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Scenario 4

Step 1

Step 2

1. what is the diagnosis of the scenario?

2. What is the etiology of this scenario?
3. What is the best treatment for the scenario?
4. What is the indication and contraindication the treatment?
5. What is the material that can be use in the treatment and also the advantages and
disadvantage? (LO)
6. What is the procedure of the treatment?
7. What is the instruction after treatment in this scenario?

Step 3

1. Diagnosis
The diagnosis of this scenario is microdontia.
2. Etiology
The etiology of this scenario is genetic
3. The best treatment of this scenario
The treatment of this scenario is:
a. Dental crown, because the teeth is still vital and the patient do not want to
extracted the teeth.
b. If the remaining hard tissue is not strong so the treatment is jacket crown and dowel
The treatment of this scenario is dental crown.
4. Indication and the contraindication
a. Indication
- Wide caries
- Fractures of the teeth
- Colour change
- Anomaly from the teeth growth.
- Shape anomaly
- Teeth with erosion and abration
- Amelogenesis imperfecta
b. Contraindication
- The teeth to short
- The tissue of tooth is not support the teeth
- Close bite and the teeth is edge to edge
- Bad oral hygiene
- Bad habits of patient
5. What is the material that can be use in the treatment and also the advantages and
disadvantage? (LO)
a. Porcelain
- Advantage
 Good for aesthetic
 Excellent translucency
 Good tissues respons
 No odours
 The biocompatibility is good
- Disadvantages
 Brittleness
 The difficult for the manipulation
 The cost is little bit expensive
b. Porcelain fuse metal
- Advantages
 Acceptable for patient with bad habits.
 Resistance with fracture.
 More stronger than porcelain.
c. Metal
6. Procedure (LO)
a. Subjective examination
b. Objective examination
c. Explanation
d. The tooth preaparation
e. Positive impression
f. Work on the work model
g. Add on the dental crown to the teeth
7. What is the instruction after treatment in this scenario?
a. Dont eat hard food.
b. Do not drink a colour drinking
c. Routine check up to the dentist (control to the dentist).
d. Instructed to patient to keep the good oral hygiene
e. Do not eat a sticky food.

Step 4

Step 5

1. Dowel crown
2. Material that can be used in the treatment
3. Procedure dowel crown
4. Hadits

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