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What does it mean to write off an asset?

A write-off is a reduction of the recognized value of something. In accounting,

this is a recognition of the reduced or zero value of an asset. In income tax
statements, this is a reduction of taxable income, as a recognition of certain
expenses required to produce the income.

Write-offs reduce the amount of taxable income you have. For example, if you make
$100,000 a year and have $10,000 in write-offs, you would be taxed on only $90,000
in income. In some cases, tax write-offs can lower your federal income tax bracket,
reducing the percentage of your taxable income you must pay.

A write-off is a deduction in the value of earnings by the amount of an expense or

loss. When businesses file their income tax return, they are able to write off
expenses incurred to run the business and subtract them from their revenue to
determine their taxable income.

In a write-off, the bank includes a bad debt as an uncollectible loss on its tax
return. This write-off is also called a "charge-off."
to remove loans from their balance sheets and reduce their overall tax liability.

Vijay malya case


Red Tapism - closely associated with bureaucracy.

Modi Doctrine -- coined by Obama admin.

Liquidity trap -- associated with money supply and interest rate.

Net Zero building -- building with zero net energy consumption.

Total energy used = amount of renewable energy created
Solar power is the main source of energy.

Usual unemployment is estimated with reference to a period of one year.

Balance of Payment = difference b/w economic transactions of a country with the

rest of the world.

High yield Variety

Paddy - Kasturi
Wheat - Hira moti
maize - Vikram , Navjot , Shakti , ganga101
Sunflower - Aruna
Oigeon pea - manak


Main Objectives of Budget -- ensure Accountability , tool of Management , Economic


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