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Biography of Cut Nyak Dhien

Cut Nyak Dhien was a leader of the Acehnese guerrilla forces during
the Aceh War. She was born in Lampadang in 1848. Following the death of
her husband Teuku Umur, she led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25
years. She was awarded the title of indonesian National hero on 2 May
1964 by the Indonesian government.

Cut Nyak Dhien was born into an Islamic aristocratic family in Aceh
Besar. Her father, Teuku Nanta Setia, was a member of the ruling Ulee
Balang aristocratic class in VI mukim, and her mother was also from an
aristocratic family. She was educated in religion and household matters.
She was renowned for her beauty, and many men proposed to marry her.
Finally, she married Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga, the son of an aristocratic
family, when she was twelve.

On 26 March 1873, the Dutch declared war on Aceh. In November

1873, during the Se-cond Aceh Expedition, the Dutch successfully captured
VI mukim in 1873, followed by the Sultan’s Palace in 1874.

In 1875, Cut Nyat Dhien and her baby, along with other mothers,
were evacuated to a safer location while her husband Ibrahim Lamnga
fought to reclaim VI mukim. Lamnga died in action on June 29, 1878.
Hearing this, Cut Nyak Dhien was enraged and swore to destroy the Dutch.

Some time later, Teuku Umar proposed to marry her. Learning that
Teuku Umar would allow her to fight, she accepted his proposal. They were
married in 1880. This greatly boosted the morale of aceh armies in their
fight against Dutch. Teuku Umar and Cut Nyak Dhien had a daughter, Cut

The war continued, and the Acehnese declared Holy war against the
Dutch, and were engaged in guerrilla warfare. Undersupplied, Teuku Umar
surrendered to the Dutch forces on September 30, 1893 along with 250 of
his men. The Dutch army welcomed him and appointed him as a
commander, giving him the title of Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan. However,
Teuku Umar secretly planned to betray the Dutch. Two years later Teuku
Umar set out to assault Aceh, but he instead deserted with his troops
taking with them heavy aquipment, weapons, and ammunition, using these
supplies to help the Acehnese. This is recorded in Dutch history as “Het
verraad van Teukoe Oemar’’(the treason of Teuku Umar)

The Dutch general Johannes Benedictus van Heutsz sent a spy to

Aceh. Teuku Umar was killed during a battle when the Dutch launched a
surprise attack on him in Meulaboh. When Cut Gambang cried over his
death, Cut Nyak Dhien slapped her and then she hugged her and said:

’’as Acehnese women, we may not shed tears for those who have been

After her husband died, Cut Nyak Dhien continued to resist the Dutch
with her small army until its destruction in 1901, as the Dutch adapted their
tactics to the situation in Aceh. Furthermore , Cut Nyak Dhien suffered from
nearsightedness and arthritis as she got order. The number of her troops
was also decreasing and they suffered from lack of supplies.

One of her troops, pang laot, told the Dutch the location of her
headquarters in beutong Le Sageu. The Dutch attacked, catching Dhien and
her troops by surprise. Despite desperately fighting back, Dhien was
captured. Her daughter, Cut Gambang, escaped and continued the
resistance. Dhien was brought to Banda Aceh and her myopia and arthritis
slowly healed, but in the end she was exiled to Sumedang, West Java
because the Dutch were afraid she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh
people. She died on 6 November 1908.

Biography of Raden Ajeng Kartini

Raden Ajeng Kartini was born on 21 April 1879 in the town of jepara,
Central Java. He is the son of a nobleman who was very obedient to the cuctoms.
After graduating from elementary schooling to higher levels by the parents. He
secluded while waiting to be married. Small Kartini very saddened by this, he
wanted to challenge but did not dare for fear of being considered rebellious child.
To get rid of her sorrow, she collects books, textbooks and other science which is
then read in the garden accompanied by Simbok (aides).

Finally read into his interast, no day with out reading. All books, including
newspaper reading. If there is difficulty in understanding books and newspapers
they read, he always asks his Father. Through this book, Kartini think women are
interested in the progress of Europe (the Netherlands, who was then still ruled
indonesia). Arises desire to promote women,s indonesia. Women not only the
kitchen but also must have knowledge. He began by collecting her girlfriends to
teach writing and other sciences. Amid the busy life he did not stop reading and
also writing letters to his friends in the Netherlands. No sooner had he written a
letter to Mr. JH Abendanon. He pleaded awarded a scholarship to study in the

Scholarship acquiredKartini had not utilized by his parents because he was

married to Raden Duke Joyodiningrat. After marriage she joined her husband to
the Apex area. Her husband understood Kartini and supporting women to
establish a school. Thanks to his perseverance Kartini succeeded in establishing
the school for Women in Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun,
Cirebon and other areas. The name of the school is ‘’ Kartini schools’’. Fame does
not make Kartini be arrogant, he remained polite, respectful family and anyone
else, does not distinguish between poor and rich.

On 17 september 1904, kartini died at the age of 25, after she gave birth to
her first son. After Kartini died, Mr. JH Abendanon mengumpulkan and posted the
letters that Kartini had sent to his friends in Europa. The book was entitled ‘’
DOOR TOT DUISTERNIS Licht’’ which means ‘’Light After Dark’’

Currently hopefully in Indonesia will be reborn-kartini, Kartini who would

fight for the interests of the people. In the era of Kartini, late 19th to early 20th
century, womeb have not obtained the freedom of this country in many ways.
They are not allowed to determine the mate/husband, and so forth.

Kartini who feel free to make choices even felt had no choice at all because
it was born as a woman, has always been treated different from relatives and
friends of man, and envy the freedom of Dutch women, eventually growing desire
and determination in his heart to change habits that are less good

Lately, the determination of kartini’s birth date as the big day is rather
moot. With a variety of arguments, each party gives the opinion of each.
Communities that do not so agree, there is simply not celebrate kartini Day, but at
the same time with mother’s Day celebration on December 22
Their reasoning is that no favoritism with the heroes of other Indonesian
women. But the more extreme to say, there are still other heroine who is more
powerful than the RA Kartini. According to them, the struggle was just in jepara
Kartini and Apex only, Kartini also never bear arms against the invaders. And
various reasons.

While their pro even said Kartini not just a figure of the woman who
raised the degree of emancippation of woman Indonesia alone but is a national
figure means that,with the ideas of reform that he had fought for the interests of
his people. The way he thought was in the national scope.

Although the youth pledge has not been coined then, but his thoughts are
not limited to the area or land his birth Java alone. Kartini has reached maturity so
that nationalis is a national think like that are triggered by the youth pledge in

Regardless of the pros and cons, in the history of this nation we know many
of the names we like the heroine Cut Him’ Dien, Cut Mutiah, Nyi. Ageng Serang,
Dewi Sartika, Nyi Ahmad Dahlan, Ny. Walandouw maramis, Christina Martha
Tiahohu, and others.

They fought in the area, at the time, and in different ways. Some are
struggling in Aceh, Java, Maluku, Manado and other. Some are strugglingin the
Dutch coloniar era, the japanese colonial period, or after independence. Some are
struggling to take up arms, others through education, through the organization
and there are other ways. They are all fighters of the nation, the nation’s heroes
deserve our respect and emulate.

Raden Ajeng Karini it self is the hore that takes its place in our hearts with
all ideas of it had been able to mobilize and inspire the struggle of his people from
the ignorance that is not realized in the past. With courage and sacrifice are
sincere, he was able to inspire his people from the shackles of discrimination.

For women alone, with initial efforts are now woman in this country has
enjoyed what is called equality rights. The struggle is not over yet, in this era of
globalization is still widely perceived oppression and unfair treatment against

Name : indah ainun jariyah

Class : XI IPA 1

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