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Classroom Management Plan

Katherine R. Wells

Brandman University

EDUU 512

Dr. Alan Enomoto

3rd Grade/Multiple Subject

October 18, 2015


Classroom Management Plan

Room Environment

My classroom layout is designed to create an engaging, comfortable, and refreshing

environment. Students will have cubbies and hooks to put their belongings away directly to the

right and left of the doorway. Student desks are in a u-shaped configuration to ensure that all

students are able to face the Smartboard, and the teacher is able to walk around and engage all

students. Depending on the number of students, a second smaller u-shape configuration could go

on the inside of the larger configuration. Directly in front of student desks, there is a white board

on the left, and a Smartboard on the right. Behind the student’s desks is a round table for small

groups or student group projects. The teacher’s desk is to the right of the Smartboard, and faces

the student’s desks. A bean shape table will be directly next to the teacher’s desk for small group

work, or individual tutoring. One corner of the room will be the classroom library. The library

will be surround with shelves, leaving one opening to the rest of the classroom creating a cozy

reading area. An area rug with floor cushions will be available for independent reading. There

will be one armed chair for the teacher to read from, and a white board for instruction. A

computer station will be available against the wall opposite of the smartboards for students to use

to enrich lessons, or during earned “free” time. There are also iPads available for students to use

during group projects.

The entire wall opposite of the doorway is bulletin boards and displays. The bulletin

board behind the teacher’s desk is titled “What Kind of Teacher do You Want?” This bulletin

board is an activity students will complete on the first day of school. I will hand out post-it notes

to the students, and ask them to write down examples of what they want from a teacher and what

kind of teacher they would like. The next bulletin board to the right will be titled “Classbook.”

Students will be given a blank handout to fill out their “social media” profile, including: name,

self-portrait, favorites, and three summer “status updates.” A subject area bulletin board will be

to the right of the “Classbook” bulletin board. This bulletin board will show the writing process,

in the shape of a pencil: brainstorm, draft, reverse, edit, and publish.

Classroom Blueprint:

Bulletin Boards:

Behavioral Expectations

Behavioral Guidelines:

1. I will wait for directions without talking.

2. I will keep my eyes forward when the teacher is talking.

3. I will keep my hands, feet, and all objects to myself.

4. I will try my best, and ask for help if I need it.

5. I will treat others how I want to be treated.

I believe in managing a classroom with positive reinforcement and empowering students.

It is my goal for the classroom to be a collaborative environment, where students feel like they

are part of a team, or family. To ensure the classroom is a welcoming and safe environment,

students will be taught classroom guidelines. I will not label the guidelines as rules, because

rules can be thought of a challenge to break.

To track student behavior, I will use the app “ClassDojo.” This app is accessible to

parents via smartphone or online to monitor their child’s behavior at school. Students will be told

that they can get a prize from the treasure box, every time they earn ten points. Points can be

earned by: working hard, keeping on task, participating, and displaying good character. When

students are caught doing well, I will write their name under the category they earned a point in,

and I will also update their points on ClassDojo. If a student is not following a guideline, I will

give them a verbal reminder of our class guidelines. If a student does not correct his/her behavior

after two verbal reminders, the student will receive a negative point under the behavior category,

and update their negative point on ClassDojo – which parents will be able to see. If a student

continues negative behavior, they will fill out a “Behavior Reflection” sheet and lose any “free

play” on the computer or iPad for the week. On the Behavior Reflection sheet, the student will

take the time to reflect on what they did, why they did it, who their behavior effected, their plan

for improvement, their signature, the teacher’s signature, and a parent’s signature. For continuing

deviation from the guidelines, students will be sent to the office with documentation of

misbehavior. Serious infractions will constitute an immediate phone call or email to parents or a

trip to the office depending on the circumstances.

At the end of the week, if a student has at least ten points, they may pick a prize from the

treasure box. If the entire class goes one week without any negative points, they will earn a

popcorn and movie party.


 Entering a classroom: students will quietly walk into the classroom facing forward.

 Beginning of the day: students will put their backpacks and jackets in their cubbies,

take out their homework folders and put them in the “turn in” tray along with any

notes for the teacher, grab their planners and a pencil, and then quietly sit on the rug

in the class library to wait for the morning meeting. The morning meeting will be

used to greet each other, go over the schedule for the day, and take any questions.

 Attendance: during morning class meeting, the designated student helper will grab the

class roster clipboard, and take attendance.

 Sharpening Pencils: if a student needs a sharpened pencil, they will quietly walk to

the supply area, put their pencil in the “needs to be sharpened” box, and choose a new

pencil from the “sharpened pencils” box, and return to their seats immediately.

 Getting Drinks: students will bring a water bottle to class, and are free to drink during

instruction time.

 Using the restroom: if a student needs to use the restroom, they will raise three fingers

and wait for teacher recognition. If the student is released to use the restroom, they

will take the bathroom pass and quietly exit and reenter the room once they have


 Lining up: when students are told to line up, they will stand up, push in their chairs (if

they are at their desk), make two lines (one boys, one girls), and recite “my arms are

folded, I do not talk, I look straight ahead, and I’m ready to walk!” As they recite this,

they are also following the cues. Eventually, students may not need to recite the


 Asking a Question: during class instruction, students will raise their hands and wait

to be called on without talking if they have a question. During independent or group

work, students will raise their pointer finger if they need assistance.

 Getting Students’ Attention: I will say, “if you hear me clap once.” This will cue the

students to clap once if they can hear me, stop what they are doing, and put their eyes

on me. If there are still students not facing me, I will say, “if you hear me clap twice.”

I will repeat this process until all students are facing me, paying attention.

 Labeling Papers: students will label all papers with their first and last name, and also

their student number in the top right corner.

 Turning in Assignments: there are “turn in” baskets for each subject we work on in

class. Students show me their worksheet, and I will let them know if they can turn it

in (depending on whether all portions are completed).

 Homework: students will write down all homework assignments in their planner, and

bring home any applicable books and worksheets inside of their homework folder.

Homework is always due the next day unless specified. Parents must sign the planner

every day. Parents also have access to to see homework assignments

and download worksheets if a student forgot theirs at school. Every morning, students

will turn their homework folder into the homework basket on my desk.

 Finished with Work: students will have a visual reminder on one of the bulletin

boards activities to do if they are done with their work early: read independently,

work on homework, or take AR test.

 End of Day: students’ planners will be checked by me to ensure they copied the

homework. The students will be prompted to clean up their work area and put all of

their books and homework in their backpacks. Students will bring their backpacks

and jackets to the class library to hold an end of day meeting. I will bring the day to a

close, give praise for good work, remind students of upcoming events, take any

questions, and end in an “all hands in” team huddle. Student will then line up

according to procedures to be released.

Daily Schedule

 8:20-8:40: Unpacking and Morning Meeting

 8:40-9:25: Reading

 9:25-10:10: Language Arts

 10:10-10:30: Recess/Snack

 10:30-11:10: Specials

 11:10-12:05: Math

 12:05-12:35: Lunch/Recess

 12:35-12:50: Class Yoga/Cool Down and Independent Reading


 12:50-1:35: Science

 1:35-2:20: Social Studies

 2:20-3:00: Independent Study/Group Work/Independent Tutoring

 3:00-3:10: Clean-up/Pack-up/Afternoon Meeting

 3:10: Dismissal

Group Building Activities

 Silly Name Game: The class gathers in a circle, and will be instructed that they will

pick a word with the same letter as their first name to introduce themselves. Each

student says their own name, and repeat any students that went before them. For

example, “I’m Kind Kate, and that was Silly Sam, and Jumping Jenny, and Pepper

Patrick…” (


 Student Interview: Students will be paired off, and given 3 minutes to learn three

facts about their partner. After three minutes, students will then “report” on the

student they interviewed and give their partners name, along with three facts about

them. (

 Summer Postcards: Students will create a postcard illustrating an event over their

summer break, and will use a pen name. Fellow students will try to guess the which

postcard belongs to which author. (


 Self Portrait Cutout: Students will take home a cardboard cutout, and decorate it to

look like themselves. They will bring it back to school the next day, and share it with

classmates. (


 Scavenger Hunt: Students will be given a sheet listing traits with blank spaces next to

them. Students will wander around the room trying to find students that fit the traits

on their sheet (ex. “likes to wake up early”, “has a little brother”, “loves to read”).

After a designated time, the class will share their discoveries.


 Friend Wanted Ads: Students write an advertisement detailing the qualities they look

for in a friend. The teacher types the ad up, then covers the student’s name with a

colorful piece of cardstock and tape it only at the top. Students can then read the ads

to find potential friends, and then lift the flap to find out what student it is.


 What Kind of Teacher do You Want?: Students will be given post-it notes and will

write down traits of the kind of teacher they want. The teacher will share student post-

its and display them on a bulletin board behind the teacher’s desk for the entire school

year. (

 Classbook Status: Students can update their “status” on a laminated 3x5 index card

every day to reflect on how class was, give kudos to other students, or share news.


 Better Bucket Filling: The teacher will read the book “Have You Filled a Bucket

Today?” Students can fill out notecards during the week addressed to other students:

“I would like to fill ______________’s bucket by saying: ____________________.

From:_______________.” At the end of the week, students can look at the cards from

other students. (


 Class Mural: Craft paper is hung on the wall, and covers enough space for all students

to have their own drawing space. The class begins drawing a mural, and works with

the classmates on either side of them to help “connect” the image. The drawing will

cover many topics, and styles, but the outcome shows how each student brings a

unique piece to the class.


Communication with Parents

Dear Parents and Guardians,

My name is Kate Wells, and I will be your child’s third grade teacher for this year. I am

beyond excited to meet your child and start the school year! I have a unique background of

experiences that will be used to enrich the classroom, and foster a successful environment. I

served 8 years in the United States Air Force as a Diet Therapist, and Training Manager. I have a

degree in Visual Arts, Nutrition, and received my Bachelors in Liberal Studies and Multiple

Subjects Teaching Credential from Brandman University. I am currently pursuing my Masters in

education from Brandman University.

Parents are encourage to participate in the classroom. During our Back-to-School night, I

will hand out volunteer signups. At that time, you may indicate if you would like to be a room

parent, grade papers, or chaperon field trips. A classroom is more successful when parents get


I believe that every student can learn, and that our classroom can be successful by

following the three “R’s”: rigor, relevance, and relationship. I will do my best to challenge your

child with the appropriate level of rigor, keep instruction relevant to the world they will grow up

in, and provide a safe environment with professional relationships. It is my goal for each student

to reach their highest potential and discover a subject they are passionate about.

I look forward to the first day of school (August 16) and meeting families at Back-to-

School Night (August 17)!


Kate Wells

Questionnaire for Parents:

1. What type of learner do you believe your child is? (visual, verbal, tactile…)

2. What are your child’s strengths?

3. What are you child’s weaknesses?

4. What is your child’s favorite subject?

5. What subject do you feel your child struggles with?

6. What does your child prefer to be called?

7. Is there anything I should know about your child that would impact their learning or day-

to-day activity?

You may also email or call at any time to discuss your child, or if you have any questions.


Kate Wells



Bloom, L. A. (2009). Classroom management: Creating positive outcomes for all students.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson.

Ertel, P. A., & Kappa Delta Pi (Honor society). (2014). The ABC's of classroom management:

An A-Z sampler for designing your learning community.

Fay, J., & Funk, D. (1995). Teaching with love & logic: Taking control of the classroom.

Honigsfeld, A., & Cohan, A. (2014). Breaking the mold of classroom management: What

educators should know and do to enable student success.

Khalsa, S. N. (2007). Teaching discipline & self-respect: Effective strategies, anecdotes, and

lessons for successful classroom management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Lockett, S. R. (1997). Creative classroom management: A fresh approach to building a learning

community. Greensboro, NC: Carson-Dellosa Pub. Co.

NEA - Classroom Management. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Shindler, J. (2010). Transformative classroom management: Positive strategies to engage all

students and promote a psychology of success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Stone, R. (2005). Best classroom management practices for reaching all learners: What award-

winning classroom teachers do. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (1998). The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher.

References (Group Building)

3rd Grade Thoughts: Better Bucket Filling "Buckets". (n.d.). Retrieved from

Be a Journalist!- Creative Writing & Journalism Activity - (n.d.).

Retrieved from

Classroom Activities: First Day of School Icebreakers | (n.d.). Retrieved



Icebreakers and Name Games. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Klohns, K. (2012, August 27). Miss Klohn's Classroom: Wonderful. Retrieved from

Postcards Icebreaker (Lesson Plan) - (n.d.). Retrieved from

Starr, J. (2015, July 30). iTeach Third: Back To School Friend Wanted Ads. Retrieved from

Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching: Five Great ways to Build Community and

Get to Know your New Students and Their Families. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Upper Grades Are Awesome: First Day of School! (2012, July 23). Retrieved from

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