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Private Scholarship Contract Contract Bursa Privata

No. …. Nr. …..

Between: Incheiat intre:


And si

OMV Petrom and the Beneficiary OMV Petrom si Beneficiarul fiind in

hereinafter individually referred to continuare numiti individual
as the “Party” and jointly referred “Partea” si colectiv “Partile”
to as the “Parties”

Preamble Preambul
Considering that: Avand in vedere ca:
(i) The Beneficiary has the quality of (i) Beneficiarul are calitatea de
student at …… Faculty, Politehnica student la Facultatea …….
University of Bucharest; Universitatea Politehnica din
(ii) The Beneficiary fulfils all the
requirements required by OMV (ii) Beneficiarul indeplineste
Petrom in order to obtain a private conditiile solicitate de OMV Petrom
scholarship according to applicable de a obtine o bursa privata in
legal provisions; conformitate cu reglementarile
legale aplicabile;
(iii) On the Effective Date (as
defined below) the Parties verbally (iii) La Data Intrarii in Vigoare
agreed upon the terms and (astfel cum este definita mai jos)
conditions laid down in writing Parţile au agreat pe cale verbala
below; termenii si condiţiile stabilite in scris
mai jos;

(iv) The above-mentioned verbal

agreement duly entered into force (iv) Intelegerea verbala mai sus
and took effect as from the date mentionata a intrat in vigoare si
when the Parties verbally gave their produce efecte de la data la care
consent as to the terms and Parţile si-au dat acordul verbal in
conditions of their agreement, ceea ce priveste termenii si condiţiile
namely the Effective Date (as intelegerii lor, si anume Data Intrarii
defined below); in Vigoare (astfel cum este definita
mai jos);
(v) The Parties agreed to lay down
in writing the terms and conditions (v) Parţile au convenit ca termenii si
verbally consented to on the condiţiile pe care le-au agreat pe
Effective Date and which duly cale verbala la Data Intrarii in
entered into force and took effect Vigoare sa fie redate in scris la Data
on the same date and which have Intrarii in Vigoare; acesti termeni si
continued to be in full force and conditii au intrat in vigoare, au
effect in accordance with the same inceput si au continuat sa produca
terms and conditions laid down efecte de la Data Intrarii in Vigoare
below; in conformitate cu aceleasi prevederi
transpuse mai jos;
(vi) This Contract is intended to lay
down in writing and ratify the verbal (vi) Prin acest Contract se stabileste
agreement existing between the in scris si se ratifica acordul verbal
Parties and applicable ever since existent intre Parţi incepand cu Data
the Effective Date, Intrarii in Vigoare,

NOW THEREFORE, according to the

provisions of Law No. 376/2004
PRIN URMARE, avand in vedere
regarding the private scholarship
dipozitiile Legii nr.376/2004 privind
and its application norms, the
bursele private si ale instructiunilor
Parties agreed to conclude this
de aplicare a acesteia, Partile au
Private Scholarship Contract (the
convenit incheierea prezentului
“Contract”) under the following
Contract de Bursa Privata
terms and conditions:
(“Contractul”) dupa cum urmeaza:
The Parties hereby agree that the
Partile consimt ca prezentul Contract
present Contract takes effect as of
intra in vigoare de la data de ……..
…….. (the “Effective Date”) and
(“Data Intrarii In Vigoare”) si este
shall be valid for the entire period of
valabil pe intreaga perioada a
Bachelor’s studies of the
studiilor de licenta ale Beneficiarului,
Beneficiary, but no more than 4
dar nu mai mult de 4 ani.
Partile agreaza si inteleg ca
The Parties agree and acknowledge
prezentul Contract (i) transpune si
that the present Contract: (i)
stabileste in scris termenii si
transposes and lays down in writing
condiţiile iniţial agreate pe cale
the terms and conditions originally
verbala si ca acestea se aplica in
agreed upon verbally and that it
totalitate acordarii unei burse private
fully applies to the granting of a
in vederea spijinirii studiilor
private scholarship to the
universitare ale Beneficiarului
Beneficiary in order to support his
incepand cu Data Intrarii In Vigoare
university studies ever since the
si (ii) ca acesta va continua sa
Effective Date and that (ii) it shall
reglementeze acordarea unei burse
continue to govern the granting of a
private in vederea spijinirii studiilor
private scholarship to the
universitare ale Beneficiarului care
Beneficiary in order to support his
va fi efectuata dupa data incheierii
university studies initiated after the
prezentului document in scris, cu
date of conclusion hereof in writing,
excepţia cazului in care nu s-a
unless otherwise expressly agreed
convenit altfel in mod expres, in
in writing by and between the
scris, de catre Parţi.


1.1 The scope of the Contract is to grant 1.1 Obiectul Contractului consta in
a private scholarship (the acordarea unei burse private
“Scholarship”) to the Beneficiary (“Bursa”) Beneficiarului in vederea
in order to support his Bachelors’ sprijinirii studiilor de licenta in
studies in industrial engineering at ingineria industriala la Facultatea de
the Mechanical and Mechatronics Mecanica si Mecatronica,
Faculty, Politehnica University of Universitatea Politehnica din
Bucharest, the Beneficiary having Bucuresti, urmand ca Beneficiarul sa
the obligation to work after lucreze, dupa finalizarea studiilor, ca
graduation as an employee of OMV angajat al OMV Petrom/ unei
Petrom/ a company within OMV companii din cadrul Grupului OMV
Petrom Group, if depending on Petrom, daca in functie de nevoile de
business needs, OMV Petrom/ a afaceri, OMV Petrom sau o companie
company within OMV Petrom Group din cadrul Grupul OMV Petrom îi va
will make a job offer. face o oferta de munca.
OMV Petrom Group means for the
Prin Grupul OMV Petrom, in acest
purpose of this Contract OMV
Contract, se va intelege OMV Petrom
Petrom and all its fully consolidated
si toate filialele sale integral
1.2 The Scholarship is granted to the 1.2 Bursa se acorda Beneficiarului pe
Beneficiary for the duration of each durata fiecarui an universitar, in
academic year, in accordance with conformitate cu planul de
the curriculum plan and it is invatamant si este conditionata de
conditioned to the fulfilment of indeplinirea obligatiilor mentionate la
obligations mentioned in art. 4.1 of art. 4.1 din prezentul Contract.
this Contract.



2.1 The total value of the Contract is of 2.1 Valoarea totala a Contractului este
…. EURO. de ...... EURO.
2.2 The Scholarship is monthly granted, 2.2 - Bursa se acorda lunar, pe o
for a period of 9 (nine) months / perioada de 9 (noua) luni/an
academic year, respectively for universitar, respectiv pentru
months ….. /academic year, starting lunile ……../ an universitar,
with …… in amount of 400 (foro incepand cu luna ……, in
hundred) Euro/ month. cuantum de 400 (patru sute)
Euro/ luna.
2.3 The payment shall be made by OMV 2.3 Plata sumei se va face de catre OMV
Petrom by bank transfer to the Petrom prin transfer bancar in contul
Beneficiary’s account ……., until the Beneficiarului ……., pana la data de
10th of each month for the 10 a fiecarei luni, pentru luna in
respective current month. curs.
2.4 The payment shall be made 2.4 Plata se va face prin ordin de plata,
monthly, starting with ……., in LEI, lunar, incepand cu luna …….., , in LEI
at the Romanian National Bank la cursul de referinta LEI-EURO al
exchange rate LEI-EURO valid on Bancii Nationale a Romaniei valabil
the day of payment. On the la data efectuarii platii. Pe Ordinul de
payment order it shall be mentioned plata se va face mentiunea „bursa
“private scholarship”. privata”.
The payment order copies shall
constitute an integrant part of the
Copiile ordinelor de plata vor face
Contract, being attached as Annex
parte integranta din Contract, fiind
No. 2 to the present Contract.
atasate ca Anexa nr. 2 la prezentul


3.1 This Contract shall enter into force 3.1 Prezentul Contract intra in vigoare la
at …… and shall be valid for the data de …. si este valabil pe intreaga
entire period of Bachelor’s studies perioada a studiilor de licenta ale
of the Beneficiary, but no more than Beneficiarului, dar nu mai mult de
June 30, 2021. data de 30 Iunie 2021.
“Bachelor’s studies” means “Studii de licenta” inseamna maxim
maximum 4(four) years of studies 4 (patru) ani de studii, cursuri de zi,
completed by a Bachelor’s diploma. finalizate prin obtinerea diplomei de



4.1 Obligations of the BENEFICIARY 4.1 Obligatiile BENEFICIARULUI

4.1.1 Referring to the studies,the 4.1.1 Cu privire la studii, Beneficiarul are
Beneficiary has the following urmatoarele obligatii:
 Sa aiba statutul de student la
 To hold the status as full-time cursuri de zi si sa pastreze acest
student and to keep this status statut pe toata perioada in care
throughout the period the primeste Bursa.
Beneficiary receives the
Scholarship.  Sa isi indeplineasca integral
activitaţile didactice obligatorii
 Must fully complete the inscrise in planul de invatamant
mandatory educational activities al Facultatii ……., Universitatea
included in the curriculum plan Politehnica din Bucuresti.
of the ……, Politehnica
University of Bucharest.  Sa nu aiba restante si sa nu
repete nici un an universitar.
 Must have no failed exams and
no repeated academic years are  Sa aiba cel putin media generala
accepted. 8 (opt) pentru fiecare an
 Must have at least 8 GPA (grade
point average) each academic  Nivelul de cunoastere a limbii
year. engleze sa fie cel putin A2 la
finalul anului 2 de studii si cel
 The level of English language putin B2 la finalul anului 4 de
proficiency must be at least A2 studii, conform Cadrului
at the end of second year of European Comun de Referinta
study and at least B2 at the end pentru Abilitati de Invatare a
of the fourth year of study, Limbilor Straine.
according to Common European
Framework of Reference for  Sa prezinte anual, pana la data
Languages. de 31 Octombrie a anului
universitar curent, dovada
 To submit annually, until October promovarii anului de studiu
31st of the current academic anterior, notificand, conform
year, the proof attesting Art.7.1, OMV Petrom,
promotion of the previous Departamentul Human Resources
academic year, respectively, by Corporate. Pentru primul an
informing, according to Art. 7.1, universitar, documentul solicitat
OMV Petrom, Human Resources mai sus va fi trimis de Beneficiar
Corporate Department. For the pana la data de 31 Octombrie
first academic year, the 2017.
document mentioned above will
be submitted by the Beneficiary  Sa scrie lucrarea de licenta si
until October 31, 2017. proiectul in legatura cu lucrarea
de licenta (in cazul in care un
 To write the bachelor thesis and astfel de proiect va fi necesar)
project work related to the intr-un domeniu de interes pentru
bachelor thesis (if such a project OMV Petrom/ celelalte companii
will be required) within a field of din Grupul OMV Petrom si sa
interest for OMV Petrom/ any of alinieze cu OMV Petrom/ celelalte
the other company within OMV companii din Grupul OMV Petrom
Petrom Group and align the topic subiectul lucrarii de licentă si
of the bachelor thesis and proiectul (in cazul in care un
project (if such a project will be astfel de proiect va fi necesar).
required) with OMV Petrom/ any
of the other companies within  Sa nu exercite in paralel cu
OMV Group. studiile de licenta o profesie sau
raport de munca, cu sau fara un
 To not pursue a vocational salariu regulat. In cazul in care
occupation or employment Beneficiarul castiga orice fel de
relationship, with or without a salariu, atunci OMV Petrom este
regular salary, parallel to the indreptatit sa inceteze imediat
bachelor studies. If any salary is Contractul si sa recupereze orice
earned by the Beneficiary, then sume platite in baza prezentului
OMV Petrom is entitled to Contract.
immediately terminate the
Contract and to reclaim any
amounts paid under the present  Sa nu primeasca o alta finantare
Contract. si/ sau bursa scolara pe intreaga
durata a prezentului Contract.
 To not benefit from any other
Daca o astfel de finantare si/sau
grant and/ or scholarship for the
bursa scolara va fi primita, OMV
entire period of this Contract. If
Petrom este indreptatit sa
such grant and/ or scholarship is
inceteze imediat Contractul si sa
received, OMV Petrom is entitled
recupereze orice sume platite in
to immediately terminate the
baza prezentului Contract.
Contract and to reclaim any
amounts paid under the present  In cazul in care OMV Petrom/ o
Contract.In case that OMV alta companie din cadrul
Petrom/ another company within Grupului OMV Petrom va oferi
OMV Petrom Group will offer Beneficiarului posibilitatea de a
Beneficiary the opportunity to efectua un stagiu sau mai multe
complete an internship or more stagii de practica in cadrul OMV
internships within OMV Petrom/ Petrom/ altei companii din Grupul
another company within OMV OMV Petrom, acesta va avea
Petrom Group, he/she will have obligatia sa accepte si efectueze
the obligation to accept and toate stagiile de practica pentru
complete all internships for care va fi selectat, conform
which he/she will be selected, invitatiei care va fi transmisa de
according to the invitation that fiecare companie;
shall be submitted by each
company;  In cazul in care Beneficiarul va
efectua un stagiu de practica in
 In case the Beneficiary will cadrul OMV Petrom/ companii din
complete an internship within Grupul OMV Petrom, se vor
OMV Petrom/ company within respecta urmatoarele:
OMV Petrom Group, the
following will be observed: (i) Detaliile referitoare la stagiul
de practica vor fi stabilite de
(i) Details concerning the comun acord intre OMV Petrom/
internship will be determined by compania din cadrul OMV Petrom
mutual agreement between OMV si Beneficiar, cu respectarea
Petrom/ company within OMV tuturor cerintelor legale si interne
Petrom Group and the aplicabile in acest caz;
Beneficiary under strict
consideration of legal and
internal requirements for such (ii) Sa respecte programul de
case; lucru stabilit si sa execute
(ii) To observe the established activitatile specificate de tutorele
de practica desemnat de OMV
work program and to perform Petrom/ compania din cadrul
the activities specified by the OMV Petrom, pe intreaga durata
practice tutor appointed by OMV a stagiului de practica;
Petrom/ company within OMV
(iii) Sa respecte Regulamentul de
Petrom Group during the whole
Ordine Interioară al OMV Petrom/
period of the internship;
companiei din cadrul OMV Petrom
(iii) To comply with the Internal pe intreaga durata a stagiului de
Regulation Policy of OMV practica;
Petrom/ company within OMV
(iv) Sa respecte normele de
Petrom Group during the whole
securitate si sanatate in munca
period of the internship;
pe care si le-a insusit de la
(iv) To comply with the rules tutorele de practica inainte de
concerning the security and începerea stagiului de practica.
health at work which were
acquired from the practice tutor  Sa prezinte, la solicitarea OMV
prior to start the compulsory Petrom, documente justificative
internship. care atesta situatia sa scolara,
precum si copii legalizate dupa
 Must submit, at OMV Petrom’s diploma de licenta.
request, the documents
attesting his/her student’s
academic record for the
completed years, as well as
certified copies of the Bachelor’s
4.1.2 The Beneficiary undertakes to work 4.1.2 Beneficiarul se obliga sa profeseze,
as an employee of OMV Petrom or a ca angajat al OMV Petrom sau al unei
company within OMV Petrom Group companii din Grupul OMV Petrom,
for a period of 5 (five) years from pentru o perioada de 5 (cinci) ani de
graduation, on a suitable position, if la absolvire, pe un post
OMV Petrom or a company within corespunzator studiilor absolvite,
OMV Petrom Group will make a job daca OMV Petrom sau o companie
offer. din Grupul OMV Petrom îi va face o
oferta de munca.

4.1.3 The Beneficiary undertakes, in case 4.1.3 BENEFICIARUL se obliga, in caz de

of failing to fulfil its contractual neexecutare totala sau partiala a
obligations, to reimburse, in a obligatiilor sale, sa restituie in
period of 3(three) months from the termen de 3 (trei) luni de la
written notification received from notificarea adresata in scris de OMV
OMV Petrom in this regard, all Petrom in acest sens, toate sumele
amounts received as Scholarship primite cu titlu de Bursa in baza
under this Contract, increased with prezentului Contract, indexate cu
inflation index, as per Annex No.1 - indicele de inflatie, conform Anexei
Payment engagement to the nr.1 - Angajamentul de Plata la
present Contract. The payment of prezentul Contract. Plata sumelor
the respective amounts shall be respective se va face in contul
made in the bank account indicated bancar indicat de OMV Petrom in
by OMV Petrom in the notification. notificare.

4.1.4 In case of unilateral termination of 4.1.4 In cazul denuntarii unilaterale a

the Contract by the Beneficiary, Contractului de catre Beneficiar, in
according to art. 5.4 of this conformitate cu art. 5.4 din prezentul
Contract, the Beneficiary has the Contract, acesta are obligatia sa
obligation to reimburse to OMV restituie OMV Petrom toate sumele
Petrom all amounts received as primite cu titlu de Bursa in baza
Scholarship under this Contract, in a prezentului Contract, indexate cu
period of 30 (thirty) days as from indicele de inflatie, in termen de 30
the date when he/ she will receive (treizeci) de zile de la data la care va
from OMV Petrom an answer to his/ primi din partea OMV Petrom un
her unilateral termination notice. In raspuns la notificarea sa de
the respective answer, OMV Petrom denuntare unilaterala. In respectivul
will indicate the total amount to be raspuns, OMV Petrom va mentiona
reimbursed and the bank account in suma totala de restituit si contul
which the amount has to be bancar in care Beneficiarul trebuie sa
reimbursed. restituie suma.

4.1.5 The Beneficiary of the Scholarship 4.1.5 Beneficiarul Bursei are obligatia sa
undertakes to submit the Contract prezinte Contractul in vederea
to the educational institution in avizarii la institutia de invatamant
order to be registered. unde efectueaza studiile pentru a fi
inregistrat la aceasta.
4.2. Obligations and rights of OMV 4.2. Obligatiile si drepturile OMV
Petrom Petrom
4.2.1 OMV Petrom shall pay the amount of 4.2.1 OMV Petrom se obliga sa asigure
the Scholarship, under the finantarea Bursei in conditiile si la
conditions and term stipulated at termenele prevazute la Sectiunea 2
Section 2 of this Contract. a prezentului Contract.

4.2.2 OMV Petrom has the right to select 4.2.2 OMV Petrom isi rezerva dreptul de a
the students which will complete selecta studentii care urmeaza sa
internships within OMV Petrom/ efectueze stagii de practica in cadrul
another company within OMV OMV Petrom/ altei companii din
Petrom Group. cadrul OMV Petrom.



5.1 By written consent of both Parties. 5.1 Prin acordul scris al ambelor Parti.
5.2 At the expiration date of this 5.2 La expirarea duratei prezentului
Contract. Contract.
5.3 By the OMV Petrom’s unilateral 5.3 Prin denuntarea unilaterala de catre
termination, in any moment before. OMV Petrom, in orice moment inainte
the expiration date of Contract and de expirarea duratei Contractului si
without the OMV Petrom’s obligation fara ca OMV Petrom sa expuna
to justify the Contract’s unilateral motivele de denuntare unilaterala a
termination reasons, by a Contractului, printr-o notificare scrisa
notification sent to the Beneficiary trimisa Beneficiarului cu cel putin 15
with at least 15 (fifteen) calendar (cincisprezece) zile calendaristice
days before the Contract’s inainte de data incetarii Contractului.
termination date.
5.4 By the Beneficiary’s unilateral 5.4 Prin denuntare unilaterala de catre
termination in any moment before Beneficiar, in orice moment inainte
the expiration date of Contract, by a de expirarea duratei Contractului,
notification sent to the OMV Petrom printr-o notificare scrisa trimisa OMV
with at least 15 (fifteen) calendar Petrom cu cel putin 15
days before the Contract’s (cincisprezece) zile calendaristice
termination date. In this situation, inainte de data incetarii Contractului.
the Beneficiary will return all In aceasta situatie, Beneficiarul va
scholarship amounts obtained under returna toate sumele obtinute cu
this Contract subjects to the terms titlu de bursa, in conditiile prevazute
stipulated at point 4.1.4 of this la punctul 4.1.4 din prezentul
Contract. Contract.
5.5 By law, by any Parties’ rescission, 5.5 De drept, ca urmare a simplei
simply due to failure by the other neexecutari de catre cealalta Parte
Party without the intervention of prin rezilierea de catre oricare Parte,
any court of justice, any delivery of fara interventia instantei, fara
notice of delay and other prior punere in intarziere si fara alta
formality, except for the formalitate prealabila, cu exceptia
transmission of a written rescission transmiterii unei notificari scrise de
notification to the other Party in reziliere celeilalte Parti aflate in
default, with at least 15 (fifteen) culpa, cu cel putin 15 (cincisprezece)
calendar days before the date zile calendaristice inainte de data
mentioned in the notification for the mentionata in notificare pentru
Contract’s rescission, in case the incetarea Contractului, in cazul in
other Party is in breach of any of care cealalta Parte incalca vreuna
the obligations expressly dintre obligatiile asumate in mod
undertaken through the present expres prin prezentul Contract.
5.6 At the request of any Party, when an 5.6 La initiativa oricareia dintre Parti in
event of Force Majeure continue for cazul in care o situatie de forta
more than 30 (thirty) calendar majora dureaza mai mult de 30
consecutive days, upon either Party (treizeci) de zile calendaristice
giving 5 (five) working days written consecutive, in urma unei notificari
notice to the other Party. adresate de oricare Parte celeilate
Parti cu 5 (cinci) zile lucratoare
inainte de incetarea efectiva a


6.1. It exonerates the Parties if it has 6.1 Exonereaza de raspundere Partile,

been invoked under the legal terms; daca a fost invocata in conditiile
force majeure is an extrinsic and legii; prin forta majora se intelege un
unpredicted event, impossible to be eveniment exterior si imprevizibil,
stopped by man and which prevents imposibil de inlaturat prin vointa
the fulfilment of contractual omului si care face imposibil de
obligations. executat obligatiile contractuale.
6.2 The Party claiming the force 6.2 Partea care invoca forta majora va
majeure shall notify the other Party notifica celeilalte Parti, in termen de
within 5 (five) calendar days from 5 (cinci) zile calendaristice aparitia
the occurrence of the force majeure cazului de forta majora si sa prezinte
event and shall sent the proving documentele doveditoare emise de
documents issued by competent autoritatile competente.
6.3 Failure to notify the force majeure 6.3 Lipsa notificarii cazului de forta
event does not release the Party majora nu este exoneratoare de
from its contractual responsibility. raspundere pentru Partea care o


7.1 By agreement of both contractual 7.1 In acceptiunea Partilor contractante,

Parties, any notification addressed orice notificare adresata de una
by one Party to the other one is dintre acestea celeilalte este valabil
legally fulfilled if it is sent in writing indeplinita daca va fi facuta in scris
to the address/headquarters si transmisa la adresa/sediul
indicated in the introductory part of prevazut in partea introductiva a
the Contract. prezentului Contract.
7.2 In case the notification is sent by 7.2 In cazul in care notificarea se face pe
mail, it will represent a registered cale postala, ea va fi transmisa, prin
letter for which to receive a notice scrisoare recomandata, cu
of delivery (A.R.) and is considered confirmare de primire (A.R.) si se
to be received by the addressee on considera primita de destinatar la
the day marked on the notice by the data mentionata de oficiul postal
post office that has received it. In primitor pe aceasta confirmare. In
case the confirmation is sent by e- cazul in care notificarea se trimite
mail, it is considered to be received prin e-mail, ea se considera primita
on the first working day after in prima zi lucratoare dupa cea in
delivery. care a fost expediata.

7.3 The verbal notifications are taken 7.3 Notificarile verbale nu se iau in
into consideration by no Party if considerare de nici una dintre Parti,
they are not confirmed in one of the daca nu sunt confirmate, prin
ways mentioned under the previous intermediul uneia dintre modalitatile
paragraphs. prevazute la alineatele precedente.



8.1 The Beneficiary hereby agrees that 8.1 Prin prezentul Contract Beneficiarul
all his/ her personal data provided este de acord ca toate datele sale
to OMV Petrom (name and surname, personale furnizate OMV Petrom
date of birth, home address, contact (nume si prenume, data nasterii,
number, E-Mail address etc.) to be adresa, nr. de telefon, adresa de e-
collected, stored, processed and mail etc.) sa fie colectate, stocate,
used by OMV Petrom and the prelucrate si utilizate de OMV Petrom
Companies within OMV Petrom si companiile din cadrul Grupului
Group, for the conclusion and OMV Petrom, in scopul incheierii si
execution of this Contract. executarii prezentului Contract.



9.1 The Beneficiary will treat all 9.1 Beneficiarul se obliga sa trateze
information and documents toate informatiile si documentatiile
belonging to OMV Petrom/ apartinand OMV Petrom/ companiilor
Companies within OMV Petrom din cadrul Grupului OMV Petrom de
Group she/he was made aware of care a luat cunostinta in timpul
during and/or related to the si/sau cu ocazia derularii prezentului
performance of this Contract as Contract ca informatii confidentiale
confidential information and will si isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru
take responsibility to maintain the pastrarea caracterului confidential al
confidential character of this Contractului si al acestor
Contract and the said information documentatii si informatii.
and documents.

9.2 The Confidential obligation will 9.2 Obligatia de confidentialitate va

survive the termination of the ramane in vigoare si dupa incetarea
Contract for an undefined period of Contractului pentru o perioada
time, irrespective of the reasons of nedeterminata de timp, indiferent de
termination. The Beneficiary will not motivele incetarii acestuia.
make public nor use any information Beneficiarul se obliga sa nu faca
and/or documents directly or publica si sa nu utilizeze nici o
indirectly for its own benefit or the informatie si/sau documentatie,
benefit of a third party, will ensure direct sau indirect, pentru beneficiul
confidentiality for all information sau ori al oricarei terte persoane, sa
and documents received from OMV asigure confidentialitatea
Petrom/ Companies within OMV informatiilor si documentatiilor
Petrom Group and will not disclose, primite de la OMV Petrom/
dispose of or sell the information companiile din Grupul OMV Petrom si
given by OMV Petrom/ Companies sa nu divulge, sa instraineze sau sa
within OMV Petrom Group, except comercializeze informatiile furnizate
for the situations pursuant to the de OMV Petrom/ companiile din
legal requirements and/ or imposed Grupul OMV Petrom, cu exceptia
and/or solicited by means of a situatiilor prevazute de lege si/sau
decision and/or order from the court impuse si/sau solicitate printr-o
and/or any other regulatory bodies, hotarare si/sau decizie a autoritatilor
as well as when such is required for judecatoresti si/sau a altor autoritati
the performance of the Contract. competente, precum si cu exceptia
situatiilor in care acest lucru se
impune in vederea executarii

9.3 In the event that the Beneficiary 9.3 In cazul in care Beneficiarul incalca
violates the confidentiality obligatia de confidentialitate cu
obligation with regard to this privire la prezentul Contract, prin
Contract, by disclosing to dezvaluirea catre terti neautorizati a
unauthorized third parties unor informatii si/sau documentatii
information and/or documents she/ de care a luat cunostinta in timpul
he was made aware of during si/sau cu ocazia derularii prezentului
and/or related to the performance of Contract va fi obligat la plata de
this Contract he/she will pay daune catre OMV Petrom/ companiile
damages to OMV Petrom/ din cadrul Grupului OMV Petrom.
Companies within OMV Petrom


10.1 All intellectual rights relating to that 10.1 Toate drepturile de proprietate
Contract provided by OMV Petrom/ intelectuala furnizate Beneficiarului
Companies within OMV Petrom de catre OMV Petrom/ companiile din
Group to the Beneficiary shall cadrul Grupului OMV Petrom in
remain absolute property of OMV legatura cu prezentul Contract,
Petrom/ Companies within OMV raman in proprietatea exclusiva a
Petrom Group; the documents of OMV Petrom/ companiilor din cadrul
OMV Petrom/ Companies within Grupului OMV Petrom; documentele
OMV Petrom Group, or any other OMV Petrom/ companiilor din cadrul
goods shall be reproduced, Grupului OMV Petrom, precum si
disclosed or copied by the orice alte produse vor fi reproduse,
Beneficiary solely for the execution dezvaluite sau copiate de catre
of this Contract. Beneficiar numai pentru executarea
prezentului Contract.

10.2 OMV Petrom/ Companies within 10.2 OMV Petrom/ companiile din cadrul
OMV Petrom Group will not Grupul OMV Petrom nu va/ vor
indemnify the Beneficiary that an despagubi Beneficiarul pentru
infringement claim is based upon oricare acuzatie de încalcari de
any information, design, drepturi de proprietate intelectuala
specification, instruction, software, in legatura cu oricare dintre
data or material by the Beneficiary informaaiile, desenele industriale,
to OMV Petrom. OMV Petrom/ instrucaiuni, software-ul, date sau
Companies within OMV Petrom materiale furnizate OMV Petrom de
Group will not indemnify the catre Beneficiar. OMV Petrom/
Beneficiary for any portion of an companiile din cadrul Grupului OMV
infringement claim that is based Petrom nu va despagubi Beneficiarul
upon the combination of any date pentru oricare cerere de încalcare de
and material of OMV Petrom/ drepturi de proprietate intelectuala
Companies within OMV Petrom bazata pe combinaaia de date si
Group with any products or services documente ale OMV Petrom/
provided by the Beneficiary. companiilor din Grupul OMV Petrom
cu oricare dintre produsele sau
serviciile furnizate de catre

10.3 If during the bachelor studies in 10.3 In cazul in care pe durata studiilor de
industrial engineering at the licenta in ingineria industrials la
Mechanical and Mechatronics Facultatea de Inginerie Mecanica si
Engineering Faculty, Politehnica Mecatronica, Universitatea
University of Bucharest, the Politehnica din Bucuresti, Beneficiarul
Beneficiary will carry out research va desfasura activitate de cercetare
activity for writing the bachelor in vederea elaborarii lucrarii de
thesis and/or projects within a field licenta si/ sau proiecte intr-un
of interest for OMV Petrom/ domeniu de interes pentru OMV
Companies within OMV Petrom Petrom/ companii din Grupul OMV
Group, using the data, technical Petrom, cu folosirea datelor,
documentations, information etc. documentațiilor tehnice, informațiilor
provided by OMV Petrom/ etc. puse la dispozitie de catre OMV
Companies within OMV Petrom Petrom/ companiilor din Grupul OMV
Group, OMV Petrom/ Companies Petrom, OMV Petrom si companiile
within OMV Petrom Group shall have din Grupul OMV Petrom va/ vor avea
an exclusive right to use and exploit un drept exclusiv de utilizare si
the results obtained by the exploatare a rezultatelor obtinute de
Beneficiary. By signing this Contract, Beneficiar. Prin semnarea
Beneficiary agrees that all prezentului Contract, Beneficiarul
intellectual property rights arising este de acord ca toate drepturile de
from this are born directly in OMV proprietate intelectuala rezultate din
Petrom/ Companies within OMV prezentul Contract se nasc direct in
Petrom Group patrimony. These patrimoniul OMV Petrom si/ sau
can be used by the Beneficiary in companiilor din Grupul OMV Petrom.
her own interest, only to fulfill the Acestea pot fi folosite de Beneficiar
objects of this Contract. Any use in in interes propriu, doar pentru
own interest of the intellectual ducerea la îndeplinire a obiectului
property rights resulted from this prezentului Contract. Orice folosire in
Contract, for other purposes than interes propriu a drepturilor de
those of this Contract it is possible proprietate intelectuala rezultate din
only with the prior written consent prezentul Contract, in alte scopuri
of OMV Petrom. decat cele ale prezentului Contract,
este posibila doar cu acordul
prealabil scris al OMV Petrom.

10.4 The Beneficiary on his own expense 10.4 Beneficiarul va raspunde si

shall defend, indemnify and fully despagubi integral OMV Petrom si/
protect OMV Petrom/Companies sau companiille din Grupul OMV
within OMV Petrom Group against all Petrom. pe cheltuiala proprie
claims, demands, actions or debts impotriva tuturor reclamatiilor,
claimed against it which might arise cererilor, actiunilor sau debitelor
from the alleged infringement, pretinse impotriva OMV Petrom si/
unlawful use or infringement of any sau companiilor din Grupul OMV
copyright in connection with the Petrom. care s-ar putea ivi din
results obtained and provided by pretinse contrafaceri, folosiri fara
the Beneficiary to OMV Petrom/ drept sau incalcari ale oricaror
Companies within OMV Petrom drepturi de proprietate intelectuala
Group, under this Contract. (utilizarea licentelor, patente, marci
inregistrate sau drepturilor de
copyright ale unei terte persoane
fizice sau juridice) in legatura cu
rezultatele obtinute de Beneficiar si
furnizate, sub prezentul Contract.



11.1 This Contract shall be governed by 11.1 Acest Contract va fi guvernat si

and interpreted in accordance with interpretat in conformitate cu
Romanian law. legislatia romana in vigoare.
11.2 The Parties shall attempt to resolve 11.2 Partile vor incerca sa solutioneze si
and settle any disputes between reglementeze orice dispute dintre ele
them amicably. Should they fail to pe cale amiabila. In cazul in care nu
reach an amicable settlement within vor ajunge la o solutionare amiabila
a reasonable period of time, the intr-o perioda de timp rezonabila,
dispute shall be referred to the litigiul va fi deferit instantelor
competent court in Bucharest, judecatoresti competente din
Romania. Bucuresti, Romania.


12.1 This contract includes all essential 12.1 Contractul include toate elementele
and secondary elements which the esentiale si secundare asupra carora
Parties have agreed upon, there Partile au convenit, neexistand niciun
being no specific issue which the aspect neconvenit in mod expres de
Parties failed to resolve. catre Parti. Mai mult, Beneficiarul
Furthermore, the Beneficiary declara prin prezentul ca a citit, a
declares hereto that it has inteles, este de acord si accepta in
specifically read, understood, mod expres clauza prevazuta la art.
agreed upon and accepted the 5.4, 8.1 si 8.2, din prezentul
provisions of the art. 5.4, 8.1 and Contract.
8.2, of this Contract.


13.1 The amendment of this Contract 13.1 Modificarea prezentului Contract se

can be made only through written face numai prin act aditional incheiat
addendum signed by the Parties. intre Partile contractante.

13.2 This Contract, including all the 13.2 Prezentul Contract, incluzand
Annexes, represent the Parties’ will Anexele sale, reprezinta vointa
and supersedes any other verbal Partilor si inlatura orice alta
agreement between the Parties, intelegere verbala dintre acestea,
prior or following the signing of the anterioara sau ulterioara incheierii
Contract. lui cu privire la obiectul Contractului.
13.3 This Contract has been concluded in 13.3 Prezentul Contract a fost incheiat in
English and Romanian. In case of limbile romana si engleza. In caz de
contradictions between the neconcordante intre cele doua
Romanian and the English versions variante, va prevala varianta in
of the Contract, the Romanian limba romana.
language shall exclusively prevail.
13.4 This Contract was concluded in 4 13.4 Prezentul Contract a fost incheiat in
(four) original counterparts, one for 4 (patru) exemplare, unul pentru
OMV Petrom, one for the OMV Petrom, unul pentru Beneficiar,
Beneficiary, one for the …….. unul pentru Facultatea de …… din
Faculty, Politehnica University of cadrul Universitatii Politehnice din
Bucharest and one for the Fiscal Bucuresti si unul pentru organul
authority. fiscal.


Data Semnarii/ Signing Data Semnarii/ Signing
Date:______________ Date:______________


Anexa nr.1 la Contractul nr. ……

Subsemnatul ………………..

In temeiul si in conditiile Art. 4, punctul 4.1.3 din Contractul nr. …….., ma angajez
sa restitui sumele primite cu titlu de bursa in baza Art. 1 din Contractul mentionat,
indexate cu indicele de inflatie, in termen de 3 (trei) luni de la data la care am
primit notificarea adresata de OMV Petrom SA in acest sens.

………………………. …………………………

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