layer. ⫻ 40 cm in cross section and is 1.8 m in length, with a tun-
Other researchers have observed roughness effects well nel velocity range of 0 – 6.0 m / s. The current tests were run
into the outer layer. The studies of Krogstad et al.16 for wo- at a tunnel speed of ⬃3.8 m / s 共Rex = 5.1⫻ 106兲. Further de-
ven mesh roughness and Keirsbulck et al.17 for transverse tails of the water tunnel facility are given in Schultz and
bar roughness indicate that the wake strength of the mean Flack.12,13 Three surfaces are tested in this study. One is a
velocity profile is increased. Additionally, Krogstad and smooth cast acrylic surface. The other two are rough sur-
Antonia23 noted that the turbulence structure is altered in the faces; one covered with 80 grit wet/dry sandpaper and the
outer layer for a woven mesh roughness. Antonia and other with woven mesh 共center line spacing= 1.0 mm, wire
Krogstad14 also observed changes in the Reynolds shear diameter= 0.16 mm兲. The maximum peak to trough rough-
stress profiles for surfaces covered with transverse rods. ness heights k are 0.69 mm and 0.32 mm, for the sandpaper
These studies imply the effect of surface roughness may and mesh surfaces, respectively. The test specimens were
propagate well into the outer region. inserted into a flat plate test fixture mounted horizontally in
An explanation for the disparate findings is most likely the tunnel. The test fixture is the same as that used by
due to the “strong” roughness used in the investigations Schultz and Flack.12,13 The forward most 200 mm of the
where effects were observed in the outer layer. A strong plate is covered with 36 grit sandpaper to trip the developing
roughness here is defined as a surface whose equivalent sand boundary layer. The use of a strip of roughness was shown
roughness height2,24 ks is a significant portion of the inner by Klebanoff and Diehl25 to provide effective boundary layer
layer thickness.13 This view is supported in the recent review thickening and a fairly rapid return to self-similarity. The test
article of Jiménez8 which asserts that surfaces where ␦ / k specimen mounts flush into the test fixture and its forward
艋 40 may exhibit roughness effects well into the outer layer, edge is located immediately downstream of the trip. The flap
since most of the log-law region may be destroyed by the was set at small angles to make minor adjustments to the
presence of the roughness. The size of the woven mesh, upstream streamwise pressure gradient. A schematic of the
traverse rods, and tranverse bars used in the studies of test water tunnel test fixture is shown in Fig. 1.
Krogstad et al.,16 Antonia and Krogstad,14 and Keirsbulck et The boundary layer profiles presented here were taken
al.17 correspond to ␦ / ks ⬇ 15, ␦ / ks ⬇ 8, and ␦ / ks ⬇ 7, respec- 1.35 m downstream of the leading edge of the test fixture.
tively, while the values of ␦ / k in these investigations were Profiles taken from 0.80 m to the measurement location con-
⬇48, ⬇46, and ⬇26, respectively. In the study of Schultz firmed that the flow had reached self-similarity. The trailing
and Flack13 on uniform packed spheres, in which differences 150 mm of the flat plate fixture is a movable tail flap. This
in the turbulence structure were observed out to 8ks, ␦ / ks, was set with the trailing edge up at ⬃4° in the present ex-

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035102-3 Experimental support for Townsend’s Reynolds number Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 共2005兲

bias, and velocity gradient bias, as detailed by Edwards.28

Fringe bias results from the inability to sample scattering
particles passing through the measurement volume at large
angles since several fringe crossings are needed to validate a
measurement. In this experiment, the fringe bias was consid-
ered insignificant, as the beams were shifted well above a
burst frequency representative of twice the freestream
velocity.28 Validation bias results from filtering too near the
signal frequency and any processor biases. In general these
errors are difficult to estimate and vary from system to sys-
FIG. 1. Schematic of flat plate test fixture.
tem. No corrections were made to account for validation
bias. Velocity bias results from the greater likelihood of high
periments to prevent separation at the leading edge of the velocity particles moving through the measurement volume
plate. The physical growth of the boundary layer and the during a given sampling period. The present measurements
inclined tail flap created a slightly favorable pressure gradi- were burst transit time weighted to correct for velocity bias,
ent at the measurement location. The acceleration parameter as given by Buchhave et al.29 Velocity gradient bias is due to
K was ⬃2.0⫻ 10−8 and did not vary significantly between velocity variation across the measurement volume. The cor-
the test surfaces. rection scheme of Durst et al.30 was used to correct u⬘. The
Velocity measurements were made using a TSI FSA3500 corrections to the mean velocity and the other turbulence
two-component, fiber-optic laser Doppler velocimeter quantities were quite small and therefore neglected. An ad-
共LDV兲. The LDV used a four beam arrangement and was ditional bias error in the v⬘ measurements of ⬃2% was
operated in backscatter mode. The probe volume diameter caused by introduction of the w⬘ component due to inclina-
was ⬃90 ␮m, and its length was ⬃1.3 mm. The viscous tion of the LDV probe. Bias estimates were combined with
length scale ␯ / u␶ varied from 5 ␮m for the rough walls to the precision uncertainties to obtain the overall uncertainties
7 ␮m for the smooth wall. The diameter of the probe vol- for the measured quantities at 95% confidence. These were
ume, therefore, ranged from 13 to 18 viscous lengths in the calculated using the standard methods outlined in Coleman
present study. The LDV probe was mounted on a Velmex and Steele.31 The resulting overall uncertainty in the mean
three-axis traverse unit. The traverse allowed the position of velocity is ±1%. For the turbulence quantities, u⬘2, v⬘2, and
the probe to be maintained to ±10 ␮m in all directions. In u⬘v⬘ the overall uncertainties are ±2%, ±4%, and ±7%, re-
order to facilitate two-component, near wall measurements, spectively. The uncertainty in u␶ for the smooth walls using
the probe was tilted downwards at an angle of 4° to the the Clauser chart method is ±3%, and the uncertainty in u␶
horizontal and was rotated 45° about its axis. Velocity mea- for the rough walls using the modified Clauser chart method
surements were conducted in coincidence mode with 20 000 was ±5%. The uncertainty in u␶ using the total stress method
random samples per location. Doppler bursts for the two is ±6% for both the smooth and rough walls. The uncertain-
channels were required to fall within a 50 ␮s coincidence ties in the boundary layer thickness ␦, displacement thick-
window or the sample was rejected. ness ␦*, and momentum thickness ␪ are ±7%, ±4%, and
In this study, the friction velocity u␶ for the smooth sur- ±5%, respectively.
face was found using the Clauser chart method with log-law
constants ␬ = 0.41 and B = 5.0. For the rough walls, u␶ was IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
obtained using a procedure based on the modified Clauser A. Mean flow
chart method given by Perry and Li.19 Further details of the
procedure are given in Refs. 12 and 26. For all the test sur- The experimental conditions for each of the test cases
faces, the total stress method was also used to verify u␶. This are presented in Table I. Significant increases in the physical
method assumes a constant stress region equal to the wall growth of the boundary layer were noted on both rough sur-
shear stress exists in the overlap and inner layer of the faces compared to the smooth wall. The sandpaper showed
boundary layer. If the viscous and turbulent stress contribu- increases of 21%, 58%, and 44%, while the mesh had similar
tions are added together, an expression for u␶ may be calcu- increases of 18%, 57%, and 45% in ␦, ␦*, and ␪, respec-
lated as the following evaluated at the total stress plateau in tively. As stated previously, u␶ was determined using both the
the overlap and inner layer: total stress and Clauser chart methods. These results are also

冋 册
given in Table I. The agreement between the methods is
⳵U 1/2
u␶ = ␯ − u ⬘v ⬘ . 共5兲 within 5% in all cases. The friction velocity used for the
⳵y normalization presented in this paper was obtained using the
Clauser chart method due to the slightly lower uncertainty.
However, it should be noted that since u␶ obtained using the
total stress method was slightly less for both the smooth and
Precision uncertainty estimates for the velocity measure- rough walls, normalization based on this method would not
ments were made through repeatability tests using the proce- significantly change the comparisons presented herein.
dure given by Moffat.27 LDV measurements are also suscep- Figure 2 shows the mean velocity profiles for all three
tible to a variety of bias errors including angle bias, velocity surfaces plotted in inner variables. The smooth wall log law

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035102-4 Flack, Schultz, and Shapiro Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 共2005兲

TABLE I. Experimental test conditions.

共m/s兲 u␶
Ue Total 共m/s兲 ␦ ␦* ␪
Surface 共m/s兲 Re␪ stress Clauser ⌬U+ 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 5k / ␦ 5ks / ␦

Smooth 3.77 10 220 0.137 0.141 ¯ 26.4 3.20 2.53 ¯ ¯

Sandpaper 3.77 14 340 0.180 0.185 7.7 31.9 5.05 3.64 0.11 0.08
k = 0.69 共mm兲
k+ = 134
ks+ = 100

Mesh 3.81 14 120 0.187 0.196 8.5 31.1 5.03 3.66 0.05 0.11
k = 0.32 共mm兲
k+ = 64
ks+ = 138

is shown for comparison. Both rough surfaces display a lin- height ks provides a common measure of the influence of the
ear log region that is shifted by ⌬U+ below the smooth pro- roughness on the mean flow and is related to ⌬U+ via the
file indicating an increased momentum deficit on these sur- following,8,22 where B, the log-law intercept for uniform
faces. The sandgrain and mesh surface produced roughness sand grain, is equal to 8.5:
functions of ⌬U+ = 7.7 and 8.5, respectively. It is of note that
the roughness function is higher for the mesh surface at ⌬U+ = ln共ks+兲 + C − B. 共6兲
nominally the same unit Reynolds number even though the ␬
roughness height k is less than half that of the sandpaper. The estimated extent of the roughness sublayer 共5ks / ␦兲 is
This clearly reinforces that the roughness height alone is not given in Table I. Values of 5k / ␦ are also presented for com-
a good indicator of roughness function. Proper scaling pa- parison.
rameters for roughness must also account for differences in The mean velocity profiles for all test cases are pre-
parameters such as surface texture,32 roughness density,33 sented in defect form in Fig. 3. Also shown for comparison
and roughness slope.34 It was demonstrated by Furuya and are the results of the smooth wall direct numerical simulation
Fujita35 that not only the roughness height but also the pitch 共DNS兲 by Spalart36 at Re␪ = 1410. The velocity defect pro-
to diameter ratio is an important parameter in determining files exhibit excellent collapse in the overlap and outer re-
⌬U+ on woven mesh roughness. At present, however, there is gions of the boundary layer supporting the notion of a uni-
no adequate means of predicting the effect of a generic rough versal defect profile for rough and smooth walls, as proposed
surface on the mean flow 共i.e., ⌬U+兲 from measures of the by Clauser9 and Hama.10 Similar results were also observed
roughness profile. It seems plausible that since k is not a by Acharya et al.20 for mesh and machined surface roughness
reliable indicator 共at least among different roughness types兲 and by Schultz and Flack12,13 for a variety of roughness
of the roughness effect on the mean flow, it is likely not a types. Krogstad et al.16 and Keirsbulck et al.17 found that the
proper length scale to define the extent of the roughness ef- defect profiles for boundary layers over woven mesh and
fect on the turbulent motions 共known as the roughness sub- transverse bars, respectively, did not collapse with smooth
layer兲 either. Alternatively, the equivalent sand roughness

FIG. 2. Mean velocity profiles in wall coordinates 共overall uncertainty in FIG. 3. Velocity defect profiles 关overall uncertainty in 共Ue − U兲 / u␶: smooth
U+: smooth wall, ±4%; rough walls, ±7%兲. wall, ±5%; rough walls, ±7%兴.

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035102-5 Experimental support for Townsend’s Reynolds number Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 共2005兲

FIG. 6. Normalized Reynolds shear stress profiles 共overall uncertainty in

FIG. 4. Normalized streamwise Reynolds normal stress profiles 共overall −u⬘v⬘ / u␶2: smooth wall, ±8%; rough walls, ±10%兲.
uncertainty in u⬘2 / u␶2: smooth wall, ±5%; rough walls, ±7%兲.

roughness influence corresponds to y 艋 3ks on both the sand-

wall profiles. This was due to an increase in ⌸ for the rough paper and the mesh surfaces. The disappearance of the near-
walls, which presumably, resulted from the higher rate of wall peak in u⬘2 was shown by Ligrani and Moffat22 to be
entrainment of irrotational flow at the outer edge of the indicative of a boundary layer in the fully rough flow regime.
boundary layer.16 The present authors believe the differences The wall-normal Reynolds normal stresses v⬘2 / u␶2 共Fig.
in results can be attributed to the strong roughness used in 5兲 also indicate good collapse in both the overlap and outer
the studies of Krogstad et al.16 and Keirsbulck et al.17 In regions of the boundary layer. This result is in agreement
both, the ratio of the boundary layer thickness to the equiva- with a number of studies.12,13,19,22 In the present study, the
lent sand roughness height ␦ / ks for the rough wall flows was agreement in v⬘2 / u␶2 is observed for y 艌 ks for both rough
艋15. surfaces. The studies of Krogstad et al.16 and Keirsbulck et
al.17 both showed that significant increases in the wall-
B. Reynolds stresses and quadrant analysis normal Reynolds normal stress penetrate well into the outer
The normalized Reynolds stress profiles 共u⬘2 / u2␶ , v⬘2 / u2␶ , layer over rough walls. It should be noted that even though
and −u⬘v⬘ / u␶2兲 for the test surfaces are presented in Figs. the present rough surfaces are in the fully rough flow regime,
4–6. Also shown are the results of the smooth wall DNS by they are much “weaker” in that ␦ / ks = 63 for the sandpaper
Spalart36 at Re␪ = 1410. The approximate extent of the rough- and ␦ / ks = 45 for the mesh, as compared to ␦ / ks 艋 15 in those
ness sublayer for the sand grain and mesh surfaces 共5ks / ␦兲 is studies.
given for reference. The streamwise Reynolds normal The normalized Reynolds shear stress 共−u⬘v⬘ / u␶2兲 pro-
stresses u⬘2 / u2␶ 共Fig. 4兲 for the smooth and rough wall show files are presented in Fig. 6. Good collapse of the profiles is
excellent agreement throughout the overlap and outer regions again observed across almost the entire boundary layer 共y
of the boundary layer. Near the wall 共y / ␦ 艋 0.05兲, u⬘2 / u␶2 is 艌 ks兲. In order to further investigate possible differences in
significantly lower on the rough walls. The region of the the flow dynamics between smooth and rough wall boundary
layers, quadrant analysis37 was carried out using the hyper-
bolic hole size H method of Lu and Willmarth.38 This tech-
nique allows the contributions of ejection Q2 and sweep Q4
motions to the Reynolds shear stress to be calculated. The
contribution to u⬘v⬘ from a given quadrant Q can be ex-
pressed as

共u⬘v⬘兲Q = lim
u⬘v⬘共t兲IQ共t兲dt, 共7兲

where IQ共t兲 is a trigger function defined as

IQ = 再 1
when 兩u⬘v⬘兩Q 艌 H冑u⬘2冑v⬘2
冎 共8兲

Figure 7 shows the normalized contribution from ejection

and sweep events to the Reynolds shear stress for H = 0. The
profiles of both the Q2 and Q4 contributions for the smooth
FIG. 5. Normalized wall-normal Reynolds normal stress profiles 共overall and rough walls show excellent agreement across almost the
uncertainty in v⬘2 / u␶2: smooth wall, ±6%; rough walls, ±8%兲. entire boundary layer. All the surfaces display a nearly linear

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035102-6 Flack, Schultz, and Shapiro Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 共2005兲

FIG. 7. Normalized Reynolds shear stress contributions from Q2 and Q4

with H = 0 共overall uncertainty in −共u⬘v⬘兲Q2 / u␶2 and −共u⬘v⬘兲Q4 / u␶2 : ± 10%兲.
FIG. 9. Ratio of the Reynolds shear stress contributions from Q2 and Q4
with H = 2 共overall uncertainty in 共u⬘v⬘兲Q2 / 共u⬘v⬘兲Q4 : ± 11%兲.

decrease in the Q2 and Q4 Reynolds stresses in the outer

layer. This indicates that roughness-induced changes to co- while strong ejection events play a larger role near a smooth
herent turbulent structures are confined to a near-wall rough- wall, sweeps have a larger contribution near rough walls.
ness sublayer. It is of note that ejection events dominate This was also observed by Krogstad et al.16 and is likely due
sweeps throughout the boundary layer on the smooth wall to the difference in the boundary condition at y = 0 for
and for y 艌 3ks on the rough walls. The results of Krogstad et smooth and rough walls. On a smooth wall, v⬘ = 0 at y = 0. On
al.16 indicate an increase in both the Q2 and Q4 contribu- a rough wall, y = 0 is located somewhere between the rough-
tions for rough walls that extends well into the outer layer. ness peaks and troughs, not on the wall, so the vertical ve-
Schultz and Flack13 also observed an increase in these quan- locity fluctuations may be nonzero. The ratios of the Q2 to
tities for uniform sphere roughness, but only for y 艋 5ks. It Q4 contributions presented in Fig. 9 show good agreement
should be noted that both of these studies were carried out on for all of the surfaces for y ⬎ 3ks.
stronger roughness 共␦ / ks 艋 30兲 than the present investigation.
Figure 8 shows contribution to the Reynolds shear stress C. Velocity triple products and higher-order moments
from strong 共H = 2兲 ejection and sweep events. This H corre-
sponds to instantaneous Reynolds shear stress events larger While the present Reynolds stress results indicate there
than 5u⬘v⬘. The profiles of both the Q2 and Q4 contributions is a great deal of similarity in the turbulence on smooth and
for the smooth and rough walls again show excellent agree- rough walls for y ⬎ 3ks, higher-order turbulence moments
ment outside the near-wall region. One difference that can be will now be addressed. Andreopoulos and Bradshaw21
discerned is an increase in strong Q2 events for y / ␦ 艋 0.05 showed that the velocity triple products provide a sensitive
on the smooth wall that is absent on the rough walls. Also, indicator of changes in turbulence structure due to wall con-
strong Q4 events decrease on the smooth wall over the same dition, however, relatively few rough wall studies have pre-
range. This is illustrated more clearly in Fig. 9, which shows sented these statistics with the exception of Antonia and
the ratio of the contributions from Q2 and Q4 for H = 2. Near Krogstad,14 Kiersbulck et al.,17 Andreopoulos and
the wall, the ratio is greater than unity for the rough walls Bradshaw,21 and Bandyopadhyay and Watson.39 The distri-
and less than unity for the smooth wall. This indicates that

FIG. 8. Normalized Reynolds shear stress contributions from Q2 and Q4 FIG. 10. Normalized velocity triple product u⬘3 / u␶3 共overall uncertainty in
with H = 2 共overall uncertainty in −共u⬘v⬘兲Q2 / u␶2 and −共u⬘v⬘兲Q4 / u␶2 : ± 12%兲. u⬘3 / u␶3 : ± 28%兲.

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035102-7 Experimental support for Townsend’s Reynolds number Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 共2005兲

FIG. 11. Normalized velocity triple product v⬘3 / u␶3 共overall uncertainty in FIG. 13. Normalized velocity triple product u⬘v⬘2 / u␶3 共overall uncertainty in
v⬘3 / u␶3 : ± 38%兲. u⬘v⬘2 / u␶3 : ± 18%兲.

butions of the normalized velocity triple products u⬘3 / u3␶ and reduction in u⬘2v⬘ / u␶3 for the rough walls. A similar trend
u⬘3 / u3␶ are presented in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. The was observed for mesh roughness by Krogstad and
profiles of u⬘3 / u3␶ show good agreement between the smooth Antonia.40 The gradient ⳵u⬘2v⬘ / ⳵y represents the turbulent
and rough walls for y ⬎ 5ks. Closer to the wall, some differ- diffusion of u⬘2 in the Reynolds stress transport equation for
ences can be noted. The sign of u⬘3 / u3␶ is negative for the u⬘2. On the smooth wall, there is a loss in u⬘2 through tur-
smooth wall for y ⬍ 0.05␦, whereas, it is positive for the bulent diffusion for 0.01⬍ y / ␦ ⬍ 0.025, while there is a gain
rough walls. This may be due to reduced sweep events 共u⬘ for the rough walls. The normalized turbulent flux of Rey-
⬎ 0兲 for the smooth wall than for the rough wall, which was nolds shear stress u⬘v⬘2 / u3␶ also indicates good agreement for
also identified in the quadrant analysis. The profiles of the smooth and rough walls over most of the boundary layer
v⬘3 / u3␶ also show agreement within their experimental uncer- 共Fig. 13兲. The differences in u⬘v⬘2 / u3␶ are confined to the
tainty outside the near-wall region. This contrasts with the near-wall region, where the wall-normal turbulent transport
results of Antonia and Krogstad14 who found large changes of Reynolds shear stress 共−u⬘v⬘兲 is toward the wall on the
in this triple product for flows over transverse rod roughness. rough walls and away from it on the smooth wall. This dif-
This was observed as a negative value of v⬘3 / u␶3 over a sig- ference in the near-wall transport was also observed by An-
nificant portion of the boundary layer indicating transport of dreopoulos and Bradshaw21 and is likely due to the stronger
turbulent kinetic energy towards the wall instead of away sweep events that occur on the rough wall, as discussed pre-
from it, as seen for a smooth wall. viously.
The distributions of the velocity triple products u⬘2v⬘ / u␶3 The skewness factor distributions for u⬘ and v⬘, Su and
and u⬘v⬘2 / u␶3 are presented in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. Sv, are shown in Figs. 14 and 15, respectively. Also shown
The quantity u⬘2v⬘ / u␶3 represents the wall-normal turbulent for comparison are the smooth wall data of Antonia and
transport of u⬘2. The profiles for the smooth and rough walls Krogstad14 at Re0 = 12 570. There is excellent collapse of Su
agree for y ⬎ 5ks. Much closer to the wall, there is a large for all three surfaces for y ⬎ 5ks and good agreement with the
smooth wall data of Antonia and Krogstad14 outside the

FIG. 12. Normalized velocity triple product u⬘2v⬘ / u␶3 共overall uncertainty in
u⬘2v⬘ / u␶3 : ± 22%兲. FIG. 14. Skewness factor Su 共overall uncertainty in Su : ± 25%兲.

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035102-8 Flack, Schultz, and Shapiro Phys. Fluids 17, 035102 共2005兲

FIG. 15. Skewness factor Sv 共overall uncertainty in Sv : ± 35%兲. FIG. 17. Flatness factor Fv 共overall uncertainty in Fv : ± 6%兲.

roughness sublayer. Closer to the wall, the rough walls show

positive skewness, while the smooth wall has negative skew- ven mesh; surfaces that have previously been used to exam-
ness. The positive skewness near the rough walls may be due ine the concept of turbulence similarity in the outer layer.12,16
to the less strict, wall-normal boundary condition, allowing The present results indicate that the mean velocity profiles
for more high momentum fluid to be swept into the near wall for rough and smooth walls collapse well in velocity defect
region. Sv shows agreement within the experimental uncer- form in the overlap and outer regions of the boundary layer.
tainty across the entire boundary layer 共Fig. 15兲 and agrees The Reynolds stresses and quadrant analysis results for the
well with the smooth wall data of Antonia and Krogstad14 for two rough surfaces agree well throughout most of the bound-
y ⬎ 5ks. Antonia and Krogstad14 noted significant differences ary layer and collapse with smooth wall results for y ⬎ 3ks.
in Sv for transverse rod roughness well into the outer region The velocity triple products and higher moment turbulence
of the boundary layer. The flatness factor distributions for u⬘ statistics also indicate that the differences in the rough wall
and v⬘, Fu and Fv, are shown in Figs. 16 and 17, respectively. boundary layers are confined to y ⬍ 5ks. These results pro-
Also included for comparison are the results of Bandyo- vide compelling support for Townsend’s Reynolds number
padhyay and Watson39 for flow over transverse bars. Both similarity hypothesis for uniform three-dimensional rough-
flatness factors show good collapse for smooth and rough ness in flows where the roughness is a relatively small per-
surfaces throughout the entire boundary layer and agree rea- turbation to the smooth wall case. A survey of the literature
sonably well with the results of Bandyopadhyay and Watson along with the present results indicates that ␦ / ks 共not ␦ / k as
over most of the boundary layer. Jiménez8 recently suggested兲 is the proper parameter to indi-
cate if the roughness effect on the turbulence will be strong
V. CONCLUSIONS or weak. For roughness where ␦ / ks 艌 40, significant similar-
ity in the turbulence structure can be expected outside the
Comparisons of structure of turbulent boundary layers roughness sublayer. In cases where ␦ / ks ⬍ 40, turbulence
developing over two roughness types and a smooth wall have modifications may be anticipated to extend well into the
been made. The rough surfaces included sandpaper and wo- outer layer. Flows with strong roughness have great practical
importance. These range from engineering applications of
flows through fouled heat exchanger tubes and over fouled
gas turbine blades to atmospheric boundary layers in urban
or forested areas. Therefore, while the concept of turbulence
similarity appears applicable to many rough wall flows, fur-
ther understanding and predictive capability are needed in
cases where roughness effects are large and turbulence simi-
larity fails.
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