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The evidence base for the efficacy of

antibiotic prophylaxis in dental practice
Peter B. Lockhart, DDS; Bridget Loven, MLIS; Michael T. Brennan, DDS, MHS; Philip C. Fox, DDS

pproximately one-half of

the 2 million cases of J

nosocomial infection ®
✷ ✷
Introduction. People with various medical condi-
that occur each year in

tions and devices are suggested candidates for

the United States are
receiving antibiotic prophylaxis before undergoing

associated with indwelling devices,


dental procedures. This practice is controversial, how- A U I N G E D U
and, in most cases, the cost of R 1
ever, owing to the lack of proof of efficacy. The authors TI CLE
treating a device-related infection
conducted a qualitative, systematic review to determine the
far exceeds the cost of initial place-
level of evidence for this practice and whether antibiotic prophylaxis pre-
ment.1 These infections can result
vents distant site infections in these patients.
in prolonged antibiotic treatment,
Methods. The authors selected eight groups of patients with specific
surgical removal or replacement of
medical conditions and devices who often are given antibiotic prophylaxis
a device, disfigurement, disability,
before undergoing invasive dental procedures. The conditions and devices
psychological trauma and death.
were cardiac-native heart valve disease, prosthetic heart valves and pace-
Concern regarding the risk of car-
makers; hip, knee and shoulder prosthetic joints; renal dialysis shunts;
diac infection resulting from bac-
cerebrospinal fluid shunts; vascular grafts; immunosuppression secondary
teremia was raised as early as
to cancer and cancer chemotherapy; systemic lupus erythematosus; and
1923, and in 1944 a relationship
insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus. The authors thoroughly
between bacteremia resulting from
searched the literature for the years 1966 through 2005 for references indi-
dental procedures and rheumatic
cating some level of support for this practice and graded each publication
heart disease was proposed.2,3 These
on the basis of level of evidence.
observations led to formal recom-
Results. The authors found formal recommendations in favor of antibi-
mendations by the American Heart
otic prophylaxis for only three of the eight medical conditions: native heart
Association (AHA) in 1955 for the
disease, prosthetic heart valves and prosthetic joints. They found no
use of prophylactic antibiotics
prospective randomized clinical trials and only one clinical study of antibi-
before dental and other invasive
otic prophylaxis. Only one systematic review and two case series provided
medical procedures to prevent infec-
weak, if any, support for antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with cardiac
tive endocarditis (IE), and this has
conditions. The authors found little or no evidence to support this practice
been a standard of care for more
or to demonstrate that it prevents distant site infections for any of these
than 50 years in the United States.
eight groups of patients.
There is evidence showing a ben-
Conclusions. No definitive, scientific basis exists for the use of
efit from primary antibiotic prophy-
prophylactic antibiotics before dental procedures for these eight groups of
laxis in the surgery literature—that
is, the use of antibiotics at the time
Key Words. Antibiotic prophylaxis; bacteremia; amoxicillin; bloodborne
of device placement.4,5 However,
pathogens; clinical protocols; dental care for chronically ill patients;
there is increasing awareness of the
endocarditis; bacterial endocarditis; heart murmur; heart valve diseases.
lack of evidence supporting the
JADA 2007;138(4):458-74.
practice of secondary prophylaxis—
Dr. Lockhart is the chairman, Department of Oral Medicine, Carolinas Medical Center, P.O. Box 32861, Charlotte, N.C. 28232-2861, e-mail “Peter.Lockhart@”.
Ms. Loven is a biomedical information specialist, Regional Education & Outreach/Charlotte Area Health Education Center (AHEC), AHEC Library and Information
Resource Center, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, N.C.
Dr. Brennan is the oral medicine residency director, Department of Oral Medicine, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, N.C.
Dr. Fox is the director of clinical research, Department of Oral Medicine, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, N.C.

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an effort to reduce a BOX 1

procedure-related bac-
teremia that could result Proposed medical conditions and devices associated
in a distant site infection with risk of infection resulting from dental procedures.
such as IE. Nevertheless,
the frequency of infection CONDITIONS/DEVICES Drugs (such as cancer chemotherapy,
with indwelling medical Native heart valve disease high-dose steroids)
Prosthetic heart valve Disease (such as cancer, HIV)
devices in general, and the Pacemaker Insulin-dependent (type 1)
devastating impact of an Stents diabetes mellitus
Implantable defibrillator
infection in a cardiac Pulmonary arteriovenous ASPLENISM
valve, prosthetic joint or malformation 9
vascular graft, are a dri- PROSTHETIC JOINTS IMPLANTS (NONDENTAL) 7,8

ving force behind the use SHUNTS HEAD AND NECK RADIOTHERAPY
of prophylactic antibiotics. Cerebrospinal fluid
Since the 1950s, antibi- Renal dialysis (hemo- and INDWELLING CATHETERS
otic prophylaxis increas- DEBILITATION
ingly has been recom- AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES (SUCH AS
mended for a variety of STEM CELL AND BONE MARROW
noncardiac medical condi- SICKLE CELL ANEMIA 10

tions and devices as well
(Box 1).6-10 A wide diversity
of opinion exists concerning patients who should dcardiac: native heart valve disease, prosthetic
receive antibiotic prophylaxis before undergoing heart valves and pacemakers;
dental procedures, and this leads to the perceived dhip, knee and shoulder prosthetic joints;
need on the part of dentists to contact physicians drenal dialysis shunts;
for advice on management. Our research group dcerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts;
conducted a survey of infectious diseases (ID) dvascular grafts;
specialists on this issue and found wide differ- dimmunosuppression secondary to cancer and
ences of opinion.11 In response to a variety of clin- cancer chemotherapy;
ical scenarios, a range of 14 and 91 percent dsystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE);
responded they “usually” or “always” would rec- dinsulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus.
ommend use of prophylactic antibiotics before Given the lack of clinical trials or original
dental procedures for some of these groups of studies for comparison, a quantitative systematic
patients. Interestingly, 24 percent volunteered review (that is, a meta-analysis conducted with
that they did so for medicolegal rather than sci- statistical methods) cannot be done to determine
entific reasons. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the strength of the evidence and to assess recom-
many—if not most—nephrologists, transplant mendations based on that evidence. We therefore
surgeons, cardiologists and other specialists want chose the strategy of using a systematic review, in
their patients to receive antibiotic prophylaxis for which the literature is summarized but not statis-
all invasive dental procedures to prevent distant tically combined.19
site infection of organs, tissues or prosthetic In November 2003, we conducted a preliminary
materials. Given the controversy and the prob- MEDLINE search for articles published between
lems associated with this practice, we sought to
review the available evidence regarding the use
of prophylactic antibiotics in dental practice. ABBREVIATION KEY. AAOS: American Association
of Orthopaedic Surgeons. ACC: American College of
METHODS Cardiology. ADA: American Dental Association.
AHA: American Heart Association. AV: Arteriovenous.
We selected eight medical conditions and devices
CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid. ID: Infectious diseases.
for this systematic review based on their preva- IE: Infective endocarditis. GI: Gastrointestinal.
lence in dental practice, the frequency of mention PD: Peritoneal dialysis. SLE: Systemic lupus
in the dental literature and the results of our erythematosus. TEE: Transesophageal echocardiog-
survey of ID specialists.11-18 The eight conditions raphy. VC: Ventriculocardiac. VGS: Viridans group
and devices are streptococci. VP: Ventriculoperitoneal.

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1996 and 2003 on the topic of dental antimicrobial same two investigators graded the strength of the
prophylaxis. In November 2005, we conducted an evidence for the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis
extensive MEDLINE search of the literature for in preventing distant site infections. The basis for
all journal articles from 1966 through 2005 their grades was classification of recommenda-
relating to dental antimicrobial prophylaxis. We tions and levels of evidence from the American
eliminated letters to the editor and case reports. College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
From the nearly 4,000 citations retrieved, we (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines
selected only those that dealt with one or more of Writing Committee (Box 3, page 462).20
the eight medical conditions and devices listed
above. (Editor’s note: Readers interested in RESULTS
additional information regarding the search The two authors categorized all references with
strategies used in the authors’ literature review some level of support for antibiotic prophylaxis
may access it via the Supplemental Data link in into one of the seven types of literature, and they
the online version of the article on the JADA Web had no disagreement concerning these categoriza-
site [“”].) tions (Table, page 463). What follows is a review
In 2004, we chose the collection of a major of the literature and the level of evidence sup-
health sciences library serving both a dental porting the use of antibiotic prophylaxis for each
school and a medical school, as well as an affili- of these eight medical conditions and devices.
ated academic health care system, in which to Cardiac: native heart valve disease and
look for medical and dental textbooks mentioning prosthetic heart valves. Background and
dental antimicrobial prophylaxis. We searched for demographics. Formal recommendations from the
references to dental antimicrobial prophylaxis in AHA concerning antibiotic prophylaxis for
major textbooks in the fields of cardiology, tho- patients who have cardiac conditions and are
racic surgery, orthopedic surgery, nephrology, undergoing invasive procedures go back more
neurology and neurosurgery, vascular surgery, than 50 years, and virtually all professional asso-
oncology, immunology, rheumatology, hema- ciation guidelines, textbooks and journal articles
tology, endocrinology, ID, maxillofacial surgery quote these recommendations.21-24 Dental pro-
and dentistry published between 1998 and 2004. cedures always have been the central focus of the
Finally, we searched for American and interna- issue of antibiotic prophylaxis, but there never
tional professional, government research and vol- has been a prospective clinical trial for efficacy.
untary health care organization Web sites per- These recommendations came into being and
taining to these eight medical conditions and have been sustained for several reasons:
devices (Box 2). We focused our search on refereed dthe focal infection theory, which was particu-
journal articles and textbook chapters, but used larly popular in North America in the first one-
all references with some level of support related third of the 20th century25;
to the practice of antibiotic prophylaxis. Two of dthe almost universal mortality resulting from
the authors (P.B.L. and M.T.B.) reviewed all arti- IE in the preantibiotic era;
cles identified by our search criteria and assigned dearly animal studies attempting to replicate IE
these source documents to one of seven categories: in humans;
dprospective clinical studies or systematic litera- dthe high incidence of viridans group strepto-
ture reviews; cocci (VGS) as a cause of IE and the high fre-
dobservational studies, case reports and series, quency of VGS bacteremia after dental office
or surveys; procedures;
dexpert opinions or narrative literature reviews; dhundreds of poorly documented case reports
dcost or decision utility analyses; implicating dental procedures, none of which
dtextbook chapters; demonstrate a causal relationship;
dprofessional association publications, official dan exaggerated temporal relationship between
recommendations, and scientific and advisory an invasive procedure and the onset of symptoms
statements. of IE.
The decision as to the category into which a It is estimated that about 85,000 mechanical
given reference fell was straightforward for virtu- heart valves are placed annually in the United
ally all of these references. After reviewing the lit- States and that about 3,400 (4 percent) will
erature for each medical condition and device, the become infected, at an average cost of about

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Web sites searched for recommendations regarding antibiotic

CARDIAC CONDITIONS AND DEVICES National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
American College of Cardiology: Stroke:
“” “”
American Heart Association (AHA):
European Society of Cardiology: VascularWeb (comprising the Society for Vascular
“” Surgery, Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery,
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society and others):
“” “”
World Heart Federation:
PROSTHETIC JOINTS American Cancer Society:
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: “”
“” American Society of Clinical Oncology:
RENAL DIALYSIS SHUNTS National Cancer Institute:
American Nephrology Nurses Association: “”
“” National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute:
American Society of Nephrology: “”
American Society of Pediatric Nephrology: SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
“” American College of Rheumatology:
Association for Professionals in Infection Control “”
and Epidemiology: Lupus Foundation of America:
“” “”
Hypertension, Dialysis and Clinical Nephrology: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal
“” and Skin Diseases:
International Society of Nephrology: “”
International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis: INSULIN-DEPENDENT DIABETES MELLITUS
“” American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists:
The National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease “”
Outcomes Quality Initiative: American Diabetes Association:
“” “”
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, a
Kidney Diseases: service of the National Institute of Diabetes and
“” Digestive and Kidney Diseases:
National Kidney Foundation: “”
Renal Physicians Association: GENERAL
“” National Guideline Clearinghouse:
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID SHUNTS American Dental Association:
American Academy of Neurology: “”
“” National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
American Association of Neurological Surgeons: Research:
“” “”
Hydrocephalus Association: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
“” “”

$50,000 per occurrence.1 Although the prognosis prophylaxis is cost-effective31 and that antibiotics
for patients with IE has improved dramatically in are effective in preventing IE. Epidemiologic and
the antibiotic era, it is associated with a high cost-benefit analysis evidence is mounting to sug-
morbidity and mortality for some cardiac gest that this practice should be eliminated,
patients.26 except perhaps for a select group of patients with
Evidence for prophylaxis. The early focus of cardiac conditions who are felt to be at greatest
journal articles and textbook chapters on dental risk of experiencing a bad outcome from IE.32
office procedures as a cause of IE continues today, Some retrospective studies suggest that prophy-
both with and without an emphasis on dental dis- laxis provides some benefit, but they are of small
ease and poor oral hygiene.27-30 There have been size, often with inadequate clinical data and
conflicting results from efforts to assess the evi- methodology.33 There were no randomized studies
dence that dental extractions can cause IE, that and only one case-controlled study, which

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BOX 3 each year as well.

Classification of recommendations and levels Upward of 20 percent
of patients develop
of evidence.* pacemaker infections,
Class I Conditions for which there is evidence and/or general agreement that $35,000 per occur-
a given procedure or treatment is useful and effective
Class II Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence and/or a divergence rence.1 These infec-
of opinion about the usefulness or efficacy of a procedure or treatment tions tend to occur
IIa Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy
IIb Usefulness/efficacy is less well-established by evidence/opinion soon after placement,
Class III Conditions for which there is evidence and/or general agreement that primarily in the pace-
the procedure or treatment is not useful or effective, and in some
cases may be harmful maker generator
pocket. However, they
A Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials must be differentiated
B Data derived from a single randomized trial or from nonrandomized studies from pacemaker endo-
C Only consensus opinion of experts, case studies or standard of care
carditis, which
* Adapted from the American College of Cardiology Foundation and American Heart Association Task involves the pace-
Force on Practice Guidelines.20
maker tip, endocardial
included patients who had had a dental pro- tissue or valve adjacent to the electrode and
cedure as long as 180 days before the onset of which occurs in 0.13 to 19.9 percent of patients.58
symptoms of IE. These studies, including a Evidence for prophylaxis. Retrospective reviews
Cochrane systematic review of 980 references, of pacemaker endocarditis indicate that upward of
suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis, even if clini- 92 percent of the pathogens are Staphylococcus
cally effective, would prevent only a small aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, and the
minority of cases of IE.30,34-36 remainder are gram-negative bacilli.58,59 These
Although formal guidelines exist, so do contro- microbiological data strongly suggest that receipt
versy and confusion concerning this practice. For of antibiotic prophylaxis before dental procedures
example, some dentists use antibiotic prophylaxis is of little or no value, given the extremely low
for all patients with a heart murmur of any volume of staphylococci in the oral cavity.60-62 The
type. However, though considered to be at AHA recommends against antibiotic prophylaxis,
higher risk, many patients with prosthetic heart even in the presence of immunosuppression,21,24
valves do not receive prophylactic antibiotics and the majority of the literature sources agree
before undergoing highly invasive dental pro- with the AHA recommendations for both patients
cedures.37-43 The confusion on this issue is with cardiac pacemakers and those with internal
reflected in cardiology textbooks, which give a cardiac defibrillators.56,63 However, some case
variety of opinions—some of which suggest a reports and textbooks continue to promote the
greater threat from poor oral hygiene than from need for antibiotic prophylaxis in certain situa-
dental procedures.43-55 Some references suggest tions,64,65 while others reject the AHA recommen-
that all patients be evaluated for dental disease dations and advocate for antibiotic prophylaxis for
before undergoing elective valve replacement,56 all transvenous implants (Table).66-69 Therefore,
though data on cost-effectiveness are lacking, this practice continues, as evidenced by surveys
owing in part to the rarity of endocarditis. suggesting that upward of 8 percent of dentists in
Classification of recommendation and level of the United Kingdom and 17 percent of ID consul-
evidence. Native heart valve disease—Class III; tants in the United States favor prophylaxis for a
Level C. Prosthetic heart valve (that is, higher variety of dental procedures.11,70-73
risk group as classified by the AHA)—Class IIb; Classification of recommendation and level of
Level C. evidence. Class III; Level C.
Cardiac pacemakers. Background and Orthopedic prosthetic joints. Background
demographics. Cardiac pacemakers were first and demographics. It is estimated that 600,000
implanted in patients in the late 1950s, and joint prostheses are placed in the United States
about 500,000 people in the United States and each year and that about 12,000 (2 percent) of
more than 3.2 million people worldwide have those become infected, resulting in a cost of about
these devices.57 About 300,000 pacemaker- $30,000 per occurrence.1,74 Prosthetic joints are
defibrillators are placed in the United States infected in one of four ways: by contamination at

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Literature supporting antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures.
CONDITION Prospective Observa- Expert Cost or Textbook Professional
Clinical tional Study, Opinion or Decision Chapter Association
Study or Case Report Narrative Utility Publication,
Systematic and Series, or Literature Analysis Official
Literature Survey Review Recommendation,
Review Scientific and

Cardiac Conditions
and Devices
Native heart valve 35 11,27,33,34 14,89 — 28,30,44,56, 21-23,115
disease, prosthetic 123,188,198
heart valve
Cardiac pacemaker 11,57,58,64 15 — 56,65-69,123 21,24,115

Prosthetic Joints: — 11,79,83,92,93, 14,74,78,80, 87,105, 4,56,106,116, 77,81,114,115,

Hip, Knee, Shoulder 95-98, 86,111-113, 108 117,123-125, 118,119
100,110,121, 127,282 126,138,
122,281 244

Dialysis — —
Renal Dialysis Catheters 11 12-14,18, 145,159,162 16,17,24,115
and Prosthetic Shunts 107,134,135,
Peritoneal Dialysis 145-147 66,131,136- 24

Cerebrospinal fluid 11,163 18 — 159,162,164 11,16,24,163
Ventriculoperitoneal 158 13,135
Ventriculocardiac 14 24

Vascular Grafts: — 11,174 15,18, — 56,167,175, 24,115

Abdominal and 177,178 176
Thoracic Aorta;
Iliac, Femoral and
Popliteal Arteries

Immunosuppression — 11,186,194 13,14,18, — 66,136,138, 24,115,118,185,

Secondary to Cancer 177,187, 139,188-190, 193
and Cancer 192 195,196

Systemic Lupus — 11,206,208 — 66,198,200, —

Erythematosus 209-212

Insulin-Dependent — 11 14,18,57, — 66,123,138, 118,216

Diabetes Mellitus 214,215 189,190,217,

the time of surgery, by spread from an adjacent injected into rabbits, and from case reports that
area, hematogenously or by reactivation of an claimed a relationship, often in spite of a late
infection from a previous joint infection. With the onset of infection (more than six months after the
exception of cardiac conditions, more has been procedure).75 Surveys suggest that the majority of
written about joint replacement than any other orthopedic surgeons favor prophylaxis, in spite of
proposed indication for prophylaxis, dating back the lack of scientific evidence, though all of these
at least to the early 1970s. reports precede the formal association recommen-
Evidence for prophylaxis. Early recommenda- dations in 1997.21,76-80 Other surveys show a wide
tions called for antibiotic coverage of all patients diversity of opinion among physicians and den-
with prosthetic joints before dental procedures. tists.11,70,81-83 Some authors conclude that the cost
Some of the emphasis came from studies in which to the health care system, the risk of a life-
a huge (> 1 × 109) inoculum of S. aureus was threatening reaction to antibiotics and other fac-

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tors far outweigh the risk of joint infection.84-90 (ADA) and American Association of Orthopaedic
It has been proposed that oral bacteria cause Surgeons (AAOS) agreed on a formal advisory
between 6 and 13 percent of cases of prosthetic statement that attempted to define specific ortho-
joint infections, but closer analysis of the many pedic populations and specific dental procedures
reported cases suggests that joint infections that put patients at risk, in an effort to reduce the
rarely arise from an oral site. We could not find a unnecessary exposure of patients to antibiotics.77
well-documented case of a joint infection asso- This report recommended that patients within
ciated with a dental office procedure, but case two years of joint replacement and those with
reports, case series and retrospective studies con- malignancy, insulin-dependent diabetes, previous
tinue to appear reporting joint infections arising joint infection, malnourishment, hemophilia,
from oral flora.74,91-99 Some case reports attempt to rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, or disease or drug-
link joint infections and dental procedures on the induced immunosuppression be considered for
basis of the bacterial family (for example, Strep- prophylaxis. Borrowing from the AHA recommen-
tococcus viridans) but not a specific species, and dations, the organizations also made an attempt
the authors focus on the mouth when there are to define the dental procedures that put patients
other likely sources.96,97,100 It is well-established at risk. These recommendations were reviewed in
that the majority of late joint infections are 2003, and an attempt was made to clarify the
caused by S. epidermidis or S. aureus,91,101,102 patients at risk of developing infections asso-
which make up only approximately 0.005 percent ciated with dental procedures.114
of the oral flora.60,61 Overall, aerobic gram-positive Most book chapters since 1997 reiterate or
cocci accounted for 74 percent of joint infections, emphasize the ADA/AAOS recommenda-
gram-negative bacilli for 14 percent and anaer- tions,56,115-118 but some point out the lack of scien-
obes for 8 percent—few of which suggest an oral tific evidence for prophylaxis and the risk of a
source.102 In addition, most of these case reports life-threatening reaction to antibiotics.85,106,119,120
lack the temporal relationship of the accepted Furthermore, case reports exist of infections
time frame between a dental procedure and the arising in hip prostheses after dental procedures
onset of symptoms of a joint infection. despite antibiotic prophylaxis.121,122 Other authors
In a series of controlled epidemiologic studies appear to ignore these guidelines and recommend
of a cohort of 39,000 implants, the overall inci- antibiotic prophylaxis for all patients with joint
dence of large-joint implant infections due to viri- replacements, often relying on opinion papers.123-127
dans streptococci was 0.06 cases per 1,000 joint- Therefore, the issue of the efficacy of prophylaxis
years.103 The authors point out that this low has never been resolved satisfactorily, and the
incidence is similar to the rate of viridans group potential for dental procedures to seed prosthetic
endocarditis in the general population, or in joints continues to create controversy.56
patients with mitral valve prolapse and no heart Given the lack of evidence that dental pro-
murmur, for whom the AHA does not recommend cedures cause infections in prosthetic joints, the
antibiotics.104 rationale for antibiotic coverage often stems from
Some groups conclude that morbidity, mor- the frequency and cost of these infections (as
tality and cost calculations justify prophylaxis instigated by other causes) and their devastating
for dental procedures, at least in the first year impact on the patient.4 It is clear that the fre-
after placement, for “high-risk” patients or quent occurrence of bacteremia arising from
both.15,92,105-107 The methodology for these studies common daily activities (such as toothbrushing)
requires several assumptions, including risk pro- far exceeds that of dental procedures, and this
jections for incidence of joint infection resulting strongly suggests that even if the mouth does
from a dental procedure, which the authors point serve as a rare source of the bacteria infecting a
out might not be valid and might result in contra- joint, the likelihood of its arising during a dental
dictory findings.87,108 Some articles and textbook procedure is remote.
chapters conclude that prophylaxis is not justifi- Classification of recommendation and level of
able except for high-risk patients, patients evidence. Class III; Level C.
with a systemic condition that would predispose Renal dialysis shunts. Background and
to joint infection and the presence of “dental demographics. Of the more than 375,000 people
sepsis.”4,5,74,88,108-113 with end-stage renal disease in the United States,
In 1997, the American Dental Association more than 275,000 are receiving dialysis for

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chronic renal failure.128 Vascular access sites authors recommend prophylaxis for these
include grafts of synthetic materials (such as patients on the basis of a few case reports of peri-
silastic versus polytetrafluoroethylene), native tonitis, in spite of the fact that the bacteria cul-
(autogenous) arteriovenous (AV) fistulas, or tured from these infections have little or no speci-
cuffed or noncuffed catheters.129 Grafts usually ficity for the oral cavity in the vast majority of
are placed below the skin in the antecubital fossa cases (such as S. aureus and S. epidermidis,
and are punctured two to three times per week to pseudomonas and other gastrointestinal [GI]
gain access for dialysis. Repetitive needle punc- species) and that the dental condition and/or pro-
tures can result in shunt infection from skin flora, cedure was not well-documented.134,145-149
predominantly S. aureus (53 percent) and Guidelines for PD were first published in 1983
coagulase-negative staphylococci (20 percent).24 In and were updated in 2005 with a stronger
one study, gram-positive bacteria were found in emphasis on prevention of infection.144 These
52 to 62 percent of patients with infected perma- guidelines suggest that “invasive procedures may
nent catheters, with the remainder split between infrequently cause peritonitis in PD patients,”
gram-negative and polymicrobial bacteria.129 and suggest that “a single dose of amoxicillin (2 g)
Dialysis-related catheter infections are an impor- 2 hours before extensive dental procedures,” but
tant cause of morbidity and mortality and of hos- point out that “there are no studies to support
pital admissions, often despite aggressive antibi- this approach.” Therefore, owing to the lack of sci-
otic therapy.130-132 Upward of 22 percent of AV entific evidence, the literature continues to show
shunts become infected (3.2 per 100 patient- a wide range of opinion on prophylaxis.
months), resulting in the need for systemic antibi- Classification of recommendation and level of
otics and possible removal of the shunt.129,131 IE is evidence. Class III; Level C.
a devastating complication of vascular access CSF shunts. Background and demographics.
infections, 60 percent of which are caused by S. It is estimated that more than 45,000 prosthetic
aureus. Mortality can be as high as 30 percent, ventriculocardiac (VC) and ventriculoperitoneal
and 25 percent of cases require heart valve (VP) CSF shunts are placed in the United States
replacement.133 each year.1,150 CSF shunt infections occur in 5 to
Evidence for prophylaxis. The support for 40 percent of patients at a cost of about $50,000
antibiotic prophylaxis for renal dialysis shunts per occurrence, with a mortality upward of 40
comes largely from textbook chapters, profes- percent.1 These patients are at increased risk of
sional association publications and the literature experiencing problems such as intellectual and
in the form of opinion-based journal articles neurological impairment.1,56,151-153 Approximately
(Table). Some authors in the dental literature 70 percent of shunt infections appear within two
have supported antibiotic prophylaxis on the months of placement, and 86 percent appear
basis of a proposed risk of shunt infection,18,66,134-140 within six months.151,154 Most infections occur in
and others have done so out of a greater concern the first four weeks after placement and are
for prevention of IE, given the higher incidence of thought to occur at the time of surgery, given that
native heart valve disease in this patient popula- about 40 percent involve S. epidermidis or S.
tion.12,66,141,142 There are AHA guidelines for nonva- aureus.155,156 Gram-negative bacteria are the next
lvular cardiovascular devices, but they do not most frequent pathogens, accounting for 6 to 25
mention the need for antibiotic prophylaxis for percent of cases, and are associated with a higher
hemodialysis shunts.24 mortality.154,157 Other sources are hematogenous
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters are also at seeding, retrograde infection from the distal end
risk of infection (1.1-1.3 episodes/patient/year); of the shunt and wound infection.
the leading complication is peritonitis, which can Evidence for prophylaxis. The only clinical
result in hospitalization and death.143,144 However, study we could find for any of the eight conditions
PD catheters are considered to be at much lower in this systematic review was a prospective study
risk of infection associated with invasive dental of 14 children with VP shunts who had dental
procedures than are hemodialysis shunts.145-147 cleaning procedures without antibiotic prophy-
Most publications concerning antibiotic prophy- laxis, none of whom developed infection.158 Given
laxis either do not mention PD catheters or a risk its nonrandomized nature and small size, this
resulting from dental procedures or they recom- study provides no support for or rationale against
mend against prophylaxis.14 However, some prophylaxis. The argument for antibiotic prophy-

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laxis before dental procedures is based on the the basis of morbidity and mortality associated
incidence of shunt infections in general and their with graft infections. There is an assumption that
potentially devastating consequences, rather than bacteremia associated with dental procedures
on scientific data regarding efficacy.11,159 Most may account for some late infections.56,115,173-177
textbook chapters either point out the lack of data Other texts and narrative review papers take a
to support prophylaxis160 or do not address the stronger stand and recommend that patients be
issue at all, since a hematogenous seeding of the warned about the possibility of graft infection
central nervous system is rare, and the microbial resulting from a bacteremia, and about the impor-
cultures and timing of these infections strongly tance of antibiotic prophylaxis.167,176,178 In a survey
suggest a nonoral source.56,151,161 Other textbooks, of ID specialists, 35 percent indicated that they
surveys, pilot studies and oral health care guide- either always or usually recommended prophy-
lines point out the lack of scientific data but nev- laxis for patients with vascular grafts.11 Other
ertheless suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis may authors have suggested that there is no indica-
be of benefit for invasive dental procedures tion for antibiotic prophylaxis.109 Immunosuppres-
(Table).135,158,162-164 There are AHA guidelines for sion, diabetes and chronic renal disease are felt to
nonvalvular cardiovascular devices, but they do be contributing factors, but the AHA guidelines
not recommend antibiotic prophylaxis for VC for nonvalvular cardiovascular devices do not rec-
shunts.24 ommend antibiotic prophylaxis for peripheral vas-
Classification of recommendation and level of cular shunts.24
evidence. Class III; Level C. Classification of recommendation and level of
Vascular grafts. Background and demo- evidence. Class III; Level C.
graphics. It is estimated that more than 450,000 Immunosuppression secondary to cancer
vascular grafts are placed in the United States and cancer chemotherapy. Background and
each year, about 16,000 of which (average, 4 per- demographics. Approximately 1,400,000 people
cent; range, 0.4-8 percent) become infected, are diagnosed annually with cancer in the United
resulting in a cost of about $40,000 per occur- States. Many of these patients will receive some
rence.1,165,166 Infection of a vascular graft is a form of cancer chemotherapy, and many of them
potentially disastrous situation, especially when will have clinically significant neutropenia,
it involves the suture lines, and it usually necessi- raising a concern regarding bacteremia resulting
tates removal of the graft.167,168 These infections from invasive dental procedures.179 In addition,
are difficult to manage and can result in loss of some cancer patients are immunocompromised by
limb or organ dysfunction, and they carry a mor- virtue of their disease (for example, leukemia).
tality rate of 90 percent for aortic grafts.1,56,166,169-171 VGS are a major concern in immunosuppressed,
Bacterial seeding of a graft site via a hematoge- neutropenic patients with cancer, causing upward
nous route is an uncommon event, and given that of 61 percent of documented bacteremia and
most infections occur in the first two months after resulting in a mortality rate of 6 percent to 30
placement, they are thought to occur during the percent.180 Escande and Herbrecht181 reviewed the
intra- or perioperative period of graft placement cases of 390 patients with hematologic and solid-
in the majority of cases. Although there has been tumor cancers and found 477 strains of bacteria
considerable progress in the development of artifi- during 410 bacteremic episodes, 18 of which were
cial graft materials since their introduction more “oral streptococci.” In addition to GI and skin
than 50 years ago, the ideal material still is being sources, oropharyngeal mucositis and gingivitis
sought. There are ongoing efforts to design an are major risk factors for streptococcal bac-
antibiotic-embedded graft that is infection- teremia,182,183 since the most common bacteria cul-
resistant. tured are Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus san-
Evidence for prophylaxis. The majority of bac- guis II and Streptococcus oralis.184 Given that
teria cultured from these grafts are S. epidermis more than one-half of neutropenic cancer patients
or S. aureus or gram-negative bacteria common to become febrile and have an identified locus of
the GI tract, but they rarely are oral flora.169,170,172 infection and more than 20 percent have bac-
Support for antibiotic prophylaxis for these teremia, there is understandable concern about
patients comes from textbook chapters, case invasive dental procedures for these patients.185
reports and review articles, which make at least a Evidence for prophylaxis. Some opinion papers,
soft recommendation for prophylaxis primarily on textbook chapters, review articles and profes-

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sional associations have suggested that patients diac involvement, in particular vegetations asso-
with immunosuppression undergoing invasive ciated with Libman-Sacks endocarditis.198,199
dental procedures be covered with antibi- Although the mechanism for formation of these
otics,18,115,118,139,186-193 and surveys have shown that vegetations is unclear, a combination of immune
this is a common clinical practice (Table).11,70 complexes, complement activation and other
Various levels of neutropenia are proposed as inflammatory reactions, fibrosis, scarring and cal-
thresholds below which prophylactic antibiotics cification likely are involved.200,201 Valvular dis-
should be used.66,136,185,194-196 A 2003 AHA scientific ease and vegetations may be related to the dura-
statement on nonvalvular cardiovascular device- tion, activity or severity of SLE and thus
related infections states that “immunosuppres- fluctuate over time, but valvular disease is asso-
sion is not an independent risk factor for ciated with increased morbidity and mortality.202
nonvalvular device infections” and that immuno- The most common valvular problem is mitral
compromised hosts with these devices “should valve insufficiency, to the extent that it often
receive … antibiotic prophylaxis as advocated for requires prosthetic replacement.202-205 Retrospec-
immunocompetent hosts.”24 tive cohort analyses of patients with SLE suggest
The National Cancer Institute Web site sug- a prevalence of IE of 0.4 to 4 percent.206-208
gests that patients with indwelling venous access Evidence for prophylaxis. The primary concern
lines and neutrophil counts between 1,000 and for bacteremia in patients with SLE is the issue
2,000 cubic millimeters receive the AHA- of the potentially increased risk of developing IE
recommended regimen for antibiotics, with con- as a result of undergoing dental procedures.
sideration given to a more aggressive antibiotic Miller and colleagues208 analyzed transesophageal
therapy in the presence of infection.197 This source echocardiography (TEE) data for 275 patients and
also has a specific recommendation for patients found a prevalence of 3.3 to 4.4 percent of
with less than 1,000 neutrophils. One source patients at risk of developing IE and, therefore,
takes an extreme view and states that “patients requiring antibiotic prophylaxis according to the
with low granulocyte counts should only be AHA recommendations. However, it is unclear if
treated on a emergency basis,”177 and another this is an underestimate, since only 8 percent of
offers the opinion that dental bacteremia can patients in this study had undergone TEE. Some
result in “overwhelming septicemia … and the textbook chapters make some degree of recom-
spread and severity of the infection can poten- mendation for antibiotic coverage for dental pro-
tially be rapid and life-threatening.”14 Although cedures for people with SLE, largely on the basis
we could find no well-documented case to support of the increased incidence of native cardiac valve
this level of concern, bacteria cultured from the disease in this population (Table).66,197,200,209-212 The
blood of febrile, neutropenic patients strongly Lupus Foundation of America Web site points out
supports the mouth as a common source of bac- the increased risk of infection for patients with
teremia. Some articles and official guidelines do lupus, especially those taking immunosuppres-
not make a specific recommendation in favor of sive drugs, and suggests that people at high risk
antibiotics in the dental office setting, but do of developing infection “often benefit from taking
describe oral conditions and neutropenic states antibiotics before dental treatment or surgical
that raise concern.185 Some book chapters do not procedures,” though there is no reference for this
address this subject at all. This is a difficult issue statement.213
to resolve because of the poorly defined shift in Classification of recommendation and level of
the bacterial flora of the mouth and GI tract evidence. Class III; Level C.
resulting from a variety of causes such as the Insulin-dependent diabetes. Evidence for
decreased number and functionality of white prophylaxis. Some articles and opinion papers
cells, use of antibiotics and overall debilitation. It suggest that patients with unstable, insulin-
therefore is difficult to determine the likelihood dependent diabetes should receive coverage with
that invasive dental procedures would cause mor- prophylactic antibiotics for invasive dental pro-
bidity or mortality. cedures,214-216 and some book chapters and spe-
Classification of recommendation and level of cialty guidelines suggest prophylaxis in the pres-
evidence. Class IIb; Level C. ence of oral infection (Table).18,115,118,123,138,189,190,216-218
SLE. Background and demographics. More The specific concern regarding distant site infec-
than 50 percent of patients with SLE have car- tion is not clear, but patients with diabetes are

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more susceptible to developing endocarditis if classification might be more appropriate. Our

they have an identifiable source of infection.219 decision to give cardiac conditions a recommenda-
Classification of recommendation and level of tion classification of IIb reflects the concern on
evidence. Class III; Level C. the part of some experts that patients in the
highest risk category (for example, those with a
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS prosthetic valve or a history of IE) might benefit
Although there are many references containing from prophylaxis. The lack of any randomized
opinions as to the desirability of antibiotic prophy- controlled trials to assess the efficacy of antibiotic
laxis for patients with these eight conditions or prophylaxis in these eight patient groups necessi-
devices, our systematic review of the literature tated a qualitative rather than a quantitative
and other sources confirms the viewpoint that systematic review. Until such trials are under-
there is limited, if any definitive, scientific sup- taken, recommendations will continue to be based
port for the practice in general. We found only one on consensus opinion of experts on the basis of
clinical study,158 one systematic review35 and two studies with a low level of evidence.
case studies that addressed any of the eight condi- The general lack of consensus on the necessity
tions of interest. The rationale for antibiotic pro- for antibiotic prophylaxis for these patients also
phylaxis can be different for each medical condi- is documented by the subspecialty literature.
tion or device, but support for this practice ranges Interestingly, there was no mention of antibiotic
from case reports and other anecdotal sources to prophylaxis in many journal articles and text-
formal recommendations and advisory state- books, suggesting a lack of concern on the part of
ments. The wide diversity of opinion for all of some specialty groups. For example, there was
these patients reflects the lack of science and little or no discussion of prophylaxis for the fol-
formal, evidence-based recommendations except lowing medical devices and conditions in
for cardiac disease, cardiac and some noncardiac standard textbooks and other literature: native
devices,21-24 and prosthetic joints.77 This has heart valve disease,221-223 pacemakers,42,224-231 pros-
resulted in a general acceptance of the AHA rec- thetic joints,232-234 dialysis catheters and prosthetic
ommendation for amoxicillin, though there are shunts,235-240 VP and VC shunts,241-252 peripheral
many antibiotics and combinations of antibiotics vascular grafts,253-256 neutropenia secondary to
that might be recommended by individual clini- cancer chemotherapy,257-265 SLE266-271 and insulin-
cians for these medical conditions. The 2003 AHA dependent diabetes mellitus.272-280 Furthermore,
Scientific Statement on Nonvalvular Cardiovas- while a Web site might address antibiotic prophy-
cular Device-Related Infections “does not recom- laxis for a given device or condition in the general
mend antibiotic prophylaxis after device place- sense, it might not mention it for the dental prac-
ment for patients who undergo dental … tice setting (Box 2).
procedures” but indicated that “prophylaxis is rec- In cases in which hematogenous spread of bac-
ommended for … incision and drainage of infec- teria has been shown to be the cause of an
tion at other sites.”24 Nevertheless, the use of the infected medical device or other distant site, the
AHA recommendation for amoxicillin is the origin invariably is an established infection in a
standard for most, if not all, of these patient site other than the oral cavity. Even in the rare
groups, on the basis of the frequency with which case in which the mouth is found to be the source,
only the AHA guidelines are mentioned in the ref- the greatest likelihood is that the causative bac-
erences we reviewed. teria gained entrance to the circulation from a
There are various grading systems for classi- routine daily activity (for example, chewing food
fying and making recommendations regarding or toothbrushing) rather than during a dental
clinical management issues according to levels of office procedure. However, it is the latter that is
evidence.16,220 Using the method of the ACC/AHA given greater significance in the litera-
Task Force on Practice Guidelines, we conclude ture.75,100,281,282 On critical review, most of these
that all of the conditions covered in this review cases are of questionable validity owing to the
would be given a recommendation classification of reporting of bacteria that are uncommon or rare
III, with an evidence level of C, with the exception inhabitants of the oral cavity, or the reporting of
of severely immunosuppressed patients receiving a bacterial family or genus rather than a specific
chemotherapy and the higher-risk patients with species.60-62,283
cardiac conditions for whom a Class IIb-Level C The pathophysiology of infections that involve

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