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1. Out of the following options, which are the three websites you use the most?

A. Facebook

B. Myspace

C. LinkedIn

D. Flickr

E. Twitter

F. Youtube

G. Other (please specify)

2. If ever, on average how often do you send a link to a video or website to someone you know?

A. More than once a week

B. Once a week

C. Once a month

D. Less than once a month

E. Never

3. How often do you receive a link to a video or website from someone you know?

A. More than once a week

B. Once a week

C. Once a month

D. Less than once a month

E. Never

4. Of the times you receive such a link and visit the link, who usually sent it? (please check only one

A. A close friend

B. An acquaintance

C. A family member

D. Someone I met through a social network

E. A business relation
F. Someone I don’t know

5. Where do you most often receive such links?

A. A social network site (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.)

B. Email

C. Instant Messenger (MSN, ICQ, AOL, Google Talk etc.)

D. Other (please specify)

6. Do you tend to look into these videos closer for example to:
- find out more about the person(s) or company who made the video,
- what the story behind the video is,
- what the purpose of the video is?

A. Often

B. Sometimes

C. Hardly ever

D. Never

7. How often do you visit Youtube?

A. Daily

B. More than once a week

C. Once a week

D. Once a month

E. Less than once a month

F. Never

8. Why do you visit Youtube yourself?

A. To listen to music or see music videos

B. To see news items or news programs

C. To see various kinds of home-made videos

D. To watch scenes from television series or movies etc

E. To look at commercial.
9. What most often causes you to visit Youtube? (please check only one answer)

A. clicking on a linked/embedded video

B. going to the website myself

C. going there through a link from someone else.

10. How often do you visit Facebook?

A. Daily

B. More than once a week

C. Once a week

D. Once a month

E. Less than once a month

F. Never

11. Do you use the group function on Facebook? The group function lets you join a group of a
particular event, product, band or brand.

A. Yes

B. No

C. Never heard of it

12. Do you use the fan function on Facebook? The fan function lets you become a fan of a person,
band, brand or product.

A. Yes

B. No

C. Never heard of it

13. Do you ever download podcasts?

A. Often

B. Sometimes

C. Hardly ever

D. Never
14. Do you feel that videos, movies or television shows you watch are often produced by brands
and/or products to promote their products or brand?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I couldn’t tell

15. Have you ever been drawn to visit a social network page (facebook, myspace, twitter etc) through
advertisements on the streets, radio, television or in the movies?

A. Yes

B. No

16. How often, if at all, do you visit weblogs or “blogs”?

A. Daily

B. More than once a week

C. Once a week

D. Once a month

E. Less than once a month

F. Never

17. Why do you visit these blogs?

A. Giving opinions on articles

B. Entertainment value

C. News value

D. I write for a blog, or maintain my own blog

E. Other (please specify)

18. Where do you feel most exposed to advertisements?

A. On the internet

B. While watching or listening to the television/radio

C. On the street

D. Other (please specify)

19. If you use Twitter, who do you tend to follow on Twitter the most?
A. Friends

B. Celebrities/politicians

C. Interesting companies

D. I don’t use Twitter

E. Other (please specify)

20. What are you hoping to gain out of following these people or institutions?
A. Entertainment

B. Information / news

C. Premiums such as discounts or special offers

D. Insight into the personality of people

E. Other (please specify)

21. Please indicate how overwhelmed you feel in general about the following media vehicles:
overwhelmed not overwhelmed little overwhelmed very overwhelmed
viral links
social networks
spam email

22. Do you feel it is easier to express yourself and your opinions through the web 2.0 applications
(such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace, Youtube etc) than it would be without these social networks?

A. Yes, please specify below

B. No, please specify below
C. Because...
23. Do these websites mentioned in question 22 ever make you feel over-exposed or compromised in
your privacy?

A. Yes, please specify below

B. No, please specify below
C. I had never thought about it
D. Because...

24. Out of the following 2 options, I most prefer to read advertisements in

A. Traditional moments and places such as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, billboards,
posters etc.
B. Unexpected moments and places

25. How do you feel about being handed flyers in public?

A. Positive
B. Neutral
C. Annoyed

26. Do you at times pick up flyers yourself at a shop, bar, club or other location?

A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. Hardly ever
D. Never

27. What is your gender?

A. Male
B. Female

28. What is your age?

A. 16 and below
B. 17 – 23
C. 24 – 30
D. 31 – 40
E. 41 – 50
F. 51 – 60
G. 61 – 70
H. 70 and above
29. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

A. Primary school
B. Some secondary school
C. Completed high school
D. Some additional training (apprenticeship, courses etc.)
E. Undergraduate university
F. Postgraduate university

30. What is your current occupational status?

A. Student
B. Working
C. Unemployed

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