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American School Foundation of Monterrey

Brian Hamm @@Hamm_Ed

Miércoles 21 de marzo, 2018

“Classroom by Design " 12:00 hrs

Jueves 22 de marzo, 2018

Teachers, Administrators / Principals / School Leaders, Technology Coaches / Integrationists, Technology Directors 16:00 hrs
Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, College

It’s not hard to imagine the typical classroom learning experience. We can all probably describe the space,
what the teacher does, and what is expected of students. In this session, we’ll explore how the design
process can be used to rethink the space, the lesson, the unit, the curriculum, the assessment, and the
roles associated with the typical classroom learning experience.

We’ll challenge you see these factors differently, and in a way that potentially can shift your notion of
what a student learning experience can become. We’ll show you how design can be used to creatively
engage students in learning, develop their ideas, create initial solutions, and test and refine your ideas.
Spend an hour with us to see a new approach that can see how design can fundamentally shifting the
approach, pathway and outcome of learning.

About Brian: Universidad Regiomontana, Matamoros #430, Col. Centro, Monterrey, N.L.

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