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Indonesia as the center world's maritime

(Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia)

The last few years that’s Indonesian government, experts, universities and non-
governmental institutions domestic and foreign with new issues, in the context of the history
of the kingdoms of the local archipelago, we are proud of the triumph of the kingdom of
Sriwijaya and Majapahit. President Djokowi present revive our despair about the triumph of
the new Indonesian maritime nation, we understand as the world.In because of Indonesian
Maritime center have a sea area that is larger than its land area, a shaft, believed to be
between the center of the world.
We understand that many individual state (unilateral) or collectively (multilateral)
claimed himself as well as the center of the world. Chinese Maritime have Silk Road
(Maritime Silk Road) century XI. Rusia is increasingly solid political, economic and military
initiated the Trans Siberian Lines that stretches from Moscow and across Europe in the
west to East Asia in Beijing. We also understand the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
(TPP), championed by the United States. A cooperation agreement "complements" the
various economic cooperation before agreements are already present. TPP then matched
with the Regional Economic Cooperation Partnership (RECP) that was hatced by the
Chinese state. The main interest of regional cooperation and inter-regional, is the main
economic and trade cooperation which are directly using sea transportation in the

How do we as a seafarer The Indonesian seafare meet in welcoming what is already on the
launch planned by our president "Joko Widodo" Regarding the construction of the Toll of
the Sea. Certainly we should be preparing source and skills as a professional force in
seafarer aboard as crew. To make us a be professionals whom we have done today is
implementation a polytechnic marine school in Surabaya ,
so that’s all for me thank you for your attention . good morning / good afternoon.

M. Jaeni Saifudin
DP. III Tehnik B

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