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Name of Unit
Adang Volcanics
Middle Miocene - Late Miocene
Nomenclature : Ratman &Atmawinata (1993)
Type Locality : Adang Mount, Mamuju Quadrangle, Sulawesi.
Description : Consists of the products of the extinct Adang Volcano, including leucite-basaltic
tuff, lava and volcanic breccia, mainly micaeous.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : This unit interfingers with the Tapalang Member and the lower part of the
Mamuju Formation and is also supposed to be interfingering with the Talaya
Thickness : 400 m
Distribution : Mamuju Quadrangle, South Sulawesi
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction materials
Remark : Type section is Bulu (Mount) Adang, + 18 km to the southeast of Mamuju town,
South Sulawesi
Reference : Ratman, N. and Atmawinata, S., 1993. Geological Map of the Mamuju
Quadrangle, Sulawesi, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Adi Member of the Yawee Formation

Age : Late Oligocene - Early Miocene
Nomenclature : Panggabean (1990)
Type Locality : Adi Island, Omba and Pulau Karas - PulauAdi Sheets, Irian Jaya
Description : Sandstone interbeds with clayey sandstone, siltstone, claystone, laminae mud and
thin beds of lignite.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Adi Member is equivalent to the Sirga Formation in the Bird Head Region.
Conformable between lower and upper parts of the Yawee Formation.
Thickness : 75 - 200 m
Distribution : Subsurface only,ASB-IX andASA-IX wells
Depositional Setting : Coastal, lagoonal or estuarine
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : Type section is Offsore WellASB-IX Omba sheet, Irian Jaya
Reference : Panggabean H, 1990. Geological Map of the Omba Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Agam Formation of the Meureudeu Group

Age : Early Oligocene
Nomenclature : Bonnet et al. (1981)
Type Locality : Agam River, BandaAceh Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Fossiliferous limestone and glauconitic sandstone overlying siltstone, sandstone
and mudstone. Ripple-drift lamination, cross and convolute bed in siltstone,
graded beds, load casts, local breccia lenses in sandstones.
Fossil Content : Nummulites fichteli
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by the Meucapli Formation and overlain by the Kotabakti Formation.
Thickness : No data
Distribution : BandaAceh Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Open marine, inner sublittoral to paralic.
Tectonic Setting : Back arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Bennett, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Rock, N.M.S., Thompson, S.J. and
Whandoyo, R., 1981. Geological Map of the Banda Aceh Quadrangle, Sumatera,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Agung Volcanics

Age : Holocene
Nomenclature : Purbo-Hadiwidjojo et al. (1998)
Type Locality : Agung Mount, Bali Sheet, Nusatenggara
Description : Agglomerate, tuff, lava, and ignimbrite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformably overlies the Buyan - Bratan Group and Seraya Volcanics.
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Bali Sheet, Nusatenggara
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction materials
Remark : -
Reference : Purbo-Hadiwidjojo, M.M., Samodra, H. dan Amin, T.C., 1998. Geological Map
of the Bali Sheet, Nusatenggara, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Aiduna Formation of theAifam Group

Age : Late Early to Late Permian
Nomenclature : Panggabean and Pigram (1990)
Type Locality : Aiduna River, Waghete Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Feldspathic and micaceous lithic sandstone, lithic greywacke, shale, and
siltstone; minor biocalcarenite and polymictic conglomerate; rare quartz
sandstone, sandy calcarenite, and coal; pyrite dissemination and nodules and
sideritic nodules; bioturbation, worm burrows, cross-bed, cut-and-fill structures,
skip marks, and load casts.
Fossil Content : Brachiopods, corals, bryozoa and plant fossils
Stratigraphic Relationship : This formation is conformably overlain partly and unconformably by the Tipuma
Formation and was intruded by the Timepa Monzonite.
Thickness : 1200 m
Distribution : Kaimana, Steenkool, Enarotali, Waghete and Timika Sheets, Irian Jaya
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine, beach, and lacustrine, fluvio deltaic (Sukanta et al., 1995)
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Coal, source rock for hydrocarbon
Remark : Pigram & Panggabean (1983) defined theAiduna Formation
Reference : Panggabean, H. and Pigram C.J. 1990. Geological Map of the Waghete Sheet,
Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Aifam Group

Age : Early to Late Permian
Nomenclature : Sukanta and Pigram (1989)
Type Locality : Aifam River, Taminabuan Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Siliceous sandstone and greywacke, siltstone interbedded with silty mudstone,
limestone, conglomerate and some coal beds.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : This group is probably unconformably on the Kemum Formation and
conformable under the Tipuma Formation.
Thickness : 3000 m
Distribution : Birds Neck Region: Taminabuan, Mar, Ransiki, Steenkool and Kaimana Sheets
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine near shore and coastal lagoons environment
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Coal and source rock for hydrocarbon
Remark : Aifam Formation by Visser and Hermes (1962)
Reference : Sukanta, U. and Pirgam, C.J. 1989. Geological Map of the Taminabuan Sheet,
Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Center, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Aifat Mudstone (Formation) of theAifam Group

Age : Late Early Permian (Artinskian-Rodian)
Nomenclature : Sukanta and Pigram (1989).
Type Locality : Aifat River, Taninambuan Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Black calcareous mudstone with abundant concretions, minor thin, lenticular
marl and sandy limestone with rare thin quartz sandstone beds.
Fossil Content : Crinoid ossicles, bryozoan, brachiopods, bivalves, ammonids, corals and
fusulinids. Braciopods: Streptorhyncus sp., Rhipidomella sp., Glonetinella?
ainimi sp.nov., Stictozoster cf. leptus, Stereochia irianensis sp.nov.,
Linoproductus pigrami sp.,nov., Concrinella sp., Stenoscisma ratmani sp.nov.,
Stenoscisma cf. tetricum, Cruricella? Sp., callispirina sp., Spiriferellina sp.,
Hustedia cf. ratburiensis, Cleiothyrinina sp., and Quinquenella magnifica
sp.nov., Pelecypods : Praeundulomya hakimensis sp.nov., Gastropod: Mourlonia
aifamensis sp.nov., Cephalopods: Pseudoschistoceras irianense,? Gzheloceras
sp., Bryozoa : Sulcoretepora thailandica, Gioniocladia sp., Stenodiscus
variabitis, Dyscritella cf. spinulosa, Streblascopora marmionensis,
Rhabdomeson mammilatum, Rhabdomeson sp., Fenestella cf. canthariformis,
and Cystoporata, trilobite : Iriania jayae
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Aifat Mudstone conformably lies on the Aimau Formation and conformably
overlain by theAinim Formation.
Thickness : 700 m
Distribution : Birds Head Region: Taminabuan and Mar Sheets
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Source rock for hydrocarbon (?)
Remark : “B” member ofAifam Formation (Visser & Hermes, 1962)
Reference : Sukanta, U. & Pigram, C.J. 1989. Geological Map of the Taninabuan Sheet, Irian
Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre Bandung.

Name of Unit : Aileu Formation

Age : Permian to Late Jurrasic
Nomenclature : Bachri & Situmorang (1994)
Type Locality : Aileu Town, Dilli Sheet, East Timor
Description : Phyllite, schist, amphibolite, slate, meta sandstone, sandstone, shale, few
volcanic rocks and limestone
Fossil Content : Crinoids, Buchia sp., Belemnopsis sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by Maubisse Formation
Thickness : Minimum 1000 m
Distribution : Dili Sheet, East Timor
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Marble
Remark : K/Ar dating of the metamorphism (Berry and Grady, 1981) indicated that the
cooling age of the basement has been at 7.7-16.5 M.a. (Early to Mid Miocene).
Reference : Bachri and Situmorang, R.L., 1994. Geological Map of Dili Sheet, East Timor,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung

Name of Unit : Aimau Formation of theAifam Group

Age : Late Carboniferous - Late Early Permian
Nomenclature : Sukanta and Pigram (1989)
Type Locality : Aimau River, Taminabuan Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Basal red olygomictic conglomerate and sandstone interbedded with red shale
with silicified wood and overlain by well bedded white sandstone and dark sandy
shale. Mud crack, ripple mark, cross-bedding. Bioturbation, worm cast, burrows,
feeding trails, flaser structures are common.
Fossil Content : Silicified wood: Planoxylon sp., Corals: Campophyllum sp., and Amplexus sp.,
Fusulinid Millerella sp., Conodont: Neognathodus cf. bassleri symmetricus and
Ozarkodina minuta.
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Aimau Formation lies unconformably on the Kemum and Aisasjur
Formation. It is conformably overlain by the Aifat Mudstone and disconformably
overlain by the Tipuma Formation.


Thickness : 1200 m
Distribution : Birds Head Region: Taminabuan and Ransiki Sheets
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial - shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Reservoirs and Source rock for hydrocarbon (?)
Remark : Defined by Pigram & Sukanta (1982)
Reference : Sukanta, U. and Pigarm, C.J. 1989. Geological Map of the Taminabuan, Irian
Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre Bandung.

Name of Unit : Ainaro Formation

Age : Pleistocene - Holocene
Nomenclature : Bachri and Situmorang (1994)
Type Locality : Ainaro Village, East Timor
Description : Polymict conglomerate, sand and clay, weakly consolidated.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Rest unconformably on the older units, similar to Noilbesi Conglomerate
Formation in West Timor.
Thickness : 100 m
Distribution : Laclubar, Cribas, Same,Aileu Railaco, Lois River, Dili Sheet
Depositional Setting : Braided river system
Tectonic Setting : Autochthon unit
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Bachri S., and Situmorang, R.L., 1994. Geological Map of Dili Sheet, East Timor,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Ainim Formation of theAifam Group

Age : Late Permian
Nomenclature : Sukanta & Pigram (1989)
Type Locality : Ainim River, Taminabuan Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Black carbonaceous silty mudstone and quartz sandstone, greywacke and
siltstone with coal seams up to 1 m thick. Cross-bed, mudballs, ripple mark.
Fossil Content : Abundant plant fossils: Vertebraria sp., Sphenophylum sp. Nuggerathiopsis sp.,
Glossopteris sp. and Gangamopteris sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Ainim Formation lies unconformably on the Aifat Mudstone and
unconformably on the Kemum Formation. It is conformably overlain by the
Tipuma Formation.
Thickness : 750 m
Distribution : Birds Head Region: Taminabuan Sheet
Depositional Setting : Fluvio - deltaic
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Probably reservoir and source rodks for hydrocarbon.
Remark : Visser & Hermes (1962) called the “C” Member of the Aifam Formation. Defined
by Pigram & Sukanta (1982).
Reference : Sukanta, U. and Pigram, C.J. 1989. Geological Map of the Taminabuan Sheet,
Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung

Name of Unit : Air Balam Formation

Age : Plio - Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Rock et al. (1983 a, b)
Type Locality : Air Balam, Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Siltstone with quartz clast and brown sandy siltstone.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by theAir Bangis Intrusion
Thickness : 10 m
Distribution : Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Paralic
Tectonic Setting : Fore arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -


Reference : Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 a. Geological Map of
the Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 b. Geology of the
Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Air Bangis Intrusion

Age : Late Cretaceous - Paleogene
Nomenclature : Rock et al. (1983 a, b)
Type Locality : Air Bangis, Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Hornblende-biotite adamellites, granodiorite, leucogranite and granite with
microgranitoid, microdioritoid dykes.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlain by alluvium.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Lubuksikaping Quadrangles, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic-magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Building material
Remark : Banjalarang adamellites contains hornfelsed metasedimentary xenoliths.
Reference : Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 a. Geological Map of
the Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 b. Geology of the
Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Air Bangis Volcanic Formation

Age : Late Miocene-Early Pliocene
Nomenclature : Rock et al. (1983 a, b)
Type Locality : Air Bangis, Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Lithic crystal tuff, feldspar and pyroxene phyric andesite, possibly minor
sediments including concretions.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Not known
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : Assumed to be the same age as older coastal volcanics in northern Sumatera
Reference : Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 a. Geological Map of
the Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 b. Geology of the
Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Air Benakat Formation of the Palembang Group

Age : Middle - Late Miocene
Nomenclature : Gafoer et al. (1986 a, b)
Type Locality : Air Benakat about 40 km northnortheast of Muaraenim, Lahat Quadrangle,


Description : Alternations of claystone and sandstone, with intercalations of calcareous

conglomerate, marl and shale. The claystone and sandstone are generally
Fossil Content : Foraminifera and molluscs: Orbulina universa , Orbulina suturalis ,
Globigerinoides subquadratus, Globoquadrina venezuelana, Globorotalia
praefohsi, Globorotalia peripheroronda, Globorotalia mayeri.
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformably overlies the Gumai Formation and in turn conformably overlain by
the Muaraenim Formation.
Thickness : 900 m
Distribution : Lahat, Palembang, Baturaja, Sarolangun, Bengkulu, and Tulungselapan
Quadrangles, Sumatera.
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Fore arc basin
EconomicAspect : Petroleum oil reservoir
Remark : Formerly Onder Palembang Lagen (Musper, 1937)
Reference : Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C. and Purnomo, J., 1986 a. Geological Map of the Lahat
Quadrangle, Sumatra. 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.
Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C. and Purnomo, J., 1986 b. Geology of the Lahat
Quadrangle, Sumatra. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Aisasjur Formation

Age : Pre-Upper Carboniferous
Nomenclature : Sukanta & Pigram (1989)
Type Locality : Aisasjur River, Taminabuan Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Micaceous feldspathic greywcke, micaceous lithic sandstone and siltstone, black
shale and slate. Cross-lamination, ripple marks, ripple drift lamination, flame
structures and graded bedding.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Aisasjur Formation is unconformably underlain by the Aimau Formation of
theAifam Group.
Thickness : Unknown
Distribution : Birds Head Region: Taminabuan Sheet
Depositional Setting : Deep water and may represent proximal turbidite
Tectonic Setting : Continental slope
EconomicAspect : Probably reservoir and source rocks for hidrocarbon
Remark : Defined by Pigram & Sukanta (1982)
Reference : Sukanta U, and Pigram C.J. 1989. Geological Map of the Taminabuan Sheet,
Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung

Name of Unit : Aitutu Formation

Age : Late Triassic
Nomenclature : Bachri and Situmorang (1994)
Type Locality : Between Maubise andAitutu Town, East Timor
Description : Lithology dominated by well bedded calcilutite with chert nodules in some
places, locally calcarenite, shale and thin alternations of marl, generally light grey
Fossil Content : Halobia sp., and Monotis sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlain conformable by Wailuli Formation
Thickness : 200 to 500 m or maximum 800 m
Distribution : Belu Region, Kekneo Region, Dili Sheet, East Timor
Depositional Setting : Open marine
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Oil & gas seeps, bituminous limestone and shale, source rock for hydrocarbon
Remark : This unit is comparable with the Kekneno series. Named by Audley-Charles
Reference : Bachri and Situmorang, R.L., 1994. Geological Map of Dili Sheet, East Timor,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name Of Unit : Akar Granite

Age : ? Jurassic
Nomenclature : Suwarna et al. (1991 & 1994)
Type Locality : Akar River, Rengat Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Biotite granite, granodiorite, quartz porphyry pegmatite and aplite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Main body of theAkar Granite intrudes the Mentulu and Pangabuan Formations.
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Rengat Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional materials
Remark : -
Reference : Suwarna, N., Budhitrisna, T., Santoso, S. and Mangga, S.A., 1991. Geology of the
Rengat Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research and Development Centre,
Suwarna, N., Budhitrisna, T., Santoso, S. and Mangga, S.A., 1994. Geological
Map of the Rengat Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Akul Volcanic Formation

Age : Early Miocene
Nomenclature : Cameron et al. (1983 a, b)
Type Locality : Akul River, Takengon Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Andesite, basalt, aglomerate and volcanogenic sediments, prophylitized.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by and interfingers with the Rampong Formation, unconformably
overlain by Terlis Member. Interbedded with upper Rampong Formation.
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Takengon Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial, fluvial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Cameron, N.R., Bennet, D.Mc.C., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin,
A., Ghazali, S.A., Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito,
H., Rocks, N.M.S. and Thompson, S.J., 1983a. Geological Map of the Takengon
Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.
Cameron, N.R., Bennet, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Ghazali, SA., Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S.
and Thompson, S.J., 1983b. Geology of the Takengon Quadrangle, Sumatera.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Alakuang Formation

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Sukido et al. (1997)
Type Locality : Mount (Butu)Alakuang, 1:100.000 Enrekang Sheet, Sulawesi
Description : Trachytic lava: off white, columnar jointings
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Interfingers with Pare-pare Fm. Forms cone shape morphology
Thickness : Less than 500 m
Distributions : 1:100.000, Enrekang Sheet, Sulawesi
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : No data
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Sukido, Satria, D. and Koesoemadinata, S., 1997, Geological Map of the
Enrekang Sheet, 1:100.000, Sulawesi. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Alan Granite

Age : Early Cretaceous
Nomenclature : Abidin et al. (1993)
Type Locality : Alan River, a tributary of Mahakam River in the Longpahangai Quadrangle,
Description : Granite, granodiorite, diorite, stocks
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes the Selangkai Group, unconformably underlies the Metulang Volcanics.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Exposed in northeast quadrant of the Longpahangai Sheet, Kalimantan
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Building material
Remark : K-Ar ages of the rocks were reported by Pieters et al. (1993)
Reference : Abidin, H.Z., Pieters, P.E. and Sudana, D., 1993. Geological Map of the
Longpahangai Sheet, Kalimantan, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Pieters, P.E., Abidin, H.Z. and Sudana, D., 1993. Geology of the Long Pahangai
Sheet area, Kalimantan. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Alangga Formation

Age : Early Pleistocene - Late Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Simandjuntak et al. (1983)
Type Locality : Alangga, a small village, about 45 km to the west of the shore of Kolana Bay,
southeast of Sulawesi.
Description : Sandstone and conglomerate, mostly moderately consolidated
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : This unit overlies unconformably all the older units
Thickness : Maximum 125 m
Distribution : In the southeastern part of the Lasusua-Kendari Sheets (around Kendari) and the
northern part of the Kolaka Sheet.
Depositional Setting : Littoral to terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Post-orogenic intermountain basins
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : The mollase type deposit in the Kolaka Sheet, called as the Celebes Mollase by
Sarasin & Sarasin (1901) and named as the Langkowala Formation by Karta
Adipoetra & Sudiro (1973).
Reference : Simandjuntak, T.O., Surono and Sukido, 1993. Geological Map of the Kolaka
Sheet, Sulawesi, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name Of Unit : Alas Formation of the Tapanuli Group

Age : Middle Permian
Nomenclature : Cameron et al. (1982 a, b)
Type Locality : Kr. (River)Alas, Tapaktuan Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Phyllites, pelitic schist, quartzite, minor marble and metadolomite and calc schist.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intruded by the Palok and Upper Katembe Granites
Thickness : No data
Distribution : B. Kemili, Alas Valley, Kr. Palok, Tapaktuan Quadrangle, Sumatera. Barisan
Mountains northwest of Sidikalang, Sidikalang Quadrangle, Sumatera.
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Continent
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : This unit posses a member called limestone member (Ppal)
Reference : Cameron, N.R., Bennet, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Rocks, N.M.S. and
Whandoyo, R., 1982 a. Geological Map of the Tapaktuan Quadrangle, Sumatera,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Cameron, N.R., Bennet, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Rocks, N.M.S. and
Whandoyo, R., 1982 b. Geology of the Tapaktuan Quadrangle, Sumatera.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Alat Sandstone (Formation)

Age : Late Oligocene-Miocene
Nomenclature : Amirudin & Trail (1993 a, b).
Type Locality : Mt.Alat in the Nangapinoh Quadrangle, West Kalimantan
Description : Sandstone and conglomerate, massive to thick-bedded; thin-bedded mudstone;
some chert breccia; 4-m coal seam.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Unconformable on Tebidah Formation and probably on Payak Formation;
intruded? by Sintang Intrusions at Mt. Beturan.
Thickness : > 250 m
Distribution : Nangapinoh and Sintang Quadrangles, West Kalimantan
Depositional Setting : Channel of fast rivers; local overbank coal swamp (Heryanto and Jones, 1996)
Tectonic Setting : Foreland basins, source from Schwaner Batholith and Semitau Ridge
EconomicAspect : Quartz sands for ceramic and cement materials. Coal for energy
Remark : Williams & Heryanto (1986) defined the Alat Sandstone. Molengraaf (1902) and
van Es (1918) called it as Plateau Sandstone.
Reference : Amiruddin and Trail, D.S., 1993a. Geological Map of the Nangapinoh Sheet,
Kalimantan, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,
Amiruddin and Trail, D.S., 1993b. Geology of the Nangapinoh Sheet area,
Kalimantan. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Aliambata Formation

Age : Early Miocene
Nomenclature : Partoyo et al. (1998)
Type Locality : Aliambata Village, centre part of this sheet
Description : Poorly bedded calcilutite limestone, pale yellow, two type biocalcarenites &
biomicrite containing abundant foraminifera.
Fossil Content : Globorotalia spp., Pararotalia sp., Globigerina sp., Sphaeroidinella sp.,
Globigerinoides sp., Sphaeroidina sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : It rests unconformable on Borolalo Limestone
Thickness : 100 m
Distribution : Baucau Sheet, East Timor
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Cement industry material and construction material
Remark : Grunau (1953) and Gageonnet & Leomine (1958) called part of Fatu limestone
Reference : Partoyo E., Hermanto B., Bachri S., 1995. Geological Map of the Baucau
Quadrangle, East Timor, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Alluvial and Lake Deposits of BANJARNEGARA AND PEKALONGAN

(Qla) *)
Age : Holocene
Nomenclature : Condon et al. (1996)
Type Locality : -
Description : Sands, silts, muds and clay; tuffaceous, locally.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : -
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Banjarnegara and Pekalongan Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : Fluvial - paludal
Tectonic Setting : -
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : -
Reference : Condon, W.H., Pardyanto, L., Ketner, K.B., Amin, T.C., Gafoer, S. and Samodra,
H., 1996. Geological Map of the Banjarnegara and Pekalongan Sheet, Jawa,
1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

*) Capital letter means name of quadrangle or sheet map


Name of Unit : Alluvial Fan of BANJARNEGARAand PEKALONGAN (Qf)

Age : Holocene
Nomenclature : Condon et al. (1996)
Type Locality : -
Description : Mainly volcanics debris dissected.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : -
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Banjanrnegara and Pekalongan Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : Fluvial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : -
Reference : Condon, W.H., Pardyanto, L., Ketner, K.B., Amin, T.C., Gafoer, S. and Samodra,
H., 1996. Geological Map of the Banjarnegara and Pekalongan Sheet, Jawa,
1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Alor Formation

Age : Late Miocene - Early Pliocene
Nomenclature : Burhan, et al. (1997)
Type Locality : Alor Island
Description : Lava and breccia, intercalated with tuff. Lavas are hornblenda andesite, biotite
hornblende andesite, hyalo andesite and pyroxene basalt. Andesitic and basaltic
lavas, and breccias, intercalated by sandstone and tuff.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : The lower part of this formation interfingers the Naumatang Formation.
Thickness : 1000 m
Distribution : Generally in the west and east part of East Wetar Sheet, Nusatenggara
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Generally used for construction materials
Remark : Alor Formation assumed Late Miocene to Early Pliocene, indicated a part of this
formation interfingers with Naumatang Formation.
Reference : Burhan, G., Kosoemadinata, S., Kadarisman, D., Mangga, S.A. and Noya, Y.,
(1997), Geological Map of the East Wetar Quadrangle, Nusatenggara,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Altered Dioritoids of Sikuleh Batholith

Age : Pra Late Mesozoic
Nomenclature : Bennett et al. (1981 a,b)
Type Locality : -
Description : Altered dioritoids
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Fault bounded
Thickness : -
Distributions : Calang Quadrangle
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Tin, Copper
Remark : No data
Reference : Bennett, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Rock, N.M.S. and Thompson, S.J., 1981a.
Geologic Map of the Calang Quadrangle, Sumatra, 1:250.000. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Bennett, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Rock, N.M.S. and Thompson, S.J., 1981b.
Geology of the Calang Quadrangle, Sumatra. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Altered Gabbroids of Sikuleh Batholits

Age : Pra Late Mesozoic
Nomenclature : Bennett et al. (1981 a,b)
Type Locality : -
Description : Altered Gabbroids, unfoliated, veined, migmatic.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Fault bounded
Thickness : -
Distributions : Calang Quadrangle, Sumatra
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : No data
Reference : Bennett, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Rock, N.M.S. and Thompson, S.J., 1981a.
Geologic Map of the Calang Quadrangle, Sumatra. 1:250.000. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Bennett, J.D., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Rock, N.M.S. and Thompson, S.J., 1981b.
Geology of the Calang Quadrangle, Sumatra. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Amas Volcanic Formation

Age : Mid - Miocene
Nomenclature : Rock et al. (1983 a, b)
Type Locality : Amas Mount, Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Mostly intermediate volcaniclastics, lava and associated minor intrusives;
sediments vary from calcareous conglomerate to volcanic bearing calcareous
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intruded by Mangani porphyry, overlies conformably the Telisa Formation.
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : Not everywhere differentiated from the Mangani Volcanic Formation but
generally more restricted composition.
Reference : Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 a. Geological Map of
the Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Rock, N.M.S., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden, J.A., Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A.,
Kartawa, W., Miswar, Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, 1983 b. Geology of the
Lubuksikaping Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Amasing Formation

Age : Early Miocene - Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Yasin (1980)
Type Locality : Amasing River, north of Labuha Town, approximate coordinate: 127°28' and
0°35' (Bacan Sheet)
Description : Interbedded tuffaceous sandstone, coals, claystone and marl with limestone
Fossil Content : Planktonics : Globorotalia peripheroacuta, Gr. peripheroronda, Gr. aff. kugleri,
Globigerina binaiensis, Ga. tripartita, Catapsydrax dissimilis, Globigerinoides
subquadratus, Praeorbulina glomerosa, Larger benthonics : Lepidocyclina sp.,
Miogypsinoides dehaarti, Miogypsina primitiva.
Stratigraphic Relationship : TheAmasing Formation is conformably underlain by the Bacan Formation.


Thickness : 500 - 800 m

Distribution : North of Labuha Town Bacan Island Bacan Sheet, Maluku
Depositional Setting : Littoral to Neritic
Tectonic Setting : Continental
EconomicAspect : Coal in the sandstone layer.
Remark : The coal has been mined during the Dutch occupation in Indonesia
Reference : Yasin A., 1980. Geological Map of the Bacan Quadrangle, North Maluku
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Ambai Member of the Yapen Volcanics

Age : Oligocene - Miocene
Nomenclature : Atmawinata et al. (1989 a,b)
Type Locality : Ambai Island, Yapen Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Well bedded calcareous and noncalcareous volcaniclastic sandstone, tuffaceous
sandstone, and tuff; intercalated with limestone, conglomerate and volcanic
breccia (epiclastic and pyroclastic). Parallel lamination, gradded bedding, small -
scale ripple mark and flute casts.
Fossil Content : Foraminifera: Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) sp., Textularia sp., Spiroclypeus sp.,
planktonic foraminifera.Algae and echinoid in limestone.
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformable below the Wurui Limestone; interfingering with upper part of the
Yapen Volcanics.
Thickness : 500 m
Distribution : Yapen Island
Depositional Setting : Shallow to deep marine
Tectonic Setting : Island arc volcanic
EconomicAspect : Construction materials
Remark : Wooley (1936) named asAmbai Series
Reference : Atmawinata S., Ratman N. and Pieters P.E., 1980 a. Geological Map of the Yapen
Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,
Atmawinata S., Ratman N. and Pieters P.E., 1980 b. Geology Map of the Yapen
Sheet area, Irian Jaya. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Ambang Volcanics

Age : Late Pleistocene - Holocene
Nomenclature : Apandi (1977)
Type Locality : G.Ambang, east of Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi
Description : Products of Gunung Ambang, a complex stratovolcano 1,780 m high with five
fumarole fields. Rocks include tuff sandstone, agglomerate, lahar and lava. Tuff
sandstone is light grey and weakly consolidated. Lavas include dark grey
hypersthene-hornblende andesite and hornblende andesite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Ambang Volcanics (Formation) conformably overlies the Pliocene-
Pleistocene Pinogu Volcanics
Thickness : 1000 m
Distribution : Around G.Ambang, North Sulawesi, west of Lake Mala
Depositional Setting : Volcanism: sub-aerial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Sulphur deposit of 121,456 metric ton was reported in the crater of G. Ambang
(Hadian et al., 1974)
Remark : The G.Ambang is still active, up to now with five fumarole field.
Reference : Apandi, T., 1977. Geological Map of the Kotamubagu Sheet, Sulawesi,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Ambelau Volcanics

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Tjokrosapoetro, et al. (1993)
Type Locality : Ambelau Island southeast of of Buru Island longitude 127°06'-127°15'E and
lattitude 03°55' S.
Description : Andesite lava and pyroclastic rocks, andesite lava contains plagioclase
hornblende, orthoclase, biotite, pyroxene, glass and ore minerals.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : This unit is unconformably overlain by the Quartenary coral reef
Thickness : No data
Distribution : The hilly area ofAmbelau Island, Buru Quadrangle
Depositional Setting : Fissure like volcanics
Tectonic Setting : Probably volcanic arc, associated with fracture zone.
EconomicAspect : Construction Material
Remark : -
Reference : Tjokrosapoetro, S., Budhitrisna, T. and Rusmana, E., 1993. Geological Map of
Buru Quadrangle, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Develepment Centre,

Name of Unit : Ambeuwa Formation

Age : Late Miocene - Pliocene (N17 - N21)
Nomenclature : Koswara and Sukarna (1994)
Type Locality : Ambeuwa Village in the Kaledupa Island, Tukangbesi Sheet, Sulawesi
Description : Globigerina marl and limestone. The limestone consists of calcarenite and
Fossil Content : Globigerinoides immaturus, Gs. trilobus, Globoquadrina venezuelana,
Globigerina nepenthes, Globorotalia tumida, Gr. menardii, Gr. plesiotumida,
Globorotalia crassaformis, Globoquadrina altispira, Orbulina universa,
Gyroidina sp., Uvigerina sp., Nodosaria sp., Orbulina sp., and Elphidium sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : This unit is conformably(?) overlain by Quaternary coralline limestone
Thickness : Up to 2500 m
Distribution : In the Tukangbesi Island including the Wangiwangi Island, Kaledupa Island,
Tomea Island and the Binongko Island, Southeast Sulawesi.
Depositional Setting : Shallow to relatively deep marine
Tectonic Setting : Transition complex
EconomicAspect : Cement industry and construction material
Remark : Name of Ambeua/Ambeuwa village not shown on the map, formerly called as the
Globigerina limestone by Hetzel (1930)
Reference : Koswara, A. and Sukarna, D., 1994. Geological Map of the Tukangbesi Sheet,
Southeast Sulawesi, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Ambon Granite

Age : Middle Pliocene - Late Pliocene
Nomenclature : Tjokrosapoetro et al. (1993 a,b)
Type Locality : Ambon town, Maluku
Description : Biotite granite and cordierite biotite granite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrusides peridotite showing contact metamorphism.
Thickness : -
Distributions : Western part ofAmbon Islands, eastern part of Manipa Island of theAmbon Sheet.
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : IslandArc
EconomicAspect : This granite is called “Ambonite” by van Bemmelen (1949)
Remark :
Reference : Tjokrosapoetro, S., Rusmana, E., and Achdan A., 1993a. Geological Map of the
Ambon Sheet, Maluku, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.
Tjokrosapoetro, S., Rusmana, E., and Suharsono, 1993b. Geology of the Ambon
Sheet, Maluku, Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Ambon Volcanics

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Tjokrosapoetro et al. (1993)
Type Locality : Ambon town, inAmbon Island
Description : Andesitic lava, basaltic lava, dacite, breccia, tuff and pyroclasrtic. Typically
contain, cordierite. Andesitic lava consists of plagioclase, hornblende, orthoclase,
biotite, pyroxene, ore minerals and glass. Lava shows pillow and flow structure in
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrude the Mesozoic rocks as dykes
Thickness : -
Distribution : Ambon and Haruku Islands and Tanjung Sial,Ambon Sheet, Maluku.
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : K/Ar Age of the rocks is 4.35 M.a. for dacite and 3.40 - 3.50 M.a. for andesite. v an
Bemmelen (1949) called this unit asAmbonite.
Reference : Tjokrosapoetro, S., Rusmana, E. and Achdan, A., 1993. Geological Map of the
Ambon Sheet, Maluku, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.
Tjokrosaputro, S., Rusmana, E. and Suharsono, 1994. Geology of the Ambon
Sheet, Maluku, Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Amiri Sandstone (Formation)

Age : Late Cretaceous
Nomenclature : Hartono et al. (1989)
Type Locality : Amiri River (132°50'30 E and 0°50'30 S). Mar Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Quartz arenite white to light grey, massive; rounded, fine to coarse quartz,
quartzite, and minor feldspar, tourmaline, and zircon; generally moderately
cemented by silica and locally by whitish clayey material
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : The unit overlies probably conformably the Tamrau Formation.
Thickness : 150 m
Distribution : Birds Head Region: Mar Sheet
Depositional Setting : Fluviatile and or shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Sorong Fault Zone/Continental margin
EconomicAspect : Manufacture of glass or Industry material
Remark : -
Reference : Hartono, U., Amri, C.H. and Pieters, P.E., 1989. Geological Map of the Mar
Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre.
Pieters, P.E., Hartono, U., and Amri, C.H., 1989. Geology of the Mar Sheet, Irian
Jaya. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Amphibolite Garnet Schist of KOTABARU (Mm), South Kalimantan

Age : Jurassic
Nomenclature : Rustandi et al. (1995)
Type Locality : Unknown
Description : Schist with heteroblastic texture, consisting of amphibole and garnet.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Tectonic (fault) contact with the Pitap Formation and the Ultramafic Rock of
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Kotabaru Sheet, Kalimantan
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Terrane
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Rustandi, E., Nila, E.S., Sanyoto, P. and Margono, U., 1995. Geological Map of
the Kotabaru Sheet, Kalimantan, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Anambas Granite

Age : Cretaceous
Nomenclature : Samodra (1995)
Type Locality : Anambas Islands, Tarempa and Jemaja Sheet, Riau
Description : Granite, granodiorite and syenite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : May be correlated with the Ranai and Serasan Granites in Teluk Butun and Ranai
Sheet and South Natuna Sheet respectively.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Tarempa and Jemaja Sheet, Natuna, Kalimantan
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional materials
Remark : -
Reference : Samodra, H., 1995. Geological Map of the Tarempa and Jemaja Sheet, Riau,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite - Basaltic Breccia Unit of SUMBAWA(Qv)

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Sudradjat et al. (1998)
Type Locality : Not specified
Description : Volcanic breccia laharic, tuff and andesite - basaltic lava
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Not determined
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Subawa Quadrangle, Nusatenggara
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : VolcanicArc
EconomicAspect : Building materials
Remark : -
Reference : Sudrajat, A., Andi Mangga, S. and Suwarna, N., 1998. Geological Map of the
Sumbawa Quadrangle, Nusatenggara, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Andesite and Basalt of MUARABUNGO (pTab)

Age : Pra-Tertiary
Nomenclature : Simanjuntak et al. (1994 & 1991)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesite and basalt.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intruding the Palepat Formation
Thickness : No data
Distributions : in places upstream of S. Palepat, Muarabungo Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Volcanicarc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : Type section is Upstream of S. Palepat, Muarabungo, occurring as stocks and
Reference : Simandjuntak, T.O., Budhitrisna, T., Surono, Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1994.
Geological Map of the Muarabungo Quadrangle, Sumatera. 1:250.000.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Simandjuntak, T.O., Surono, Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1991. Geology of the
Muarabungo Quadrangle, Sumatra. 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesite and Basalt, Dacite, Diorite, Rhyolite of SAROLANGUN

Age : Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Suwarma et al. (1992 & 1994)
Type Locality : Not specified
Description : Andesite and basalt. Dacite, silicified, chloritized. Diorite, chloritized. Rhyolite,
porphyritic, jointed.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes the Bal Formation
Thickness : -
Distributions : Sarolangun Quadrangle
Depositional Setting : Volcanism: subaerial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : -
Reference : Suwarna, N., Suharsono, Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C., Kusnama and Hermanto, B.,
1992. Geological Map of the Sarolangun, Sumatera. 1:250.000. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Suwarna, N., Suharsono, Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C., Kusnama and Hermanto, B.,
1994. Geology of the Sarolangun, Sumatera. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite and Tuff of PADANG (QTta)

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Kastowo et al. (1996)
Type Locality : -
Description : Interbedded and (or) andesite as inclusions in tuff.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : -
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Building material
Remark : -
Reference : Kastowo, Leo, G.W., Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1996. Geological Map of the
Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite Basalt of Volcanic Rock Unit of BATURAJA(Qv)

Age : Late Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Gafoer et al. (1993 & 1994)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesitic to basaltic lava and volcanic breccia source of G. Pugung, G. Pandan, G.
Jambul, Bt. Luncuk and Bt. Garanggarang.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : -
Thickness : Up to 300 m
Distributions : Distributed along the Bukit Barisan with centres at G. Pugung, Bt. Pandan, Bt.
Jambul and Bk. Lumut.
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark :
Reference : Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C. and Pardede, R., 1993. Geological Map of the Baturaja
Quadrangle, Sumatera. 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.
Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C. and Pardede, R., 1994. Geology of the Baturaja
Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesite of BANYUMAS (Tma)

Age : Early Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Asikin et al. (1992a, b)
Type Locality : Segremet Mount, Karangbolong, Banyumas area
Description : Andesite as dykes.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes Gabon Formation and overlain unconformably by Kalipucang
Thickness : -
Distributions : Banyumas Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction materials
Remark : The unit assummed to be “co magmatic' with Gabon Volcanic Formation.
Reference : Asikin, S., Handoyo, A., Prastistho, B. and Gafoer, S., 1992a. Geological Map of
the Banyumas Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Asikin, S., Handoyo, A., Prastistho, B. and Gafoer, S., 1992b. Geology of the
Banyumas Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Andesite of BOGOR (a)

Age : Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Effendi et al. (1998)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesite with oligoclase-andesine, augite, hypersthene and hornblende; forms
plugs and dykes.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : -
Thickness : -
Distributions : Pancur Mount, Bogor Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : VolcanicArc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : Type section is Pancur Mount, Bogor Quadrangle, Jawa
Reference : Effendi, A.C. Kusnama and Hermanto, B., 1998. Geological Map of the Bogor
Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Andesite of BONERATE (Tan)

Age : Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Koswara et al. (1994)
Type Locality : Not specified
Description : Andesite: hypocrystalline, porphyritic in texture
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : As stock dykes
Thickness : -
Distributions : Bonerate Sheet, Sulawesi
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : No data
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : -
Reference : Koswara, A., Panggabean, H., Baharuddin and Sukarna, D., 1994. Geological
Map of the Bonerate, Sulawesi, 1:250.000. Geological Reseach and Development
Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesite of BURU (Tpa)

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Tjokrosapoetro et al. (1993)
Type Locality : Not specified
Description : Biotite andesite: grey - brownish grey, porphyritic in texture with phenocryst of
biotite in groundmas of plagioclase, mafic minerals.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : In the southern coastal area, between Tifu and Mefa village, Buru Island.
Thickness : -
Distributions : It forms of small exposure, Buru Quadrangle, Maluku
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : No data
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : This rock can be classified as an ambonite.
Reference : Tjokrosapoetro, S., Budhitrisna, T. and Rusmana, E., 1993. Geological Map of
the Buru Quadrangle, Maluku, 1:250,000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Andesite of Danau (Lake) Maninjau Caldera

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Kastowo et al. (1996)
Type Locality : Maninjau Lake, the Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Andesite, pumice, tuff.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies all the older formations
Thickness : -
Distribution : Adjacent Maninjau Lake, Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Kastowo, Leo, G.W., Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1996. Geological Map of the
Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite of MOROTAI (An)

Age : Holocene
Nomenclature : Supriatna (1980)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesite: light to dark grey in colour, porphyritic in texture with feldspar as
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes the older units
Thickness : -
Distributions : Crops out north of the village of Akelamo, Kau Bay, Morotai Quadrangle, North
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : No data
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Supriatna, S., 1980. Geological Map of the Morotai Quadrangle, North Maluku,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung


Nameof Unit : Andesite of GARUTAND PAMEUNGPEUK (Tpl)

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Alzwar et al. (1992a,b)
Type Locality : -
Description : Hornblende andesite and pyroxene andesite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : No data
Thickness : -
Distributions : G. Buliger, Garut and Pameungpeuk Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction materials
Remark : -
Reference : Alzwar, M., Akbar, N. and Bachri, S., 1992a. Geological Map of the Garut-
Pameungpeuk Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Alzwar, M., Akbar, N. and Bachri, S., 1992b. Geology of the
Garut-Pameungpeuk Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite of Gunung Malintang

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Silitonga and Kastowo (1995)
Type Locality : Malintang Volcano, Solok Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Andesitic to basaltic breccia, agglomerate, scoriaceous lava fragments, lahar
deposits and lava product of dormant Malintang Volcano.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies the Brani Formation and pre-Tertiary Rocks; underlies the Pumice Tuff
Unit of SOLOK.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Solok Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional materials
Remark : -
Reference : Silitonga, P.H. and Kastowo, 1995. Geological Map of the Solok Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite of Gunung Marapi

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Silitonga & Kastowo et al. (1995)
Type Locality : Marapi Volcano, west part of the Solok Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Andesitic to basaltic breccia, lava boulder, lapilli, tuff, agglomerate and lahar
deposits. Products of Marapi Volcano.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies unconformably the Pumice Tuff of SOLOK, Lower Member Formation
and the pre-Tertiary Rock Unit.
Thickness : -
Distribution : At the mid-western part of the Solok Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional material
Remark : The rock extends and spreads-out to the Padang Quadrangle (Kastowo et al.,
Reference : Silitonga, P.H. and Kastowo, 1995. Geological Map of the Solok Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesite of Gunung Singgalang and Gunung Tandikat

Age : Late Pleistocene - Early Holocene
Nomenclature : Kastowo et al. (1996)
Type Locality : Southeast of Maninjau Lake, the Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Andesite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by the Pumiceous Tuff & Andesitic (Basalt), Miocene Granite,
Permian Limestone and Quartzite of Permian Rock units; overlain by the
Hornblende Hypersthene Pumiceous Tuff andAndesite of Gunung Marapi Units.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Adjacent Gunung Singgalang dan Gunung Tandikat, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Kastowo, Leo, G.W., Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1996. Geological Map of the
Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite of Gunung Talamau

Age : Late Pliocene - Pliocene
Nomenclature : Kastowo et al. (1996)
Type Locality : Gunung Talamau, the Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Andesite (basaltic) lava, lahars, tuff, fanglomerate and other colluvial deposits
from poorly eruption centers.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies the Pumiceous Tuff and Andesite (Basalt) and Undifferentiated
FlowUnits; underlies theAndesite of Danau Maninjau Caldera Unit.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial, fluviatile
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : In the area south of Bukit Cubadak and Air Tiris north of Bukit Bulat and south of
Padang Indarung road, the andesite and associated tuff are mildly to extensively
Reference : Kastowo, Leo, G.W., Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1996. Geological Map of the
Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite of Gunung Talang

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Silitonga & Kastowo (1995)
Type Locality : Talang Volcano, Solok Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Breccia, lahar deposits, lava flow, lapilli and tuff. Lava flow contains phenocrysts
of andesite to labradorite plagioclase, clinopyroxene and amphibole. Active
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformably overlies the Undifferentiated Volcanic Products of SOLOK and
unconformably overlies the Slate Shale Member of the Tuhur Formation.
Thickness : -
Distribution : At the southwest corner of the Solok Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional material
Remark : The outcrop extends to the northwestern part of Painan and northeastern part of
the Muarasiberut Quadrangle (Rosidi et al. 1996) as the Undifferentiated
Volcanic Rocks.
Reference : Silitonga, P.H. and Kastowo, 1995. Geological Map of the Solok Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesite of LAHAT (Qpva)

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Gafoer et al. (1986 a, b)
Type Locality : Bukit Serelo, Lahat Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Porphyritic andesites, partly jointed, compact
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes the Kasai and Muaraenim Formations
Thickness : -
Distribution : Tanjungenim area and Lahat Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Enchanced coal rank around the intrusion.
Remark : Intrusive body as dykes
Reference : Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C. and Purnomo, 1986 a. Geology of the Lahat Quadrangle,
Sumatera. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C. and Purnomo, 1986 b. Geological Map of the Lahat
Quadrangle, Sumatera. 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite of LEUWIDAMAR (Tma)

Age : Late Miocene
Nomenclature : Sujatmiko and Santosa (1992a,b)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesite, hornblende andesite, hypersthene andesite, basalt, diabase and
propylitized andesite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes Cikotok, Cimapag and Bojongmanik Formations.
Thickness : No data
Distributions : G. Ciawitali, G. Jayasempur, Leuwidamar Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Hydrothermal alterations
Remark : Type section Ciawitali and Jayasempur Mounts. Other name “Gunung Labe
Andesite” (Rusmana, 1982)
Reference : Sujatmiko and Santosa, S., 1992a. Geological Map of the Leuwidamar, Jawa.
1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Sujatmiko and Santosa, S., 1992b. Geology of the Leuwidamar, Jawa. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite of TANJUNGKARANG (Tplv)

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Andi Mangga et al. (1993 & 1994)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesite lava with sheeting joint.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies unconformably the Undifferentiated Gunung Kasih Complex. Overlain
by Lampung Formation.
Thickness : -
Distributions : Tanjungkarang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Building material
Remark :
Reference : Andi Mangga, S., Amiruddin, Suwarti, T., Gafoer, S. and Sidarto, 1993.
Geological Map of the Tanjungkarang Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Andi Mangga, S., Amiruddin, Suwarti, T., Gafoer, S. and Sidarto, 1994. Geology
of the Tanjungkarang Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesite of TANJUNGPINANG (Tma)

Age : Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Kusnama et al. (1994)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesite; grey, porphyritic; compose of plagioclase, hornblende and biotite, with
groundmass of micro crystal of feldspar; slightly jointed and mostly are fresh.
Fossil Content : Corals
Stratigraphic Relationship : Non unconformably overlain by Gougon Formation.
Thickness : -
Distributions : Tanjungpinang Quadrangle
Depositional Setting : Volcanic: subvolcanic
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : -
Reference : Kusnama, Sutisna, K., Amin, T.C., Koesoemadinata, S., Sukardi and Hermanto,
B., 1994 . Geological Map of the Tanjungpinang Sheet, Sumatera,
1:250.000.Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung

Name of Unit : Andesite or Dacite Pophyry of PADANG (QTp)

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Kastowo et al. (1996)
Type Locality : Northeast of Bukittinggi, the Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Andesite or dacite porphyry; generally hornblende bearing; groundmass more or
less devitrified and some mafic minerals (pyroxene) replaced by epidote and
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Not determined
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : Probably occurs as plugs associated with both the Quaternary and Quaternary -
Tertiary andesites.
Reference : Kastowo, Leo, G.W., Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1996. Geological Map of the
Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite to Basalt of SOLOK (Ta)

Age : Miocene (16 Ma)
Nomenclature : Silitonga & Kastowo (1995)
Type Locality : Kotoalam Village, northwest corner of the Solok Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Lava flows, breccias, agglomerate and hypabyssal rocks, all of an andesitic-
asaltic composition.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies unconformably the Lower Member of Ombilin Formation, the Brani
Fromation and the Lower Member of Kuantan Formation; underlies the
Pumiceous Tuff Unit of SOLOK.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Northwest corner of the quadrangle, around Bukit Dingin, Batuhampar, Bukit
Pintuangan, Bukit Parisai and Gunung Bongsu areas.
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional material
Remark : The rock also crop out in the northeastern part on the Padang Quadrangle
(Kastowo et al. 1996) and southwestern corner of the Pakanbaru Quadrangle
(Clarke et al. 1982) as the Kotaalam Volanic Formation of the Plio-Pleistocene
Reference : Silitonga, P.H. and Kastowo, 1995. Geological Map of the Solok Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesite to Dacite Pyroclastics and Lahars of G. Talago Centre

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Cameron et al. (1983)
Type Locality : Talago Mount, Takengon area
Description : Andesitic to dacitic pyroclastic and lahars.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : No data
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Talago Mount area, Takengon Sheet, Sumatra
Depositional Setting : Subaerial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S.
and Thompson, S.J., 1983a. Geological Map of the Takengon Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S.
and Thompson, S.J., 1983b. Geology of the Takengon Quadrangle, Sumatera.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung

Name of Unit : Andesite-Basalt Volcanic Rocks of SUNGAIPENUHAND KETAUN (Qv)

Age : Late Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Kusnama et al. (1992 & 1993)
Type Locality : -
Description : Andesitic to basaltic lavas, tuff and laharic breccia.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Unconformably overlies Kumun, Hulusimpang and Lemau Formations.
Thickness : Hundred of meters.
Distributions : Sungaipenuh and Ketaun Quadrangles, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Volcanism: subvolcanic
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : This unit was erupted from G. Pandan, G. Kunyit, G. Raya, G. Kebongsong, G.
Reference : Kusnama, Pardede, R., Mangga, S.A. and Sidarto., 1992. Geological Map of the
Sungaipenuh and Ketaun Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Kusnama, Pardede, R., Mangga, S.A. and Sidarto., 1993. Geology of the
Sungaipenuh and Ketaun Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesite-Granodiorite of BANYUWANGI (Tmi)

Age : Middle Late Miocene
Nomenclature : Sidarto et al. (1993a,b)
Type Locality : West of G. Lembu, Banyuwangi Quadrangle
Description : Porphyry andesite, light grey, massive and sheeting joints. Granodiorite, white-
grey massive, locally sheeting joints.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes Batuampar Formation.
Thickness : -
Distributions : Banyuwangi Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Building material
Remark : -
Reference : Sidarto, Suwarti, T. and Sudana, D., 1993a. Geological Map of the Banyuwangi
Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,
Sidarto, Suwarti, T. and Sudana, D., 1993b. Geology of the Banyuwangi
Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Andesitic Pyroclastic of G. Sembuang Centre

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Cameron et al. (1983a,b)
Type Locality : G. Sembuang, Takengon Sheet, Sumatra
Description : Andesites and pyroclastics.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : The unit unconformably overlies the Calang Volcanics
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Southeast of G. Sembuang, Takengon Sheet, Sumatra
Depositional Setting : Subaerial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : -
Reference : Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S.
and Thompson, S.J., 1983a. Geological Map of the Takengon Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S.
and Thompson, S.J., 1983b. Geology of the Takengon Quadrangle, Sumatera.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Andesitic to Basaltic Lavas of MANNA-ENGGANO (Qv)

Age : Pleistocene - Holocene
Nomenclature : Amin et al. (1994 a, b)
Type Locality : Mandiangin, Lumut and Pandan Mounts, Sumatera
Description : Lava, tuff, and volcanic breccia of andesitic-basaltic composition.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Unconformably underlain by the Posumah, Lakitan, Bal, Simpangaur, Seblat, and
Hulusimpang Formations.
Thickness : 200 m
Distribution : Mandiangin, Lumut and Pandan Mount in Manna and Enggano Quadrangle,
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial to fluviatile
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional and building material
Remark : -
Reference : Amin, T.C., Kusnama, Rustandi, E. and Gafoer, S., 1994a. Geological Map of the
Manna and Enggano Sheet, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Amin, T.C., Kusnama, Rustandi, E. and Gafoer, S., 1994b. Geology of the Manna
and Enggano Sheet, Sumatera. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Andong and Kendil Volcanics

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Thanden et al. (1996)
Type Locality : G.Andong and K. Kendil
Description : Augite hornblende andesite breccia.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : -
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Magelang & Semarang Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Building materials
Remark : -
Reference : Thanden, R.E., Sumadirdja, H., Richards, P.W., Sutisna, K. and Amin, T.C., 1996.
Geological Map of the Magelang and Semarang Sheets, Jawa, 1:100.000.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Anggai Formation

Age : Late Miocene - Pliocene
Nomenclature : Sudana et al. (1994)
Type Locality : Anggai Point, northeast of Obi Island, Obi Sheet Map approximate coordinate
01°22'S and 127°45'E
Description : Bioclastic limestone and sandy limestone
Fossil Content : Lepidocyclina sp., Miogypsinoides sp., Marginopora sp., Cycloclypeus sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : Unconformably overlies the Fluk Formation. Interfingering with Woi Formation.
Thickness : + 500 m
Distribution : Northeast of Obi Island, Obi Sheet, Maluku
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Fore arc (?)
EconomicAspect : Material for cement factory
Remark : PERTAMINA, MOBILOIL, GRDC (1994), confirms a turbidite, a deep marine
arc basin.
Reference : Sudana, D., Yasin, A. and Sutisna, K., 1994. Geological Map of the Obi Sheet,
Maluku, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Anggi Granite

Age : Early to Middle Triassic (225+4 to 243+4 m.a.)
Nomenclature : Atmawinata et al. (1989)
Type Locality : LakeAnggi, Ransiki Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Granite and adamellite, containing biotite and/or muscovite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : The granitoid plutons intruded the Kemum Formation.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Birds Head Region: Ransiki Sheet
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Continent, an arc granite
EconomicAspect : Uranium (150 ppm), tin (cassiterite); ornamemt material, construction material.
Remark : -
Reference : Atmawinata, S., Hakim, A.S. & Pieter, P.E., 1989. Geological Map of the Ransiki
Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name Of Unit : Angkola Volcanic Formation

Age : Early Miocene - Late Miocene
Nomenclature : Aspden et al. (1982 a, b)
Type Locality : Batang (River)Angkola, Padangsidempuan and Sibolga Quadrangles, Sumatera
Description : Hornblende and plagioclase phyric andesite, basalt, volcanic breccia,
agglomerate. Volcanics often show late stage alteration (propylitic) and may be
heavily silicified.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by the Barus Formation, overlain by alluvium. Extensive outcrops to
the west of the axial grabens.
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Padangsidempuan and Sibolga Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional materials
Remark : -
Reference : Aspden, J.A., Kartawa, W., Aldiss, D.T., Djunuddin, A., Diatma, D., Clarke,
M.C.G., Whandoyo, R.., and Harahap, H., 1982a. Geological Map of the
Padangsidempuan and Sibolga Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Aspden, J.A., Kartawa, W., Aldiss, D.T., Djunuddin, A., Whandoyo, R., Diatma,
D., Clarke, M.C.G. and Harahap, H., 1982b. Geology of the Padangsidempuan
and Sibolga Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Ansus Conglomerate (Formation)

Age : Plio-Pleistocene (N19 - N23)
Nomenclature : Atmawinata et al. (1989 a,b)
Type Locality : Ansus Island, south of Yapen Island, Irian Jaya
Description : Polymictic conglomerate, intercalations of conglomeratic sandstone, polymictic
sandstone and marly sandstone.
Fossil Content : Pulleniatina praecursor, Pu. obliquiloculata, Globorotalia tumida, Gr. inflata,
Orbulina universa, Globigerinoides quadrilobatus, Globocassidulina
subglobosa, Gyroidina cushmani, Heterolepa mediocris, Planulina
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformable on and interfingers with Sumboi Marlstone; unconformable on the
Wurui Limestone and Yapen Volcanics.
Thickness : 500 - 800 m
Distribution : Western part of the Yapen Island andAnsus Island
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine to littoral
Tectonic Setting : IslandArc
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : This unit was called as “YoungAndesite Series” by Woolley (1936)
Reference : Atmawinata S., Ratman N. and Pieters P.E., 1980a. Geological Map of the Yapen
Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,
Atmawinata S., Ratman N. and Pieters P.E., 1980b. Geology Map of the Yapen
Sheet area, Irian Jaya. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Antares Intrusive Rocks

Age : Pliocene - Late Miocene,
Nomenclature : Bar et al. (1961)
Type Locality : Antares Mountain, boundary between Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya
Description : Granodiorite, augite quartz diorite, hornblende quartzdiorite, hornblende diorite,
quartz diorite porphyry
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes a folded Tertiary sequence, hypabyssal.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Star and,Antares Mountains, Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea borders.
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : This unit has not been mapped yet; in the present study. It is proposed to be a new
unit. K-Ar biotite 2.43-3.07 m.y., hornblende 5.9 m.y. (Page and McDouglall,
Reference : Bar, C.B., Cortel, H.J. and Escher, A.E., 1961. Geological Results of the Star
Mountains (“Sterrengebergte”) Expedition (Central Range, Netherlands New
Guinea). Nova Guinea, Geology. Vol.10, No.4 97 pp.

Name Of Unit : Aphanitic Rhyolite of PADANG (QTpr)

Age : Plio - Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Kastowo et al. (1996)
Type Locality : -
Description : Aphanitic rhyolite
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Associated withAndesite or Dacite Porphyry
Thickness : No data
Distributions : Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Building material
Remark : Type section is5 km southeast of Pahambatan (north of Danau Maninjau).
Reference : Kastowo, Leo, G.W., Gafoer, S. and Amin, T.C., 1996. Geological Map of the
Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.


Name Of Unit : Apitlilin Member of Peutu Formation

Age : Early to Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Keats et al. (1981 a,b)
Type Locality : A.Apitlilin (219 565), Lhokseumawe Quadrangle
Description : Bioturbated micaceous carbonaceous siltstones and sandstone; lenses of shelly
glauconitic sandstone.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformably underlain by Malee Member
Thickness : 300 500 m
Distributions : Lhokseumawe Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Paralic
Tectonic Setting : Back arc basin
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : Formerly ”Mica Sandstone Formation”

Reference : Keats, W., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A., Harahap, H., Kartawa,
W., Ngabito, H., Rock, N.M.S., Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, R., 1981a.
Geological Map of the Lhokseumawe Quadrangle, Sumatra, 1:250.000.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Keats, W., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A., Harahap, H., Kartawa,
W., Ngabito, H., Rock, N.M.S., Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, R., 1981b.
Geology of the Lhokseumawe Quadrangle, Sumatra. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Arai Granite

Age : Late Cretaceous
Nomenclature : Suwarna et al. (1994)
Type Locality : Sarolangun Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Granodiorite, biotite granite, hornblende granite and aplite.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : The granite intrudes theAsai Formation.
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Eastern flank of the Barisan Range, Sarolangun Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Constructional materials
Remark : -
Reference : Suwarna, N., Suharsono, Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C., Kusnama and Hermanto, B.,
1992. Geological Map of the Sarolangun, Sumatera. 1:250.000. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Suwarna, N., Suharsono, Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C., Kusnama and Hermanto, B.,
1994. Geology of the Sarolangun, Sumatera. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Arfak Volcanics

Age : Late Eocene to Early Miocene
Nomenclature : Ratman, Robinson and Pieters (1989) andAtmawinata et al., (1989)
Type Locality : Arfak Mountains, Ransiki Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Basaltic to andesitic volcanics (pyroclastic and lava), volcaniclastic sediments,
minor gabbroic to dioritic plutonics and rare dirty limestone.
Fossil Content : Planktonic and benthonic foraminifera, fragments of algae, molluscs, and corals.
Stratigraphic Relationship : Base not exposed; overlain conformably by Maruni Lst and unconformably by
Befoor Fm; in faulted contact with Wai Fm, undivided m‚lange in Ransiki Fault
System, Lembai Dio, Anggi Gran, and Kemum Fm. Correlated with similar
island-arc volcanics in SORONG, MAR, BIAK, YAPEN, and NE Irian Jaya


Thickness : 2000 - 3000 m

Distribution : Birds Head Region: Ransiki and Manokwari Sheets
Depositional Setting : The Volcanics are typical of an Island arc tholeitic suite. The Sediments are typical
marine environment.
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic island arc
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : Island-arc tholeiitic to calc-alkaline association related to subduction of Australia
- India plate beneath Pacific plate
Reference : Ratman, N., Robinson G.P. and Pieters, P.E., 1989. Geological Map of
Manokwari, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung
Atmawinata, S., Hakim, A.S., and Pieters, P.E. 1989. Geological Map of Ransiki
Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Argokalangan Morphocet

Age : Late Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Hartono et al. (1992 a, b)
Type Locality : Madiun Quadrangle, Jawa
Description : Andesitic volcanic breccia, agglomerate, tuff.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain unconformably by the Pawonsewu Morphocet
Thickness : < 50 m
Distribution : Madiun Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial to fluvial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Building materials
Remark : -
Reference : Hartono, U., Baharuddin and Brata, K., 1992 a. Geological Map of the Madiun
Quadrangle, Jawa. 1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,
Hartono, U., Baharuddin and Brata, K., 1992 b. Geology of the Madiun
Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Argopuro Breccia

Age : Late Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Sapei et al. (1992 a, b)
Type Locality : Southern mountain slope of Mt.Argopuro, Jember Quadrangle, Jawa
Description : Andesitic volcanic breccia and lava.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Interfingers with the Argopuro Tuff, overlain unconformably by theArgopuro Fan
Thickness : > 200 m
Distribution : Southern area of Mt. Argopuro peak, Jember Quadrangle, Jawa; northeastern part
of the Lumajang Quadrangle, Jawa.
Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Southern slope of magmatic arc to fore arc zones
EconomicAspect : Raw material of red bricks and roof
Remark : -
Reference : Sapei, T., Suganda, A.H., Astadiredja, K.A.S. and Suharsono, 1992 a. Geological
Map of the Jember Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Sapei, T., Suganda, A.H., Astadiredja, K.A.S. and Suharsono, 1992 b. Geology of
the Jember Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre,


Name of Unit : Argopuro Fan Deposits

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Sapei et al. (1992 a, b)
Type Locality : Tanggul Stream, southern slope ofArgopuro Mt., Jember Quadrangle, Jawa
Description : Argapuro volcanic rocks debris, the components range from block, pebble and
gravel in size.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies unconformably theArgopuro Breccia.
Thickness : < 100 m
Distribution : The southern slope of Argopuro Mt., about 13 24 km south of the peak mountain,
Jember Quadrangle, Jawa.
Depositional Setting : Subaerial - fluvial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Raw material for building materials
Remark : -
Reference : Sapei, T., Suganda, A.H., Astadiredja, K.A.S. and Suharsono, 1992 a. Geological
Map of the Jember Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Sapei, T., Suganda, A.H., Astadiredja, K.A.S. and Suharsono, 1992 b. Geology of
the Jember Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Argopuro Tuff

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Sapei et al. (1992 a, b)
Type Locality : The area south of Mt.Argopuro, Jember Quadrangle, Jawa
Description : Tuff, tuff breccia, tuff sandstone, lithic tuff, ash tuff and vitric tuff.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Interfingers with Argopuro Breccia, unconformably overlies the Madiku
Formation, and is overlain by Quaternary volcanics.
Thickness : 150 m
Distribution : Widely distributed to the south and west of Jember Town, Jember Quadrangle,
Jawa; at mid-eastern part of the Lumajang Quadrangle, Jawa.
Depositional Setting : Deposited on terrestrial environment
Tectonic Setting : Southern slope of magmatic arc to fore arc zones
EconomicAspect : Raw material of red bricks and roof
Remark : -
Reference : Sapei, T., Suganda, A.H., Astadiredja, K.A.S. and Suharsono, 1992a. Geological
Map of the Jember Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Sapei, T., Suganda, A.H., Astadiredja, K.A.S. and Suharsono, 1992b. Geology of
the Jember Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name of Unit : Argopuro Volcanic Rocks

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Pendowo & Samodra (1997)
Type Locality : Mt.Argopuro, south of Besuki, Besuki Quadrangle, Jawa
Description : Lava, volcanic breccia and tuff, andesitic-basaltic composition.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Unconformably underlain by the Ringgit Formation and unconformably overlain
by the Bagor Formation.
Thickness : Unidentified
Distribution : Parts of Besuki, Jember, Lumajang and Probolinggo Quadrangles, Jawa.
Depositional Setting : Sub-aerial/terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : Raw material of red bricks and roof
Remark : Same as theArgopuro Breccia in the Jember and Lumajang Quadrangles.
Reference : Pendowo, B., 1991. Geology of the Besuki Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Pendowo, B. and Samodra, H., 1997. Geological Map of the Besuki Quadrangle,
Jawa. 1:100.000. Second Edition. Geological Research and Development Centre,


Name of Unit : Arjasa Deposit/Formation

Age : Holocene
Nomenclature : Sutisna et al. (1993 a, b)
Type Locality : Arjasa Village (westernmost of Kangean Island), Kangean & Sapudi Sheet, Jawa
Description : Quartz sands, unconsolidated, soft, well sorted; quartz and feldspar mainly.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Unconformable overlies the Jukong-jukong and Tambayangan Formations
Thickness : ± 15 m
Distribution : This unit is exposed on the area ofArjasaAnticline and Mambururit Island
Depositional Setting : Littoral, transition and beach environments
Tectonic Setting : Back arc margin basin.
EconomicAspect : Raw material for cement or glass industries
Remark : It is suggested to be formed after deposition of coral limestones of Pleistocene
Reference : Sutisna, K., Samodra, H. and Koswara, A., 1993 a. Geological Map of the
Kangean and Sapudi Sheet, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.
Sutisna, K., Samodra, H. and Koswara, A., 1993 b. Geology of the Kangean and
Sapudi Sheet, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Arjosari Formation

Age : Late Oligocene Early Miocene
Nomenclature : Samodra et al. (1992 a, b)
Type Locality : Arjosari Village about 10 km north of Pacitan (southwestern most of East Jawa),
Pacitan Quadrangle, Jawa
Description : Polymict conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, limestone, claystone, sandy marl,
pumiceous sandstone, intercalated by volcanic breccia, lava and tuff; show
turbidite structures.
Fossil Content : The following foraminiferal species are contained within the limestone:
Miogypsina ubaghsi, Lepidocyclina sp., Spiroclypeus sp., Cycloclypeus sp.,
Amphistegina sp. and Miogypsinoides sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : This unit is correlated to the Kebo-Butak Formation of Surakarta-Giritontro
Quadrangle (Surono et al., 1992). Conformably underlain by the Campurdarat
and Semilir Formations and interfingers with the Mandalika and Watupatok
Thickness : More than 500 m
Distribution : In mountainous areas, Pacitan Quadrangle, Jawa
Depositional Setting : Marine environments predominantly
Tectonic Setting : Fore arc basin
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : Correlated to the Dayakan Formation (Ponorogo Quadrangle, Sampurno &
Samodra, 1991)
Reference : Samodra, H., Gafoer, S. and Tjokrosapoetro, S., 1992a. Geological Map of the
Pacitan Quadrangle, Jawa. 1:100.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.
Samodra, H., Gafoer, S. and Tjokrosapoetro, S., 1992b. Geology of the Pacitan
Quadrangle, Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Arjuna-Welirang Volcanics

Age : Late Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Santosa & Suwarti (1992 a, b)
Type Locality : Arjuna Mt. and Welirang Mt, Malang Quadrangle, Jawa
Description : Volcanic breccia, lava, tuffaceous breccia and tuff.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies the older volcanics and is overlain by the Rabano Tuff, Malang Tuff and
Penanggungan Volcanics.
Thickness : 500 1500 m


Distribution : AroundArjuna Welirang Mt., Malang Quadrangle, Jawa

Depositional Setting : Terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Building material
Remark : The name was firstly proposed by van Bemmelen (1949); correlated to the
Tengger Volcanics
Reference : Santosa, S. and Suwarti, T., 1992 a. Geological Map of the Malang Quadrangle,
Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Santosa, S. and Suwarti, T., 1992 b. Geology of the Malang Quadrangle, Jawa.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Arulsane Member of Peutu Formation

Age : Early to Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Cameron et al. (1983 a,b)
Type Locality : Kr.Arulsane (283 519)
Description : Massive, crossbedded, calcareous sandstone.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Unconformably underlain by Bampo Formation
Thickness : 200 400 m
Distributions : Takengon Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Paralic to fluviatile
Tectonic Setting : Intramontane basin
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : It forms syncline structure
Reference : Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S.
and Thompson, S.J., 1983a. Geological Map of the Takengon Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Jeffery, D.H., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S.
and Thompson, S.J., 1983b. Geology of the Takengon Quadrangle, Sumatera.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Arun Limestone Member of the Peutu Formation

Age : Miocene (N813)
Nomenclature : Keats et al. (1981 a, b)
Type Locality : Arun High, Lhokseumawe Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Porous recrystallized and dolomitized reefal limestone.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by the Bampo Formation, overlain by Peutu Formation
Thickness : 206 329 m
Distribution : Lhokseumawe Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Open marine sub littoral
Tectonic Setting : Back arc basin
EconomicAspect : Gas production reservoir, e.g. as found in theArun Gas Field
Remark : Restricted to basement high.
Reference : Keats, W., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A., Harahap, H., Kartawa,
W., Ngabito, H., Rock, N.M.S., Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, R., 1981 a.
Geological Map of the Lhokseumawe Quadrangle, Sumatera, 1:250.000.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Keats, W., Cameron, N.R., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A., Harahap, H., Kartawa,
W., Ngabito, H., Rock, N.M.S., Thompson, S.J. and Whandoyo, R., 1981 b.
Geology of the Lhokseumawe Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Asah Formation

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Purbo-Hadiwidjojo et al. (1998)
Type Locality : Asah area, Bali Sheet
Description : Lava, volcanic breccia and pumiceous tuff, intercalated with calcareous
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformably overlain by Buyan Bratan Group and Batur Volcanics
Thickness : No data
Distribution : Bali Sheet, Nusatenggara
Depositional Setting : Fluvial
Tectonic Setting : Island arc (volcanic arc)
EconomicAspect : Generally used for construction materials
Remark : -
Reference : Purbo-Hadiwidjojo, M.M., Samodra, H. and Amin, T.C., 1998. Geological Map
of the Bali Sheet, Nusatenggara, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name Of Unit : Asai Formation

Age : Middle Jurassic
Nomenclature : Suwarna et al. (1992 and 1994)
Type Locality : Asai River, Sarolangun Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Alternations of metasandstone, slate, phyllite, silstone, greywacke and limestone,
local unit of schist, gneiss, quartzite and hornfels.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intruded by and contact metamorphosed with theArai Granite.
Thickness : 200 m
Distribution : Mid-western part of the quadrangle.
Depositional Setting : Marine flysch-like environment
Tectonic Setting : Back arc basin
EconomicAspect : No sufficient data
Remark : Firstly proposed by Suwarna & Suharsono (1994). Regionally correlated with the
Siguntur Formation of the Painan Quadrangle (Rosidi et al., 1996).
Reference : Suwarna, N., Suharsono, Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C., Kusnama and Hermanto, B.,
1992. Geological Map of the Sarolangun, Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological
Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Suwarna, N. and Suharsono, Gafoer, S., Amin, T.C., Kusnama and Hermanto, B.,
1994. Geology of the Sarolangun Quadrangle, Sumatera. Geological Research
and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Asbakin Conglomerate

Age : Late Miocene - Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Amri et al. (1990)
Type Locality : Asbakin Village, Sorong Sheet, Irian Jaya
Description : Polymict conglomerate, sandstone and minor mudstone.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Apparently overlies undivided m‚lange (SFx) in Sorong Fault System
Thickness : Up to 500 m
Distribution : Birds Head Region: in Sorong Fault System in Sorong Sheets
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine to terrestrial (probably alluvial fans along fault scarps)
Tectonic Setting : Sorong Fault Zone, continental margin
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : -
Reference : Amri, C.H., Sanyoto, P., Hamonangan, B.H., Supriatna, S., Simanjuntak, W. and
Pieters, P.E., 1990. Geological Map of the Sorong Sheet, Irian Jaya. 1:250.000,
Geological Research and Devolopment Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Atahoc Formation

Age : Early Permian
Nomenclature : Bachri and Situmorang (1994)
Type Locality : Atahoc Village, Dilli Sheet, East Timor
Description : Black shale, quartz sandstone, calcilutite, calcareous nodule (in the middle part)
and the amygdaloidal basalt (in the upper part).
Fossil Content : Stachaeoceras cf., S. timorense, Metalegoceras sp., Popanoceras timorense,
Paralegoceras sp., and Crinoids, Trilobites, Cephalopods, Corals, Bryozoa.
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlain conformable the Cribas Formation. Interfingers in its upper part with the
Maubisse Formation.
Thickness : 600 m
Distribution : Sumasse (around Cribas Village), Tuquete Village, Loiquero, Dili Sheet, East
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Fore arc
EconomicAspect : Gypsum
Remark : Autochthonous unit. Defined by Grunau (1953, 1956). Type section: Banks of the
Akuran Rivers.
Reference : Bachri S. and Situmorang R.L. 1994. Geological Map of the Dili Sheet, East
Timor, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Atan Intrusive Rocks

Age : Oligo - Miocene
Nomenclature : Atmawinata et al. (1995)
Type Locality : Atan River, MuaraAncalong Sheet, Kalimantan
Description : Andesite basalt, forming dykes and plugs.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Intrudes the Wahau and Batuayau Formations.
Thickness : -
Distribution : In the central and mid-northern parts of the MuaraAncalong Sheet, Kalimantan
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : Equivalent to the Sintang Intrusives in the Sintang Sheet (Heryanto et al., 1993).
Reference : Atmawinata, S. Ratman, N. and Baharuddin, 1995. Geological Map of the Muara
Ancalong Quadrangle, Kalimantan, 1:250.000. Geological Research and
Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Atasangin Member of the Kalibeng Formation

Age : Pliocene
Nomenclature : Pringgoprawiro & Sukido (1992 a, b)
Type Locality : Based on the measured section of strato type in the area between Atasangin Hill
and Granjengan (±32 km southwest of Bojonegoro), Bojonegoro Quadrangle,
Description : Tuffaceous sandstone and breccia with marl, claystone and siltstone
Fossil Content : Planktonic foraminifera : Globigerina bulloides, Ga. praebulloides, Ga.
nepenthes, Globigerinoides conglobatus, Gs. obliquus, Globorotalia
accostaensis, Gr. tuminda, Gr. menardii, Gr. miocenica, Gr. tumida, Gr.
multicamerata, Gr. plesiotumida, Globoquadrina altispira, Sphaeroidinella
dehiscens, Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens
immatura, Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina, Pulleniatina primalis, Pulleniatina
Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformable overlain by the Klitik Formation.
Thickness : 140 250 m
Distribution : AroundAtasangin Hill, Bojonegoro Quadrangle, Jawa


Depositional Setting : Outer to upper bathyal

Tectonic Setting : Neogene Back arc basin
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : -
Reference : Pringgoprawiro, H. and Sukido, 1992a. Geological Map of the Bojonegoro
Quadrangle, Jawa, 1:100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,
Pringgoprawiro, H. and Sukido, 1992b. Geology of the Bojonegoro Quadrangle,
Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Atkari Limestone

Age : Pliocene to Pleistocene
Nomenclature : Rusmana et al. (1989)
Type Locality : Atkari Village, Misool Sheet, Irian Jaya.
Description : Poorly bedded shoal and reefal limestone and marl.
Fossil Content : Elphidium sp., Operculina sp., Rotalia sp., and Pulleniatina sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : TheAtkari Limestone is unconformable on the Openta Limestone
Thickness : 600 m
Distribution : Northeast of Misool Island, from Tiriga Cape at the northern coast of Misool
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine
Tectonic Setting : Continent
EconomicAspect : Cement Industry
Remark : Type section is in the Cape Yamtu at north coast of Misool Island, Irian Jaya.
Reference : Rusmana, E., Hartono, U., and Pigram, C.J., 1989. Geological Map of the Misool
Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre,

Name Of Unit : Auran Volcanic Formation

Age : Early Miocene - Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Cameron et al. (1982 a, b)
Type Locality : L.Auran, Medan Quadrangle, Sumatera
Description : Partly propylitized hornblende andesites and pyroclastics, clasts of basalt and
dacite in agglomerates.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Underlain by the Kluet Formation and overlain by the Kembar Volcanics.
Thickness : -
Distribution : Medan Quadrangle, Sumatera
Depositional Setting : Subaerial/terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Magmatic arc
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : Cut by subvolcanic Sague Microdiorite. Outcrops more extensive to the south
than shown on map outlies to northwest.
Reference : Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Hariwidjaja, Johari, S., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks,
N.M.S. and Whandoyo, R., 1982 a. Geological Map of the Medan Quadrangle,
Sumatera, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Cameron, N.R., Aspden, J.A., Bridge, D.Mc.C., Djunuddin, A., Ghazali, S.A.,
Harahap, H., Hariwidjaja, Johari, S., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks,
N.M.S. and Whandoyo, R., 1982b. Geology of the Medan Quadrangle, Sumatera.
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Aurimi Formation of Mamberano Group

Age : Late Miocene - Pliocene
Nomenclature : Gafoer & Budhistrisna (1995)
Type Locality : Aurimi River (branch of Apauwar River), Sarmi & Bufareh Quadrangle, Irian
Description : Marl, calcarenite, sandstone, siltstone and claystone. Parallel lamination,
convolute lamination, cross-lamination, slump structures.
Fossil Content : In the Jayapura Quadrangle, Suwarna & Noya (1995) identified the following
foraminiferal species from the formation Globorotalia sp., Globigerinoides sp.,
Globigerina sp., Globoquadrina sp., Pulleniatina sp., Quinqueloculina sp.,
Pseudorotalia sp., Elphidium sp., Ammonia sp.
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Aurimi Formation is commonly conformable on the Makats Formations and
unconformable overlies the Darante Formation and Auwewa Formation in some
Thickness : 300 - 1200 m
Distribution : Northern Mountains: Sarmi dan Bufareh Sheet, Irian Jaya
Depositional Setting : Shallow marine - parallic, due regressive depositional phase
Tectonic Setting : Transition complex
EconomicAspect : Seal rock for hydrocarbon
Remark : Other name “B” Member of Mamberamo Formation or Globigerina Marl
Member (Visser and Hermes, 1962).
Reference : Gafoer S. and Budhitrisna T., 1995. Geological Map of the Sarmi & Bufareh
Quadrangle, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Auwewa Formation

Age : Oligocene
Nomenclature : Visser and Hermes (1962).
Type Locality : Auwewa River. Upper Auwewa, Dajawa and Diewewa River, Enarotali Sheet,
Irian Jaya
Description : In the lower part consists of basalt and spilite, volcanic breccia, tuff and tuffits
with subordinate intercalation of limestone. In the upper part consists of
calcilutite limestone.
Fossil Content : Abundant planktonic foraminifera and minor large, foraminifera. No further
description is given.
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Auwewa Formation was probably unconformably overlain by Makats
Formation, which was probably an hiatus.
Thickness : 4000 m
Distribution : The unit is widely exposed north of the Bosnik and to a limited extent north of
Korido and Napido and Bepondi Island. Nothern mountain and Meervlakte:
Sarmi and Bufareh, Jayapura and Biak Sheets.
Depositional Setting : Submarine - terrestrial
Tectonic Setting : Island - arc
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : The status of this unit is in need of a clarification a formation or a group.
Reference : Visser, W.A. and Hermes, J.J., 1962. Geological Results of the Explorations for
Oil in Netherlands New Guinea. Kononklijk Nederlands Geologisch
Minjnbouwkundig Genootschaap Verhandelingen, Geologische Serie, 20.

Name of Unit : Auwewa Volcanic Group

Age : Late Mesozoic - Middle Miocene
Nomenclature : Harahap et al. (1990)
Type Locality : Auwewa River or upper part of Diewewa River, Enarotali Sheet, Irian Jaya.
Description : Basaltic to andesitic tuff, agglomerate, lava, and lava breccia; subvolcanic
intrusives of diorite, microdiorite, meladiorite, and porphyritic andesite to basalt;
volcaniclastic and tuffaceous rocks; recrystallised limestone. Main primary
mineral components are augite and plagioclase, but most rocks are altered to
epidote/clinozoisite, chlorite, sericite, and ferruginous material, including pyrite.
Epiclastic rocks comprise poorly sorted angular silt-size fragments to pebbles of
augite-plagioclase volcanics and fossiliferous calcareous rocks.


Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : Nonconformable on ultramafic rocks; unconformable below Diewewa Cgl;
boundary with Derewo Metamorphics not seen - probably faulted.
Thickness : At least 500 meter
Distributions : Enarotali and Beoga Sheets, Irian Jaya
Depositional Setting : -
Tectonic Setting : IslandArc/or ocen floor volcanism
EconomicAspect : No data
Remark : Awewa Formation (Visser & Hermes, 1962)
Reference : Harahap, B.H., Hakim, A.S., and Dow, D.B., 1990. Geological Map of the
Enarotali Sheet, Irian Jaya, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development
Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Awin Formation

Age : Pleistocene
Nomenclature : BMR and GSPNG (1974)
Type Locality : Awin area Blucher Range Sheet, Papua New Guinea.
Description : Sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, mudstone, minor thin bedded lignite
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : Overlies conformably the OldAlluvium Fan of OKSIBIL
Thickness : -
Distributions : Oksibil Sheet, Irian Jaya
Depositional Setting : Fluviatile deposits
Tectonic Setting : -
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : This unit is derived from Blucher Range Papua New Guinea
Reference : Sutrisno and Amiruddin, 1995. Geological Map of the Oksibil Sheet, Irian Jaya,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Name of Unit : Awit Formation

Age : Middle Miocene - Pliocene
Nomenclature : Sukamto and Suwarna (1986).
Type Locality : Awit River, Karakelang Island, Talaud Sheet
Description : Sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone, tuff, siltstone, claystone, with intercalations of
limestone, marl, conglomerate and breccia. The sandstone is poorly sorted,
parallel to cross-bedded, carbonaceous and locally calcareous, with fossils of
foraminifera and locally contains resin.
Fossil Content : Lepidocyclina sp., Cycloclypeus sp., Lenticulina sp., Globoquadrina sp.,
Globoquadrina altispira, Globorotalia tosaensis, Gr. menardii, Gr. tumida, Gr.
fohsi, Gr. peripheroronda, Globigerinoides conglobutus, Gs. subquadratus, Gs.
extremus, Gs. ruber, Globigerina praebulloides, Ga. nepenthes, Ga. bulloides,
Pulleniatina primalis, Pu. obliquiloculata, Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens.
Stratigraphic Relationship : This formation unconformably overlies the older units
Thickness : 1500 m
Distribution : The Talaud lslands and Nanusa Islands
Depositional Setting : Sublitoral
Tectonic Setting : ForeArc
EconomicAspect : -
Remark : The Palagonite tuff of Roothaan (1925) belongs to this formation
Reference : Sukamto, R. and Suwarna, N., 1986. Geological Map of the Talaud Sheet,
Sulawesi, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


Name of Unit : Awitagoh Formation

Age : Neo Proterozoic (820 + 21 M.a. and 847 + 5 M.a.)
Nomenclature : Parris (1996)
Type Locality : Awitagoh Mountain/Gunung Mandala in Jayawijaya Sheets, Irian Jaya
Description : The formation consists of interbedded sediments include silstone, limestone and
shale and some are pillowed basalt and dolerite. In the Awitagoh - fine grained
faults, volcanic breccia, highly altered dark(?) limestone, the sequence is strongly
silicified and calcified.
Fossil Content : No data
Stratigraphic Relationship : The Awitagoh Formation is similar lithology and it is lateraly equivalent to the
Nerewip Formation, presumably overlain by the Kariem Formation.
Thickness : 600 m
Distribution : Central Range, Irian Jaya
Depositional Setting : Marine environment with a rift zone which produce mafic flows and intrusions of
basalt and dolerite.
Tectonic Setting : Continent
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : The formation has been metamorphosed in low to middle grade of
greenschist facies. This formation was firstly named by Bar and Rijsterborg
(1959) after the Awitagoh Mountain (now named Gunung Mandala),
Simandjuntak (1990) named this unit as Mandala Diabase. This unit has not been
included in the geological map of Irian Jaya
Reference : Parris, K., 1996. Preliminary Geological Data Record Jayawijaya (3411)
1:250,000 Sheet, Irian Jaya. PT. Freeport Indonesia Company.

Name of Unit : Awu Volcanics

Age : Holocene
Nomenclature : Samodra (1994)
Type Locality : Gunung (Mount)Awu, northern part of the Sangihe Besar Island.
Description : Agglomerate, lava, tuff, glowing cloud deposits, air-fall deposits and lahar.
Fossil Content : -
Stratigraphic Relationship : This unit probably overlies conformably the Pliocene-Pleistocene Kalama
Thickness : -
Distribution : G.Awu area, Sangihe Besar Island
Depositional Setting : Subaerial volcanism
Tectonic Setting : Volcanic arc
EconomicAspect : Construction material
Remark : -
Reference : Samodra, H., 1994. Geological Map of the Sangihe and Siau, Sheet, Sulawesi,
1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


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