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Memes and their themata


Source: The American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 123, No. 3 (Fall 2010), pp. 307-317
Published by: University of Illinois Press
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Accessed: 02-07-2016 04:24 UTC

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American Journal of Psychology

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Memes and their themata
Yale University

When it is instantiated as a neuronal state, a meme is characterized as a phenotype in a novel

neuronal sense. A thema is an instantiation of a meme as a conscious experience (a thought-
meme). It is a primitive to which no location may be attributed, and it serves as a canonical
representative of a class of memes. Memes in such a class may have physical or ideal (Platonic)
instantiations. Pairing of this memetic phenotype characterization with the ideal thematic primi-
tive is an example of other pairings in nature that are identified, and in particular it informs a de-
scription of the pairing of the unconscious mind and manifestations of consciousness. Interrela-
tionship of these pairings is what illuminates aspects of each of them. These constructs support
introduction of a consciousness thesis and then a notion of a dynamic self-referential grammar
that generates a growing repertoire of consciousness manifestations. A method showing how
a neuronal state generates a specific concept (thema) is introduced, and a sample of a class of
examples is given. Pointers to experiments relevant to development of the thesis are given.

Biotic constructs (such as phenotypes1 and geno- tion and culturally based evolution of concepts in
types) and developmental processes (such as com- just such a way. Our use of an analogy between the
petition, selection, and reproduction) are aspects of pairings within both memetic and genetic constructs
natural mechanisms of which customary Darwinian has a forerunner in the work of Lumsden and Wilson
evolution (Darwin, 1859) is but one example do- (1981) and of Wilson (1999), in which a correspon-
main. I propose that memes, neuronal arrays, and dence between fundamental units of culture and of
mind (conscious or unconscious) each furnish other neural networks is discussed.
such domains. Understanding of those domains flows I begin by describing a correspondence between
from analogies between them. Analogizing constitu- the pairing of synaptic functioning with neuronal
ents of a scientific domain with those of a cultural functioning and the pairing characterized by the
one generates conceptual fertility. For example, note customary biotic genotype–phenotype relationship.
that the development of memetics (whose roots are An extension is made to an analogous pairing cor-
found in Semon, 1921) flows from Dawkins (1999), respondence within memetics, namely to the pairing
who analogizes between genetic-based biotic evolu- of memes and their associated thema. A meme is an

American Journal of Psychology

Fall 2010, Vol. 123, No. 3 pp. 307–317 • © 2010 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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idea or concept as well as any instantiation of that no agreement on what makes up one unit of cultural
idea or concept. See Dawkins (1999) and Blackmore transmission, the thema can be viewed as a candidate.
(1999), where the role of culture–gene co-evolution, a These proposed constructs support the introduc-
critical feature of memetics, is elaborated. The notion tion of a consciousness thesis. If consciousness is an
of a thema, an instantiation of a meme as a conscious ongoing, learned capability of the unconscious mind,
experience, that is, as a thought (a thought-meme), a notion of a dynamic self-referential grammar for
will be introduced. As shall be seen, the character- consciousness on which that learning supervenes can
ization of the thema as an aspect of consciousness be introduced. Other treatments of a theory of mind
augments the role of the memetic–thematic pairing that use memes are found in Blackmore (1999) and
in the culture–gene co-evolution. Consciousness is a Sheehan (2006).
primitive and thus an undefined concept. A primitive I propose a method for constructing themata as
is typically specified by its properties. In the case of mathematical abstractions by using a model neural
consciousness, take the following features as an in- net and results of axiomatic set theory (Moschko-
formal working definition: the perception of qualia vakis, 2005; Miranker & Zuckerman, 2009). Arbi-
(note that the term quale denotes a property as it is trarily many variants of such a construction are pos-
experienced as distinct from any source it might have sible, and a particular meme may correspond to any
in a physical object, e.g., a color, a sound, a pain), the of the corresponding neuronal states. An example,
manifestation of a feeling (e.g., hunger, fear, love), a a neuronal structure corresponding to the thema
notion of intentionality (a sense of being in charge of the class of memes that correspond to the con-
of one’s actions), and a notion of self (cognitive and cept of a particular natural number, is developed.
affective adaptation of one’s identity). (See the issue More elaborate examples are found in Miranker and
on the self in the Journal of Consciousness Studies, Zuckerman (2010). This connection between neu-
Volume 5, Issue 2, 1998.) ronal structure and themata resembles the studies of
A meme’s customary characterization is that of a neural correlates of consciousness as found in Koch
selfish replicator, spreading culturally from brain to and Crick (2001) and in Koch (2004). A neural cor-
brain, this being an extension of Dawkins’s (1999) relate of a conscious perception may be taken as the
notion of the gene-centered view of evolution. I start neural assembly in the brain that is activated when
with a modification of this customary replicator char- awareness of that perception occurs. Later in this
acterization by framing the meme as a phenotype article I develop a framework for the deeper study
when it is instantiated as a neuronal state, that is, the of consciousness and its neural correlates.
state of a neuronal circuit in the brain at an instant of
time. Such a memetic instantiation may be real, that OUTLINE
is, a literal neuronal state, or it may be ideal (Platonic), First, I describe neuronal firing to be the result of
possibly corresponding to an abstract model of that a competition with selection between neurons, en-
state. These constructs inform a description that I abling characterization of the pairing of synaptic
give of the unconscious mind and manifestations of function with neuronal functioning as a genotype–
consciousness as a corresponding pairing between phenotype correspondence. Compare this with the
a neuronal state and what I call a thema. The thema neural Darwinism of Edelman (1978). Genetic repli-
serves as a canonical representative of the memes cation is interpreted as a form of strengthening, and
belonging to a specific class (i.e., all the forms of a so it is the strengthening of a synapse (the increasing
particular concept), and so it can be viewed as the of the synaptic weight) that is taken as the analog of
subject, the literal theme of that class. Although the gene replication.
thema represents the concept instantiated by a cor- Next, I observe that a meme instantiated as an
responding class of memes, it is given the novel role input to a neuronal assembly generates a recording
of a conscious experience in this development. Se- of information in the afferent synaptic weights. Such
mon (1921) introduced the concept of a unit of social information representations inform a competition
evolution that he called a mneme. Although there is between neurons for firing, and so they also inform

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a process of selection among afferents for differen- agents, an example of which arises in the study of
tial strengthening (Hebb, 1949). For this reason the genetic algorithms (Fogel, 2000).
meme’s neuronal representation array is viewed as a
memetic analog of a phenotype. To the relevant array A neuron firing corresponds to a phenotype succeeding
of afferent synaptic weights, the role of the memetic A gene has fulfilled its role if the phenotype it is a
genome is assigned, and so in analogy to the gene, to part of succeeds at competition for survival and re-
this array’s recorded information (a meme) the status produces, thereby replicating the gene (conveying
of a replicator is attributed. information). A synapse fulfills its role if the neuron
Themata are introduced to show that the pairing of which it is an active afferent fires (conveying in-
of the two mind agencies of consciousness and the formation). In this view, the neuron takes the role of
unconscious supplies a favorable quality for evolu- a phenotype. It is deemed successful in a competi-
tion. I propose existence of a dynamic (expanding) tion with other neurons in its environment (the latter
self-referential grammar that frames development of specified by neuronal connectivity and activity) for
a growing consciousness repertoire, consisting of the being able to fire if and when it does fire. So I view
collection of formal sentences (memes) that can be biotic reproduction and neuronal firing as special
generated or parsed through that grammar. cases of success in competition for survival (and so
In the next section the study of memes is for- informing a selection process).
malized, through the mathematical construct of an
accessible pointed graph and its labeled decoration Selection
(Aczel, 1988). Then I frame an example of a class of According to Hebb’s rule, an afferent synapse in-
memes (with both physical and Platonic members) creases or decreases in strength if that synapse’s ac-
and its Platonic thema. tivation is positively or negatively correlated with its
In the concluding remarks I point toward experi- neuron’s firing (Hebb, 1949; Haykin, 2008). This
mental approaches for the study of the constructs characterizes a selection process. So if an afferent
presented. synapse correlates with the neuron’s firing, the syn-
apse has fulfilled its role in contributing to the pro-
THE SELFISH SYNAPSE duction of a successful phenotype. Such synapses
are selected from among all the neuron’s afferents
Synapse strengthening as an information conveyance to be strengthened. An afferent that is negatively
analogy to a gene replicating correlated with the firing decreases in strength. Re-
Both genes and synapses have the role of informa- peated decreases may lead to the elimination of that
tion-conveying agents. Whereas the gene has been synapse. Sustained quietude of a neuron (an expres-
described as a replicator, a selfish replicator, the syn- sion of persistent lack of success in competing to
apse has not. However, both genetic replication and fire) can likewise lead to that neuron’s elimination
synaptic strengthening are processes that increase the (apoptosis). I view this Hebbian strengthening and
effectiveness of an information-conveying agent, the weakening protocol of a synapse as part of a neu-
gene or synapse, as the case may be. The stronger the ronal process of natural selection.
synapse, that is, the greater its synaptic weight, the
more effective it is. Genes do not strengthen; rather, Propagation of information
they express their effectiveness through replication. I characterize these observations by saying that suc-
When synapses are joined in a cohort, increasing ef- cessful synapses propagate in the sense that they
fectiveness of the cohort is accomplished cooperative- strengthen and endure as information conveyers.
ly, possibly by strengthening of some of its members The synapses that propagate increase their influ-
while others are weakened. So I view genetic replica- ence on the neuron’s functioning in the sense that
tion and synaptic strengthening as special cases of the neuronal inputs and the array of afferents, count-
increasing the effectiveness of information-conveying ing synaptic strength (these features constituting the
agents in nature. There are corresponding artificial neuronal analog of the environment of a customary

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biotic phenotype), inform neuronal firing. That is, the copy, also a phenotype although unlike the conven-
stronger a synapse is, the greater its ability to influ- tional case, may take many different forms (memetic
ence firing (Haykin, 2008). instantiations), such as another neuronal construct,
an utterance of speech, or a sample of writing.
Recording and processing of information in a
neuronal assembly Jumping memes
Genes and groupings thereof represent the recording A speech utterance, for example, provides the input
of information at different scales. (In malarial infections to a second person and so, via the by now familiar
hundreds of genes participate in such a grouping; Su Hebbian mechanism, enables the meme to jump and
& Wellems, 1996.) Analogously, I view the synaptic– be recorded by the second person. There is the cus-
neuronal interaction as a process at increasing scales: tomary blurring of the genotype–phenotype relation-
synapse–neuron–neuronal assemblies of increasing ship in the meme–neuronal pairing. That is, there is a
size. The strengthening or weakening of synapses in- sharing of the genotype and phenotype roles. Indeed,
forms a process of recording of information at these although the biotic genotype and phenotype have
different scales. Associative memories stored in the complementary functionality, recall that the former
brain are recorded in just this way. Propagation of in- is a material part of the latter. Competition and sur-
formation by a neuronal assembly is a processing of vival for memes are not specified as they are in the
neuronal activity flowing through the assembly, which customary biotic context. This is necessitated in part
is informed by the neuronal environment. by a difference of both temporal and spatial scales at
which the respective associated dynamics (replica-
MEMES tion and instantiation) develop. I stress that it is the
absence of overly narrow constructed equivalences of
The meme as phenotype the analogs between pairings that illuminates under-
As described in the preceding section, a meme may standing of phenomena within those pairings.
be instantiated as a distributed input encoded and
stored in a neuronal assembly, with that encoding Storage and retrieval of memetic information
embodying a recording of information, which repre- The distributed nature of synaptic storage of me-
sents that meme at one or another scale depending metic information constitutes an associative mem-
on the meme’s complexity. This information array, ory (Haykin, 2008). This makes for a richer context
the recording in the neuronal assembly, specifically than the DNA-based one found in customary biotic
an encoding in terms of the synaptic weights, is a genome–phenotype arrangement; the latter may be
distributed representation of the meme. As described likened to an addressable memory (usually but not
earlier, such representations play a key role in the accurately called a random access memory). The
competition between neurons for firing, and these neuronal assembly supporting a memetic genotype–
features inform a selection process among synapses phenotype arrangement can be multiplexed to record
for strengthening or weakening, as the case may be. other inputs, that is, to record other memes. So a num-
Therefore, I take the view that the memetic neuronal ber of different memes may share a single neuronal
representation array may be viewed as a memetic ana- array, that is, they may share a memetic genome and
log of a phenotype. The synaptic weights in this array phenotype. Although genes may be viewed as fixed,2
(this phenotype) can be viewed as a memetic analog of their memetic counterparts, the synaptic strengths,
a genome, because just as the information recorded in are in flux. Although it is not known how the biotic
the biotic genome is part of and informs specification phenotype is constructed given its genome, the meme
for the biotic phenotype, the information stored in the may be recovered. That is, the meme may be read out
synaptic component (via the weights) of the neuronal from the memetic phenotype, more explicitly, from
array (or what I call the memetic genome) both en- the memetic genome encoded by means of synaptic
codes and can be exploited for reproduction, that is, weights in the relevant neuronal information array. As
for retrieving information in order to copy the meme. a readout from an associative memory, this process
So I view this memetic genome as a replicator. The requires that an approximation to the encoding of

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the meme be used as an input cue to that array. Is and instantiation of that information) that is probably
it an epigenetic correspondent to this neuronal cu- favorable to the selection process of evolution. Did
ing that is involved in activating or deactivating the memes appear in primitive neuronal organizations
genes, thereby supplying the information that drives or only when assemblies of an adequately elaborated
embryonic development? such pairing structure developed? Could memes ap-
pear before neurons (consider the cognition exhib-
The memetic replicator ited by bacterial colonies; Ben Jacob, Becker, Shapira,
The meme is customarily described as sharing with & Levine, 2004)?
the gene the characteristic of being a selfish replicator.
The prior section shows that the memetic replicator Mind and its consciousness manifestations, other pairings
is reified in the associative memory, explicitly in the The mind could be taken to arise from the work-
collection of synaptic weights that encodes the meme. ings (layers of information processing at appropriate
In this picture, all of the possible memetic instantia- scales) within the brain. For reasons of clarity I start
tions, one of which is the relevant neuronal array, are with the conventional view that mind supervenes on
phenotypes and not replicators. As suggested earlier, brain. However, it is the entire physical body and
I assign to the memetic genome (i.e., the relevant as- in some sense the environment as well (some take
sociated array of synaptic weights) the status of a an even grander frame; Chalmers, 1996) that is in
replicator in analogy to the genetic case. play.3 These mind workings are the processing and
movement of information in some neuronal assembly.
SCALES, MIND, THEMATA, CONSCIOUSNESS As this assembly increases in complexity, so may the
­THESIS, AND GRAMMAR FOR CONSCIOUSNESS relevant workings. This is a picture of operation at
various scales. So is a degree of complexity in the
Scales in evolution, genomic–phenotypic pairing unconscious workings in brain–mind needed for the
Biotic matter first appeared 4 billion years ago at the emergence of the manifestations associated with con-
molecular scale with simple proteins. Some consider sciousness? At the current state of our knowledge,
crystalline structures and prions to be primitive or consciousness must be taken as a primitive (Miranker
proto biotic forms (Belkin, 2003). With evolution, the & Zuckerman, 2009). As such it has no formal defini-
complexity in the biotic organization increases until tion but must be specified informally by means of its
the simplest form with a partitioning into a genome– behavior and properties. Examples of such manifes-
phenotype pairing is arrived at. This pairing could tations are a notion of self (Journal of Consciousness
be identified with the appearance of eukaryotic cells Studies, 1998), intentionality, and qualia. Examples
(cells with a nucleus that separates the metabolic of qualia are vision (three-dimensional space with
and genomic structures) 2 billion years ago. (Sym- its illusion of depth, colors, textures, and shadings),
biosis among prokaryotes is viewed as critical in the touch (e.g., pain, wetness, cold), and feelings (e.g.,
formation of eukaryotes; Margulis, 1991.) Might the fear, joy, love, hope). I do not rule out the possibility
constituents of our memetic pairings be viewed as that consciousness in some form could arise with the
symbionts? Appealing to Darwinian principles, I organization of the first biotic matter, that is, before
can conclude that the separation and specialization the appearance of brains. See Ben Jacob et al. (2004),
of roles characterized by this pairing appeared and where descriptions of bacterial colonies that exhibit
endured through competition and selection as a fa- communication and cognitive functionality are found.
vorable arrangement for survival and propagation. In Miranker (2010), the modeling and simulation
Memes may be admitted to the picture when the biotic studies of the self, qualia, and intentionality in bac-
complexity increases to the level of neurons (the me- terial colonies is found. See also Sheets-Johnstone
metic phenotypes) and their afferent synaptic arrays (1998) for examples and philosophical commentary
(the memetic genomes), as has been asserted. The on this issue.
pairing of a neuron and its afferent synapses also con- Is a favorable quality obtained for evolution (for
stitutes an evolved partitioning of roles (phenotype selection, strengthening, and replication) by such a
and genome or, alternatively, information processing separation and specialization of function of the two

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mind agencies of consciousness and the unconscious? ma. For definiteness, say the one that corresponds to
(Consciousness and the unconscious each probably the array with the most firing neurons, this being one
represent layers of differentiated agencies of mind.) measure of the currently most active or most success-
For example, are the manifestations of consciousness ful memetic phenotype. Taking consciousness to be
a representation of information in a form to make the an ideal quality (a Platonic primitive4), I propose the
storage (encoding) and processing of that information following consciousness thesis based on this hypoth-
more efficient or more robust (e.g., more stable with esized competition between themata.
respect to disturbances)? Can the pairing of these
Consciousness thesis: The winning thema
two mind agencies be described as another variant of
generates a manifestation of consciousness rep-
the genotype–phenotype relationship that I am pro-
resentative of that thema.
pounding? If so, what is the associated competitive
selection advantage for the underlying agents (pheno- This thesis could be viewed as a formalized
types and their associated genotypes)? In particular, extension of the Pandemonium model of Selfridge
what are the replicators, and what is their process of (1959). This model consists of a multiplicity of paral-
strengthening? Will evolution go beyond conscious- lel demons, each specialized in recognizing a specific
ness and the unconscious with this paradigm of pair- visual stimulus. Recognizing his stimulus, a demon
ings? To start to address these questions, I turn to the calls out to the master demon. This exclamation is
notion of themata. louder the more highly the demon estimates the
probability of a correct recognition (identification).
Themata, competition, a winning thema, Selfridge’s demons could be viewed as precursors of
a consciousness thesis the themata, with the loudest-shouting demon being
Consider the information being processed in a neu- the winner.
ronal array that was referred to earlier as a component
of the mind. The term thema (thought-meme) is used Consciousness as an agency for propagating the mind,
to describe this information as a virtual construct, that neural correlates
is, as a Platonic and not a physical object. A thema Generation of a manifestation of consciousness re-
might be viewed as a kind of virtual photographic quires an appropriate cue, an exogenous sensory in-
negative of a meme, and the meme’s associated instan- put (as do the retrievals from an associative memory).
tiating neuronal array, a phenotype, may be viewed as So the mind supervenes not only on the entire physi-
a kind of print of that negative. An exogenous stimu- cal body but on the environment as well (Chalmers,
lus supplies the input needed to initiate a Hebbian 1996), the latter being the usual source of the cue. If
synaptic altering process of the synapses of the neu- this cue produces a winning thema, then according
ronal array (phenotype) that instantiates (stores) the to the consciousness thesis, the winner’s phenotype,
meme on which the Platonic thema supervenes. This a neuronal array that shall be called this thema’s neu-
associative storage of information is multiplexed, and ral correlate generates a representative manifestation
so the strengthening of one memory record, that is, of of consciousness. Because of this manifestation’s
one meme, may degrade others. This type of trade-off form as an awareness of an aspect of the environ-
is present at the lower synaptic scale also, where in a ment, I propose that the neural correlate takes this
collection of synapses, such as the memetic-thematic secondary awareness to be a supplementary sensory
genome corresponding to the meme being stored, input. (Release hallucinations furnish examples of
some synapses increase in strength during memetic reentrant perceptual-like processes; Sacks, 2007.) I
encoding or recording while the strength of others suppose that this putative input cues and reinitiates
might decrease. the neuronal processing in question and so further
Themata compete to be strengthened, which is strengthens that thema through its memetic genome
their way of propagating. (Recall that competition (the relevant synapses) via Hebbian processes. That
between neurons and their processing is a central is, the underlying meme is further strengthened
aspect of their study; Edelman, 1978; Miranker, 2005; (propagated). In this scenario, as an evolutionary
Haykin, 2008.) Suppose that there is a winning the- development,

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A function of consciousness is to act as an The patient Virgil supplies an illustration of these
agency for strengthening and enlarging the un- dynamic features (Sacks, 1995). He was blinded as
conscious, that is, as an agency for propagating a child, and a surgery restored Virgil’s sight when
the mind. he was in his 50s. At first, he was unable to fathom
(parse, in our terminology) the cues (light flashes and
Grammatical thesis for consciousness, observations colors) presented to his newly functioning visual sys-
on consciousness manifestations tem. He developed some of the requisite abilities and
The development motivates introduction of the fol- a related repertoire of manifestations (sentences of the
lowing grammatical thesis (cf. Chomsky, 1953). grammar) of visual consciousness but never to the
degree of a normally developed sighted individual.
Grammatical thesis for consciousness: There
He never became comfortable with his reacquired
is an intrinsic dynamically increasing self-refer-
visual ability, preferring to sit in the dark using Braille
ential grammar5 that supports the development
and preferring to rely on his cane to get about. It is
of a consciousness repertoire of interpretable
likely that Virgil was unable to fully recover vision
manifestations of consciousness.
because he was well past the critical period of neural
I claim that creating a manifestation of conscious- plasticity in which visual systems fully develop.
ness (through the cued memetic retrieval from neu- However, a loss of neuronal plasticity in terms
ral correlates described earlier) is a learned ability of the creation of synaptic connections does not
informed by this grammar. This ability is used to limit the learning, memory, and behavioral abilities
develop a consciousness repertoire. The repertoire of the brain, because its neurons retain the plasticity
grows and consolidates with use. (Recall that the hip- of synaptic development, that is, of synaptic weight
pocampus is the critical brain structure implicated in change characterized by Hebb’s law, for instance
memory consolidation; Kairiss & Miranker, 1998.) (Hebb, 1946, 1949; Haykin, 2008). There is appro-
The creating ability itself improves with repetition. priate plasticity in the developed adult brain for the
Referring back to the negative and print metaphor, the formation of new memes and themata, a feature that
prints (memes) that are the constituents of the reper- most adults can attest to.
toire are stored multiplexed within various neuronal Memes and their themata, including the compe-
arrays as associative memories. The corresponding tition in which they engage, comprising an evolving
themata, being Platonic primitives, have no attribut- framework (which has been characterized as function-
able location. Even adults with a developed conscious- ing through an expanding self-referential grammar), is
ness manifestation–creating ability and a correspond- used in the development of the repertoire of manifes-
ing repertoire can be presented with a sensory cue tations of consciousness. Natural selection pressures
that is not readily, indeed not at all, resolvable. That influence the development of such a repertoire and
is, the information in such a cue defies being parsed the learning of how to manipulate it. The rare cases of
by their grammars into an understandable or logical feral children demonstrate some of the subtleties and
concept. Indeed, the cue is not a legal sentence of limitations of this process. Language reveals another
the consciousness grammar. Such a grammar consoli- aspect. Some speakers cannot hear certain sounds
dates, becoming more robust and more efficient with used in a foreign language. The memes (“sentences”)
repetition and learning. It can be used to parse an in- corresponding to such sounds cannot be parsed.
creasing range of concepts (sentences of the grammar). For example, the English l is unknown in Russian,
That is, the grammar increases its effectiveness as an which possesses two distinct l-sounds that the normal
augmenter of the consciousness repertoire. I project English speaker would find difficult to reproduce: a
that the learning that underlies the dynamic aspects of hollow, guttural-like l and a soft, palatalized l-sound
the grammar is an example of self-reference analogous that is only very approximately rendered, in English
to the ability of a stored program in a contemporary terms, as ly. See Sapir (1921) for additional examples.
computer to operate on itself. Self-reference is the How the manifestations of consciousness in the rep-
key logical feature of foundations of consciousness ertoire take the forms of the qualia so familiar to us
described in Miranker and Zuckerman (2009). remains an open question.

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memetic phenotypes, is the thema sought. In fact, all
these constructs are Platonic, but as shall be seen, some
decorated APGs are models of a neural state, that is,
I use set theory to formalize the study of memes they are examples of a model of a neural network at a
and themata. A given meme may have many forms moment of time. The neural state being modeled is
(phenotypes), physical and Platonic. The thema, be- a corresponding physical instantiation of the meme
ing Platonic, could have a virtual representative. In in question. Memetic phenotypes may correspond to
this section I present a method for generating such physical instantiations other than those provided by
a representative and develop an example. Although a neural state.
this example corresponds to one of the fundamental
concepts of thought, the natural numbers, it has a Example
particularly simple form. To Kronecker is owed the Consider the model neural network composed of
remark, “God created the integers, all else is the work three McCulloch–Pitts model neurons, a, b, and c,
of man.” with the synaptic weights wba, wca, and wbc shown
in Figure 1a (Haykin, 2008). Neuron a is firing, but
Themata and accessible pointed graphs neurons b and c are quiescent. That is, the neurons’
An accessible pointed graph (APG) is a construct con- output activities are v(a) = 1 and v(b) = v(c) = 0. With
sisting of two classes of primitives: nodes and directed these data specifications, the network becomes what
edges between certain pairs of those nodes. There is has been called a neural state. The decorated APG
a distinguished node called the point of the APG. Ac- corresponding to this neural state, the graph shown
cessibility means that every node in the graph is reach- in Figure 1b, is a picture of a set θ. (The nodes of this
able from the point by a connected path composed of graph are labeled by the sets θ [the point], B, and
directed edges. (See Figure 1b for an example of such C.) In particular, θ = {B,C}, where the set B = 0⁄ (the
an APG.) Each instantiation of a meme can be made empty set) and the set C = {0⁄ } (the set whose only ele-
to correspond to an APG, the graph depicting a kind ment is 0⁄ ). {B,C} denotes the set with the elements B
of parsing of that meme. A node is called the parent and C. Of course, this example is directly extendable
of its children, namely of the other nodes in the APG to the concept of any natural number.
that are linked to the parent by a directed edge from the
parent. So the children of a node correspond to memes Memes and their thema, neural correlates of consciousness
on which the parent’s meme supervenes. Leaves of the The diagram in Figure 1b, illustrating a decorated
APG are the nodes that have no children. So a leaf APG, arises from the neural state shown in Figure 1a.
might be considered to correspond to a fundamental Because this APG is a representation of the Von Neu-
meme. Decorating an APG is a formal process that mann ordinal 2, it is an instantiation of the concept
associates a unique class of sets (the decoration) to the (the meme) of the integer 2. The set θ decorating the
APG, one set of the decoration with each node. Call θ point is the thema of this meme. The thema θ and
the set in the decoration that corresponds to the point. the diagram in Figure 1b are Platonic instantiations.
The decorated APG is called a picture (because it is a The corresponding actual neural state being mod-
kind of representation) of the set θ. See Aczel (1988) eled (such as by the model in Figure 1a), also a meme,
for details concerning these constructs, among which is a physical instantiation of that meme. Then such
is the assertion that the APG in Figure 1b is a particular a physical neural state is a player in the competition
representation of the concept of the Von Neumann for generating the manifestation of consciousness of
ordinal 2. Although to each APG there corresponds a the concept of the integer 2. I shall say that a winning
unique decoration, there are in general infinitely many neural state with thema θ is the latter’s neural cor-
different APGs with a common set θ decorating their relate. Then the neural state schematized in Figure 1a
point. So these possibly infinitely many APGs will is a neural correlate of the concept (of the meme) of
represent a population of different phenotypes of a the integer 2. (The possibility of a cohort of winners
common meme. θ, a Platonic representative of these that might result in an extensive neural correlate is

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Memes and chromosomes.
Take a chromosome to correspond to (to be mod-
eled by) the point of an APG. Take the point’s chil-
dren to be the chromosome’s primary constituent
groupings of genes. This arrangement along with the
decoration of the APG generates a set–element rela-
tionship. Such groupings, which have a temporally
changing character, are specified by the biology. To
layers of such genetic groupings, there correspond
layers of parent–child relationships in the APG.
Figure 1a . Neural state with neurons a, b, and c
Moreover, genes or a grouping thereof have a time
varying state of activity and inactivity. Other genes
and epigenetic processes turn them on and off. This
generates dynamics defined on the associated APGs,
because genes or groupings thereof, corresponding to
nodes in the APG, could be taken to be present only
when that gene or grouping is active. This induces
dynamics on the associated decorations (Miranker
& Zuckerman, 2010). These dynamics may cause an
associated appearance or disappearance of loops of
edges inside such APGs, that is, a selected flipping be-
tween the associated sets’ types (possibly a flipping of
these sets between being what are called well-founded
and non–well-founded sets; Aczel, 1988.) Compare
Figure 1b. Corresponding APG with point θ and leaf B
these loops with Sheehans’s looping pathways, by
means of which he asserts that patterns can iteratively
not precluded.) Recall that a single thema, such as propagate, mutate, and evolve. For Sheehan (2006),
the example θ, may correspond to any element of an these pathways collectively work toward creation of
infinite collection of neural circuits (memes). This an intelligent mind. The appearance of these two set
mathematical development adds an analytic frame- types suggests a connection of the present framework
work absent from discussions of neural correlates of with the mathematical foundations of consciousness
consciousness usually found in the literature (Koch of Miranker and Zuckerman (2009). The neural as-
& Crick, 2001; Koch, 2004). The neural state (e.g., semblies that may form a candidate neural correlate
the one in Figure 1a) and the APG (e.g., the one of a meme generate in turn a class of decorated APGs,
in Figure 1b) are examples of a potentially infinite each of which serves as an ideal memetic phenotype
number of neuronal assemblies and corresponding (Miranker & Zuckerman, 2010). As noted earlier,
APGs that can have this same thema θ. So by analogy, the set θ in the decoration that corresponds to the
each meme in the class whose thema is θ is a picture point of such an APG is a Platonic representative of
of that θ. In terms of the photographic negative and the thema that corresponds to the class of memes in
print metaphor discussed earlier, I view such a pic- question. This set θ is the thema itself.
ture as a print corresponding to its photographic Differentiation in development.
negative θ. The messenger RNA and the proteins encoded by
the genes (or groupings thereof) are also characteriz-
Memes and genetics able within this framework of pairings. Such proteins,
A connection between genetics and differentiation constituting a first stage in the production of the as-
in embryonic development to memes and themata sociated biotic phenotype, correspond to a leaf in
is now explored. an APG, the latter graph characterizing a hierarchy

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in the differentiated embryonic development of the Referring to the grammatical thesis for con-
phenotype that ensues. sciousness described earlier: The existence and
functioning of this intrinsic grammar could be
CONCLUSION AND EXPERIMENTS studied along the lines of the experimental work
on Chomsky’s universal grammar for language
development. Refer to the large body of such
Concluding comment
work, an example of which is in Crain and
The Darwinian paradigm of natural selection and Thornton (2000); also see Coswell (2007).
its subsequent development in terms of the pairing
of genotypes and phenotypes has been extended to This article mentions a number of open ques-
other kinds of pairings found in nature. The first such tions concerning evolution and consciousness,
is to the propagation of cultural information by pair- each of which points to further study of de-
velopment, and in some cases to experimental
ing the concept of a meme and what I call a thema.
investigation. See Ben Jacob et al. (2004) for an
This pairing is reified in the structure of a neuronal example of primitive behavior and cognition
array and the array’s associated synaptic weights. (memes).
This neuronal framework supplies the constructs of
genotypes and phenotypes for the meme–thema pair- Notes
ing. The neuronal development motivates a further Address correspondence about this article to Willard L.
extension of the Darwinian approach, this time to the Miranker, Department of Computer Science, Yale University,
study of mind. There the pairing is made between the New Haven, CT 06520-8285 (e-mail: Willard.Miranker@
unconscious mind and consciousness. These mental
constructs support introduction of a consciousness 1. Phenotypes are typically described as a behavioral
thesis and then a notion of a dynamic self-referential state (Blackmore, 1999), and neural states are described as
grammar that generates a growing repertoire of con- endotypes, or intermediate steps between genes and their
phenotypes (Caccioppo & Decety, 2009; Canli, Hooker, Ger-
sciousness manifestations. To support this approach,
mine, Knight, & D’Esposito, 2006; Caspi & Moffitt, 2006).
an analytic set theoretic method is used to show how Thanks to an anonymous referee for these observations. For
a neuronal state generates a specific concept (thema) convenience, I shall not use the term endophenotype but the
and an example, namely the concept of the natural simpler phenotype.
numbers, is constructed. The approach suggests 2. Both genetic replication and Hebbian synaptic dynam-
experimental arrangements for study of the connec- ics are subject to disturbances. Mutation is the term given to
tion of behavior and human information processing. the former and noise to the latter. Of course, genes may be
Three classes of such experiments are described in exchanged in reproduction (crossover). Genes are known to
change their location within a DNA sequence.
the following section.
3. One recognizes this point of view as an aspect of con-
temporary embodied cognition psychological research. This
Experiments view dates back at least to Kant (1781): “All our knowledge
I offer a list of possible experiments associated to the begins with the senses, proceeds then to understanding and
ideas and issues raised. ends with reason. . . . It is beyond a doubt that all our knowl-
edge begins with experience.”
Referring to the consciousness thesis described
4. Recall that a primitive is an undefined construct, de-
earlier: A winning thema could be determined scribed by the properties that are required of it.
experimentally by methods that characterize the 5. A study of self-reference is framed in terms of non–
neural correlate of a particular conscious per- well-founded sets. See Aczel (1988) and Miranker and Zuck-
ception. Refer to the literature on experimental erman (2009).
determination of neural correlates (Krekelberg,
Dannenberg, Hoffmann, Bremmer, & Ross, References
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