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Lesson 1: Tell Time to the Exact Minute

Resources or Materials Needed Lesson Overview

• Student book
• You Tube Video - “Telling Time to Five In this lesson, students will build on the second
Minute Intervals” grade skill of telling time to five minutes by learning
• Individual Student Clocks to tell time to the minute.
• Teacher Demonstration Clock
• Whiteboard
• Markers
• “Who’s Got the Time” game cards
• Student device

Performance Objective 1:
Given specific times, students will use their individual clocks to demonstrate finding a time to the exact

Time: 60 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities
Ask why time intervals are important and when we would use this skill in real life. Begin by showing the video
Telling Time to Five Minute Intervals. Review telling time to five minutes by having students fill in the numbers
on the clock in the student lesson book. Practice telling time to five minutes by having students show these
times on their clocks (5:35, 6:20, 10:55, 12:30).

Step 2: Content Presentation
Draw students’ attention to the marks between the five-minute intervals. These marks show time to the exact
minute. Use a demonstration clock to show 4:00. Now move the minute hand over 1 hash mark. What time is
it now? 4:01. Continue to move the minute hand and have students practice telling the time.

Next, show 4:38 on your demonstration clock. Ask students if they could think of a faster way to tell the
minutes instead of counting each hash mark. Lead students to see that we can skip count by 5’s until we get
close to the minute hand and then we will count by 1’s. Have student show these times on their clocks. 6:24,
11:53, 9:12, 4:36, and 10:21.

Step 3: Learner Participation
Have students play “Who’s Got the Time” Matching Game. Give each student
either a clock card or a card that tells the time. Students should find their partner. When everyone
is matched up, re-distribute the cards and play again.

Step 4: Assessment
Have students complete the problems in lesson one of the student book.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities (Optional)
Students login to MobyMax and go to the assignment area to complete the assignment on today’s skill.

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