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Teacher : JOAN E. JUAREZ

School : Anastacio Elementary School
Date : ________________________

Objective: Solving Problems Involving Time

Value : Time Management
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills :
 Solving Problems involving time
 Independently solve word problems that involve calculating time
 Work with peers to solve word problems related to time.

Materials :

 Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics pp.63

 Learner’s Material (downloaded)
 Teacher’s Guide (downloaded)
 Activity Sheets
 Show me boards
References :
 Curriculum Guide G-5 Math pp.63
 Surfing Internet website : Teaching Mathematics

Instructional Procedure :

A. Preliminary Activities

1.Drill: Give the exact equivalent of the following :

a. 21 days = _______- weeks

b. 30 days =________-months
c. 24 hours=________days
d. 1 hour =_______minutes
e. 7 days = ________weeks

B.Conduct a review on reading time .

Show a picture of a boy reading in a study table.
Talk about the boy in the picture .
Ask : What do you usually do as a pupil before going to bed at night ?
How do you manage doing all the assignments ,projects and
other activities ?(Connect the value of proper time management)
B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation : Today we will be learning how to solve problems

involving time.
(Present a problem to the class)

Sofia a grade six pupil of Anastacio Elementary School is a

diligent girl. After washing dishes she studies her lessons and does her
homework. At 7: 20 p.m. Sophia started doing her homework .She
finished it at 8:40p.m.
How much time did she spent doing her homework?

Ask : What did Sophia do ?

At what time did she start making her homework?
At what time did she finished ?
How do we solve the problem ?
Is there a need to follow a procedure ?
What are the usual steps we use in solving word problems?

2.Performing the Activity

Group the pupils into 5 groups.
Let the group work together to find the answers to the given problem with
the following guide questions :
1. What is asked in the problem?
2. What are given ?
3. What operation will be used ?
4. What is the mathematical sentence ?
5. How is the solution done ?
6. What is the answer to the problem?
Let the different groups display their outputs and ask them to discuss their

3.Processing the Activity

After all the groups have presented ask , How did you find the activity ?
How were you able to find the answer?What were the steps followed to come up with
the answer?
Encourage the pupils to check if their answers make sense by checking their

4. Reinforcing the Concept and skill

A. Guide the pupils to have a better understanding of solving problems
involving time and discussing the presentation in Explore and Discover on page…
LM Math Grade 5.
B. Ask the pupils to work on Get Moving on page …… LM.Grade 5
C. Give more activities as possible .Let them work by group,by pair and
individually .Encourage them to show their answers .

5. Summarizing the Lesson

Lead the pupils give the following generalization by asking :
How do we solve word problems involving time ?

To solve word problems involving time ,we follow the steps in solving the word
problems.Use the different ways to find the time such as subtracting /adding the time
started from the time ended ,using a number line ,and counting the minutes or seconds
from the time started to the time ended.

7. Applying the new and Other Situations

Let the pupils solve the problem under Applying your Skills on page
……. LM Math 5
C. Assessment :

Solve the problem :

1. Jenelyn is driving to Dipolog City .She leaves at 5:50 a.m..She arrives at 9:20
p.m. How long did she drive for ?.
What is asked :_________________________________
What are given: _________________________________
What operation to use : ____________________________
What is the number sentence : ______________________
What is the solution :

What is the answer : _______________________________

2. A plane landed in Cebu at 4:47 p.m It departed from Manila at 2 :15 p.m. How
long did it take the plane to fly from Manila to Cebu ?

What is asked :_________________________________

What are given: _________________________________
What operation to use : ____________________________
What is the number sentence : ______________________
What is the solution :

What is the answer : _______________________________

D. Home Activity

Solve the following word problems :

1. Harry leaves school at 3:45 p.m.He eats dinner at 6:30 p.m. How much time
passed between when he left school and ate dinner ?

What is asked :_________________________________

What are given: _________________________________
What operation to use : ____________________________
What is the number sentence : ______________________
What is the solution :
What is the answer : _______________________________

2. Clara had an appointment at Dr. Calayan’s office yesterday at 11:30 a.m. .The
doctor called her into his office right on time .She was out there 25 minutes
later .What time did Clara leave the doctors’ office ?

What is asked :_________________________________

What are given: _________________________________
What operation to use : ____________________________
What is the number sentence : ______________________
What is the solution :

What is the answer : _______________________________

Observed by :

School Principal


Public Schools District Supervisor

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