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and the
& other writings

by Roy D. Goodrich
& other writings
by Roy D. Goodrich

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ISBN # 978-0-557-27501-4

this book would not have been possible
without the generous assistance of
Dr. Edmond C. Gruss, “Leolaia,” and “VM44.”

N O T E : This book was prepared from copies of Roy Goodrich’s original works. W e have taken the
liberty of correcting typographical and spelling errors, making sure that such corrections did not
alter the author’s original intent. Illustrations appearing herein were part of Roy Goodrich’s
original publications. Page layout is very different from the originals, which were a combination
of typewritten and hand-lettered pages. W e feel that presenting the information with a readable
and consistent font enhances the readability of the original works, and is of far greater value
than exact replicas of some nearly unreadable pages.

Demonism and the Watch Tower (Brochure #272) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

The Golden age - “Ouija Boards, Small and Large” . . . . . . . . . . . 23

“The Circumstances” (part of Brochure #272) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

The Golden age - “What is E.R.A.?” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Roy Goodrich's reply to “What is E.R.A.?” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Bethel Rides the Broom (Brochure #38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

The Spook Cure (Brochure #43) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

After 20 years - Is THIS The New World? (Brochure #409) . . . . . . 85

An Open Letter to Nathan H. Knorr (Brochure #416) . . . . . . . . . . 139

The Murder of a Pioneer (Brochure #41) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Article from THE BEE (newspaper) about Dr. Mary LeCocq . . . . . . 159

The Golden Age - “CANCER - Why the increase?” . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Article “Who Was Dr. Mae Work” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Certificate of Death for Linus Cooke Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Certificate of Death for Matthew Arnold Howlett . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Listing of Roy D. Goodrich's writings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

A Vow Unto the Lord

Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be

Thy nam e. M ay Thy rule com e into m y heart m ore
and m ore, and Thy will be done in m y mortal body.
Relying on the assistance of Thy promised grace to
help in every tim e of need, through Jesus Christ our
Lord, I register this Vow .

Daily will I rem em ber at the Throne of

Heavenly Grace the general interests of the harvest
work, and particularly the share which I m yself am
privileged to enjoy in that work, and the dear
co-laborers everywhere.

I vow to still m ore carefully, if possible,

scrutinize m y thoughts and words and doings, to the
intent that I m ay be the better enabled to serve Thee,
and Thy dear flock.

I vow to Thee that I will be on the alert to

resist everything akin to Spiritism and Occultism ,
and, rem em bering that there are but the two
m asters, I shall resist these snares in all reasonable
ways as being of the adversary.

I further vow , that w ith the exceptions below ,

I will at all times and in all places, conduct m yself
toward those of the opposite sex in private exactly
as I would do with them in public – in the presence
of a congregation of the Lord's people.

And, so far as reasonably possible, I will

avoid being in the sam e room w ith any of the
opposite sex alone, unless the door to the room
stand wide open.

Exceptions in the case of Brethren – wife,

children, m other and natural sisters: in the case of
Sisters – husband, children, father and natural

— The W ATCH TOW ER, JUNE 15, 1908, page 187

Brochure #272


As a reader of THE GOLDEN AGE and its successors, CONSOLATION

and AWAKE from the first issue in 1919 to the present time, this writer was
really startled to read in the September 22, 1953 issue of AWAKE, the article
entitled, “Quack Cures and Food Fads”. Our astonishment was not at the
truth of the article, but at the publication of it by the Society. For thirty
years the Society had favored this sort of thing which it now suddenly admits
is but quackery. In the early twenties the Abrams gadget was called
“Oscilloclast,” meaning “wave destroyer”. Now the admitted gadget of the
“quacks” is called “Radioclast”, meaning “wave destroyer”. In fundamental
theory the two are identical.

The Society’s traveling representatives have long heralded and

recommended the wonders of this bizarre therapy. As far back as 1928 this
writer and his wife were taken in by this rising fad of the Watch Tower
representatives, and were induced by them to join the throng of pioneers and
other Watch Tower people going to “Truth” clinics of the Abrams variety.
Health was promised on the theory that organs and organisms are
broadcasting stations, and disease is driven away by broadcasting waves that
will destroy their off-length disease waves. Providentially, our scientific
training enabled us to discover and unearth the demonic nature of this
particular brand of quackery.

Our discovery was made on January 8, 1928, at Jonesboro, Ark. We

immediately began to do what we could to sound the alarm and awaken the
Society to this widespread attack upon the Lord’s people. That very day we
wrote two pages of our findings to Judge Rutherford, and sent carbon copies
hither and thither. On January 10 , aboard the Kansas City-Florida Special
we wrote him two more pages of evidence and of appeal, explaining that we
had spent a whole week of the Lord’s time and considerable consecrated
money to travel at the behest of the Society’s highest traveling
representatives to consult a spirit medium.

Though unknown to us at the time, our findings had already been

corroborated by the leading scientists in the field of the atom in that day. See
the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN for March 1924, page 159, ff. But on the
evidence we had unearthed on our own, we warned: “The Fowler is abroad
and he is not overlooking the remnant... Satan’s organization is now executing
a nationwide barrage of plain Spiritism, sugar-coated with the name of Dr.
Abrams and ‘science falsely so-called’ against the remnant class”, as in our
bigotry we had been taught to call ourselves. We sent carbon copies to many.
We wrote the doctor who ran the place to learn if we had misrepresented any
fact. Silence gave consent. Judge Rutherford’s reply of February 2, 1928 was
unworthy of his position. It included these words of intolerance: “Please do not
write me anymore about it”. We were used to having outsiders slam doors in
our faces, but this, — !

However, we did not obey that intolerance. We wrote him another half
page of appeal on February 11 , including these words: “As a picket man in
the Lord’s army, I have done my best to sound the alarm in Zion. It is the
Lord and not I, bringing this nationwide campaign of the Enemy to your
attention. I beg of you to give the matter some truly scientific investigation;
for the longer you put it off, the greater advantage the Enemy will gain. This
thing is not only in Arkansas, but right there under Bethel’s doorstep!”

On January 20 we had sent a two-page appeal to the Society’s Adams
St. office warning, “It is high time for headquarters to arouse itself to the
situation and investigate this thing, before it further lends its moral support
to this crowning effort of the devil’s organization to secure the I.B.S.A.’s
endorsement of plain, everyday SPIRITISM.”

We also strongly advised against the GOLDEN AGE further lending

itself to the free advertising it was giving Brother Hudgings’ latest business
venture into this demonism to prey upon not only the public but the Lord’s
people with spiritual plague. See GOLDEN AGE for November 30, 1927, page
138, which is wholly devoted to this drooling scientific imbecility. We still
have the documentary evidence that the article was hatched in Hudgings’
“Abrams Institute” at 24 Clark St., Brooklyn, a stone’s throw from Bethel, and
to which we heard Sister Wise at the Bethel desk direct brethren who were
looking for a room. And now, at long last, the Society recognizes all this
diagnostic and therapeutic gadgetry as the work of “quacks”; but it does not
yet admit that it is demonism.

The scientific and Scriptural proof that it is demonism was written
privately to the Society in 1943. It was published in 1946 under the title,

We corresponded a plenty also with Hudgings, sending carbon copies to

the GOLDEN AGE and others. Among other things, we said to these:
“Without a medium, the Abrams diagnostic machine is DEAD. (Likewise the
“Radioclast”). In this I am pointing out and condemning a subtle system of
deception arranged for the church by the great adversary. In so doing I
neither judge or condemn anybody. I warn and beseech you and everyone else
connected with this thing to “LET LOOSE OF IT, AND DO IT NOW”! Now,
after twenty six years, the Society concedes that it is but the work of “quacks”
but still does not know DEMONISM when it sees it! If they should admit this
abundantly evident truth, they may fear the embarrassing question: Was
Judge Rutherford a dupe and user of demonism? We can sympathize but
cannot fraternize with them in this “fear of man” that “bringeth a snare” of
such grave proportions. Proverbs 29:25. It is far better to be embarrassed by
the criticism of men than to be demonized by the fallen angels. “Ye cannot
drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils... Wherefore come out from
among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean
thing and I will receive you.” 1 Corinthians 10:21,22; 2 Corinthians 6:17.

We have corresponded with some of the Society-sponsored advocates of

and supposed “authorities” on this demonistic hodgepodge, whose names or
articles appeared in the GOLDEN AGE. One of them told us to get a certain
book about the human “aura”. “Aura” is an exclusively demonistic term. He
was sure that Dr. Abrams got his whole idea from that book. Another
GOLDEN AGE writer, on the “Vagal Reflex” vagary, explained to us that “Dr.
George Starr White” and his “B. D.C. VAGAL REFLEX method” differed from
Dr. Abrams method as six differed from half a dozen, but it took him two
hand-written pages to do this. See also Golden Age No. 249 for April 3, 1929,
page 438, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.

In GOLDEN AGE No. 250, April 17, 1929, appears a 12-page article on
“Good Health Rules” by some supposed authority who bows to this
demon-derived spookery of “science falsely so-called” in his second paragraph
in these words: “Other sources from which the ideas herein expressed have
been gleaned are... Dr. George Starr White, M.D., N.D. in particular.” This
same spook-doctor is again mentioned along with a “Dr. J. H. East, President

of Electronic Laboratory” on page 458 of this lengthy article. We therefore
have no idea what proportion of the article is based on demon authority, an
authority which the Society now admits to be that of “quacks”. When will the
Society learn and admit that this brand of “yes” and “no” Ouija-board
quackery is demonism?

Note, please, that this AWAKE article of September 22, 1953 quotes
some radio engineer as saying concerning these “quack devices”: “One of these
electrical gadgets supposedly was based on the theory that disease causes the
body to radiate electrical energy at some specific frequency peculiar to that
disease. The same machine diagnosed and likewise treated all diseases”, and
then admits that this machine is “called RADIOCLAST”. That is the very
kind of machine operated by M.A. Howlett at Bethel for years. Herein the
Society admits that “Radioclast” theory is identical with the Abrams theory,
long ago proven to be “psychic” rather than scientific. See the SCIENTIFIC
AMERICAN for March 1924.


The above heading “What is E.R.A.?” is the caption of a six-page article

its columns in reply to the eight page article on “OUIJA-BOARDS LARGE
AND SMALL” by Roy D. Goodrich. The article states that she was sent to
California to learn the Abrams technique, presumably on the word of Judge
Rutherford, in December 1922. During the years that intervened, Dr. Work
was physician to the Bethel Family. This proves that this theory of “quacks”
was practiced in and on the Bethel Family from 1922 to 1930 at least, with
the approval of Judge Rutherford who was in absolute control of the Bethel.

Furthermore, while this Society-sponsored “E.R.A.” article (Electronic

Reactions of Abrams) by Dr. Work categorically denies that her
Bethel-practiced belly-rubbing form of diagnosis was demonism, yet she
therein states that the button-rubbing form of diagnosis described by “Mr.
Goodrich” (GOLDEN AGE No. 273) is the work of demonized fakirs and
frauds. Here are her Society-sponsored words:

“Dr. Colson says in his magazine for November, 1929, - ‘Since a time
when the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, as might be said in
legal parlance, alleged diagnoses have been made by clairvoyant, psychic or

other power by many...’ Dr. Colson, in the foregoing excerpt, has set forth a
principle which Mr. Goodrich’s experiences show to be a fact; namely, that
while the E.R.A. system is true and genuine, there are fakirs and frauds
endeavoring to associate themselves with it...” GOLDEN AGE No. 277, page
483, paragraphs 3 and 4.

We submit that here Dr. Work has referred explicitly to what all Bible
students know to be demonism, and that our “experiences” at the “Truth”
clinic in Jonesboro, Ark., were experiences with DEMONISM, “clairvoyants,
psychics, fakirs and frauds” or DEMONISM. Moreover, what we exposed in
the GOLDEN AGE was identical with the “Radioclast” diagnosis, as it came
to be called. Thus, long in advance, the Society condemned as demonized
fakirs and frauds, the operators of the “Radioclast” device. But we do not
classify Dr. Work and Brother Howlett as “fakirs and frauds”. They and many
others were honest, generous and philanthropic persons who became unwitting
spirit mediums, grossly deceived. The “yes” and “no” occult signals of Dr.
Lecocq at Jonesboro, and of Dr. Work and M.A. Howlett at Bethel are still
demonistic and occult regardless of whether they were received by rubbing a
“button”, an abdomen or a “plate”. The Society’s reprehensible censorship and
suppression of all further discussion and exposure of the demonism of “E.R.A.”
and “Radioclast” since March 1930 is apparent.

In fairness, and to point out its weakness, this E.R.A. article has been
reproduced at our own expense, along with the OUIJA-BOARDS article. Just
ask for “OUIJA-BOARDS” and you will get the two, free, on request. (In this
new 1968 edition we have reproduced the “OUIJA BOARDS” article and the
E.R.A. reply.


“Radio-” suggests waves. “-clast” means breaker or destroyer. AWAKE

now admits that “Radioclast” is the gadget of those “quacks” who suppose that
“disease causes the body to radiate electrical energy at some specific frequency
peculiar to the disease”; and whose machine “diagnosed and likewise treated
all diseases”. This defines “Radioclast” theory as identical with Abrams
theory. Abrams called his machine “Oscilloclast”, that is wave breaker or

The same September 22, 1953 AWAKE article, page 21, says: “The
patient holds an electrode in his hand, and the doctor, with one hand, rubs his
fingers over a little glass plate (the one at Bethel had a metal plate; the one
at Jonesboro had a big “button”) and turns the dials and knobs with the other.
When the doctor ‘tunes in’ the disease he is supposed to feel some resistance
to this stroking, due to the effects of the ‘vibrations’ on the glass plate.” Here
is where the demons come in and all science goes out. No scientist or any one
else has ever found anything that causes fingers to stick to a smooth button,
plate or abdomen more at one moment than at another, except more pressure.
The pressure is controlled voluntarily by the doctor, or involuntarily by the
demons. On this point the article in fact quotes the Indianapolis Radio Bureau
who tested the “Radioclast with the best instruments, but could not find ANY
KIND of energy or vibration frequencies on the detector plate.”

That was exactly the technique being used at the Bethel Home by M.A.
Howlett. We do not know how many years before or after 1943 he may have
continued its use there. But in 1949 a Society appointed “Servant” told us that
diagnosis by “Radioclast”was then going on at the Bethel Home, by Brother
Howlett, and that the waiting list of truth friends from outside of Bethel was
long, it being necessary at that time to get one’s name on the list some
considerable time in advance, in order to be diagnosed. It is interesting in this
connection to notice that the name of Matthew Arnold Howlett appears
regularly in the list of specially “ordained ministers” of the Society in its
Yearbooks from 1927 to 1951; but it disappears in the 1952 and subsequent
editions. (Publisher’s note: M. A. Howlett died on 14 Dec 1953 in North
Carolina of a bleeding ulcer. See his Death Certificate in this volume.)

For the scientific and Scriptural proof, ask for “BETHEL RIDES THE
BROOM”. Why are we still called “EVIL SERVANTS” for exposing this
“quack” theory more than 25 years before the AWAKE article came out?


As shown above, it was on January 8, 1928, that we began to do our

best to save the Society from this long, sorry course in quackery and
demonism. In November 1929 we compelled Judge Rutherford to choose (all
unplanned and unknown to us at the time) between two alternatives: (1) to
publish an exposure of the Society favored Abrams theory; or (2) To face the
possibility of much worse publicity for himself and his society, and the loss of

a couple of his crack salesmen. Not until April 1943 did we ever learn how
shrewdly he had tricked us into silence for thirteen years, about this
demonism which had never been stopped or repudiated or cleaned out of
Bethel after the Society had published our exposure of it in March 1930. In
1943 we made another PRIVATE, solicitous and heroic attempt to call this
thing to the Society’s serious attention. We succeeded only in being ignored,
framed and condemned without hearing, facts, Scripture, Justice or semblance
of Christianity, and thenceforth being called “EVIL SERVANTS” throughout
the Watch Tower world. Do you ask WHY? all this wide campaign of hate?
Jesus gave the answer over 1900 years ago to Nicodemus: “Men loved
darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that
doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should
be reproved (or discovered)”. John 3:19,20, margin.

For further details, read “AN OPEN LETTER TO N. H. KNORR”; and

“THE MURDER OF A PIONEER”, relating to treatment received by Sister
Goodrich after thirty one years of continuous full time service. Sent free on


After more than a year and ten months from the beginning of our
persistent pleas that the Society investigate and clean the “Radioclast”
demonism out of Bethel, the following was officially written to an old Pioneer:

“We have yours of recent date and note what you say.
We do not understand what you mean about
“RADIO-CLASTERS” at Bethel and Gilead mentioned
in your letter, and things of that nature.”
Signed, “Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.”

After more than ten years from the beginning of our herculean attempt
to bring “Radioclast” demonism in Bethel to the attention of the Society, a
Sister in Canada finally did receive a letter from the Society on stationery of
the “Office of the President”, which concerning “Mr. Goodrich” admits:

“In a letter of February 1, 1945, he made public
accusation that ‘demonism’ is being practiced here at
Signed, “Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.”

At last! The President’s office now for the first time to our knowledge
admits that he does have knowledge of that “OPEN LETTER TO N.H.
KNORR”, now that it was more than eight years old! We pause to ask:

If it has taken that open letter more than eight years to cool off
sufficiently for the President’s office to thus handle it with asbestos gloves,
how long will it take before the President himself will venture to ANSWER
that letter and its facts?

As stated above, we still have plenty of copies of that OPEN LETTER

to N. H. KNORR. They are freely available to those who are wondering why
he is so reticent about answering that open letter.


According to the Watch Tower’s own translation of John 6:70, the word
usually rendered “devil” really means “slanderer”. John 6:70, NW. Its
exclusive publication, THE EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT, under “DEVIL” in the
Alphabetical Appendix, says: From Diabolos, occurs some 30 times and means
a slanderer, traducer, false accuser. In 1939, Olin R. Moyle, after a strenuous
four years spent at Bethel as the Society’s legal counsel, sent Judge
Rutherford a letter in which he resigned, and said WHY, at some length.
Having no convenient answer to the facts in that letter, it seems that the
Society deemed it advisable to so besmirch Brother Moyle that no one would
believe what he might have to say if he should choose to talk about conditions
in the Bethel Home as he had seen them. At any rate, his reputation as a
Christian was plastered with what the courts later found to be falsehoods, in
the Society’s journals. It became necessary at last for the Society to pay
Brother Moyle $15,000 in cash for the libelous damage it had done him. The
Society’s purpose may have been accomplished, but it was a bit expensive.
MOYLE’S ORIGINAL LETTERS are still available. Write for yours today.

“In the Dark and From the Back”

While we were preparing the scientific and Scriptural appeal to the

Society which they have totally ignored to this day, but which was published
in mimeographed form under the caption “BETHEL RIDES THE BROOM” in
1946, the May 1, 1943 Watchtower came out containing these words:

“Satan and his seed would cause a lot of damage, and

would strike in the dark and from the back.” Page

Apparently, however, the Moyle affair had not caused the Society to
experience any change of heart toward its friends who might call attention to
its unscriptural policies or practices, particularly if they showed signs of the
necessary courage to speak out the facts and plead for reformation.

At any rate, when our plea for investigation and clearing out of
demonism from Bethel had been mailed late in May, 1943, it was only a
matter of days until for the first time in a quarter century of service under
it, the Society sent us a barrage of vindictive complaints and general
condemnations about seemingly everything except our plea about demonism
in Bethel. If an order had gone down to the Adams Street office from the
President, to “threaten, and intimidate him if possible; and if not, condemn,
smear and excommunicate him,” then the boys at Adams St. could not have
planned their activities against us any better than they did, in order to
receive a “Well done!” from the boss. Their “sword to the brethren’ was sent
in due time to publicly accuse both Sister Goodrich and myself of being
DEMONIZED without a previous hint of such a thing to either of us. At his
next visit a secret report went in, and THE SOCIETY; not the Fort
Lauderdale Company, excommunicated us in July, 1944. We were cut off from
all communication with the Society and all who obeyed it. They thought that
they had shoved us down the sewer that empties in the second death.

They forgot one thing. Our consecration was to GOD and not to men.
He cared! We loved our enemies and those who persecuted us, and said all
manner of evil against us falsely. Some, Nicodemus-like, began to inquire,
“doth our law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doeth?”
(John 7:50, 51).

Today, our name has been made a hiss and a by-word throughout the
Watchtower world, though the Society has not published any libelous
statements about us either with or without our “name and address”. How has
this been accomplished? “In the dark and from the back” is the way the
Watchtower well says Satan and his demonic seed would act. We do not
exactly know what goes on in the dark. We recall that the Society has
privately trained young men with private instructions that go out
systematically to all companies to carry out those private and secret
instructions. But the Society also writes letters. Perhaps they have hoped that
the slanders that they write all over the world would never reach our eyes.
We have a box, however, designed to hold a ream of bond paper. It is
gradually being filled with letters filled with slanders about us. Here are just
a very few very brief samples:

(1) From the material he has circulated it was quite evident that
he was not in harmony with the truth as preached in the Lord’s
Word”. Signed, N.H. Knorr”.

(2) For some years this one time pioneer has imagined himself to
be the victim of certain injustices and has persistently interfered
with orderly assemblage of the company in Fort Lauderdale, in
order to air his complaints and sow discord among the brethren”.
Signed by the anonymous but official rubber stamp, “Watchtower
B. & T. Society Inc.”

(3) “Mr. Goodrich has taken it upon himself to create considerable

trouble in the local organization, making it necessary for the
brethren there to disfellowship him.” Signed, “Watchtower B. &
T. Society Inc.”

(4) In regard to the one mentioned in your letter (Goodrich),

however, you should recognize that he shows a very bad spirit,
and instead of witnessing to the kingdom, seems to devote his
efforts to fighting his brethren.” Signed by anonymous official
rubber stamp of ‘THE THEOCRACY’ (?????)

(5) The apostle says not to keep company with such disorderly
persons, but if you yourself want to keep company with the ‘evil
servant’ class after the Lord and his angels cast them out to the

hypocrites and worldly darkness... you must take the
responsibility.” – Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.”

(6) “At hand certain correspondence distributed by (Goodrich)

which misrepresents the Society.” Signed “Watchtower B. & T.
Society Inc.”

(7) “Your letter of... is at hand concerning Roy D. Goodrich. This

man separated himself from the Society. He has... started his own
organization... He is opposed to the truth... He has spoken evil
against the Society, its teaching and against brothers who are
faithfully devoted to Jehovah God...” Signed “N.H. Knorr”.

Thus, “in the dark and from the back,” the Society strikes not one, but
many of its best friends who would show it its faults, without hearing, facts,
Scripture or right, with injustice, false witness and hate, which it admits is
Satan’s way. Satan and his wicked spirit demons have wrestled in high Watch
lower places, and have won. Those who have trusted in a “Radioclast for
health, have fallen before its ‘Wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places” and
have not found themselves “able to stand firm against the machinations of the
Devil,” “ the accuser of our brothers... day and night before God.” Ephesians
6:12, and Revelation 12:10, Watch Tower Translation.

The above mentioned procedures of injustice, false witness and hate are
in fullest keeping with what the devil and his wicked demons have sponsored
on this earth for six thousand years. The American Constitution was the first
real bulwark against these diabolical procedures. Surely the Watch Tower
Society should have been the last to deny the spirit of that bulwark by
tearing down its practice in its own house, and substituting hate for Christian


Johanna Brandt coming from South Africa wrote a book called “THE
GRAPE CURE.” To the Bible student who knows the Bible on demonism, the
book has the earmarks of demonism all over it and all through it. In the
GOLDEN AGE for December 26, 1928, page 206, Dr. Rollin Jones of Florida,
and personal physician to Judge Rutherford, was given space to advertise the

Grape Cure and to say of Johanna Brandt and her book, the following:

“This good woman came for over 11,000 miles that she might give this
wonderful message to a sick and dying world, and that without price... but
alas! like the Great Physician, they were not orthodox; and therefore the great
and generous work had to be abandoned.” Get that! The author of THE
GRAPE CURE,” a flimsy little book full of demonism, price $3.00, and its
message so free for a “sick and dying world,”were likened to Jesus Christ and
His Message! Is not this as the devil and his demons would have it? This
Grape Cure was given wide publicity in the GOLDEN AGE on at least three
more subsequent occasions. See G.A. 1929, page 563; 1930, pages 104 and 144.
But there was not a breath of warning against the demonism of the “good
woman” and her book.

At that time, a Bethel man rapidly advancing toward the vice

presidency of the Society, was F. W. Franz. A friend of ours whose brother
spent some time at Bethel, and who was therefore well acquainted with
Bethel matters, expressed to us her astonishment that Brother Franz had sent
to her this book, “THE GRAPE CURE,” with his endorsement. Her
amazement was that a man in Brother Franz’ position would fall for and
recommend to her a book which was on sight, so clearly demonistic. Later,
when we personally got hold of the book, we could fully appreciate her well
founded astonishment. We have no personal knowledge of the use of grapes
as a therapeutic agent; but we have a great deal of knowledge and comment
against DEMONISM masquerading under the guise of helpful diet in the
above mentioned book as recommended so highly by the GOLDEN AGE, by
the then future Vice President of the Society, and by Judge Rutherford’s
personal physician, Dr. Rollin Jones.


The case of demonism and the Watch Tower does not stop here. Dr.
Rollin Jones has for decades operated one of the chief “RADIOCLAST” centers
in Florida. Although the Society now would seem to class all operators of the
“Radioclast” as “quacks,” we do not so classify Dr. Jones. He is a Naturopath
of wide experience, and has no doubt thousands of satisfied patients. His
health center became a Mecca for high Society personnel. We have snapshots
and other evidence to prove this. Brother Van Amburgh, the Society’s
Secretary-Treasurer for many decades, was there. Sister Van Amburgh was

there. Rumor has it that she died there. Matthew Arnold Howlett, a very high
Bethel man, was there. Brother A.H. MacMillan, past high man and Director
of the Society, was there. A brother of our acquaintance with poor health and
a sickly wife confided to us that it cost them $425.00 for three weeks of its
“Radioclast” wonders. Naturally, the known attendance there of the high men
from Bethel, attracted much attendance there of others both high and low
from the Watch Tower world, exposing them to the machinations of the
demons. Ephesians 6:12, NW.

It would take a “Philadelphia lawyer” to learn if and how often the

Judge himself was there. But facts will out. In 1940, during the great
multi-city assembly, with Detroit as the key city, those making inquiry at the
Tampa branch of that assembly as to Dr. Jones, were told that he had been
called by airplane to minister to Judge Rutherford in his serious illness at
Detroit. We do not know that Dr. Jones did or did not take along his
“Radioclast”. But it seems that Judge Rutherford loved his “Radioclast” theory
and therapy to the last. One thing we do know, and are prepared to prove:
The operation of a “Radioclast “ is neither electronic or scientific, but is occult
or psychic, which, in Bible student parlance, means demonistic. All the
diagnostic signals received are in effect “yes” and “no” answers to the implied
question, “Is this, that or the other present?” as the knobs or gadgets are
turned. If the fingers stick, its “yes”. If the fingers do not stick, its “no.”


In addition to the devastating exposure of this whole demonistic

business in the article “OUIJA-BOARDS” published in the GOLDEN AGE in
1930, but now ignored by the Society for over 23 years; another more
technical discussion giving Scriptural and scientific proof as to its demonic
nature was published in 1946, and likewise ignored to date. To this late date
(June 1968) neither the Society nor any one of its prominent officials, servants
or members has ever denied its Scriptures, its facts, or its logic, or even its
conclusions. The Watchtower’s long silence has now most eloquently given its
consent to the charge that it has practiced this demonism in the Bethel Home.
Both of these discussions are still available in mimeographed form, -- FREE!

C. J. Woodworth’s Confession and Bold Prophecy

It was our personal privilege to attend our second Truth convention in

the summer of 1913, at Asheville, N.C. Brothers Clayton J. Woodworth, Paul
E. Thomson, J.D. Wright, Wm. F. Hudgings, Raymond G. Jolly, and Pastor
Russell himself were among the speakers whom we recall. Many of our
old-time readers will no doubt recall what we are about to relate. It was at
that convention, when Brother C.J. Woodworth, the man who was the
continuous Editor of THE GOLDEN AGE from its first issue in 1919 to the
last issue of CONSOLATION in July, 1946, made a remarkable,
never-to-be-forgotten speech. We vividly recall it. It was a confession publicly,
by Brother Woodworth, to the effect that he had been very seriously under the
control of the demons for some time; that under their influence he had written
a book contrary to the teachings of Pastor Russell; that his battle with these
intelligences had been terrific; and that only by the greatest personal
struggle, had he by the grace of God been able to throw off their influence
sufficiently to burn the manuscript which he had written, and thus turn aside
from the eternal destruction toward which he confessed that these demons had
been so rapidly leading him.

Four and one-half short years later, the winter of 1916 and 1917, found
this brother so recently and confessedly under demon control, feverishly and
secretly writing the Revelation portion of “The Seventh Volume,” “THE
FINISHED MYSTERY”, which was completed and released for circulation in
jig time the following July. The Society called it the “Posthumous” work of
Pastor Russell, which, of course, it was not. But our point here is this: On
pages 126 and 127 of that volume his own personal comments on
Revelation 7:3, Brother Woodworth sets down the following, evidently from
his own personal experience he had so graphically described at Asheville, four
and one-half years previously:

“It is evidently God’s purpose soon to allow the minds

of many of His little ones to become an open
battleground upon which the fallen angels shall be
judged, and the manner in which we meet the tests
will prove our worthiness of crowns at the same time
that it proves these disobedient spirits unworthy of
life on any plane. This is something with which some

but not many ARE YET FAMILIAR’ But without
experience it is impossible to conceive the intensity of
such struggles as Ephesians 6:12 suggests. The base
of the brain is seized as in a vise. Interpretations of
Scripture, ingenious but misleading beyond
description are projected into the mind as water
might be projected through a hose... “THE FINISHED
MYSTERY, pages 126, 127. (Underlining ours.)


“Projected into the Mind as Water... Through a Hose”


It seems that it was shortly after Judge Rutherford contacted Dr.

Abrams’ demonism in California, and as he was preparing to import it into
Bethel, that the following “diverse and strange doctrines” began to appear in
the Watch Tower. The apostle warns “Be not carried about with diverse and
strange doctrines.” Hebrews 13:9. We submit that the following doctrines are
very diverse from and very strange or foreign to THE BIBLE:


1918. First voiced by J. F. Rutherford on September 8, 1922 at
Cedar Point, Ohio; first published in the Watch Tower of
November 1, 1922, page 324.


WAS IN 1914. First published in the Watch Tower of March 1,


October 15, 1931.







Is there not an obvious relationship of cause and effect between Judge

Rutherford’s contacts with the Abrams demonism in California after his
release from prison in greatly weakened bodily condition in 1919, and the
projection into his mind later on the above “diverse and strange doctrines,”
“ingenious but misleading beyond description”?

Were not the above “diverse and strange,” “ingenious but misleading”
doctrines the result of “giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils”
or demons in the latter times” when some would be “speaking lies (about their
brethren) in hypocrisy” and they would be “forbidding to marry” on pain of
being thrown out of Bethel under a veiled threat of the second death? See
1 Timothy 4:1-3 in the light of the foregoing facts.

Could Judge Rutherford’s uncompromising stand for the Abrams

demonism and therapy, assure him or us of God’s protection of him from the
“seducing spirits and doctrines of devils or demons”?

Is there any assurance that those with whom Judge Rutherford

surrounded himself, and who now have charge of the Society, are free from
demon influence?

Since the “Diagnostic Machine of Dr. Albert Abrams” at Jonesboro,
Ark., and the “Radioclast” its present counterpart so long housed and used at
the Bethel home are both ideal for receiving “yes” and “no” answers from the
occult realm, have we any assurance that these have not been so used in the
formulation of Watch Tower doctrines, policies and commandments?

Could the above mentioned and other “diverse and strange” Watch
Tower doctrines have thus been “projected into the mind” of Watch Tower
leaders, as “water might be projected through a hose”? Are they not
“ingenious but misleading beyond description?


The final conclusions and answers to the above questions we leave to

each of our individual readers. But in closing, we will venture to throw one
more question into the hopper, for consideration: Could Brother C. J.
Woodworth’s above quoted prediction (see page 13) about the minds of some
of the Lord’s people shortly becoming the battleground of the fallen angels or
demons have been one of the foretold “misleading utterances of the demons
as recorded at 1 Timothy 4:1 NW? and has that “misleading inspired
utterance” now been triumphantly fulfilled upon the Watch Tower leaders by
those demons who inspired it?


“However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of

time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading
inspired utterances and teachings of demons, by the hypocrisy of men who
speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron, forbidding to
marry (in Bethel) and commanding (recommending by diet fads and fasts) to
abstain from foods which God created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by
those who have faith and accurately know the truth.”-- 1 Timothy 4:1-3, New
Watch Tower Translation.

The above article on “DEMONISM AND THE WATCH TOWER” was
first published in January, 1954. It is historically correct and needs no
revision. Much, however, has transpired since then, and the following, gleaned
from the sworn testimony of Mr. F. W. Franz, Vice President of the Watch
Tower Society, before the Court of Sessions, in Edinborough, Scotland, as
reported in the Scottish Daily Express of November 24, 1954, together with
further excerpts from the Society’s publications, brings the subject of
“Demonism and the Watch Tower” a long way further toward its approaching

F. W. Franz Testifies Under Oath

Whence comes this unheard voice, this unauthorized authority and this
spooky unseen “presence” of this alleged “Jesus Christ”of the Watch Tower,
now ruling in heaven and earth? Whereby does a mere man with breath in
his nostrils arrogate to himself such divinity? The head of this thing is a mere
man – there is no “Jesus Christ” about it!

We shall let F. W. Franz, the Watch Tower Vice President, answer

under oath, as reported in the Scottish Daily Express of November 24, 1954.
The occasion was the case brought by the Watch Tower in the high Scottish
court, to prove that it is a “well recognized religious denomination” so as to
free its youthful “ministers” from military service. Mr. Leslie appeared for the
Crown. Sir John Cameron for the Watch Tower. The report says:

“Mr. Franz said that he was one of ‘THE ANOINTED.’ The Board
of Directors of the Society are also members of that select section
known as ‘THE ANOINTED,’ said Mr. Franz.

“Mr. Franz told Mr. Leslie that there were seven members of the
organization’s translation committee, including himself. He said
that he was one of ‘the Anointed.’

“Mr. Leslie: What Happens if somebody submits a translation.

Does the committee examine it?

“Mr. Franz: No, I give it my O.K., then the President, Mr. N.H.
Knorr, has the last word... I am head of the Publicity Department

of the Society which has its headquarters in ‘Bethel,’ Brooklyn,
New York.

Direct from Demon “Angels”

“Asked by Sir John to explain how translations and

interpretations of the Bible were made, Mr. Franz said that these
emanated from God. ‘They are passed to the Holy Spirit who
invisibly communicate with Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Publicity
Department,’ he said.

“Mr. Franz said that the Witnesses believed in angels of different

ranks who control Witnesses.” (Emphasis added.) Scottish Daily
Express (Edinburgh), November 24, 1954.

“Angels,” “Demonism,” “Mediums,” “Spiritism”

At the time of the above remarkable testimony of Mr. Franz, the Watch
Tower, for at least seventy-three of its seventy-five years of existence has been
strenuously warning its readers against all such occult communication with
ANGELS. These warnings began with a long, comprehensive Bible article
entitled “SPIRITUALISM” in the issue of September, 1881. It takes over 21
column inches of very fine print in the index of the WATCH TOWER
REPRINTS to cite the very great number of these discussions and warnings
published during the first forty years of the Watch Tower. To the day of his
death, Pastor Russell did not allow anyone to represent the Society, unless he
had taken a special “Vow unto the Lord” “to be on the alert to resist
everything akin to Spiritism and Occultism.”

What has been the position of the Watch Tower since then? In 1920,
1934 and 1955 it published booklets of wide circulation on the subject, entitled
respectively, “Can the Living Talk with the Dead?” “Angels,” and “Survival
After Death.” In Watchtower Publications Index, 1930-1960, there are 164
entries on this subject of “Spiritism” alone, requiring over 9 column inches of
fine print. Two more inches are required under “Mediums,” 8-1/2 inches under
“Demonism” and “Demons,” and 4 inches under “ANGELS THAT SINNED.”
In 2-1/2 more column inches the Watch Tower Publications Index for 1961, a
total of 34 more pages in the newest publications are cited, giving
up-to-the-minute further information and warning on this same subject,

including twelve more citations about the “ANGELS THAT SINNED.” This
adds up to a total of well over 450 entries in these Watch Tower Indexes, to
the published dissertations and warnings against OCCULTISM or
DEMONISM over an 80-year period (1881-1961).

And yet, the Vice President of the Watch Tower Society, chief scholar
of the New World Translation Committee, and head of the Publicity
Department, recently testified under oath that his department received occult
translations and interpretations from God; and that he believes in the control
of Jehovah’s Witnesses BY ANGELS! Can honest persons remain blind to this
sworn double talk from such a high authority, the “ANOINTED” Mr. Franz?
Has your “Anointed Prophet and “Governing Body” of the “Faithful and
Discreet Slave,” known also as “A Wonder Watchman to the peoples and
nations,” no available ANSWERS to these important matters?

Exactly seven months AFTER the publication of the above quoted

testimony of Vice President Franz in favor of “angels of different ranks who
control witnesses” in his Publicity Department, namely, on June 24, 1955,
President N.H. Knorr made a speech before a big international convention in
Chicago “AGAINST SPIRITISM,” if the following Watchtower report of it is
to be believed. The report becomes the more notorious when it is remembered
that Mr. Franz swore that his occultly received translations and
interpretations were first okayed by himself and then submitted to Mr. Knorr
for his final word. The occultism was open knowledge after November 24,
1954. This makes the evidence of double talk complete. Mr. Knorr was aware
of the demonistic or occult source of the Publicity Department’s material
which he accepted for publication. Seven months later he cries out with great
publicity a strenuous warning against all such.

“It is vital that we.... respond to the directions of the ‘slave” (or
‘governing body’) as we would to the VOICE OF GOD, because it
is his provision -- by “a god’s ‘SOLE CHANNEL’ wire to the
‘inner chambers’ of the ‘false Christs and false prophets.” “Look!
I have forewarned you ... DO NOT BELIEVE IT,” warns Jesus.
Matthew 24:23-27, NW.- See W 1957 350/7.

“The awake world watchman, the ‘slave’ class ... after 1919... has
served as God’s SOLE collective CHANNEL for the flow of
Biblical truth to men on earth W 1960 439/2.

“Since the disobedient spirits can no longer materialize, they are

obliged to operate through mediums. They also try to obsess
human victims or take possession of them, fully controlling them”.
W 1955 595/8.

Compare Franz’s testimony with these WT words on demonism. Why

does Mr. Secret Chambers “christ” fail to appear in public? Why does he have
to use a “medium”– i.e. “control Witnesses”? Why does he need that exclusive
“Sole Channel” and PRIVATE “wire”? Why so secret a “presence”?
SCRIPTURE PLEASE! Does man indeed speak with “the Voice of God”?

(Written 18 years later)

After all these eighteen years, the circumstances under which the above
article was written are not only interesting, but also very enlightening.

For nearly two years I had been trying to get the ear of Judge
Rutherford or SOMEBODY at headquarters, to stop the advertisement of
demonism in THE GOLDEN AGE, and by Society representatives, of the kind
which I had discovered the broken down pioneers flocking to, in Jonesboro,
Ark. All I had been able to do was to get a curt rebuke from Judge
Rutherford, that in exposing demonism I was “judging Sister LeCocq”.

From the Philadelphia convention in November 1929, I journeyed to

Brooklyn for the express purpose of interviewing the Judge. After brief
greetings and formalities, JF said: “Well, Brother Goodrich, what is on your
mind?” When I mentioned the name “Abrams”, the Judge terrifyingly growled:
“IS THAT ALL YOU CAME UP HERE FOR?!” With equal force and alacrity,

While he was getting his breath and words, I had pounded the table
before him for about thirty minutes, telling him what I knew. He had
forgotten to open the door and throw me out. He called a secretary and said:
“Take a letter to Brother Woodworth: (dictating) ‘Brother Goodrich will submit
manuscript on the Abrams treatment, which is to be published- providing he
leaves out names and addresses.” Then he explained to me that he wanted to
avoid possible damage suits, and COMMANDED – not requested – me to
write the article and “MAKE IT JUST AS STRONG AS YOU CAN.” Then he
told me how to leave out names and promise affidavits if necessary. That is
why the article is so stilted to camouflage the fact that it was all about Dr.
LeCocq, a woman doctor.

In this incident after all these years, we see the Judge at his shrewdest.
He saw that something had to be done to “shut Goodrich up”. In those 30
minutes he was figuring out HOW to do it. His plan SUCCEEDED FOR
FIFTEEN YEARS. “Publish his article,” said he to himself, “and let him blow
off his steam. Then ask Mae Work to write up my pet hobby for me, and

its use here in Bethel right on.” The “open forum” bunk in the “editor’s” box
at the head of my article was but window dressing. Iron fisted censorship
against the further exposure of demonism, JFR’s variety, was the purpose and
result. See the Work article and its hypocritical box on the pages that follow.

- R.D.G.


(The Golden Age, April 30, 1930, Vol. XI, No.277)

by Mae J. Work, D.O. (N.Y.)

THE GOLDEN AGE was requested to publish the article appearing in

Number 273 relative to electronic treatments. THE GOLDEN AGE has
requested Dr. Mae J. W ork to reply thereto, and the reply is herewith
submitted. This will end the question of controversy, so far as this magazine
is concerned. – EDITOR.

I do not feel that it is proper for me to keep silent in this discussion of

the Abrams system of diagnosing and treating disease. There are two
principal reasons for this: first, my interest in truth in the abstract; and,
second, my interest in that higher phase of truth which we very properly refer
to under the caption of “present truth”. I have been interested in the latter for
many years; in fact, was born and brought up in sympathy with it, and
without it life would be colorless indeed.

Before describing what E.R.A. is, and my connection with it, I wish to
quote a few words from the pen of Thomas Colson, D.O., B.S., LL.B., editor
of the PHYSICO-CLINICAL MAGAZINE, San Francisco, California. Dr.
Colson says in his magazine for November 1929:

“Since a time when the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, as
might be said in legal parlance, alleged diagnoses have been made by
clairvoyant, psychic, or other power by many. We find mention of it in our
earliest histories and on down through the progress of civilization to our
present time. We will not enter into a discussion of the merits or demerits of
such alleged diagnoses. We just want to point out that such diagnoses are no
part of the Electronic Reactions of Abrams. The latter depend for their
occurrence upon certain well-defined scientific principles.”

Dr. Colson, in the foregoing excerpt, has set forth a principle which Mr.
Goodrich’s experiences show to be a fact; namely, that while the E.R.A.
system is true and genuine, there are fakirs and frauds endeavoring to
associate themselves with it and to take advantage of its good name and

It was late in the year of 1922 that a man in public life, an unusually
broad-minded and intelligent man, a thinker, and a lover of his fellow men,
one for whom I have great respect, advised me that, in his opinion, there
would be extended opportunities of doing good to my fellow men if I were to
take a course of study with Doctor Abrams. This gentleman knew Dr. Abrams
personally, understood his methods, and believed them to be thoroughly
scientific; and as he is a keen observer and a sound reasoner and was willing
to use his influence with Dr. Abrams to get me into his personal class, and
did so use it, I took it to be the proper move that I should go to San Francisco
for the purpose, and did so. In December 1922, I arrived in the far western
city a living question mark. Not at that time fully convinced of the great
value of E.R.A. in the treatment of disease, I was nevertheless willing to
learn, and anxious to add to my practice of osteopathy all of the latest and
best methods for the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

On Sacramento Street, opposite Lafayette Park, I found a modest

two-story structure, without even a sign on the outside to indicate what was
within. After passing through the big iron gates alongside the building, I
found an entrance with a door bell and on a small plate beside it merely the
name “Dr. Albert Abrams”. After explaining my mission I was ushered into
the clinic where Dr. Abrams was performing what then seemed like miracles,
but what, with a better knowledge of his methods, I now see was merely the
practical application of truths with which he was familiar but of which, at
The time, I knew next to nothing.

I can help the reader a little at this point by explaining that the earth
is a magnet. Navigation of earth and sea and sky is built upon this fact, and
man is involved because he must live his life here on earth with lines of
magnetic force streaming through him, from birth to death. The Abrams
method takes advantage of this fact and uses it to help man in his weakness.
It is stated that if a human corpse is left on a float in a tank it will
inevitably turn with its head to the north. Even through the lifeless body the
lines of magnetic force will go in the direction they prefer. It is for this reason
that it is better to sleep with the head to the north, when that is possible.

When I entered the clinic room, which seats about sixty people, I found
it filled with progressive physicians who had come from near-by and from
great distances to study at the feet of this man who has given the world the
most wonderful method of curing human ailments that has thus far been

devised. Although this man of genius has now gone into death, the legacy of
knowledge which he left with mankind will long continue to bring health and
happiness to the human family. In his clinic, day after day, Dr. Abrams
examined blood specimens, from his office and mailed to him from all over the
world. He did not necessarily need to see the patients in order to be able to
tell all about their physical condition. From a specimen of blood he was able
to give a full diagnosis and outline a treatment. The following is the method
pursued. The language may be somewhat technical, but will be sufficiently
clear to most of your readers.

The blood specimen, which is usually taken from the lobe of the
patient’s ear, is first squeezed into a piece of clean white blotting paper. In
making the diagnosis this blotting paper is placed in an instrument called the
dynamizer, a small rubber container with an aluminum electrode connected
with the ground. The cover of this container is lined with aluminum and
wired to a series of three rheostats called reflexophones, which in turn are
connected to a band around the head of a human reagent or subject. This
human reagent is also grounded and his abdomen is used by the
diagnostician, who uses the method of percussion to detect diseased conditions
of the blood.

The energy from the blood specimen in the dynamizer, as it passes

through the rheostats and through the nervous system of the reagent, gives
the clue to the condition of the blood. Reports on the abdomen may be
detected by percussion – tapping with the fingertips – or by rubbing a
charged rubber or glass rod over the skin of the abdomen. The diagnostician
must also be in the circuit, which he does by placing his foot against the foot
of the reagent. The reagent or subject stands upon two pieces of grounded
metal and faces the geographical west, in line with the rotation of the earth
upon its axis.

As the compass pulls to the north and south, which are the magnetic
poles of the earth, in order to get greater energy from the blood specimen and
from the reagent or subject, he faces in a direction opposite to the pull of the
magnet. The reason why we advise sleeping with the head to the north is for
the opposite reason, so that the patient may obtain greater relaxation by
having the earth’s lines of force travel through his body along the lines of
least resistance.

In our examination of energy of the blood specimen we find that each
disease has a vibratory rate of its own. It is commonly known that everything
in nature vibrates, but it was for Dr. Abrams to detect identify and measure
these vibrations in the blood. When the electrons throughout the body are
vibrating at their normal rates the body is in health or at ease, but if for any
reason the electrons in any part or organ of the body suffer a disturbance
which causes them to vibrate at other than their normal rates, this disturbed
polarity causes a new formation, disease. Electromagnetic waves have no
effect upon objects which are incapable of vibrating with them, but will
produce a decided effect if the mechanism is sufficiently sensitive and
accurately tuned. Hence there are many latent conditions of the blood that
can be detected by the electronic reactions of Abrams and that would be
unobservable by any other means now known. Inherited infections and
vaccinations prepare the way for all kinds of diseases, especially tuberculosis
and cancer.

E.R.A. is identical with the principle in radio communication. The

grounded dynamizer corresponds to the broadcasting station. The blood
specimen emits radiant energy through the sensitive cover of the dynamizer,
just as radio waves are emitted by the sending aerial. The energy from the
blood is measured by the coils of the rheostats, and with these we are able to
tune out all wave lengths except the one with which we wish to deal, just as
we do with any good radio receiving set.

The reaction or result of the E.R.A. test is the report on the reagent or
subject, of the energy wave sent out by the blood specimen through the coils,
and is produced upon the reagent’s abdomen by means of nerve reflexes. A
nerve reflex is an involuntary impulse reflected over a system of nerves from
an excited nerve center, caused independent of the conscious mind or will, as,
for example, sneezing – nasal reflex, – or batting the eye – conjunctival
reflex. This nerve’s function is called reflex action.

After concluding the diagnosis, we take the same blood specimen and
the same (human) reagent and, leaving the rheostats set at the same
vibratory rate we then connect the treatment machine or oscilloclast into the
circuit, and ascertain from it precisely what energy rate will best destroy the
disease reaction (disease action or vibration). When we find on the treatment
machine the proper number it quickly overcomes the disease action even when

the electrode is held at a distance from the subject’s body.

The oscilloclast is a box 12 inches by 14 inches arranged in such a way

as to give forth a radio wave of 7.56 meters. It receives its power from the
ordinary electric light socket. It will thus be seen that the legitimate E.R.A.
machine and hook-up is not at all like the hook-up which Mr. Goodrich
mentioned. (Underlining added).

I can understand the Abrams hook-up, with the human subject for
diagnosis of blood, but when I get away from the human subject I lose the
fine qualities that are contained in the human reflexes for detecting fine
emanations of blood energy. The college at San Francisco has offered a
$10,000 reward for anyone who can produce a mechanical subject which can,
with a reasonable degree of accuracy, identify, measure, and detect disease
energy coming from a few drops of blood or transmitted direct from the
human being (that is the patient). No one up to the present time has
succeeded in claiming this reward. Probably the Goodrich article is based on
the idea of a mechanical subject. There is no button, to stick or not to stick,
in the regular Abrams hook-up. (Underlining added).

[end of quotations from this article]

It will be noted that Dr. Work utterly fails to answer the article on
Ouija-Boards. She even fails to condescend to allude to that article which she
is supposed to be answering, save in the one sentence which constitutes the
brief fourth paragraph of her article, and the brief concluding sentence of each
of the two last paragraphs, reproduced above. The article concludes without
further allusion.

Dr. Work well knew that I was describing the “clinic” of Dr. Mary E.
LeCocq, then of Jonesboro, Ark. She well knew that high representatives of
the Society were encouraging the flocking of worn out pioneers to that “clinic”.
I still have in my possession a letter signed by Judge Rutherford, in which he
severely rebukes me for telling him what I had learned about the practice of
demonism by Dr. LeCocq, alleging that I was “judging Sister LeCocq”.

Yet Dr. Work, please note, is in such a “box” that she ADMITS THAT

and indirectly accuses Dr. LeCocq of being a “FAKIR AND A FRAUD”. See
her paragraph 4.

M.A. Howlett of the Bethel Home in Brooklyn stands accused of

practicing precisely similar diagnostic machinery under a different name IN
THE SOCIETY’S HEADQUARTERS at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Neither he nor any one else at the Society Headquarters has ever dared to
deny these facts to me in writing, or to anyone else of whom I can hear, in
an official capacity.

The entire correspondence of this flood of demonism which has taken the
Society in wholesale, has been reproduced under the caption, “BETHEL

This correspondence is “HOT STUFF”. Copies are still available for the
asking. It makes Dr. Mae J. Work’s defense of her Bethel form of demonism,
with its belly-thumping and its glass rod to “stick or not stick” (instead of Dr.
LeCocq’s black button), look about like Jesus said the house built upon the
sand would look after the devastating storm. Matthew 7:22-27. That prophecy,
says Jesus, has application “in that day”. A postal card request will bring you
BETHEL RIDES THE BROOM by return mail. (Publisher’s note: Roy
Goodrich’s offer ceased when he died on December 28, 1976.)

brochure #38


the apostle warns –

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12, AV, ASV, Diaglott.

Likewise, the King Himself warns –


... false anointed ones and false.. prophets will arise, who will propose great
signs and prodigies (of worldwide preaching successes) so as to delude, if
possible, even the chosen.

“REMEMBER I HAVE FOREWARNED YOU!” – Matthew 24:3, 24, 25,

Diaglott Interlinear.

By His Prophecy, JEHOVAH WARNS –


That is; to the SCRIPTURES and to the FACTS. Isaiah 8:20.

There is no room herein for a discussion of the above scriptural warnings, but
barely room to call attention to 178 other Scriptures and pertinent facts as to
how Satan has laid the groundwork for erecting that foretold “Strong
Delusion” as follows:

! unanswered letter to M. A. Howlett

! a shabby acknowledgment

! unanswered response thereto

! unanswered letter to the SOCIETY’S DIRECTORS

! unanswered charge of “RADIOCLAST” fraud

Roy D. Goodrich
517 N. E. Second Street
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
May 23, 1943.
M. A. Howlett
124 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dear “Matthew Arnold”:

You will experience surprise to receive this “sheaf” from one of whom
you retain not the slightest recollection. In the long ago, however, the writer
felt well acquainted with you through an intimate acquaintance with
Gertrude W. Seibert, during the winter and spring of 1918, at Miami, Fla. In
one thing I trust you will not experience difficulty; namely, to understand my
spirit and motive in writing you. As we proceed it will be ‘increasingly clear
that I have no “ax to grind”, nothing to gain. Please see John 13:14,15.

Back in the days when you were mastering grammar and rhetoric and
were advancing in the study of diction and of literary style and criticism, I
was studying molecules and atoms and electricity, and offering criticism to
such men as Prof. Milliken, now world famous in the field of the electron and
cosmic rays, among worldly physicists – and receiving thanks and assurance
of correction in future editions. Having knowledge of my facts, therefore, I
speak “as one having authority, and not as the scribes”. “The fool uttereth all
his mind (opinions unsupported by the facts) but the wise man keepeth it in
until afterwards (after hearing the facts).” That is why the “fear. (of the
unsupported opinion) of man bringeth a snare /. Proverbs 29:11, 25; 18:13.
True physical facts bring no snare.

Jehovah instructs: “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man,
in whom there is no help”, because “great men are not always wise”.
Psalms 146:3; Job 32:9. Brother Russell was just such a “Prince” among men
of his acquaintance. But he was not wise when he thought to protect God’s
people by requiring of them “A vow unto the Lord” of his own special make,
and supported by opinion, but not by Scriptures or facts. It is now clear that
such religious vow could not protect from religion. You and I have lived,
Brother Howlett, to see with our own eyes the righteous judgments of God
upon the many once assembled at the temple, and whose trust was in a

“prince” among men. Their “morning resolve” seems to have eventuated in, “I
will both murmur and complain at everything the Lord’s providence permits”.
Isaiah 28:19. Only such as put their trust in Jehovah’s “shield and buckler”
– that is, Jehovah’s word and Jehovah’s physical facts, have ever been, are
now or ever will be safe from demonism. Psalm 91:8, 4-7. Put not your trust
in a “Prince”.

And why do I bring that up? To lay unshakably upon the foundation
of the Scriptures and the facts, this premise: Although Brother Rutherford
was a “prince” among men and faithful to God, yet to trust in and follow his
unsupported opinion would be to walk straight into the snare of religion
which is demonism. His wisdom above what is written, or otherwise
established by physical fact, is foolishness with God. 1 Corinthians 3:19-21.
To trust, “he was a good reasoner” and “he had a good mind”, is to “glory in
man” contrary to Scripture, and walk straight into Satan’s snare, “the sin (of
religion) which doth so easily beset us”. 1 Corinthians 3:21; Hebrews 12:1.

You will have easily followed, I believe, and fully agreed with the
simple Scriptural argument and application just set forth. If so, and if you
find yourself suffering from severe mental shock from this point forward, this
letter will have served its purpose, namely, to arouse your mind to most
serious consideration of your course of action, which has been taken
innocently and with the highest motives. Proof herein submitted, shows that
you are following a subtle snare of Satan which may easily lead to your
destruction and that of many others at Bethel and elsewhere. You remember
the “Florida boom”? Be not unmindful: that was not the last of the enemy’s
devices, “devices” of which “we are not ignorant”. He wants all you Bethel

When you have separated in your mind the sure factual data from the
highly attenuated and chimerical theory that has been thrust upon men of
Jehovah’s organization, as in the Lord’s providence I have had the privilege
to do, you will more fully appreciate my state of mental shock since our
recent Call to Action Assembly where I chanced to converse with a pitifully
emaciated former Bethel boy, Chester Nicholson, who has “suffered many
things of many physicians... and was nothing bettered”, and who told me of
your ministrations to him there with your “radio-clast” after a diagnosis by
“rubbing the button” – no “rubbing the plate” this time.

“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick” – IF – the sick obeys this
instruction: namely, “Let him call for the elders (thus admitting that he is
sick and desires to get well) of the church; and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord”. “Confess therefore your sins
one to another (Be openly confessing therefore one to another your sins,-
Rotherham) and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The supplication
of a righteous man availeth much in its working (when it is energized, or
worketh inwardly, Rotherham).” James 5:15, 14, 16. A.V., A.R.V., and

Note that the scripture says to do this. It does not say “if it seems
expedient”; or “if it suits you”. The elders of the church may not bolt into the
sick man’s room uninvited, with their prayers. The instruction of John’s First
Epistle seems to indicate that the solicitation of the prayers of the elders is
the determining factor. If the sinner does not recognize and confess his sin,
God will not forgive him, so why pray for him at all? 1 John 5:16 A.R.V. I
am doing the ‘asking’ here prescribed, ‘for your life’; but there is a necessary
part which you must perform for yourself.

“Ye also ought to wash one another’s feet” John 13:14, 15.

Endeavoring thus to do as Jesus did,

Attention Board of Directors

Roy D. Goodrich
517 N.E. Second Street
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
June 9th, 1943
124 Columbia Heights,
Brooklyn 2, N.Y.


Dear brethren:

Remembering the parable of the importunate widow; Here is a card I

have received from Brother M. A. Howlett, and a carbon copy of my reply

As to my “misinformation”: When I met the “skin and bones” that was

once Bro. Chester Nicholson at Miami, Fla., at the Call to Action Assembly
on April 18th last, we chatted pleasantly for a moment. He had no more idea
of “starting something” or “exposing” something, than a new born babe.
Naturally his health was mentioned, and casually he spoke of Bro. Howlett’s
ministrations to him with his “Radio-clast”. I was all questions as to the
bizarre diagnostic technique, for a moment, then other matters came up. “Two
witnesses” could go into collusion; but the above circumstances preclude the
possibility of my having received “misinformation”. Also I now have it from
Bro. Nicholson in black and white. Circumstances preclude “misinformation”.

Jehovah knew that the word “radio-clast” which I never heard before,
and the diagnosis by “rubbing” something would be like a spark over spilled
gasoline, in my mind. By the force of circumstances and the Lord’s over ruling
providence, Brother Rutherford as President of the Society directed and
appointed me to expose this thing as it appeared in G.A.#273, although he
apparently did not believe or comprehend a word I said. Jehovah who kept all
evidence of this demon sham’s continuance at Bethel or elsewhere from my
attention for 13 years could have continued to do so. It is very apparent to my
mind that Jehovah’s high time has come for this last defiling dross of
demonism to be burned out of the silver and gold at his temple by his
Messenger of the Covenant. Malachi 3:1-3.

The Greater Joseph has surely overtaken the remnant with the great
test of demonism’s subtlest form, as Joseph of old overtook “little Benjamin”
with a ‘divining cup’ unlawful for him to have. Joseph himself worshiped
Jehovah, and did not unlawfully use the magic cup. He did use it TO MAKE
TRIAL OF BENJAMIN. Today, the worldly wisdom of such men is fully
attested and justified by the workability and success of their inferences based
upon the factual physical data or facts that they have assembled and
tabulated. Luke 7:35. Opinionated ignorance is no match for knowledge in any
field. Jude 10. Jesus never tried to argue down the physical facts of the
worldly wise. Physical facts are stern realities. He who argues with them,
argues to his own hurt. The wise follow Jesus’ course toward physical facts.
Luke 12: 54-57.

Brother Rutherford was not chosen for his size of body or mind, or for
his natural looks or manners, which were neither faults or virtues of his. It
was beyond his control that all these natural qualities of his tended to make
all men contacting him to either reverence and obey him, or else to hate and
traduce him. Those who fell for the former tendency, committed the “sin that
doth so easily beset us”. Those who committed the sin of hating him or any
other faithful brother, committed the sin unto death, and were thrown out by
Jehovah’s angels. Matthew 5:22; 13:40-42; 22:13. The former sin leads to the
same end, unless fully repented of and forgiveness sought.

Brother Rutherford is dead after much suffering. There is no valid

evidence that he was relieved by E.R.A., any more than there is that the
U.S.A. has been relieved by the “relief” of the “New Deal”. By divine
permission Satan could cause Bro. Rutherford great suffering; He could also
blind Bro. R’s mind with demonistic subtleties of pretended scientific therapy,
and by ostensible partial or temporary relief, he could “prove” (??) how “good”
(??) it was, and thus permanently fasten his snare upon his victim, while he
killed Bro. Rutherford as fast as God would permit!!! There is no evidence
whatsoever, therefore, that Bro. R. was wise to use or permit E.R.A. technique
to be used upon himself or others.

In the divinely ordained judgment of this “tongue” of E.R.A. that has

arisen in temple judgment against the remnant and their companions –
Isaiah 54:17, – the following questions are not germane: Did Bro. Rutherford
know, approve, and take treatments from Dr. Abrams, personally? Did he
send Dr. Work to San Francisco to learn the Abrams theory and technique?

Did he approve and sponsor its use to the day of his death? Did he and many
others derive much apparent benefit physically from its use? Being entirely
irrelevant to the issue which is, – “IS E.R.A. DIVINELY APPROVED?” –
these questions may not with divine approval enter into either the judgment
or the condemnation of E.R.A.

The issue here to be judged by the remnant, must be further clarified.

The “science” of Medicine originated largely in information handed down by
demonized men who practiced the most weird incantations of spiritism,
concerning the beneficial effects of certain herbs, minerals, and other
treatments. The “science” of osteopathy was, upon the evidence of the
scriptures and the facts as known to Brother R. L. Robio, D.O., founded by a
man who practiced demonism – Dr. A. T. Still. The “science” of “Chiropractic”
seems to emanate from the most ribaldly atheistic, center of demonism. It is
not here undertaken to prove any of these statements; but for the sake of
argument, accepting them as fully proven, such proven demon origin, would
not in the slightest degree preclude God’s anointed sons from engaging the
services of those various kinds of doctors; nor would Such doctors, when
consecrated to God, be in the slightest debarred by such demonistic origins,
from making full use of what they know (all truth and all material things are
God’s) to the benefit their fellows. The Christian can use herb tea, but he may
not use incantation of the demonized Indian Medicine man; he may bump his
neighbor’s spine into line (if he can), but he may not blaspheme God as have
his teachers. The issue here to be judged, then, is not Was Abrams
Demonized? The clear cut issue is:



E.R.A. stands gravely accused of just that. Only unsupported opinion

has been offered in its defense. By what rules shall it be authoritatively and
finally judged by the remnant and their companions ?


MUST BE FULLY HEARD, because, “He that answereth a matter
before he heareth it, it is a folly and a shame unto him.” No
“matter,” can be fairly heard unless pertinent physical facts and
scriptures are admitted to the hearing. Proverbs 18:13. Witnesses
who know physical facts may testify. Luke 17:3, Matthew 18:16.

In hearing the facts, the faithful man who would “Know the
doctrine” - as to its truth or falsity, must “will to do His (God’s)
will.” John 7:17. He must “reason together” with God, and not
against God’s word or in harmony with men or devils. Isaiah l:18.
He must love God with all he has, including “all thy mind” with
its consecrated faculties Mark 2:30. He must “try the spirits” or
“words” of the doctrine. John 6:6 John 4:1; Ephesians 4:1.4, Diag.
Since Satan walks to destroy him (1 Peter 5:8). he must be “not
ignorant of his devices”. 2 Corinthians 2:11. He must “prove all
things” not “swallow” all things merely on hearsay or because
they suit his “belly”. 1 Thessalonians 5:21; Philippians 3:19.


SUPPORT THEREOF, because they will increase into the more
ungodliness”, if not shunned and avoided. 2 Timothy 2:16;
l Timothy 3:20. He must not be influenced by fear of men’s
opinions. Proverbs 29:25; John 7:48. He must “despise not
prophesyings (fact presentings)” by his humble brethren or others
whom the Lord would use to enlighten him. 1 Thessalonians 5:20.
He must consistently and honestly “Abstain from every form of
evil”, including even his pet hobby, E.R.A. – if it be proven evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:22, A.R.V.

By these then, and similar divine rules the remnant individually as well as
collectively, must condemn and put away the practice of E.R.A. if it be found
to be a weapon forged against Zion, and a tongue risen up against her in her
judgement at the temple. Isaiah 54:17. One may not “Abstain from” and
“shun” an old world evil and be conformed thereto at the same time. 1
Thessalonians 5:22; Romans 12:2. Any “science” falsely so-called and proven
so to be, and supported by vain babblings, he must rigorously avoid. He may
no longer jabber his own ideas about such – for by his words in this
connection he shall be justified; and by his words he shall be condemned.
Matthew 12:36, 37. Such is now out of turn for him. 1 Corinthians 14:28, 29.
Unless his”spirits” or “words” in this connection are brought under strict self
control, he may no longer be among God’s approved “prophets” or mouthpieces.
1 Corinthians 14:30-32. He must now bridle his tongue and speak no more
of this particular guile. James 1: 26; 1 Peter 3:10. He must bring even every
thought into captivity to obedience. 2 Corinthians 10:5.

Failure to so conform himself to factual divine instruction would put
him into the stubborn “fool” class. Proverbs 10:14; 2:1; 18:13; Peter 2:12. Such
course in itself is in fact identified with the practice of demonism.
1 Samuel 15:23, Loeser. Lazy religious failure to study and apply the physical
facts is condemned by Christ Jesus. He commended the application of
pertinent facts to prove the very claims he was himself setting forth to the
people. Luke 12:54-57. Beyond all cavil, then, any doctrine unable to stand
before the scriptures and the facts, is false, deceptive and Satanic. Only true
doctrines can stand the divine test.


All of Zion’s children are taught of Jehovah. Zion is established in

righteousness. But the “Blacksmith” Satan, still forges very clever weapons
in the form of false “tongues” or doctrines, by which to overcome the remnant
of these “disciples of Jehovah” (Isaiah 54:13, A.R.V. margin) during the
temple judgment, and before Armageddon. Bethel is the earthly headquarters
of this remnant. Above all things else, Satan would desire to crack into
Bethel. There he would work the wiliest of his weapons. A “waster to destroy”
all such weapons has been created and installed in office. That office is the
present heritage of the remnant. Those of that office and heritage are
powerless over the faithful. Isaiah 54:13-17, A.R.V. and Rotherham. In the
righteousness of Jehovah here foretold and granted; and in the exercise of this
“HERITAGE OF THE SERVANTS OF JEHOVAH”; one of the cleverest of
Satan’s weapons forged against the remnant, and with which he has for many
years successfully crashed the doors of Bethel, is here, according to procedure
above outlined, “PROVEN TO BE LAWLESS”, and therefor fully
“CONDEMNED”, and rendered POWERLESS over the faithful. By God’s
power and promise it shall not prosper. Isaiah 64:17.


The Abrams theory, expressed in the word “-clast” is without the

support of one plain physical fact. It is a lawless, deceptive invention. Proof
is simple. (1) Stand Fred Franz up in front of you (on a stool or chair if
necessary) and tell him to sing “C”. Now you look him in the eye and sing “C”

too. Modulate and harmonize as you will, there is no “Aero-clast”. (That is it
is impossible for either man to “kill” the like vibrations coming out of the
other man’s mouth) (2) Go to the ocean on a calm day. Try setting up waves
of the same size by dropping in similar pebbles from similar heights. Don’t
waste too much time. You cannot demonstrate “Hydro-clast”. The waves meet
and pass right through each other. (3) You are an old radio man. Ever hear
the audio effects of RADIO interference? Every such screech since radios
were made constitutes a physical fact in complete contradiction of the Abrams
vagary that “like vibrations destroy like vibrations”. Factually it is proven
NOT “good” hence NOT to be ‘held fast’.

One hundred per cent factless too, is the babble that organs and
organisms are broadcasting stations; that drops of blood in blotting paper
broadcast a variegated line of diseased or healthy wave for every organ of the
bodies whence these came; that rubber cups with grounded aluminum lids
“dynamize” or otherwise affect the potency of radio waves either of the real
or the fancied sorts; that handwriting broadcasts identically with the writer’s
drop of blood! – or otherwise!

Such babblings are vain babblings, because opposed to the known

physical facts, which constitute true science or knowledge, properly so called.
These babblings oppose the faithful progress of God’s people. They are,
therefore “oppositions of science falsely so called”, and are to be avoided by
faithful men. 1 Timothy 6:20.


How then are these false claims so cleverly and deceptively supported?
BY OCCULT SIGNALS ONLY. By “occult signals” is meant signals not
objectively registered upon or by some physical object, instrument or device,
but upon a human organism only, and that subjectively. To illustrate: radio
waves of infinitely small intensity may be electrically amplified and
converted into audio or sound waves of stentorian proportions. Such objective
sound signals are produced every time a radio, which is a physical
instrument, is turned on. The existence of the radio signals, unperceivable by
human senses, is thus absolutely proven beyond cavil or doubt, by physical
fact – in this case sound signals, even voice reproduction of a speaker known
to be far away. But the first receiving set for the claimed broadcast from

blood, or organisms, or from handwriting, has yet to give its first wee “click”
which alone could prove “here we are; we exist”.

What is the nature, then, of these occult signals upon which the Abrams
babbling depends entirely and absolutely for support? Admittedly, (See
G.A.#273 and #277) these signals consist of AN IMPRESSION of increased or
decreased ADHESIVENESS or of ROUGHNESS of human flesh; or an
IMPRESSION of a changed SOUND resulting from tapping the abdomen, of
a “subject”; and which IMPRESSION cannot be had by just any one or
everyone; it may be had in fact only by the “practitioner” who has acquired
it as a special gift, and he may lose it temporarily or permanently in the
presence of expressed unbelief, or if he himself begins to DOUBT.

Not one known physical fact proves, or even suggests that radio waves
have the slightest effect upon ADHESIVENESS OF HUMAN FLESH or
anything else; or upon roughness of any substance on human skin or that the
quality of any sound maybe affected in any way by them. It must therefore
be admitted that the signals or impressions upon which E.R.A. rests are
are not produced by radio waves or other, physical means, and CANNOT BE
ACCOUNTED FOR BY PHYSICAL SCIENCE. By physical fact, therefore
they are proven to be META-physical; PSYCHIC; DEMONIC, as will be
shown by the scriptures.

These further observations will serve to clarify the vast difference

between scientific or factual signals and psychic or occult ones. When Morse
invented the telegraph all observers at the receiving end heard the
“click! click! click!” They were not asked to rely upon the operator’s
IMPRESSIONS as to the stickiness of someone’s belly. When the first
telephone was installed it was not necessary to call in a “gifted” person who
could be impressed on thumping one’s abdomen, as to whether the
conversation was “plink” or “plunk”. No. The disc “quacked” out in no
uncertain voice the conversation of a friend. When Marconi startled the world
with his announcement of radio waves, he did not ask the scientists or the
people to stand by and watch him rub someone’s belly with a glass rod, and
when he shouted “it sticks” to expect the world to swallow his claims. But
Abrams and his like do so expect. Long has Satan known that “suckers”
“bite”. 1 Peter 5:8; Long have God’s people been warned. 1 John 4:1.

Today, anyone with a phonograph can reproduce the voice of a dead
man. The modern “wizards” and “necromancers” now known as “mediums” can
do the same. Millions of the unwary have been deceived in this matter to
their hurt. How is the Christian protected and enlightened? By the scriptures
and the facts. By the scriptures he knows that the “dead know not anything”;
hence he knows that the voice of his dead relative occultly received is not
scientific, not factual, but an opposition of science falsely so called. The
scriptures are silent about phonographs. The facts speak volumes. The child
of God thus enlightened by the scientific facts involved, engages gladly in the
scientific reproduction of a dead man’s voice to God’s glory. BUT NOT SO HE


What Bethel has need of just now, is an ICON-O-CLAST, or

deception-smasher. The religious icons to be “clasted” are the unsupported
opinions of Abrams, handed down by tradition through a late “prince” among
Bethel men, and to the hurt of all who receive them. Such tradition sponsors
“science falsely so called”, is contrary to scripture, makes void the word of
God, and exposes God’s sons to demonism. Matthew 15:6. “Like does not
destroy like”. Deception does not destroy deception. We may not do evil that
good may follow. We may not do evil because endorsed by the great or the
OCCULT SIGNAL RECEIVER) TO LIVE”. Exodus 22:18. Those at Bethel
have long since entered into “The Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee”
in antitype; therefore” there shall not be found among you... a (consulter with
occult signals)”. Deuteronomy 18:9-11.


Brother Rutherford said to me: “I would not believe anything published

in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN”. That was a judgment expressed before
hearing the facts, and hence a shame and a folly to the speaker.
Proverbs 18:13.

The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN says that the E.R.A.-ist can apparently

diagnose accurately from a blood specimen or the handwriting. G.A. #273, p
361, par 2. Brother Rutherford’s approved representative explicitly and
implicitly endorses that statement. G.A. #277, p. 484, par 3.

The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN says that Abrams had no instrument
that could record its own readings; that instead he had to go through a
procedure of asking an implied question, and receiving a yes or no answer to
that implied question; that such answer itself was received by the
questionable means of a changed sound of the tapping of the abdomen, or a
changed sense of its roughness to the finger tips, or the degree to which a
glass, wooden or rubber rod adhered to such abdomen;... p. 262, col. 2, par 2.
Dr. Work, the approved Bethel representative, unable to deny one of these
damaging facts, fully corroborates the learned investigating committee of the

The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN charges that Dr. Abrams had not

sufficient knowledge of electricity to wire a door-bell so it would work, and
cites the proof. P 362, par 1. Dr. Work, avowed Abrams student, and Bethel’s
accepted female teacher of the strange doctrine exhibits precisely that same
amazing ignorance of simplest electrical fact, when she states that the doctor
AGAINST THE FOOT OF THE REAGENT.” (!) Page: 484, col. 2 - top. Such
one pole connection never put a door-bell or a man or anything else into an
electrical circuit. Does “Dr.” make ignorance wise? The opinion of a man, no
matter how ‘”great” or good; and no matter how faithful to God, cannot
transform one-pole electrical circuits into anything whatsoever but “SCIENCE

The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN states that the specially acquired gift of

getting the reactions may be lost temporarily or permanently in the presence
of expressed disbelief or of doubt on his own part. This is identical with the
well known phenomena of spiritism. Mediums cannot “get” their occult signals
in the presence of expressed hostility or unbelief. Yet, Dr. Work, authoritative
Bethel spokesman, does not, and therefore CANNOT deny these facts.

The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN states that the E.R.A. practitioner, if as

successful and efficient as Dr. Abrams, “can determine the religion, the
Nationality... the location of the individual” at any g i v e n m o m e n t . . . a n d
many other pertinent facts, always from the drop of blood or from the
HANDWRITING ALONE”. That electrons or anything else in a dry dead drop
of dried blood can give out information as to the WHEREABOUTS of the
donor of the blood, is deceptive vain babbling, an opposition of science falsely
so called. To receive or rely on such information is lecherous contact with

Satan’s world. The approved Bethel spokesman does not and therefore cannot
deny these physical facts proving that she traveled across a continent so sit
at the feet of a spirit medium, and bring home to Bethel his demonism and
there practice this opposition of science falsely so called.


Critics of “this presentation by Mr. Goodrich” were editorially promised

publicity in the G.A. columns “provided they explain the point WHICH HE
STICK”. Any publication, therefore, and doubly so one contributed by special
request, must bear the responsibility of BETHEL APPROVAL as a complete
and satisfactory answer to the charge of demonism as set forth.

Dr. Work’s approved answer fills twelve columns. Careful scanning

reveals just THREE brief allusions to the article “answered”, and aggregating
just FOURTEEN LINES IN ALL. These facts constitute persuasive evidence
that Dr. Work has hedged, and camouflaged the issue. Fourteen lines can
hardly meet and answer more than fifteen columns of hard-hitting facts.

Let us see. After airing the alphabetical Thomas Colson’s opinion that
occultism has been used from time immemorial to diagnose disease, Dr. Work
says in effect: “The Diagnostic Machine of Dr. Albert Abrams” and its
operator Dr. LeCocq (then at Jonesboro, Ark.) as experienced by Goodrich,
“belong to that occult class of “FAKIRS AND FRAUDS ENDEAVORING TO
ASSOCIATE THEMSELVES WITH E.R.A. (Page 483, col. l, paragraphs 3 and
4.) YOU, then, Brother Howlett, BY THOSE BETHEL APPROVED WORDS,
are accused with your “plate rubbing” machine there in Bethel, of being a
“FAKIR and a FRAUD”, engaged in OCCULTISM. If you are appalled at Bro.
Rutherford’s vast inconsistency here I shall in no wise be to blame. Physical
facts are physical facts. They cannot be bent to suit any man. (No sane person
can raise a quibble over any generic difference between a “button” and a

The second allusion to my article is on page 485, column 1, par. 3. After

describing the OSCILLOCLAST, so called, Dr. Work says: “It will thus be
seen that the legitimate E.R.A. machine and Hook-up is not at all like the
hook-up which Mr. Goodrich mentioned.” I do not question Dr. Work’s moral
honesty. There is no possible explanation, therefore, of that highly

unfortunate and deceptive sentence, except to admit that her mind and her
hand were under external control by the agent of the Great Deceiver, as she
framed and wrote it. In my entire fifteen columns the OSCILLOCLAST is not
even dignified with mention. Only the mind of Satan could knowingly
substitute “oscilloclast” for “diagnostic machine” here, in the hope thus to
wave off by a gesture, the fifteen columns of unanswerable fact, to the
deception of the superficial or unwary reader.

Dr. Work’s third and last allusion to my article; and HER ONLY AND


REGULAR ABRAMS HOOK-UP”. Page 485, column 1, paragraph 4.

Remember, please, I am not discussing persons. I am discussing

“doctrines of demons”. Let no one, therefore, draw his religious skirts about
himself and say in feigned holy sanctimony, “You are judging, Brother
Goodrich, you are JUDGING!” Such would be the argument of religious
hypocrisy, and one of Satan’s best; but it does not meet the facts.

What do we find? That to all honesty and fair mindedness in this

discussion of fact, “button” is a generic term including human fingers covered
or uncovered with cloth, rods electrified or not, of glass, wood, rubber; and
also the supernatural impressions of greater or less roughness of abdomen to
the touch of finger-tips, and the supernatural impressions of more or less
hollowness of sound of belly-tapping. It was not necessary in the Editorial
note (page 355) to write out all these various details. Any honest, competent
mind, not clouded or controlled by demons, reading the note and then the
article, would understand that any competent answer must answer the whole
of the occult signal charge. If practitioner A gets it by belly-thumping sound
impression: B gets it by impression of greater or lesser roughness of the
abdomen to his finger tips; C gets it by impression of greater or lesser
adhesivness of a glass rod; D by a rubber rod; E by a wooden rod; F by
impression of greater or lesser stickiness of cloth-covered finger to a button;
are they not all one and the same thing, namely signals by occult impression?
Is it is proper for the belly-thumper to say to the button rubber “YOU ARE
A FRAUD”, may not the button rubber return the “compliment” with equal
propriety? And if not, is not the plate-rubber, yourself in this instance,

Brother Howlett, — in the same class with the button-rubber, authoritatively
denounced as a “FAKIR AND A FRAUD”? Page 483, paragraph 4.

“Genuine” and “Fraud” are easy words. Maybe the boys at San Francisco
had $10,000. I do not know. The maker of the E.R.A. machine used at
Jonesboro might know more than I do about it. He might use ugly words like
“bluff”, “publicity stunt”, or “shysters”. He too, might be of his father the
devil. At any rate we have Dr. Work’s word for it that he did not get the
$10,000. But the physical facts are that by the use of that E.R.A. machine, in
a widely heralded “Abrams” clinic, “disease energy” was being “identified,
measured and detected” to the entire satisfaction of the Society’s
representatives, and pioneers were resorting thither in numbers. The
unfortunate prevarication of paragraph 4 on page 485 neither meets or
answers the issue. Yet it is the center and the sum of the attempted answer.
Physical facts are stubborn and unanswerable. They will remain so.

Without exception, all present day knowledge of electricity, magnetism

and electrons (if there are such things), is the result of the untiring labor of
worldly men of science. The word of these men as to E.R.A. is treated with
silent contempt by Dr. Work; and their simplest facts with colossal ignorance.
Yet inadvertently, Dr. Work admits and corroborates their every charge as to
E.R.A., as true. They testify that there is nothing about E.R.A. diagnosis that
is either electrical, magnetic or electronic. Dr. Work even admits the truth of
that charge against the original Abrams oscillaclast, so called, although it
made a noise and was hitched to the light socket. Page 486, paragraph 2.
Jesus never argued against worldly wisdom based on physical fact. Modern
worldly scientists are justified in their facts and knowledge of the same, BY
MAGNETIC, and RADIO – what ever it is. Jesus states that fact in these
words: “Wisdom is justified of her children”. Luke 7:35. His present day body
members would do well to follow Jesus’ example in this regard, and admit
freely and humbly that men like Millikan know more about electricity,
magnetism and electrons than do the “children of light”. Luke 16:8; 12:54-57.
Nature and her laws are constant, because Jehovah the God of all nature
changes not. God who made the radio waves, also made his law for them,
namely, that they should register objectively, physically and factually on
proper instruments, whenever those instruments should be invented and
made. On the other hand, it appears from what is known that Jehovah has
prevented the demons from operating such instruments in the absence of true

radio waves, and this for the protection of his people from their wiley
deceptive pranks. If therefore my kidneys are broadcasting stations and they
are broadcasting “SOS” or “OK” or other timely advice, it should not be
necessary for me to seek to wizard or necromancer who can peep and mutter
out the diagnosis by his impressions upon rubbing or tapping some one’s belly
or some button or plate, or combing over the coffee grounds or my palm: Yet
in his loving knowledge, Jehovah foretold and forewarned that his begotten
and anointed sons would in the days of the “abomination of Desolation, be
urged to seek to just such in the hope of ‘quickening their mortal bodies for
the service’, but actually to their utter undoing. Isaiah 8:19; Revelation 22:15.
Radio waves can register objectively. Only demons must resort to occult
pseudo-signals to impersonate or prove the dead or the non-existent.

God’s prophecy at Isaiah 8:19,20 includes both the natural and the
written law of Jehovah. Romans 1:20 proves this. Scientific worldly men are
“a law unto themselves”. They know of God’s laws of radio, nitroglycerine,
aviation, et cetera. These are not sciences falsely so called; they are physical
facts out of God’s Nature Law-Book. Romans 2:14,15. God by Christ Jesus
alone will judge them as to whether “there is no truth in them”, that is no
wisdom of heart to properly direct their course of action in using God’s
material creation. Romans 2:1,14-16. Certainly God will find no truth in those
who seek to the dead nephilim (“dead in trespasses and sins”) for health
information and benefits. John 8:44; Isaiah 8:19,20.

The impersonation of the dead by the demons is exactly parallel with

their impersonation of radio waves from organs or organism and blood
specimens, and hand-writing, which are dead and in which radio waves do not
exist at all.

Those whose minds are not under a measure of demon control, do not
need to have it pointed out that radio waves have no influence or effect
whatsoever upon the “stickiness” of plates or buttons or anything else; or upon
the quality of the hollow sound resounding from a thumped belly; or upon the
roughness of the skin of such belly or other object; or upon the adhesiveness
of human fingers or flesh to any other substance whatsoever. A discovery of
any one of the four above mentioned effects would in itself be a marvelous
discovery. No such discovery has yet been proved or even claimed. Yet E.R.A.
operators thoughtlessly assume all four of these marvelous and unclaimed
discoveries to be commonplace facts to be swallowed without, thought or

mention by all suckers!!! Admittedly, every E.R.A. diagnostic signal ever
received, depended upon one of these marvelous but non existent effects!!! A
cruel deception of thoughtless suckers!!!

Sane minds must indulge the conclusion that anyone who cannot see
then plain facts, must have the mind of a very subnormal moron OR ELSE
his faculties must have been interfered with by occult force.

Anyone classifying under the latter alternative is in a truly dangerous

position before Jehovah, as to eternal life, as foretold: “Hear ye indeed but
understand not; and see ye indeed but perceive not.” Isaiah 6:9; 44:17,18. Such
must diligently apply, for God’s eyesalve (Revelation 3:18,19) and retrieve
themselves speedily, if they would live. “He that overcometh shall inherit all
things... But... sorcerers (occult signal receivers) shall have their part in the
lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the SECOND DEATH.”
Revelation 21:7, 8.

To those admitting the physical facts (of science truly so called), and
who desire earnestly to avoid the “oppositions of science falsely so called”, the
evidence above presented is complete, competent and conclusive that all
diagnostic signals here discussed are OCCULT, that is HIDDEN, as to their
origin, an are therefore in no way based upon objective physical fact. We now
turn our attention to


The scriptures make prominent use of the Hebrew word “OBE” in this
connection. STRONG defines the word: “From the same as AWB, a primitive
word for father (apparently’ through the idea, of prattling a FATHER’S
NAME) ; properly a mumble, i.e. a water skin (from its hollow sound); hence
a necromancer (ventriloquist), as from a jar; bottle; familiar spirit.” It is
therefore apparent that the OBE was of no size, design or material that was
definite or uniform. It had to do with “A FATHER’S NAME”. What had it to
do with a FATHER’S NAME?

The OBE was an object over which to “MEDITATE”, “MUTTER” ‘

(repetitions), or “TALK TO ONE’S’ SELF”; and as such object of deep
meditation, study and repetition to one’s self or “muttering” it is contrasted
in the scriptures; with the LAW or WILL OF JEHOVAH, the only proper

object of such deep study and meditation. Isaiah 8:19,20; Douay, Joshua 1:8,
see AV and Rotherham and marg. The OBE was a PYTHON or serpentine
oracle. Jehovah’s LAW is a righteous oracle or source of instruction. Acts 7:38;
Romans 3:2; 2 Samuel 16:23 margin. The OBE, scripturally, is an
anti-scriptural source of instruction from the OLD SERPENT. Genesis 3:1-5;
Deuteronomy 18:10 . The word here translated enchanter (AV), and “useth...
enchantments” (Roth), is the, verb NACHASH, whence comes the noun
NACHASH, a serpent, used at Genesis 3:1-5. The unmistakable meaning is
plain. The Old Hisser hisses his instructions through the OBE, to the
deception of the whole world – including the ELECT IF POSSIBLE.
Revelation 12:9; Matthew 24:24. It thus becomes clear that muttering or
musing over the OBE is a prattling in SATAN’S NAME; while musing,
meditating and going over God’s law, “day and night” is a prattling in

Since the form of the OBE is entirely undefined in scripture, there is

little wonder that the translators have admitted their uncertainties in such
renderings as these: necromancy, necromancist, necromancer, wizards,
mediums, magicians, pythons, pythonic or pythonical, spirits, divining spirits,
diviners by spirits, enchanters, et cetera. (See A.V., ARV, Leeseer, Douay,
Rotherham, etc.) The usual A.V. rendering is “familiar spirit”. There seems
to be no warrant of scripture or in the word itself for the use of the word
“spirit” in rendering OBE – save for its all but universal, and very close
association with occultism.

The scriptural evidence is that the OBE or oracle so severely condemned

by God’s law, was any device or gadget whatsoever which could be mused over
by its owner or operator, to the receiving of occult information. The OBE
could be “owned” by a female “Baal” 1 Samuel 28:7, Roth. and STRONG
#1172. One who had an OBE was said to “be an oracle” or “wizard”
1 Samuel 28:9, Roth. The correct thought seems to be that the medium,
consulted by King Saul was the owner or “mistress”, (Roth. margin) of an
OBE; and that she and her OBE together constituted the unlawful oracle
consulted by him. The verb asah (translated make and do nearly 2,000 times)
is applied to OBE at 2 Kings 21:6, showing that the OBE was something that
could be “MADE” and “DEALT WITH”. See Rotherham, margin. Douay here
makes the OBE an “appointed python” or (serpentine) oracle. It is, however,
of relatively small importance whether the OBE was some hollow-sounding

wine-skin or gurgling abdomen; or whether it refers exclusively to the demon
whose occult signals were received thereby. Since Jehovah is not the God of
confusion, he would sponsor no vague uncertain “witch hunt”. The demons
being invisible, it is almost certain that God’s law at Deuteronomy 18:10,11
which even went so, far as to require the death penalty (Exodus 22:18;
1 Samuel 28:9), did not apply to those who “had demons” but to those who
had “obes” or gadgets of any sort that were required or used in getting the
occult signals. Jehovah, would not condemn to death on hearsay or imaginary
testimony regarding unseen demons, he would require the overt act of at least
possession of the unlawful physical gadgetry, to be clearly proven.

There is one very exceptional as well as remarkable and instructive

occurrence of the word OBE in the inspired scriptures. It occurs in close
context with the word for belly or abdomen, and also with the word for
wine-skin. There seems to be no inspired evidence that it means either one.
Wineskins are nowhere connected with divination; but the belly or abdomen
and its contents are used to picture the seat of self-will and selfish desires
(Romans 16:17,18; Philippians 3:19); and the abdominal viscera, particularly
the liver, were among other things, unlawfully used in getting occult signals.
Ezekiel 21:21. The mumbling meditations of Satan’s sons are thus very
definitely connected with the belly. This is very interesting and instructive
in connection with Dr. Albert Abram’s favorite technique of belly tapping or
rubbing for occult signals. Likewise God’s sons are pictured as having “bowels
of mercies” (Colossians 3:12; Philippians 2:1) whence ‘rivers of living waters
shall flow’ John 7:38. Speaking in the light of these scriptures and facts,
Jehovah’s prophecy by Elihu speaks in the midst of the fulfillment of the
Drama of Job: “Behold my belly is as wine which hath no vent; it is ready to
burst LIKE NEW (OBOTH – plural of OBE)” Job 32:19.

It is very clear from these scriptures that the “rivers” of blessing are
now under great pressure in the modern “bowels” of the Elihu class. It is
likened to a “burning fire shut up in my bones”. Jeremiah 20:9. It needs and
must have VENT; it cannot stay. As Elihu was about to burst with a
message in VINDICATION OF HIS FATHER’S NAME, so Satan’s sons are
under demon pressure at all times with prattlings in THEIR FATHER’S
NAME. John 8:44. The oracle or OBE of Jehovah’s witnesses is JEHOVAH’S
INSTRUCTION: including such gadgetry as Bibles, Books, Magazines,
Phonographs, Recordings, Microphones and Sound Equipment; the oracle or
OBE of Satan’s sons is DEMONISM including all gadgetry whatsoever, by

means of which Occult Powers are able to communicate with men.
Isaiah 8:19, 20; Joshua 1:8; Psalms l:2.


In the scriptures the receipt of these occult signals is ever closely

associated with idols, images and abominations of religion. 2 Kings 3:24.
There is no limit to the invention of new gadgetry confirming to new theories
of communication with “new gods” as they come “newly up”.
Deuteronomy 32:17. Incidentally, the scriptures do mention such gadgetry as
rods (Hosea 4:12); cups, (Genesis 44:5); and “looking in the liver” – but there
is no attempt to catalog these devices, or forecast the kinds that were yet to
come, and which today are “legion”, and include a number of kinds of E.R.A.
diagnostic devices. There were also the special idols called “Teraphim” or
“Healers” used as household gods; and there were the “Gilulim” or
“manufactured gods”. 2 Kings 23:24, Rotherham. No doubt these latter
would include the celluloid squares and the Aluminum squares with four
holes in them, as manufactured and “het-up” “twenty thousand” or so strong
at Jonesboro, and carried about the country by certain representatives of the
Society to bless their food before eating it.

The charmers (Isaiah 19:3) are defined as those who “move softly”, hence
“necromancers – from their soft incantations.” The “wizards” of Bible times
were the “knowing ones”, allegedly. Many of them today prefer to be
rendered “Doctor” rather than “wizard”, and ever and religiously sign their
name with that prefix. (Those having actually earned the worldly degree of
Doctor, not included.) Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; Deuteronomy 18:11, etc. ,etc.
In this latter verse inspired mention is made of “chabar cheber” – literally
“spell Spellers” – binders with spells. The word “necromancer” at this verse
is from two Hebrew words meaning to seek unto, inquire of or worship the
dead. The noun witch at Deuteronomy 18:10 and Exodus 22:18 who was not
to be suffered to live, and the phrase “used witchcraft” at 2 Chronicles 33:6
are all three the rendering of the piel or intensive form of the verb kashsph,
and it is respectively rendered sorcerer, conjurer, wizard and muttereth
incantations by ARV, Leeser, Douay and Rotherham. The original for
“enchanter” at Deuteronomy 18:10 and for “used enchantment” at Leviticus
19:26; 2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chronicles 33:6, and elsewhere, is truly astonishing.
The word in the original is the Hebrew verb NACHASH, piel or intensive
form. The noun-form is spelled the same in English, but differently in

Hebrew, and IS ONE OF SATAN’S NAMES, to wit: SERPENT. Literally the
verb means TO HISS; the noun means THE HISSER. Hence the whole lot of
OCCULT SIGNAL RECEIVERS, under whatever form of fancy name or
theory are thus fully known to Jehovah’s witnesses as the receivers and
THEIR FATHER, SATAN, who unlike Jesus (Philippians 2:6 Diaglott) did
meditate a usurpation of UNIVERSAL DOMINATION. Isaiah 14:13.
Foretelling the controversy of this present day of Vindication, Jehovah’s
prophet directly contrasts these “Hissings” of demonism from the “Old
Serpent” with the teachings of “THAT PROPHET” who has been raised up
from among his brethren, like unto Moses, and at the time “When thou art
coming into the land” of promise in REALITY, since 1938 A.D.
Deuteronomy 18:9-15, Rotherham.

Thus does Jehovah by his prophecy warn his remnant at Bethel and
elsewhere AT THIS PRESENT HOUR: “When thou art coming into the land
(during the establishment, of THEOCRATIC RULE... there shall not be found
in thy midst one who useth divination (lot casting to determine “yes” or “no’‘,
– QECEM), hidden arts (ANAN, that is act covertly, practice occultism) or
enchantments (nachash, to hiss or whisper like a snake), or who muttereth
incantations (kashaph, practice magic),or who bindeth with spells (chabar
Cheber “speller with spells”) or WHO ASKETH OF A FAMILIAR SPIRIT
(OBE, any device for receiving “prattlings of a father’s – Satan’s – name”, and
certainly including hollow sounding wineskins and ABDOMENS, Job. 32:19)
or an oracle (yiddeoniy “knowing one” Strong; usually rendered “wizard”), or
who seeketh unto the dead (the legally dead nephilim)... Blameless shalt thou
be with (Jehovah) thy God... A PROPHET (in contradistinction to all the
serpentine hissings of demonism that would surround and seek to invade
PRACTICE OF OCCULTISM)” Deuteronomy 18:9-15, Rotherham.

Similarly, and when in fulfillment, the “confederacy” or “new world

order” or “abomination of desolation” is being advocated, Jehovah by his
prophecy forewarns the remnant that a wiley and clever move of the “Old
Hisser” will seek to ensnare those of the remnant in common demonism.
Satan would know that to fool the remnant, all of whom are “taught of
Jehovah”, would require “extreme unction”; his utmost in skill and

camouflage. Note how the warning and prophecy of Moses (above) is
paralleled at Isaiah chapter 8, just preceding the “peace and safety” cry, and
while God’s law or teaching is being sealed among the remnant (v. 16, ARV
marg.) by the defeat of persecution. It is then that “they shall say unto you,
Seek unto (darash, to tread or frequent, to follow, ask, worship) them that
have familiar spirits (OBOTH, pl. of OBE; including those who have “subjects”
with resounding abdomens, or occultly adhesive plates or buttons or what not,
and whereby occult signals are received), and unto the wizards that chirp and
that mutter (yiddeoniy or “knowing ones” who tsaphah; i.e. who coo or chirp
like a bird; and who hagah; i.e. who meditate, study, imagine, repeat, over to
them selves) should not a people (FOR JEHOVAH’S NAME) seek unto their
God? On behalf of the (physical health of) the living should they seek unto
the dead (nephilim)? TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY (OF
PHYSICAL FACT): IF THEY (the prattlers in a father’s name over a
magically resounding belly or occultly adhesive plates or buttons) SPEAK
NOT ACCORDING TO THIS WORD (the word of testimony of physical fact
in the light of God’ s law), SURELY THERE IS NO MORNING FOR THEM...
“Into thick darkness shall they be driven away.” Isaiah 8:19, 20, 22, ARV.
These and the intervening verses fully corroborate the divine statement: “He
that overcometh shall inherit all things... But... the fearful (of ill health)...
and sorcerers... their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and
brimstone; which is the second death.” Sorcerers, be it noted are the receivers
of occult signals. Revelation 21:7,8, ARV.

That the word “testimony” in this prophecy refers specifically to THE

TESTIMONY OF PHYSICAL FACT, is proven by the testimony or physical
facts of fulfillment. For twenty years prior to the setting up of the
THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT among Jehovah’s disciples in 1938, the chief
work of the WATCHTOWER was to urge upon the attention of men THE
THEREWITH. Such testimony of fact having thus been “bound up” in
convenient form and circulated world wide as no other testimony was ever
circulated, then, the sealing of Jehovah’s law in his disciples by the defeat of
persecution in faithfulness even unto death began in earnest, and just as
foretold at verse 16 of Isaiah eight. See Isaiah 54:13, ARV Margin – “All thy
children shall be disciples of Jehovah”, – and not of Satan, by occult
belly-tapping or magic button rubbing, or otherwise.

Nor does the divine prophecy end here. Satan; symbolized as the great
Assyrian King, having totally captivated Christendom, and having for many
years insidiously set his demon enchantments RIGHT IN THE MIDST OF
BETHEL and elsewhere among the remnant of the real Zion and Jerusalem,
he leans back in boastful satisfaction and says: “...I have brought down them
that sit on thrones (the entire remnant, Revelation 20:4)... as One gathereth
eggs that are forsaken, have I gathered all the earth, (Revelation 16:13,14)
and there was none that moved the wing or that opened the mouth, or
chirped. Satan’s charge here is that he has succeeded in gathering the
remnant at Bethel along with all the earth in his snare of demonism; and
that furthermore none of the remnant was sufficiently alert over his OBE
consisting of the scriptures and the facts, TO CHIRP OUT HE DIVINE
ALARM. Thus far, and to this late date, 1943, Satan has the facts in some
measure on his side. Bethel still has and uses a forbidden OBE. Jehovah’s
earthly Organization has not yet sufficiently meditated, pondered and talked
to itself over its divinely sanctioned OBE – the scriptures and the facts – to
chirp out and flop the wings as a fowl whose nest is threatened, and drive
this oracle of demonism and its father from Bethel and from further threat to
the “disciples of Jehovah”. Isaiah 10:13,14. But Satan is not the winner.
“For the Light of Israel shall be for a fire and his Holy One for a flame” to
devour all of Satan’s thorns and briers in one day. Verse 17, ARV. “And IT
have looked to demonistic diagnosis have done now these many years in
AND THE FACTS)”. Isaiah 10:20 ARV. Verses 21 and 22, 23, may indicate
that some at Bethel and elsewhere may be cleaned out of God’s organization
when this snare is purged away; but a remnant of the remnant will remain
faithful and true, And to them is sure to come the foretold blessed assurance


The tendency has been and will be to make this fundamentally serious
truth look like and pass off for “that man’s opinion”, or “brain-storm”. Such

tendency or course of action is nothing short of blasphemy, because it makes
void the word of God, and attributes to mere man that which comes from and
must properly be ascribed to God.

“Regard not them that have (OBOTH), neither seek after wizards
(occultists) to be defiled by them”. Leviticus 19:31. To such Jehovah
continues, “I will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off.”
Leviticus 20:6. Such shall “surely be put to death... with stones”
Leviticus 20:27. Those whom Jehovah counts worthy of death under that
typical law, he describes, according to the five best translators, with the
following words: who practiceth augury; useth hidden arts; use divination;
consulteth soothsayers; observer of times; enchanters; observeth omens; useth
enchantments; witches; sorcerers; conjurers; muttereth incantations; consults
familiar or pythonic spirits; charmers; wizards; those who bind with spells;
fortune tellers; those asking of oracles; necromancers or those who inquire or
seek the truth from the dead See Deuteronomy 18:10,11.

The Christian may not think to be excused from that law; for it
foreshadows larger and more important things of the present day,
(Hebrews 10:1; Colossians 2:16,17) and which larger application and
fulfillment becomes particularly binding “WHEN THOU ART COME INTO
fulfilled in antitype. Deuteronomy 18:9-14. No diagnoser of disease by occult
signals can escape the operation of this ‘magnified’ law against demonism.
Isaiah 42:21: Revelation 22:15; 21:8. According to these plain scriptures a
“sorcerer” is any worker of abomination by means of occult signals. God has
power to allow ones body to sicken and die in spite of benefit of E.R.A. or
other treatments. He also has power to cast into Gehenna, or the Second
Death. Jesus warns: “Yea, I say unto you, Fear Him”. Luke 12:5.

The long foretold Holy City whose builder and maker is God even now
comes down from God out of heaven before the vision of men of faith.
Jehovah’s Name-People have entered into their antitypical “land” where
Jehovah has placed his Name. “That Prophet” like unto Moses, and whom
Moses foretold has been raised up to sit upon the THEOCRATIC throne. HE
OCCULT SIGNAL RECEIVERS. Deuteronomy 18:15, 9-14. All such occult
belly-tappers and plate-rubbers are sure to be thrown outside the walls of that
Holy City to the “dogs”. Gehenna is out there, and they cannot escape it, for

they are within the meaning of the scriptures, “sorcerers”.
Revelation 22:14,15.

To “meditate”, “mutter”, “ponder” or thoughtfully repeat over to one’s

self – Hebrew, HAGAH – may be righteously or unrighteously done. At
Isaiah 8:19 that verb describes the activity of a sorcerer over his resounding
“bottle”, belly or other “OBE”. At Joshua 1:8 Jehovah uses that same verb
in giving command to Joshua: “This book of the law shall not depart out of
thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou mayest
observe to do according to all that is written therein”. A.R.V. Every person
must make choice between the OBE of divine instruction and the OBE of
demon instruction. Those who choose the latter, choose the instruction of
those who are sentenced to die with Satan, hence the very pointed instruction
to seek not unto the occult signal receivers that “chirp and mutter”. Should
not a people (for Jehovah’s NAME) seek unto their God? On behalf of the
health of the) living should they seek unto the dead (the dead instrument, the
non existent “vibrations”, and the legally dead nephilim)?” Isaiah 8:19, ARV.
The next verse gives the clarion call to God’s people: “TO THE LAW AND TO
Others shall never see the perfect day. Isaiah 8:20,22. To such is reserved
the “blackness of darkness forever”. Jude 13. See Isaiah 8:20, 22. A.R.V.

The invisible creations of God are not the occult things forbidden by his
law, for they are “good”. Genesis 1:31. Jehovah places no ban upon the use
to his glory of radio waves, electrical currents, sound waves or other invisible
creations. Why? Because “the invisible things of Him are clearly seen since
the creation of the world, being perceived through the (visible) THINGS
THAT ARE MADE”. Romans 1:20, ARV. Such knowledge of the invisible
creation is science properly so called, and amounts to “KNOWING GOD’‘
(Romans 1:21, ARV) to the extent of being “WITHOUT EXCUSE” on the part
of worldly scientists. The scent of the flowers, the shaking of the leaves, the
telegraph, the telephone, the phonograph, the radio, “daily make known by
plain objective signals to man’s five senses, the ‘invisible things of God’.
Satan is limited to occult or subjective signals, impressions without physical
basis or cause; metaphysical or psychic impressions, the cause or source of
which is entirely hidden or occult. It is the receipt of such occult impressions
or false knowledge or “science falsely so called” that God forbids, for the
protection of faithful men. At a proper time (Ecclesiastes 3:1) the reverent

study and meditating upon all such works of God is proper for man. Psalms
9:1-4; 77:12; 143:5. See also John 3:8 and Luke 12:54-57.

Man may not choose both sources of instruction. No man can serve both
God and Satan. “I would not that ye should have communion with demons.
Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of the demons: ye cannot
partake of the table of the Lord and of the table of demons.” Corinthians
10:20, 21, ARV. Douay renders the Hebrew word OBE with the
Greek-English word PYTHON. 2 Kings 21:6. Such identification of the
trappings of occultism with “That Old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan”
and his “table of demons” has the full support of inspiration at Acts 16:16.
AV and ARV, Margins. God may not be successfully mocked either in Bethel
or elsewhere. His prophecy testifies: “I will be a swift witness against the
SORCERERS”,-AT THE TEMPLE. Malachi 3:1, 3, 5. Occultism is occultism
wherever found. He that seeks to save his physical life shall lose it. With
this the facts agree.

Saul thought he was serving God faithfully when he abetted Stephen’s

death. Acts 23:1; 26:9, 10; 2 Timothy 1:3. Saul acted in the innocence of
ignorance. Although he thus became the chiefest of sinners salvable by the
ransom, yet his sin was forgivable, and he obtained mercy, says he, “Because
I did it ignorantly.” 1 Timothy 1:13-15. God’s mercy has not changed; the sin
of sorcery, practiced in the innocence of ignorance, is forgivable IF
REPENTED OF, as Saul repented. For many years now, under Satan’s clever
deception, sorcery or demonism in an apparently “innocent” form has been
freely practiced in Jehovah’s Temple, and before the King. But “The times
of this ignorance” (1922 - 1943) God winked at; but now commandeth all men
(in covenant with God) everywhere (in the temple and out) to REPENT.
Why? “Because (the appointed... day in which he will judge the (NEW) world
in righteousness” IS HERE. Acts 17:30,31. “Devotion to demons” (Acts 17;22,
Diaglott) IS OUT HENCEFORTH, and forever.

IN THAT DAY” – where we now are, “JEHOVAH ALONE SHALL BE
2:17,18 ARV; 12:4. The E.R.A. trappings and consequent devotion to demons,
ignorantly, have not saved men’s lives; have not pleased the King; and above
all HAVE NOT EXALTED JEHOVAH. Their early, inglorious demise is
assured. Revelation 22:5.

Meditating in Jehovah’s Law, and in His prescribed “testimony” of he physical

facts (Isaiah 8:20; Josh. 1:8), I am,

Roy D. Goodrich

To the above letter, the following undated, shabby acknowledgment, shabbily
penciled on a BETHEL SERVICE” postal card was the sole response:

You have evidently been misinformed regarding my

connection with E.R.A. I know nothing of it and
have never used it. There is none such in Bethel.
M. A. Howlett.

Roy D. Goodrich
517 N.E. Second Street
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
June 9, 1943
124 Columbia Heights,
Brooklyn 2, N.Y.

Dear Brother Howlett:

Your card on Bethel Service stationery of the Society, replying to my

letter of May 23, states: “You have evidently been misinformed regarding my
connection with E.R.A. I know nothing of it and have never used it. There
is none such in Bethel.” The one possible import of those words conveys an
impression entirely contrary to the fundamental facts as I know them. I must
believe, however, that your motive in writing them is the highest,-- a desire
to honor Jehovah’s name. Remembering Rahab’s approval and the statements
at the top of page 177 in RICHES, you have seemingly clear and logical
justification, no doubt, in your own mind.

I fully realize that this thing is “HOT” and is loaded with plenty of
“dynamite”. I realize the problem facing the Bethel management, and envy
none of the responsible brethren their job, Other brethren have the publicity
angle of responsibility – whether they “do” or “do not” – the souls of some or
many hang in the balance. Regardless of how severe and onerous, the
problem must be undertaken and solved to the Lord’s glory. Isaiah 54:17.
I trust I did not “spill the beans” in sending the original carbon copy to Bro.
Nicholson. I have his written description of your machine and diagnostic
procedure, but I got it without disclosing the contents of your communication
except to describe it as “evasive”. I shall keep the whole subject in entire
confidence, and obey all authoritative instruction from the Society. Knowing
Satan’s power and ways, and his big stake in this matter, however, I would
under some circumstances, need more than the signature of an individual as
such, or the usual rubber stamp of the Society. Strange things may appear
over these.

Having now cleared myself of any suspicion of harsh criticism of anyone

in general or of yourself in particular, may I obey the command at Luke 17:32
Please note: The word “rebuke” here in the original means merely to ‘tell him

boldly and fearlessly’, as elsewhere stated by Jesus. Matthew 18:15. It is not
to be confused with the word rendered “rebuke” at 1 Timothy 5:1, which
etymologically means ‘to pound him out flat’. (See STRONG) It is sure you
have in no way trespassed against me personally, but against the Theocracy
in which I am a commissioned watchman. Isaiah 52:8; 54:17. I would not
be a “dumb dog”. Isaiah 56:11; 1 John 5:16. I “ask” for your life, and for
the welfare of Zion and Bethel.

Your words above quoted could be a malicious lie, in case Satan has
gained a sufficient foothold in your mind, by this subtlety. Those words could
tend to work very great harm to yourself and others. The only alibi is the
one above suggested; and love can only hope that you did in fact intend a
faithful Rahab technique. In this instance, however, such technique becomes
a dragon to devour your position, and leaves your last state worse than your
first. To follow Rahab you must admit before the Lord that my statements
were true and your own false. Thus, before the Lord, you have admitted that
DEMONISM. Rahab was under no such damaging admission before the Lord.
Her words protected God’s witnesses; your words tend to turn God’s witnesses
over to the demons. In all kindness then, Bro. Howlett, the inescapable logic
of fact is that your postal to me, must be one or the other of the two following
things, to wit: (1) a potentially malicious lie; or (2) an admission before the
Lord that you have been practicing demonism and “fibbing” out of it. There
is just one divinely provided way of escape both for yourself personally, and
for the Society, from the two horrible and death dealing horns of this
dilemma. The sin,-- no matter how innocently and ignorantly committed,–
must be recognized, repented of, turned from and renounced, confession made
and forgiveness sought. You are as familiar with the scripture at the later
part of James five, as I. Review it. A spirit medium in Bethel is a “sick”
man. The divinely prescribed treatment is iconoclastic, with an added libation
of the “oil” of joy, and which joy includes an exclusive kingdom-fruit diet

Your appreciation of the power and subtlety of Satan; and your astonishment
at your own vulnerability, and the vulnerability of many others whom you
revere and respect, including our dearly beloved and lamented Brother
Rutherford, will both be shockingly enhanced when you learn the two
following facts, to wit:

(1) An article in the Golden Age, dated March 5, 1930, #273,
entitled “Ouija-Boards, Small and Large”, sets forth the
unchallenged proof by undeniable physical fact that the above
described method of diagnosis is Demonism.

(2) Brother Rutherford’s fully accredited representative, writing

by request and approval (since all answer thereto whatsoever has
since been denied publication), as published in THE GOLDEN
AGE, dated April 30 , 1930, FULLY ADMITS AND STATES
page 483, paragraphs 3 and 4.

Astounding as those two facts may be, they are plain, unequivocal,
physical facts, fully provable by every file of the GOLDEN AGE extant. How
long will self-admitted demonism be practiced in Bethel? That question does
not concern me personally. Since. it involves the eternal existence of many
sons of God who bear Jehovah’s name; and since it involves the
THEOCRATIC INTERESTS divinely committed to those sons, that question
does concern you and me – as such faithful sons of God. Because the
KINGDOM INTEREST is involved; and because the real sting of fact #2
depends entirely upon a woman’s opinion approved by Brother Rutherford; and
because the facts seem to indicate that Brother Rutherford was therein
inadvertently overtaken in a vast inconsistency, the whole doctrine of the
Electronic Reactions of Abrams is recalled before the divinely ordained bar of
judgment, and where the faithful remnant must now render final decision by
divine command; “Every tongue that shall rise up against thee in judgment
(at the temple) thou shalt condemn.” Isaiah 54:17; Luke 12:57.


The E.R.A. clinic discussed in G.A. #273 was that of the then far famed
“Truth Sister”, Dr. LeCocq, at Jonesboro, Ark. Approved society spokesmen
including George Draper, recommended it to ailing pioneers, who resorted
thither in considerable numbers for the proffered free treatments to help them
on in the kingdom service. At the time of the writer’s visit to that clinic in
January, 1928, the damaging facts, later published, were discovered and
exposed orally and by letter. The immediate result was the breaking up of
the “nest” as pioneer Bradford of Memphis put it, and the subsequent removal
from those parts, of the clinic, Doctor and all.

As stated in the prefatory Editorial (See #277) note the article in
G.A. #273 on Ouija-Boards, was published “by request”, but not the request
of Goodrich. That “request” or something stronger was dictated to a secretary
in my presence, by the President of the Society, in substance as follows, to
wit: “Take a letter to Bro. Woodworth: Brother Goodrich will submit
manuscript on the Abrams treatment which is to be published; provided he
leaves out names and addresses.” Then Bro. Rutherford turned to me and gave
me specific instruction not only to write the article, but also as to how it was
to be written. I complied. I was taken entirely by surprise, however, when
the entire set up of the two articles positively but indirectly stated: (1) The
Goodrich article constituted “objectionable convictions” merely; that is its
FACTUAL NATURE WAS DENIED. (2) The E.R.A. article was sponsored
by the Society. (3) And that all publication of physical fact in the refutation
of the unsupported opinions published, would be, and henceforth was
completely estopped.

Thus in God’s providence the judgment of E.R.A. began. There the

remnant were partially advised and warned and put on notice as to the
nature of E.R.A., but by a “trumpet” of very “uncertain sound”, and hence
many were unable to “prepare (themselves) to the battle”. 1 Corinthians
14:8. Many, many others, however, did so prepare themselves.

Brother Rutherford utterly renounced the idea that he was a great man.
Nevertheless, he was, to many of his associates and admirers, “a great man.”
Through his prophet Elihu, Jehovah says: “Great men are not always wise”.
Job 32:9. The inspired prophet applies this statement to Job. see verses 2,
3. Admittedly, Brother Rutherford belonged to the class represented by Job.
Necessarily, then, he cannot be excepted from the application of that
scripture. Corroborating this inspired application of scripture, Jesus said:
“The children of this world... are wiser than the children of light”. The
meaning in this connection is inescapable, that an honest worldly scientist
justified in his physical facts by the merits of his inventions as men like
Edison, Marconi, and Milliken are so justified, is wiser, and his word worth
more by far than an unsupported worldly opinion of some faithful brother in
the Truth who is fully gullible and uninformed. Luke 16:8.

Greater Joseph, Christ Jesus, makes trial of the Greater Benjamin.

Gen. 44:5,15 and MARGINS. A subtle, hidden form of demonism is exposed

from Benjamin’s baggage, before his astonished and fearful eyes. What will
Benjamin now do?

I shall keep this matter in strictest confidence You brethren have my

sympathy and prayers for your guidance. I am at your service, and shall obey
your commands.

Any one desiring to inform himself as to what the “radioclast”, so long

used at Bethel, really is, should write to T. M. Overly, Editor BETTER
BUSINESS BUREAU BULLETIN, 930 Lemke Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind., for
the results of their investigation of the device as a fraud. Their issue of April
1942, is entirely devoted to this subject, The main headline across the front
page reads:


Bureau Investigation Leads to Public Exposure
More than Fourteen Hundred Sold

On page 938, illustrated with technical photographs of the “radio-clast”,

DEVICES”. Thereunder we read:

In the early part of this century there appeared on the

medical horizon one of the most notorious medical quacks of all
times, Albert Abrams, A.M., M.D., LT., F.R.M.S. Abrams in the
beginning was a legitimate, educated medical doctor. After he
turned quack, his background of legitimacy gave credence to his
theories for a time and enabled him to go far in the promotion of
startling and fantastic ideas in the diagnosis and treatment of
disease, which later have been thoroughly exploded and
condemned by the entire scientific world.

“From the beginning there has developed throughout the
country at least half a dozen or more electrical machines based
upon similar theories of diagnosis and treatment to those
advanced by Abrams. Thousands of them have been sold and
they probably constitute one of the most wide-spread bases for
medical quackery in the country today.

“One of the successful and possibly the most aggressive

promoters of such devices, is the Electronic Instrument Company
of Tiffin, Ohio, which manufactures and sells a machine known
as a “radioclast”.”

The suffix “-clast” simply means to break up or destroy; as in the word

“iconoclast” which means icon- or image-destroyer. “Radioclast” therefore
signifies the breaking up or destroying of radiations or vibratory waves, which
is identical with the E.R.A. or Abrams theory as expressed in his word
“oscilloclast” or wave destroyer. Since the Abrams theory or E.R.A.
(Electronic Reactions of Abrams), has been practiced in Bethel Home since
1922 (GOLDEN AGE, #277, page 483, column 2); and since Brother Howlett
came to Bethel several years before that; he could hardly have been telling
the truth when he said he knew nothing of “E.R.A.” Why the man would sign
his name to the statement that he “never used it” while he habitually assayed
to diagnose disease in Bethel with a “radioclast”, he alone will have to
answer, — not to me, but to his Maker.

I have on hand a great deal more information on this matter of

demonism in Bethel. I shall be pleased to answer your honest questions and
furnish you further information on request.

ADDRESS: Roy D. Goodrich

517 N.E. Second Street
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Brochure #43






By Dr. Rollin Jones
.... We recognize the grape (in its natural state) as the greatest normalizer of
human tissue on earth, if taken absolutely alone; but the action of the
chemicals of the grape when contacting with other food elements in the
human laboratory (the stomach), are almost sure to produce a by-product
which is a veritable poison.

“Recently a lady who had been battling for years against the flesh consuming
monster was made greatly to rejoice while in South Africa because of
discovering the fact that cancer could be cured, or removed, and the system
wonderfully cleansed by the grape diet. This good woman came over 11,000
miles that she might give this wonderful message to the sick and dying world,
and that without price.

“Very enthusiastic reports have come through public agencies of the wonderful
work that has been done by others who have followed the instruction of the
lady who returned from South Africa. But alas: Like the Great Physician they
were not orthodox; therefore the great and generous work (for which no set
fees were charged) had to be abandoned, even though administered by duly
licensed practitioners, until such time as the “regular” physician might see fit
to give it in his “regular” practice, for it is construed that such a base act as
the administration of fresh grapes is a violation of the law.”

– Verbatim excerpt from THE GOLDEN AGE, Number 242, pages 206-207,
for December 26, 1928 (underlining added).


Before he began writing “Doctor” before his name, he baptized the

present writer, in symbol, into Christ, by water immersion, early in March,
1913. He has for many years conducted “clinics” or “Health-o-Toriums” in

various Florida cities, including Lakeland, Williston, and Gainesville. He
counts among his patients various members of the past and present Board of
Directors of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, and many other high
ranking representatives of Jehovah’s Witnesses. He has long used a device for
diagnosing disease which the scientific world has long since proven to be
fraudulent, and which the Bible exposes as plain demonism, or information
received occultly, and not by any electrical, magnetic or electronic principle
or device, as claimed. See full exposé, for instance, in the INDIANAPOLIS
BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU BULLETIN for April, 1942, and published at
930 Lemke Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Those making inquiry at the Tampa,
Florida, Branch of the great 1940 assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses, of which
Detroit was the key city, were told that Dr. Rollin Jones had gone to minister
to Judge Rutherford in his serious Detroit illness; and that he had done so by
airplane. A faithful sister in the truth, also at that Tampa branch assembly,
was pointed out in hushed tones, as the doctor’s wife whom he had abandoned
or otherwise left years ago without cause, in favor of his present wife. This
matter has been a subject of state-wide gossip for a generation. If it is untrue,
it should be cleared up with a generous application of the facts. If it is true,
why has Doctor Jones received the highest forms of recognition and
appointment by the Society? See Matthew 19:9. The Theocratic Law is plain.
One who leaves a faithful wife to marry another is an adulterer. For many
years, Dr. Jones has been one of the highly honored appointees of the Society.


Refer now, if you will, to the above excerpts from Dr. Rollin Jones’
recommendation of the “Grape Cure”, as published by the Society. How very
strange that Noah and all his children were not killed by eating grapes with
other foods, before Noah ever became intoxicated! How have grape-eating
men, including you and me, in our great ignorance, eating grapes with other
foods, escaped the undertaker so long?

A lady kindly loaned to me her flimsily bound copy of “THE GRAPE

CURE” by Johanna Brandt, the above mentioned “lady from South Africa”.
The PRICE marked in this flimsy philanthropy, occupying 218 pages, was
$3.00. The owner of the book says that her own sister lost the enamel off her
teeth, by taking the “Grape Cure”. But from the book itself we read:

PAGE 39:
“I have seen beautiful sets of teeth loose in their suppurating sockets, become
steady and fixed within a few weeks, the gums free of pyorrhea within a few

PAGE 35:
“Nothing has been said in this article about the mental aspect of healing. The
subject is too big. It forms the most thrilling story of my life, but I must now
be content to state that I became super-conscious. I had unerring ‘hunches’
and cultivated a bowing acquaintance with my subliminal self– hatever that
may be.”

PAGE 42:
“On this, our little planet, the sons and daughters of God groan and travail
in unspeakable anguish to bring forth the harmony of the spheres.”

Those few brief samples speak eloquently and fairly to the well
instructed Christian’s mind, of the astrological and demonic nature of the
entire book; for it is filled with such. Other features of the so-called “GRAPE
CURE” book, are:

“The Grape Cure is the direct result of DIVINE ILLUMINATION”. Dedication

page. Such is the cheapest demonic blasphemy.

It “fills one with awe... to be a witness of the DIVINE HEALING qualities of

the grape”. Page 49, paragraph 1.

“Mind operates through magnetism.” To “contact the forces of MIND we purify

and build up the magnetism... by... the Grape Cure... “, etc. Pages 74, 75. “The
Grape Cure must be combined with... mind culture”. Page 153. This advocated
“NEW PSYCHOLOGY” is a new anti-Christianity. See pages 109, 110,
122-124. The Grape Cure is a religion. See pages 161, 162, 179 bottom.

The Grape Cure climbs up to kingdom blessings by “some other way”. See
John 10:1, 7-11, and compare page 126.

The Grape Cure religion is not unlike the Holy Roller religion; for Johanna
says: “A deep inner spiritual conviction... struck to the core of my being. Since
that memorable turning point, an abiding soul-rapture has been mine. The
surface storms of life can never touch it.” Page 160.

You must “eat the magnetic grape” so its “magnetism” can pep up your mind,
for “IT IS THE MIND THAT HEALS”. Page 205, 206.

Sun-worshipers will be glad to learn that “MIND cannot operate except

through Magnetism” and that the “Most magnetic f o o d ” i s t h e g r a p e ,
be glad to know that they “get the vibrations of the animal” and that
grape-eaters “GET THE VIBRATIONS OF THE SUN”. Pages 205, 206.
(Shades of the Radioclast and Abrams theories!)

Astrology is DEMONISM, rightly teaches the Watchtower. See HARP OF

GOD, page 94, paragraph 151; also RELIGION BOOK index under
“astrologers”. The Grape Cure fully teaches Astrology. Pages 193-195.


CLIMB UP THIS “OTHER WAY” to God’s world of peace!

Please read John 10:1-11.

Yours for Theocracy in fact and not in sham,

Roy D. Goodrich
517 N. E. Second Street
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Brochure #409
After 20 years -

Is THIS The New World?

Published by JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, 517 N. E. Second. Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, December 1, 1944.

(This is a reproduction of the first tract published by the author after his excommunication from Watch Tower
MAN-RULE into freedom to WORSHIP GOD. He was still under their delusion of “SECRET PRESENCE.” But
he knew that RIGHT IS NEVER WRONG. and that WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT. This faith in GOD opened his


“In that day (NOW)... Jerusalem is ruined and Judah is fallen; ... they
declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not... Children are their oppressors
and women rule over them. O MY PEOPLE, THEY THAT LEAD THEE
“JUSTICE is turned away backward, and RIGHTEOUSNESS standeth afar
off; for TRUTH is fallen in the street (unpracticed), and uprightness cannot
enter;... and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. And
JEHOVAH saw it, and it DISPLEASED HIM that there was NO JUSTICE
JEHOVAH,” Isaiah 3:7-9, 12 Margin; 59:14-16, 20, A.R.V.



TRANSGRESSION... Yet they seek me daily as a (Holy) Nation that did
THAT MOURN... IN ZION... that they (of Zion) may be called Trees of
Righteousness, the planting of Jehovah, that HE may be glorified.”
Isaiah 58:1, 2, A.R.V.; Ezekiel 3:17, A.R.V.; Isaiah 61:2, 3, A.R.V.


The purpose of this paper is to faithfully fulfill, and aid others to fulfill
the mandatory divine commission above set out. This paper exposes the all
but finally successful plot of Satan to capture, defile, and rule the earthly part
of the New World. It sets forth in astonishment, the glaring facts of Satan’s
success. It obeys the command of the King, “What ye have spoken in the ear
in the inner chambers shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:3,
A.R.V. It unmercifully exposes high sinners who have something to hide. It
points the unbending divine finger of the SCRIPTURES and the FACTS at
those of the “faithful and wise servant” class, of whom Christ Jesus uttered
this dire forecast: “THAT SERVANT shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth
his coming; and shall begin to beat the men-servants and the maid-servants,
and to eat and drink and to be drunken.” Luke 12:45, A.R.V. It points to the
unbounded comfort of the scriptures for those of the truly faithful “SERVANT”
class who have been or may shortly be sorely beaten and thrown out of their
Kingdom Halls to ignominy and to “death.” It exposes the “STRONG
DELUSION” foretold, and which now menaces all who seek life. It invites all
true witnesses of Jehovah to join in the strange work which HE
COMMANDS. It is confined exclusively to the presentation of the
SCRIPTURES AND THE FACTS, by the spirit of God.

Let no reader become excited at the use of strong words such as murderers, thieves, robbers
and other words also used by the nations to designate manslaughter, larceny, felony and various
crimes. Such words herein are used only in the scriptural or W ATCHTOW ER sense, and apply
SPIRITUALLY, not to literal crimes. See 1 John 3:15.


“All the foundations of the earth are shaken. Righteousness and Justice
are the foundation of (Jehovah’s) throne.” Psalms 82:5; 97:2, A.R.V.”Yet once
for all, I will shake not only the earth, but the heaven also. Now this ‘YET
ONCE FOR ALL’ denotes the removal of the things shaken, as of things
made, so that the things not shaken may remain.” “Beware lest you should
reject Him who now speaks (from heaven by the scriptures and the facts).”
Hebrews 12:26, 27, 28, Diaglott.

Strange, untoward, almost unbelievable facts, facts of demonic

action—facts of the final shaking, new facts never before made public, must

now be told in obedience to the Law of Jehovah God and the command of His
King; and that without regard to personal consequences. Isaiah 58:1,2;
Luke 12:1-4. For more than three score years, Jehovah has led and fed His
people by His truth as published in the WATCHTOWER. Today, Jehovah’s
true witnesses believe, teach and practice the doctrines thus published, not
because they appear in a journal, but because they are the truth of Jehovah
God and we are His witnesses. For your edification and convenience, fifteen
notable quotations from the WATCHTOWER are herein reproduced. The first
of these follows:


Remember the greatest thievery is that against God...
Therefore... THEY (Jehovah’s Witnesses) CANNOT
HIS GOSPEL. The eternal interests of the people must be
and a publisher of His name and kingdom. Psalms 50:16-18
(Earlier in the same paragraph): Remember “Whosoever
hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no
murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” 1 John 3:15;
Matthew 5:21, 22. W-1943, 152/26.

The mighty sword of the spirit as wielded in that paragraph, cuts in two
directions: (1) It cuts off all Judges and officers who would steal the freedom
of Jehovah’s witnesses to worship God. (2) It warns of eternal cutting off for
any one of Jehovah’s witnesses, if he consents with such thievery to the
With much stronger reason, then, will God cut off those of his own
organization who do the same things, and every witness who consents with
EXPOSE THE THIEF. The writer hereof chooses the wrath of his fellows,
rather than the wrath of God. Not by his consent will the New World become
a hideout for thieves and robbers of God.

Strong Delusion

By God’s word we have been forewarned that the greatest deception and
strongest delusion of all time is now due in the advanced days of Christ’s
invisible presence. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-11, A. V. and verse 1, A.R.V. margin.
Such “deceivableness of unrighteousness” will be a part of Satan’s “great
wrath” against the remnant. Revelation 12:12, 17. It will be applied to the
anointed temple class, and some of understanding will thus be deceived and
will fall, as our Lord and the prophecy of Daniel plainly state. Daniel 11:35;
Matthew 24:24, 25. That “strong delusion” must now “deceive the very elect
if possible (and it is assuredly possible), and seduce all such as have not
“received the love of the truth that they might be saved.” 2 Thessalonians
2:10-12. Which do you love most: THE TRUTH, or, THE APPROVAL OF
YOUR FELLOWS? Think twice! YOUR test is here! ! 1 Corinthians 10:12.

Remember the great issue will ever be the same until settled: “WHOM
WILL YOU SERVE?” Any worthwhile delusion must involve that issue. Can
you be induced to fear man? Suppose one serves God with “might and main,”
that is all out, with head and hands and feet and lips, but entertains a little
off-color condition in the heart? Here is the “joker” with which Satan plays.
Satan will gladly grant you the truth in your head, your hands, your feet and
your lips, if only he may entertain you with his sweet seductive song of
man-fear in your heart. Isaiah 29:13-15; Proverbs 4:23; 29:25. Satan is sure
to deceive and win some. First he deceives the “False anointed ones” and their
“false prophets.” Against these and their fear, the ‘King warns: “REMEMBER
I HAVE FOREWARNED YOU!” Matthew 7:15-21; 24:24 Diaglott Interlinear;
24:25, Diaglott. These anointed ones who have proved false, are another
present sign of His presence. Matthew 24:3, 24.

Today, we face the greatest SHAKING AND FALLING AWAY TO

DESTRUCTION which ever befell God’s visible organization. 2 Thessalonians
2:1-12, A.R.V. and Diaglott. Hebrews 12:23-29. That statement, unfortunately,
is not a wild-eyed human opinion. Would that it were! Nor is it a prediction
when something spectacular will happen. The statement is based upon
dauntless faith in the scriptures and the facts of Jehovah God. By these, the
WATCHTOWER rightly says, Jehovah speaks to men. (See W-QUOTATION
No. 8). By His scriptures and His facts (a few of which are herein pointed out,
Jehovah warns his faithful watchers that the foretold shaking IS ALREADY
ON, and is “With all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that

perish”—either as “false anointed ones” or with them. The “false anointed
ones” or “evil servant” are as clearly revealed by the facts, when the facts are
known and are compared with the scriptures, as is the sign of the World War.
now speaks by these from heaven! Hebrews 12:25. Any visible earthly rule
not founded in “Righteousness and Justice” is not supported by Jehovah’s
throne, nor by the “Sceptre of Righteousness” of His Glorious Son. Psalms
97:2, A.R.V.; Hebrews 1:8, 9. All such “things that have been made” contrary
to justice and righteousness are now to be removed—“For Our God is a

Demon World Cooperation: Its Purpose and Progress

“The devil is gone down unto you (of the New World now on earth),
having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time.” Revelation
12:12, A.R.V.

That was in 1918. World Domination was at issue. How would the wily
foe conduct his campaign? For many years the WATCHTOWER has
incessantly instructed the people of God on this very matter. CONSOLATION
No. 647, page 17, well sums it up: “From (Babel) until now, Satan has
pursued a similar policy of organizing the peoples of earth into world powers
and, through the instrumentality of a FEW MEN controlling the masses.”
“Not ignorant of his devices,” then, we must expect the demon chief to
relentlessly attack the faithful members of the remnant “in the dark and from
the back” to the end that they may be deceived and seduced from their
faithful course, or liquidated by high pressure, misrepresentation and violence.
See WATCHTOWER QUOTATION No. 10, in another column. Thus by
putting his favorite few of the deceived ones into control, he captures, defiles
and rules the visible part of the New World. The facts in fulfillment of Satan’s
wrath, many of them first published herein sound the direst alarm the earthly
part of Zion ever heard.

Marvelous invisible cooperation, unlimited by geographic location or

space, and unbounded success of the demons, is shown. For some of the
FUNDAMENTAL and sinister facts, turn now to your GOLDEN AGE file for
1930, and the main articles in numbers 273 and 277 respectively. Calm,
careful consideration of these with a clear mind and a pure and honest heart,
will reveal these untoward, well camouflaged and forgotten facts:

(1) The diagnosis of disease by bizarre methods, as authorized in
the Bethel Home, involving the uncanny sticking of fingers or
rods to buttons or bellies, or what not, can be accomplished only
by demon control, and provides a way to get a “YES” or “NO”
answer to any question, and that, assuredly, from a demon source.

(2) The twelve column “E.R.A.” article written by the Bethel

medium at Society request, uses only 14 lines, scattered in three
places, to even refer to, much less to answer or refute the 15
columns of well-ordered facts in the “OUIJA-BOARD” article. It
is marked with much camouflage, dishonesty and clever
deception—three characteristics of common demonism.

(3) The “box” at the top of the “E.R.A.” article announces the most
drastic and absolute ban upon the further publication, by
Jehovah’s witnesses, of JEHOVAH’S SCRIPTURES AND
JEHOVAH’S FACTS relating to this Bethel practiced form of
demonism. That unbelievably presumptuous ban against the
WORD and TRUTH of Jehovah God was not only published; it
was confessedly instituted under the excuse “NO
CONTROVERSY”—the very same demonic excuse by which Satan
has successfully banned the Kingdom Message for a generation
from HIS radio and from HIS press! Furthermore, this demonic
ban against Jehovah God and His Own truth in His Own Press
and over His Own Radio, has been successfully and ruthlessly put
over for more than FOURTEEN YEARS! Silently and sinuously,
Satan won!

Demon Victory

Those are astounding physical facts. They are open to all who care to
look. They constitute a major victory for the demon world. Have the demons
exploited that victory? They have—“while men slept,” that is, while they
were ignorant, deceived and forgetful. Having served its demon purpose the
name and work of Dr. Abrams passed; but the all-devastating “YES” and
“NO” answer system with the demons, remains firmly established on
Theocratic land! But it must stay underground. Wisely, imperceptibly and
stealthily it would be enlarged.”Let them have their ‘TRUTH’,” said the

demon chief.”Let them tell on my hierarchy, they can’t hurt it. I got Eve. I got
Christendom. I’ll get these fanatics. I’ll give them what they want, namely,
THE POWER TO RULE. Their interest and mine is one,” So said the demon
chief. Only too well do the present facts attest his success. Today his wicked
substitute for the glorious Theocracy reigns over Jehovah’s witnesses who
carry Jehovah’s Kingdom Message! Bound, helpless and heedless in the FEAR
OF MAN, Satan’s best snare, they scurry from house to house supposing that
they are FREE!

Imagine now if you can the exceeding wrath of Satan at this moment
against any man who would see through his plot by Jehovah’s grace, and
have the courage to expose it in the light of Jehovah’s SCRIPTURES and
Jehovah’s FACTS! (See W-QUOTATION No. 10.) Then consider the reality of
Satan’s wrath, as herein exposed by the facts!


In April, 1943, a Brother X, who was familiar with the GOLDEN AGE
articles above referred to, learned of the continued practice of demonism in
Bethel, just then carried on in a form identical with that described in the
‘OUIJA-BOARD” article, and positively admitted to be demonism in the
Bethel-sponsored “E.R.A.” article in number 277, page 483, paragraph 4.
Instead of a handkerchief covered finger rubbing a button, it was a talcum
covered finger rubbing a metal plate—no doubt under some new patent and
some new and fantastic name. Bro. X staggered in an attempt to realize the
immensity of Satan’s advantage herein over the visible organization of the
Lord. In faith and faithfulness he got busy. Ezekiel 3:17-21.

By June 9th, 1943, he had mailed two communications to one of the

known Bethel mediums, of 16 and of 2 pages respectively, filled with the
SCRIPTURES AND THE FACTS, by which divine instruments the
WATCHTOWER shows Jehovah sounds His interpretations to men. (See W-
QUOTATIONS, No. 8 and No. 9.) Carbon copies of these communications were
also mailed to the Directors of the Society, with a covering letter imploring
their most grave and earnest consideration.

So scornfully was that thundering warning from Jehovah God, by His

scriptures and his facts, received by the directors of the society, that to this
late date (December 1944) those communications have neither been

acknowledged, discussed, or the solemn truth therein presented even denied!
Those solemn truths therefore stand admitted! Silence has given consent to
the greatest robbery of Jehovah God by demons and men that has ever been
recorded in history. Let the responsible men, whoever they are, now be judged
by their own well published divine truth. See W - QUOTATION No. 1.

A few of the 178 scriptures considered in that exposure and warning,

were: Deuteronomy 18:9-15 ; Exodus 22:18; 1 Samuel 28:8, 9; (Note here
anointed King Saul, typing the anointed “evil servant” class, righteously
promulgating God’s Law against demonism; yet just before his fall he
disguises himself in the darkness to violate his own avid God’s Law against
consulting those very demons.) Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; Revelation 21:7, 8;
22:15; Isaiah 19:3; 2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chronicles 33:6. (The Hebrew for
“enchanter” and “used enchantment” in these texts is the verb NACHASH, in
piel or intensive form. The word for “serpent” or “hisser” at Genesis 3:1-5 is
NACHASH, the noun. The original word for “familiar spirit” is “OBE.” OBE
is translated in at least 11 other ways, by the various authorities. Strong
defines it: “OBE, from the same as AWB, a primitive word for FATHER,
apparently through the idea of PRATTLING A FATHER’S NAME.” Hence,
scripturally, a medium or sorcerer is a “HISSER” hissing out from an OBE
the message and name of his FATHER THE DEVIL.)

Those 16 pages of SCRIPTURES AND FACTS constituted dire and

authoritative WARNING FROM JEHOVAH GOD as defined at Ezekiel 3:17.
That warning was given to those responsible leaders of Jehovah’s visible
organization in fullest obedience to Jehovah’s mandatory Law and
Commission: Ezekiel 33:6-11; Colossians 1:28; Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 5:11;
Luke 17:3; Leviticus 19:16, 17 and many others. To thus “GIVE THEM
WARNING FROM ME” (Ezekiel 3:17) is neither the crime of “CONCEIT,” an
impossibility, nor a forbidden venture, as the confused correspondence herein
reproduced strangely implies. What will you do? Consent in silence with this
greatest robbery of God, through the fear of men? Or will you do as Jesus
did, “Cry aloud and spare not” to “tell my people their sins” in trumpet tones?
Isaiah 58:1. Read W-QUOTATION No. 1 again! And then AGAIN!

What Happened on Columbia Heights?

That is a dark story. The details are not known to this writer. Its grim
outline, however, has been indelibly preserved. Letters reproduced herein, and
others, are unchangeable records of the conduct. They are infallible
monuments of physical fact. Likewise the above noted SILENCE trumpets
embarrassment in the Heights of Bethel. The case of the silent men there is
remarkably like that of the wise men of Jerusalem in the days of Jeremiah,
as recorded at Jeremiah 8:9-15 - which please SEE.

When David’s gross murder and thievery was tersely told him by the
turn of a phrase, “Thou are the man,” he did not push a button to cause
Nathan, his faithful rebuker (Hosea 5 :1, 2 ; Proverbs 25:11, 12), to be struck
down “in the dark and from the back.” 2 Samuel 11:11-15; 12:7-14. On the
contrary, David repented. It was David’s anointed overlord, King Saul, who
in spite of the Lord’s reproof, chose the unrepentant course of demonism which
led him even to the attempted murder of the Lord’s anointed King!

It is known that Brother X’s scriptural communications of rebuke and

th th
warning were dispatched in the mails respectively on May 27 , and June 9 ,
1943. On June 22, twenty-six days had elapsed from the mailing of the main
sixteen-page exhortation, and thirteen days from the secondary one. An
answer of some kind was overdue. By their silence both then and more than
a year since, the men on Columbia Heights prove themselves either unable
or unwilling to answer, discuss or deny the scriptural and factual exposure of
demonism in Bethel Home. Self-admittedly, they are caught with the goods.
But the demons in Florida would not fail their chief. The trumped up excuse,
so desperately needed by the trapped men would be furnished. It was
furnished. The wicked offer of the demons was eagerly seized upon by the
responsible men; and on that fateful day, June 22, 1943, the course of the
anointed but demonized King Saul, with his javelin, rather than the course
of David with his repentance, was fully entered upon. See EXHIBIT No. 1,
below. Careful perusal of the Exhibits that follow it show no relaxation of
purpose. Instead of repentance or softening, the relentless steps of determined
murder and destruction of the exceedingly unwelcome witness of Jehovah,
clearly appear. At all costs, the open hearing of that witness MUST BE
AVOIDED, because of all things his TRUE TESTIMONY WAS TO BE
FEARED. John 3:19, 20. By a refined adaptation from gangland, the
unwelcome witness of Jehovah must be “bumped off,” and made to so stink

that all his fellows would hold the nose at anything he might ever say. The
counsel of Caiphas had triumphed: “It is expedient that one man should die”
for the Nation’s safety!

Arise, therefore, ye faithful and anointed sons of Jehovah! CRY ALOUD!

3:17-21. “JERUSALEM IS RUINED.” Isaiah 3:7, 8, 12.

Hole in the Wall

Space forbids more than a very brief summary of the facts of demon
cooperation exhibited from Brooklyn down to the home front in this case. But
what is here written will serve to point out the fact that there is definitely
a “HOLE IN THE WALL” of secrecy and protection around what is now going
on in God’s Temple. Jehovah invites you to dig through that hole, enter, and
lift your astounded eyes, to behold what Ezekiel saw (in Chapter 8); what
Jesus foretold (at Matthew 24:49 and Luke 12:45) ; and that of which God’s
apostle forewarned (at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, ARV).

The Watchtower IS Right!


As of old, there are those today who “Say and DO not.” Matthew 23:1-3.
But those today who DO the Watchtower doctrine, DO RIGHT. In “RELIGION
REAPS THE WHIRLWIND,” on page 8, we read: “For the last fifteen
centuries ‘organized religion’ has been sowing its seed by DOCTRINE and by
DEED, and she is about to reap a crop.” Christianity, on the other hand, sows
TRUE DOCTRINE and FAITHFUL DEEDS consistent with the doctrine, and
reaps LIFE. False doctrine, sincerely and ignorantly practiced, leads to death,
yet not to Second Death. But TRUE DOCTRINE, hypocritically practiced in
dishonesty of heart, leads to eternal Second Death. Matthew 23:33. Your
eternal existence then depends on two things, namely: (1) KNOWING the
True Doctrine, and (2) DOING THE TRUE DOCTRINE. Peter elaborates and
emphasizes these two things, KNOWING and DOING, and then says : “He
that lacketh these (two) things is BLIND.” 2 Peter 1:2-10. How is YOUR
Theocratic Vision?


(1) What is “The Channel”?

(2) What is “The Society”?

(3) Who is the “Faithful and Wise Servant”?

(4) How does God interpret His Word to men?

Formulate your answers. Write them down, lest your mind play you a
trick. To fool yourself into thinking your vision is good when it is bad will
only deceive you and bring those you lead to harm. Now with your very best
answers, turn to page two hereof and read the WATCHTOWER answers, and
a direct summary of each. Honestly score yourself 25% on each question
answered IN FULL ACCORD with the WATCHTOWER, and Zero for each
one of the others. If you escape a total Zero score you will be the exception.
Try these simple, vital questions on the other servants and publishers of your
company. Those who cannot see clearly are going blind. Disaster awaits the
blind. “If the blind lead the blind...” well, you know the rest of it. How is
YOUR Vision? Can you see the ditch in time?



Through what channel does the teaching come?
(Study question 34.) Isaiah’s prophecy (54:13) was addressed
to God’s “woman,” the Theocratic organization, Zion, and
says to such organization: “And all thy children shall be
taught of the LORD...” Consequently, Jehovah’s teaching
comes now through no individual on earth, but through his
organization which He uses as his servant. W-1944, 9/33, 34.


To “honor... thy mother” means to show... respect for
God’s “WOMAN,” his ORGANIZATION, as the one through
whom he as Father gives life to his children... Such son will

appreciate and abide by the fact that God his Father
teaches all his children by one CHANNEL, his “WOMAN.”
W-1944, 43/44. See also W-1943, 215/21.

Answer (1)

“THE CHANNEL” then, is God’s universal organization in general, her

“daughter,” “Zion,” under the headship of Christ Jesus in particular, and the
wise and faithful “servant” class or anointed remnant yet on earth
constituting the visible, earthly representatives thereof. The WATCHTOWER
has not presumed to be Jehovah’s “channel” or His “Faithful and wise



Jehovah’s Messenger... in 1918 observed a remnant of
spirit-begotten ones... Jehovah anointed them with his spirit,
and thus he constituted this approved and cleansed
remnant as his visible organization or THE SOCIETY.
W-1944, 9/35.


“Faithful and wise servant” ... means the faithful
remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses, who are begotten of his
spirit... They act as a unit or SOCIETY, together doing
Jehovah’s “strange work”... Such “SOCIETY” is not a legal
society or corporation, chartered according to the laws of
some state or nation, but is a SOCIETY or ASSOCIATION
formed by the Creator, Jehovah God, and composed of his
spiritual remnant... To such remnant of faithful servants of
Jehovah God, Christ Jesus has entrusted all “his goods.”
W-1943, 203/35, 36. See also 1943, 216/27; 215/22,23; 4/8.

Answer (2)

“THE SOCIETY” or “faithful and wise servant” whom the Lord makes
“ruler over all his goods” is not a legal corporation with a Brooklyn address,



“Who then is a faithful and wise servant whom his
lord hath made ruler over his household... ?” ... God does
not have several such...”Is Christ divided?” No! “For as the
body is one and hath many members... so also is Christ.”
The real “servant” must be composed of those who are
be-gotten of God’s spirit... The “servant’s” history becomes
open for all to consult... The small body of consecrated,
spirit begotten men and women serving Jehovah God and
his Kingdom in conjunction with the Watch Tower Bible
and Tract Society match the description of the “servant.”
Therefore such ones, though bodily spread throughout the
earth ... are the Lord’s “servant” body on earth. W-1943, 215/
and 216/20, 22, 23. See also QUOTATIONS No. 1, No. 2, No.
3, and No. 4, above.


“Ye are my witnesses, declareth Jehovah, and my
Servant whom I have chosen... For my Servant thou art, I
have fashioned thee; a Servant of mine thou art...” Roth... .
Our Lord’s prophecy of a “faithful and wise servant” was
not foretelling some individual man. He was foretelling a
class, a people, namely, the remnant of Jehovah’s
witnesses... a people for his name... These AS A PEOPLE
make up God’s SERVANT, and Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s
Chief Servant among them as their Head. W-1913, 214/13-15.

Answer (3)

The “FAITHFUL AND WISE SERVANT” of Jehovah is not a legal

corporation of men, and hence cannot consist of a human power composed of
one, seven or many officers or appointees of such a corporation. (See
QUOTATION No. 5.) Jehovah chooses, fashions, anoints and commissions His
own SERVANT, the members of which are today “bodily spread through-out
the earth.” (See QUOTATIONS No. 6 and No. 7) . Jehovah’s SERVANT is
authorized by Jehovah’s WORD and the anointing of His spirit, and not by a
typist wielding authority of a legal corporation by rubber stamp or official



To such remnant of faithful servants of Jehovah God
Christ Jesus has entrusted all “his goods” or earthly
interests of the Kingdom. This does not signify that the
faithful remnant or society of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses
are an earthly tribunal of interpretation delegated to
interpret the scriptures and its prophecies. NO... THE
How does the Lord God make known the interpretation?
By causing the facts to come to pass visibly which are in
fulfillment of the prophecy or dark saying or misunderstood
scripture. Thereafter in “due season” he calls such
fulfillment or clarification of prophecy and scripture to the
attention of his “faithful and wise servant” class. Thereby
he makes them [hence not a mere coterie of them]
responsible to make known the meaning of such scriptures
to all members of the household of faith, and to all persons
of good will. This constitutes giving them “meat in due
season.” In bygone days... (we)... believed many things
[published in the WATCHTOWER, of course] which were
not strictly correct according to the scriptures... Does this
mean that God is the Author of confusion... ? NO; Jehovah
God is... the remover of confusion. W—1943, 203/36, 37.

Religionists exalt themselves and claim to be
vice-gerents and vicars of Christ, and... that they are a
magisterium [master, or church authority, see Matthew
23:10] more important and necessary than the Bible; and
that they alone can interpret God’s Word... Were God’s true
ministers to so inflate themselves, there would be some
excuse for the gospel of God’s established kingdom to be
hid to the lost ones. W-1944, 138/33. [See also MODEL
STUDY booklet No. 1, page 7, Question two and
Answer.”One is your Master (or magisterium), even Christ,
and all ye are brethren.” Matthew 23:8.]

Answer (4)

To his authorized and anointed spokesman or “SERVANT,” Jehovah

makes known the interpretation of his Word by the SCRIPTURES AND THE
FACTS, not by “masters” or special individuals endowed with interpretative
authority, as claimed by the Hierarchy, and so rightly and roundly denounced
by the WATCHTOWER for sixty-five years, and by the Lord. Matthew
23:8-10; Mark 10:42-45; Luke 22:25-27; Revelation 2:6, 15. MODEL STUDY
BOOKLET No. 1, page 7. To attribute such authority to a humanly organized
corporation or agency, or its representatives, is blasphemy, by assuming that
which Christ Jesus disclaimed. John 5:19, 30; 12:49, 50; 14:10-12, ARV.;
Matthew 13:52. The “ALL AUTHORITY” with which Jehovah’s true witnesses
may and must speak, is the authority of the SCRIPTURES AND THE FACTS,
in the light of God’s holy spirit. The WATCHTOWER claims no other
authority. See “ITS MISSION,” inside front cover.


The enmity of Satan the (Serpent and his seed, would
be expressed by opposing all who lived in hope of God’s
coming kingdom and all who were put in line for
membership in the Royal Government. The purpose would
be to destroy all such... Satan and his seed would cause a
lot of damage and would strike IN THE DARK AND FROM
THE BACK... Satan would use religion to deceive, if
possible... If Satan (thus) failed... then he would under the
self-righteous cloak of religion, carry on a persecution

against them to break their integrity and to FORCE them to
renounce the Lord God, and His universal domination [that
is, force them to admit that they are wrong when they obey
Jehovah’s Law. See Job; See John 8:13-59] W—1943, 133/10.


The elders... whom Peter specially addresses are NOT
elective elders or APPOINTIVE elders... They... are ELDERS
by virtue of Christian growth, being mature, well versed in
Jehovah’s Theocratic Law, and fulfilling his commandments
by the course of action they take... To such elders
regardless of whether holding a special position of service
in a congregation or not, Peter writes: “Feed the flock of
God...” “Shepherd the beloved flock of God which is among
WORK. They must see to it that the flock is properly
nourished with God’s word, cared for and protected.”For
the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of
God.” 1 Peter 4:17. Hence there must be instruction in His
Word that they may stand approved under the judgment.
W—1943, 164/8; 165/12; 167/19. [Experience, however—which
is not a good teacher—says: “SOFT PEDAL THIS


Jesus’ words at Matthew 18:15-17 and Luke 17:3,
therefore mean that one sinned against should rebuke his
brother who offends against him. W-1944, 154/33. See also
2 Timothy 4:2.


“Justice, only justice shalt thou pursue.” “Cursed be he that smiteth his
neighbor in secret. And all the people shall say amen.”
– Deuteronomy 16:20, Leeser; 27:24, A.R.V.


Exhibit No. 1

Dear Brother X: June 22, 1943

We are in receipt of a talk of considerable length which is supposed to

be a verbatim copy of a speech delivered by you to the company at service
meeting, Sunday, June 13, 1943. Also there is a note with it saying (1) “This
is a sample of the discourses we receive (2)regularly at our Service Meetings.”
Also there is a note written by you to the effect that copies were made so as
to supply those who were not present at the meeting with the important

The Organization has outlined the material to be taken up at service

meetings, and these are: The Informant, Organization Instructions, Advice for
Kingdom Publishers, Jehovah’s Servants Defended, at designated times
portions of the Year Book, and at times field experiences, service talks and
demonstrations by the various servants. (3) Dissertations on the scriptures are
not to be considered at service meetings, but this is taken care of thoroughly
in WATCHTOWER study, and for brethren in a company to (4) undertake the
responsibility to do this is hardly in harmony with the Organization (5) nor
the Lord’s word (6) and is assuming that which the Lord has placed upon his
faithful and wise servant which servant has charge over all His earthly goods
and is to bring forth “meat in due season.” (7) A speech such as we have
published through the organization, but (11) MERELY LOCALLY APPLIED

The talk (13) does not appear to magnify Jehovah’s name nor his New
World of righteousness but (14) rather to justify a creature and to uphold his
name before his brethren. We do not say this is exaltation but (15) IT IS

With so much work to be done at this time in proclaiming the gospel of

the Kingdom and ministering unto those of good will (17) it would not seem
advisable nor pleasing to the Lord to spend so much time, or any at all for
that matter, in preparing talks such as this, not to speak of the time of the
brethren at Service meetings, where many important things relative to the
service to be accomplished should be considered. Also (18) SINCE YOU ARE
REQUIREMENTS. We note that your activity has been far below the
requirement of 150 hours per month. While there are three classes of
publishers, the only difference between any of them is the amount of time
devoted to the service. The policy of the Society has been set as to the
obligations of pioneer service and in harmony with this policy and in fairness
to the many pioneers who must meet these requirements we feel that it is
only right to mention to you that IN ORDER TO REMAIN ON THE FULL
THAT BRANCH OF THE SERVICE. We would like to have an expression
from you as to what you expect to be able to do in this regard. IF IT WILL

Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.

(Numbers in parenthesis added for easy reference, and capitals for emphasis.)


The above missile of accusation was addressed to an all-out active

pioneer for more than 25 years, and of continuous service since 1919. For
more than seven years the Society had been aware of his precarious physical

condition due to complete OBEDIENCE to a mandatory Organization
Instruction, and his all out 100% loyal kingdom devotion. So appreciative had
the Society been, that it carried his case clear through the Florida Supreme
Court. For more than seven years, it had not occurred to the Society to
threaten this brother with “FURTHER ACTION.” Very strangely, this
“FURTHER ACTION” threat was made some six months before the following
kindly words were published by the Society:

“There are quite a number of pioneers on the list who are

not able to meet the required number of hours because of old age
and sickness; and thus the average of hours is down. Some of
these brethren have been pioneers for many, many years, and
because of their faithful and continued service, WILL NOT BE

The facts show that the “FURTHER ACTION” threatened was to become
“MORE DRASTIC ACTION” in the fulfillment. Many will recall the threat by
a cardinal, of more drastic action against a radio station, if it should
broadcast the kingdom message further. The two cases differ, however, in two
particulars: (1) The radio station succumbed through fear, but Brother X did
not. (2) The radio station experienced no “more drastic action,” but Brother
receive “more drastic action” in superlative degree, as the facts show. See
EXHIBITS Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 6.

Details cannot be set out here concerning the diabolic nature of all
eighteen of the above charges—fifteen of which are 100% false; and the other
three wickedly so by insinuation, with some truth traveling incognito and
lurking in the dark background. Suffice it here to point out a most terrible
travesty, committed in the name of THEOCRACY and against the Name of
Jehovah; TO WIT:

(a) Neither the number or the identity of the witnesses can

be learned. (b) No signed bill of complaint can be had. SEE July
1943 INFORMANT article “GET THE ACCUSER.” Broad blanket
charges such as numbers (4), (5), (7), (8), (9), (10), (13), (14), (15),
(16), (17), throw an unfair and intolerable burden of proof upon

the accused, and (d) open the entire field of conduct to the accuser
in which to dodge the proof offered with “No we don’t mean that.”
(e) Testimony was taken in secret. (f) Punitive judgment was
entered against the accused BEFORE HE HAD HEARD OF THE
CHARGES; and (g) IN HIS ABSENCE. (h) All opportunity of
defense was denied. (I) Satan’s way of condemnation by accusation
striking “IN THE DARK AND FROM THE BACK” was followed.
See W-Quotation No. 10. (j) There was no inquisition as to false
witness or competency of evidence. Deuteronomy 19:16-18. (k)
God’s way of reproof, rebuke and exhortation with all
longsuffering and doctrine was scornfully despised and abrogated
in gross violation of “Modern Timothy’s” commission. 2. Timothy
been cited as violated. (n) No SPECIFIC ACT OR WORD OF
CONDUCT has yet been pointed out and shown to be a violation
of anything !

The witnesses, the judges, and even the specific charges all lurk in the
background of darkness. Scripture and instruction are admitted only by
allusion, and fact only in dilution with falsehood ; then this diabolical mixture
is used as a bludgeon of death in the dark. This dark travesty in the name
of God and Theocracy hides all fact and truth under its bushel of darkness in
hatred of the light. John 3:19-21. We have therefore, before us a deed of
darkness. It consists throughout of accusation without proof and murder
without mercy. 1 John 3:15. Where is the police court record to out-darken

The writer hereof is thoroughly familiar with all facts and witnesses in
this case. On proper occasion he will gladly set these before any truly
THEOCRATIC tribunal. Where is such a tribunal ? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Diag.
Can there be a New World without such tribunal? Psalms 72:4, Rotherham,

God’s Nation Defiled

This sin is NATIONAL. It defiles the whole NATION, God’s NATION.

Why? Because the leaders from whom these gross violations of God’s law

emanate are trusted and followed by God’s people; hence that people is defiled.
Regardless of the merits or demerits of the man being judged, the many
glaringly lawless points of procedure above mentioned, and which many of the
worst police courts of the land would be afraid or ashamed to duplicate, stand
out to the great reproach of Jehovah because done in His Name. Brooklyn
typists acting as judges should for consistency’s sake, be more righteous than
the police courts they so eloquently flay. The enormities of this case show how
the present set-up and policy is grossly un-Theocratic, and lends itself fully
to every demonic device of injustice, through traveling hearsay gatherers
bearing their tales and unlawful opinions in official “reports” to absentee
judges far away. Just such terrible conditions in the “streets” of God’s visible
organization, constitute physical fact in fulfillment of prophecy, to wit:

“Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off; for
truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth (to be
practiced); and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey (or,
margin—is accounted mad): and the Lord saw it and it displeased Him that
there was no judgment” Isaiah 59:14, 15. Not only is Jehovah displeased, but
the rest of the chapter states what He will do about it. Isaiah
SECRETLY,”—saith Jehovah’s Law. Deuteronomy 27:24. Ask yourself


Does the man who is wrong want a just and fair hearing of the facts?
NO. Has Satan ever favored such? NO. Do the demons favor such? NO. Does
the Fascist-hierarchy-totalitarian combine favor and foster the fair and open
hearing of the facts? NO. Does God demand that the facts shall be heard
fairly and openly? YES. Do righteous men demand the same? YES. Why do
righteous men do this? From a selfish motive? NO. Righteous men demand it
because Jehovah’s law demands it, and they are His witnesses; and because,
being honest, they have nothing to hide and the facts are their friends.
Deuteronomy 19:16-21; John 3:19-21.

For the Record

For clarity of the record, it should here be explained that the

anathematized “speech” above mentioned, contained 29 paragraphs and some

98 scripture citations or quotations. In answer to the reckless charges made
on June 22, 1943, by the Society (SEE EXHIBIT No. 1), Brother X went to
the pains to construct a “CONCORDANCE” of the “speech” showing from one
to many citations of the WATCHTOWER instructions IN DIRECT SUPPORT
OF EVERY PARAGRAPH save one. That one has eight lines supported by
four seemingly sufficient citations of scripture. That “Concordance” of the
“speech,” together with Bro. X’s five page factual and scriptural reply to the
Society’s letter of June 22, was sent under date of July 22; and on July 25, a
copy of that “Concordance” and letter of July 22 were sent to 124 Columbia
Heights, marked “ADMINISTRATION.” EXHIBIT No. 2, Part A, entitled
“Typist Confused,” was the only reply after a three week lull. Does anyone
honestly believe that God above sanctions the signing of His glorious
Memorial Name to such utter confusion as here obtains? Is THIS the New


“God is not the author of confusion.” – 1 Corinthians 14:33.

Exhibit No. 2, Part A

(Inset figures refer to PART B, below)

117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dear Brother X: Aug. 16, 1843

Referring to yours of July 22 , relative to the Society’s letter to you of
June 22 . (See EXHIBIT No. (1). We do not believe that there is any
justification for the conclusions (SEE 1) you have come to and which are
outlined in your letter of July 22 . The points that we wanted to call to your
attention in our letter were that the Lord through his organization sets aside
a period each week known as the service meeting for the Lord’s people in each
place to assemble and consider ways and means of effectively carrying on the
kingdom service. (SEE 2) The outline for this meeting is contained in the
INFORMANT and other Society’s publications well known to you and all the
other brethren. The brethren assemble there for that purpose and for no other
on that evening. Therefore to take the time set apart for that purpose to give
a long discourse, practically as long as the first article in the Watchtower,

was entirely improper, out of order and contrary to Organization Instructions.

(SEE 3) It was unjust to the brethren and unjust to the Lord who directs his
work through his Organization, and the time should be utilized as He directs.
(See 4).

There is a time for making talks and that is at the Course in Theocratic
Ministry. (SEE 5). Of course there is no provision for talks as long as you
(SEE 6). If you want to spend time and energy writing up such articles and
mailing them to the brethren that is entirely your business. The Society does
not recommend such a course of action, but if you want to do it on your own
responsibility before the Lord that is quite all right (SEE 7).

The objectionable feature of the matter was utilizing time set apart by
the Lord, through His Organization, for other work. It is our candid opinion
that the Lord is providing in an organized manner sufficient meat for all his
people and placing it on his table for them through the Watchtower (SEE 8)
so that beyond a brief admonition of one or two minutes (SEE 9) at the
beginning or conclusion of a meeting such dissertations as you made are

Your fellow servants of the New World.

Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.

Exhibit No. 2, Part B

(The following comments were written on the margins of the original letter
reproduced above, and mailed with a covering letter to Nathan H. Knorr,
President of the Society, on September 8, 1943. No acknowledgement, reply
or redress whatsoever, was ever received by Brother X. Rather much worse
reviling and smiting has resulted, as the subsequent Exhibits show. Enclosed
figures refer back to Part A.)

(1) “CONCLUSIONS”? Yes there were several; among others THAT:

There cannot be one Law for you and another Law for me.

It is your duty to SHOW ME MY FAULT; CONVINCE ME by scripture
and fact, not lambast me by unsupported and therefore unrighteous human
fiat. Satan is the “Accuser” and your letter (SEE Exhibit No. 1) is highly

There is no place in the New World for the office or work of an accuser.

You have no right to do to me what Michael dared not to do to Satan.

In protecting my back stabber, you follow Satan’s way, W—5/1, ‘43, par.

It is inconsistent to require the world to ‘GET THE ACCUSER” (July

‘43 Informant), and then refuse to do so yourself.

Your commission is to advocate and edify, lot to revile and accuse.

It is both ridiculous and blasphemous to bring the charge of John 8:13

against one for doing exactly what Jesus did. John 8:14-59.

Folly and shame now cover you for reviling me before hearing me.
Proverbs 18:13.

Which of these conclusions do you thus revile, speak against or

“blaspheme”? These and the others of my letter of July 22 were supported by
well over 100 specific citations of the Word of God in the light of the facts,
and the holy spirit of God as shed abroad in my heart by Jehovah God in
anointing power, and whereby I bear Jehovah’s Name. To thus revile those
righteous conclusions, is to revile the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. Such can be
the work of only an “evil servant.” 2 Peter 2:10-13) ; Jude 8.

(2) But which is impossible in murderous disunity.

(3) This is no tempest in a teapot about the use of 39 minutes last June. The
TECHNICALITY OUTLAW THE LAW? I think not. (We neglected no part of
the informant.)

(4) Here is another reviling judgment against an elder for his honest endeavor
to carry out what the WATCHTOWER calls his “PRINCIPAL WORK,” viz.,
‘To shepherd the beloved flock in Watchtower truth that they may stand
approved under judgment.” W—6/l-‘43, paragraph 19. (SEE W-QUOTATION
No. 11)


(6) HOW STRANGE! “Objection is not particularly to MATERIAL.” But on

June 22 the MATERIAL was: “Private interpretation,” “applied not as the
scriptures are fulfilled and published through the organization;” and was
applied locally as “no creature has right nor authority to do;” it “did not
magnify Jehovah’s Name;” it was “Self justification” by ‘leaning upon the
IT NOT? Why thus twist and turn and change the charge like a police court
mob? Why not admit the wrong done; make amends; and let it not happen
again? God’s Law reads, “CONFESS YOUR FAULTS,”—not “wiggle out
somehow, and maintain outmoded office rules.” An individual may not be fully
responsible for what he writes under those rules, but “JEPHTHAH,” the whole
composite earthly remnant Body, including the Corporate Agent thereof, IS
RESPONSIBLE BEFORE THE KING, hence my strenuous elegcho, epitimao,
and parakaleo (original Greek words for rebuke, reprove and exhort or

(7) These faint words are no proper exhortation to an elder to faithfully DO

his “PRINCIPAL WORK.” See W-6/1, ‘43, paragraph 19. (W-QUOTATION No.

(8) Yea, verily, 100% right-o! But why plead so eloquently for an
IRREVERENCE? My speech offers not one iota of meat not already on the
organized table of the Lord... God’s Law says “THOU SHALT NOT BEAR
FALSE WITNESS,” and that includes you.

(9) This unpublished and UN-Theocratic rule outlaws both Paul (see Acts
20:7-11) and his inspired instruction to Timothy. 2 Timothy 4:2.

The grammatical structure of a sentence, particularly your last sentence,

would make very poor defense before Jehovah’s Law: “Thou shalt not bear
false witness.” Neither “Jephthah” nor his Corporate Agent are above the Law

of God.”Confess therefore your sins one to another, and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed.” James 5:16, A.R.V. Such is NOT one of my fleshly
conclusions. [“Grammatical structure” applies to the fact that the sentence
referred to is a railing accusation, regardless of the further fact that it is such


Weary Waiting

Brother X has now waited out many weary months of suffering at the
hands of his fellow servants, to find out why it is so “objectionable” (Part A,
last paragraph) to utilize “time set apart by the Lord through his
organization,” to carry on that which the WATCHTOWER emphasizes as the
“PRINCIPAL WORK” toward the sheep today. How are demonized lawless
liars to be benefitted by’ service meetings unless their sin be pointed out and
its eradication encouraged? One may become a member of a religious
“Church” by signing a card. Who then but Satan is served by teaching lawless
sinners to go from house to house with the kingdom message, under the
delusion that signing a card has made them “one of Jehovah’s witnesses” ?
Why not show from the “dissertation” itself, that it was wrong, “unnecessary,”
thus “Shepherd the, beloved flock which is among you” by such “instruction
in His Word that they may stand approved under judgment”? SEE
W-QUOTATION No. 11. Brother X is still waiting, suffering—without reply
or redress!

Jehovah Also Waits

That which happens to Jehovah’s anointed sons, happens to “The apple

of His eye.” Deuteronomy 32:10; Zechariah 2:8. While fellow servant in charge
of his Kingdom “Goods” smites fellow servant in the ranks as foretold by

“And he waited for equity but lo! Murderous iniquity, For the rule of right,
but lo! The cry of the wronged!” – Isaiah 5:7, Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible.


Exhibit No. 3

117 Adams St.

Brooklyn 1, N. Y.
October 22, 1943

Dear Brother X:

We are in receipt of a letter from the company there and also two from
yourself regarding the local condition that prevails there and have given such
due consideration. In view of the fact that you are apparently UNABLE TO
THE KINGDOM to REMOVE YOU as company servant and assign these
duties to someone else.

In harmony with this we are today sending an appointment to the

company appointing Brother __ to perform the duties of company servant and
care for the activities of the company.

Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.

(Capitals added).

There are two abominations unto Jehovah God which should not be
overlooked. They are: “HE THAT JUSTIFIETH THE WICKED” and “HE
Jehovah God issues no “indulgences” to typists.

The King declares: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least
of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40. Paraphrasing
the typist’s words above, will bring out the application : “UNABLE TO WORK

ONE WHO MOCKS YOU.” Did Satan find anyone with sufficient authority
to thus write off Jehovah’s Chief Witness ? Jehovah did not appoint Barabbas
to take over, although he was “ABLE TO GET THE COOPERATION OF ALL
JERUSALEM PUBLISHERS.” Jehovah approved His Chief Witness because
27:21, 25, 26; John 18:40. Has Jehovah changed? Does Jehovah now empower
a human corporation to impale HIS SONS? Is THIS the New World?

The God of Confusion

Jehovah is not the God of confusion. When liars are justified and
exalted to rulership while the faithful and honest are authoritatively told they
are not telling the truth and are smitten down into a corner without
opportunity to prove otherwise, there is confusion. When such confusion
claims THEOCRATIC authority; operates in the Name of JEHOVAH as His
exclusive earthly Voice, and yet delivers itself of the confusion of language
and Law which follows in EXHIBIT No. 4, there is unanswerable evidence of
that glorious Memorial Name being taken in vain. There is evidence that
typists in Brooklyn are suffering, and causing many, many others to suffer
from the most grandiose delusion that ever fell upon men, namely: The
LYING WONDERS” to “DECEIVE THE VERY ELECT” who “should believe
a lie” and “be damned” or destroyed. Surely it would take just such wonder
working delusion to make thousands of trusting people think that a mortal
man authorized by New York or Pennsylvania law to have a desk and use a
typewriter, can in some mysterious way authoritatively sign Jehovah’s NAME
to any lawless judgments or commands which he may chance or choose to type
out! ! ! Just such “Mystery of Lawlessness” must now be revealed as the result
of the great foretold “falling away” in the days of Christ’s “presence” and our
“gathering together unto him.” 2 Thessalonians 2:1 A.R.V. margin; and
context. HERE IT IS! PERUSE THE FACTS! Satan is the god of confusion!

Beware of the man who is offended at the citation of scripture, or at the

request that he cite the scripture. 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Thessalonians 3:2.

Exhibit No. 4
117 Adams St.
Brooklyn, N. Y
November 2, 1943

Dear Sister X:

We have your letter of October 25 and note what you say in regard to recent
change of company servant in ___. WE DO NOT BELIEVE that this
condition is as bad as it appears to you at the present time. After all, the
CONCERNED, is to the effect that the brethren there are willing to cooperate
in KEEPING UNITY in advancing the kingdom interests WITH THE
STATEMENTS THAT THIS IS DEMON RULE and that these brethren who
are consecrated to the Lord and also devoting their time, strength and energy
to the advancement of the Kingdom are not fully devoted to the Lord and
8, paragraph 2, sentence 4]. NO HUMAN CREATURE IS CAPABLE OF
JUDGING ANOTHER MANSERVANT. Of necessity they stand or fall before
Jehovah. They get their direction for carrying on the work assigned to them
from the Lord through his organization and through His Word.

We do not know what occurrence you have reference to, of course

regarding the scripture you wish to call to their attention, but why should it

Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.

(Capitals added.)

The last paragraph of the above letter is the attempted answer to a

paragraph in Sister X’s letter, which reads: “Will you in all kindness tell me
how I can cooperate with those who show the spirit of Satan, and yet I remain

faithful to Jehovah? I am entirely at sea and praying constantly for divine
guidance. The fact of having always obeyed instructions from the Society
which have never before conflicted with the Law of our Father, does not
preclude such a dilemma, and I am in this dilemma through this unspeakable
appointment. His appointment as territory and back call servant made him
so arrogant as to make it impossible to show him a scripture; what will this
do to him? And what can we do?


“Just Statements”

Be it noted that the honest and reasonable citation of the scriptures and
the facts of demon rule, IS NOT “just to make statements that this is demon
rule.” When the scriptures and the facts are pointed out in the spirit of
Jehovah, then the authority of Jehovah backs up the statement made, and
that without aid of rubber stamp. Such is the office of Jehovah’s witnesses,
representatives or ambassadors. When statements are made which are not and
cannot be backed up by the scriptures and the facts, and are made contrary
to the spirit of Jehovah, then such typing or talking IS TRULY “JUST TO
MAKE STATEMENTS.” Such unsupported human opinion is not only
worthless as a guide; it is subject to demon control and exploitation. To yield
to the guidance of such is “the sin which doth so easily beset us,”—religion.
Any HUMAN-OPINION RULE, therefore, IS DEMON RULE. There is great
need of a thorough-going and fundamental understanding of Matthew 18:15
to 18, – not merely 15-17. Verse 18 (eighteen) is the Key Stone in the Arch

When Sister X saw Brother laugh and mock repeatedly at the reading of
the Word of God; heard him wickedly lie and bear false witness; and then
suffered under the unspeakable appointment of that man as her company
servant, overseer or bishop, (1 Timothy 3:1, 2, and 6, A.R.V. margins), she
was NOT just making statement of opinion when she referred to such as
“Demon rule.” She was, on the contrary, speaking THEOCRATICALLY as
every witness of Jehovah should speak, and was backed by all authority in
heaven and earth, namely, she was backed by JEHOVAH’S SCRIPTURES
AND JEHOVAH’S FACTS AND BY HIS SPIRIT, by which she was begotten
and anointed to so speak. BY AUTHORITY OF THESE her humble statement
with that of her husband, IS “BOUND IN HEAVEN.” Matthew 18:15-18. It

is far beyond the power of earthly anathemas or decrees,—which are “just to
make statements,” —to overthrow it. To try to overthrow heaven’s established
truth by human opinions, would be like casting peas, against Gibraltar’s Rock!


Typists assaying to write out and sign orders for the Maker of the
Universe, should at least wear the garment of consistency. Without it they
resemble a man attired in stove-pipe hat, swallow-tailed coat and no shirt,
underwear or pants, out among those assembling to Armageddon.
Revelation 16:15, 16.

A pioneer sister of spotless, continuous record with the Society since

1914, may not be believed. She is judged wrong because she is foully framed
by majority rule and the signatures of nine false-witnesses.
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! And into the corner she goes without redress,
hearing or the comfort of the scriptures for which she pleads! Bludgeoned “in
the dark, and from the back”! No witnesses present! Her judges unknown,
unseen, hiding a thousand miles away behind a rubber stamp! Is this the

The King foretold just such experiences to be expected in the tribulation

days of His presence. Matthew 24:3, 49. The beatings would be at the hand
of “THAT SERVANT” whom the Lord would have set over all his goods or
interests. Luke 12:44, 45, A.R.V. Even the chaste virgins as well as the
faithful men of the household would share these beatings. “That servant,”
however, will be cut asunder and given a portion with the demon religionists.
Luke 12:43-46, Diaglott.


“Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant,” says the
typist’s King. Luke 19:22. By one’s own scant measure must one be judged.
Matthew 7:1, 2. The judge sets up a typewriter on his bench in Brooklyn.
Thereby he ‘just makes statements’ judging and executing a man and wife in
a very grievous sin. By what judgments does he judge? By the judgment of
appearance, hearsay, false-witness, majority rule, secret complaints, concealed
charges, and the “reports” of traveling scandal-mongers or opinion-reporters
called “Servants” to the brethren. That euphonious name cannot change God’s

Law. Leviticus 19:16 as defined by STRONG under Hebrew word number
7400. Corrupt police courts of the country would be ashamed to admit the
least bit of the evidence in this case. . In their corruption they would growl,
“If the complainant won’t come,—AT LEAST BRING IN THE DEFENDANT!”
What profound contempt for THEOCRACY is conviction IN ABSENTIA! That
is, conviction where there is no defendant or defense; just victim. Even fearful
religious Nicodemus could object in behalf of Christ Jesus: “Doth our law
judge any man before it hear him and know what he doeth?” John 7:51. Yet
in darkest blasphemy and monumental delusion today, men are still
re-enacting the Sanhedrin’s wickedness, and marking it “THEOCRATIC” with
their little stamp! “With what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

“Judging Another Manservant”


MANSERVANT,” so states the confused typist-judge. EXHIBIT No. 4,
paragraph 1. Confusion and inconsistency proceed still further. What kind of
creature, pray tell, did type that dire judgment of “another manservant” and
his wife? If not “HUMAN” was he a spirit creature dressed up as typist? And
if so, would such heavenly angel have power to judge contrary to God’s Law?
Paul said let such angel be accursed. Galatians 1:8; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.
Or, are they only the monstrously deceived human amanuenses of demons?
At any rate, the King commands, “JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT.” John
7:24; 8:16; 5:30. Such righteous judges will never be condemned when they are
judged with the judgment wherewith they judge others. Lay aside the scant
measure of appearance, hearsay and capricious opinion, therefore, and judge
all comers as commanded: “BY THEIR FRUITS (or facts of conduct in light
of scripture) YE SHALL KNOW THEM (as false-prophets or true).” Matthew
7:1, 2, 15-21. When Sister X did just that in her paragraph quoted under
EXHIBIT No. 4, and asked for food, she was acting in all obedience to God,
and not doing that which is either wrong or impossible to human creatures.
She asked for meat, but received stones and scorpions instead. Matthew 7:9,
10; Luke 11:11, 12.

“Ordained Ministers” Under Ban?

Since the “Identification card” came out, Sister X and thousands of other
sisters have signed and carried such card authorized by the president of the
Society, and certifying the bearer to be an “Ordained MINISTER OF

JEHOVAH GOD” and commissioned to “Preach the Gospel” as commanded by
the many scriptures cited thereon. By what manner of spiritual somersault
or mental contortion does the Brooklyn judge now assert that such anointed
and divinely commissioned faithful sister is so emphatically out of order if she
try to instruct a baby Jonadab male in the scriptures? Is it “emphatically .
contrary to the Lord’s arrangements” for ALL SISTERS TO SIGN CARRY

Has the “apostle” recently returned to change the gospel arrangements

for the sisters? Was he “all wet” when he failed to throw Lois and Eunice out
for instructing Brother Timothy? Why did Paul approve Priscilla as an
instructor of Apollos? Did God’s apostle err when he wrote: “I commend unto
you Phoebe, our sister, which is a SERVANT OF THE CHURCH AT
CENCHREA ?” Has the apostle changed his mind about mentioning Priscilla
first, before her husband, as one of “my helpers in Christ Jesus?” 2 Timothy
1:5; Acts 18:24, 26; Romans 16:1, 3; etc., etc. Why does not this weird new
condemnation of all the sisters get into the WATCHTOWER where ALL can
see it? Truth has no need to keep such dark hidden bludgeons about, for
special occasions. John 3:19-21.

This confusion gets still worse confounded when it is explained that

Sister X did not try to instruct; she only commented on what she saw and
heard when a brother tried to do so. Ought not typists who speak for the
Almighty to brush up a bit on consistency so that their harsh mandates would
be at least less confusing? Or was it the hope of the hidden judges that their
deeds of darkness would never come to light? If so, then their hope is vain.
Read Isaiah 29:15,—twice. Then read Luke 12:1-3 over and over till you see
what it. says. It is a COMMAND!



When, How and Why does a sincere Christian invitation to hospitality and a
discussion of vital SCRIPTURES AND FACTS become “CONCEITED”?

Exhibit No. 5

124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn,

N. Y. , U. S. A. President’s Office
January 28, 1944

Dear Brother X:

Yours of January 21 at hand. My schedule of travel to Miami assembly

does not allow for any stopover on the way.”The urgency extraordinary” and
the “certain divinely inspired information, with factual corroboration, which
information and fact is absolutely necessary” for me to know and understand
very likely could be put in writing’. Time would not allow me to accept your
CONCEITED invitation. Sincerely,
(Signed) N. H. Knorr
(Capitals added)

Yes the described information, or some of it, could be and was put in
writing, and was sent under dates of Feb. 23 and May 5, 1944. But no
response to those communications filled with the word and spirit of God was
ever deceived from Brother Knorr. Are the scriptures and the facts at God’s
command spoken in “CONCEIT?” The WATCHTOWER classifies conceit under
a “proud look,” which is a “haughty” abomination unto the Lord, as practised
by those Gehenna-bound. W-May 15, 1944, 150/14. Is the president of the
Society convinced that such reviling brother-destruction is better than a frank
discussion of the scriptures and the facts as to the necessity of a thorough
Bethel Home-cleaning? Or that name-calling is a proper substitute for the
hearing of the scriptures and the facts on occasion, including this occasion?

Christ the King once crossed the path of Caiphas the High Priest and
his smiter flunky, with this invitation: “IF I HAVE SPOKEN EVIL, BEAR
18:23. Was that a “CONCEITED INVITATION?” At any rate Jesus got
ignominiously crucified. What do Jesus brethren now get from temple rulers,
on Columbia Heights? “Conceited invitation” or otherwise, you are invited to
speak up and “bear witness,” Nathan.



Isaiah 66:3-5.

Bloody Soul Slain By Fellow-Priests Added to Gruesome Pile;

Talebearer Reports Secretly

“Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbor in secret. Thou shalt not go up

and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against
the blood of thy neighbor: I AM JEHOVAH.” Deuteronomy 27:24; Leviticus
19:16, A.R.V. But what is the Law of God to the “evil servant”? Remember,
Satan has all but completely captured the visible rulership of the New World.
When any witness dares to threaten to expose him, then as Caiphas would
say, “It is expedient for us that one man should die! And the ax falls! See
Revelation 20:4, Diaglott interlinear. Another bloody soul is added to the
gruesome pile under God’s holy altar! The long cry goes up before Jehovah
God: “How long O Sovereign, the Holy and True, dost thou not VINDICATE
AND AVENGE OUR BLOOD from them that dwell upon the (New) Earth?”
Revelation 6:10, Rotherham. At length that long cry is heard; Luke 18:7, 8;
Rotherham; a New World from heaven, comes down! Revelation 21:1-5;
Matthew 18:10; 24:51; Isaiah 42:3, 4, A.R.V.

But now it is the talebearer and the tale hearer and the ax!

After the talk by the servant to the brethren mentioned in the letter
reproduced below, the hated witness, Brother X, arose and politely said NINE
WORDS as follows: “Brother Gene, before dismissal, I have an announcement,
quite...” The rest of the words if any, were blacked out by the stentorian voice
from the chair, which continued into an address to the Creator in lieu of a
closing prayer. This ended, Brother X apparently invited the audience to be
seated and hear, but if so no one seemed to hear what he said. At this point,
Brother Orrell, the speaker, walked down to Brother X and taking hold of
him threateningly said: “IF YOU DON’T KEEP QUIET I WILL SEE THAT
YOU ARE PUT OUT OF THE ORGANIZATION!” Brother X stood mute and
said not one further word. The lying secret report of the official talebearer has
already gone down into the THEOCRATIC belly. Proverbs 18:8; W-1944,
151/19. Promptly thereafter did the would-be bludgeon of death–Second
Death—descend “IN THE DARK AND FROM THE BACK” upon Bro. X, even

as foretold in the WATCHTOWER. See W-QUOTATION No. 10. Only the
demons present knew what X was going to announce. They feared their sham
Theocracy would die.


“The son of perdition... sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as
God.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4, A.R.V.

Exhibit No. 6


117 Adams St. , Brooklyn 1, N. Y. July 24 1944


___, Fla. Company of Jehovah Witnesses

Dear Brethren:

We have the report of the servant to the brethren covering his recent
visit to your company. Also, a report on the actions of X at the conclusion of
his talk to the company.

Such disturbances cannot and should not be tolerated by the Lord’s

people regardless of who this comes from. The professions of any creature to
be of the Anointed or to be a Christian is not in itself sufficient evidence that
the creature is such.”By their fruits ye shall know them.” By the “fruits” or
the course of action adopted by this party it is very apparent that he lacks the
spirit of the Lord and the spirit of unity and the spirit of a sound mind. The
meetings of the Lord’s people are open to the public, they are invited to
attend, listen to what is presented and be benefitted thereby as long as they
conduct themselves accordingly. Even one who is disfellowshipped by the
company is entitled to that amount of consideration. But when that party
becomes lawless, disturbs the meetings, and sows discord amongst the
brethren, it is not required of the Lord’s people that they tolerate such one in
attendance. Such a party should be politely but very definitely advised that
their attendance at the meetings is not desired. And if they persisted in
attending the meetings, someone should be at the door to tell them that they

were not permitted to enter and prohibit their entering, unless there was
definite assurance given that this previous course of action was entirely
repudiated and they would behave themselves while in attendance at the
meeting and conduct themselves properly.

When one starts to disturb a meeting it is entirely within the province

of the chairman to request the ushers to eject such a one, regardless of what
that person may profess to be, whether he professes to be of the anointed or
anything else. When that one disturbs an assembly of Christian people and
insists upon forcing his will upon those present against their will he is a
disturber and should leave. And if he will not leave of his own accord, then
it is the duty and responsibility of the chairman to see that the ushers eject
such a one.

There is no good reason or excuse why an assembly of the Lord’s people

should be disturbed by such unruly people.

Your brethren for greater unity and harmony in the Lord’s organization,

Watchtower B. & T. Society, Inc.

(Copies to: Brother X & E. D. Orrell)

If truly Theocratic instruction comes down from the HEAD; and if the typists’
letters reproduced herein be Theocratic instruction; then He who is our HEAD
has marvelously changed since his last hours on earth with his disciples!
Please compare with those last hour instructions as recorded in chapters 14
and 15 of John. What drastic changes have been made in the instructions of
Him who is “the same yesterday, and today, and forever”!



From the brief account at Third John, it seems that Diotrephes is the
only “evil servant” dictator of record who tried taking over in the early
church. John, the faithful remnant thereof promised to squelch him as soon

as he got there. Mayor Hague , symbol of religious dictatorship in the land of
the free, operates against freedom in general, including that of Christians. At
worst, the Hagues only threaten to kill the body, but do not have the gall to
threaten with eternal extinction. But Diotrephes had that gall; he would cast
“out of the CHURCH (the true church, not the nominal)”, hence supposedly
unto the death of the soul. He would judge and be feared as Jehovah. He was
not a mere “I am the law” Hague; he was an “I AM JEHOVAH”
DIOTREPHES, because he assumed prerogatives belonging to Jehovah alone.
Luke 12:4, 5, A.R.V. margins. Such extreme of presumption surely well
foreshadowed “THAT SERVANT” of today of whom Jesus forecast that he
“shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens,” and who as the facts
show, has now begun to “CAST THEM OUT OF THE CHURCH.” Luke 12:45;
3 John 10. That the Greek scriptures thus foreshadow and apply to present
events has been repeatedly shown in the WATCHTOWER. W-1943, 164/7;
53/12: See also the ninth chapter of John and Isaiah 66:5. In unthinkably
blasphemous self-exaltation, “that servant” of Luke 12:45 “Sitteth in the
TEMPLE OF GOD, setting himself forth as God,” inasmuch as he assumes
and does that which only Jehovah has authority to do. Luke 12:5 A.R.V.
margin. Just such must come about some time after World War I.
2 Thessalonians 2:1 A.R.V. margin; 2:1-12 Diaglott.

Modern Diotrephes therefore must far out-Hague all modern police

courts. Where in the annals of police court history, so eloquently flayed by
Jehovah’s witnesses, is there a case to match the one set out above? For
physical torture is substituted spiritual agony, until death of body or.
breaking of integrity. To lying false witness and wicked secret framing are
added secret charges, reported, in secret together with secret opinions and
undisclosed reports and recommendations, made to an absent, unknown judge
with assumed power or authority to cast into Gehenna. The “defendant”
becomes a mere VICTIM. All shadow of defense is denied. Not even a sham
hearing is held. All evidence of scriptures and facts is ignored. There is no
possibility of appeal from the decision of the judge whose identity cannot be

Frank Hague (January 17, 1876 – January 1, 1956) was an American Democratic Party
politician who served as the mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey from 1917 to 1947, Democratic
National Committeeman from New Jersey from 1922 until 1949, and Vice-Chairman of the
Democratic National Committee from 1924 until 1949. Hague has a widely-known reputation for
corruption and bossism and has been called “the granddaddy of Jersey bosses.” – from
W IKIPEDIA, the Free Encyclopedia

learned; but whose bloody right hand assumes to seal his wicked decrees of
injustice with the plenary power of THE THEOCRACY in the Name of God
and Christ! The “MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS” is here. It is accompanied
with “all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish” and by the
foretold “STRONG DELUSION.” 2 Thessalonians 2:7, A.R.V.; 9-12, A. V.


“Christian Freedom” or “New World Freedom” in the Bible sense means

complete freedom to do God’s will. It is not an absolute freedom, that is a
freedom to do right and wrong. Even God Himself has not chosen to enjoy
such a freedom as that. Hence it is written that God cannot deny himself; and
that God cannot lie or be inconsistent and confused. 2 Timothy 2:13; Titus 1:2;
1 Corinthians 14:33. The great Author of freedom, announces its terms in
these words: “Lo, I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, TO DO
THY WILL, O GOD.” Hebrews 10:7; Psalms 40:7, 8. Opposed to Christian
Freedom is Satan’s world of persecution, slander and hate. The New World of
which Christ Jesus is the Theocratic Head, is to be a world in which such
pain, sorrow, persecution and death at the hand of hate, will be no more.
Revelation 21:4, 5.

Since Pentecost, men have been made free “in the liberty wherewith
Christ hath made us free” from the bondage of sin and death, to the end that
we might be called with a heavenly calling to follow in the steps of Jesus IN
DOING GOD’S WILL. Galatians 5:1, A.V., A.R.V.; John 8:31-36; Romans 8:1,
2; Hebrews 3:1; 1 Peter 2:21. During this long day of sacrifice, and of
suffering at the hands of Satan’s world, Christians have prayed FOR GOD’S
KINGDOM TO COME. Why? Were they not already free? Yes, they were “free
indeed” as above shown; but they were living in a wicked “earth” of an old
“world,” where God’s will was not being done. They have therefore prayed and
still pray, that they as represented in the feet members of the body, or
remnant, may yet see God’s kingdom or “New Earth” come, wherein they may
live without pain, tears, sorrow, accusations or “death” being inflicted upon
them by that world. They do not pray to be taken out of the old world of
Satan, or to escape the suffering unto death, which it inflicts. They do pray
that they may have a clean organization which truly comes “down from God
out of heaven,” into which they may return at eventide from their field
activities in Satan’s world, bringing their sheaves of increase with them, into
a righteous refuge. Isaiah 4:2-6, A.R.V. and margins; 32:1-20 (that the

“princes” of verse 1 cannot be the men of old, see verse 2, and John 7:37-39);
Isaiah 52:1, 2 ; 60:4, 5, A.R.V.; 62:1-7, A.R.V. (letting the “new name” refer
to the exercise of the office it designates, rather than to the mere appellation
pronounced in light lip-service.)

“New World Freedom” then differs from present Christian Freedom in

that it will be exercised in an organization or “earth” that does not oppose and
oppress those who exercise it. That such New World Freedom is at hand, is the
grandest good news yet heard on earth. It means that the long awaited
government of righteousness will soon be established in the kingdom halls of
Jehovah’s witnesses throughout the New Earth. There will be no fanfare,
pomp or ostentation of “outward show”. Luke 17:20, 21, margins. There will
be no change of status before Satan’s world, save that it will hate us worse.
Why? Because our newly established “unity of the spirit in the bond of
(organized) peace” will constitute the final answer to Satan’s challenge to God.
It will constitute a heavenly rule among God’s sons, right in the midst of His
enemies, and in spite of all that Satan can do! It will be an unbreakable unity
all the way through,—not the present whitewash of appearance only. Only by
such sincere and righteous rule of His Chief Son over his righteous visible
sons, on the earth and in the presence of Satan and his hosts, can God’s name
be cleared. Psalms 72 and 110. That grand Day of all days is at hand! Then,
in due time, Armageddon will be mere routine. Under present conditions in
God’s organization, however, Armageddon would not bring vindication to
Jehovah’s Name. Her “people” today are not “all righteous.” Isaiah 60:21.

Watchtower on “Freedom Now”

The God-given slogan of His visible organization today (December,

1944), is “Freedom Now” the “New Jerusalem” which the John class now sees
coming down from God out of heaven “is exclusively the bride of Christ.”
(W—1944, 41/32.) Necessarily, then, the visible part thereof is composed of the
faithful members of the bride class yet alive “bodily spread through-out the
earth.” See W- QUOTATION No. 6, herein. “Freedom Now” is their God-given
slogan, now.

The facts show that instead of having “freedom now” in the New World
sense, these faithful body members are still being “killed” or “murdered” in
the Bible sense, right inside their own organization which therefore cannot
be a fully set up New World arrangement. James 5:6; 1 John 3:14, 15. When

a faithful anointed man is called a “pig-headed jack-ass” by his Jonadab
“bishop,” dubbed “company servant” for short, for following organization
instructions, then his freedom to do God’s will in the organization is being
filched from him by the worst of thievery, the “robbery of God,” since it is
God’s commission and not man’s that is being stolen. When a faithful body
member is thrown out of his kingdom hall on his face, in dust, ashes and
death, spiritually speaking, and is denied the last vestiges of organized
kingdom service, then the “thief” of things Theocratic must necessarily be
“seen” by all anointed men and women who will look. Regardless of personal
wishes, such may not keep quiet and yet maintain integrity. To consent by
silence with such Theocratic thievery means eternal second death. See W-
QUOTATION No. 1, herein on page 1. Or better, study the whole paragraph
in W—1943, 152/26.

Maintain your “Freedom Now,” my anointed friends, by crying aloud

and sparing not; or, succumbing to fear, be judged with “The fearful... (who)
shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone,
which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8. It’s “freedom now” or lose the
priceless office of being Jehovah’s witness! For great emphasis, see W-1943,
152/26 again! My anointed brethren, it’s “Freedom Now” or FAIL!


Let no hypocrisy on the part of temple scribes or their representatives

deter from WATCHTOWER study and practice. The cleansed lepers must still
go to God’s temple to offer the sacrifice for their cleansing whether faithful
Aaron or unfaithful Caiphas be there to officiate and receive the sacrifice.
Matthew 8:3, 4; Luke 5:12-14; Leviticus 14:2-4; Luke 17-14. “Freedom Now”
means do God’s will now; and God’s will is that righteous organization
instructions from the temple of God be obeyed. Matthew 23:1-3. Does it take
humility to do this? Yes. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty
hand of God that he may exalt you in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6.

Mere lip-service to Watchtower truth is hypocrisy and abomination.

Why not either DO God’s truth, or stop taking it in our mouths! There is no
Watchtower instruction to cover up wickedness! There is no Watchtower
instruction to submit to being bludgeoned “in the dark and from the back,”
and then either slink away in silence or justify the sin as “Theocratic,” or cast
out those who “Cry aloud and spare not”! Hear the King at John 3:19-21. The

Bible says that “in that day” someone will turn things upside down, with jazzy
Jonadabs on top and the faithful remnant underneath, to be trodden like
potter’s clay, and will say, “Who seeth us?”, as they hide “in the dark” to
strike again “from the back.” Isaiah 29:15, 16, A.R.V. That is the sure herald
of New World Freedom, NOW! Isaiah 29:17-19.

Now is the time to DO your Watchtower stuff—not palaver it! For


“As every man has received the gift even so MINISTER THE
manifold grace of God...” ... We are stewards of whatever the Lord
God has put in our hands for use in his service; and this grace or
favor is shown in “manifold” ways, differing to each one favored...
God expects and requires us to put our faculties, abilities, and
gifts to use in harmony with his purpose. WE MUST MINISTER
THE SAME TO ONE ANOTHER...”It is required in stewards that
a man be found faithful.” 1 Corinthians 4:2. We have tongues to
speak or at least some means to pass out vital information,
Whether it be by sign language WRITING, PRINTED PAGE, or
recorded speeches for reproduction. All these we should put to
work expressing the “oracles of God,” which oracles are his word
containing the declaration of his purpose, by his King and
kingdom. (Acts 7:38; Romans 3:2; Hebrews 5:12) THE
WATCHTOWER, 1943, 149/10, 11.

Again, preparing us for this terrible day of distress and trouble upon the
remnant, not only from the Hierarchical powers without, but also from “Other
totalitarian powers and authorities... within THE NATION’S boundaries,” the
Lord provides in the WATCHTOWER this lucid setting forth of Jehovah’s will
for his remnant in maintaining integrity by “FREEDOM NOW”!


Moreover, when the Nazi-Fascist-Vatican AND OTHER

confiscate the Lord’s provided food [WHICH FOOD IS TO DO
JEHOVAH’S WILL, John 4:34], and make virtual prisoners of his
faithful covenant people WITHIN THE NATION’S BOUNDARIES,
the FAITHFUL Christians use “hospitality” toward such hungry
and restrained ones. They use all the means the Lord provides to
get the spiritual nourishment to their brethren. W-1943, 149/9.

Neither has the WATCHTOWER changed its mind about this matter:


One whose heart devotion is set upon God’s kingdom, will

precious truths regarding that divine Government, and not
seeking after this world’s goods [of pomp, pride and approval].
W-1944, 279/24.

Prepare for Shock

If you honestly, sincerely and zealously DO as above suggested, be

prepared to be ignominiously slandered, condemned and cast out by the “other
totalitarian powers and authorities” which would “make virtual prisoners of
his faithful covenant people within The Nation’s boundaries.” Be shocked by
this following illustration just at hand:

Just now, Brother X makes it known that beginning July 19, 1944, he
was mischievously framed by his “I am the law” bishop, by a simple gag-rule
whereby for more than three months that “totalitarian authority had “power”
to refuse at all times, and to cause all other servants to refuse to recognize
X’s hand. In October, X was denied his copy of the Informant, and told that
he was not a Kingdom Publisher, and all explanation refused. At TOWER
study, October 29, two comments having missed the point of paragraph 24,
with upraised hand as usual, and unrecognized, he read from the paragraph
into the stony silence, the following pointed answer: “Out of the abundance
of the heart the mouth speaketh.” That slight exercise of “Freedom Now” so

excited the “other totalitarian powers... within The Nation’s boundaries,” that
on the following meeting night, Nov. 1, they had a strong arm man posted at
the door who by physical force denied him entrance to the hall. When he
remonstrated, and began to call attention to the facts, no meeting being in
progress, the door was slammed in his face with a shivering “bang!” Standing
there before that slammed door, he remembered Isaiah 66:5 and Revelation
3:20, 21; and with eyes of faith he enjoyed a “back call” from the King of
kings and Lord of lords, who stood by him! John 9:32-41. He was unwilling
to admit that 25 years in the sincere service of God were a mistake, curse
God, and die! He remembered “the patience of Job.”

Accordingly, he followed most literally and sincerely the above-quoted

Watchtower instructions, which are in obedience to the divine commission, by
writing a letter addressed to the “Dear Friends,” and offering to them and
seeking from them a message of divine comfort. This letter was manifolded,
and with it in plain sealed envelopes, were enclosed manifolded copies of two
other letters; one setting forth the simple scriptures and facts as to the
outcasting, to the publishers of the outcasting company; the other briefly
stating the facts to the Society and to Brother Knorr—which letter, by the
way, has been ignored to date.

With a number of such sealed envelopes, Brother and Sister X visited

a large nearby company, with many of the members of which they had been
well acquainted for many years. During intermission after service meeting,
they quietly passed out some of these envelopes with their greetings,
requesting careful home reading, prayer, and a reply of comfort. When one
was offered to the company servant it was discovered that he already had one,
evidently filched from someone to whom it had been given. It was broken
open and he was excitedly reading it. He harshly jumped upon X for “doing
this” without getting his permission. X assured him that he never asked a
permit to worship God; that the handing around of the letters was frankly
none of his critic’s business and, pointing to the December poster, “FREEDOM
NOW,” asked if that applied only outside the organization. Escaping with his
freedom, but without satisfaction, he placed an envelope in each unlocked or
open car that was parked outside the hall.

At close of Ministry Course, the self-acting clergyman dubbed company

servant, gave a long, tedious wordy harangue, with but one observable point:
the slander and misrepresentation of the letter and its writer, who was flayed

as a breaker of unity, an opposer of the Society, and guilty of “an unchristian
act.” Not one word of the letter was or could be cited to prove such
accusations, which were from their false and murderous “father the devil”
(diabolos, accuser). John 8:44. Thus standing in front of the “FREEDOM
NOW” poster, that “other totalitarian power... within The Nation’s boundaries”
forged further chains about a loyal and obedient brother’s feet and hands,
instead of hearing his plea for help, as he struggled under intensest demon
pressure to maintain his “FREEDOM NOW.” Railing accusation which
Michael dared not bring against the devil himself, was freely indulged to
further destroy that “FREEDOM NOW.” Jude 8, 9. By the spirit of the devil,
thus manifested, that congregation was sharply divided. Some “turned as it
were their faces from” Brother and Sister X. One demonized man present
snarled like a dog, and shaking like a “holy roller,” gnashed his very teeth in
Sister X’s face and wailed, “You’re a l-i-a-r!” with a nastiness the like of
which the Sister cannot recall experiencing in her 30 years of pioneering from
door to door. None standing by either reproved him or comforted her. On the
other hand many the more eagerly reached for the remaining letters as they
passed out. The whitewash of “unity” will not stay on the “whited sepulchre”
in bad weather!

Those who truly exercise their Christian “FREEDOM NOW,” can and
do have an “anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast” which will endure the
storm. Hebrews 6:18, 19. With the apostle they exult: “I am persuaded that
neither death nor life... nor any other creature shall be able to separate us
from the love of God.” Romans 8:38, 39. THEIR unity will not rub off!


Can any one cite a single scripture making it wrong or unchristian to

write a letter for the purpose of asking for Christian comfort and seeking to
extend the same to others, in obedience to Isaiah 61:1-3? Can any one cite a
single organization instruction making it an offense to manifold that letter,
and send it out to several, to many, or to all the living members of the
anointed body, and to others? Can any one give any valid reason why any and
all faithful members of the remnant may not make use of papers, tracts,
letters or any other printed matter whatsoever, in obediently carrying out
their mandatory commission from God? In other words, can any one find any
excuse whatsoever, for the present slogan, “FREEDOM NOW,” being used in
utter hypocrisy, to rob the sons of God of their birthright and commission, by

men who have fallen to the demonic way of accusation and murder without
mercy, and who make a man an offender for a word; and who frame mischief
by law to condemn the innocent blood of their fellows? Isaiah 29:21; Psalms
94:20, 21. Must “whited sepulchres” be maintained? Isaiah 58:1, 2.

When one member of the body suffers, all the members suffer. Isaiah
59:11-13. The writer hereof therefore now waxes bold to invite all of the
anointed and faithful brethren throughout the world, to join with him in a
Isaiah 58:1, 2; 59:14, 15, 18, 20; 1:2-31; 4:2-4.


Some may see in this case of Brother X and his wife only great personal
provocation and grievance. If so, they will see “a plenty.” But if that is all
they see, they will be like the man who failed to see the great forest, obscured
by a small sapling immediately before him. This case involves the VERY
THE VINDICATION OF HIS NAME. Herewith is linked the LIFE, the HOPE
and the freedom to carry out commission, of every anointed member of the
remnant. The life hope and opportunity of every man, woman and child of
good will is also involved. If Jehovah cannot set up the PROMISED VISIBLE
THE PRESENCE OF HIS ENEMIES, then Satan wins, and Jehovah’s Name
falls before all creation and UNIVERSAL DOMINATION FAILS. THIS CASE
2; 72:4, 9, 12; Revelation 21:1-4, 24-27. Will Jehovah cast off His Own Elect
whom He has chosen for His own Vindication, because demon rule casts them
prophetic answer. Luke 18:7, 8, A.V. and Rotherham.

In the light of the facts, even the facts of this lone case, the claim that
God’s Righteous Government which is THE THEOCRACY, holy, just and true,
has now been set up on the earth since 1938, becomes the most blasphemous
farce, and the most wicked defamation ever heaped upon the fair Name of

Jehovah God since the days of Eden. Let the responsible men now note these
words, and cry out against the facts! Let them bow themselves together and
writhe in convulsions as a woman in deadly travail! Let them now cry unto
Jehovah whom they have blasphemed, and show Him their little rubber stamp
of authority! Let their eyes bulge from their sockets as they wait to see what
the King will do for them as they spread forth their hands! Proverbs 1:24-31;
Isaiah 1:15. Let the loud weeping and gnashing of teeth of an “evil servant”
class cut asunder, now ascend as a memorial unto that GLORIOUS NAME,
MANIFEST”! Matthew 24:51; Revelation 15:4, A.R.V.


All readers of this paper are adjured not to sin by sending the writer to
Gehenna. Michael the archangel dared not do that to the devil. Jude 9. If you
can point out from the scriptures and the facts where the writer has violated
God’s Law, by all means do that. He will listen and heed your admonition.
Such will be a new experience to him. None has ever done as much for him
before. Meantime, by the authority of his Lord and King, he challenges all his
critics in these inspired words: “Which one of you convinceth me of sin ? And
if I say the truth why do ye not believe me? If I have spoken evil, bear
witness of the evil: BUT IF WELL, WHY SMITEST THOU ME?” John 8:46;
18:23. Please obey that righteous challenge of the King, or KEEP QUIET, and
say, “It is truth.” Isaiah 43:9 A.R.V. Do not beat the air and your brethren!
It’s useless and wrong besides! You will be cut asunder for so doing. Matthew

On the other hand, be calm. Search to KNOW AND DO the perfect will
of God. Romans 12:2. FOLLOW THE STEPS OF JESUS. 1 Peter 2:21. He was
under the same commission and the same monstrous national embarrassment
as yourself today. What did Jesus do? He recognized the Jewish priesthood,
and the temple service conducted by them in obedience to God’s Law. He
instructed his disciples (and the multitudes): “The scribes and Pharisees sit
on Moses’ seat: all things therefore whatsoever they bid you, these do and
DO NOT.” Matthew 23:1-3, A.R.V. First, then, obey all proper temple
instructions, regardless of any hypocrisy of the scribe who writes them. Two
wrongs cannot make one right. Obey temple instructions therefore from the
heart and as UNTO THE LORD, and not as unto the men who “SAY AND


What Did Jesus Do?

Jesus did not consult Gamaliel or even Caiphas. He did not get
Nicodemus to call him before the Sanhedrin or Jewish board of directors, to
bid for their favor or permission. Instead of any “tactful” effort at
inoffensiveness, Jesus boldly and unequivocally obeyed JEHOVAH’S LAW OF
LOVE—A MOST UNTACTFUL THING TO DO—because that Law in part
BEAR SIN BECAUSE OF HIM.” Leviticus 19:17, 18, A.R.V., which please see.
Jesus used no UN-Theocratic tact,– no kid gloves of hypocrisy or compromise.
His words were not padded with fear of what might happen to himself. Jesus
fearlessly obeyed his Father, in the hottest language known to men—the
unvarnished language of the SCRIPTURES AND THE FACTS. Read Matthew
23:1-39 and John 8:13-59, and thus be instructed how to fulfill YOUR
COMMISSION toward YOUR NATION. When thrown out of his home
Kingdom Hall, he did not lie there sprawled out in dust and ashes. He did not
imitate a worn out and cast off dish-rag! FOLLOW HIS STEPS!

Jesus never hid behind the cover of night or anything else. He never
started a whispering campaign against anybody. He called a spade a SPADE,
and a hypocrite a HYPOCRITE to his face. Luke 11:37-39; 44-46; 13:14, 15;
Matthew 15:1, 3, 7. He cried aloud; he spared not ; and he told his Nation
their sins BY LOUD SPEAKER! All this he did out of a heart full of LOVE
to Jehovah his Father, and of unselfish service to his neighbors. If you would
follow Jesus’ steps, GO THOU AND DO LIKEWISE.

Jesus was deaf to all the howls and anathemas of demons and men,
even anointed, priestly TEMPLE men, the “false anointed ones.” See Numbers
3:3, 4, and Matthew 24:24, Diaglott interlinear. Jesus feared and obeyed GOD
ONLY, not men. If you would follow Jesus’ steps, GO THOU AND DO

Go Thou and Do Likewise!

THIS PAPER does like Jesus did. It speaks the unvarnished language
of the scriptures and the facts. It cries aloud. It spares not. It tells Jehovah’s
Nation of anointed witnesses of their high sins. It speaks evil of none, and

thunders the warning of Jehovah God to all. It performs the strange work
which Jehovah now commissions his sons to engage in doing. Here is your
copy of it. It is heavy with responsibility and blessing. STUDY IT! Look up
all scriptures and other matter cited, as unto the Giver of scripture and of
fact. There is sufficient truth behind each main heading to fill a paper of this
size or more. This paper is exceedingly condensed. Be prepared to amplify and
explain it. It is PRESENT TRUTH. If you practice it, then you will “KNOW
THE TRUTH” and the Son of God will make you free indeed from fear of men
and bondservice to sin. John 8:31-36. Is such consideration of interest to you?
Then GET BUSY! Cry aloud! Spare not! “GIVE THEM WARNING FROM
ME” saith Jehovah. Give warning to WHOM? TO GOD’S HOLY NATION, the
anointed remnant now on earth. Isaiah 58:1, 2; Isaiah 61:1-3; Ezekiel 3:17-21;
33:6-11; 1 Thessalonians 5:14, 15; Galatians 6:1; Colossians 1:28; Ephesians
5:11; James 5:19, 20, 16, A.R.V.; Matthew 18:15-18; Luke 17:3; 2 Timothy 4:1,
2. That commission applies NOW! It places tremendous responsibility upon
every anointed son of God upon this earth. There is NO STIPULATION OF
HOURS. Jehovah’s one mandatory stipulation is ONE HUNDRED PER CENT

Today, “JERUSALEM IS RUINED.” Her anointed priestly sons, the

authorized representatives of Jehovah God, whose Name they bear, are
demoniacally cut off, cast out, beaten, slain or incarcerated. Isaiah 3:7, 8, 12.
Not only have Jonadab “children” or “novices” become their oppressors, but
they find themselves cut off from the other parts of the Body of Christ and
languishing in an incommunicado isolation wherein all freedom of
communication is denied. If they cry out in obedient reproof of abounding sin,
they are beaten by fellow-servants into insensibility, denied the last vestige
of organized service privileges, and are derisively pointed out as “dead bodies.”
“demonized,” or “of the evil servant class.” An all but successful effort to “CUT
THEM OFF FROM BEING A NATION” is now being pulled over by the
demons as foretold at Psalm 83:1-5. YOU ARE IN A HOLE! Pray to your God
for deliverance, for His Name’s sake, as never before! Remember the days of
old: Gideon; Baran and Deborah; Perazim; Gideon. Psalm 83:9-18; Isaiah
28:21. As to your great need, Isaiah 59:12-15. As to your only possible hope,
Isaiah 59:16-21 A.R.V. Note that man cannot save you, “THEREFORE... THE
REDEEMER SHALL COME TO ZION.” He will save you if you turn from the
great National transgression now present.

Christian freedom includes FREEDOM TO COMMUNICATE.
Christianity consists in being “WILLING TO COMMUNICATE” (not only in
words, but also in deeds and all needful things). 1 Timothy 6:18. Every
command to preach the gospel is a command to USE FREEDOM TO
COMMUNICATE. Galatians 6:6. The Body of Christ are “members one of
another”, and must be in communion which includes FREEDOM TO
COMMUNICATE. 1 Corinthians 12:18-26; Hebrews 13:16; Philippians 4:14,
15; Philemon 6, 7. If we allow ourselves to thus lie gagged and bound in
incommunicado isolation, how can we fulfill our commission? On this point
Jehovah gives further command: “GATHER TOGETHER O NATION NOT
DESIRED.” Now is the time to do that.”Before the decree bring forth,”
—before you get “cut asunder” by Jehovah’s King, and the “weeping and
gnashing of teeth” from Brooklyn down, shall begin. Zephaniah 2:1-3;
Matthew 24:49-51; Luke 12:44-46.

Where are those sunburned, battle-scarred veterans, recently cast off the
pioneer list with strong insinuations of unfaithfulness? Where are the
hundreds of company bishops or overseers recently and lawlessly replaced by
jazzy novices? 1 Timothy 3:1-6, A.R.V. margin. Where are those “ancient” or
elder beloved men who have recently been dubbed “old timers everywhere
making trouble in the companies?” Quite clearly, the true and faithful elders
of the anointed are as much undesired at temple headquarters today as they
were nineteen centuries ago. Acts 4:13-18.

Gather Together O Nation!

That means you are scattered like a flock of sheep on many hills. It
ever see a flock of scattered sheep, when the shepherd calls time to go home?
Every individual sheep jumps like struck in the face! Each wheels, heads
toward the other sheep, and runs. In a moment there is not room for a single
wolf between any two sheep; and the whole flock as one sheep is going at top
speed for home! Jehovah, the great Shepherd, calls: “GATHER YOURSELVES
TOGETHER.” Have you no shame that “Jerusalem is ruined?” Isaiah 3:8-12.
Have you no desire or longing for REAL THEOCRACY? Zephaniah 2:1-3,

GATHER TOGETHER! You are your brother’s keeper. Find out what
has happened to him! Has he been beaten unconscious? THROW SOME LOVE

IN HIS FACE! Send him a paper. Give him some oil of joy and some strong
kingdom wine for his wounds! Tell him it was thieves and robbers who threw
him out, and not Jehovah’s approved servant. Matthew 24: 49-51. Tell him
that Satan now rules the Lord’s House by an evil false-anointed class as
foretold. Ezekiel chapter 8. Tell him to read W-QUOTATION No. 1 herein,
and consent in silence no longer with the robbers of God’s House. Tell him the
visible rulership of God over his OWN HOUSE IS NIGH,—hence not yet here.
Tell him THE CHRIST “will not fail nor be discouraged till he have set
JUSTICE in the (NEW) EARTH” or visible rule in Jehovah’s House. Isaiah
42:2, 4, A.R.V. Tell him,—“FOR ZION’S SAKE DON’T LIE THERE AND
Isaiah 62:1; 58:1, 2. “Jerusalem’s RIGHTEOUSNESS (hence not her wicked
injustice) MUST GO FORTH AS BRIGHTNESS”! Isaiah 62:1-4, A.R.V. Tell
him the overcomers “shall inherit all things” and that ALL LIARS shall be
pushed out through the gates of the city into Modern Gehenna’s “lake of fire”!
Isaiah 28:5, 6; Revelation 21:7, 8; 22:14, 15; Isaiah 4:3, 4; Revelation 20:15.
THE DEAD (condition of excommunication), AND CHRIST SHALL GIVE
THEE LIGHT”! Ephesians 5:14; Daniel 12:2, 3; Isaiah 60:1-5, A.R.V.
JOY!” Isaiah 58:1, 2 ; 52:1, 2; 25:8; 12:6; 55:12, 13; 60:18-22. ASK HIM: “Is
this the NEW WORLD?” Does the NEW WORLD beat and cast out? Matthew
24:49; Romans 14:17, A.R.V.

“Smitten Down Yet Not Destroyed”

Ask the outcast: Was it Christ the King who said “HOLD YOUR
PEACE OR BE THROWN OUT”? Matthew 10:32-36; Isaiah 62:1; 61:2, 3; Was
it He who said “150 hours, OR ELSE”? 1 Thessalonians 5:14, 15, A.R.V.;
Isaiah 35:3-6, A.R.V. Was the beloved John making his “pioneer time” on
Patmos? Did his King cast him out? Or did He call him to SEE THE VISION
of “THAT WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS” ? Revelation 1:1, 9.
Will the visage of the King now change toward his faithful remnant,
foreshadowed by the faithful John? Will not the present faint and aged
outcast saints NOW EXPERIENCE IN FACT what John saw in vision? “I
18:7, 8, Rotherham. If the saints today are aged, faint, outcast and ready to
die in dust, disgrace and ashes; if they lie discouraged in wounds and

weakness; then let them remember: “MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT
IN WEAKNESS”! Jehovah’s grace is. all sufficient! 2 Corinthians 12:9. Let the
weakest of the saints therefore arise in their weakness, and gather together
with their NATION not desired that the Power, the VICTORY and the
VINDICATION may be OF GOD! 2 Corinthians 4:7-10, A.R.V. Shall Jehovah
cause His “Woman” to conceive, and not be able to bring forth the promised
VISIBLE RULE? Has Jehovah’s Arm been shortened? Shall Satan now at
length win?

Jehovah’s prophecy thunders “NO! YOUR WEAKNESS WILL ONLY

PROVE MY STRENGTH!” See Isaiah 66:9; 59:1, 2; 52:9, 10; 46:10-13;
Judges 7:2; 1 Corinthians 1:29. Not strength of flesh, or conceit of man, but
JEHOVAH ALONE shall be exalted NOW. Isaiah 2:11, A.R.V.

UP! TO THE GATHERING! Thou unpopular inhabitant of Zion. Hear

THEE.” Isaiah 54:7, 8. Let Zion’s weary, isolated outcasts know that “With
abounding compassions do I (Jehovah, now) embrace thee.” Isaiah 54:7,
Rotherham. Jehovah will now “rest in His love, He will joy over THEE (the
outcast NATION now to be gathered) WITH SINGING!” Zephaniah 2:1-3;
3:17.”But let them not turn again unto folly” of man-rule. Psalms 85:8. Their
reproach shall be no longer then a “burden;” for in the New World there shall
be “no more pain” or “death” due to brother-beatings. Zephaniah 3:17-20;
Revelation 21: 1-4. For those who must now “sit on thrones judging the twelve
tribes” of the New World, (Luke 22:30; Revelation 3:21; Psalms 122:5;
Ezekiel 21:27), there is written no Law of HOURS OR ELSE, for they are
“willing” (Pram 110:2, 3), and work “NOT BY CONSTRAINT” (1 Peter 5:2).
Ability to keep the peace of compromise and appeasement with sinners who
report “service,” will not be required of the rulers of the New World “goods.”
Isaiah 11:3, 4; 54:17; Luke 17:3. Neither will they manifest any ability to
“beat fellow servants” or to “cast out of the church.” Matthew 24:49-51,
many of these papers can you rule over? To be sure they are FREE.

Let this question now ring and burn in the ears of all consecrated
persons, the earth around: “Is THIS the New World ?” Let Satan, his demons
and their dupes affirm. JEHOVAH and HIS CHRIST DENY! With whom do
YOU stand? And for what world do YOU fight?

Do These Four Things

If you get one of these papers and appreciate it, do these FOUR

(1) STUDY it! Make Jehovah’s truths your own. Ask and receive
wisdom and strength from Him. This is a “large order.” James 1:5,
6; 1 John 5:14, 15.

(2) SEND your own NAME AND ADDRESS to the address below,
stating that you do desire to gather with Jehovah’s NATION, and
do Jehovah’s work. Isaiah 6:8.

(3) ORDER, after carefully counting up, the number of these

papers you can and will deliver by hand or mail, to members of
the anointed (or substantial Jonadabs), far and near, even
including foreign countries. Do not forget the old, the wounded
and the outcast. Zephaniah 2:1; 3:18-20; Isaiah 35:3, 4. (If your
“hands” or “knees” are weak, just SEND US all your complete
present list of names and addresses, and we will mail them out).
May Jehovah Give you strength!

(4) WRITE US YOUR EXPERIENCES. By God’s grace we will act

as temporary clearing house for 1 CORINTHIANS 12:26, 27. Do
not neglect or condemn this opportunity, if you are or hope to be
one of JEHOVAH’S JEWELS. Malachi 3:15-17. Rub that
generously on both your “knees” with both your “hands,” and
60:20-22.”Thy Gates” of communication shall be no more shut.
JUST THIS! Read your commission again: Isaiah 61:1-3, A. V. and
A.R.V. Luke 4:21, Diaglott. SPEAK OUT! What is happening TO

No—we are NOT starting a new “Watchtower” or a new anything else.

JEHOVAH GOD, however, IS ABOUT TO START His long promised VISIBLE
KINGDOM RULE over his OWN HOUSE in HIS NEW EARTH, to the glory
of God and certainly not to the glory of man. Isaiah 65: 17-19. Have you been

“purged” and “made white” for this the “time appointed” ? Daniel 11:35. Are
you “ready” (Luke 12:40) for the Son of Man to “come” (erchomai, not
parousia) “in an hour that (the evil servant) is not aware of?” Matthew
24:48-51. When the brother-beaters are cut asunder, will you be of the
“FAITHFUL STEWARD” who receives rulership permanently over the Lord’s
visible New Earth “Household?” Luke 12:42-46. IT IS JEHOVAH WHO
many papers shall we send YOU? They are FREE. Order from your


Cost of this work of Jehovah’s W itnesses is met solely by voluntary contributions.
The account to date is: Cash received to Nov. 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 49. 60
Postage & supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23. 60
Printing ordered, deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20. 00
Bal. due on delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 73. 90
Total paid out to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 43. 60
Cash on hand, Dec. 1, ‘44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6. 00

One of THE BIBLE W AY PUBLICATION S Brochure No. 416





124 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn 1, New York




A Forty-One Year Summary – 1922 to 1963

I. (1922 to 1930)

Late in 1922, Dr. Mae Work, official physician to the Bethel Family,
took a course in the”E.R.A.” technique (the alleged Electronic Reactions of
Abrams) under the personal direction of Dr. Albert Abrams. This was upon
the advice and personal good offices of “an unusually broad-minded and
intelligent man... for whom I (Dr. Work) have great respect” . (“Judge” J. F.
Rutherford?). She brought this demonized medical quackery back to Brooklyn
and practiced it for years upon the Bethel Family. See Watch Tower sponsored
article in The Golden Age, April 30, 1930, page 483. (Dr. Abrams once
diagnosed a doctor’s ailment as “syphilis” from a drop of chicken blood, sent
to him.)

II . (1925 to 1930)

The Watch Tower publication, “The Golden Age”, sang the praises of
“E.R.A.” under that and other fancy names for years.

III. (1928 to 1929)

During 1928, 1929, the Watch Tower officials were importuned and
warned with the facts proving that this was a form of demonism being
unofficially encouraged and advocated by them. In November, 1929, one of the
“The Judge’s” book salesmen succeeded in pounding the table in front of him
for thirty minutes with these facts. During that time, the wiley Judge had
figured out how to stop Goodrich’s mouth, and yet keep him and his wife on
his crack book-selling team.

IV. (1929 to 1930)

“The Judge”, in Goodrich’s presence, dictated an order to C. J.

Woodworth, Editor of The Golden Age, to publish an article to be furnished
by Him. Turning to Goodrich, he commanded him to write the article, and
“make it good and strong”. Woodworth and Goodrich meekly obeyed. The
unanswered exposure of the practice of “E.R.A.” medical quackery as the

practice of demonism, was published in The Golden Age of March 5, 1930.
Likewise Dr. Work’s admissions as to her Watch Tower sponsored practice of
it had been published in the issue of April 30, 1930. This issue of the practice
of demonism by a Society that has consistently denounced it for many
decades, instantly became RED-HOT, permanently. It is like Gehenna fire
“that cannot be put out”. It is like the “lake that burns with fire and sulphur”
which is for “those practicing demonism” . Please see Mark 9:43 and
Revelation 21:8, Watch Tower Translation. Rutherford ordered iron-fisted
censorship against DISCUSSION or even MENTION of this issue. After 33
years this censorship is still in rigid effect. But he forgot one thing. Outside
the little Watch Tower bailiwick there is full CHRISTIAN FREEDOM OF

V. (1943 to 1944)

A leak as to this continuing practice of Ouija-board demonism in the

Bethel Home occurred in April, 1943. The once crack book salesman, now
broken in health by injuries received on the “firing line” (for obeying
Rutherford’s instruction contrary to Christ’s command and example, Matthew
4:12; 10:23; 12:14,15; John 11:54), again courageously and strenuously, but
privately, warned the ones responsible for it at Watch Tower headquarters.
Expecting appreciation and a swift clean-up at Bethel, he was at once
officially smeared with eighteen trumped-up false charges; deleted from the
“pioneer” list (after twenty-six years of unrebuked and unremunerated
full-time service); his successor as “Congregation Servant” was appointed; and
by November, 1944, he had been excommunicated, and denied entrance to the
meeting place by force – still uninformed as to what specific wrong he had

VI . (1944 to 1945)

Thus compelled, he broke silence in December, 1944, with the

publication of a large tract of six 4-column pages, entitled, “IS THIS THE
NEW WORLD?” This was followed by the publication of the OPEN LETTER
TO N. H. KNORR, February 1, 1945, which has gone through many printings,
and is herewith reproduced. It calls upon N. H. Knorr to show cause for
excommunicating Roy D. Goodrich in 1944; and for being soft on demonism.

VII . (1953)

The first and only official allusion to this OPEN LETTER, known to us,
was the following in a letter on “Office of the President” stationery, dated
September 10, 1953, in answer to an inquirer about “Goodrich”: —“In a letter
of February 1, 1945, he made public accusation that ‘demonism’ is being
practiced here at Bethel in Brooklyn.” After eight and a half years, a sly new
policy had been invoked. At that very moment, the Awake of September 22,
1953, was going out. It contained an article, “Quack Cures and Food Fads”.
It actually cited “RADIOCLAST” as one of the quack frauds discussed, but
OMITTED all hint of DEMONISM and of the use of this gadget in Bethel for
years. Radioclast is the fancy name of the revamped form of the long
discredited Abrams demonism used by M. A. Howlet for ten or more years in
the Bethel Home. About this time, Howlett himself had been, or was being,
exiled from Bethel, after more than twenty-five years of honored service, by
a strange, un-Christian “freeze treatment”, not long before he died of cancer,
according to hearsay – if not of a broken heart.

BUT NOTE:— This RED-HOT name of Dr. Albert Abrams and of his
so-called ‘’E.R.A.” brand of demonism have been and still are unmentionable
at Watch Tower headquarters.

WHY? First, because at the shrewd command of Judge Rutherford,

which has now “come home to roost”, Roy D. Goodrich and Editor C. J.
Woodworth, UNANSWERABLY exposed that quackery as DEMONISM in The
Golden Age of March 5, 1930.

Secondly, because that UNANSWERABLE EXPOSURE was made

eternally RED-HOT by the Watch Tower-sponsored, hypocritical EVASION of
the issue, published in The Golden Age of April 30, 1930, which TACITLY
ADMITS that Dr. Work learned and practiced this demonism in the Bethel
Family at Rutherford’s suggestion from 1922 forward. Copies of that exposure
- still available - OUIJA-BOARDS, SMALL AND LARGE. Ask for Brochure

VIII . (1962)

In the Watchtower of November 15, 1962, this same Society published

the SAME IDENTICAL WARNING to its millions of readers in a BIG WAY,
that had been presented to its officers in 1943 in a SMALL WAY. It even
specifically mentions “OUIJA BOARDS”, “SPIRIT MEDIUMS” and
“RADIOCLAST Model 40" among the dangerous trappings of demonism to be
avoided. Yet for over twenty years it has scorned and excommunicated those
who dared to give that same warning to its officials, which it now so wisely
passes on to its readers.

Having thus VINDICATED Mr. Goodrich and his warning of twenty

years ago in such a BIG WAY, will Mr. Knorr now make amends to him,
even in a small way?

“Consistency, thou ART a jewel.”


The following excerpts are taken verbatim from the article, “Protecting
Yourself from ‘Wicked Spirit Forces”, in the November 15,1962 issue of The
Watchtower magazine pages 677-680) of the Watch Tower Society, of which
Nathan H. Knorr is the unremovable President and Manager, since the death
of J. F. Rutherford in January, 1942. By repeating to its millions of readers
the identical and emphatic WARNING AGAINST DEMONISM in connection
with the operation of the “RADIO-CLAST” and other OUIJA BOARD medical
quackery, The Watch Tower Society has completed its astounding
VINDICATION of essentially the SAME IDENTICAL WARNING sent to the
Society’s officials by Roy D. Goodrich in May, 1943; and for which the sender
has been clandestinely misrepresented, defamed, and openly excommunicated
during the past twenty years.

Verbatim Excerpts from The Watchtower, November 15, 1962:

“What can Christians do to protect themselves?

“One thing is to avoid anything that has to do with

phenomena that demon powers are producing today through many
humans. Ensnaring forms of spiritism are numerous. Christians

need to be on the alert, never toying or experimenting with
something that is of demon origin.

“Carefully avoid all forms of spiritism, whether it involves OUIJA

BOARDS, (such as those exposed in The Golden Age for March 5,
1930), spirit mediums, fortune-tellers and those who DIAGNOSE
AND HEAL DISEASE by witchcraft methods... But what about
controversial methods of diagnosis and healing that some (notably
the Watch Tower Society, in requesting and publishing Dr. Mae
Work’s article above mentioned, vindicating and advocating the
‘Electronic Reactions of Abrams’) claim to be scientific and yet
which make use of the methods of the water diviner?” – Copied
Verbatim from The Watchtower, November 15, 1962, page 677,
paragraphs 1, 2, and 3; capitals, underlining and comments in
parenthesis added.


The last page and a half of the above article is under the above
heading. It is explained that “radiesthesia” literally means “sensitivity to
radiations”. But what human “sensitivity” can differentiate between
“radiations” and DEMONS? ALL occult messages are DEMON INSPIRED.
But we quote:

“If the psychic element seems predominant in radiesthesia,

what about radionics? This is the term used to denote the branch
of radiesthesia in which the water-witch diviner’s pendulum is
replaced by or incorporated into an elaborate machine. What do
the machines do? Some practitioners claim amazing results by
‘tuning in’ to the radiations or wave lengths of diseases. (JUST
THIS was the alleged ‘discover’ of the long ago discredited Dr.
Albert Abrams.) The problem here is that the radio engineers and
others who have tested some machines, cannot find any reason
why they should work. One radio engineer could not determine
‘any kind of energy or vibration frequency on the detector plate’
of an elaborate machine. Moreover, news items sometimes tell
about the seizure by authorities of these machines because they
say that in themselves such machines cannot diagnose and treat
illness. An example appears in the July, 1962 issue of Electronic


“Electronic ‘quackery’ got another blast from the Food and Drug
Administration. Seven types of exotically named - but worthless
- electronic diagnosing and treatment devices were banned, by the
Federal Court... The gaudy machines, carrying an impressive
array of lights, rows of switches, control knobs and electrodes,
carried such names as “Neurolinometer’, the ‘Electron-O-Ray 51,’
the “RADIOCLAST Model 40.’ All were found completely
ineffective in the treatment of disease.” – Page 680, para. 1 and

In the last column of the article, Dr. Kenneth Walker is quoted as

saying in The Extra-Sensory Mind, that,

“... the practitioner of radiesthesia, or of radionics, makes

use of a drop of the absent patient’s blood, or of his saliva, in
order to preserve this connection with him... but the principle
used is still the same as the principle used in ancient sympathetic

Certainly the ancient magi, astrologers and medicine men had no

relations with science or electronic “vibrations”, but rather with demons and

Then The Watchtower editor sums up in his last paragraph an epitome

of the warning sent by Mr. Goodrich to the Watch Tower President in May,
1943 (and for which he was excommunicated, slandered and smeared for the
past twenty years), in the following words of true Christian wisdom:

“For the sake of protection, then, the true Christian will want to
avoid all those things that not only lack a known scientific basis,
but do have a known link to ESP (extra-sensory perception) or
spiritism. Seek Jehovah with your whole heart, never denying his
power by disobedience, so that you may have divine protection
from ‘wicked spirit forces”. – The Watchtower, November 15,
1962, page 680, paragraph 6.

(Underlining, capitals, and comments in parenthesis added.)


NATHAN H. KNORR, President, February 1, 1945

Watchtower Bible Tract Society, Inc.
124 Columbia Heights,
Brooklyn 2, New York

Dear Brother Knorr:

At John 3:20,21, Jesus says that only darkness hates the light of
publicity, and on the other hand, that only the doers of truth seek its light
upon their doings. Since we are children of light and of a Father in whom is
no darkness at all, I come to the light, and ask you to come with me. Our God
respects not persons. With Him right is right, regardless of who does it; and
wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it. Jehovah has no regard to
personalities. Conduct cannot hide from him behind the form of the pronoun
needed to discuss it. Jesus was never hampered by a modern mock-humility
about the use of the first person. When Theocratic matters were to be
discussed, Jesus defended his Father’s name, regardless of what pronoun was
needed. Jesus freely used the first person singular, some eighty-six (86) times,
and the second person well over fifty (50) times, at John, Chapter Eight.

Get it straight, then, at the outset, that if Jesus publicly discussed

Theocratic matters at John 8:12-59, in the first and second persons, then it is
eminently proper for Christians to do so now, including you and me. Jesus did
not descend to name-calling or personalities; neither should we. Jesus did
discuss CONDUCT of PERSONS, INCLUDING HIS OWN right conduct, and
the wrong conduct of those whom he addressed. So should we.

Brother Knorr, I come to the light. Will you come with me? “He that
doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should
be reproved.” John 3:20.

(1) I have long served as full-time kingdom publisher. Why has

the Society for many months refused to answer all letters from
me, including all inquiries as to what law of God or man I have

(2) Why, on June 22, 1943, did the Society break every relevant

Law of God and Watchtower Instruction, by bringing 18 railing
accusations against me, and yet completely refuse to “GET THE
ACCUSER” for me (see July, 1943 Informant, under that head) or
SHOW ME MY FAULT honestly and specifically as required by
divine Law? Matthew 18:15. (See footnote ) Why is that
anti-Christian policy still maintained? James 4:11, 12, AS;
Romans 2:1, 2, AS.

(3) Why did the Society by letter of August 16, 1943, in a

backhanded and indefinite way, change the charges it had just
made, like a religious police court? Why may I not be exonerated
or else specifically shown my fault? Matthew 18:15.

(4) Why have I been smitten publicly and repeatedly by the

Society and its representatives, as a demonized member of the
“evil servant”? By what misdeed do I merit that vile slander? My
conscience is void of offense, before God and man. Honestly and
sincerely for a year and a half, I have asked of you this
information which is my right. Why do I ask in vain? Why do you
refuse to obey God? Matthew 18:15.

(5) Why has all semblance of a hearing of the facts been denied?

(6) Do you deny that the Board of Directors of the Society

received lengthy communications mailed May 27th and June 9,
1943, with a most earnest plea from me that they be given grave

(7) Why has the Society willfully ignored those grave


(8) By June 22, 1943, their acknowledgment was overdue. WHY

WAS THAT DATE CHOSEN for your barrage of 18 unproven and
unprovable railing accusations against me? See Jude 9.

“GET THE ACCUSER” “Whenever the brethren are arrested, they should insist that the police have the
individual that made the complaint come down to the police station and file complaint against them, and should
insist that if the complainant refuses to do so that should be taken as evidence of his bad faith and lack of
meritorious charge.” – THE INFORMANT, July, 1943, page 2.

(9) Since the Society and yourself personally have long refused to
eradicate, discuss or even deny the long recognized and practiced
prefer to discuss it publicly. Is that correct? Or was it your wish
to prevent discussion? TRUTH cannot be suppressed. It must be
discussed. Isaiah 58:1, 2; Isaiah 3:8, 12.

(10) If demonism is not being practiced in Bethel, why was I not

assured of that fact, instead of being slandered and then

(11) Should I “consent” in “silence against thievery”, “that against

God”, for longer than a year and a half? READ THE
WATCHTOWER ANSWER: Issue of May 15, 1943, paragraph 26;
the BIBLE ANSWER: Isaiah 58:1,2. (See footnote )

(12) Demons can cause strange convulsive fits. Luke 9:38-42.

Why, on July 14, 1944, did the Society’s representative, Eugene
Orrell, a man well known to have such strange fits, lay his hand
upon my person and threaten: “If you don’t keep quiet, I’ll see
that you are put out of the organization”? Why such monstrous
threat to a blameless Christian? Is the Society in such fear that
it has to resort to sending out SUCH executioners? Please read
Isaiah 29:21, and then compare Acts 25:11.

(13) Just why do you and the Society ignore my request for Gene
Orrell’s SECRET REPORT in connection with the above
misdemeanor? Particularly WHY, since on that SECRET REPORT
of Gene’s the Society bases its excommunication writ, dated July
24th, ten days later? Why follow “Satan” to “strike in the dark
and from the back”, as the Watchtower, 1943, page 133/10 puts it?
Why excommunicate in the Dark Age SECRET way? Can’t this
thing stand the light of day? Is the Society afraid its deeds

“Remember the greatest thievery is that against God... all who have mode vows of consecration cannot
consent with religious thieves... The eternal interests of the people must be safeguarded, Silence against thievery
would bring condemnation from God... (and) loss of being a witness for Jehovah.” – W/1943, p. 143/26

“should be reproved”? John 3:20, margin. (See footnote )

(14) My “actions” was (not were): To arise and say, at the proper
time: “Brother Gene, before dismissal, I have an announcement,
quite...” only to be drowned out by a stentorian voice from the
chair, suddenly changing from haranguing me, to addressing itself
to the Creator. Dismissal complete, I tried to invite the audience
to be seated and hear, but I could scarcely hear the sound of my
own voice for the demonic confusion that immediately broke out
at the close of the demonized prayer. My vain attempt, not
coherently heard by anyone present, lasted perhaps 15 seconds,
just long enough for Gene to walk from the chair to my seat, and
lay his threatening hand upon me as above stated. (See 12) To his
effrontery I replied not a word. Why should an HONEST report
of this incident be kept from me? Or, was it an HONEST
REPORT? Why does your representative in another state
privately circulate a line of lies on this incident, in slanderous
connection with my name?

(15) I am thus being “beaten” or “smitten”. A divine prophecy

reads, “THAT SERVANT (made ruler over the Lord’s ‘goods’?)
—shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens”. Matthew
says “smite his fellow servants”. Luke 12:45; Matthew 24:47-49.
Your representatives are freely announcing that I am of the “evil
servant” or beater class. How can this be? – the beaten fulfilling
the part of the BEATER? (???)

Some anonymous person, using the Society’s stationery and

signature, makes you and the Society responsible for two pages of
very slanderous language in that ex-communication writ of July
24, 1944. Here is a wee excerpt: “We have a report of the servant
to the brethren... on the actions of Roy Goodrich at the conclusion
of his talk to the company. Such disturbances cannot and should
not be tolerated by the Lord’s people... By the course of action
adopted by this party, it is very apparent that he lacks the spirit

“The enmity of Satan the Serpent and his seed would be expressed by opposing all... in
line for membership in that Royal Government... Satan and his seed... would strike in the dark
and from the back.” – W /1943, p. 133/10.

of the Lord, the spirit of unity and the spirit of a sound mind.
Someone should be at the door to prohibit his entering. When that
one disturbs an assembly of Christian people and insists upon
forcing his will upon those present, against their will, he is a
disturber and should leave... It is the duty of the chairman to see
that the ushers eject such a one...” Paul was similarly slandered.
Acts 26:24. Also his brethren expelled the apostle. Whether this
was in direct obedience to instructions from Temple headquarters
in Jerusalem is not stated. Acts 13:50.

In the witness work, a woman claimed that she had been

excommunicated from her Baptist Church, while she was absent
nursing her sick and aged father, for failing to pay her 25¢
assessments. At any rate she knew WHY she was
excommunicated from religion. Why may I not know the same?
Three more very important questions:

(16) Your “whip” Gene Orrell, commands, “KEEP QUIET”.

Almighty God commands, “CRY ALOUD” to the “NATION”.
Isaiah 58:1,2. Whom would you obey?

(17) By religion Jesus was accused: “He STIRRETH UP THE

PEOPLE” of God. Luke 23:5. By Christianity Peter ‘writes letters’
to “STIR UP” the people of God. 2 Peter 3:1. Will I be judged by
your ‘religion’ or by Christianity?

(18) When Caiaphas caused his flunkey to unlawfully smite Jesus,

the King said: “If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but
if well, whys smitest thou me?” John 18:23. See John 8:45. Will
the Society, and you, Brother Knorr, its executive head, “bear
witness of the evil” I have done, or crucify a member of the King’s

Your smitten fellow servant, Matthew 24:49,

/s/ Roy D. Goodrich

FACE THE FACTS – November 30,1945

“For freedom did Christ set us free”. Galatians 5:1, A.S.V. Fear is a yoke
of bondage. Therefore, let no Christian fear to face the facts; and let no
Christian fear men who fear to face the facts. The OPEN LETTER reproduced
herewith is of many months standing. It has not been answered, nor can it be.
Fear has taken hold.”Blessed Are the Fearless”, W/1919, August 1 issue.
Some grave facts follow. Face them fearlessly. They are published in direct
mandatory obedience to the command and commission of Jehovah God as
written in the Bible at Isaiah 58:1,2; Ezekiel 3:17; and many other places.


On an undated, hand-scribbled, Bethel Service stationery postal card,

postmarked May 31, 1943, M. A. Howlett did acknowledge my 16-page
communication of Scriptures and facts on demonism in Bethel. The Directors
of the Society, however, have scornfully ignored the carbon copies of that
communication, and the covering letter imploring their most grave and
earnest consideration. Brother Howlett’s pencil scribble reads: “You have
evidently been misinformed regarding my connection with E.R.A. I know
nothing of it and have never used it. There is none such in Bethel. M.A.
Howlett.” (E.R.A. stands for “Electronic Reactions of Abrams”.)


Brother Howlett’s prevarication does not deny that he diagnoses at

Bethel with a “radioclast” or other so-called “electronic” device.


Brother Howlett does not deny, but hopes to dodge the fact that his
diagnostic signals consist of an occult sensation which he alone perceives,
while he rubs something with his finger. THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT AT
ISSUE. The name, make, vintage and so on of the machine or device used is
not at issue. The “Yes” and “No” occult answer system IS AT ISSUE. “Yes
and No” occult signals are demonism.


In GOLDEN AGE #277, appears a Bethel sponsored article by Dr. Mae

Work, entitled, “What is E.R.A.?” In her first column she quotes a Dr.
Somebody on spiritualistic diagnoses from time immemorial, and agrees with
him that the diagnosis of disease by rubbing a button as described by Mr.
Goodrich in GOLDEN AGE #273, is by “fakirs and frauds” operating “by
clairvoyant, psychic or other power”. Page 483, paragraphs 4 and 3, of The
GOLDEN AGE for April 30, 1930.


Dr. Work’s above reference is to an article on “OUIJA-BOARDS”

exposing the rank demonism then rife in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and elsewhere,
and taking in the Lord’s people wholesale, with high but unofficial Society
sponsorship. The principle of that admittedly demonic diagnosis in Jonesboro
then, was identical with that practiced in Bethel now. Then it was an occult
sensation received by Dr. LeCocq when she rubbed a button with her
handkerchief covered finger; now it is an occult sensation received by Brother
Howlett, when he rubs a plate with a talcum-covered finger.


If the Bethel sponsored article by Dr. Work is right in classifying as

“fakirs and frauds”, those who diagnose disease by rubbing something and
getting an occult sensation, then it follows that just such demonic “fakirs and
frauds” are still housed at the Bethel Home, in Theocracy’s name!


The fifteen column “OUIJA-BOARD” article in GOLDEN AGE #273 was

not a voluntary contribution. I wrote that article at the personal command of
Judge Rutherford, and strictly in accord with specific directions from him.
While I still sat across the table from him, I heard the Judge dictate a letter
to Brother Woodworth, Editor of The Golden Age, substantially as follows:
“Brother Goodrich will submit manuscript on the Abrams diagnosis, which is
to be published, provided he leaves out names and addresses.”


For many years big radio and big press have banned Jehovah’s kingdom
message on the demonic excuse, “No controversy please”. If Satan and his
demons were behind that ban, who would be interested in pulling over a still
more drastic ban upon the New World radio and press, against its exposure
of demonism as practiced in the Bethel Home? Just such iron-fisted, absolute
and demonic ban against Jehovah’s truth stands inerasably printed in the
“box” at the top of the “E.R.A.” article in the GOLDEN AGE #277.
Astonishment cannot deny, expunge or overcome it. Silence cannot excuse or
purify it. That demonical ban has stood, and has enjoyed absolute enforcement
since April, 1930, against Jehovah’s Own Truth in His Own Press, and over
His Own Radio, and on the same old demonic excuse, “No controversy, please!”


Someone objects: “That ‘box’ is signed ‘Editor’, and applied only to the
GOLDEN AGE”. The objection is not well taken. Fact 4 above proves that
Brother Woodworth never was the free and responsible maker of policy for the

Moreover, the immovable mountain of physical fact, seals or binds in

heaven and earth the evidence that Jehovah’s own truth on this particular
form of demonism, has been absolutely banned in Jehovah’s Own Press, and
over Jehovah’s Own Radio, lo, now these fifteen long years.” “Woe to the
inhabitors of the (NEW) earth for the devil is come down to you!” His war
against the seed is on. Revelation 12:12,17.

FACT 10.

One of these flourishing demonic “truth” clinics exists in Florida. To it

repair the “celebrities” from the heights of Bethel, for physical repair. Hearsay
has it that “Sister Van Amburgh died there”. Brother Van was able to totter
away. “Mack” [PUBLISHER’S NOTE: likely Alexander Hugh Macmillan, an
officer of the WTB&TS, who was often called by the nickname “Mack”], and
others also frequent the place. One enthusiastic, but feeble, sister from the
North avers, “The Doctor gets in sixty hours in service every month.” Thus
the fame of its Dr. Rollin Jones spreads afar among God’s gullible people, and

the demon chief smiles, “What fools these mortals be!” A poor brother of my
acquaintance, with poor health and a sickly wife, tells me in enthusiastic
praise of this “Truth” center, that it cost him and wife $425.00 for three weeks
of its wonders. According to the wife, she was cured only of the disorders first
made known by the “radioclast”; she kept her original troubles. (But not her

FACT 11.

The Indianapolis Better Business Bureau Bulletin, 930 Lemke Building,

Indianapolis, Indiana devotes its entire April, 1942, 12-page issue to very
juicy and revealing information under the following main heading
found that diagnosis proceeded uninterruptedly when they secretly broke their
electrical contact. DEMONS NEED NO WIRES!

FACT 12.

The above-mentioned publication encourages prosecuting attorneys

everywhere to prosecute this fraud, and promises all possible assistance. It
suggests to “radioclast” owners who have not completed their payments to
consult a lawyer to determine whether it is necessary for them to do so. All
such are promised all possible information and assistance.


HONEST WORLDLY MEN? Shall demonism continue to be practiced in the
name of Theocracy with your silence and consent? Do you consent in silence
with spiritual Theocratic thievery? Psalm 50:18. Are your tongue and pen
taken captive in the snare of man-fear? OR, may I expect to hear from you?!

Additional copies available.


517 N . E . Second Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Brochure #41


“He that loveth not his brother abideth in death; whosoever hateth
his brother is a murderer.” 1 John 3:14, 15.

An example illustrating the above text follows. Maud H. Goodrich.

heard Pastor Russell in the fall of 1913; started the full time service of God
in January 1914; and thenceforth without break for more than thirty one
years, her reports of full time kingdom service have gone to the Society in
Brooklyn. In the midst of the last Watchtower campaign, under date of March
3, 1945, she received a letter from the Society filled with scurrilous,
defamatory slander concerning her husband, with whom she had been content
to live since 1919. She was impressed with the idea that she knew more about
him than any typist in Brooklyn, Rome or Mecca.

After referring obliquely to the circulation of “AN OPEN LETTER TO

N. H. KNORR”, and to her husband’s notation on one of these to the effect
that she had participated therein, the following roaring threat was nestled in
the fourth paragraph of the slanders, with repeated demands for her
testimony, to be construed against herself.

“...kindly advise us specifically and before the Lord whether.
you are cooperating with your husband... and if you are in
sympathy with and support him... If you are, of course, the
Society has no choice in the matter but to take your name off the
pioneer list.”

No law against circulating open letters or against a wife cooperating or

sympathizing with her husband was cited. There was none to cite. She
realized that she had been “framed’ and that such “framing” based on slander
is the age-old weapon of evil-doers, when surprised by the fear of
publicity.”Fear hath surprised the hypocrites”. It is “The sinners in ZION”
that are afraid. Isaiah 33:14. She was to be executed if she admitted that she
was a decent, not to say a Christian wife. She never cared for “going in the
service” with some other woman’s husband, either with or without a legal
ceremony; as some have done, years on end; without offending the Society.

She was unconscious of sin “in sympathy with” her husband, and his
God-mandated kingdom service. Having learned that the citation of the
Scriptures and the facts to men bent on slander is futile, she redoubled her
witness efforts, making no reply.

April 1945 saw a cruel form letter, machine-addressed, sent to her

beginning with these senseless words: “We note that due to circumstances
beyond your control, you are unable to continue on the pioneer list for the
present.” There was no further explanation in this equally cold, cruel, and
downrightly wicked “form” communication. Her protest of consecration unto
death, which no circumstances could alter, was ignored. Next her local Bishop
refused her territory and magazines; yet she pushed on in the campaign,
sending in an even 75 new subscriptions. She then ordered ten distributor’s
subscriptions and one personal one to each of the magazines, The Watchtower
and Consolation. Her check was returned. She was told that her cash credit
balance of $4.59 had been “canceled” – to avoid using a less euphonious
term – and that she was not eligible to receive distributor’s copies at
distributor’s rates because “65¢ a year is not a provision for the public”. Thus
a full-time worker of thirty one consecutive years became “an heathen man
and a publican”! Now she knew that “take your name off the list” was mere
camouflage for complete “EXCOMMUNICATION”. See John 9:31, margin.
Trying again, as an outcast, she sent $2.00 more, for her Watchtower and
Consolation. This was accepted.

For what sin, then, is Sister Goodrich spiritually thrown out over the
back fence on her face? Is hate the reward of thirty one years of constant,
obedient, unselfish, full-time service of the Watchtower Society? The facts
answer “Yes”. Her failure was, upon demand of a faithless typist whom she
did not know, to repudiate her blameless husband whom she did know. She
was guilty of “harmony” and of “sympathy” with her husband! She spurned
false witness. She chose faithfulness to God, with excommunication, rather
than the course of dishonesty demanded, with promise of the favor of man.
She ignored the lion’s roar in fearless Christian dignity. She thus displeased
the modern sacred golden calf! Please read Judge Rutherford’s “CALVES OF
GOLD”, Consolation #575 October 1, 1941, page 16. Sister Goodrich refused
to salute such modern Golden Calf; such idolatrous creature-worship
abomination. Like her Lord she offended hypocrites. And like Him, she got
what they could give!

Brother Knorr, being the Society’s President and General Manager with
absolute authority, his power over and responsibility for what is going on is
full. Acting in Jehovah’s name, both he and his subordinates have been
caught with the “goods” of the Lord. Matthew 42:47. These men asked
Pennsylvania for power to do these things of oppression and of hate, and got
it. Christ Jesus does not have and does not use, much less delegate to others
such oppressive power. But the men who got such power from Pennsylvania,
now exercise it. This accounts for the mental tail spin of the high-flying
righteous, at the circulation of “open-letters” exposing the facts. Their crash
is imminent. They did not commit the “sin” of “sympathy”. Psalm 69:20.

“Precious in the sight of Jehovah is the death of his saints.” One is just
as precious to him as another.

Yours in the name of Him who is “No respecter of persons”,

517 N. E. Second Street,

Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
December, 1945

Who Was Dr. Mae Work?

Mae Centella Johnson was born in Georgetown, Clear Creek, Colorado

on 7 February 1876 to James C. Johnson and Margaret Johnson, from
Virginia and Ohio respectively (according to the 1880 census). Her younger
brother Leroy was a gold miner and she had an older sister Mariah.

According to the census of 1900 Mae married a carpenter named Linus

Cooke Work (who was born in Pennsylvania in March 1867) around 1898.
She is listed as Mae C. Work in the 1900 census, but thereafter she went by
Mae J(ohnson) Work. A probate article in the 28 April 1909 issue of the
Indiana Progress says that “Frank Work” and “Linus C. Work” were brothers
whose parents were Ephraim Work and Maggie Work of East Mahoning
township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.

In 1902 Mae graduated from the Colorado College of Osteopathy in Denver,

Colorado. Shortly thereafter Linus also graduated from the same school. The
couple is again mentioned in the 25 April 1907 issue of the Indiana Weekly
Messenger of Indiana County, Pennsylvania: “Dr. Linus Work and wife, of
New York City, spent last week at E. E. Work’s, near Hamill, en route to
Colorado, Mrs. Work’s old home”.

Possibly the first mention of L. C. Work and his wife in a Watch Tower
publication is in Zion’s Watch Tower of August 1908, which says, on page
4229 of the ZWT Reprints,

“Dear Brother Russell:-

We, the undersigned of the Avalon Class who until now had not
taken ‘the Vow,’ mentioned in the TOWER of June 15 , desire to
register our names as having done so. Frank C. Roller, Patience
M. McCauley, Mrs. M. L. Herr, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, Mrs. Laura
B. Gasquoine, Geo. M. Wilson, W. D. Boder, Mrs. Mary A. Boder,
Mrs. Margaret J. Boyd, Martha E. Dunbar, Mrs. Lillie A. Moore,
Mrs. E. C. Whitehouse, Geo. A. Wilson, Mrs. G. A. W ilson, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam’l McComb.


F. W. Williamson and wife, Clara Tomlins, Alfred W. C. Kuehn,

Mrs. G. W. Seibert, L. C. Work and wife, Mrs. Ruby L. Hotchkiss,
Mrs. D. M. MacKay, Mrs. C. Johnson, Lydia Messner,...”

The reader might wonder what this “vow” was, and so we reproduce it
here, because it is pertinent to this discussion:

“The vow is: ‘Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy
name. May thy rule come into my heart more and more, and thy
will be done in my mortal body. Relying on the assistance of thy
promised grace to help in every time of need, through Jesus
Christ our Lord, I register this vow. Daily will I remember at the
throne of heavenly grace the general interests of the harvest
work, and particularly the share which I myself am privileged to
enjoy in that work, and the dear co-laborers at the Bible House,
Allegheny. I vow to still more carefully, if possible, scrutinize my
thoughts and words and doings, to the intent that I may be the
better enabled to serve these, and thy dear flock. I vow to thee
that I will be on the alert to resist everything akin to Spiritism
and Occultism, and that remembering that there are but the two
masters I shall resist these snares in all reasonable ways, as
being of the Adversary. I further vow that, with the exceptions
below, I will at all times and at all places, conduct myself toward
those of the opposite sex in private exactly as I would do with
them in public – in the presence of a congregation of the Lord’s
people, and so far as reasonably possible I will avoid being in the
same room with any female alone, unless the door to the room
stand wide open – wife, children, mother and sisters excepted.” –
ZWT Reprints, June 15, 1908, pages 4191, 4192 (emphasis added)

By 1910, Mr. And Mrs. Work had moved to New York, where they lived
in Harlem at 140 West 112th Street (the same address where famous author
Zora Neale Hurston, best known for her 1937 novel “Their Eyes Were
Watching God” would live temporarily in 1946). Both Mr. and Mrs. Work
listed their profession as “physician – private practice”. Subsequently, Linus
and Mae moved to 34 Orange Street in Brooklyn, New York.

According the J. F. Rutherford’s self-published 1915 book “A Great

Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens,” Dr. Linus Cooke Work (husband of Dr.
Mae J. Work) was a member of the Board of Elders of Greater New York

Congregation of Associated Bible Students, of which Charles T. Russell was
Pastor. Rutherford lists the twenty-four members of the Board of Elders as
E. W. Brennessien, A. I. Ritchie, R. H. Hirsh, J. D. Wright, Dr. L. C. Work,
H. I. Mitchel, W. E. Van Amburgh, W. N. Wisdom, W. F. Hudgings, F. F.
Cook, F. H. Robison, I. F. Hoskins, D. J. Cohen, C. J. Woodworth, J. F.
Stephenson, P. E. Thomron, R. G. Jolly, J. E. Gray, J. G. Kuehn, A. G.
Burgess, F. C. Detwiller, H. C. Rockwell, M. Sturgeon, and A. H. Macmillan.

The New Smyrna Daily News (New Smyrna, Florida) of 13 March 1926
mentions the visitor “Dr. Mae Work, N.Y.” who was staying at the Alba Court
Inn. This shows that she did travel, perhaps professionally. There is another
article about a “Dr. Mae Work” in the 9 November 1926 issue of the Hartford
Courant. In 1929, she visited London, England, and returned to New York
on the S. S. Minnekahda. She published articles in the Golden Age during
this period, especially concerning the E.R.A., including one spelling out her
name as “Dr. Mae Johnson Work” in the 18 February 1931 issue
(“Cancer – Why the Increase?”).

Dr. Linus Cooke Work died 68 years of age on 7 Jul 1935. Dr. Mae J.
Work died aged 66 years on 27 July 1943. Linus was buried in the
Watchtower plot at the Woodrow United Methodist Church Cemetery on
Staten Island, NYC, where J. F. Rutherford is said to be buried.

The Colorado College of Osteopathy was located at 1457 & 1459 Ogden
Street, Denver, Colorado. It was founded in 1897. Originally founded under
the name of Western Institute of Osteopathy; in 1899 the name was changed
to Bolles Institute of Osteopathy; in 1901 it became known as the Colorado
College of Osteopathy. Absorbed by the American School of Osteopathy of
Kirksville, MO in 1904.

What was the typical curriculum for such a school? The course of
instruction extended over two years, and was divided into four terms of five
months each. The first term was devoted to Descriptive Anatomy, including
Osteology, Syndesmology, Myology, Angiology, and Neurology; Histology,
including the description and recognition of the normal tissues of the body;
the principles of Chemistry and Physics. The second term included
Descriptive Anatomy of the Viscera, and organs of special sense; Regional
Anatomy with demonstrations on the cadaver; Didactic and Laboratory work

in Chemistry; Physiological Chemistry, Urinalysis and Toxicology; Physiology
of circulation, respiration, digestion, absorption, assimilation, secretion, and
excretion; Principles of Osteopathy. The third term included Regional
Anatomy and Pathology with demonstrations on the cadaver; Surface
Anatomy, Advanced Physiology, Symptomatology and Pathology; Clinical
demonstrations in Osteopathy. The fourth term included Pathological
Anatomy, Minor Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics; Clinical practice in

As this is being written, in 2009, Osteopathic curriculums typically

involve two years of integrated clinical courses to prepare the student for a
third and fourth year of clinical rotation experience. Doctors of Osteopathy
(D.O.s) must complete the same amount of schooling and meet the same
licensing requirements as Doctors of Medicine (M.D.s), with approximately
200 additional hours of training in osteopathic manipulative medicine.



Cause of Death - Cancer of the right kidney, which he had for two
years. The kidney was removed a year and a half before he died,
but the cancer had metastasized into both lungs.



Cause of Death - Exanguinating (sic) hemorrhage due to peptic

(duod. [duodenal]) ulcer in head of pancreas.

If you promise to READ and/or DISTRIBUTE THEM TO OTHERS

Order freely from the following SELECTED LIST of Bible Way

Brochures which we supply on the Bible Way policy as stated by Jesus when
he said, “FREELY ye have received, FREELY GIVE”; and again, “It is more
blessed to GIVE than to RECEIVE.” Therefore, having received it, BE A

(For Quicker Service, Please Order by Number.)

6. The True Basis of Christian Fellowship.

7. The Name “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, – its right and wrong use.

38. Bethel Rides the Broom, – medical quackery and divination at Bethel.

39. An Open Letter to N . H . Knorr, – unanswered yet.

41. The Murder of a Pioneer, – after 31 years of continuous service.

43. The Spook Cure, – another Society-sponsored form of demonism.

76.”Memorial of Integrity”, – A study in Watch Tower blasphemy.

79. Moyle’s Original Letters, – After four years in Bethel. See also #141.

96. The Wabbling Channel, – Does Jehovah’s Channel change?

98. LOVE, What is it? The Inspired Answer, – without it there is death.

101. Scripture Please! Twelve Scriptureless Watch Tower Assumptions.

114. Contradicting the Almighty, – The Watch Tower VS. God.

125. “That Servant, Faithful and Wise”, – A claim of blasphemy.

131. “Judging”, – The commanded and the forbidden kinds differentiated.

141.”Crucify Him!”, cry 65,000 of us against Olin R. Moyle, in St. Louis, 1941.

152.”Whom Will You Obey?”, – Pennsylvania Chartered men, or GOD?

155. What Would Happen to Jesus? – at an Assembly of Watch Tower


159. It Happened in 1959, A record of intolerance at Watch Tower Assemblies.

162. Immortality: WHAT IS IT? The Watch Tower “another Gospel”.

Galatians 1:6-9.

163. What is the Hope of His Calling? Your Scripture Please for an earthly

188. “Vicegerency” – “Instead of Christ-Rule” – the great abomination of the


193. Second John, Seven: the heresy of Christ’s return in the flesh.

204. Wresting Universal Salvation unto Destruction; Universalism Refuted.

207. Evil Speaking Defined; Its Creed Examined, – and found wanting.

225. God’s Organization, – Judge Rutherford testifies again.

232. The New Watch Tower Translation, – an unbiased evaluation.

233. An Atlanta District Watch Tower Assembly, – of unbridled intolerance.

243. The Present Truth on “PAROUSIA”, – exposing a great doctrinal hoax.

265. N. H. Knorr Speaks, – his New World Society analyzed.

272. Demonism and the Watch Tower, – New enlarged edition, 36 pages.

274. To Those Disfellowshipped by Men, – “leap for joy, for great is your

288. God’s Great Covenants, – have you seen the light on them?

290. An Open Letter on Psalm 82, – To All Present Truth Leadership.

291.”They shall ALL Know ME”, – Has God failed, or only our Tradition?

308. Funeral Discourse, – A last testimony, to be read by anyone who reads


309. The Unpardonable Sin; – You’ve heard the guesses, now hear the BIBLE.

312. The Christian Sabbath, – unknown to Catholics, Protestants and


321. Sworn Testimony of F. W. Franz, – Believes angels control Witnesses.

325. The Authority of the Watch Tower Examined, – and found wanting.

359. Type and Antitype, – The LAW and the FAITH – Can you rightly divide

364.”House to House”, – and the crooked Watch Tower Claims.

370.”A Peaceful Assembly... Leave or We Will Call The Police”. (Photographs)

378.”Not Discerning the Body” – “Eateth and drinketh Damnation”.

381.”LOVE” and “ALONE” – the inspired answers and the inspired records.

Six “Neighborhood Bible Studies”

401. Hell a Bible Teaching.

402. The Resurrection of Jesus, WHEN?
403. The Dead Know Not Anything, But...
404. Spirit, Soul and Body; (John 3:1-21)
405. Modern Gift of Tongues Explained.
406. Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, explained.
409. Is THIS the New World? – Our first printed tract; republished after
20 years.


410. The A, B, C’s of Bible Study; Primary information the youngest need and
few of the oldest have. 76 pages of Ready Reference Bible Facts.

413. The Great Counterfeit; Paul’s Parousia Prophecy. 2 Th 2:1-12. 32 pages.

419. The False Anointed Prophets and the Harvest. Mt 24:23-26; the Wheat
and Tares.

420. Christ-Mass, A sacrilegious festival to the Sun god, dating back to


421. The Olivet Prophecy; the great TIME Prophecy the Chronologers missed.

422. A Review of Otto Sadlack’s Book translated from the German. 32 pages.



A Religion with peculiarly deceptive appeal to Truth People, Thoroughly
Refuted by Divine Authority TWO HUNDRED (200) cited Scriptures and over
FOUR HUNDRED (400) others for study with a Concordance. Revised and
Enlarged Edition.

No. 272 DEMONISM AND THE WATCH TOWER Enlarged Edition, Contains
also the Exposure on OUIJA BOARDS, by Roy D. Goodrich, as published in
THE GOLDEN AGE of March 5, 1930; and a Résumé of and comment on the

evasive reply of Bethel Physician, Dr. Mae Work, “by request”, in the issue
of April 30, 1930, – after which all further discussion of the subject by the


I. SIX SERMONS, By George Storrs, 1847 Edition,

Autographed. ARE THE WICKED IMMORTAL? God’s Answer
to Satan’s Lie.

II. THE DOCTRINE OF ELECTION, Calvinism Slain by the

Sword of the Spirit; By George Storrs. The author herein teaches
the Divine Plan of the Ages (Eph 3:11, ED) Twelve Years before
C. T. Russell’s Historic Book of that name came out in 1886.
Written in 1874.

III. THE “SEVENTH SERMON” – The Capstone of The Great

Reformation as laid by a Masterworkman, George Storrs. It is
apparently his last legacy to the church, written during the
excruciating suffering of his last illness, in 1878.

IV. OUR COMMENTS: – Pages 87-93.




And GO Bearing “Meat in Due Season” “To them that PERISH”. –

Matthew 24:45-47; Thessalonians 2:10.


To be sure, these new Booklets, containing a total of some 172 pages of

printed matter, are quite expensive. But they are paid for, and the little flock
of those sealed or marked by the holy Spirit, who made them possible, are
happy to abide under the “organization instructions” of Jesus in distributing
them. Throughout the age the Spirit has been saying, “Freely ye have
received, Freely GIVE”, Matthew 10:8.

But if “passing the hat” for money by the preachers has been
unchristian, has it not been equally unchristian for you and me who know
better, to actually FAIL TO ENGAGE IN GIVING the Gospel to others?
When we send out thousands of these brochures freely to you, is it not a
Christian Act, shared in by those of the little flock who make it possible?
And is not all such activity, the Seal or Mark, right on the “forehead”, so to
speak, which cannot be hid from the recording angel, of every one who is
“LED” or motivated by the Spirit of God, and who therefore is among “the
‘SONS OF GOD”? Romans 8:11-17.

On the other hand, if an individual Christian’s conduct shows no

evidence of his mortal body being “quickened”, “made alive” “by his spirit
which has taken possession of you”, is here any other “seal” or mark or proof
that this one belongs to Christ, or that he is a “SON of God”? The Spirit of
God answers in the negative. “Those who are physical cannot please God. But
you are not physical but spiritual if God’s Spirit has really taken possession
of you.” Romans 8:8, 9,11-14, AT, ED, AV, NW and others.

(Publisher’s note: Roy Goodrich’s publishing work ceased when he died on

December 28, 1976. Today (late 2009) his publications are extraordinarily
difficult to find.)


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